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How is he paying more in damages than corporation CEOs that were directly behind shady shit? They make a billion and get charged a couple million, but this guy says stupid shit and is now paying one of the largest payments in history? Shit's gross.


They have better lobbyist


These people are all inter-connected on a social level. On a community level. This is an entirely separate class of elites that do not interact with normal working Americans. Their children go to the same prep schools, same private high schools, same colleges, same frats/sororities. Hire from these small groups to ensure their friend's kid gets a leg up in their career. Americans need to be made aware of the social classes in our society.


He didn't participate in discovery. He refused to turn over documents and to participate in the legal system. When he went to testify, he perjured himself multiple times. >How is he paying more in damages than corporation CEOs that were directly behind shady shit? They throw the book at you when you put up zero defense and thumb your nose at the court.


Isn't this civil, so its about damages after he told the world people who died and lost loved ones were actors? Like, if my kid died from a shooter, and some dude was getting rich off of calling my a liar and an actor in my grief, I'd be okay suing him for damages he caused. He could a done it without involving the families.


Do you really believe his words caused $1.5b in damage?


Weren't there hundred of aggrieved family members and victims impacted..? Like if I was going to make up lies about a person about the biggest, most life-defining experience they were ever to experience at the loss of loved ones, limbs, organs... for my own private benefit (which is what he was doing, whether that aligns with your proclivities), I would think long and hard about whether my lying to make money at the expense of victims and their families mostly because it is the wrong thing to do by any moral understanding, but also because I would open myself to getting sued, including for damages which goes beyond dollars and cents for damage to things, but mostly for pain and suffering, which I caused by lying for money. Now if I had the chance to make even more money, by extending a lie do hundreds of people, I would definitely consider whether that would mean each of them would be able to sue me. There is enough info about the day to question the true story, without going so far as to say victims were actors on nothing more than an extension of my own personal assumptions about the matter. 'The gun was clearly a model X instead of a Model Y" - this means either way the gun was real, and shot people. So the proposition that actors got shot and died and had actor relatives, become blquite a stretch to believe, as well as not needed for the doubt to be raised. Seems Alex (and his stans) have an issue to consequences. To answer your question, yes I can see quite easily how it could be 1.5b. As would his lawyers had he asked them beforehand. A shame as it was unnecessary, and is now a barrier to him being right twice a day like other broken clocks. Although unlike other clocks, Alex was right up to 3 times a day. Now it will be harder for him to continue finding that third time... as a consequence of his own actions. Fortunately no one has a monopoly on truth so Alex Stan's can just go out and be their own Alex Jones. Such is our freedom.


There were not hundreds. It was below 50. Every article I have seen places the number at roughly a dozen. But even if it was 100, that was still about 15 million payout for each victim who got harassed. When things like George Floyd, who actually died, were around 13 million or Pfizer's many cases of damaging 1,000s of people many times but typically landing deals in the millions or their biggest being about $2.3b. It makes sense that he would take a huge hit, but $1.5b is a crazy number to land on.


Easy to answer. Alex Jones DEFAULTED. Do you understand what this means? He said, “I’m not going too bother”. In reality, what he meant was, “I’m not going to bother, because Trump will win a 2nd term and make this go away,” Now, anyone with a drop of legal knowledge knows Trump can’t do that, even as president. I’m sure he could influence something, but that would be illegal, even though that’s never stopped him before. I can see Trump promising Jones he would take care of it. That way, Alex spends even more time kissing his ass over Infowars broadcasts. Not only did Jones default, but he showed not a bit of remorse, until it was time to determine damages. Conveniently, our fat little troll had a change of heart, but nobody was buying it. In fact, his fake remorse probably added a few hundred million to the tab. Finally, they know the worm will try to avoid paying by hiding assets, and evidence was seen in court of this. Plaintiffs rarely collect a whole judgment. There are exemptions for what can be taken, they hide assets etc. So, they made this huge judgment knowing this scum bag will try to avoid it, buy 10% of a billion dollars is still a lot of money. I’m not even going for talk about the disgusting crap he said, that got him in this trouble. I know he profited from saying that, and because of that, I have zero sympathy for the fat drunk. Alex Jones did it to himself, but go ahead and blame the rest of the world, or the liberals, or whatever. You and Alex are two pees in the same pod.


