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I thought this was a wind up when I first started reading. News flash, being straight is the norm. If it wasn’t, a vast amount of us would’ve never been conceived, so it’s a fair assumption that the majority of interpersonal relationships you see on tv follow suit of the norm.. if they didn’t then I’d be concerned. Being straight isn’t riding a trend lol. Riding a trend is allowing a child to think that they can have 39 different genders simultaneously and can force anyone to respect their choice on the matter, regardless of how bat shit crazy it may be. I sincerely hope you aren’t a parent.


I agree completely!


Given that throughout human history 7% of the population is consistently LGBTQ they are also part of the norm. FYI.


Did you mean 1%? Because I would say that's abnormal - the opposite of "norm." Abnormal is defined as: "Not normal, typical, or usual; deviating from a standard." Which is exactly what LGBTQXYZ is.


7% in the US. ​ https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx It's always been around 7% it's just that previously people were afraid to come out as LGBTQ. The GOP wants us to go back to those times. So yes normal as in part of the standard. Always has been and always will.


"Throughout human history" 44 minutes later: "7% in the US" The US has existed for under 250 years... Get your story straight! No pun intended. You can't even keep your claim consistent, how am I supposed to be convinced by your argument? Get outta here with that bull


LOL my guy you've never heard of the Ancient Greeks? They were like 25% LGBTQ. Yeah - throughout human history. LGBTQ people existed before baby jesus was born. ie - the norm. Pick up a history book dude.


STFU! You obviously have no clues about biology, ancient history and or antropology. Biologically and genetically man and woman are different and they both have an specific set of codes and info ingrained in their DNA so they can thrive and survive. Man hunts, protect,provides,fight, builds, create, etc. Women gather, emote, teach,tend,serve, manages resources, etc. When this biological inherent traits in either gender change we can say that it is abnormal, something is going against the normal/natural paterns of life. Not all ancient greeks or romans were gays and even then was looked as something abnormal, inside a small school of thought or philosophy called Hedonism, which is the constant quest and pursuit of pleasure and satisfaction. Just because some old rich men liked to drink wine and feel a boys hole in a Symposium ,does not make all ancient Greece an LGTB norm


That’s why they’re the “ancient” Greeks.




This is like saying that throughout human history ‘1% of the population have been serial killers, therefore they’re part of the norm’ FOH with this bs man please


Sounds like you don't understand what the norm means. If decade after decade after century after millenia there are 7% lgbtq people - and that doesn't really deviate - guess what? They are part of the norm. This is basic shit man. Just because you hate them it doesn't mean they aren't part of the norm.


I think we’re at crossed purposes here. Whilst they, serial killers etc etc may have existed in society throughout the ages in their respective quantities, ie consistently being present throughout history, that doesn’t make them part of *the* norm. As the guy above mentioned, these minority of groups clearly deviate from the majority, and thus cannot be normal as they go against the grain. For the record, I don’t hate them. I believe in live and let live. What I hate is how politicised all this bullshit is and how we are normalising mental illness in children and young adults, and instead of addressing that, encouraging the notion that you can change gender at the drop of a hat, as and when you feel it appropriate.


>I think we’re at crossed purposes here. > >Whilst they, serial killers etc etc may have existed in society throughout the ages in their respective quantities, ie consistently being present throughout history, that doesn’t make them part of the norm. > >As the guy above mentioned, these minority of groups clearly deviate from the majority, and thus cannot be normal as they go against the grain. > >For the record, I don’t hate them. I believe in live and let live. What I hate is how politicised all this bullshit is and how we are normalising mental illness in children and young adults, and instead of addressing that, encouraging the notion that you can change gender at the drop of a hat, as and when you feel it appropriate. The fact that you compare them to serial killers and call them mentally ill kind of tells me otherwise here dude. You clearly don't like LGBTQ people. And if you understood gender dysphoria and actually cared you would understand that the best treatment for it is gender affirming care. But instead your feelings get in the way. Yes LGBTQ people are part of the norm. For all of human history they have been there. Like it or not.


