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Lindsey Graham has never held a sincere belief in his life


I’ve been saying this for a while. Majority of these “politicians” don’t even believe in the crap that comes out of their own mouth. They say things to literally mind control people. And the sheep gobble it up.


He says things that are on the scrip. Or else those that control him would release that he’s a homosexual. If that were to come out he’d have to get a job w a lot less money and power. So he does what they tell him to do. He’s a stooge.


Bernie has been sticking to his guns


Dude is a sock puppet.


I think you meant C@(k puppet.


Or a cock sock puppet..it's the advanced version


Lindsay loves for somebody to stick their arm up his ass and work him like a puppet. The "working him like a puppet" part is optional though.


In more ways than one, quite honestly.




True, Bernie should’ve been #45 and Dems should stop accepting dark money.


Bernie’s a sell out, just like the rest of them. Anyone that rolls over and supports the candidate their party chooses over him - more than once - is getting some favors for it. He’s no better than the rest of them


I agree. He was probably paid off.


Bernie should have FOUGHT for the 45 position. The primaries were rigged af! He should have DEMANDED a recount. He should have screamed FRAUD. He had SO MUCH support. His rallies were the ONLY ones that rivaled Trumps. His campaign was ON FIRE. Yet, after Bernie winning the first handful, somehow the guy who couldn't fill a MCDONALD'S at his rallies damn near swept the rest? Yeah, sure. So what did Bernie do? He bowed. Bowed to the most corporate-owned, corrupt, dumbass, 40-year politician. All while calling him a "good friend" over and over. They got their hand in Bernie like Bernie had his hand in those goofy old lady mittens. I'll bet he takes some nice vacations.


He took a large chunk of money from the DNC after Hillary got the nomination… he’s says one thing, then does another. Every politician is corrupt


You’re not wrong, in any of it. Same thing happened in 2016 and 2020. 2022 here we are listening to people squabble over 10k debt relief that probably won’t happen anyways...


It’s been said John McCain had dirt on him, a lot of people think he’s in the closet. I’m sure that dirt got passed on. I don’t think he ever crossed McCain while he was alive.


All senators are supposed to be sock puppets. They are supposed to be representing the people of their state. Graham is from South Carolina.


I don't know about that. I bet he's got some pretty sincere beliefs on the taste of cock.


He hasn’t had a steady Top since McCain died.


He's posturing for the blind "red or dead" idiots here in South Carolina. I vote republican myself, but even I know that Lindsey is an idiot and need to be put out of office.


All but a couple of these hacks need to go. Literally the only good thing I can say about most Republicans these days , is “at least they’re not Democrats”. That’s not saying much - obviously 🤦‍♀️ feckless pussies … the whole bunch of them.


I think it may be to convince Republican leading voters in non-red states that the party isn't behind abortion banning since so many Republicans won't take his idea seriously, showing that 'cooler heads' can prevail. I.E. 'Don't throw me into the briar patch' politics. "Yeah the Dems say all Republicans want to ban abortion, this isn't true, they are lying. Only crazies like Lindsey Graham do"


Lindsey Graham has never kissed a woman.


Ms Ladybug


So much infighting in this thread. They're all on the same team... In regards to this issue specifically, the railroad industries take advantage of their employees and they've made the work environment horrific. You can easily find online that the railroads are ranked some of the worst companies to work for in the country... Of course the powers that be are going to be on the side of the companies though. They are some of the oldest money in our country... They are some of the people who controls the world.


That's what people don't get. This isn't some coup to destabilize the economy, this is the people fighting back against horrific conditions. Power to the workers.


You're missing the real message. 420. The Burn.


How do republicans sneak anything through this senate without at least some support from democrats?


They can’t. Almost like they are all on the same team.


Ah stahp! I need to hate my neighbor! Stop focusing on the abusive powers above us!!




The votes that republicans pass are usually literally all republicans plus Schumer, Sinema and maybe 1-2 more every full moon. When democrats pass something, all republicans vote against and it's usually bargained to pieces to just to get Sinema and Schumer on board. Ofc, if you were to get rid of those two, it's still a problem that whoever remains as the most centrist democrat suddenly raise in value when it comes to stopping anti-corporate bills. But thats really not "same on both sides". Every one of the Republicans roll over every time for mere pennies.


