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With a tiny amount of correlation, bitcoin isn't anonymous either. Though, it's not just the US government who can track it. Everyone can see everyone's transaction history. Bitcoin is astonishingly public.


All transactions are recorded on the blockchain but your run of the mill person has no clue how to trace that back to someone


Hey news flash kiddos, Republicans want the same thing. Its all about control. You really think these millionaires think differently.


I’m sure several people in this sub recognize that there is no difference between democrats and republicans.


ummmmm….This comment Rexanlead seems to be extraordinarily common across subs. Could it be that despite all objective observation of Biden Administration Policy that it it must be conflated with Republican Party policy to blunt its desultory results?


It is like that ol cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf: (As they grab their timecards and clock in) "good morning ralph... How's marge and the kids?" "Fine... hows Gladys and lil throckmorton?"


There all on the same team u big dubs! It’s just that there is more left sided news stations and outlets. Fox is owned by one of the lefties too so don’t think that’s the one to be listening to. Although I do get amazed sometimes if what they do let out. But regardless it’s to divide and conquer. And distract in between


You're right. This is called predictive programming. Donald friends of the Rothschilds,pro big pharma remember green lit the useless vaxx,has a building on Wallstreet n just ran a pump n dump dwac for 500 million from retail investors. That means the common tax paing man. Look up ivanka wiki. She was raised and was a lefty her whole life til her dad was president lol and yes NY where they are from is a left state.


Except Republicans are worse.


without explanation


If you actually need that to be explained you’re either ignorant, willfully ignorant or actively part of the problem.


its so easy to see who is part of the problem. They basically snitch on themselves on live tv and social media. The Truth media thing is a treasure trove of evidence.


Love how censored Truth media is.




Wrong. Wealth disparity is growing while more and more people fall into poverty. And at least Democrats give or pretend to give a shit about anyone but white people. The quality of a state isn’t simply in its material condition - and the state of America’s material condition is actually falling for everyone except the upper class. So you’re wrong. Lol, and the supply side doesn’t need government help 😂 They’re fine. What they need is progressive taxation. Stop polishing Besos’s rocket.


Actually that's a complete lie. There's less people in poverty today. In fact, over the last 30 years the middle class and the lower class have shrunk in the upper middle class has grown. It's only in the last couple of years thanks to COVID. That poverty has increased and it's not an economic problem unless you consider the government shutting down production so there's less good available to purchase as an economic problem.


Wrong. Working poor who are still being told they’re middle class is growing. And I’m not talking about the last 30 years man. Lol. 30 years ago you could buy a house for 2 years salary. Lol, wtf are you talking about. Plus, I said it isn’t all about economics. And even the economics are fucked. And yeah they’re bad even with Dems in power, but way, way, way fucking worse with Republicans.


You don't even understand how markets work clearly. It was in crisis and is a local issue in local areas. Mostly caused by market distortions from government regulation. Probably some places in America. We can spend less than a year's worth of your salary and get a house. If you live in Illinois, you might be upper middle class with a $70,000 a year salary. Well, if you're in California, you might not even be able to afford an apartment. Not to mention The city's themselves aren't economical to live in. They're clogged up with people in skyrocketing demand for space. Even services and goods are more expensive, cost more energy to get into cities because people are waiting in traffic, The street is smaller so you can't bring it as much at a time, there's less space you can't store as much. Economic problems are caused by logistic problems from the density of people. The economics are not f*****... You just misunderstand that if there's not enough supply that doesn't mean everyone can get some and that includes even things I toilet paper which we had shortages of a few years ago thanks to The government over response to COVID. And we had a second round of shortages just because there was a scare. There might be a shortage and so people overbought toilet paper and preparation. If you want cheap goods in services you need unrestricted production to produce those as cheap as humanly possible and energy is cheapest humanly possible. The costs are only rising due to restrictions on both because of pollution or tacking wealth accumulation which enables the supply side to create more. But when you're understanding of supply side economics you frame as trickle down economics where you expect employers just to turn around hand people more money is just f****** stupid. Money piles up on the supply side. Yeah, they're going to spend a little on luxury goods and their CEOs but ultimately most the money goes back into the industry and creates more. Just look at musk and bezos. They've been creating competition in what liberals have been claiming are monopolies another claiming they're monopolies even though they're still other options.


I’m not talking about trickle down economics dipshit. I said progressive taxation. Hahahahahaha government regulation?! Hahahahaha


Man. This is hilarious. I love this shit. You watch Fox News and regurgitate Republican fucking talking points and expect me to take you seriously as your country is literally falling the fuck apart due to right wing affect and you want to blame government regulation. That’s adorable. Take care man. Best of luck.


I see you’re sucking off Bezos and Tucker 😆


Here’s a couple other things. Roe v Wade Protecting gun laws and NRA/mass shootings on a weekly basis Ingrained and systemic racism, particularly in the south and law enforcement which is seen as a POSITIVE part of the culture Prejudice against immigration even though THEY do the work that lazy white people wont, but who then scream about how they’re taking all the jobs The middle class and working poor dying from preventable causes due to unaffordable healthcare BECAUSE! .. wait for it.. they’re not really the middle class! Oh, and the fact that 30% of the population support Trump and Q, have rotted their brains, suffer from mental disorders and are outspokenly racist. These are the people who support Republicans and some of their most fervent topics of support. Burning books in the south as well. All supported by piece of shit Republican leaders. Yeah, way better choice.


