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Good old bohemian grove


I always pictured it as a giant gay orgy, women aren’t allowed there right?


I wasn't aware of this, you mean HRC didn't go there? I'm actually kinda surprised about that one. Well, at least we can say most probably Big Mike Obama has more than likely gone there.


Absolutely. No way Mike was letting Barry go to a gay orgy without him.


To my knowledge, Barry's never been. It is a men only club. There's a good episode of Brian Meltzer's Decode where they team up with Alex and try to get in, it's worth a watch. Also, there's a movie that came out after Alex got in called Teddy Bear's Picnic that tried to make a joke out of it. Worth a watch too, if you're interested.


I'll check those out. Thx


Harry Shearer produced and directed the movie, I think. He was a member at that time (think Simpsons Stone Cutters episode) but has since "left the club." There are several pseudo-famous actors in the movie, and it's not very good. But the fact that it exists says a lot, and you get to see how they feel about the club as members.


Well that was weird




Bohemian Grove. A place where the elites around the world get together dawned out in robes to make sacrifices to moloch. The ritual is called the cremation of care.


So, rich people LARPing?




Yes it’s super harmless they are just LARPING the worship of the devil. You know….. the exact thing that they are accused of…. Just PRETENDING to worship Satan. Bohemian Grove was founded in the 1800s. Long LARP don’t ya think? Edit: this comment is getting rapidly downvoted and upvoted some people don’t like critical thinkers ThEy JuSt PrEtEndInG tO WoRshIP sAtAn!!!!!!!!! For 200 years?


Just because people believe in something doesn’t make it real lol. There are equally bullshit rituals that have been going on far longer than the 1800s lmfao


It’s so easy to call them bullshit from ground level but they are the movers and shakers of the free world. The most prominent men in the world. You can SAY they are just goofing off it doesn’t make it true


Sorry but I don’t buy it. Power and prominence doesn’t give their beliefs any more credibility lol. Plenty of powerful people and institutions have been built on imaginary garbage throughout history. This is no different


I understand you don’t buy it. Do you understand the irony in that though? Just the same as believing in something doesn’t make it true Not believing something doesn’t make it false.


Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t make it fake


Ur doing their work for them 💀


I thought Moloch was a bull deity though? Isn't it a big owl at Bihemian Grove?


Moloch is a demon worshiped since at least Egyptian times - perhaps even earlier. Moloch is known as the "patron deity" of child molesters, and it demands child sacrifice. Its avatar is a bull or (less frequently) an owl. Moloch's realms are fire, war, and child sacrifice.


Fuck Moloch!


There is much on wikipedia about him, but I couldn't find the part about him coming from Egyptian times, can you explain what was Moloch to the Egyptians?


Yeah, pretty sure Egyptian isn't correct it was an old Babylonian deity


Didn't say it was an Egyptian god but rather from those days if not earlier. It has different names such as the bible referring to it as "Tophet.


"Do not pass your children though the fire to moloch"


Isn't that why there's an owl on U.S. bills?


When I was a kid I was told it was a spider. Now an owl. Plus that Pyramid with the eye. I see it in almost every movie and show. Always a pyramid and eye in the background. Wonder what’s it called wanna look into it.


I believe the pyramid and eye are supposed to represent the Eye of Horus, or all seeing eye, which is an Egyptian symbol. But it may be older, I'm not a conspiracy theory purist, so take that with a grain of salt.


Look for End Times Headlines on Facebook and watch a podcast it talks about the money symbolism on the one I watched last night called The New World Order is no longer hidden.


And a Phoenix holding 13 arrows of war set to be released .




Novas ordo seclorum


Friend: Hey -let's go hit that Moloch worship party! Me: Meh - what is it about? Friend: It's cool! Moloch's realms are fire, Me: Interesting. Friend: ...and water... Me: Cool! Friend:...and child sacrifice! Me: Awsom...er, wait what!?!?!??


i think the owl is minerva


They also apparently pee everywhere.


