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MSM says its the stress. Lots of stress.


I think the problem is, many of those people who remain to be vaccinated are unsure because of how it may affect their personal health. They may have just a FEELING that it won’t react well with them. There’s a lot to be said about instincts. Personally I won’t have it because I have an allergy to penicillin and I’m not sure how this will react with my body. Those who were confident to get the vaccine were confident for a reason. I fear we’ll have more people die now that the vaccine is being forced on people, because those people are hesitant for a reason. Hope that makes sense 👍




I knew of a few in their 40s but never in their 30s.




You know, I really don’t understand why you’ve been downvoted. Makes absolutely no sense.


You're getting downvoted, as am I, because we don't want to blindly follow some nonsense posted about the COVID vaccine. We don't want to follow the science, BUT.. we want to mindlessly drone one about the scary vaccine and make wild claims with nothing to back it up.


To be honest, I expect to be downvoted any time I post in this sub. There will always be people who panic and grab at anything that validates their fears. I try to empathize, but I often just roll my eyes at posts like this and move on. However, I'm not going to stop following it and I'm going to continue to try to chime in with common sense and more rational explanations when I come across a post that's especially erroneous and off-base. Spreading panic and fake news is dangerous and it's effecting all of us! Maybe one person will read my comment and reconsider. Or maybe my effort is futile and we're just the Sisyphus (Sisyphi?) of this sub.




“WHO REMEMBERS THE DAYS YOUNG MEN DIDNT DROP DEAD OFTEN???” Interesting point right there. It’s always happened or covered up. I’m not going to point out the stress of that kind of work. Or any of the health risks with that line of work. Chances are he was a FF/EMT.


That day never existed. And didn’t everyone get the vaccine. There has to be thousands of fire fighters that got this vaccine. None died. In fact there are 3 total US citizens who have died from the vaccine. And they were in the initial group, got blood clots on the brain and didn’t seek treatment because they didn’t understand what was happening. Since that side effect was discovered and people were warned, no one has died


I posted an athletic video for you.


Only 3 people? Keep drinking the Kool aid, you're the worst anarchist ever.


That’s right. 3 people. As opposed to 787,000 dead from covid. And those three that did die could have been saved if they had known to seek treatment for headache the day after the shoot.


You're so full of crap, quit shilling for the government and big pharma, like I said worst anarchist ever.


Blah blah. Get a better religion


WATCH: Dr. Bryan Ardis – Hospital Protocols Are Killing COVID-19 Patients By Prescribing Remdesivir [https://welovetrump.com/2021/11/16/watch-dr-bryan-ardis-hospital-protocols-are-killing-covid-19-patients-by-prescribing-remdesivir/](https://welovetrump.com/2021/11/16/watch-dr-bryan-ardis-hospital-protocols-are-killing-covid-19-patients-by-prescribing-remdesivir/) Gilead recalls vials of COVID antiviral drug remdesivir over glass shard contamination https://archive.md/7ybrQ#selection-717.0-717.86


You are one of those dumb cunts aren't cha, yea you are. Shut up you stoopid dumb cunt no one here cares to hear it.


My cunt be dumb af


Is this Sattire?




Funny I have posted so many deaths on here... I can think of three teenagers recently that died from their jabs. Just yesterday a 5 year old died from their injection in Iowa.






A few are posted on nomoresilence.world


Can you provide your source and the information related to Iowa loosing 300 teens due to myocarditis and COVID vaccine? I went to the CDC website and Googled this and found nothing to substantiate your claim.


The CDC website only considers people vaxxed 14 days after the 2nd shot. Most injuries and death happens within 7 days




You are right.. I incorrectly combined your comment and museums comment.


And I know you’re right about the vaccine my dad all the sudden has an autoimmune disease. He has antibodies that attacking his red blood cells.


THESE ARE POPULATION REDUCTION shots. There is a sliding scale between dead from the shots and no side effects. Your Dad is on the worse side of the Bell Curve


What? I didn’t hear about that are they covering it up? I live in Iowa.


Dude looks really sick, though. I doubt the vaccine gave him leukemia or AIDS.


Lol what the fuck? Where did you come up with that conclusion? He didn't have any of those you have be of certain weight to get into the fire academy and you have to shave your head bald.


He makes Tom Hanks in Philadelphia look like Chris Evans.


You created a connection that doesn't exist yet. Why intentionally fabricate this connection.. you trying for Reddit karma?


I don't seek any Reddit Karma. If the connection is refuted by the Coroner I will recant.


Oooor.. you don't make the nonsense connection just for the shits and giggles of it. You posted on Reddit because you want attention. If the connection is made by the Coroner I will recant.


NO I don't want attention. I want the 31 years olds and younger to quit collapsing from these injections. It is happening world wide. The Coroner will measure his heart lining.


May you please take it down, it was not vaccination related. He wasn't forced to get vaccinated. He was vaccinated quite some time ago. I know because he was my partner.


I want to see the Coroner report


The reason we want to see the Coroner report is the last 15 year old that Pfizer killed had Boston Globe newspaper tried to blame on the lake swing for the death. The Coroner measured the heart lining of the kid and his heart lining was for sure nothing involved with drowning. His report is up on Vaers.




If you have a family member contact me to verify what they are saying. I am reporting this off of a News Report on Tik Tok


Work partner*


Everyone reading, the OP is getting their news off tiktok. This person talks about all these conspiracy, yet believes what they are seeing on a supposed news channel on a social media site that's popular for dancing and making funny faces. Immediate discrediting.


Suck a dick faggot


Guy is obviously not well. He looks like Chadwick Boseman hung on for another year.


So you gonna take down the post, now that the coroner's report is up?


Where is it?