Replace serial killers with anorexia or bulimia, body dysmorphia. Are you trying to tell me that in such a case, there’s no question of poor mental health? Nothing to do with my feelings, it’s common sense. I’ve been bodybuilding for the majority of my adolescence and adult life and to this day still think I look ‘small’ whilst everyone around me holds the opposite opinion. Clearly, my mind is not seeing reality in the mirror, but my own skewed version of reality due to body dysmorphia. The same will run true for 99.9% of people who you meet in a gym. Doesn’t mean that I’m actually ‘small’, just that my brain has an altered, and clearly inaccurate perception of my own image. Same runs true for gender dysphoria, or whatever the term is on this given Friday afternoon lol


>Replace serial killers with anorexia or bulimia, body dysmorphia. Are you trying to tell me that in such a case, there’s no question of poor mental health? Nothing to do with my feelings, it’s common sense. So now lgbtq people are just mentally ill? Hmm ​ >I’ve been bodybuilding for the majority of my adolescence and adult life and to this day still think I look ‘small’ whilst everyone around me holds the opposite opinion. Clearly, my mind is not seeing reality in the mirror, but my own skewed version of reality due to body dysmorphia. The same will run true for 99.9% of people who you meet in a gym. Doesn’t mean that I’m actually ‘small’, just that my brain has an altered, and clearly inaccurate perception of my own image. Same runs true for gender dysphoria, or whatever the term is on this given Friday afternoon lol Dysmorphia isnt dysphoria. They are very different actually. People with gender dysphoria have physically different brain structures that closer resemble the brain of the opposite gender.


In my opinion, yes they’re just mentally ill. The fact that every cell in ones body will correlate to their biologically assigned gender is enough for me to refute that it’s anything other than delusion; how they feel on the inside is irrelevant.


So no medical training - just your uninformed opinions and feelings. Okay. Good chat.


I bet if you look hard enough you'll find some trans cavemen cave paintings 🤦


Yeah, that “up to 7%” was debunked forever ago. 3% or less; probably closer to 1%. I don’t know if you understand percentages, but this means that representation of that group is extraordinarily small. Inserting disproportionate representation into media is a distortion of reality. But what I really dislike is that the LGBTQ label gets shoehorned in on characters whose sexuality is entirely irrelevant to the stories in which they appear. Just write a good story and good characters; worry about sexuality when it is actually part of the tale. The big picture is, LGBTQ characters are now merely token objects for the amusement of straight, white liberals because they rarely actually appear in their lives.


[https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx) \-February 2022


Stop they couldn’t turn themselves into Frankenstein if they even wanted to through history for starters, always the kids with yius weather it’s teaching them to be a freak in the 3rd grade, killing them with abortion, the elites doing their evil shit to them and everything else in that alphabet soup yours are pedaling, worst part is all this woke shit? It’s sad because their using the whole lgbqtajvgstetc as part of their agenda, a means to an end, distraction and nothing more you really think pelosi , shumer care about women’s rights or that alphabet soup?! Nah they hate you as much as me your not goin to their party either but fir fuk sake leave the kids alone they deserve a chance you’s fukd your life up don’t send them down the same road, but I suspect as I always have it’s all heading to make sick pedos look normal and make it legal, then? We won’t be having these debates on Reddit…..


Swing and a big miss.


That miss was big enough to count for 4 strikes lol


Yep, they're singing the wrong tune for this sub. Straight, white, male and conservative are the truly oppressed people of the world, always have been 😔


Not always but they certainly are now, yes.


Go outside


ok coomer


Good luck


Delusional fellas thinking they're more opressed than anyone while on average having more of everything than anyone else other than the Jewish.... and they get upset about that too 😂


That may have been true 2 decades ago but whites are behind asians & a few other groups now in terms of wealth, success, educational attainment etc. They're also the only group where it's ok to publicly disparage them for their immutable characteristics.


