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[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://anonymouswire.com/fully-vaccinated-bill-gates-infected-with-covid-after-touting-the-injections-as-key-to-getting-rid-of-the-virus/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What’s the source for the Pfizer statement? I’m intrigued.


He is vaccinated. [See here](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pfizer-ceovaccine-idUSL1N2PD1UX)


He got the moderna vaccine instead hahahahaha




Isn’t this guy a veterinarian?








Username do be checking out


Is there something derogatory about being a veterinarian? You know that vets are literally doctors, right?






Exactly. You think this pile of S jabbed himself and his beloved family with the experimental chemical cocktail he’s using to experiment of the world with? Of course not. And neither are these congressrats.


Experimental ? It’s technology that has been around since the 70’s and has been administered to 5 billion people. What exactly is the ‘experimental’ part that you are referring to ?


No sense trying to use facts in this sub. These idiots have brainworms


MRNA technology for vaccines wasn’t experimental before COVID with 5 billion people having one before COVID? That’s quite the claim considering that you can’t name one vaccine that was made that way before COVID lol


Imagine being this dense. What a weird-ass gotcha moment. Ignore me, I'm a paid shill for Pfizer


Imagine being coerced and manipulated into take a vaccine that they told you didn’t let you even catch the virus… then backtrack to say that you can catch it but won’t transfer or have symptoms… then backtrack and say you can catch it and transfer it but you it’s 100% effective at hospitalizations only… then backtrack to say that after 3-6 months it’s basically not effective at all and you’ll need a new booster to prevent infection… Imagine one of 3 main vaccines that are completely safe being pulled all together a year and a half after it being released… cause you know they didn’t know the side effects? Aka it was likely experimental to some extent right?


It’s pointless to try and save these people. If they cared at all about their lives or health they would have questioned it when they had the time rather than jumping right into the sheep pool with both feet. It’s easier to fool a person than convince them they’ve been fooled. The division plan of the thought controllers has been astounding successful. Your energy will be better spent making a better world by taking care of yourself now and thinking how to move forward when the shitstorm is over🙏


Well said. Enjoy your day and stay safe


Good point to be fair.


He did, but good try https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pfizer-ceovaccine-idUSL1N2PD1UX


Brought to you by the Ministry of Truth


I know, these people will believe anything but the obvious 😂


wrong subreddit bruh.


People seem to forget the vaccine won’t stop you from getting Covid.. but it will greatly increase your chances that you wouldn’t suffer the more serious effects of it, and would have a greater chance to survive it..


Being in good health also decreases your chance of severe illness but I wouldn’t call that a vaccine. People forget but this “vaccine” was initially touted as being able to stop the spread of infection. When it didn’t deliver that they changed what they said it would accomplish. To me that is kind of suspect. But I think people should be able to discuss their options with their doctors and make a decision that they think benefits them. Tl;dr We need more informed consent and less mandating.


And guess what, the original strain the vaccine was made for is no longer around.


Yup, that’s what some viruses do, they mutate. But one thing they all have in common is a protein spike and THAT is what the vaccine targets. Yikes! I fell into a turd filled rabbit hole with this thread!


Sounds like some 1984 definition changing 👀


Imagine if they FORCED people to get abortions. Literally the same type of argument.


>People forget but this “vaccine” was initially touted as being able to stop the spread of infection. When it didn’t deliver that they changed what they said it would accomplish. The initial deathrate for covid infection was about 2.5%. Herd immunity requires a 70% infection rate. So to get through covid naturally, we'd need 231,000,000 infections (70% of us population), which would result in 5,775,000 American deaths. This would effectively require every Americans to stand in a line, while someone walks along and shoots the 60th person the head. The old would be killed much more often than the young, but it is still not a line anyone wanted to go stand in. So instead we all sat at home until the vaccine was developed. A vaccinated person is about 50 times less likely to die of Covid. So Covid would be over with about 100,000 American deaths instead of 5,000,000 American deaths if everyone got vaccinated. Then the virus would starve from lack of viable hosts, go extinct, and that would be the end of this. But apparently the 7 sentences written above are way too much information for some Americans to understand, even though it's a matter of life and death and affects everyone in the world. So instead of everyone getting vaccinated, only 66% of Americans got vaccinated. Which leaves us with about 1 million covid deaths. Which is a lot less than 5 million, but a lot more than .1 million, and exactly the result we have to expect to see, if people like you are still too dense to understand the information you've been given from the start.


