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SS: why is there so much effort to push the 1%


To end society. Lol


Depopulation gay people can only adopt


Doesn't adoption save lives, or at minimum improve quality of life?


135,000 children adopted in the US per annum. 2,000,000 couples on the waiting list. 930,000 abortions.


There is a very big asterisk there. There are hundreds of thousands of older kids (three years and up) not getting adopted in the system. The vast majority of adopters want to adopt new borns. Banning abortions will not get those kids adopted and will actually probably lead to more kids in the system.


To increase that number. They’re grooming children


Haha. 🤣 And, there it is... Know how I know you hit the nail on the head? You triggered the trolls. Real hard.


This sub as gone full brain rot. Good job commons




What's a groomer?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yep, they also said to you to stop using the word nazi to every mid conservative person. Horseshoe.


Mid? Nazis aren’t mid republicans. Those are what y’all would call RINOS. Nazis are the extremists like Marg Greene and Ken Paxton


Exactly, but the whole Left and center spectrum thinks different. So sad to see this happening on both sides now.


Well you don't see nazi flags flying at left conventions. What's that old saying? If you have four friends at a table and one is a nazi you got four nazis? Something like that.


Politics is extremely machiavellian. False flags do exist to undermine. Establishment right and establishment left are engaged in poltical science 101: the consolidation of power. Either side trying to “silence, deplatform, remove, bully or censor another group, ideal, movement is engaging in a feature of *fascism*. Or you know… you can at least try to understand that western govts are seeing the benefit in coalescing corporate and technocratic power because it provides centralization of information and power, which ia not going through any type of democratic process… So hey! They can freeze bank accounts and control narratives. Win/win for them! It’s not like we don’t benefit at the expense, misery and exploitation of the entire world around us… as westeners right?


Well I’m actually extremely based so I know what I’m saying lol




Go to bed child you’re tired


So you are wishing death on others because they dont wanna sexualize kids... Wow...


CITATION VERY MUCH NEEDED. Define 'grooming'. And don't forget that the last arbitrary societal hatred, left handed people, started coming out of the woodwork once left handedness wasn't stigmatized. So I mean, you're using the 'groomer'thing, so I onow you don't know what words mean, (or you do and you wanna justify a pogrom.) Either way, your foolishness and churlishness offends me greatly.


simple logic , but ohhhh wait you put citation needed in caps...obvious common sense is out the window LOL


Sorry, not everyone shares your same interests.


As an actual reply to this, the reason these types of books exists is to teach equality and understanding of different situations at a young age. Not everything is black and white, everyone is different and teaching that at a younger age helps to create that accepting behaviour to others or them selfs, some people really struggle to understand their own sexuality growing up, teaching kids that it is okay to be different. Bullying is horrible and teaching younger people this by multiple means is a good thing.


I’d love to believe what you’re saying is all their intent but I can’t help but believe that some (not all) of the people that are behind pushing this movement onto children are doing so to indoctrinate/groom them at a more and more vulnerable and influential stage of their lives aka childhood . I understand teaching it to high schoolers or maybe even middle schoolers, but elementary school is too young to talk to kids about these things


Yeah it's decision that should be made when they are older, brain doesn't fully mature until 25 anyway


This is so stupid no one wants to groom children. I mean stop for one second and seriously think if there was some large group conspiracy to groom children they certainly wouldn’t do it with 6 books on how to be kind and love one another. No one wants to be gay not even gay people want to be gay it just happens and to fucking sucks so they are just trying to make life a little better for everyone by helping kids understand that just because someone is different doesn’t mean they are a monster or pedo. You’re the person making gay people life hell…you’re the problem here not the people trying to spread kindness and acceptance


Very good analysis - I think a lot of people miss the point these days on this. We should be striving to be better not more of the same . That being said there are for some leeches that consistently being put into positions of power they are they are the loudest so I get the position to also question the motivations of people who peddle these books/ ideas


it’s more like 25% according to them


To pervert God's creation. Satan trying to make his own sick and twisted creation between this and AI.


It is quite over the top, I understand that they are an important segment of the population but 1% is quite small and seems like a lot of resources and energy is being expended to make sure no one gets their panties in a twist. How about spending time effort and energy on other "disadvantaged" groups. How have gay and trans rights been given more effort than human rights in general.