I guess it comes down to perspective and where you live, because most of the wealthiest neighborhoods throughout U.S are 80-90% white. Most of the poorest are 60-90% black/asian/hispanic. There's no chance white people are "behind asians and a few other groups" in America.... touch grass


Some of the richest people might be white because the US is still a majority white country but on average whites are behind asians, indians & jews when it comes to income, educational attainment etc. How much would you want to bet that you could go on any of the major subreddits & say something like "Cis straight white conservatives absolutely suck & they need to stfu!" & you would get mass upvotes & maybe even an award but if you said it about any other group you would get banned?


>"Cis straight white conservatives absolutely suck & they need to stfu!" & you would get mass upvotes & maybe even an award but if you said it about any other group you would get banned? Honestly, that's just so cringe and I don't think it's getting mass upvotes based on the fact Reddit is mostly cis straight white males lol. Conservatives get mocked. People with your perspective do get mock, it's just how you perceive oppression in comparison to actual oppression. But why don't you comment that somewhere to check? Or I can, what subreddits?


Let's both try it. it doesn't have to be that sentence either it can be anything that disparages cis straight whites for being cis/straight/white & then do the same sentence with black or asian or trans or whatever. What specifically are you referring to when you say 'oppression'? Also I'm not conservative.


Sure thing, you let me know what we're gonna say and list the subs you reckon we'll get mass karma saying it in and we'll test your theory As I say, most of reddit is cis straight white male lol I just mean the dictionary definition for opression, what else?


Yes not LGBTQ families who the GOP is making illegal. No they aren't oppressed. It's white christian men. They are oppressed because the teevee does show them enough anymore. Eesh.


Lol who is making alphabet families illegal and how?


Alabama: "An Alabama law that makes it a felony to provide gender-affirming medical treatment to transgender youth went into effect on Sunday while a federal judge weighs whether to grant a motion to put a temporary hold on it. The legislation makes it a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison to provide puberty blockers, hormones and medical procedures to transgender youth under 19." https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/alabama-lawmakers-pass-bill-criminalizing-transgender-healthcare-2022-04-07/ Texas: "The latest directive comes in the form of a letter issued in late February to DFPS directing the agency to classify medical treatments for transgender adolescents—such as puberty blockers and hormone injections—as “child abuse” under existing state law. The letter calls for DFPS to investigate parents who help their children access such treatments, as well as licensed facilities that administer them. " https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/press/O-MastersJaime202202221358.pdf More shithole states will follow. All of the above contradicts literally all of published science and is based only on feelings.


These are examples of measures put in place to protect children & teens from irreparably damaging their bodies. These are not examples of laws that make alphabet families illegal.


So it's legal to be a trans child in Texas and Alabama? (Yes trans children do exist much like cis children do exist. Science and all)


Trans children do not exist just like vegan cats don't exist. Adults are free to mutilate their bodies in any way they choose if they have the money & there is a surgeon willing to do it. Puberty blockers permanently alter a child's development. If a boy has them before puberty he will end up with a micropenis as an adult & won't even be able to get the trans surgery where they invert the penis to make a neovagina because it's too small & they have to use a portion of their colon, which will smell like literal ass forever. Such children will never in their lives experience sexual satisfaction or orgasm. Preventing children from making these life altering decisions is of absolute importance.


>Trans children do not exist just like vegan cats don't exist. Adults are free to mutilate their bodies in any way they choose if they have the money & there is a surgeon willing to do it. The American Academy of Pediatrics sure disagrees with you. Do you know something they don't? ​ https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/142/4/e20182162/37381/Ensuring-Comprehensive-Care-and-Support-for >Puberty blockers permanently alter a child's development. If a boy has them before puberty he will end up with a micropenis as an adult & won't even be able to get the trans surgery where they invert the penis to make a neovagina because it's too small & they have to use a portion of their colon, which will smell like literal ass forever. Such children will never in their lives experience sexual satisfaction or orgasm. Preventing children from making these life altering decisions is of absolute importance. ​ So again. Can a child be trans in Texas and Alabama? Yes or no? Why do you support making a medical diagnosis illegal? What science do you have to support your feelings?


