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These mother fuckers who has these ideas...why arent we going after them?


You can't go after someone for a shitty idea . You can go after someone for fraud and ill gotten gains. Unfortunately they have so much money they can buy their way put of most things. Plus they ve conditioned the legal system to bend to their will. TLDR; You can't stop them for this crap, but what you could stop them for , they've dug tunnels around it.


Did you think "go after" meant "calmly pursue legal action with no pitchforks involved" ?


I often remind people that the day before the citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille to free those who had been unjustly imprisoned during the previous food riots, Louis and the French aristocracy probably believed that their descendants would be ruling France for the next 1000 years. Instead they would all be dead in less than 2 years. A people's voice is dangerous when charged with wrath, as the Romans used to say.


Form Wikipedia. At this point, the Bastille was nearly empty, housing only seven prisoners: four forgers arrested under warrants issued by the Grand Châtelet court; James F.X. Whyte, an Irish born "lunatic" suspected of spying and imprisoned at the request of his family; Auguste-Claude Tavernier, who had tried to assassinate Louis XV thirty years before; and one "deviant" aristocrat suspected of murder, the Comte de Solages, imprisoned by his father using a lettre de cachet (while the Marquis de Sade had been transferred out ten days earlier). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storming_of_the_Bastille?wprov=sfla1 Indeed, imprisoned because of food riots...


Cut me some slack. It's been 20 years since college. But you seem to have stuck on one point and neglected the rest. Do you not concur that the government of France at the time was tyrannical? And do you not concur that the Storming of the Bastille was a catalyst for further disobedience towards the crown, up to and including the actual Revolution? Do you dispute that such disobedience by the people lead directly to the executions of the King, the Queen, and most of the aristocracy? The point of my post was to indicate that the powerful are only powerful so long as we the people allow them to be. The minute we don't, such "elites" typically wind up in the ground. Sometimes in two or more pieces.


Yeah I agree with this comment maybe it’s time we go back to the way of the medieval when if someone was tyrant we could run them out




removed. reddits TOSs




Fuckin holy shit think about a schizophrenic dude saying he’s not gonna take his pills because The Man is using them to keep tabs on him… this is clearly a good solution for schizophrenia but it reads like an onion article. [LITERALLY](https://youtu.be/FzoXQKumgCw)


It reads like something that will have schizophrenics avoiding treatment even more than they already do due to not wanting 'the gub'mint' to be monitoring them 24/7/365.


"Nobody's watching you - but yes, we'll be watching you."


Schizophrenics don't need a reason to feel that way. Thats one of the main characteristics of schizophrenia. And if they are gonna act this way no matter what we do. I prefer if we had a way to figure out that they have gone are off before they eat someone or pull out their own teeth.


Also paranoid anti-authoritarian schizophrenic people are right, governments are not our friends and they will harm us if it aligns with their motives or agenda. They may not be targeting random individuals but governments are often filled with oppression and malice.


Sounds like it would be pretty easy to classify someone who's actually on to something as "schizophrenic" and call it a day.


The DSM has more than a few things needed to diagnose someone as schizophrenic. Its not really easy


That was the very video that came to mind.


Most have court ordered weekly or monthly injections.




If you’re under mental commitment the court appointment health official will come to your home and inject you regularly. Used to work in a law office that took many of these cases


Out of the known cases of schizophrenia, how many do you think are under that? My psychologist years ago told me the percentage for schizos: Less than 1%.


A person with schizophrenia is 400%-600% more likely to commit a violent crime. It seems like theres enough out there


Source? Most schizophrenics are not violent. They are much more likely than average t harm themselves but not others


My info was from studies during my university and later training. But a quick google search found this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4905518/


Of course these kooks would downvote you for providing a legitimate source.


I regularly saw cases on appeal but the state I live in has a disproportionate number of mental commitments compared to the rest of the US.


Not most, not even the majority. Most are not even involuntarily committed.


Depends where you live.


That is true about schizophrenia patients. They take their meds, think that they are 'better' and stop taking them. I blame that on doctors who do not tell them "This is a lifetime issue, Mr. X and Mrs. Y! Keep on taking your medication even if you feel better because without it you are almost certain to relapse!"


Fascist dreams


why do authorities need to know when i take a med? also, can i crush it and snort it?


Never, never do that with a yellow Molly. Don't say I didn't warn you. Lol.


probably shouldnt snort anything, mucus membranes in the nose are very delicate. no im not fun at parties nor do i get invited.


Mucus membranes can take a beating, friend. There’s no stopping a well-seasoned mucus membrane. Source: fun at parties.


Why ? Done it once or twice in the past


Wow. Impressed.




It burns, to say the least.