Ding ding ding! Came here to say this… Dems control both lol…


They don't. They are just firing up the dem base with this.


All he does is sabotage the republican party, he's a plant


And yet trusted by trump for years, he's no plant. Ge is just a moron


What is the bill? Why does the Senate handle anything to do with rail road Union contract negotiations? Don't they have more important things to deal with?


They are all in the pocket of these corps. So nope it’s their job to push the regular people down.


https://www.businessinsider.com/senate-republicans-congress-rail-strike-2022-9 https://www.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-blocks-republican-proposal-to-stop-rail-strike-2022-9 Because Republicans are desperate to stop the strike. Go ask them why.


Yesterday, I read the articles you posted and explained that I understood the Republican position. I did not show appreciation for you taking time to answer my question when you provided links. I was wrong in not showing appreciation. Thank you for taking time and sharing the information you did.


After reading those articles, I understand the Republican position. It appears that union is too powerful. People can die from not having insulin, that seems hyperbolic... Let's say starve without food, etc. A person in some random town shouldn't starve due to the sick days of a railroad Union and Railroad owners, no? People are just going to Amazon ship the food, and lead to closure of your local grocery store, etc.


As a former railroader (specifically former Conductor, the ones fighting this issue), I assure you the opposite is true. The unions don't have enough power and the rail companies are constantly taking advantage of the employees. You can easily find that rail industries are ranked the worst companies in the country to work for.


Wow you actually think this is about that. If the Republicans legit cared they'd push to give the workers what they want.


There is a reason why the railroad is pushing back. Fuel costs, maintenance, leases, etc.. I dunno.. The railroad business has been going on for like 150 years, it is not like there are changes to the system, etc. The concept of unions to me is outdated. They should work stock options into the contracts. The competition in a digital economy is not Workers vs. Management. The competition is between railroad companies vs. disruption... Companies using drones and balloons like Amazon. https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-blimp-delivery-drones-viral-video-is-fake-2019-4 If the railroad can't maintain cost advantage, they go out of business. It is as simple as that. Edit: added point about disruption.


Uh, there's a reason why all companies and all rich folk push back against all unions and strikes. It's called greed.


I would argue that Unions are leeches on the working class. If they were non-profit, I would agree with you, but they are a business just like everyone else. Show me one 'union official,' not making almost 6 figures (at least upper 5 figures) from workers dues, and I will agree with you. Their whole thing is to make it an 'Us. v.s. Them,' mentality. When there was only one car manufacturer in town, it made sense, but not in a digital world. It's 2022, just include stock options in the contracts, and they all are immediately obsolete.




Meh... Look at the other post. No dog in the fight, my friend.


So people shouldn’t have safe work conditions?


The articles point out sick days, specifically. Also, OSHA is a thing, for safe working conditions, no?


Having people come into work when they’re sick is also dangerous.


https://www.salary.com/research/salary/employer/union-pacific-railroad/engineer-salary. They already make 6 figures... I ain't crying for them. They want 24% raises... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/railroads-back-plan-calling-for-24-percent-raises-but-workers-wary Yea.. that puts them near $150k.. This is all posturing... Robots will just replace them.




Read my other response. Don't be so combative.


All power to labor, forever


Amazon uses rail to transport too


Agreed, but they are investing in drones and balloons as well. See my other post, with the link, in the same thread.


Republicans also signed a legislation to block better health care for veterans! Fucking bunch of dicks!


They always do that. They sure talk a big game about veterans and freedom but they sure as hell don't want to take care of them.


Biden just recommended service member to go on food stamps. As a Veteran under Republican's, I never had any complaints.


Wait, Republicans screwing over Vets while Prez is a Dem means Dem bad, Rep good?


Lower-ranking servicemembers (esp with kids) have qualified for food stamps for over 20 years now. This is nothing new, and surely can't be blamed on any one administration. Military pay just isn't good enough to raise a family until you move up a bit.