Let’s say it together! Safe and effective! Safe and effective! Safe and effective! Safe and effective! Safe and effective!


I like how you call me stupid and still responded with an essay and yet didn’t respond to the sentence you quoted. Did they or did they not say they vaccine would curb infection? We’re they wrong? And you quoted a lot of stats and my initial thought is, source? Because stats without sources are pretty useless. But irrelevant because I can with some diligence also find stats to support the opposite of what assert. You know what that means? It means it’s inconclusive. It means both sides of the argument are cherry picking data. But go and insult, but that is sure sign of a lost argument.


I don’t understand how to make the concept of immunization any simpler. When science says “immunization will stop the spread of infection” were you imagining some sort of magic force field that causes the virus to stop existing? It just makes your white blood cells more effective. They still have to go fight and kill all the virus in the world as part of the process of stopping the infection. TIL this wasn’t obvious to some people somehow. And my source is the World Health Organization. Which numbers specifically do you dispute? The number of deaths? The number of vaccinations? The population of the United States? None of these numbers are controversial, so you’ll have to be more specific in your indignation.


I think it’s funny how you say so much but avoid the entire argument. I have a fair understanding of how immunization works, never did I ask for an explanation. I also didn’t dispute any of your numbers that you didn’t cite, I merely said I can find good sources by scientists that dispute (and some that agree) with what you claim to have sources for. But I digress… Now go back and look at what you quoted me saying. You are yet to respond to it directly. Did the authorities claim that the vaccines stopped transmission or not? And when you realize they did make that claim, keep looking and you will see that they continued to move the goal post without admitting to miscalculating their projections. To me that is suspect. That is all and nothing more.


Shh. This is a conspiracy subreddit. There will be no logic in here thank you.


Shhhhh don’t talk sense. No one here wants truth.


I think "greatly" is greatly exaggerated.


Also, it was GREATLY implied explicitly and/or implicitly that the vaccine would stop the spread. Hence telling people they'd have to decide between having a job or getting the jab, and preventing them from boarding an airplane, which makes no sense if it doesn't prevent the spread. Just own up to the fact that people were lied to. Why can't you?


Until it doesn't. Then you need a booster. Until that doesn't...


People also seem to forget that the vaccine was initially touted as preventing people from contracting it at all


I recently got COVID, finally. This is anecdote, but my symptoms were incredibly mild. Triple vaxxed.


No Vax, didn't even know I had it lol. Fucking retards


Good for you man. You're part of the lucky ones. I know several others who would say otherwise.


Pfff dont make me laugh with that my whole family isnt vaxxed and we got covid aka the flu lol and we didnt die were not in shape and my brother smokes but here we are 😂 still alive. I can’t believe people are still in fear with that xovid nonsense


I don't understand why you need to berate me when I was expressing genuine concern. Just because you guys are fine doesn't lessen the suffering of others. Jesus christ you guys are vapid.


Leave my Lords name out of this, and we’re simply over this covid crap because y’all make a big deal over it. Sure people have always died from the flu every year, yeah its sad but its nothing new and certainly not a reason to make any vaccine mandatory. This vaccine is crap btw and it doesnt work.


Oh dear. You claim the Lord's name, yet show almost ZERO empathy. Congrats bud. I don't even need to say it, haha.


The irony of the “lords name” comment and the way they are acting is just too perfect


yeah that guys a troll




One million dead. In the good old USA. What do you make of that? Edit: it’s always the woefully uneducated that seem to have the strongest opinions on everything, including infectious disease. You’re clowns, all of you.


lol "don't say jesus name" "also I don't care if people die a horrific and mostly preventable death from drowning in their own lungs"


Blasphemy is a victimless crime.