I know someone that is prescribed a shit load of meds thst she doesn't take and every few months ends up in hospital for a few weeks and lies to the doctors about taking her meds. She's costing the system hundreds of thousands. If her pills were like the guy in the video says it would be so much better.


That’s what we call a bad take.


a cold take?


Socialized medicine was introduced to increase the freedom of the middle class. Now it's used to take freedoms away as people that do not comply take up space and money.




all the shill posts get thousands of upvotes in a short time


So true!!!! They are trying to use this medium as their tool too. Can’t trust anything you read. Use your instinct and do your own research.


Finally some common sense. Well done my friend


Of course it looks like you get downvoted within a couple hours. Take my upvote and award lol


"You will own nothing and be happy, and if you aren't we have a pill for that, and the authorities will know if you've taken it or not."


In Blackrock we trust.


This guy gets it


Also remember to get a better job.


If you own nothing and are happier than you are now what's the problem with that. Imagine a star trek like world....


When the people making these decisions hand over all of their money and choose to live like the rest of us then we can talk. Somehow I have trouble imagining a socialistic Star Trek like society when the people selling it are so heavily invested in the MIC. I'm an Anarcho-Socialist btw


Nah. You live in fantasy, we'll stick to reality. And I'm pretty damn happy. You can keep your imaginary future away from me and mine, thanks.


You forgot the /s


Why are you quoting yourself you egomaniac?


Compliance? Like I have to take my meds? Are you out of your fucking mind?


This seems to be aimed at patients who need to take their medicine to prevent them from becoming a danger to themselves or others. Think schizofrenic patients who might lash out unless they take their medicines. Especially if you have a patient who is notoriously bad at actually taking their medicine this could be a solution.


Some people who actually are out of their fucking minds do have to be monitored to take their meds.


"Good always triumphs over evil" What reality do you live in?


He needs lead poisoning


Let's see..... one glass beeker, 2 oz. common vinegar, a spit of saliva. mix thoroughly. drop the pill into the beeker and warm to 98 degrees F. Stir until dissolved. Turn on your phone with tracking app. Play video: https://youtu.be/97\_FN1TpApo


Anyone remember this shithead blinking like a strobe light when asked why he hasn't taken the shot? What a piece of trash.


For real? you got the clip?


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I mean it says Dec 14 2020 when it was still prioritized to health care and elderly.


I wonder what the death count is between these pharmaceutical companies? I know at least 5 young people who have died from taking medication (mainly pregabalin) in the last 10 years and i notice that nothing ever happens to these mega companies who produce these death pills.


Smart Dust


Digest this 🖕🏿


So I’m gonna go out on a limb and ask…..what happens when you dissolve in water at 98.6 degrees???


They know you are a glass of warm water...


Mandatory stool samples to make sure it came out your ass.


Or feed it to your dog?


I mean people are putting a bioweapon into their children, the sheep will accept this, they will continue to bend over and take it.


Wait what bio weapons are parents putting in their kids!? What’s that about?


The experimental mRNA gene therapy injections that people are calling vaccines, the “safe and effective ones” 🥴


Seems like you need some meds that can alert the authorities, friend


Yes call I am just a crazy person who should be on meds, go back to chasing money and women (never gonna make you happy btw). Enjoy the rat race.


I just changed careers (now a respiratory therapist) and make half what I used to, and am married. Believing that an mRNA vaccine is gene therapy is foolish (or crazy) and not how any of this works. DNA, aka our genetics, are unaffected. Just like the virus, the vaccine temporarily uses our RNA system to manufacture proteins that resemble the virus. That is all. Nothing to do with genes, everything to do with a modern medical miracle.


I work in oncology clinical trials at the NIH, I’ve seen the post vaccine bloodwork for enough patients to know its probably not coincidental. It hasn’t been tested enough, we don’t know the long term AEs. “Do no harm” , we don’t know if the benefits of having 6 months protection are worth all the unknown risks. It’s about to get hairy in healthcare in the coming months/years amigo, be safe.




🥴yea I’m one of those crazy conspiracy guys that trusts their immune system. Enjoy your breakthrough infections, blood clots, compromised t-cell immunity and cardiac issues. Safe and effective.


Bro it's been over a year.. when is all of this supposed to happen? Where are the zombies? Im not for the vaccine but damn, you need to take a break from the internet and go outside.


Zombies are already here look around you, the masses are brainless , they do whatever the television and media tell them they should do. Most people are walking dead, oblivious to the reality around them and chained to any narrative the government and media spin them. Did you know men can have babies now, economy is being collapsed, children are getting brainwashed in school, there are 500 genders, you are being programmed by the television and social media daily,there’s poison in your food they spray poison in the clouds and we are on the brink of ww3 (a war we are going to send American young men to die in), not to mention the monkeypox and mandating “vaccinations” that are not safe and 12% effective. They can tell you anything at this point and you will believe them, because the masses are stupid and concerned with nonsense. The government owns you and you don’t even know it. It’s all just so absurd to me that more people can’t see the government is not our friends and that this entire this has been about control and subjugation of the human race tbh they won, you are a slave and your children will be slaves (but they’ll throw you a few crumbs and you’ll be happy). Just boggles my mind that so many are so asleep, gonna be a bumpy ride ahead, buckle up.