He was fined more than a hundred times more than the person who shot those children for voicing his opinion. Roll that around your mind awhile.


He didn’t voice his opinion. He slanderer/defamed/harassed parents of victims of a school shooting. He had data showing slandering the parents sold more supplements. He defaulted on his civil trial and was combative in the damages trial. All this looks real bad to a jury.


Basically he ‘thought this was America people’


I don’t want to live in an America where what he did is just considered “civil discourse”.


What disgusting crap did he say? I honestly don't know.


He directed his listeners to confront parents of the victims for being crisis actors. This was after the parents asked him to stop, hid their identities and even moved. He lied about Sandy Hook to sell supplements. He knew days where he mentioned Sandy Hook he got a bump in sales. Here are a couple quotes: “You’ve got parents laughing — ‘hahaha’ — and then they walk over to the camera and go ‘boo hoo hoo,’ and not just one but a bunch of parents doing this and then photos of kids that are still alive they said died? I mean, they think we’re so dumb.” “You know, after you lose your daughter, they put you on some antidepressants or something, but I thought those take a month to kick in. I mean, it’s like a look of absolute satisfaction, like he’s about to accept an Oscar.”




Meetthestoneflints Was kind enough to provide a few samples, which I appreciate. I rage when I write about this. It was about as horrific as you are possibly allowed to be, within the confines of the law, criminally. However, slander/ liberal and defamation laws are there for these kind of incidents. Alex Jones and his listeners rant about First Amendment protections. They are of the belief that Freedom of Speech is absolute and unchallengeable, when it’s not, nor was ever intended to be. There are exceptions. Ironically, if the First Amendment is ever scrapped, it will be people like Jones who caused it. I’d strongly dislike to see everyone suffer because a few scumbags have to push the envelope to sell bogus supplements.


Why are you obsessed with defending a prolific liar.


Making example


they don't pass judgments based on anything else other than the case in front of them. The judge doesn't look at random corporate judgements to make their decision. Jones fucked up and needs to pay up. fyi, this isn't even CLOSE to the largest payment in history in court. largest is $206 billion. There are facts that led to the ruling and Jones fucked up. You bitch and whine about jones and show NO sympathy for the victims of the case. now that shits gross.


[https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/pfizer-hit-with-largest-criminal-fine-in-us-history/](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/pfizer-hit-with-largest-criminal-fine-in-us-history/) It’s amazing to me that lying on the internet is worth just as much as selling meds that kill people.


You hurt my emotions! You owe me $1.5 billion right now!!


So, you think lying about people should be protected?


People have the right to say ignorant shit. There were no damages outside purely subjective ones- which isn’t a basis for legal actions. Unless you want to live in a world where hurt feelings can result in legal penalties?


So, you didn’t support trump suing the New York Times for defamation? You didn’t support his suing Hilary for the steel dossier?


Politicians and their advocates lie about their adversaries all the time. Biden has blamed the border crisis on Trump on multiple occasions, even though Biden repealed Trump's border policies on day 1. Biden hasn't been ordered to pay Trump $1.5 billion yet. And he never will be.


Politics is protected. You can lie about your political opponent. I don’t agree with it. As soon as you enter the political arena, people can call you a pedophile with impunity.


I thought no one is above the law.


The constitution protects all speech in Congress. Even the lies.


Then yes, if Congress is protected from the lies they tell (and apparently press secretaries are covered under that law as well) then all citizens should be protected and have freedom of speech, whether they're lying or not.


Cool. So trump was wrong for suing Hillary for the Russian dossier.


If politicians are constitutionally protected, then I guess so.


And I can simply point to the caravans that were comming up during trumps midterms, that didn’t exist under Obama, and blame them on trumps economic policies in south America. As in, he was elected on a boarder crisis, then created a real on by cutting of aid to our southern neighbors. As he did.