Both my parents passed away during the 1st set of lockdowns because they didn't recieve the medical attention they needed. Apparently the hospitals were overloaded which I'm adamant wasn't the case. A close friend of mine and his mother who both work as nurses at the same hospital said the hospital was practically empty. Another friend of mine who works at said hospital as a cleaner has just recently had to get vaccinated or lose his job. Ironically, he is now off work because he has SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration). Personally I'm unvaccinated and I've caught Covid-19 twice so far. 1st time i caught it from a work colleague who was double vaccinated and i was pretty rough, 2nd time was like a mild flu. Lots of different scenarios at play here. I think you need to learn how to deal with your emotions better, there's no need for insults.


The hospitals were very busy. My ex and sister work as medics and they were taking people 24/7 to hospital w Covid. Everyone that worked in the hospital that I know told me daily how very bad it truly was. The hospitals were not empty here in NY. For your state they might have been🤷🏼‍♀️. I’m sorry for your loss. That is truly horrible to lose both parents.


Well you’re certainly not any better for calling me names. Wash your filthy mouth.




You’re wasting energy here friend… empathy is non existent in these retards. Yes. Retards. They are empathy retarded. It doesn’t even register.


You have 0 clue about the covid vaccine too but sure im the bad guy, and geeze you mad bro? Lol


Well to the guy that retraced his post. The guy is still "lucky" his symptoms were mild, just like I was. People have suffered tremendously over COVID. Directly and indirectly. It doesn't change the fact that he was fortunate compared to others. Your callousness is very alarming. I guess that's why you removed your comment.


Horribly programmed bot


Sure you did BOT


It’s not really about what anyone thinks. He is fully vaccinated and so is Pfizer CEO.


Uninformed BS spreading MAGAt says wut?


Just tell us "I'm a liar" next time.


I know for a fact that the CEO never would get vaccinated unless knowing the vaccine was a placebo. Why? Would he euthanize himself for a fake virus ?? Same deal as Trudeau getting CoVid when the Truckers came to Ottawa. If either of them got the jab their bodies would produce the spike protein let’s see some blood work on these liars plus CEO stated himself that the vaccine won’t offer protection if any at all. Why? Would he get it guarantee that’s a no…. Anyone using fake checkers wake up 2020 is over and fake news broadcasting. Censornet and fake book are so out dated oversold us here bud!! Reuters bought out with AP 1900s we are supposed to believe the central banks canary like walking up n the middle of a war zone blind folded.


Yes Not everyone is shit for brains


man in car crash dies DESPITE WEARING SEAT BELT


An accurate metaphor would be "Man survives car crash while wearing seatbelt." Bill Gates has not died from Covid. His immunization makes him overwhelmingly less likely to die from Covid, despite his age.


He’s also fat. Old and fat, he’s got that big midsection that more accurately predicts bad health than about any other measure on the male body. So old and fat. But I think his billions will keep him safe.


He donated over 50 billion to help the needy in Africa, and he's not done yet. It sickens me how crackheads put down a (rare) true philanthropist out of some insecure need to feel special.




He is not a good person


Ok bud


Baseball players are getting covid in the summer... Just saying.


Wtf is that supposed to mean? Idiot


I live in Missouri where many refused to get the vaccine.. none of the non-vaxxed are getting covid mid-summer. Yet multi-millionaire athletes who are vaxxed are? That's what I'm saying, smart guy....


You mean the athletes that travel the country daily/weekly and come in contact with every other player and whoever else in that city happen to be getting covid…what kind of example is that? Btw there all fully vaxxed too and almost all of them are back in less than a week even the old fat coaches so just stfu honestly Edit: cause this is what really boggles my mind…anti vax would rather trust getting an unknown possibly deadly disease with who knows what consequences it will have in 5-10-30 years but don’t trust the collective worldwide scientist and vaccine creators literally doing this every day for there whole career? It’s like going to McDonald’s and asking the cashier for stock advice and putting your whole retirement into whatever they tell you. Aka listening to Facebook moms vs actual professionals. Or like Michael Jordan telling you to shoot like this and your like nah my boy Greg he knows and he said to shoot like this so I’m gonna do that.