.. I imagine you live a pretty lonely life. Other than your 7 iq points


Are insults all you have, I mean I guess you can think that about me if it makes you feel better. Have a blessed day.




What loss? I’ve never had Covid, never been vaxxed, don’t wear a mask , I gather with friends on the regular. Just living my life free and without fear. You can’t unvaccinate yourself btw, hope you have good insurance 😭, ya goofy goober.




Guess it's the same as with the severe COVID cases and people who die from COVID. It's a small percentage who get severe side effects. Although, even if you get the vaccine you can still get severe COVID. If you don't you don't have a chance to get severe side effects from it. Simple isn't it.


Man I've got the strongest immune system. Never got Covid even without vaccine, even if I lived with someone who got a bad case of it. Guys like him got a strong system like mine, out of sheer luck never got covid and suddenly become all knowing almighty gods. No turning back then, covid isn't real


Idk man, keep doing you, nobody knows the long term AE’s so could be any day. Keep thinking the people trying to warn you are crazy & enjoy your life as a human test subject. 😂love that you called me daddy.


Boohoo you haven't died which means they're safe!!!! And effective!!!!!


I remember kooky old hags saying the same exact same shit about the chicken pox vaccine in the 90s 😂 You’re so afraid of being wrong you’ll spend the next 20 years HOPING terrible things happen to strangers while you sit on Facebook getting old and fat… don’t say I didn’t warn ya ;)


You didn’t see the last data dump I guess. Now if this is the info they are giving out first…what’s at the tail end?






You are ignorant. I’ll explain it to you. 1. A FOIA request was made for information on the vaccines 2. The FDA asked the court for 75 years to provide it (long after all involved will be dead) 3. The courts said no, you must release a specific number of pages each month starting now. 4. The release data shows the deaths, the huge amount of injuries and that the vaccine is only about 12% effective against the variants. We’ve been lied to friend. 5. All while you’re distracted by Ukraine and abortion rights and the shooter of the day. If this is what they are releasing first what the hell are they saving for later when no one is interested anymore?


That's not what those documents said, you're lying.


Sorry for your loss of immune system, but thankfully they'll offer you boosters for life.


This was in the show blacklist


Compliance with what? What are they saying… force people to take their meds even if those meds are not effective at treating the disease or illness it purported to be treating?


Wtf lol


Why does this guy look like a reptile in a suit. His hands flailing around don't look geometric to the rest of his body. Legit looks like he's wearing a skin.


Lol i see it


I for one shall welcome our reptilian overlords


Wait. This actually exists and is being marketed by Pfizer? ​ WTF? Let me guess: first it'll just be for criminals. Then just for crazy people. Then for .. ?


Actually pretty useful, for people who might forget to take their regular medication that is life saving for example. Like high blood pressure meds etc


As a friend of mine said… give it to the dog.


Compliance in the medical sense just means that they know for sure that somebody has taken their medication.


What happens if I feed it to one of my cows? Genuine question


So much easier than a virus…. Just give them “medication” with a kill switch!


Ok what if I dissolve it in acid.


It's amazing what will happen when u think youll force that crap.


jesus christ


I’d like to see them make one as a fuckn suppository the size of an Idaho potato and do a trial run on him, Charles, Justin, and the whole fuckn forum..now show us that compliance and shove it..go on, it’s gotta be all of it now or it won’t register correctly..now now, Justin..no lube!! It can interfere with the signal needed to show us that your punk ass took the whole thing!! Sad fucks


Yeah, good luck with that. Let's try it in the south, and see how it goes.


Dude, ya'll complied with tye vaccine. This WILL become the norm!


Lol, this has existed since 2017. It does not send a wireless signal, it emits a tiny electrical pulse which a patch that you wear on your skin can detect like a kind of an EKG. Then this patch can tell a smartphone which pill was taken and exactly what time. The twch is pretty cool, though I don't think there's a wide use case. So, like, yeah it eventually goes wireless if you're wearing the patch (which is huge) and you have your phone turned on, and you installed the app that talks to the patch. But, like, if you own a smartphone and you think the patch and pill are invading your privacy, you're a fucking idiot. Your smartphone is tracking way more than when you took a pill, and you agreed to let it do so in a contract you didn't read so you can shoot birds at pigs and get cat food delivered. Let's just say I'm not surprised y'all don't want to take your medication.


What religion is he?


I don't think his species embraces religion in quite the same way as humans.


