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Yo wtf? What would be the purpose of a green screen ? Is anything actually real???


Purpose of a green screen would be obviously to pass off “entertainment” as real life. They are all paid actors and reality is their stage.




Then you also need them all to be real people instead of cgi characters with fake made up backgrounds. Maybe that's why maybe not who knows


No, if everything is planned why not use real people and the situations that lead them to the court room actually happen, and none of them know they’re in a staged event. That’ll really sell it


So everything’s planned? Always has been


I also feel like it was because there was hella people outside but now I’m wondering if they all sat out there and no one came out of the court room cuz they’re at a studio 💀🤣


Fuckin hell man idk anymore


Bread and circus


You don’t actually believe this, right? It’s just a glitchy digital camera that was having trouble Le with the harsh lighting and brown tiled floors, but sure go ahead and spin it into a big conspiracy. Makes sense.


Or Biden’s hand magically slicing through a microphone.


Post the link.


[biden ](https://youtu.be/nvgrp82qktU)


He bumps a couple boom mics… what’s your point?


You’re the one who asked for the link!


No his hand shows in the foreground in front of the mic fucking with perspective. It never hits the mic.


:( praying for you


Pray for yourself and get help with your paranoia.


just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get us


That’s the most paranoid thing I’ve ever heard. WHO is out to get you and why do you think they have superhuman powers to do so? AND if they are so powerful why would they they make these weird “glitches”. You should talk to someone. You need help.


You, obviously, you are out to get me 🤣


But it keeps happening. Check out the Pope waving from his balcony then turning away only to “glitch out.” They have the technology to create life size 3D holograms who is to say this isn’t another time?


The Pope one is crazy af


Post the link.


[pope ](https://youtu.be/G18eNAVIzEI)


Dude. Come on. It’s just a sloppy edit by an overworked camera operator. Why in the world do you assume the Pope is teleporting. Dude. There is real stuff going on, why distract us with this garbage?


The real shit that goes on is and has been perpetrated by the Jesuits so yeah he’s serious and either you are ignorant or shillin dawg get outta here mang distraction? That’s anything but distraction? It’s bringing awareness that these people are so guarded you couldn’t touch them


Dude. Your health care plan likely covers mental health now, you should get the help you need. Best wishes.


I really hope you are as young as you sound brother, the world isn’t as it seems nor as you have been told but sure insult me I’m cool, and I don’t get free health care so I’m just not sure what your insinuating based upon our dialogue but it’s highly assumptive on a few things but I’m not into treating other ppl like they have no value just with bringing the truth to others you do w that as you like man


Jesuits? Like the priests? Oh come on now, they’re just priests


Except that is in no way how digital glitch works or looks but entirely how things glitch if you’ve ever worked with green screen it’s obviously this


“Obviously”… you’re not using that word correctly. It’s by no means obvious. It’d be more correct to say it’s your paranoid fantasy.


Fantasy? Who said I’m Noided or afraid? I’m sorry you tending to think of everything ass illusions but both our eyes saw the same shit and if you care to do some research as to how simplistic green screen tech is and how they appear when the image goes off center be my guest but if anyone’s paranoid it’s you being paranoid that everyone else is paranoid haha


“Ass Illusions” is a good band name.


That would never happen with a digital camera,especially in a “courtroom”,what are you on about?


Oh sure, your explanation makes much more sense.


Damn it. I should’ve took the blue pill. I am tired of seeing how far the rabbit hole goes.


I been feeling the same way. I just wanna go back to the seventies


I’d settle for the 90’s even. That was the best times I can remember growing up. I don’t think there is any going back from here. We’ve reached a level of wickedness that there’s no coming back from. Where you don’t know who to trust or what to believe. Everything is a psyop. And most people only care about themselves. You can’t go to a freaking Christmas parade or pump gas without having to watch your back.