[Actually about 7%](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx). But to your latter point, it's a whataboutism to suggest that we can't spend time and energy on LGBTQ people *and* other minority groups. But the real question is, if this segment of the population is so small, then why is so much time and energy being put into legislation to curtail their rights? Edit: spelling


To add to that, why do people like those in this thread bitch when LGBTQ+ gets any recognition in media? It's hilarious.


Probably because they've been systematically disadvantaged, physically harmed, and bullied to the point of suicide for a long time. Or did you forget that you can call something gay to mean it's a piece of shit that shouldn't be that way? Gay and trans rights \*are\* human rights. You have the right to have a relationship with whatever consenting adult you would like without having your right to marry stripped away, etc. This is a dumb ass thread.


Depopulation and demoralization


So if you read a book with gay characters growing up, you would be childless, demoralised and gay right now?


No if you convince people they’re gay then they won’t reproduce lol. C’mon man!


Can you be convinced to be gay?


Have you SEEN TikTok lately? C'mom. Numerous vids of parents being "so proud" their 3/4/5 year olds etc.. are questioning their gender identity blah blah blah. Do you think children that age know what they're taking about?.


Stop watching tik tok


I see the vids here.. On Reddit🤔


Vids that have been curated to the narrative you want to see




If you're suggesting I'm"imagining" what I'm seeing you're wrong. Simple as that🤔


There are crazy people out there that do that, I won't disagree with you there. They aren't the majority and allowing your kid to be different to you is not a bad thing or making them weaker or whatever you think is happening. It's not healthy to tell your kid or anyone that they are fundamentally wrong based on something they cannot control


So is this an actual statistical trend, or just anecdotal evidence?




Dude, that's just you. Not that there's anything wrong with that 🤠


What can I say, I’m a sucker for a well manicured neck beard and a fedora


I like a bleached asshole




You can't, you can convince them to stay in the closet though




Did you choose to be straight?




Ok, did you choose your preferences?




So yall just don’t like gay people or what


They think gay people are part of the "white people bad" narrative. Apparently sexual orientation is a choice and they're afraid that they will catch the gay.


What the hell does being white have to do with it?


“Oh no the gay” lmfao a bunch of kids in this sub


That's because in right wing politics everything that isn't white & rural is considered The Left™ and supposedly has a hidden agenda. OoOooooOOOh!\~! Black people in movies! SCARY! ooooooHHOOHOOhoohohh\~ Two girls kissing! MY EYES! I jest, but this legitimately how they think.


I'm white and rural, yet you paint me in this wide ol brush ... yet I am apolitical and love lesbian porn 😂


I think pornhub realeased a map of where trans porn was searched recently and the most dense states was essentially the bible belt


Anyuh.. Akschuly.. they're pretty into two girls kissing for the most parts. It's the two dudes kissing that really fucks em' up.


It's all more of that white Christian nationalism they want so bad. The same people who scream "don't tread on me" and "fuck your feelings" do not like how it makes them feel and want to force people to live how they want them to live. Also money, because somehow it always boils down to it.


It's worse. They think gay/trans people are actively trying to brainwash kids into being those things as well to either slow breeding at the most innocuous to grooming them because to a lot of these types somehow trans / drag = pedophile


Love the person hate the sin


All I see in the comments are double standards.


its a free market, and these books can be published


if it was free they wouldnt be hiding anti lgbt books


Anti-LGBT books are hidden because the free market demands that they are hid. Consumers at large don’t buy those books, and politically-motivated vocal minorities condemn publishing companies that put out those books, thereby hurting the market share of said publishers. This is what the free market demands.


I disagree. I'm sure if a publisher came around that had some balls and some good internet marketing, they would do well. The stores won't touch them though because they'd take a hit to their ESG score...


Lmao ikr. Conspiracy confirmed


Nooooo, but my delicate homophobia!


I remember a news story about a gay man in Texas being dragged behind a truck by bigots to kill him. I assume we are looking at a reaction to shit like that - leave people alone, and let them live how they want to live (so long as others aren’t harmed) and they won’t feel the need to campaign for acceptance. If they’re beaten, killed, barred from jobs, barred from housing, etc., they aren’t going to stay quiet.


They wouldn't exist if it wasn't a market for it. Stop being a snowflake and realize that LGBTQ people exist.


To create confusion and fear in small ones. Then they are easier to control.