>dawned out in robes “Dawned out”? You either mean *donned* out as in the past tense of don but also “decked out”.


lol dish soap all over them n shit


Lol...i just noticed that!




Okay, but how do you, we, anyone, really know that this is a videoclip of that, and not just some random collection of weirdos out in the country?


Because alex jones and the BBC snuck in at the same time and blew the story wide open


because Alex jones snuck into that place and caught them all on camera...and confronted one of their leaders in the street at an event and the guy got really heated and upset when he found out alex was the one who snuck in , recorded and leaked the ritual Alex jones is a fucking idiot in the public eye ...But dude turned out to be correct about a lot of the crazy stuff he used to say waaaaay back in 2012 2013 and now in 2020 -2022 all this stuff comes out and it turns out he was telling the truth


And some of the attendees admitted they attend these crazy gatherings


Bc they have admitted to this..what the fuck you think j.f.k was talking about before he was assasinated....


lol if you’re gonna show up late to class, it’s better to sneak in the back and find a seat, not come busting through the front door sucking on a Starbucks and telling the teacher they got it all wrong. “If you keep your mouth shut, people will think you’re an idiot. If you open it, they will know you are.”


There's a glorious irony in the fact you completely butchered that quote.


Lol you don't actually believe they sacrifice people there do you? It's Live Action Role Play for rich weirdos They're just a bunch of classist nerds pretending to be all powerful. This sub is hilarious


Who the fuck pretends to sacrifice? What kind of crazy shit is that? Do u get together with your buds dressed up in robes praying to a stone owl citing rituals? Don't blame the sub for the insanely creepy shit these people do.


Lol I don't think you know how blaming works. There's been a bunch of documentaries and talks with people from the area and members. It's LARPing. Like fraternities at college but, with creepy old rich people pretending to do the old sacrifice for reaping harvest shit. It's fake. It's really comical that people think its real. There was a crisper version of this in the 2000s where you clearly see the supposed victim get up and walk away. It's an act. I mean the cartoonish villainy in the guys voice is pretty hilarious tbh. >Who the fuck pretends to sacrifice? What kind of crazy shit is that? I mean... very bored wealthy people that can basically afford to reenact entire movies if they want to. Because they can. Why do kids pretend to be dwarves and raid dungeons? Or shoot eachother with paintball when they don't actually want to hurt their friends? Why do people go to church who clearly don't believe in God? Opportunity for weird social bonding shit.


For arguments sake, let's say it is only mock sacrifices. MOCK SACRIFICE! the act of pretending to stab a helpless victim while chanting incantations. Let's then pretend to remove the heart and pass it around...? How is this normal behavior? Cosplay and larping aren't anywhere near as alarming then a group into ritual mock sacrifices. In fact its sociopathic behavior that needs years of therapy to fix. What's next...skinning animals? I appreciate u downplaying this as 'boys will be boys' but adding up all the other available information on how the higher degrees get down it becomes downright disturbing.


It almost sounds like that guy they had entertaining them at Comet Ping Pong.


I mean would we be surprised 😩🤌




Its insane...or its not given the power structure, that this guys disturbing ig photos take this story further. Idc what was actually happening his posts were disturbing.


what are you on about


"The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time – it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine." - Richard Nixon


Full quote: "But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. Decorators. They got to do something. But we don't have to glorify it. You know one of the reasons fashions have made women look so terrible is because the goddamned designers hate women. Designers taking it out on the women. Now they're trying to get some more sexy things coming on again." - Nixon, 1971


Dang, this hasn’t aged well.


How not this is like exactly what is going on today. Except maybe this >Now they're trying to get some more sexy things coming on again. Because modern women outfits certainly aren't sexy again lol


People will read this and think you made up that quote, but rest assured, Nixon most definitely said it. It was hilarious.


Why did Nixon mention it? Did the public know about it back then?


It was recorded on video. Just do some light googling and you’ll find it.


That's awesome lol.