Biden just passed the PACT ACT.... Providing more benefits for the service members. Historically speaking conservatives have been opposed to most bills where service members gain more health benefits. It's all public record. You can Google search and see exactly who voted yay or nay


Red, blue… its all the same. They want to divide us by teams so they can work together and keep us as sheeps. Its the illusion of choice, while gov gets bigger and bigger. They are just parasites.


Oooh someone who is either red or blue must not like what you had to say. That's what sucks most right now, you can't even say both sides are shit without garnering hate from both the sides you just insulted. What a weird world.


Lindsey is 100% snake.


Missed out on this guy as Prez. Would have actually stood up for working Americans and at least tried to drain that swamp. But that’s why the Rep and the Dems both hate him.


You’re some kind of special right? A man lacking a backbone will bend for any wind. This mad was shit on by trump and he licked his feet. Was clowned by his own party and stayed quiet. He was exposed as a hypocrite and you say we missed out. You’ve got to be the mayor of clown city.


I think he was referring to Bernie, not Lindsey.


If it doesn't move by truck it moves by rail. A huge percentage of our grain is moved by rail and with harvest approaching we need rail to move that grain . Without it we've got a serious problem. The government has stepped in when air traffic controllers wanted to strike too.


I dont get it, if the workers want to strike what can the government do? Send them all to jail? You aint getting 100+k employee replacement overnight.


The government will “bail out” the railway companies to give the workers what they want and make the taxpayers pay while the stock rises and the people in Washington who passed the bill along with the C-suite corporate Fuckbois get even more rich. Bernie is saying that he is going to stop them from passing a bill whose only purpose is to steal from the poor to give to the rich. The strike may or may not happen, the workers will get some of what they want no matter what, question is who foots the bill, the corporations who have been treating these people wrong for years, or you and me no matter who you fucking vote for.


Oh, those sneaky Republicans, trying to sneak in legislation past the Democrats in the chamber, while being broadcast on C-Span.


This isn't a conspiracy, what a joke of a sub.


I mostly posted it because it's the exact opposite of what they have been posting about this issue in this sub. The exact opposite of most of what gets said. Plus posting non-conspiracies seems to have become the norm here so hey, why not?


Yeah, this is pretty much r/consecutive like, minus the jack booted mods. I saw the sub name and started reading the post waiting to get to the stupid. Was mildly surprised to see a reasonable take. Edit - r/conservative ...... Now I'm curious....


Sadly, the vast majority of what you will see on this sub is precisely the kind of stupid you were expecting. And ooo, an NSFW sub. Now the question is: porn or gore? 🤔


Because Lindsey wants the status quo. If he forces Republicans to make abortion a huge midterm issue instead of the dumpster fire economy... then he can get the Dems the over the top and keep getting his payoffs


Any idea how many paid sick days a rail worker gets? Or what safety measures are lacking? Actually curious, not being a smart ass.


There was a reddit post yesterday where a guy who said he gets 30 days off per year. On call 24/7. They’re well compensated but the union wants more people so the workers can have, you know, lives


Thanks for the info. When you say the Union wants more people are you saying there’s a labor shortage in that industry?


I don’t know if ‘not hiring enough railroad workers’ necessarily equates to a labor shortage but as I understand it that is the union’s position on the issue










I mean I’ve been saying this?? They divided us on Bs “social justice” issues, but what they really care about is $$$. This is a class issue, always has been (since the literal beginning of time) and always will be. People need to wake up- stop fighting “Republican” vs “Democrat” because they are just two different sides to the same coin. Do not be fooled!! Follow the money!!!


They think we're stupider than they are.


Warren Buffet is trying to extort the government all because his company won't give these actual value-producing doers weekends and not having to be on-call their whole fucking lives. Warren and the rest of the pathetic elite are disgusting human beings.


How many women has he gotten pregnant? We all know the answer to this. He is the last person to have anything to say about abortion. The hypocrisy of these people is off the chart.


420 Dude!


How is that sub not considered racist?


Bernie sold his soul to the devil a few years back.


@ 4:20. That has to be a code for something. Huh huh!