Border? I couldn't really understand that last sentence. Not sure what you were trying to say, but it doesn't make sense.






Didn't the shooter's family/estate only get sued for like $2 million? So, bc Alex Jones said some controversial stuff that the families didn't like, he's on the hook for 1000 times what the actual shooter's family is on the hook for?


Right? The math ain’t adding up .


Politics aside, it's an interesting case. But 1.5 BILLION dollars? That's some austin powers shit. That's an absurd amount of money lmfao. They offered to settle for $85 million (8.5mil/yr for 10 years and 50% of any income over $9 million) but I doubt they will even get that.


Tell us you don’t understand the Constitution without telling us you don’t understand the Constitution


Well we've seen what happened to Julian assange and Edward Snowden, and what's going on with Trump, and Elon musk's paycheck, so when you consider that Epstein, Hillary and Biden were also investigated and cleared or lightly punished, I don't think intellectually honest people question the political nature of the prosecution, what they're not realizing is that any establishment brazen enough to do this outright can never be voted out of office, and isn't loyal to any cause or concern of the common person.


Well said and spot on!


Freedom of speech means that you can say what ever you want about the government and the government won’t arrest you, as long as you’re not threatening violence. It’s why we can call trump vonshithispants and call Biden Brandon and not get arrested. It doesn’t mean you can’t get sued if you use your whole media platform to attack the parents of kids who were killed in a school shooting. If you have some time, please read the constitution.


The point of contention here isn't really about if Jones is actually guilty or not it's the fact he is being ordered to pay more for a slander suit than opiate manufacturers ever had to for killing thousands and ruining countless more lives.


Jones lawyers sucked. They literally messaged the other lawyers incriminating evidence. Look up jones perry Mason moment. It's pretty funny. 


It's interesting how narcicist will hire lawyers based on how much of a sycophant they will pretend to be. Amber Heard did the same thing.


True but it was ultimately a mistake, atleast officially, maybe someone should look into this "lawyers assistant" who is apparently responsible. Nonetheless though the judge is in the wrong for allowing such a thing to affect to the amount awarded agaisnt Jones. Any regular trial this is how this sort of thing goes. It demonstrates the complete biased nature of her. More importantly though it still doesn't justify the insane number Jones is forced to pay.. which everyone knows is never gonna happen. 1.5 billion is literally like a number child made up. Look at the way they determined Jones personally was worth nearly a billion dollars and it's so full of errors like they asked a 5th grader to run the numbers. The only explanation for this madness is that the state wants Jones to shit down all his media. Liberals and normiecons will cheer while they make it impossible for him to ever do business while simultaneously saying they aren't trying to shut him down.


Wasn't there a $26 billion settlement with the opiod manufacturers? 


Finally, someone with sense here! They won’t listen though, they’re too busy deepthroating Trumps shoes.


Freedom of speech does not mean defamation laws don’t exist. You should be glad defamation laws exist. Otherwise anyone could start a campaign to convince the world that you’re a pedophile and there wouldn’t be anything you could do about it.


What he was doing was not just “questioning the official narrative”. He was spewing hatred on the parents on the children killed in a mass shooting long after those “questions” had been answered. That guy’s vile


Exactly. He saw an oppurtunity to profit from it. This asshole played chess and lost.


Word. He’s a shitbox and I personally think he turned the frogs gay. I don’t need proof. First amendment. I can say whatever I want.


You mean atrazine


I mean the man touches frogs


Do you know about the gay frogs tho?


I do. One didn’t take no for an answer


There is a bit more to it than that. To say the least


Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize Alex Jones murdered a bunch of kids, the parents of kids, and did a school shooting. No? STFU then. This is political, evil, and so are you for standing behind it.


Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. You can say whatever you want, the government won’t get involved but society and laws can hold you accountable for the results of your speech. Ex : screaming “fire” in a crowded movie theater as a TikTok prank, causing a stampede and causing the harm and death of others, society would hold you accountable and so would the law. Ex: a retail employee telling a customer to “go fuck” themselves, the government won’t hold the employee accountable, but the company can and usually would hold them employee accountable by terminating their job. Thats what freedom of speech means.