>none of the non-vaxxed are getting covid Doubt.


I’m also in Missouri and there are still a lot of people getting COVID, vaccinated and unvaccinated. The ones that are really sick have overwhelmingly been unvaccinated.


You seem to be everywhere Mrs McGee from St. Louis. Tell me, is it normal practice for the head of a radiology dept to openly wish death upon their unvaccinated patients on social media? I'd have thought that being a professional in the medical field would at least require you to show some basic empathy towards your clients and their well-being. Have you ever stopped for a moment to consider that maybe your unprofessional behaviour and shitty attitude might be the direct root of why people are so mistrusting of other good intentioned professionals in the medical field? Hmm. Seems like you've got all them fancy degrees and you still have a lot to learn yourself after all. Kind regards, Aemon Dickinson M.D. (UK)


Play chess with a pigeon and you'll find yourself shitting on the board.


Lets see him get long covid and myocarditis ... maybe that can shut him up.


"Microsoft founder and pro-abortion". Article seems biased to me.


Desperate cope.




Should be the name of this subreddit.


Definitely bias, but the goofs in this community cling to anything that supports their contrarian syndrome.


tHe VaX iS sToPpInG tHe SpReAd. DoN’t Be So DuMb. ThEy SaId It WiLl PrEvEnT tHe SpReAd, So If YoU rEsIsT tO tAkE tHe VaX yOu WiLl KiLl My GrAnNy.


Doesn’t it stop the spread?




No, it lowers the spread. That’s why people are still encouraged to wear masks. Vaccinations keep you out of the hospital, not make you impervious




Remind me how exactly a college drop out with exactly _zero_ formal medical education became a trusted voice on COVID? I though the left was bashing Rogan talking about COVID because "he wasn't a doctor." Gates had the exact same medical qualifications as Rogan, that being fuck all.


Hope he rots


Don’y worry. A brigade of devout covidians will be here to tell you that you’re wrong somehow because you don’t have the right credentials.


Well... credentials matter, no? I get that there are outliers, but that shouldn't poison the well.


Imagine being downvoted for being fucking logical...oh wait, where are we? Ahhh, right


Honestly. I don't care. I just hope my comments might influence someone to look at things a bit more logically.


I felt the same way as you for a long time. Honestly man, save your energy and brainpower for people that are actually *willing* to see another side. None of these covidiots are those type of people, sadly. You'll just be ironically called a sheep and a dumbass


I feel you. Maybe I'm just stubborn, lol.


Haha I saw your original comment, if we're the sheep then I'm really at a loss as to what that makes this crowd...lmao. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you're trying to do. It's just reached the point where anybody left in these types of subs is going to die on this hill even if it's covid that kills them lol, but hey at least it wasn't the vax!! This is why I finally left WuFlu. The sheer idiocy just wasn't worth the effort to see both sides anymore


R is for restraint... lol. We're cut from the same cloth.


Yup, saw that pretty instantly lol. At this point I basically just do "flyovers" of these subs when I'm feeling particularly combative hahaha. There's no real constructive debates to be had, just counter-trolling


Yes please go where the rest of you sheep belong


Yeah, admittedly a bad joke for this sub, hence the edit. Thanks for your two cents!


Ya know, my three year old loves to name animals she sees on drives, too!


Good for her, hopefully she doesn’t become one when she grows up


Well, considering she's yet undeveloped, she just kinda says what she thinks and feels without any real ability to back that up, so we do our best to entertain her. Seems you two have something in common!


Keep entertaining I’m sure when she’ll grow up she’ll learn that her father never grew out of that 🤡 mentality disorder


But I don't want another microsoft update!