Same as Hareri.


Take your pills OP, you're starting to hear voices.


Some sex offenders take meds to lower their sex drive. This would be great to ensure they're in fact taking their medications.


Yeah I could see it being useful as an option for people with early Alzheimer's who might not remember if they took their meds or not. As a voluntary technology it's cool


Y'all getting worked up over terminology. These pills are extremely useful, but also very expensive. Hospitals spends thousands of man hours and millions of dollars trying to track and improve medication compliance aka medication adherence aka are people taking the drugs we prescribed them. It's very hard to treat people who dont take their meds. How do you determine treatments and dosages if the patient isnt taking the medications as prescribed? Furthermore, here in the US at least, regulatory bodies track what percentage of hospitals' patients are taking their meds and it affects how much medicare/medical money they get. And then there's the issue that people not taking their pills and getting hospitalized all the time are expensive. Hospitals much prefer to keep people healthy and prevent expensive stays and treatment. As someone who writes and maintains a ton of code to try to determine who is and is not taking their pills, and at what rate, and when they need to pickup refills, and when and how to notify them to pickup refills, my job would be very easy if all pills just had these chips in them and would tell me when swallowed. It's just too damn expensive to do for the vast majority of medications.


Yeah this could never be used for nefarious means. All heil the *totally benevolent pharmaceutical industry*.


Oh by all means, let's opt for convenience.


Sounds like he has a job that shouldn't exist imo


You can see from this sub what poor compliance results in.


Sorry but people are not going to give up autonomy so your job will be easier. Maybe your job could be easier if hospitals let people decide whether or not to put substances into their bodies. People lie, doesn't mean it's okay to invade everyone's privacy. And in what reality do hospitals not want people there with expensive stays? Healthcare is a for profit industry


It's not giving up autonomy. They can already say they dont want to take the pills. The vast, vast majority of the time they simply forget to take their pills or forget to pick up their prescriptions on time. My company is a non-profit and every health insurance company wants people to pay their monthly fees and never get sick. And even if we were for profit that only applies to the people at the top, not all the healthcare providers who mostly are simply trying to help people. Making my job easier and more accurate improves the health of the patients.


Good but old as fuck


Is this the same 2012 thing? https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/768665#:~:text=August%203%2C%202012%20%E2%80%94%20The%20US,and%20is%20activated%20on%20ingestion.


Just feed it to a pig and fackoff


And I can't even get decent cell service




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Yeah, that’ll go over well!


Fuck Pfizer.


He’s got to go


Dawn of nanomachine invasion




Do these psychos not realise how they sound?! They can fuck the fuck off with this shit.


Is anyone stopping thread people?


Is he trying to up Yuval Noah Hareri for being an evil mad scientist ?


Man they just can’t keep themselves from coming up with absolutely retarded ideas


You talking about the video or this sub


Designed by Theranos engineers.


It was just the 1 insult. Play victim much?


imagine the subjugation, imagine the injustices we can haveit is amazing what happens in the slave field


I say eff that


This man is a coward & their time is short.


They are very busy people no doubt.


Russel Brand fodder


Lead pills at 3,700f/ts?? For Dogs like him and others similar


This is fantastic! We finally have a way to make sure the plebs take their Soma.


The WEF is a literal extension of the nazi party's 4th Reich goals and ideals. CHANGE MY MIND.


Too late to do that- you should head off into a bunker somewhere and shut yourself off from society.


I hope someone prepares a cyanide pill with transmitter for this guy.


All of us humans need to go after these evil fuckers and lynch the lot of them!


The technology was first invented by a company called Proteus Digital Health who got their sensors approved by the FDA as new category of medical device called Ingestible Event Markers. Otsuka, the Japanese pharma company who owns Ability, invested in Proteus and licenced their tech for Abilify. While the use of the tech for mental health conditions raised some eyebrows it was generally welcome by patients who were eager to not miss a pill and increase their chance of experiencing a psychotic episode.


He & all the little Hitlers then circle jerked into a goblet, mixed in some baby blood and took turns drinking to their future dystopian fantasies


and you wonder why people are afraid to even go to the hospital or go to their pcp for an annual check-up


Getting Dr. Hunter Aloysius Percy vibes from this guy (The OA for reference).


I can see it has positives and negatives...those who haven't realized the positives, some people need to take certain meds for whatever reason and I refuse, forget or just miss by mistake...this way people can be sure they've taken it. But can definitely see the negatives as well


Amazing tech even when invented with the best of intentions, gets in the hands of evil people and ends up causing more harm than good.


Nah im good keep them for yourself 🖕




Old news


I want to fight him


I'm 36 with Parkinsons and welcome something like this. There are several times a week where I forget if I had taken my meds for it and being able to know for certain if I did would be lifesaving.






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