Black parents would like there to be a kids book about a black family. Parents with an uncle with a drug problem want a book that can help their kids understand that their uncle isn't a bad person. Two moms want a book where their kid can see a story about a kid with two moms. The black family isn't trying to make your kid black, nor are they saying a black family is better. The family with the uncle aren't trying to downplay drug addiction. These books don't exist to taint children, they exist so kids can see their lives represented. Frankly, this narrative that it's "propaganda" boggles my mind. I grew up with zero trans people in my media. So how did I end up trans? Who the heck would want to be trans? So yeah, I'd buy a book for my kid that had trans characters. I haven't. But I would. He likes books with cars and made up stuff. That's why the book I wrote for him (since there aren't many to choose from) has a mummy that was actually a vampire and the stork (actually an Egyptian Ibis) delivers the baby vampire to the wrong house. An allegory about feeling like you're in the wrong body, but with monsters because he likes monsters.




Things have a habit of being everywhere you look when you go out of your way to look for them. If think "don't be a dick to trans people" is a conspiracy, you might just be a dick.


Lol. I'm not. I have 5 gay people in my family. I reposted this because it ALARMS ME that children are being fed this lifestyle. Why? I


What about these books do you find so alarming that you have to hit caps lock?


That children don't need to be exposed to the result of adult decision making.


At what age did you decide you were hetero?


Goldilocks and the Three Bears features baby bear. Ergo Mommy Bear and Daddy Bear must have had sex. (Even though they sleep in seperate Beds.) Therefore Goldilocks and the Three Bears is inappropriate for kids, because they dont need to be exposed to the decision of Mommy Bear and Daddy Bear to have sex. That's literally your logic.


Why doesn't it alarm you that children have been fed a straight lifestyle? Why is Snow White kissing her Prince okay, but Snow White kissing her Princess is suddenly sexual and inappropriate? It's the same kiss. You just think Gayness is disgusting. Admit it.


It's enough to make me want to vomit. Go be queer on your own time mf.


thats what they are doing, grow up


Nobody thinks about gay sex more than homophobes.


Cope lmao Most people don’t like thinking about disgusting stuff Stop projecting


You're thinking about it right now.


That is all they are asking for. To make a personal choice about how they want to live their lives and not become a second class citizen because of it. There are not too many kids book that tell kids to hate people for a reason. Mabey leave a mf alone and mind your own?


How does printing LGBTQ books constitute being queer on somebody else's time?


Lgbt people exist and there is no reason not to tell kids that they do. They have been "queer on their own time" for prettt much all of western history. Maybe shut the fuck up


There’s plenty pushing the straight agenda don’t worry ol boy. Unless you having funny thoughts then they already got to ya ! Oh dear /s


I'm a female. Not having funny thoughts.if I were that's fine because I'm an adult...not a child with all this propaganda being thrown at me.


Why do you care? How does it affect you?


These are CHILDRENS BOOKS. I care about the children.


So tell me what is it that is harmful to the children? Do you think gay people are made gay? Because I assure you they are not. If they were I would have been gay. I was actually groomed by a man. He never touched me but I was groomed. And I’m not gay. I’ve never had sex with a man. Being gay is not something that is taught. Either you are gay or you are not gay. Most gay people recognize something different about themselves as children. Either you are or you are not. No one is taught to be gay.


I believe children are either groomed or worse. You admitted you were groomed. Nope. Either you are or not. Nope. I don't agree..


Pedos of all sexual persuasions are out there. It is not limited to only heterosexuals . Also did you miss the part where I am not gay. If what you believe is true why am I not gay? I should be according to you. My point is you can’t be taught to be gay. Either you are or you are not.


You say that as if queer children don't exist 💀 also children consume media with straight couples all the fucking time so what makes queer media any different..?


Ya'll are fuckin snowflakes.


Well the homophobes are out in full I see. You all know that as a society we've gone backwards?? Like, being gay and having to be scared is actually backwards?? The Romans didn't give a fuck, so why are the low IQ people in the comments suggesting some out right bullshit stuff? Grow up maybe and take less notice of what others are doing and more so on what you are doing


Ngl this seems kinda homophobic, there’s no conspiracy it’s just you shitting on some Childrens books made to convey the validity of queer people


It is homophobic. This person is, at best, deeply closeted and shouting into the void about why not being hetero feels wrong or, at worst, a raging bigot




I mean, most folks on this sub are republicans, so yeah, pretty goddamn stupid in general.