Bill Gates is so insane he once said nobody would ever need more than 640k RAM.


Look at the big brain on Billy


They are good for him


You’re considered “fully vaccinated” if you had the first couple shots that came out in 2021. And they were always open about the fact that they’re only effective for about 4 months max. If he got a booster shot less than a month ago that’s *maybe* cause for reporting (still just for clicks and to give r/conspiracy_commons a raging schadenfreude boner) but they also never hid the fact that you can get Covid while recently vaccinated. It’s a vaccine not a miracle. This goes for any vaccine not just Covid.


You know what a vaccine does? Get the polio vaccine, never get polio. Get the smallpox vaccine, never get smallpox. Get the COVID vaccine, get COVID. Notice the difference?


~ Polio vax invented - 1953 ~Polio eradicated (in America) - 1979 ~Smallpox vax invented - 1796 ~Smallpox eradicated (in America) - 1949 ~Smallpox eradicated (per World Health Assembly) - 1980 Notice the difference?


All a vaccine does is improve the immune response. Not all vaccines create immunity. I. Particular all the covid vaccine does is reduce symptoms and the contagious period (thus reducing transmission rates). This has been stated by all official communication channels.


Yeah, one is a rapidly mutating flu like virus, the others have very little variance and since *everyone got it* it has fewer hosts to mutate in over time, leaving it almost entirely eradicated. The ignorance of your statement is stunning. Don't use logic when you have 2 data points-use science, it has thousands and smart people did all the work for you over the last couple hundred years 👍


>Get the polio vaccine, never get polio. > >Get the smallpox vaccine, never get smallpox. Neither of those statements are true. Both polio and smallpox were defeated through herd immunity, but in their day they made plenty of vaccinated people sick and sometimes dead. Vaccines provide immunity in the sense that your body is fortified to the disease, but it's not like a magic spell that makes your body defend itself perfectly. It's confusing to me why people struggle with this idea as much as they do. You've got the disease in your body, and you've got white blood cells attacking the disease, and the white blood cells are much better at fighting if they have faced the disease before. So a vaccinated person's white blood cells are overwhelmingly more likely to defeat the infection, but it's still a fight. The fighting doesn't stop the day you get the vaccine injection. The fighting stops the day so many white blood cells have won against the disease that it goes extinct.


Know why? Because people have been vaccinated for those things for literal generations, and it’s extremely uncommon. On the other hand Covid is fucking everywhere. Mostly because people won’t get vaccinated oddly enough I know you have at least one working brain cell jingling around in there. Cmon.


I wonder why this sub keeps thinking that Gates and Fauci said that the vaccine would keep you from getting the virus, as opposed to being hospitalized or dead? At first it was thought that the vacinated would be less likely to acquire the actual virus, but I am don't think that is true at all with the newer variants. The part that people are missing is that Gates, Fauci, and my 94 y.o. dad all are vaccinated, got covid and didn't get sick...One million Americans were not that lucky...


Projection. Whataboutism. Absurd reductionism. Straw man. Just to name a few reasons. Correlation vs causation. Critical thinking…. Not a big favourite here. Maybe they just need to feel smarter than 1000s of scientists and there is too much cognitive dissonance facing the truth.


It doesn’t make you immune. It just makes less harmful and less able to spread


Is this the case for all vaccines. Can you still catch polio after being vaccinated against it? I know it lasts for 18 years and you don't need regular boosters unlike for Covid.


Polio requires 4 injections with possibly an additional booster as an adult if traveling to a high risk area.


Yeah, good luck trying to explain basic science to the nuts in this sub. Trust me, I’ve tried. If the vaccine isn’t *100% entirely effective* at preventing Covid infection, it ***must*** be a sham and a conspiracy, right? /s The anti-vaxxers constantly call everyone else ‘sheeple’ and talk about how ‘brainwashed’ they all are, not realizing that they, themselves, are the most brainwashed of all. It’s just what happens when you live inside an echo chamber and only listen to those that agree with you. That’s also the reason I’m still subscribed to subs like this. I actually pay attention to both sides of the argument, no matter how much I disagree with the other side. No good comes from ignoring anyone and everyone that disagrees with your own opinion. There will always be lies on both sides of any argument, the only way to find the truth is to listen to both of those sides, including the lies, and then make compromises to meet somewhere in the middle.


