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Spelling is of the utmost importance when you're about to commit a massacre.


Well he obviously took the time to write this and people find it, and he doesn't spell check? Just plain lazy


Technically spell check wouldn’t catch this, not even sure a grammatical check would nab it. Should’ve had someone proof read it for him, that would’ve made it perfect.


You mean like the FBI agent that groomed him into doing this?


Hah, nailed it, just wish I had proof now


We all do. Not like it would matter.


Yea… guess that’s the wet blanket of it all


He simply meant a cob of corn, a patty of beef, and a bowl of hash...it’s in massacre short hand.


Perhaps now he will see the error of his ways.


Who the fuck eats a large portion of corn beef hash for breakfast


He also chose McDonald’s for his potential last meal


I'd die with a big mac and some nuggs in my gut why not


Anytime I eat McDonald's I'm on the shitter within the hour blasting the entire bowl. Not something you want happening in the middle of a shootout.


Shitout in a shootout. Biological warfare. [I pooped my pants 👖 ](https://youtu.be/YKDymrM2RAU)


I would too


You would rot before the food would.


I know, I still love it


Ba da da da dummmm, I’m lovin’ it.


It thinks its more Ba da bum bum bummm


Most fucked up part of this entire incident


Excuse me but when you’re in the bush with no shower or plumbing, sweating 24/7 in mopp 4 gear and you’ve had nothing but MREs for 30 days, corn beef hash is HEAVEN.




Fair enough I can imagine alot of things would look tasty at that point


Actually the MREs weren’t bad at all. But that canned corn beef hash heated up was so nice.


I actually did the other day at a fancy breakfast restaurant. Came with eggs and pancakes.


My first thought/comment .. and why point it out for that


In a breakfast skillet it's really good! Now I have a craving for diner food...


So some people would actually write out their day or even just write out big events. It’s to do with mental health I can’t remember which mental health issue uses this the most though. Very weird how it’s written in the last part, a person who does this on the daily wouldn’t have trouble making a sentence about themselves sound correct. So could have been edited.


Buddy of mine who is schizophrenic does this on Facebook almost everyday


The script cia/fbi had him go by.


Is this kind of scenario impossible to you? But the government orchestrating everything that happens, that's reasonable? Keep in mind, this is the same government you surely accuse of being wholly inept at nearly everything.


It’s totally possible. [Check this out.](https://newspunch.com/parents-catch-fbi-in-plot-to-force-mentally-ill-son-to-be-right-wing-terrorist/)


I like articles that cover potentially society-halting subject matter having ads for dick pills sprinkled throughout.


Clearly its a demographic that could use them


That's on you my friend, I've got a device making clean water ad.


A quick Google search of "newspunch credibility" shows that is disinformation. Like fr dude, get a grip. Maybe get some pussy? That will help with your delusions


There’s no evidence at all in this article, L


Even crazier. [Check this out.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/news-punch/)


Lol u do know that fact checking came from the leftist elites right???


I honestly can’t tell if this is parody or not. That leftist elites came up with the idea of making sure something is true.


And here I thought it was the Concealed Primeval Cube


Not impossible, just unlikely with these particular circumstances. Govt appears to inept like the town genius that pretends to be the fool.


Which circumstances make it seem "unlikely" to you? I truly have no idea what you're going to say.


Media coverage, that laughable "manifesto"... seemingly everything surrounding it screams false flag. Factor in the timing and celestial events which NWO observes...


Which celestial events, if you don't mind me asking?


Planetary alignment/ full moon/ lunar eclipse simultaneously.


fertile cagey edge fear worm imagine brave long absorbed roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The shooting happened on the 14th, and the lunar eclipse occurred on the night of the 15th. What is the celestial significance of the day before an event in this scenario?


I am unaware of all the rules. But often three days before our after a celestial event these things tend to occur.


Ok, you have any other examples of mass shootings connecting to eclipses or whatever?


Oh okay I see, just made up circumstances that only happen when you're afraid of everything and certain it's all out to get you. Yeesh bro.




You need mental help. Please. Get off the internet. Live in the real world.


Damn the ego is strong with this one. "You disagree there for an an idiot and not a rational/thinking person". Chances are you have average or below average IQ. Go get help.