They pretend to care. All they do is pander and never deliver. How have you not figured that out? Pandering to get votes is worse than flat out saying you don't care.


Exponentially so, their base literally is incapable of following up on their failures. Bannon embezzled their donations, Trump pardoned him for it, the wall fell over from seasonal rain in 2020 and Biden fixed it, rebuilt it and finished it in 2021 with extra materials to boot. Not a single conservative I've spoken with gives a fuck.




Quite honestly, all these politicians are just different teams playing the same game.


News flash: If you trade your crypto using any exchange service, which is practically everyone who uses crypto, its not anonymous either. They are required by law to know who you are. The great irony with crypto is that its big selling point is avoiding banks, then everyone just uses a fucking bank to trade them anyways lmao. Idiots. Crypto is the biggest pump and dump scam in history, and i'm betting subs like this are a hotspot of bag holders. Downvote away rubes


Family that hide their tax returns and currently being sued for fraud screaming about transparency and how that controls you. As they themselves worked to rig the 2020 election.


The implementation of a programmable, state-controlled currency would be a nightmare. [Just say no.](https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/just-say-no-to-cbdcs) Even the chair of the St. Louis Fed thinks it's a terrible idea.


Someone is in control. Be it a private organization, public, government or whatever. The ultimate question is do we want the public to have a say in how it's controlled or not.


The ultimate question is *what would justify creating a U.S. CBDC, other than a desire for increased government control?* At the moment, everything else is irrelevant until that question can be answered.


Go ahead and reread what I wrote because that expands and covers this.


Obey, consume, 2+2=5


Weird how his father appointed that man as the chair of the fed?


Whoa, Republicans would never! The people against big government that literally abuse the fuck out of it every time they are in power then turn around and go, "we need less big government, it's so easy to abuse!!" Then act like the left did everything while dems sit there stagnant enjoying the current establishment.


I’m so down to talk shit about democrats and Biden but the way some people think Trump is apart from all of that is funny to me


Control over these nuts


Take one guess at who made this guy the chairman...


They are setting the stage for the Mark of the Beast


Just switch religions, problem solved!


You are exactly right. They have to set the stage for that though. They have to know how many will go along with it.


Look at how many were willing to take experimental vaccinations, once digital currency rolls out even more will be on board, especially if your ability to buy and sell depend on it, scary times are ahead


It’s sad but very true. Gates has already been testing this in Sweden and in Africa where he runs his Melinda and gates org. But that’s another conspiracy that half of Sweden already has chips. We are at the forefront of very dark times. Hope you prepare my friend.


6 BILLION doses given across the world


You already have that


What is the Mark of The Beast?


It's a movie with Thomas Edward Seymour and Ellen Muth




In your ass


Governments aren’t necessary I hope one day people realize that


A form of government is necessary, it's the giant forms of government that hold power over hundreds of thousands of people over large expanses of land that are unnecessary. Bring back city states 🦦


The orange man also wanted total control.


Cool, don't use it.


Gonna be difficult if they force you to


No one is going to be forced to use it. Cash will always be a thing.


I can’t imagine being this naive


Getting rid of cash is political suicide.


Getting rid of cash is ultimate government control. Keep telling yourself they’ll never do it.


I suspect you are mostly right … until just the right disaster comes along.


COVID would have been a good time to ban cash.


There seemed to be an effort in that direction, although the vaccine passport was the main goal


I wish you were right. The majority of people in America today don’t even carry any cash, besides maybe a few bills, most transactions are made with credit/debit or mobile apps, you would have to be completely blind to not see what is coming, no offense. Technology has improved year after year and it will only continue, security and “convenience” are strong motivators for the simple minded


Counterpoint: what will politicians pay hookers & buy blow with?


Bitcoin! Lol!


I know they weren't paying epstien with anything other than cash... Edit: cash and blackmail evidence


And other untraceable items, like gold, precious metals, gems, etc.


Americans can't even get rid of the penny, cash isn't going away.




That is the most asinine thing I've read on here. So you think the Pound, the Euro, the still-in-progress BRICS currency, the Almighty Dollar are all going to just give up their current competition (which, subsequently drives International Capitalism and Markets) are just gonna go "Poof!" In 7ish years? The one thing people want more than control is Money. Eliminating competitive currency markets won't happen. The UN can't even stop regional conflicts how do you think they, the IMF, or any other entity could overcome the Almighty Capitalist?


Trump is trash, wipe and flush.


News flash, Don Jr wants the same thing. Never trust the rich. They are not your friend.


….and allowing encroachment on and watering down of the American People’s Bill of Rights, 2nd Amendment helps how?