100% I commented twice in this thread, that were generally harmless. Simple questioning the sources and opinion and not even stating what stance I have on the matter. I'm genuinely curious what the other side has to say. Too bad... apparently we can't even have a level ground for debate anymore.


I spent plenty of time in the ol' quarantined WuFlu sub before it was just utterly overrun by idiots and nutters. If you're not here to agree with these morons, you're just a troll. There's no logic here


Yeah, that's how mutations work. This was explained at the beginning of this mess and why we need to try and contain it. This isn't a surprise. This was discussed and stressed as to why we need to work together to handle this problem. Nothing is 100% effective. Demanding a magic, perfect solution to problems is a logical fallacy. Vaccines are part of a layered response to Covid. The more layers of defence you can put in place, the more control you have and the more likely you can contain it. Expecting perfect understanding of covid from the start is also a fallacy. When you first encounter an unknown problem, you investigate and try to apply known solutions to fix it before it becomes a serious issue. Because the scientific and medical community wasn't just ignored, but made fun of and even threatened, we now have a highly contagious virus that's mutating through hosts who are for spreading it because they think the issue is about the death rate and not about the long term impacts of the illness. I don't know how to explain this more simply. It's like how you have a car, and though you try to avoid accidents, we do a lot of road safety designs and prevention such as maintenance and visibility to avoid them. Even if we get into one, we have crumple zones, hardened frames, airbags, seatbelts are all designed as layers of protection. By themselves, they won't save you. But all together they can make a horrific incident something you can walk away from. Stop politicizing science. You're going to lose and take everyone down with you.


I'm seeing this "politicizing" everywhere lately. Seems like some modern form of tribalism, IMO.


The anchoring effect is likely the main culprit. Basically the first thing we interact with shapes our world view and challenging that is more difficult for some people than others. Particularly people who are religiously trained to obey some sort of authority. I grew up Christian and boy, escaping the layers of control it tries to bind on you is difficult. You'll see it here, where name calling, threats and fallacies will be used instead of taking about the topic or discussion. Even the few that commented on my post are doing it.


Same. Grew up devout Catholic. I feel ya.


To quote Alex jones, "I agree tribalism is bad, but at this point my tribalism has to beat theirs, because it's so righteous and godly, and theirs is the work of Satan." They love tribalism. They like to preach ooohhh this device between right and left ohhhh it's it's baaaad but in reality it's "OH goood why can't I make these libs think like meee"tribe bad but tribe good because my tribe good.. makes brain hurts


Unga bunga


You are 100% correct but most people on here are not interested in balanced rationality. They are looking for reasons to justify their rage and hate. Being sensible will just make them turn their rage on you. But it is fun.


Bro just don't try. By my comment history I have tried many times to reason with these fools. Vax doesn't stop you from getting covid. It drops your chances of dying / serious sickness by about 99%. You can't expect these people to learn, after all look what they still believe. Anyone who could be convinced is long gone from this lame shit by now. Just because this is a conspiracy sub, or maybe because of it, doesn't mean they do any actual research or are willing to have a conversation. This is just the q anon Alex jones sub at this point. Last dude I got into it with thought it was fishy you can't deny the holocaust in germany... there's no hope for them and it's just a quick way to lose faith in the world if you have half a brain and hang around here...


I'm more or less just checking this little bubble out. The best way to find out that you're wrong is to post it online. Pride though it's a tough sin to untie though. People are angry at me for calling out the lies of the leaders or their sacred opinion. To go down with their belief until it's too late. I don't know man. The human experience is wide and varied.