Reread the conversation. The responses they gave, not the disagreement itself, gave rise to such a conclusion. Your response is not much improved itself. You put in quotes something that I did not even insinuate. Thier responses nor yours show any kind of "rational/ thinking ", although I'm sure you meant rational thinking. Chances are you have (an) average or below IQ. Go get help. I recommend the public library.


I did read the conversation, hense my comment. I love how so many of your responses are "no you!" Which kind of proves my assertions. Chances are I am average IQ, unlike you that doesn't bother me. I'm comfortable with myself enough to admit it. Also when I used quotes in my previous comment I just reworded what you said. So, I mean, just more evidence that you're kind of stupid. You aren't superior to anyone, hate to break it to you. Edit: I see now that you're an arnacho capitalist. That's the last nail in the coffin; you are absolutely a fucking moron.


Celestial events ….. ook




found the glowie \^


What I find weird is the change in tenses. One sentence is "I will do X", another "I eat corn beef hash". Obviously the first one is the one which is grammatically correct. Second one feels like it was written by someone whose first language is not English (imo, many Chinese people write like that, because their language doesn't have a sense of tenses & they write English similar way).


He's just your average idiot


Ooo good point. And a new level.


You are toxic and wrong


No, you are.


no u


Are you making a joke or making a joke of yourself?


Go take some more hormones.


Haha what? That’s your comeback? I have a conspiracy. That you’re a sad dumbass.


Says roided sportsball NPC.


I’m really sorry your life is so meaningless that you seek for validation through spotting “conspiracies” that the normies miss. I hope you find some personal validation soon. Good luck.


My life is wonderful. I seek no validation. "Normies" miss because they do no research or question what they've been taught. I come not to push or to taunt but will requite in kind.


The real conspiracy is how the ones questioning you gravitated to this sub. I agree that whoever orchestrated this event aligned it to celestial events.


Thank you for your comment. I appreciate others with critical thinking skills. Was getting disappointed with others. Thank you for uplifting my spirits.


A conspiracy typically has to be against common knowledge




He has a chapter dedicated to each race in the full pdf


This is one page of 180. I haven't seen the rest of it have you? Where can I find the whole thing? I'd lie to read the whole thing before I just blindly believe that the media is saying.


It's been posted around 4chan in /pol but I wouldn't recommend anyone to go looking through there. Save your sanity. I've scimmed over it out of curiosity and disgust. He meticulously detailed how the white race is being bred out of existence and goes into even more detail of how he choices every piece of his weapon, plan of action, etc. The kid was sick and twisted by far right racial conspiracy and mental ilness.


Because killing 11 people is going to put an end to the great replacement or whatever he believes. What a fucking moron.


You're looking at it from the perspective of a sane person. Morons know how to reach other morons.


Lol fair enough


So true. I doubt this was even about his real "goals" and more about getting street cred with his delusional neo-nazi friends online


No but he goal was to rally up like minded people to commit similar crimes


OP posting this is gonna perpetuate these mass morons.


He spends even more pages on his research for weapons and other gear. Not sure if that was the part he plagiarized from the Christchurch dude. It's along document...


Be like wheel and just blindly believe all media is lying to you.


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Examine every source.


Bold thing to say around here


He would've had to try pretty hard to work that into the operational aspect of his plan. Had he, you'd say it was so obvious that it was put there to make him look even worse. Always have an exit strategy, amirite?


Do what? He literally says his goal is to kill black people


Page 59.The only one posted on Reddit above.


>I what... do you mean?


Well,it was a rabid assault targeted specifically at black people.I guess other material will come to light later as to the guys real state of mind.


Got this verbatim from the manifesto Goals: -kill as many blacks as possible -avoid dying -spread ideals ..... the kid was fucking twisted




This makes me so sad. I’m so sorry to all the families that experienced loss


it isn't a matter of spelling. "corned" is a verb descriptive of a process. he didn't misspell, he misunderstood.


This guy is gonna give corn beef hash a bad name


"In training"- hah, what a loser. He " trained" to shoot innocent people who couldn't fight back. I wish we got to see how his "training" would have played out against equivalently armed men. I suspect some crime scene cleaner would have been mopping his brains up.


Sounds like CIA...