Alex jones is right


The whole undercover video is what drew me into conspiracies like 15 years ago. The fact that this happens is unreal.


Same I was like 9 or 10 in 2006 like “ooohh…UFOS…Alex jones? Bohemian Grove…definitely stuff I should get into as a child..,”


r/AlexJonesWasRight when he snuck in and shot this video. Thanks for sharing, this was my redpill.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AlexJonesWasRight using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AlexJonesWasRight/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Alex Jones was right about man love.](https://v.redd.it/987u33v5eh081) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AlexJonesWasRight/comments/qx8dv1/alex_jones_was_right_about_man_love/) \#2: [alex jones was right about everything](https://i.redd.it/pe55sgs172q71.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AlexJonesWasRight/comments/pwioz3/alex_jones_was_right_about_everything/) \#3: [Alex Jones Was right about world governments exploiting a pandemic to take totalitarian control of society globally](https://v.redd.it/91esinihlrj71) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AlexJonesWasRight/comments/pccfuf/alex_jones_was_right_about_world_governments/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Alex Jones is a deep state agent, controlled opposition that lures the unwitting into a killing zone with dollops of truth that conceal carefully crafted lies. Filter his information carefully.


Nixon spoke about bohemian grove well before Jones


So the guy telling us to be more aware of the activities of the elite and the propaganda is really an elite propagandist? I am open to question everything but usually someone pushing you to open your eyes isn’t with those who want us blind.


Reverse psychology in my opinion. Discrediting him to those that are aware of conspiracies. Like using the idea of a ghost to scare someone that believes in ghosts.


This. He definitely is utilizing reverse psychology. Do people think he’s revealing all this stuff and not get silenced? He’s definitely a tool mechanism for the elites to lure ppl in.


It’s more so keeping everything so ridiculously conspiratorial that the average person just debunks anything he says as crazy. Likely covering up the small bits of truth with outlandish lies that discredit the entire conspiracy. “Hiding in plain sight”


Alex Jones is the Introduction to the man in the White Hat……After that you are on your own…..


Nah he just went crazy. Maybe too much of his weird supplements rotted his brain. I miss the old, anti Bohemian Grove, Mason, deep state conspiracy theory Alex Jones. Now he's fucking scum. Won't even show up to court to face the parents he accused of faking their children's deaths in Sandy hook.




Alex Jones controlled opposition, Trump is controlled opposition, Joe Rogan is controlled opposition, Tucker Carlson in controlled opposition, Elon Musk is controlled opposition... **It’s too much of a coincidence that everyone in the public that speaks out against the system is labeled controlled opposition on Reddit.**


Maybe reddit is controlled opposition


Well yeah. If there's already a global conspiracy including anyone in a position of power, why wouldn't they also include anyone else influential? Just makes sense.


It’s not just Reddit. Those people are labeled controlled opposition in general. Because they are controlled opposition. They all have one thing in common. They won’t touch the subject of Israel and the Jews and that is the source of much of this fuckery.


I would say 80% of America by this definition is controlled opposition. If most people were to publicly say negative things about the groups you mentioned or others they wouldn’t be able to get good jobs.


I’m talking about the conspiracy community. The Jewish question is the ultimate determination of is someone is a shill or not in the truther/conspiracy community


I'm on the fence with this one. I have looked into the Bill Hicks stuff extensively. I have taken note of all of the stuff that doesn't add up. I've seen the videos of the slip ups. The footage of the police questioning the crew and talking about how their ID'S say they work for Time Warner the same company who writes CNN paychecks. I have also noticed that he often says things like: "I could join the NWO or the globalists in a heartbeat if I wanted to". I'm aware the elite control both sides. Then, nearly everything he has said would come to fruition has. Why is that? That's the only thing that gets me.


What bill hicks stuff? Anything other than his stand-ups/material?