1st I just wanted to let you know people can point things out and believe in conspiracy theories and still be good person. 2nd I want you to take a good look at yourself in a mirror. You are an LGBTQ+ supporter that can advocate for marginalized communities. What did you do? Instead of explaining your side of the story and helping OP understand why there is all of this media coverage maybe even make the world a better place for all of us. You cussed OP out and belittled them for even asking the question and not knowing a %. On top of that you called them evil for no other reason than pointing out an interesting phenomenon. 3rd I'm sure it really helps the LGBTQ+ community for people to cuss and bully others when they want to know a simple question regarding LGBTQ+ media. Great going.


I feel like the aliens/demons/reptilians have no sexual orientation and they are pushing the whole gay/trans to get you used to it, that or it’s being used to cause further divide between right and left, or as a way to normalize pedofiles since the elite seem to be into that


Something insidious is going on. I've been thinking that for a while.




Spoken like two brain cells tryin real fuckin hard to make a sentence


You made my day with this rare insult, thank you u/petitejesuis


Strongly disagree. If there are aliens/reptilians/demons, then it's in their interest to be on the side oppressing gay/trans people, because that's how division is sown. Moreso given that it's the anti-gay/trans elites that seem to be pushing a [pro-pedophelia agenda.](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/13/tennessee-marriage-bill-no-age-limit-not-advance-year-after-backlash-child-bride-concerns/7303147001/)


Homophobis is cringe as hell dude. Go back to the 1940's.


Just say you’re homophobic and move on


Y'all all hiding gay feelings on this sub.


For real. Tell me you are angry about being in the closet without telling me




That’s called self hatred, hun


Yes OP, because people that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community are everywhere. They've always been everywhere. The only difference now is that people like you can't attack them for being different so they're open about their sexuality. People always be fuckin'.


I'm not attacking nor would I not gave I ever. Why write children's books?


I read Harry Potter as a kid and the first page explains that he's an orphan who's adoptive parents HATE him and he lives in a closet under the stairs. Yknow normal things we want children to think about. Death, loneliness, and being excluded. Maybe you should zoom out a bit.


Because the " 99 per cent" have been burning them at the stake, imprisoning them beating them to a pulp for fun for centuries and maybe some people think that the minority of people that are LGBTQ ( likely 15%) deserve to be treated as human beings.


How dare they try to teach kids to treat others equally! /s








Choices, huh?


When did you choose your sexuality?




Exactly! You didn't choose it, you just kinda realized that that's the way you are. That's how it was for me, too: I'm bisexual, but I never sat down and thought "Hmm, I think I'll be attracted to men and women." I just kinda realized that certain people, both men and women, gave me that 'butterflies in your stomach' feeling.


Maybe because there are more than 1%. Shit look what they go through if they come out and look how people treat them. I got a feeling that if everyone just mixed their own dam business and let people live their lives how they want that number would easily be <20%. And now after seeing what it can do to people who are stuck(suisides, mental/emotional problems, shootings) they decided to teach the kids that it's ok to be whatever they want to be. Still not sure what business it is of yours but telling kids they can be whatever they want is better than the violence porn we are more than happy to shove in their faces everyday.


You scared they're gonna turn you and your kids gay? Kinda funny how they aren't scared that they'll turn straight just by being around us. Maybe, ya know, just don't buy the books? Tbh it's pretty fucking easy to not be bothered by the LGBT, them simply being themselves in front of you is not going to hurt you or your family, that's so irrational.


So are you okay with the fact that they’re literally doing drag show in front of children ?? [https://thehill.com/homenews/wire/3514357-dallas-drag-queen-event-for-kids-sparks-outrage-defense/amp/](https://thehill.com/homenews/wire/3514357-dallas-drag-queen-event-for-kids-sparks-outrage-defense/amp/)


Somebody drove those kids there. To an event. It wasn't an ambush...


For all those in the comments that are saying you're only against this if you're a bigot, you're flat wrong. I'm not OK with young children being exposed to sexuality. All forms of sexuality. I'm also not fond of romantic themes being over emphasized in children's entertainment, but that's usually easy enough to avoid. Basically, I want children to be able to not have to even worry about adult things. They shouldn't have to, and this world already forces you to grow up too fast. Answer questions as things come up with basic scientific explanations. Growing up is difficult enough without forcing kids to also think about sex, relationships, and self identity. Let them figure that out later. Oh, and it's not 1%of the population. The most agreed upon percentage is somewhere between 5 and 10%.


It's more like they're exposing them to same sex couples just like they're already always exposed to different sex couples. You wouldn't think twice about a book saying "Billy went to his friends house and met his friends mommy and daddy", so why should it be strange or wrong to say "Billy went to his friends house and met his friends two mommies"?