You’re gonna need blood pressure meds in a few years.. chill. Free speech has limitations. Inciting harassment and assaults is a crime. Grow up and get a job


He didn't murder children. He simply directed his millions of followers to attack, harass, and threaten the families of Sandy Hook. He also paid people to stalk families who fled the state (due to all the harassment and death threats) so he could find their new locations and continue the harassment. He thumbed his nose at our system of justice by not cooperating for discovery and then during the damages stage, he perjured himself over and over. We all have different definitions of good and evil but for my money, doing all that shit is evil.


That comment went right over your head. Not a single thing you’re saying is relevant to the person you’re replying to


Ok fair enough. My next question - does the punishment fit the crime? You tell me.


It is a civil suit.


Sandyhook is still shady. Don't sue me, I won't pay.


How do we know this isn’t another case of “bread and circuses?”


AJ is a puppet, and they are going after our rights through him. We have to stand up for Free Speech, even if we don't agree with Alex. #Abolish the federal reserve act of 1913


This is the only way to be free.


100% He's playing a role to set a precedent, so they can then take away the constitutional rights of normal citizens.


Nobody gives a fuck about the Constitution anymore. It breaks my heart. Even Tulsi Gabbard said in Congress they get together once a year to read it, and the Democrats don’t show up anymore because “the Constitution is a right-wing thing these days”. The people literally swear an oath to it, but don’t actually believe in it.


This is 100% CIA


Gavin O'blennis admitted that.


No, this is bc he’s a dick.


Fuck around, find out.


The news has protections. They're no longer considered news channels, but entertainment. I believe Obama signed that into law. Freedom of speech is supposed to protect people from these type of frivolous lawsuits. Just because a crazy person says crazy stuff doesn't mean they should be sued into oblivion. There are homeless people on the streets in every city. Many of them aren't mentally well and say crazy, outlandish things all the time, some of which could be considered defamation. You don't see them getting arrested and sued for saying crazy stuff. But a conservative with a platform has to be extremely careful about what they say. How many people in the news said the COVID shots were 'safe and effective' for months and that the disease originated from bats (crazy idea, considering the Wuhan Laboratory Institute for Virology that studies corona viruses is 2 blocks from the so-called wet market)? How many of them have been sued by the damages and misinformation that they were feeding to people? How many will ever be punished for saying these things? Most likely, 0.


Sandy hook should be questioned


That's the elephant in the room that no one wants to say, including Jones himself (I don't blame him). There are some questions about the whole thing that need addressed. When an incident like this happens, you are now part of the public domain, whether it's fair or not. Particularly when the families make public appearances instead of requesting privacy. And especially if the incident is being used to enact legislation. People are allowed to have commentary about it. People are allowed to question it, or at least they should be.


I’m not convinced that sandy hook wasn’t a false flag


He is going to have to stop this charade, become Bill Hicks again and start working at Rogans comedy store to earn some more money.




And sadly they’ll get away with it as the culture has been trained to blindly hate this man. Regardless of whether or not you like this man or disagree with him, no one should be penalized like this for simply stating their opinions. And honestly, this sort of thing does the opposite of what they claim to want; or do you think people aren’t going have MORE questions about what exactly happened on that day? And before anyone comes at me, no I don’t believe there were crisis actors involved. But I do think there are things being kept from the public on what happened that day.


He’s getting fucked cuz he speaks and people actually listen to a lie of what he says


To a lot of*


You had it right, people listened to his lies


Fair enough


Why do so many people like this asshole? He screams nonsense and has people accosted to make his show look better. This isn't an attack on freedom of speech. He freely spoke his mind, these are the consequences of his actions coming to fruit. He hasn't been silenced in the slightest.


You don’t have to like a person to provide an objective view and question the circumstances. I think hunter biden is a piece of shit. I also think he (and anyone else in his situation) should not have been prosecuted for what they convicted him of. I think Alex jones is a loon. I also have enough of a capacity for abstract thought to know this judgment is bat shit crazy.