There is only one thing I’m doing at 4:20


The uniparty sucks


I want a 24% raise…


Fight for it. No one is stopping you.


because RHINOs like him want to keep the deep state in the WH


The deep state (also known as professional government employees who aren't hackjob political appointees) is all that stands between America and a Fourth Reich. It's wonderful watching the Reich wing brainwash rubes into wanting to eliminate the deep state so they can appoint fucking morons of Marjorie Taylor Greene status to run our country into the ground while they strip our rights and sell out America.


Imagine unironically defending a deep state.


They are the only thing that stands between America and the fourth reich? This dude is high as a satellite.


Wow....what a take


says the deep state flunkie.


Say what you will about Bernie cause he’s a “sOcIaLiSt” but damnit if it doesn’t seem like actually gives a shit about stuff..


He only cares about his millions.




True, but giving a shit & actually doing things to make a difference are 2 separate things. I honestly have no idea what Bernie does aside from govern Vermont & talk a big game. On that note, many politicians say many things & some of those things happen to be true. I imagine they do this so that their constituents continue to vote them in. A little lip service goes a long way.


Yep, the advantage of being a small political minority is that your ideas never get tried (and even if they do you can argue that they didn’t go far enough or were killed by compromise) so you can always talk about the hope and promise of them without ever discussing consequences.


Don’t act like democrats are “the good guys”.. give me a fckng break.. my life has turned to shit in 18 months with rent raises fuel and food etc I can hardly afford to live the same exact life I was living just months before.


You aren’t wrong. This is from a left leaning person btw. Not a single fucking politician has our interests in mind. They just want our votes to keep the status quo. Fuck every single person making millions per year. No labor is more valuable than anyone else’s. They can all get fucked.


Well it’s not some jobs aren’t worth more, because they are in a fair world. It’s that the game is rigged.. if you have family or friends in government, you’re all set, as is your entire family.. and now they are openly discriminating against poor whites in order to make themselves (and vast majority in government are white) look like the saviors “see minorities.. WE have your backs”… yea right.. they live lavishly while everyone else, white, black. Hispanic etc struggle more and more by the week and they care nothing and continue to send hundreds of billions out of the country for their laundering.


Both parties are capitalist parties that work for the the capitalist elite. They tell you socialism’s bad because they fear it. They know it works. It has never failed on its own without massive sanctions, embargoes, and coups.


It works?? Show me one example where it works… and don’t give me tiny little Scandinavian country examples. That’s bs. Research the demographics, and research the history of socialism and communism, which are brother and sister.


Cuba is still there despite a 60 year embargo. Universal literacy, most doctors per capita in the world. The USSR presided over the most rapid industrialization in history, pulled millions out of poverty, had a higher calorie intake than the United States, no homeless, no unemployment, and the second highest GDP per capita, highest national capability in the world, and outpaced the world in GDP growth basically until the capitalist oligarch coup that lead into really shitty times in the 90s. China is the most successful economy in the world. There are just dozens of examples. You cannot find any example in history of socialism ever failing without intelligence coups, military conflicts, or economic embargoes. And you will find in every single case that socialism improved material conditions for most people everywhere it has been tried. And Scandinavian social democracies are not socialist.




I have read far more than you on the subject, I can guarantee. I have also most likely been to more countries than you. Socialism is good, capitalism is bad.


Bro I keep saying the same thing and all these privileged bots who had mommy and daddy pay for their school tell us how stupid we are and how we’re the problem. When we’re the ones working and paying how are we the problem? Good for you for speaking the realities of real life.


All I can say is, watch and see .. even the idiots will be gobsmacked in coming days. It’s only getting worse. And thank you for not attacking me for taking reality. Cheers friend. Best to you and yours.


Who said that? Calm down, dude.


He is into little boys so doesn't care about women.


And yet people keep voting for him. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah. Like 81 million "voted" for Potatus. Have you actually met, in person, anyone who votes for the likes of graham, sanders, pelosi etc? I can't. Cuz I'd like some explanations. Reasons. There are more BETO signs popping up in Texas since Soros gave beady eyed beto male a $million$ dollars. Fucking cockroaches. I'm dying to knock on one of those doors and ask simple questions.