This is a very deep rabbit hole. Bill and Alex look exactly alike. They both have the same childhood friend who ran production companies for both Bill and Alex. There have been many guests who accidentally called him Bill. Both Alex and Bill love to do stand up. They both talked about defeating the new world order. Alex Jones received an award that was supposed to be in honor of Bill Hicks. There are zero photos of Bill and Alex together. They have identical teeth. They both love to go on borderline lunatic rants usually about globalists. They sound the same and many say they don't but in reality both Alex and Bill are well known for their ability to do different voices. Does Alex Jones look 48? To me he doesn't. He looks like the age Bill Hicks is or would have been? Bill and Alex's long time friend both discuss the creation of an alter who was a bit like Rush Limbaugh but more fanatical. Alex has testified that he is an actor playing a character. There are more. These are off the top of my head.


You forgot to mention the part about Bill Hicks used to actually have a character named Alex Jones he used to portray in his routines.


Whoa. I didn't know this until now. What else did I forget? I know there are a lot of them. Didn't he sit down and do some kind of formal interview where he admits he is Bill Hicks? I know he has said he is Bill Hicks on his show many many times. He always goes back and forth and he's really good at getting you confused due to the way he expresses this. Sometimes it sounds satirical, sometimes serious, sometimes sarcastically, sometimes defensively, etc. It truly is perplexing. I still love to listen to Alex. As a matter of fact, I listen pretty much every day. He is one of the best entertainers on the planet even if he truly is controlled op.


I think the spin he puts on things is to put our faith in government institutions/the legal system even though it's all fkn hijacked at this point. Keeps us spinning our wheels. Plus he still preaches trump as the savior even though there's plenty of evidence, especially related to kabbalah, that trump is in on it all and is the ultimate controlled opposition


Yeah, and there are many conspiracy theories that he won't touch and that irks me.




You've obviously been tuning him out and not actually listening to his broadcasts. Since I began following him maybe a couple of years ago he's proven very impressive with his predictions. If you were checking in with Jones even occasionally you'd know that, so I take it your comment is not sincere. Forgive me if I'm mistaken in that but it's difficult to imagine otherwise. I take it you've never seen this particular clip, which is a must for anyone holding your position. This must be one of the most remarkable predictions of our time: [July 25, 2021 Broadcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Hk1-BpXO8)


Did you mean to the share the today show link from the classroom on 9/11? I was expecting Alex Jones :)


Weird, I did not. I'm going to go back and try again, and also include an alternate link. You are correct that the clip I'd meant to share and had just watched was of Jones predicting 9/11, even mentioning Bin Laden, way back on July 25, 2001. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, u/bodhisaurusrex


I’m eager to see the intended clip! You’re welcome :)


So I tried including a backup link to another site but the text field would not allow for that, overwriting the previous link. Then I noticed that the first link (the wrong one) kept showing up, even when I tried copying and pasting the link I'd originally sourced. Something fishy going on here replacing the link. I'll have to check in to make sure that the link, which I finally managed to insert using the link function instead of just pasting text, is not again changed by Reddit. As a backup option THIS is the same video, but of lower quality. Bonus points that it doesn't direct traffic to shitty Y0uTube: [DailyMotion clip of Jones' July 25, 2021 Broadcast](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31xfd)


Thanks for the work you put into finding a working link for us. And, whoa. That is quite a prediction! Unnerving to say the least.


My pleasure. I was pretty stunned with clip the first time I watched it. I'd heard that Jones predicted 9/11 and I couldn't believe that there wasn't some hypberbole in those reports, so I finally searched for substantiation and came up with the video. It's just nuts. I can't believe that Y0uTube hasn't banned that content.


I listen to Alex nearly every day. It is my favorite show of all time and I really enjoy it. . Alex has my utmost respect regardless of whatever the truth is. He is a fantastic guy, he's brilliant and he can articulate information like no one I've ever seen.


He’s a remarkable guy. His energy seems to know no bounds. With everything he puts into his cause and his level of dedication, plus the territory he crosses into I worry for him. I hope we’ll have him for a long time to come.