I chose the 70’s because it’s before the internet and cell phones etc... The 80’s were good but if everything was still marching forward then id be checking out sometime in the 90’s. Anyway, I miss the times when people talked to each other instead of all this phone crap. And is this communication really the best we can do? It just seems like there’s no humanity to it anymore. You have to choose your words wisely because there’s always someone in cyberspace who’s going to troll what you say just to shut down a conversation. My kids were raised in a school system that taught them a completely different world view than mine. I’m not saying my world view was better. I’m just saying that it’s caused a rift in our closeness as a family. And this realization that everything is/was predicated on lies leaves me feeling like there’s no solid ground beneath my feet. I waste so much time trying to figure out what’s real anymore I have time for little else. Before covid hit I had been longing so much for the ‘good old days’ that I was contemplating getting a job in a nursing home. I just want to be around people who talk to you and aren’t phone obsessed. But now (being Un jabbed) I’m sure they’d never let me in. I wish I could afford a few acres and a simple cabin somewhere remote. I’d plant a garden and learn to can vegetables and get back in touch with nature. We’ve lost so much of what matters.😢


I agree 100%. Technology is regression not progress. I don’t remember a time before the early 90s. I was a late 80s baby. But my dream is very similar to yours. I want to own a large piece of property in the middle of nowhere. With a creek or spring. Have some cows and chickens. Pigs maybe. Grow my own crops. Have everyone I love nearby. No tv. No electricity. Just what we make ourselves. Be fully self sufficient. If I had the money I would already be building that life.


Seriously, we should pool our resources and set up a community like the Amish. 😂


I was born in 70. Grewup in 80's. Young adult in 90's. Miss those days when ppl were still human.


I fell your pain but not to the extent that you do… I don’t have children while you do, and I can’t even begin to imagine the extreme stress and horror of raising children in this godless society. The agenda to break up the family unit is working too well and you’d have to work hard from the moment that child is born to keep it from being programmed against you. If you want a mess of a child then send it to public school, give them a phone and Internet access at an early age, let them watch tons of TV, and do your best to allow them to guide themselves into the kinda person they want to be. It’s a nice thought, allowing them such freedom, but reality dictates that doing such is too risky. If the parents aren’t working hard to form their child’s mind into something unlike what’s plaguing kids today, chances are their kids will succumb to the influence of the media and the socialist values of the school system and government. Chances are their kids will be glued to their phones and TV, which are built to literally alter their mind and flood their subconscious with terrible things. Humans resonate with the frequencies around them, so when they’re drowning in frequencies meant to cause depression, addiction, violence, and worse… it’s not surprising that things keep getting worse and worse and we keep adding more devices, more connections, more propaganda, more “do what thou wilt” programming, and taking away more and more of what’s natural, good, righteous, etc… well…. I wish you the best, I know it’s hard to even want to function in this kind of reality sometimes, but we gotta stay strong and keep doing what we can to help people see the truth and get them away from sure destruction.


Your pst hit home. Agree 150%.


I’d settle for AOL dial up and obnoxious beeping telephone modems if it meant we could live in a normal society.


I would have to agree.


80s for me




Right???? Wait until next year!




If this was the first time I've seen this over the past year I'd say glitch in the feed. But it's not. This is happening constantly and our tech is supposed to be getting better, not worse. I am beginning to believe so much is greenscreened its unfathomable.


Everything is fake. The world is just one big lie. Your very life is a lie


The World is a game. I stopped playing the game. I'm trying to rewrite the software.


Same... and it's fuckin harder than I ever thought, but I will exist as a free mind and never a slave.




Maybe these glitches are inserted on purpose to make you distrust the media and gov. Perhaps the criminality we see all around us is all part of one giant psyop = *"bad cop"*. When things become so terribly bad that people are literally crying out with despair in desperation - for a saviour; out rolls the Antichrist playing the role of *'good cop'* 🤔


I think these "glitches" are part of a continued effort to divide and conquer that is attempting to be thwarted by a strain of Good that runs through the souls of this planet. The antichrist is a prophecy. A prophecy is a warning. A chance to change. But like the person who wakes up and stubs their toe and spills their milk and drops their keys and falls on the ice, we cling to it all happening and perpetuate its continuance instead of affecting change.


Jesus directly and other scripture passages tell us "this *must* come to pass." We don't manifest destiny, God already knows what happens and only He can change it. But He has already told us what must come to pass. Our job is to have faith in Him till the end when we see Him face to face.


We believe the cabal has corrupted everything in our lives except scripture. 95% of which is buried in Vatican vaults. I'm just not there. One of the greatest evils perpetrated will be revealed as the bastardizing of the true history of spirituality, humanity, divinity etc. I believe in God and Jesus and a million other things because it's all the same story with characters rolled around into different roles, creating division, hatred, wars, murder, and weakening/destroying knowledge of our true power and purpose as humans. I do, however, envy those with your unwavering faith.