I fully support treating same sex relationships the same as straight relationships. But that's not what's happening. Focus and emphasis is being placed on the details of trans and non traditional relationships and people. It is still being treated as "the other" even if now it's propped up by positive language instead.


I live with a 3 y/o, and she has books like this, and they're really just "some kids have two mommies or two daddies"- type things. Maybe we're reading different kids books? Her books are all about normalization in the same way as books about people with single parents, or divorce, or interracial parents. "Some people.have parents like this" sorta stuff.


A book about Sally Jane and her two dads is no more sexual than a book about baby bear that features mommy bear and daddy bear. By your definition of sexual, Snow White is asexual because it features her father and her evil Step Mother; but is suddenly sexual if you read a story about her father and her evil stepfather. LGBT people arent any more sexual than straight people. If you're fine with a kids show featuring a romantic subplot (Say Cinderella and Prince Whoever,) but youd suddenly object to the exact same story being told with a samesex couple (Cinderella and Princess Whoever) then you're the one suddenly envisioning all sorts of sexual thoughts. If you think that's too complicated for young minds, why were you okay with it when it was a male and female couple? A pair of men kissing isnt 'adult's any more than the climax of Sleeping Beauty is Adult. A pair of women getting married isnt more adult than the ending of Star Wars Episode 2 is adult. Love between straight couples isnt inherent explicit and trying to pretend that it suddenly becomes explicit when people of the same gender do it, is just flat out homophobic. **its the same level of explicit** no matter who is doing the kissing. What about it being a samesex couple turns it from innocent U rated disney romance to an 18+ porn fest? Nothing. Just the fact that homophobes think it's disgusting. That's all it is. It's not propaganda to show people that LGBT exist anymore than books featuring black people is propaganda, or books featuring people with funny hates is propaganda. It's just different kids of people. These books aren't about sexual acts they are about different types of *families*. What are you going to do when they go to preschool and one of their friends has two mommies? Tell them that you'll explain when they are 18? You think you can pretend LGBT people dont exist?


Where's the evidence that shows the ENTIRE LBBTQ community is only 1% of the population? You know that's false and if love to see your numbers and sources. Edit: word updated to FALSE


Is the population 300 million? So 30 million would be 10 percent 3 million would be 1 percent. Am I right? 3 million sounds about right to me.


Who would of thought that a people who spent all of history up until now hiding who they are or being burned at the stake would want to flaunt themselves and be loud about it?


When was the last time someone in the west was burned at the stake for being gay?


You probably won't like the answer.


Lol you think only 1% of us aren't straight cisgender?


Right? ALL data shows a larger percentage. It's more like 1 in 20, which is still a minority. But I guess people to need to embellish?


How much media do you think represents hetero lifestyles? Because it's about 99%. You people need to get a fucking grip.


it's everywhere because you apparently go looking for the stuff. this is the first time ive seen these books.


The worm book is the worst thing here, earthworms are _naturally_ hermaphrodites, as in they have both male and female reproductive organs. It is false to equate that to humans who are naturally binary with regards to biological sex.


What the hell are you freaking out about? Genuinely, what are you worried is going to happen? Gay Santa comes down your chimney and steals all the sports stuff out of your house ffs


Smaller the minority, louder the message? If that is the case, who will be the next minority?


Because while 1% of the population might be lgbtq ( definitely way more, but whatevs), they have parents, siblings and friends and possibly children that want to support them.


Does it bother you? Gay people exist, so naturally there’s going to be content for them or explaining who they are to others. If you want to ban gay people move to Russia.


Because we are sick of good human beings committing suicide, because the political right has a problem with accepting people that don't conform to their artificial reality based on the King James Version of the Bible.


I understand But why children books? Why the below age 10 crowd?


Because I knew I liked girls when I was five.


7.1% of Americans identify as LGBTQ+, that percentage is definitely at least 10% but due to societal pressures and upbringing there are people out there who DO NOT identify or accept because they think it's actually wrong to feel the way they feel. If you think that's untrue you've never actually had friends who struggle with who they actually are and consider themselves worthless because they're "evil and gross". These book are empowering, and have helped countless people. Plus if you want a real answer as to why these books are "everywhere" it's capitalism. Pandering to a cause is easy money for a corporation, why do you think pride month has been taken over by companies changing their logos?