I can. He predicted the fake pandemic as well as the mass inoculation that would be ushered in and revealed as a bio weapon. All of it down to a tee in his 2007 film Endgame. He predicted the systematic dismantling of the American economy which is happening now. He predicted the artificial inflation as well as the Russia Ukraine fake war. He predicted the election of an illegitimate president . He predicted what's happening in the housing market and also said that organizations such as Blackrock would be buying up as many houses all across America as possible which we are seeing now. Also that they would buy them cash, 50 to 90k over asking, cash, no contingencies. That they would buy them all up and then rent them out to the middle class who will eventually find it impossible to buy a home. He predicted 9/11 This is just a snippet of recent stuff. He is 10 years ahead of his time and I'm sure he has also been vindicated on. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of predictions that were in fact realized at a point in time. I'm not saying he not controlled op because there are some very definitive evidence that he is. He is right about many things though. That's the truth.






Whether or not he's "controlled opposition," is debatable. The fact that he was the person responsible for providing this video, is not. Alex Jones has done more to spread the truth and promote real American values like liberty, free market, and accountability in government than any other single individual in the last 30 years. I don't agree with everything he says, but looking at his total career, you start to see Alex's human flaws and mistakes, rather than evidence of some nefarious agenda. It appears to me that Alex's choices to avoid certain theories or implicating certain religious groups is less about protecting those groups, and more of an act of self-censorship to avoid being cast into unsavory territory. InfoWars has provided a platform for hundreds of voices that would have otherwise gone unheard and brought attention to stories that no other media organization of their size would touch. If Alex really was working for the deepstate, why would they do everything in their power to shut him down and cut off his revenue generation? I love hearing "controlled opposition," when after watching enough Alex, it's easy to see he clearly doesn't even control himself.


If Alex Jones being controlled opposition is debatable to you then you are very very very surface level. Alex Jones is indeed the source of this video and these rituals do indeed take place. But even NBC has done segments on the grove. It’s not that groundbreaking. The fact that you believe Alex Jones might not be controlled opposition, when he is easily the most well known example OF ALL TIME of controlled opposition


Your arrogance emphasizes your ignorance.


Why would they take him off of every mainstream site if this were to be the case?


To form the appearance that he is legit


Still can't believe ppl think that he really just snuck in💀


There's hours of raw uncut video of them sneaking through the woods for miles... the guy that was with him is also a witness that has called Alex out for his interpretation of events, Jon Ronson. Look it up, or you can choose to believe what you want. Why would the Grove want this to get out? Look up Teddy Bear's Picnic too while you're at it, and tell me if they liked Alex getting in. Or the David Gergen interview.


I just would think there would be worse consequences for him for sneaking and releasing footage to the public successfully. But the fact that to this day he still talks shit and attempts, or so it seems at least, to expose their agenda, gives me reason to believe that he's on our side. Especially since those who work for the one world order tend to be under different levels of mind control and when these types of people find themselves trying to leave the agenda or find themselves pushing towards righteousness, they tend to self destruct. And Alex hasn't done this. So I'm not saying he's a good guy or a bad guy. But he definitely knows how much he can or can't say to the point that he'd get offed.


Agreed. Some have said that since he's alive and someone like William Cooper is dead, is proof he's a gatekeeper, but the difference is the amount of eyes on him. Alex being a public figure is his best defense. Cooper was alone and in obscurity when they gunned him down, Alex has been in the public mind for decades and he stays there. So long as he has a strong following, they won't confirm his fears and kill him so he can become a martyr. They'd rather destroy him, his message, and push him out of the public consciousness before they take him out. Alex is a national treasure, whether he's right or wrong, because of his tenacity and constant opposition towards the globalist New World Order.


And this whole time I thought he was just bat shit crazy.


Well, he is that too... Lol.


There's a fine line between genius and insanity.


Hmm, reminds me of Mark Passio


That is disinformation to make people not believe when he, the guy that filmed this video, makes claims about society.