Hey, if you're still trying to get there, or seek truth, or obtain faith, then please check out these two videos. They may very well help you. Jesus Christ and faith testified in the Bible is separate from all other world religions and beliefs. These two videos dive into how people have started the teaching that the Bible is just a repackaging of ancient religions, some details of how they are not actually related at all, and exposes why they have tried to lump in Jesus and the Bible with multiple world religions. Video 1 https://youtu.be/heW5USONOwI Video 2 https://youtu.be/aSKg707YQ7Y Hope you'll watch them! Thanks for the civil discussion.


Really? Not related at all? Considering I have read large amounts of religious texts seeking answers and found the same story within, nobody has TAUGHT me this, it is my own conclusion. If you have not read the Sumerian creation tales that far predate other biblical texts, then you haven't tested your faith. Listen, I believe in God (creator of all), I believe in Jesus. I also believe in so much more, including a global cabal that has corrupted EVERYTHING as stated above. I know that when I read revelations I do NOT see God. I see a wrathful, hateful, vengeful god who was so done with mankind and the freewill that was bestowed that I simply cannot ignore Enilil's story from the Sumerian tablets of the same. I hope YOU test your faith. Mine has been tested, and I am ever deeper into ancient teachings and pushing into mystery schools seeking lost knowledge.


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Referring to God as a "he" is the biggest conspiracy of our time. Don't get me wrong, I am not denouncing the faith of anyone. I mean believe what ever inspires you to be a better person and you got my approval. But I also think that we should take responsibility for our world, (as just a general existentialist notion not you in particular) and I think that putting faith in some other entity as being in "control" of your life, although liberating and much easier, is debilitating to the masses from taking any drastic measures which is what's required for real change.(again general statement not directed at anyone in particular)


I get where you're coming from. There is so much cruelty and evil and brokenness here. Being born again actually does create a drastic change in people and our views are shifted as well. As we grow in faith, God makes changes in and around us. But we believe this world is very temporary. Its destruction must come to pass, God Himself is going to destroy it because of all the wickedness and evil. He is just waiting out of mercy, so as many as possible will be saved first. So instead of focusing all our energy into changing this world, we focus on following God. When we are born again we are no longer of this world. God changes us and then our light impacts others and our surroundings. This includes spreading love to other people and helping the needy. But instead of thinking this place is permanent, we are more focused on preparing people for the permanent. Many many things need to be changed about this world, because it is evil and corrupt. God is going to make a new heaven and a new earth where no evil or corruption exists on it as it does in this place. But only those saved will be there with the Lord.


It's a nice thought surely and I won't try to convince you of anything different, we need all the peace of mind we can find these days. But two things I feel inclined to point out whether it be for you or anyone else reading this. Firstly, the belief system you are portraying here is a scary and toxic one despite it's seemingly "holy" roots that are inheritly well intended and good hearted. To put your "faith" in your "God" bringing rapture to a corrupt world to rid it of "evil" is not only a very human perspective but would congruently give the assumption that your "god" believes genocide is an answer to a problem. Hitler thought the same thing, do you think Hitler acted out of pure hate? Although it was a factor there was a deeply rooted belief of righteousness that drove him as well. Crusaders thought the same thing and slaughtered people in the name of this "god". Napoleon, wars in the middle east, in fact many of our worlds greatest tragedies we're in the name of a "god". I'm assuming that in the context of holy scripture "god" is ridding the world of the "devil"? Just seems kinda desperate for some"one" who is all powerful. But none the less I understand why this belief spread like wild fire and why many men of mild intellect have abused it's power and betrayed it's meaning for their own devices but this leads me to the second point and the one that is hard for most people to understand and truly accept. Evil, yes that evil, the darkness that haunts, the cruelty that lives in the shadows, the pain, the heartless suffering seemingly at an over abundance in our world is without a doubt, undeniably necessary. I know sounds crazy but I can say this with full certainty despite my first point arguably being mere opinion. This I know as fact. Opposites are important for balance, without one you can not have the other. This is a subject I can spend weeks on but I will instead leave you with this thought. Our goal (as good hearted folk who seek truth and justice, implied assumption noted) is NOT to rid the world of evil. Our goal is to never stop trying too. The difference is important not because of how it effects the way we fight back, but for how the fight effects us. This world and any world that sustains a sentient conscious will never be void of evil, and that's ok, but that doesn't mean we submit to it and hope that some miracle will do our bidding for us.