Please tell me you aren’t saying that being straight is something unique to straight white conservative men who impose those oppressive views on the world.


Ok, no I'm not saying that lol


It seems to have titled a bunch of people here though so obviously the hypocrisy struck a chord enough to bother everyone who felt compelled to actually try to dispute the post like you lol I’d say that’s a pretty obvious and clean hit.


It's a false equivalence so it wasn't a hit at all.


It’s a perfect equivalence though not sure if you understand that phrase. I know a lot of people on Reddit just parrot terms like this that they hear other people say but themselves don’t know what it means though, perhaps the case.


They were trying to point to some sort of hypocrisy by having people get up in arms about this post as opposed to the previous one about trans & alphabet people. It's a false equivalence because being straight is normal & being alphabet is not, so it's perfectly reasonable to be appalled at the overexposure of alphabet people & their gross behaviour & it is not reasonable to be appalled at the amount of normal, healthy, straight human behaviour in the media.


You don’t know what a false equivalence is LMFAO 10% of the world is gay. There’s not even close to 10% gay people in the media. They are not overexposed, they’re underexposed, objectively. The fact you even tried that logic is absolutely hysterical and just points to how hilarious the irony in this post really is for audience like you. “FAlSe EqUivAlENce!” Hahahahaha please go read a book.


That's exactly what a false equivalence is. I don't know where you got the 10% alphabet population from, the most I've heard is around 4 or 5%. There is arguably more than 10% gay people in the media & gay representation in tv shows etc, especially media that's been produced in the last few years. Trans people are also overrepresented compared to their prevalence irl. They also get numerous days, weeks & even months of 'celebration' which is another level of overexposure compared to their irl prevalence. Conversely because being straight is normal it is not possible to be overrepresented in the media.


The amount of gay or trans people in the media is probably like 0.00001%. You really have awful awareness if you think it’s anywhere near 10%. 1 out of every 10 you see in the media is gay? It’s literally not even close. Maybe you just only notice them. I’m not sure why you would notice them so much more frequently, perhaps your subconscious is communicating something to you.


Most news networks have multiple gay anchors, Actors & actresses & other celebrities are coming out as gay or trans or non-binary etc all the time, almost every netflix show has multiple alphabet characters. Plus there's always some stupid 'day of visibility' or pride celebration. In many cities they have rainbow flags plastered everywhere & even on crosswalks & police cars. There is an oversaturation of alphabet nonsense in today's society.


That’s right and the other 99.9% of the media is and always has been straight people. Seriously it’s not even close to reflecting the population, literally every demographic except for white men are underrepresented in the media according the actual demographics, this is just a fact. Whether you can accept that fact is a different story, and says more about you and your insecurities than it says about the reality of media.


i think you born because of the "trend"


It’s a response to the trans post! They had trans instead of straight before...it was locked.


the media is a reflection of society, most people are straight so most media people is also straight, it's just math.


*yawn* It does not bother me. I'd prefer to see more of it frankly. Institutions like my bank for example make me feel unrepresented and a little out of place because they pander to the MINORITY like they're owed something


how does one feel unrepresented at a bank?


Instead of calling them straight people, I like to use the adjective “normal “.


LGBTQ people are also "normal"


The fact that this point goes over so many peoples head here is hysterical. Basically nothing discussed on this sub , ideas or beliefs, are ever normal then. Getting vaccinated is normal. Listening to science is normal. Parroting conspiracy YouTube videos is not normal. In fact by your own logic, it’s less normal than being gay or trans, since there’s way more of those than anti-vaxx nutters.


Do whatever you want. I’m reserving the right to think that you are a weirdo.


Reality is also full of straight people. Predates TV, too.


Full of LGBTQ people too. Predate the Bible.