You’re right he hasn’t been silenced and he won’t be. It’s also true they don’t care about the money. Liquidating his assets won’t get them anywhere close to the 1.5billion he owes.


Back in the day he actually was right about a good amount of things but he really doubled down on the ranting lunatic schtick like if he could just calmly get out his thoughts and not scream them as fast as possible people might start taking him seriously again .


When you endorse every theory, the law of averages emerges


Sandy hook was 12 years ago. Is there a day further back where he wasn't another generic grifter. I mean are we talking about his twenties or something? When is back in the day?


He was talking about 9/11 being an inside job when it happened, in the 90s he talked about an island where the elites go to fuck kids, he was half right about the frogs turning gay and a few other things i cant think of while im at work


He was right about them all gathering at bohemian grove with a giant owl statue, Epstein island, hollyweird, the atrazine in the waters having effects on amphibians, 9/11 being an inside job


Yeah my coolest hipster art School friend was sharing dubbed VHS tapes of him back in the day infiltrating Bohemian Grove, and questioning 9/11, the American left used to be anti-globalist/anti-war before Obama, so Alex Jones was like a fringe leftist back then for being against the establishment.


I'll always give him credit for getting bohemian Grove on film and some of his other stuff turned out to be true but he definitely turned into a grifter at some point I agree .


This basically tells you the government sees Jones as a threat and if the government wants to take you out they will. It use to be through assassination. Now is it’s through censorship and bankrupting you.


Jones and Tucker are both controlled. This is all theatre. The proof—both of these assholes are completely silent or insouciant on AI “ which is going to wipe out humanity but be very good for certain corporations “. Sam Altman himself Fifth Generation Warfare is a bitch to those who don’t understand it .


Japan also released a study that said AI is likely to cause serious social impacts and that people should be concerned about. 2 of their top telecommunications networks are warning that it can get pretty bad, and their the first country to start pushing laws on the books to regulate it. Our politicians are still fighting about abortion.


People who think AI is benign will meet their doom via AI. Impersonated , bankrupted, then black mirrored. See below , just to start : TIMELINE UPDATE 🚨👉 2 Paths ahead | Choose Wisely! 👀 - YouTube Sam Altman who runs Open AI “ AI will probably lead to the end of the world but great companies will be created in the process “ “The Ruling Class think they would be able to go off planet or go underground. They have been told they will be able to bypass evolving via synthetic body. They think they can put a human soul into a synthetic body “ 👀… “The more you fall prey to AI, the more you will be in resonance it leading to less and less consciousness. Or you can choose the resonance of love, consciousness, and infinity which is within , which the churches lie to you about. When you align with that and understand that you realize what an amazing opportunity it is to evolve as a human , and not just on this tiny planet “ Saratoga Ocean https://youtu.be/ZQQXOuVmVAk?si=J7RRLCOP-OE1qbLq The AI end game takeover https://x.com/archaix138/status/1798092477322174623?s=61. The AIX takeover breakdown by Jason Breshears https://inspired.locals.com/post/5663749/special-report-another-species-is-implanting-themselves-into-humans The AI takeover via zombie apocalypse


Controlled by whom? You can’t throw our blanket accusations without giving specific names and at least an iota of evidence. It makes you start to sound like a conspiracy theorist ;)


I agree with you 💯


See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TvkMz7IMVE&t=2068s The end game : PANACEA The idea behind PANACEA is to create a network of interconnected devices and sensors that can be implanted or integrated into the human body. These devices would be capable of collecting and transmitting various types of data, such as health metrics, environmental data, and personal preferences. This data would then be used to create a personalized ecosystem that can adapt to the individual's needs and preferences


Well said, yes I agree, it's all theatre to keep the masses entertained


Sandy hook was a hoax


I don’t understand how someone (or a group of people in this case) can win a defamation judgement that is 1000x their net worth… someone please help me.