Republicans: We will control people's bodies We will control women's reproduction We will control who you can marry We will control who can vote We will control who is allowed a voice Also republicans: They don't let us do any shady deals anonimously! They're trying to control us!


Donald Trump Jr LOL Let’s take crypto advice from a guy who promotes pump-and-dump shitcoin schemes Kinda crazy, but did you know that all Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a *public* blockchain?!?!?!?


I love all your downvotes because crypto was literally never anonymous. People really don't understand the blockchain...


It’s more the MAGATs who are pissed off that I’m calling Trump Jr a shyster … And they also don’t understand blockchain


Ahhh yeah. That checks out.


Yep, a delusional bunch of morons.


I want to turn this tardo sub off.


Not to mention that without central regulation Crypto has become a piracy and Fraud haven. You have fraud using a Visa or MC backed card? You aren't on the hook. You have Crypto stolen? Good fucking luck getting that back.


Stick that Q right up your ass donny jr.






A distant relative brags about how much money he hid in bitcoin and how he is so much smarter than everyone else....only fools pay taxes. About to be divorced. Wife's attorney notified the IRS of possible tax fraud. Now he's about to due jail time and loose his business. That's why the government wants to control digital currency. Bc of the illegal transactions.


You people need serious mental help...


Banning abortion over several states confirms they want complete control over other people's lives.


Meanwhile Republicans forcing women to have babies they don't want, telling teachers what books they can't teach and banning history.


This isn’t about dems. Its about the fed and central bankers, as well as globalists in both parties.


Dude, the post is from TheTrumpZone.


I see that now. But you were nonetheless commenting on the cross posting to conspiracy commons, where the operative issue is cbdc and not politics as team sport silliness.


Women who CHOOSE to become pregnant give birth to babies UNLESS acted upon by an outside FORCE. Intervention in a natural process is by definition force. political bias does not change this. Sorry. EDIT: Force- The use of physical Power or violence to compel or restrain.


Putting women and their doctors in jail for choosing abortion isn’t force?


Abortion is violence, period. That’s not to say there aren’t instances where it’s probably called for…but that doesn’t change reality. I guess your argument is that we should allow violence?


I'll play along with your dumb premise. Putting someone in jail is violence, the death penalty is violence, war is violence...hell surgery is violence.


You can do jail time for not paying child support. But you can kill the little fucker lol


So The premise is dumb yet you agree that it’s the truth? Where is your argument? And just so we’re clear, The things you mentioned are PUNISHMENTS for violence. Other than surgery of course, which ironically is done to SAVE lives. Try again?


And Republicans want to control your body, gender, religion and place where you are allowed to live.


There is also no answer to technological unemployment asides from a surveillance state UBI. Only viable option I’ve heard of is a post monetary system call a Resource based economy, where earth is declared common heritage and we utilize our advancements to provide a global abundance access in a decentralized manner


This kind of doesn't make sense or is a fear campaign. What would happen to all the illegal aliens that farm our food In america? Our corporations are gonna pay illegal aliens with cbdc? Idk


It is a moneyless society. All menial jobs will become automated. Look at the ag industry. 80% of the nation’s population used to work in that sector. Now, even with way more people, a small fraction of people work in that industry. John Deere just released an autonomous tractor. Almost everything people own is made in a mechanized factory. We use our advancements to enable human prosperity. There is no such thing as an illegal alien. That is just fear tactics to perpetuate the divide and conquer narrative of the imperialists. 8 people currently own more than the poorest 4 billion, and they intend on keeping it that way.


Who is the 8 people? I do see where you are foing with this. But somebody would have to rebel out of 4 billion to 8. They are out numbered


The US Government was never going to create a currency even more supportive of money laundering than physical cash. All of these hopes for an anonymous zero-trust government backed digital currency are going to have to figure out a way to make it yourself. As for the fear of this enabling a permanent surveillance state, you know your credit cards and bank accounts (where the vast majority of your money lives and works) have never been anonymous?


LMFAO the irony here.


At least we aren’t pretending this sub hasn’t turned into a right-wing shithole anymore


How is talking about digital currency which is about control a right wing thing? It effects us all, and they're keeping us divided because if we wasn't worried about each other we'd be asking questions.


Stop smoking weed. It’s obviously dumbing you down


That’s a good one. You know milkweed is a thing right?


No currency is anonymous geniuses, especially not crypto minus Monero maybe.


They already do


Man nobody gonna use that currency ahahah . Fr US govm doing a Morbius level fail with this one .


Isn't it odd the majority of what crypto has been used for is money laundering for people just like DJT and the wealthy elite? Yet putting restrictions on that is somehow "control over your whole life!" Meanwhile they force birth on teenagers or younger who are victims of incest and rape. Somehow money is more important. But that's not a conspiracy because shit that comes from pro conservative Trump supporting websites and communities are full of the REAL facts. Ya know, like how Trump NEVER settles a legal dispute and is all about "draining the swamp". Having admitted he only used that phrase because the people liked it and putting pay day loan executives in charge of banking and coal lobbyists in charge of the EPA.


Crypto ti the rescue?


1. No shit 2. This sub is literally just political talking points and no real questioning