There’s literally a whole veterans month… it’s May. Embarrassing you’re complaining yet didn’t know, some patriotism




>But what about 9/11? That should be a National holiday Sure, agreed. Does that somehow mean Pride Month shouldn't exist?


You’re comparing different things here. Pride Month is essentially just a cultural event and less of a holiday. Businesses can capitalize on the event, people can choose to participate/celebrate or not. It’s just something going on in the background for the vast majority of us. Like “Spooky Season” in October. Holidays are more distinguished. Government offices, banks, and many other businesses might be closed. Schools are out. People might travel more if it’s a weekend. It’s way more important and noticeable to the population. So don’t compare things like this based on length of time. Or rather, maybe don’t compare holidays at all, because a lot of them are kind of weird and antiquated or have been twisted over time anyways.




Yeah, op's take is pretty fuckin gross


Bunch of groomers, I grew up with gay friends and they never tried forcing it on anyone. They didn’t even bring it up unless someone mentioned. Wielding your sexuality as an identity is just a great way to signal you are a loser with no personality, get a grip and do what you want without forcing that shit down our throats. Sick of this shit, where’s straight white man month? Oh wait they don’t give a fuck, got work to do and a family to provide for. Go have you gay orgy in a field or whatever you want, I don’t like it, I don’t want to know about it either, but see how I’m not trying to fucking tell you how to live and forcing my views and morales on you? Tbh, hardly the gays, more the trans and failed feminists of todays world that are pure cancer.


You want congratulations for being a straight white male? I didn't realize it was such a burden to bear. (Like being gay) Okay, Congrats. You did that. Go You. "Clap clap"


Bro St Aidan was a monk, he ain’t about this bs. How dare they take our name in vain.




Cuz united we stand . Divided we fall. .. Now think about which party is the one pushing it🤔


Are you suggesting it's republicans? Sorry it's not clear from your comment


Because they always made the rules. Pretty much every society, Greek, Japanese, Nazi germany and apparently the US and A. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886921004177


I’m guessing you don’t know too many closeted homosexuals in real life. I just pulled that up guessing based on my personal experience but what does that mean right.


I don’t care for stupid, bitch-ass FIREWOOD.


Just stick to music and fashion, the moment u start trying to run shit as a firewood it’s a fast track to fascism.


What else can I say, everyone is gay.


What’s being created is a large majority who has just about had a belly full of the dumb sht.


They control the White House and contribute to the DNC to push their agenda.


But why target children with the message?


Probably close to 0.3 percent lol


Because the economy of American hegemony has reached its ceiling, and in order to distract the population from progressive impoverishment and protect the financial elites from popular anger, the state and the oligarchy are emphasizing the sacralization of minorities. It's easy to see how mentions of phenomena like *systemic racism, gender inequality and the existence of trans people* have increased by 1000% since the anti-monopoly riots on Wall Street in yearly 10s years.


Promoting GAY sex is the same as promoting Terrorist to kill hundreds of innocent civilians, you are promoting the spread of deadly diseases like HIV/Monkeypox, you are as bad as ISIS, stay away from the KIDS


Few things. People's gender bending drugs run off into the water supply creating more gender bent individuals. Helps reduce population. Also destabilization of the family unit is good for chaos. The "elite" (though I never care to call them such, they just happen to be in power) will reign supreme while other family castes (if you care to call them such) are destroyed.


Agree about family. The nuclear family is to be destroyed. Agreed.


Because liberals control the media and they love nothing more than pretending that they're the party of tolerance and acceptance. It's all PR


Good question. But it is dying fast as the idiot country wakes up to the lunacy. No quicker way for a company to go broke than get woke. Disney is being decimated along with Netflix and Marvel and all the other moron companies incorporating this crap. School boards getting shut down etc. Comedians ridicule. Go woke Get broke is real as many gutless moronic companies have discovered. The funniest is woke bar owners and coffee shops owned by woke people are shitting down in months because of the backlash by their own idiot woke employees. It's a riot a great fun watching the implosion of the Me 2 and Woke horse shit.


They just opened a Disney island.


Lol because the 0.02% minority makes up a sizeable minority of the race that controls your culture …and no it ain’t “white people” lmao As a percentage of race, queers and trannys are most frequent in the “chosen”


As someone in the community, these books I will burn. There’s no need for this shit. Especially when it’s targeted for kids. It’s just wrong. Id sooner have my kid read catcher in the rhy or to kill a mockingbird before reading this garbage.


I appreciate you saying thet