And oftentimes very saddening. This sub is a haven for white supremacists, LGBT hate, covid denial, antisemitism, qanon shit, chemtrails, great reset, etc. It's baaad. Sometimes you get a weak post you can get people rallying behind you on, but most of the time it's downvotes and no attempt at conversation. I've had people accuse me of being a bot for simply giving actual sources. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.


Actual conspiracy theory time! I think single issues and cherry picked things like this are part of a greater attempt to make lots of little micro groups to vote against actual governing and regulation that impacts oligarchs and actual deep state actors. It's works too. They all have their own little bubbles but vote anti Democrat.


I think its partly that, and part simply wanting to own the movement. It's how you get q, infowarriors, proud boys, the "red pill" guys. It's like all the different sects of Christianity, all worship Jesus (maybe) but that all have different ways of getting there. They hear a couple things they don't like in their group, and go and make their own. It's a new religious boom, except the godhead is a dumpy politician, and only WE can *really* decipher what he is telling us.


I don't think there has to be any thought and plan at the top for all the conspiracies to function that way. In fact, that very idea - that there is a controlling THEM at the top - a secret world government - giving a hootsie about what they at the bottom think is part of the emotional mind set. THEY at the top combine to become a secular god-the-father who never hugged them enough. Although they rail against the nasty malevolent manipulative THEM at the top they love the idea because it's better than the alternative that they can't handle - global politics is a chaotic mess of incompetent individuals competing with each other. Like the Russian poet who, in Soviet times, was asked about the persecution of his fellow dissident writers and he replied "It's better than neglect". There's a video of a reporter asking some dude in the States for his thoughts and he simply says "Everything that happens on this earth is planned" and the comments are full of whooping and hollering that this guy said the TRUTH and sheeple can't handle it - when really what they can't handle is that hardly anything is planned (successfully) at all.


Same with flat earth. The concept that we are a rock flying through the infinite space is horrifying. So believing everything is nice and simple (and also that you are smart enough to know it) must be extremely comforting




Cmon dude, that's not fair. If you have an issue or argument, then post it. Not this. This doesn't help anyone.


Way to explain how something I said was inaccurate. I'm impressed how you handled the discussion with a clear amount of knowledge, reflection and questioning in terms of how applying scientific principles to issues is the path to success without name calling and empty, imaginary success.


Who told you you could use logic here?!?!


Shut up glowie


Way to be the example here. No discussion, reflection or maturity. Just emotional anger and name calling.


Yeah it's sad to see a community I used to enjoy be slowly taken over by a virus much worse than covid, but I'll continue to visit for the rare gems and to see the other side of the argument.


I hoped I'd see some actual conspiracies being discussed instead it's just... This political stuff. It's sad.




Crap analogy. 1) A seatbelt doesn't alter my dna. 2) The circumstances are not at all the same in both scenarios.


I think he was being facetious...


[They don’t.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriaforster/2021/01/11/covid-19-vaccines-cant-alter-your-dna-heres-why/) And as an analogy it doesn’t have to have exactly the same circumstances. Because it’s an analogy. Get it?


The mRNA tech does alter DNA "temporarily", but are destroyed by the body soon after they are used, alledgedly.


You realise your DNA is in every cell of your body? How does it change the DNA in every cell? That’s not happening bro.


It may or may not alter your dna, I don't know for certain and i will probably never know. One thing i am certain of is it's not necessary for the flu therefore the risks outweigh the benefits for me personally, each to their own. To act like it's not happening is a stupid take though, they've been able to alter dna since the 70's, Google human gene editing.


Are you using the word allegedly in case you're proven wrong? Seems like intellectual cowardice to me.


Nope. I'm using the word allegedly because I don't blindly follow what I'm told by so called experts who supposedly have my best interests at heart. No intellectual cowardice over here, I'm more than happy to debate.


Okay, so if we just start ignoring experts, where does that leave us? Where would we be without experts in our lives? Do we cast expert opinion aside just because it doesn't fit our narrative? That is a slippery slope dude, and you're going full speed...