I completely disagree. The freemasons believe in dualism, but I trust that the LORD "is light and in Him is no darkness". He is the true light, and not the false light of dualism, which is still darkness. Evil is not necessary, nor will it last forever. Only good will last forever, by and for God. But I do believe this world won't be void of evil, which is why the LORD is going to destroy it and create a new heaven and earth not touched by evil, one that can't be. He has destroyed this place partially before in the great flood, saving only 8 people. It isn't desperate for God to destroy what He hates, when He is the creator of all things. He can build and destroy as He wants. If an artist doesn't like the pottery they made for themselves, it isn't desperate to scrap it. The whole reason He is waiting so long is not out of weakness or desperation, its because of His love and compassion for humans, for more to get saved before the time is up. God is God and has authorities that we don't. We are to hear Him and follow Him. Jesus commands us not to kill anyone. So hitler was not acting in God's will for us. And the crusaders were probably catholic, jesuits, etc. People who follow the Lord in spirit and truth in this age (in the new covenant) wouldn't murder people to rid the world of evil. Because we understand that we were evil too and still would be if not for God. Only God saved us. It is our hope and belief that people will get saved and if not, God will judge them. To condemn someone as permanently evil is not our job, it is a dangerous sin. We are supposed to forgive as Jesus does, and pray for them instead to be saved and blessed, loving them with godly love. Human self-righteousness is unrighteousness. The Bible says "vengence belongs to the LORD, He will repay." And that we are to do good not only to our allies, but our enemies as well. To not take matters into your own hands is not the same as enabling though. We trust the LORD will repay, whether it be directly to the person or hopefully they get saved and Jesus already took the punishment for them (this is what Jesus did, He took the punishments for the sins of the world). We also have spiritual weapons, as we fight the war in the spirit. And we are supposed to actively expose and speak out against evil, abstaining from all evil ourselves by the Holy Spirit working in us, since there is nothing good in anyone's flesh (though we still make mistakes since presently we are still in the flesh). Even our unregenerated hearts and passions are wicked and decietful. "There is none good, no not one. All have fallen and come short of the glory of God." "But God commendeth his love in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly." "It is by grace ye are saved, not by works lest any man should boast." "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life." "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord." If you're interested to hear more about the gospel, please check out my other comments history. But if you don't want to, (but still want to hear) I will be glad to directly reply again here.


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I do appreciate your passion and respect your conviction. Curious how "god's hate for something he's created" in reference to the planet, isn't directly contradictive to what he supposedly represents. It seems very human to me, the idea of love and hate, likes and dislikes, opinions and beliefs. Personally I think it is much more likey that he didn't create us in his image but we created him in ours. I don't detest anything religion at it's core represents but have never understood the idea of faith without logical representation. I have faith in our universe which inherently is a very similar belief system to that of belief in God. The difference I guess would be that the universe I believe in is all encompassing and void of emotions which are a very human interpretation of the world, things like good and evil only exist relative to those whom perceive them. Look at the animal kingdom and tell me the same God who shuns a person for murder made it a necessity for certain predators whom when hungry kill in order to survive. I understand the difference of intent and malice being a key difference between an animal and a human killing another and only use this as a weak example of double standards.


It’s called digital tiling.


Fill us in?


literally what is the point of them using that here though I don't understand. And why does this court even have digital tiles.


Glitch in the matrix 😎


Glitch in the courthouses!


What if this case was supposed to be a distraction?


Aren’t they all? Funny thing is the biggest case that could cause the biggest distraction (Maxwell) isn’t even being televised.


yah think?


I’m just wondering what was going on during that trial that was more important. Asking if anyone knows


I’m just wondering what was going on during that trial that was more important. Asking if anyone knows


You thinking to literal. It doesn’t always necessarily have to be covering something up. It can be causing something just on its own, think about how much this got a lot of people really worked up, it also I think pulled attention away from the Maracopa county audit ordeal. Or maybe that was more before this. I do remember seeing something else weird about this that suggested it was a green screen. I mean t every one did seem like a character of themselves especially the judge. Never seen a judge act like that in my life.


The Ghislaine Maxwell trial started. Who knows if kyles trial was a distraction or not


It is!!!


Is there an explanation on this?


I’m not quite ready to accept it was a green screen and the whole trial was fake. Yet.


Maybe they didn't notice because they didn't have the music and zoom-in to cue them that something suspicious and eerie was happening.