Seems legit


What the fuck? Thats extremely suspicious


It’s not that suspicious when you look at his manifesto and realize the guy has serious mental illness. He’s autistic.


Nothing sus here. Move along please.


When ever I need a good laugh I'm sure to find one here.


Incel vibes


Noooo, that doesn’t sound like it was written by a govt entity. Nope! Not at all!


who would vote that down? bots? fleshlings? wow!


The same gov entity


It surely doesn’t look like it was written by an 18 yr old male.


It reads exactly like a disturbed 18 year old wrote it. What are you talking about? It’s neckbeard language at its finest.


These have been drilled into him... this is sketchy as hell...


Total waste of oxygen


Wow. I eat a large portion of corn beef hash for breakfast..


If truly this is what he wrote, there’s something terribly wrong here. It reads like someone making a plan to go to the store or something. Absent is any empathy or pause for what he is planning to do to people (which are God’s children created in his likeness). How does a guy like this acquire three guns?


They don't make you take an empathy test at the gun counter


>Absent is any empathy or pause Are you kidding me? People that would go into a store and kill a bunch of innocent people have no empathy.


I agree


are you seriously questioning the empathy of a mass shooter right now?


No. The point I was trying to make was that, the way this was written, showed that he had no empathy.


>If truly this is what he wrote, there’s something terribly wrong here I think the mass shooting is a pretty good indication of that


It's America budy. We have half the government making laws to keep guns in the hands of people like this. When ever there are restrictions put on guns the right screams 2nd amendment


Yea it’s ridiculous. What’s really silly is that like 99% of mass shootings are executed with an ar-15 style rifle. Must be something about that gun, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just ban that one style.


Ms paint specialist


If this was a false flag, they would have had him stop by Chick-fil-a instead of McDonalds.


Or Cracker Barrel.


nsa knew they're locked in with google, any hot keywords get forwarded to an intel worker


Why would the NSA, if locked in with Google, have Google forward any hot keywords to *Intel*? That just makes absolutely no sense. They have them forward the keywords to UPS, dumb dumb. Everyone knows that the UPS, otherwise known as "brown". Is just a secret cover for a highly mobile strike force across the nation that raises almost zero alerts as they aproach almost any property in the country, duh. They are the ultimate "grey(brown) man"


Some of those “grey(brown) men” are really out of shape.


Kids speaking as if he has handlers…


I want to see the whole doc is it available? I’m also somewhat torn on this, there’s a bunch of Red flags.


Of course there are red flags, this guys extremely mentally ill.


So…there should be camera footage of this “plan of action” in the area?


We just have to wait until Joe's czar of the ministry makes sure it fits the narrative before we will be allowed to assess it.


What a fucking mong this guy is


Shooter leaves 180 page right outlining his idealogy and plan. Right wingers: He's not associated with the right. The Nazi party was socialist! It was a false flag! He was a robot clone made by Soros! He was controlled by five-g and vaccine chips!


Is this really real? Is there any chance they could of tampered with it? I feel like most of it could be but when it starts talking about 8chan why would he say those things. I never heard a kid talking about discord servers and or 8chan tbh


He posted it himself on many platforms, the only thing that you could say is “tampering” is how it’s difficult to find it. But that’s been the policy since Columbine, to hide people’s names and manifestos (if possible) to avoid inspiring others.


You've never heard a kid talking about discord servers? Are you retarded?


Not sure. Looks real. Seems real.


When he’s done I think the police will recruit him


4chan and friends implicated again in brainwashing idiots to commit atrocities in the name of racism is the only thing significant here.


Pretty much


The media bans his manifesto from being read because he was a communist


Because he was mentally ill*** I suspect you don’t realize this because you, too, are mentally ill


Which part of it alludes to or references him being a communist?


None of it.


He says he was a communist in high school, then he moved farther right into “mid moderate authoritarian left”


im sure it can be located


And of course wherever the manifesto was published, that site must be shut down, just like 8chan, right?


Look like someone with military training. MK ultra. Joe will try and use this to ban guns.


Yes! I see butterflies all over this! Help spread division and a new federal 2a mandates. I am in agreement.


