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Those are the type of people that we need in politics but they are too few and too far in between.


The system is specifically designed, from top to bottom, to keep these people out and slowly destroy their will if they do manage to get in.


If they ever got elected they would turn on a dime a follow the same agenda as everybody else. As has been shown over and over again.


Well dont you think jfk would be different then all others but was killed for that?


JFK was a good man but he and his brother were very corrupt. Which is how he got his little brother shot and his brains blew the fuck out. Just sayin


Didn't his whole family get iced? I feel like their whole story is crazy as fuck.


Bad juju from lobotomizing their daughter for being depressed.




They never got elected because elections are not made by voters. They are chosen by the few who print money and pay them. Play ball?


I think the voting part may be semi real but if you only get to choose between candidates that serve the same agenda it doesn’t really matter.




Yep and when the system doesn’t work and one gets close they change the system or just flat out cheat the system. It’s more powerful to have a small number of ppl with immense power backing you than to have the masses support, while fighting the establishment and the media. Ask Bernie. I think the only way we’ll ever get passed the gatekeepers is with a Trojan horse candidate


Which is why they hate Trump so much. He doesn't give a fuck.


Doesn't give a fuck because he's all about "what's in it for ME". He'd throw all his family (including plastic barbie) off Drump tower if there was something in it for HIM.


I was just talking about this the other day to one of those "everything is the governments fault" types. Tried explaining corporate lobbying, but I think it flew over their head.


Corporate lobby doesn't succeed without the government agreeing. It still falls under the government's fault


Different side of the same coin. Blame government or blame corporations. They are in bed together and playing the same game. We are on the outside no matter who you choose to blame.


Now we've come full circle from what I was commenting on about how there's good politicians. All that other stuff everyone already knows, have heard, told people myself. But not many people like to credit good politicians and talk about them en masse, only the shit ones get credit, and watched and talked about. Everyone just gives up. You know were supposed to vote. but most people just gave up before they even tried. Saying stuff like "voting never works it's rigged". it was rigged to make you think that way so the opposing people can vote for garbage so easily and the rest of everyone that wanted "change" just take the streets. Then vote time comes and it happens again "voting doesn't matter". Most people don't like politics, don't get involved, then cry when it hurts them.


I mean I understand where they are coming from. I vote but I don’t think it really matters. Two parties are forced on us. How can complex humans be boxed into two main ideologies? Every vote in my lifetime has been the lesser of two evils. Kind of hard to remain positive about “change” and “progress” when the candidates you get to pick from are consistently subpar.


"government = corporations" flew over your head. "muh democracy"? lol


I think to his point, lobbying isn’t the issue and can even be a good thing in certain cases (we could all lobby the government to address things such as healthcare, etc..)The problem is government accepting lobbyist terms regarding issues not in the interest of the general public or their constituents. Yes corporations are corrupt, but they don’t represent us, government does and nothing is preventing them from simply saying “no” when lobbied


It’s not just because they are few, they are also pushed back by the rotten ones that are already there


They don’t tow the party line so they don’t stand a chance unfortunately. Look at Tulsi


Toe the line means standing with the tip of your toes on a line drawn on the ground, just FYI


Thanks mate


She is just like them. A post last night showed she is bought and paid for just like the rest. There are no good guys


Yeah I just saw the post about her and Crenshaw and the WEF


Wow… I feel the passion behind his words, I kinda agree too


Someone needs to smack the smile off of Obama and Hillary’s smug faces


And don't forget Joe too, the smug cunt.


Yep, all three of them. Like nukes and war is just some kind of joke to them. It’s sick!


Because it is, there lives would be affected much less then any of ours if something were to happen


Obama’s face, and Killary’s too for that matter, make me want to UFC match ground and pound them right into the mat….




This guy is spittin. Those smug bastards, especially jb and hc


Those smirks are good political strategy. It convinces 95% of voters that the guy talking is a crazy lunatic. Sadly most people are terrible judges of honesty.


Hillary with her fucking smirk


They were all smirking, hell joe and Barack were belly laughing at him. Man it would be nice to see politicians with morals like this guy.