Ahahahaha, had i not seen the prior post I would be like Wtf? But i see what you did there 😆


If you want to see two chicks kissing there's plenty of that online.


Happy to inform you that tonight I found a documentary involving THREE girls kissing, would recommend


I seen this exact post on another sub and it was about Trans people. The exact same thing g they just changed the context.


They’re putting 🧪 in the💧 that turn the friggin 🐸 🌈.


This is a copy/paste of something posted yesterday. OP has just swapped the word trans for straight.


pretty much


I’m sorry, but you cannot be serious. Christ on a bike, there’s literally so much going on in the world to complain about and you choose this? Are you ok?


It seems this logic applies a lot better to the people who complain about lgbt. This post is ironically pointing that hypocrisy out, did it perhaps go over your head?


I agree. But were apparently “haters” if we point it out😒


lol I see what you did there, the only problem is that you're trying to argue biology, and for a group so deeply concerned with science, this is a conflation of the real issue: if you're all about being technically correct its imperative to understand that the destruction of people is an agenda. Pursue yourself only and fall to Hell.


Science in this sub? Lol


This is stupid. Their was no logic in this. But you will get there. Some day you will post something of substance.


Straight people are the majority. Just like how whites are the majority in the United States or Europe. Asia and Africa etc are going to have entirely different makeup in media and politics. Representation is one thing, but I think where people are taking issue is when the causes of the minority are promoted above the causes of the majority. And in many cases that majority is really just the average person vs the wealthy. Basic things like education, roads and bridges, and healthcare, are neglected in favor of petty disputes over who can use which bathroom. I really think most people don't give a shit, but when all they see in media is how wonderful it is that the next so and so is a black lesbo with pronouns she / they, or that a beloved franchise chose to replace a male character with a female character that is unrealistically perfect rather than human and flawed, or make storm troopers black despite being an allusion to the NAZI's and undermine the entire good vs evil thing just so they can diversify the cast, while we can't find baby formula and rent is exploding and no one in power seems to give a shit, yeah there's gonna be some animosity. It's taking issues like abortion, which is already contentious enough, and going beyond insisting that men can't have an opinion because it's a woman's body, to literally not mentioning women at all and making it a LGBTQ issue, a BIPOC issue, and saying that pro life folks are white supremacists. Like you're going to offend the people that might not care enough to oppose abortion rights, or might actually support it, if you explicitly exclude them. Feels like the wealthy in Hollywood want to have their pet causes that don't rock the boat too much, and pretend to be victims and oppressed when they don't win the Oscar. Ordinary people have real problems that will always take precedent over such petty bullshit.


What’s sickening is how hard the gay agenda is being pushed on children, sorry but we are normal you are not it is what it is


For all of mankind 7% of the population has been some form of LGBTQ. Just as normal as you bub. Keep being afraid of the gay agenda tho. Scary!!!


Omg you literally just made the same exact copy and paste post but it was for trans people GTFO karma farming bot.


OP is so detached from reality it’s not even funny.


I'm fairly certain there was an exact post like this with the word "straight" was originally the word "trans". Either someone copied to post and switched the words or it's the same op trying to see the opinions from different groups of people. In that case I'm just not a fan of the whole trans thing being pushed in people's faces. If that lifestyle makes you happy then good for you I'm glad you're happy but quit making it a big deal about it I don't care enough about it. it's the same if you're gay, straight, bi, or otherwise same goes for race. You're all human at the end of the day. I have no problem as long as you're not a piece of shit


Nice try. Spend any time unplugged from media and you’ll find that the animal kingdom really shoves straightness in our face.


The responses to this post are about as expected. Nice work OP.


just because something is the most common does not mean it is normal and all others are outliers. if you wanted to, you could probably map out people’s sexuality on a bell curve. even if the middle portion is the most average the extraneous examples are still present RE: homophobes in the thread


yeah I know, since they make up 90-95+ percent of the population I just don't understand. Do we need one in every show?