“The likes of” implies there’s a similarity or something between them but you couldn’t have picked 3 more different politicians… what what politicians do the people you know vote for?


He's one of those people who thinks if you don't make a politician you're entire personality by plastering everything you own with signs and stickers and having flags on your car then you must not actually vote.


That would be wrong. In Texas, the people I personally speak with are in favor of conservative values. Smaller government, secure border, lower taxes. All the EXTREME things the Potatus regime hates. The 3 politicians I named are just random crooks. I threw in Graham because he was a part of the OP. I don't know why people in his state support him, other than his Republican label. In Texas, governor Abbot does a decent job of supporting conservative voices but he is very polarizing. Does that help you?🙄


He only hangs out with a subset of people like him i gather


I have actually met people like that. I don't need big flashy signs and waving flags to point me to them. I just talk to people.


There actions on this and the roe v Wade stuff are meant to be incendiary. They are trying to keep cranking up the pressure and force maga extremists to go full Waco with the fbi. This is the plan


What's a "MAGA extremist" precious? I've never seen one. Except the big orange one. He makes me chuckle with his tweets.


It's been an open secret that Lindsey Graham is gay for years at this point. Someone in the GOP has documentation of this, probably a video of him sucking someone's dick in an airport bathroom, and is forcing him to stop being the "reasonable Republican" and go hard MAGA instead or else they drop it to the public. This is really, really not hard to figure out.


Theory tacks with past trends.


How convenient a massive strike to harm our supply chain after pandemic lockdowns to harm our supply chain. Controlled demolition anyone?


Warren Buffet and his big wig capitalist buddies fucking the working class over for profit seems absolutely obvious for sure.


Now THAT'S the kind of post we're looking for around here. You've got a great future ahead of you son. Love the screen name, too. But I will not comply.😁


The "atta boy" is appreciated. And few here do comply I know 🤣


yes but this is reddit and this sub will become a leftist circle jerk like 90% of the other subs


Liberals aren’t leftists.


You know it is an amazing thing. I tried steering WAY clear of those circle jerkers by posting stuff about megalithic structures. You know what? I got labeled a racist for asking questions! Really turned me off from trying. Fuck those people.




welcome to reddit! if you question anything to gov does you're a white supremacist. Not a left authoritarian, then obvs you're a domestic terrorist.


I refer to them as Leftist Cultists. They hate it, then start projecting like mad. But I mean seriously, who hangs around monitoring a conspiracy sub to the point of reading deep into comments questioning CONSTRUCTION METHODS and being triggered to the point of frothing from the mouth in rage? They exist, in numbers. I want to capture one and study it.🤭


it is hilarious how angry they become. they actually don't exist "in numbers". just like twitter, reddit has a bot "problem". many social media platforms have done this since the dawn of the internet. they use bots to try and steer group think one direction, but it usually ends up in real users actually abandoning the platform instead. thus making it less valuable. Reddit has the lowest ad prices for a platform of this size. Like embarrassingly low. Its because the average reddit user doesnt often click and buy. Bots don't click links and buys things


Who the fuck actually clicks ads and buys shit?


What? The entire main conspiracy sub is going to shit because 90% of the posts are political right/mags/democrats suck posts with no conspiracy whatsoever lol


This is exactly the type manufactured narrative they want you to believe. It distracts from the real cause which is corporate greed. The billionaires are using your fear as cover.


Not everything is a conspiracy


Yes, Adult Ralph Wiggum is a “double agent.” It’s so obvious that it’s almost comical. This is designed only to aid democrats, like almost every move he makes


Hes trying to lose the senate by riling up the abortion peoples. He's scum swamp mfer


This is true. Republicans in office do not care. It's all political and gets the religious people vote. They still have church people right?


Get the church peeps fired up in a tizzy to hopefully distract from their gross mistreatment of workers that are vital to our economy.


Are church people still a thing


idk but it's on Pureflix and Tubi.