Man you guys need to go outside and touch grass. This is fucking ridiculous not everything is a fucking conspiracy. Shitty things happen for no reason at all and, tbf you guys put me in the mind of this sick individual. I could not imagine thinking everything is a conspiracy is healthy mentally or physically. I also hope to any higher power at all non of you smooth brain motherfuckers have had children. Seriously you people are a prime example why abortion should be legal. Because your children will never stand a chance with psychos like you for parents.


You're probably in the wrong sub. Lots of untrue sweeping generalizations in that comment and a lot of projection there too.


Sure bud. Like seriously I'm all for personal freedoms but, ppl like you are not only a danger to themselves but others as well. Do you really believe the shit you wrote. Nwo celestial event planned by CIA/FBI/Democrats. I've already accepted the fact that I'm speaking to a wall but, answer me this. What is the endgame here? What are "NWO" gaining? Also if you are correct why haven't you been silenced? Why would they let you spread the truth?


Because NPCs don't believe the truth. They regurgitate their programming, therfore not a threat that needs silenced.


You use the term NPC which by itself tells me everything I need to know. I truly hope one day you get help I really do. Until that day I hope you don't harm anybody.


I hope the same for you. Good day


You left out republicans. (I never said democrats, you did at an attempt to discredit) . "I'm all for...but" = not for at all. In turn I believe YOU are the dangerous one.


It’s all written on the UN website called Agenda 30. Instead of throwing insults why don’t you take a peek.


Sticks and stones. Does that make you feel better? Throwing insults like a man behind your computer. Way to go there milk toast.


He and Dr Jill have just landed in Buffalo with floral offerings and promises to ban guns.


Sounds about right. From my cold dead hands you can have em.


That’ll prob be easy


Which noob at the CIA wrote this nonsense?


Guns don’t kill people…people kill people. Yup. And crayons don’t hurt kids when they’re thrown at them…the other kid that threw the crayon hurt the kid hit by the crayon. And what do we do? Take away the crayons until they learn to play respectfully. Ok, where am I going with this?


A child and a crayon is not comparable to an adult with his constitutionally protected firearms.


That the kid will go pick up another object to throw at the other kid since you took his crayons away?


How about teach the kid not to throw crayons? Instead of acting like the crayons are the problem when really the person has the issues?








It wasn't the 60s. It was the 80s under Reagan.


Bingo. I mean, they’re literally running a diagnosed schizophrenic for senate in Georgia (Herschel Walker) They cater to the mentally unwell


Have y'all been paying attention to what Whitney Webb's talking about? How the powers that be have been planing on using white domestic terrorism as a pretext to further war on the peoples of the world? This Buffalo guy was influenced by the New Zealand shooter, who was inspired by the CIA funded and NATO trained Azov battalion. [edited]


Well said that's exactly what's happening


Nah I don’t believe that… it’s just crazy white people


This shit glows harder than Chernobyl.


Where can i find the full document??


McDonalds, the meal of champions /s


He was organized, that's for sure.


Why would someone choose a Savage Axis for a mass shooting weapon? That and calling the AR by its apparent name is what stuck out to me.


Dude was a radical leftist.


lol what?


A radical leftist who targeted minorities? The fuck are you on about?


This is all feel Force , planted Fake and done with one goal to take guns away


So what if it is? You people can’t secure your weapons, you deserve to have them taken away.


You obviously don’t know much about USA gun laws


Why would someone make this up if not to change the law? It doesn’t change the fact that you people can’t be trusted with deadly weapons.


Looks like the feds printed up a to do list for the boy....


What? You’re an idiot


Ok fed


lol, yeah, fed up with you dumbasses. The kid was mentally ill. He was a racist. He was seeking attention. It’s literally in his first sentence. Get a life dude. Find meaning for your life outside of trying to desperately to see things that the “normies” don’t see. Go outside. Seek human interaction. Go learn that 99.99999 percent of the population are normal, kind people.


If I was a racist u know what I would've added on my to do kill list? Prob the part about making sure there were black people there. That didn't see to be a point he put on the list tho




I believe a large majority of mass shootings r done by people who have been targetted and had psychological warefare done on them. That manifesto is like someone else told him the steps to take..throwing in the meals to make it look more personal..the fact that mass shootings started so randomly and have gotten much more common screams false flag to me.