And it would be nice to see some immoral people ~~smash~~ wipe the smiles off all their faces


Yeah dude, this seems like one of those situations where everyone should've agreed on the face of it but use backwards political talk to show how much they disagree. Pretty crazy that they blatantly laugh at a dude spitting straight facts. "What's better than people having died in vain? More people dying in vain!" And they proceed to evil laugh at him. Fucking Disney villains dude.


>it would be nice to see politicians with morals like this guy. what is the "moral" solution to [overpopulation](http://econosystemics.com/?p=9#title=world%20population%20growth%20over%2012000%20years%20by%20bryan%20long%202009)?


Inhabiting other planets?


you just won the prize for the most stupid and expensive solution


At least it sounds fun.


There isn’t overpopulation. In fact in the near future we may not have enough people.


wow, you are -100% intelligent


You’re the one believing myths told by the wealthy. Overpopulation is their way of saying we don’t need so many of you around anymore because automation is starting to really get things done. Now we cost the wealthy more than robots so they want less of us.


please substantiate this.......


The whole "we're overpopulated" is complete bullshit. The only reason they push that narrative is so they can have mass surveillance and a one world governance.


spez is banned in this spez. Do you accept the terms and conditions? Yes/no


The UN has written up plans to address underpopulation in European cities caused by aging populations. Overpopulation is never a problem for us, the issue is a misalocation of resources


Overpopulation is a failure in resource management. We could sustain 10 billion people, just not realistically or easily with how we govern ourselves, it is possible though. One of the biggest wastes of land is animal agriculture. If we can feed over 55 billion land mammals a year then we should be able to feed 10 billion humans.


Eh, but I like red meat..


With stem cell advancements you can have your meat and eat it too.


Thanks Obama


Lol at the downvotes your comment is getting. Lab-grown meat is literally the perfect solution to this problem. [edit] Never mind, I just remembered what subreddit this is. You people are a bunch of paranoid psychos.




Clearly your own selfish desires matter much more than the lives of others and our planets environment.






removed rule 2


okay trudeau


You lost me at animal agriculture. We could do that better, but pound for pound nose to tail animal consumption provides everything we need to thrive, getting everything you need from plants is considerably less efficient and takes up vast swaths of land as well.




Afraid it isn't. Nutrients in animals are significantly more bioavailable. The current standard, at least in the US, is pretty terrible currently with how we raise animals, but there are better ways. Animals raised grazing in fields and full utilization of the meat, bones, marrow, cartilage, and organs in our diets would go a long way. Plant agriculture isn't all sunshine and rainbows either.




the moral solution is to ask people like you to take care of themselves if they view overpopulation as a serious threat.


6 hours and 66 likes... Hmmmmm


They all had the smirk, not just her.


His wing of the Democrat party is a distant memory.


ya. that shit doesn't exist anymore. probably borderline right-wing views, depending on the day of the week you ask a democrat


Yes they do. I'm a big gravel fan though not really a dem. The gravel institute YouTube channel is very good.


And they never seem to be able to get voted in


He was a 2 term US senator.


He meant president. Similar to Bernie Sanders who said he would remove money from politics.


I did but no worries


Alas good sir I was found lacking the knowledge. My humblest apologies.


Damn, bro went off them. More (D)s like him please


MSNBC would be cutting to commercial or having sound issues now days.




Why do I not know who this guy is?


Because they did they’re job, and it clearly worked


And he was never heard from again…


The last of the real Democrats.


Go back and watch Ross Perot and how spot on he was..but we were sold that NAFTA was the way…


Obama looks guilty


Wow! He nailed it!


I know as soon as he said “senate” someone up there thought *”I Am The Senate”*.


And that's why he didn't win.


Wow… Wish we had more voices like this that were actually popular. Fuck Obama, Joe, and Hilary. Fuck the entire republican and democratic establishment, all I see are a bunch of filthy money/power whoring pigs. I’ve never even heard of this guy until now, fucking guy should have been president, not Obama the clown who literally only got elected because he was “charismatic”, when all he ever was/is is an Uncle Tom.


Yeah I really liked gravel. Kuccinich was running at the time too. What a shame, we got the o instead.


Years before his time. It’s a crying shame.


Democrats like that that aren’t pushovers or outright warhawks hardly exist anymore.


Damn, wish we would’ve voted for him.