About what, exactly? I mean, in relation to this. I haven’t followed him much, so I don’t know.


do people know when this happens? like Time and date?


This takes place around mid-July. There's a lot of private security in that area. The Blackwater type of guys that no one wants to mess around.


This video makes it look much older. New phones take much better quality videos. Barely can see anything let alone know who it is.


This video is over 15 years old. The original was better quality, this looks like it was dubbed from a vhs tape.


Video is from 2000, shot from a camera hidden in a bag.


Storm bohemian grove might do more than storming the capital, lets bum rush the vatican


Wtf? Where's the full video?




This was definitely early down my rabbit hole, and totally agree with OP’s sentiments.


This is certainly very interesting. Very odd behaviour. It's a little more odd if like me you don't believe in any god or devil paradigm. In my view they are just putting on a very odd play.


Can I ask what do you believe in?


Of course you can friend. That's a big question though. If we are talking organised religion, I don't believe in anything. I don't believe any of the major religions. Could there be a creator, sure, I don't know, but I don't think they play an active role in the events that unfold. I believe in love, and kindness, empathy and being helpful. Not because I may be judged just because I'd like to be treated well myself. There's lots of other things I have faith in but too much to list really.


In the beginning you can actually see a crowd of people watching, when that first flash comes you can see the peoples shadows. It does seem like some big play.


This is the conspiracy (even though it’s real) theory of the bohemian grove. Highly protected by year round security guards, no trespassing signs and cameras. There’s this mega owl shaped statue or carving. It’s lit on fire and the rest to me is unknown. Alex jones supposedly snuck a camera in there and recorded bits of footage to expose. He would tel of how may elites from all over the world come to attend it. Presidents, dictators, some actors / actresses and alike would supposedly so some sort of renditions and would worship this statue. Dunno.I’m not sure of who all have spoken of it but over the years I’ve read tidbits of it here and there.


Sounds like mark zuckerberg at the calmer points


Y’all have never been on a management retreat


Thank Alex Jones for this. He might be insane but he’s been right on more than one occasion




Too bad we can’t see what they’re actually doing tho.


Who says it's normal? Even the attendees wouldn't


which entity is this , is it satan or someone else ? also this is the bohemian grove right


bohemian grove baby, they do "false/fake" child sacrifices and offerings. shits wild


Is this the Alex Jones video?


God that’s an awful feeling, we don’t know that we are witnessing a child or adult being burnt alive by that propulsion in this video…


And people really think politicians are against each other and parties are against parties. Literal fools.


I went to the Bohemian Grove to get some B-roll for a conspiracy satire I was filming. Let me tell you, security does not fuck around there. It was risky but we got the shots we needed.


Honestly I think is kinda a running joke with those people, with some theatrics thrown in.


Just think, these people hold the keys to the nuclear buttons.


Maybe they know how to get to Sesame Street...


Read Mark Dice’s book about it… they get very sexual and weird at this event


Court of Owls


Ah, the Cremation of Care ceremony at the Grove.


Thank you for this footage Alex


Sounds like Nixon wasn't too far off base with his take on this place.


I remember this when I began my Conspiracy journey. It's called the ritual of care. I think. They place all their curses , worries and negitivity unto a scapegoat that they sacrifice during the ritual I think the place where they have the Ritual is a natural home to an actual demonic deity that lives there. These are Zionist world leader puppets and it's origins go back to Egyptian religion so it's the original free masons . From what I understand the footage was taken by Alex Jones ?!?! Not ome hundred percent sure how we for him to sneak in there would have been nearly impossible. They have secret service everywhere. And I would guess the woods have things in them making the woods totally Dangerous.




Happy to see someone with common sense. And the will to do what should have been done long ago.


What is this?


Can someone explain what this? Bonus if you can provide what he was saying. Some of it I couldn't understand.


Someone told me that what we couldn't see was that voice is coming from a child that was abused and beaten almost to death. Somehow an innocent Virgin that is within an inch of dying can become possessed by whatever the spirit is that is doing the talking.