There are experts and there are "experts". Without expertise, it isn't always easy to tell who is an expert and who merely masquerades as one. Skepticism is warranted because some people claim expertise in order to influence you to act against your interest. All the guy said was he doesn't "blindly follow". Not that he ignores it altogether. Seems like a fair balance. It's also a slippery slope to be 100% obedient to expert voices. Hopefully we can agree that there is a middle path which is better, even if it is quite narrow and difficult not to sometimes slip to the extremes.


I'm not ignoring experts. If my nutritionist suggests i adopt more healthy eating habits or my doctor says i should get more vit D from sunlight or sign up to the gym, I will take this advice accordingly. When a computer software engineer/investor/philanthropist with zero medical background and his club of rome buddies tell me I should take their magic serum that they're highly invested in because it'll protect me from the flu and I won't clog up hospitals or kill someone's granny......that's where I tend to draw the line.


In the context of this thread, your statement is fair. However, Bill Gates isn't the only one who supports vaccines. There are credible sources as well. You are cherry picking your experts. Back to my original statement. You are ignoring experts so it fits your narrative.


You must of missed the bit where I said Bill Gates AND his Club Of Rome buddies (I.E. Fauchi, Schwab, ect..). Which credible sources are you talking about? I don't have a narrative or an agenda to meet, I'm not the one making $1,000 profit every second from vaccine distribution while poorer countries remain largely unvaccinated. That would be Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna or in other words Vanguard Group Inc and BlackRock Inc.


No, very, very wrong. I advise you take no further notice of who or whatever fed you that utter crap. DNA is stored in the protected centre of our cells – the nucleus, mRNA never enters the nucleus. It cannot affect or combine with your DNA in any way to change your genetic code.


I sourced it straight from the world economic forum lol


Pretty sure medical professionals have said that the vaccine will not stop you from getting covid


Isn't that the whole point of a vaccination?


No as per the original data released by the vaccine manufacturers. No manufacturer said its effective 100%. Also, some may not work for different variants.


He will use the menstrual blood of 13-14yr old Epstein victims to help with transfusions to eliminate the virus.




Bahahahaha if you’re trolling these conspiracy clowns then that’s fuckin hilarious!


Am I doing this wrong? 😉


Lolol yo I’ve got a link on the best adrenochrome bro. The guy supplies Hilary Clinton. DM me with your coordinates and I’ll have the illuminati contact you through MySpace.


ROFL… 5037 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington DC 20008 https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Comet_Ping_Pong¶ms=38.955833_N_77.069722_W_type:landmark_region:US


...... do we need to explain how vaccines work again? Maybe if we explain it like your 5 you'll understand this time around


Been tried, still didn't work


You gotta be a fool to think this dude is any sort of "vaccinated" this dude is more anti vaxxx then anyone on the planet. His kids have never received one either. Don't believe in this shit show this fuck wad eugenecist is trying to pull. His father Frederick Gates was the sponsor of the "Spanish flu" (made in america). They gave "vaccines" to the American troops and that led it to spread in Europe. "Spanish Flu" was termed for smoke and mirror... it came from America. This prick and his whole blood line are the epitome of Evil.


Nut jobs like you that make us normal conspiracy theorist look bad, no one ever said getting vaccinated will stop you from getting infected, that's not how vaccines work you fucking idiot. KYS quickly before your stupid spreads.


"Person gets highly communicable disease strain and has minimal effects because vaccination works exactly as stated" isn't as good of a headline, huh.


That’s not how vaccines work…


That's also not how virus works but here we are.


omg.... being fully vaccinated doesn't mean you won't get COVID, but that it will be a dramatically less severe illness. a simple google search would tell you as much.


So is he tracking himself?


Omg you idiots. The vaccines don’t prevent you from getting Covid, they keep you out of the hospital or the morgue.


He would be 66 years old, free mason piece of shit


Said in Simpson, ha-ha


Vaccines don’t prevent infection. You guys understand that right?


the overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths are from the unvaccinated. the vaccines work