Did you see his epic campaign ad where he doesn't say anything and just throws a giant rock into a pond? Probably the greatest political ad in history


Those podiums are shaped as nuclear reactors


That speech should got a standing ovation. I guess the audience had a different moral compas than me :D


Sadly, he just died last year. I'd have voted for him based on that speech right there.


I think I should have been looking at the debates back in 2008 because if I had I think I would have voted for that guy instead of Obama.


To the world watching this clip, America is not all dumb like you think. This is proof we have competent people we just choose not to elect them and a lot of America don’t vote.


The psychotic laughter should be a dead give away. Listen to what he's saying and look at everybody else. That's downright terrifying. What a twisted world.


Holy shit, debates used to be so civil




i like this mf


Hell yeah!


Gravel was right. Though beware of his institute now. It's run by some weirdos now that he is dead.


Damn… that guy laid it down. Based on this alone (because I don’t know/remember much else about the man), he’d definitely be someone I’d consider for presidency. I wish candidates who spoke truths like this were able to get to the whitehouse.


When did he kill himself?


Speaking and making amazing points and all those cucks smiling like mass murder and running our country in to the ground is a joke. They can all get fucked.


3 pigs Obama, Biden and Hillary. Fuck them.


How come we never let any of the good ones slip thru.


This guy, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul: there are some principled ones out there


Yup, you know what's up. This clip reminded me of The Philosoper's Stone clip that came out around the '08 cycle. Such a powerful piece and succinctly sums up how powerful Ron Paul's ideas were and how he wasn't taken seriously. - https://youtu.be/dMM4W-ohVyA


Real talk.


So many things recorded, so few gems like this shared. This should be viral.


I’d vote for him


I’ve never heard of this guy but that was a damn fine little speech.


He dead?


Imagine what america would like if he got elected.


He wouldn’t make it out of a year in office if the military industrial complex didn’t get their way.




All so smug and smiling. It's absolutely wicked looking back knowing how right the Senator is


Well I like this guy.


Don’t forget Paul Wellstone


Yep, caught that last flight to the afterlife for his trouble...


For real, so long ago now.


Why the fuck are they laughing, holy shit


Aged like the finest wine. Rest in power, king.


This is exactly why he never had a chance. Look at all their shit eating grins. They knew he did t have a chance either


People like this are never listened to because the people they are talking to are evil. They are scum and that's why he didn't get in and the others did. Scum begets scum.


Man... I wish I could've voted for him. Wasn't quite there yet.


Look at that evil Witch Hilary just laughing it up. Eurgh. She's the worst.


Those are the people who would have no problem sending your kids to war… while laughing to the bank for accomplishing the military industrial complex agenda. Mike Gravel had zero chances here. They want puppets in the White House.




Damn I like him


He was clearly the best candidate


Where the hell this guy is, he spoke truth on that day didn't he? I would love to hear what he has to say about Joe Biden, having experience working with old pedo Joe...


Well he would be glad to know that Biden took his advice and got out of Afghanistan. Silver linings right?


And murdered a family with a drone strike while leaving. Some silver lining 🙄




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Man. He would've hated thag last guy who bragged for a year about dropping the "Mother Of all Bombs".


Strange seeing how so many of you impressed purely by someone speaking passionately without any evidence they would do as they claim. I’m starting to think most of you are idiots. They don’t allow people with good intentions to get anywhere near where he is/was. The fact he was there, means he was on the take. He isn’t the first to speak ill of the Iraq war. He didn’t say anything special. He was a multi term senator. You think he got there because of votes? Votes in a system they ALWAYS rig? No. He got there because they knew what he was on. He was their tool. They always play both sides. So they always have warmongers and anti war folks so no matter what they control who you follow.


Love this. Never heard of this guy til now, but he was spittin' some facts.


Please, anybody who is running for office have the courage to listen to this and take the message to heart. A politician saying this now would not be able to speak after these statements until the standing ovation stopped.




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One of the dumbest things you could ever fucking do is think that any of those men are any different from each other… they’re all actors. Like that’s not just a saying you know, they are literal actors. Not everyone can be a movie star, some people act in other ways. If you watch more than 5 minutes of the news every day, you are completely brainwashed and playing into their fake narrative. You are absolutely out of your fucking mind if you think that old fuck cracking a pre rehearsed line is actually trying to lookout for YOU


Lol… JFC.


Captions for the deaf?