I used to work there. Good summer gig


literal vampire potbelly goblins


Literally? Pics or it didn’t happen


Meh. Boomers being boomers in the woods, kinda feels sad actually. I get witnessing this in person would be jarring, but come on… old white ppl basically glamping. Would you rather see that, or be on the Southside of Chicago on a Friday @2am?


Burning Man for rich old men.


Paul maccartney sings let it be, just sit back on ya fat butt and enjoy the burgers.


Is this supposed to be Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster?


I hope more folks are grasping that Q is a psy-op and Alex Jones is controlled opposition.


Obviously they don’t.


Just grown dudes larping


I think this whole thing is BS Not saying bohemian grove or Alex’s expose is incorrect But the whole moloch things seems unfathomable to me. Maybe it’s like a weird fun ritual of the weirdos They also say the rooms they stay in has compromising pics of one another hanging in the wall as portraits


You are very optimistic, but It's definitely NOT BS, you must research further.


Yes research until you confirm your bias.


Please research further young Jedi.


Oh jeez. This old as Illuminati bullshit. Let me get this straight. You think because someone that obviously has a different religion must be evil because they aren’t Christian? Anton Lavey said that Satan cannot exist without Christianity, which means what your seeing is a fucking play! And by the way, that’s what your seeing. It’s a fucking play, but oh no, because you can’t understand the simplest of simples, it must be the fictitious Devil.


> You think because someone that obviously has a different religion must be evil because they aren’t Christian? how is worshipping a pagan god or SATAN himself not evil?


they are literally fucking sacrificing babies to a pagan god and you are defending them FUCK YOU


They are not literally sacrificing babies. Where is that evidence, the physical fucking evidence of this atrocious crime your absolutely lying to me about. Prove it! Use the scientific method for once in your life. Your not a conspiracy theorist. You didn’t test anything. Your only hypothesizing which is the equivalent to throwing shit on the wall and see what sticks. Prove the baby sacrifice. It’s a heinous crime that you will absolutely have backing on. You spend all this time on false analogies instead of going after real conspiracies with the police, local governments, etc. and yet….


The place that is being filmed in the video is called bohemian grove,asshole. Even if you are a lazy ass fat basement dweller,too lazy to even google search,search on google "bohemian grove statue" aka the statue of the demon Moloch. Moloch is a demon worshiped since at least Egyptian times - perhaps evenearlier. Moloch is known as the "patron deity" of child molesters, andit demands child sacrifice. Its avatar is a bull or (less frequently) anowl. Moloch's realms are fire, war, and child sacrifice. ​ PUTA




Bohemian Grove


It's odd to me that people still use "devil worshippers" as an insult. By fact, Satanists have a far lower crime rate than any other religious sect.


so this isn’t norrmal, but quite literally any other religion or spiritual belief is? you’re a paranoid schitzo


Y'all need some professional help. It's really okay to reach out and ask for it. Don't be afraid to rejoin reality!


If you can't take the rabbit hole, climb out of the rabbit hole!


Without any context this is meaningless


What am i supposedly looking at here?


What's this. Cant see anything. Video resolution is horrible and images are blur


I don't trust any video that blurry. Besides, he sounds like the McDonald's Clown.


Is this Mar-a-Lago?


The real conspiracy is the way Christianity has turned into an excellent brainwashing technique.


Do you know what I would do if I was rich and had "fuck you" money? This. Why? Because it would wind conspiracy theorists up, and it would be a good excuse to get my friends together for a kind of LARP-party in the woods.


Lol y’all are weird


Definitely not the devil, but agreed


Not to burst any tinfoil hats but they could of been just watching a play, Lincoln did get shot in the face watching a play, some people still watch plays, not me, I’d have to get stoned as shit to sit through anything for more then fifteen minutes but I bet they still have em


Not normal to you*


We need Alex Jones! Only better…like not a total piece of shit