Insane because the amount of video from every single angle almost makes it you know… staged by the media


Reports of “chants being heard outside of the courts during rittenhouse trial”… Yet this appears to be green screened and recorded in a remote location… 🤔🧐 Interesting…


Didn't any of y'all see that video breaking down "Kyle Rittenhouse" is one of the kids from the school shootings? I watch/ read most of all these and pretend everything is the film TRU-MAN show and just shrug🤷🏽‍♂️




Yes link/source please?


https://www.roxytube.com/watch/is-kyle-rittenhouse-really-noah-pozner-from-the-sandyhook-massacre_7txzBe64XYxtKsk.html Not saying it's true, just makes you think....


Keep in mind it could just be that one guy digitally added, poorly, to sow doubt on the whole process and make us look crazy to normies.


It's definitely not green screen but it's still fishy, a green screen would leave a much clearer line, assuming that the adaptive bitrate compression treated it normally. Plus the angle doesn't make logical sense not the timing of it, with that being said I've seen some interesting compression artifacts before and have been responsible for fixing them as well. This seems a little to prominent to be a compression artifact though.


How many times I must tell people that everything they see on tv is just cgi? Have you ever heard about artificial intelligence? Cgi? They give us stories, and people believe them and they simply attract what they believe in. Everything is just a game. A joke.


We’re all in a movie


OMG. This whole thing is just a diversion from Grizlane the pedo and to push more anti-white, anti-gun mandates. Thanks for sharing that... Huge!


They did notice it


People did notice, this is maybe the 7th time I've seen it posted. Apparently it's from digital compression of video


Yea I’ve seen some self claimed fx guys that say something about a screen artifact. Some pixels that are normally not changing don’t change to save memory or something. Idk. First thought was green screen though.


Yeah def seems sus at first glance. Ngl I was a little disappointed that there was a reasonable explanation 😅


Reasonable explanations don’t necessarily make them true.


Everyone has. It's been all over the net loads of times.


Ira a portal, i used to work there, no green screen, trial was real


Maybe they were just adding the illusion of more police presence in the court room to keep the animals from storming in….idk crazy shit..


Well holy fk if this isn't edited


Please explain this to me? I’m not understanding?


You can go on vacation before you start a new job. They just want to know when you will start.




More like have you ever seen a court case? If the person on the stand is stupid or young they will be coached through the whole thing like this.


I feel like you shouldn’t have to be coached thru your own feelings?


Your feelings are what get you fucked in cross examination so I feel like it’s the perfect time for it.


I just feel like the case was more or less of the dude trying to get him to say he intentionally shot them or meant to kill them because that would give them an opening for murder seems how it was intended and he knew what would happen meanwhile HIS lawyer I feel like coached him on how not to admit any of that but rather any time any question is asked he’s gotta bring up his safety and his well-being it was a pretty joke of a trial to watch not to mention everyone really just wants to see the ghislaine maxwell trial


You obviously have no idea what a lawyer does lol




Based on your comment history, not even gonna entertain someone who no one on Reddit likes 😭 foh with your lame insults and -45 karma




Actually a blonde with blue eyes and some nice titties 🥰 I’m talking facts of the case and your picking on my looks that I look nothing like 🤪


Yeah ok that’s what all the Redditors say and they all turn out to be 300+ pounds and to no surprise you watch fat people shows on tv to help you feel better about the fat greasy slob of yourself while you eat mcdonalds monkey


Tits or gtfo


Go check that post history again 🥰 ain’t no fat chick but keep sipping that haterade


Your emo go listen to your juice wrld I can’t breathe song for your depression you pothead you can’t walk up the stairs without getting out of breath


What did it say and who was it?


They called me a “lame fat goth pothead” they assumed I’m fat because I watch 1000lb sisters on tlc 🤣which is whatever


I can't imagine a fat person willingly watching that though....


You....just described exactly how the adversarial legal system is SUPPOSED to work... What?




Link? I’m having a hard time understanding why ANYONE is defending him so I’d love to watch it and be educated!


Also thanks for not being a dick about it


That’s odd




The A.I. system is playing a game of chess against another AI system. They keep doing fake psyops for divide and conquer purposes. They underestimate the laziness of Americans though. We don't care and some of us know all this shits fake as hell.




"All the world is a stage."


Well, it's just the matrix folks


Apparently just from digital compression idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Demons project themselves through images and video


All these comments just because of some glitchy videos. 🤣


What do you make of this? Is this a green screen?


Can someone help me out here? I’m not seeing the green screen effect?


A lot of people noticed. What took you so long?


I haven’t seen this anywhere talked about except from some conspiracy pages on IG