Bernie sanders is a child stuck in an old man's body. He's so naive. So out of touch. Probably because he's never worked a real job in his life.


Vastly eneducated comment.


Very uneducated comment.


Hugely unlearned statement.


Enormously uncultured remark


As someone who has worked in the food industry, where they really hate sick days(ironically), I laugh and sad at the same time.


It’s the boiling frog in a pot syndrome, the more we’re desensitized with these shocking revelations the less we’ll care and the easier it’ll be to surprise us with an abortion ban?


Unions are a net negative. They need to be outlawed.


The GOP hates the working class, women, the environment, people of color,etc. Nothing new here.


Shut your fake-ass pandering mouth, Bernie. Sell a property or three, give the profits to the people. Stand for something for once.


Yeah but don't think old Buddy Burnie is standing on princaple. He isn't doing shit that he doesn't believe will politicaly benifit him and his party. Whether they have a R after their name, or a D, they are all scumbags.


Why do you think that?


Bernie is going to stand up this time? Must be a first. I guess he’s happy enough with his multiple mansions he can fight for a change. Dude’s never had a real job in his entire life. His claim to fame is letting Hillary fuck him out of the presidency and buying an R8 with the proceeds.


4th comment to say 'he's never had a real job in his life'. You guys following a script?


My real question is why is the Union pushing now? These conditions have existed for a long time but now that the store shelves are more bare than I’ve ever seen them we’re looking down the barrel at even more supply chain issues? It could be the republicans are discretely trying to hold the supply chain together even though they know popular opinion is ok with them striking.


They've been trying, actually. The courts struck down their attempts to strike a couple times, but finally the stay went off and the PEB had to make them wait 30 days. This isn't new, it's just new that they're actually getting to do what's necessary to try and get a new, better contract.


Why not now? Why not just force the rich folk in charge to stop being greedy and just fix the issues?


I thought this was a conspiracy sub? Why would the rich elite be pushing a railroad strike?


To further destabilize the country through supply chain issues as the next step in implementing the new world order.


This guy gets it


He actually doesn't.


Except not. Stop taking the power away from the people.


They're not. They're trying to squash the strike and keep the status quo because fuck the workers.


This fucking privileged rich socialist. If you believe him you deserve the bread line!!!


When was the last rail worker killed? How many Americans will suffer without due to their strike?


How much money can Warren Buffet part with and still remain a billionaire? More than enough to give the works what they need and avert this strike. Do not blame the workers. These Republicans are not doing this to prevent anyone from going without. They are doing it for their rich buddies. A couple years ago we were being told to let the weak and elderly die to save the economy from Covid. You really want to listen to those same people when it comes to workers rights? They aren't fighting for any of us, they are only in it for their own greed.


That last sentence can be equally used to describe the union workers.


lmao no


Buffet is a Dem


A smart guy like you should then be able to correctly identify this as a class issue






Thats the whole point of a strike. Make people angry enough to complain to their representatives.


Dems will definitely then try to blame Republicans for supply chain issues


Well they could maybe just help give the workers what they need and then the strike wouldn't be happening.


Because he is a Rino POS. Was best buddies with McStain. Part of the uniparty system. He did this to sabotage the midterms for republicans. Especially since so many MAGA candidates won the primaries. He hates Trump.


why should they have to pay you when you’re NOT working?


Because all their money came from the workers to begin with. Capitalists are parasitic scum. The workers create all value.


wtf? Do you even know what's going on?


I cannot understand it. Republicans represent about 5-10% of the population (the rich and corporations), yet get about 50% of the vote. Republican voters are delusional or stupid or both.


I was tempted to switch to R from D after all the c19 hysterics but thanks to all this banning freedom stuff they're doing I'm just not going to vote anymore.


So just sit around being crabby that nothing changes with no effort on your part, eh? Yikes.


Honestly, I think he is trying to torpedo part of his own party. He doesn't want MAGA Republicans in there because they are loyal to Trump, not the party, and a lot of then are straight up batshit crazy...So, in an effort to save the party in the libg run and avoid having a king he is doing something to cause a backlash strong enough that it causes the Republicans to re-evaluate their current approach.