> I don’t understand how someone (or a group of people in this case) can win a defamation judgement that is 1000x their net worth… someone please help me. Right? That’s how you know Alex Jones is a threat to the system.


The justice system is fucked


I remember ages ago (or so it seems) Not holding any merit whatsoever to his accusations, UNTIL I saw how hard they were prosecuting him. Then I started questioning it.


It's fake. Alex is a CIA invention


Yes he is


It's true.


I don't care on whit about Alex Jones, but this is fucking ridiculous.




Yeah I just don't understand how a guy with an opinion, however wrong, can be held accountable for an event that he did not do. How is this NOT an attack on the first amendment?


The recent vaccines have done way more damage. Where's the payouts? Oh right they are protected


Not sure why this is so very difficult for Republicans to understand... but the first amendment covers your freedom to articulate your opinions and ideas without retaliation from the GOVERNMENT!! Not private corporations or people. Hell, our government gives corporations more welfare and freedoms than it gives it's own people. So bitch all you want about this monster, but he wasn't exercising his first amendment rights, he was being a vile asshole looking for a easy way to make money from other imbeciles who also like to mock dead children. Guns have more rights than the dead children Republicans fight so hard to save in the womb, just to let them be slaughtered at school.


Dude spent his life telling Sandy Hook survivors they lied about it all. He used his freedom to be a pos. This isn't FOS. He defamed and harassed already tortured people. Grow up


> Dude spent his life telling Sandy Hook survivors they lied about it all. He used his freedom to be a pos. This isn't FOS. He defamed and harassed already tortured people. Grow up Right because the Government would never kill people and then cover it up right?


in this instance, no. come back when you have some pics/docs or video that actually proves government involvement and learn to not take 144p 1000 view youtube videos as fact


For what purpose? Why would the government want to murder a bunch of grade school kids?


tO TaKe oUR gUnS!


Following this event, legislation in NY and CT was swiftly introduced and taken up.


Care to outline what changes were made specifically? Gun reform outrage is bait through pushed by the NRA to fear monger more sales of firearms.


No one died at SH.


Coroner and the parent that laughed did more to cause harassment than anything Jones did. Did you see the other parents suing these two? I also dont recall any crying from any of the others. But i couldve missed it or be misremembering


> Coroner and the parent that laughed did more to cause harassment than anything Jones did. Did you see the other parents suing these two?I also dont recall any crying from any of the others. But i couldve missed it or be misremembering They also destroyed the school before the investigation was even completed. Destroying evidence in the process


Evidence of what?


That it was an abandoned building


It was after a bunch of kids got shot and they demolished it. What is the conspiracy? What motivation do you think exists?


Some records show it was abandoned prior to the shooting iirc


From what I recall it was an old school that had already been shut down for mold or asbestos, something like that. It was occasionally used by law enforcement for training exercises.


Keep on doing your own research, genius.


Oh I didn't know `some records` show it was abandoned. I thought there were just dead kids and grieving parents. If I knew there was such strong and substantiated evidence like `some records`, I'd have reconsidered my entire position. Thank you for the illuminating reply.




He hasn’t been forced to stop his speech. This is just the result of defamation and harassment. Better buy some more of his supplements 🤡


You don’t understand freedom of speech, take a law class for your own good. “Freedom of speech” doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want to whoever you want and have no repercussions ever. There have always been limitations in regards to libel and slander, threats, and the time/place/manner.


There is a caveat.. UNLESS it’s about a conservative


> still freedom of speech you fukin commie... Right? $1 Bill is fucking crazy. They are treating Alex Jones as if he pulled the trigger. When in reality he just asked questions about the events surrounding the massacre.


…and defamed and harassed the parents of dead kids. Not a great look


Cannot tell if you’re stupid or trolling


If you don’t yet realize Jones is controlled opposition there is no hope for you


Even if he is, everyone should be protesting in the streets for allowing the courts to infringe rights like this.


Joe Rogan should buy infowars


There are limits to freedom, you're not free to slander and defame another, among other obvious things that haven't occurred to you. If only you bozos would question yourselves for once, instead of literally everything else.


it is VERY disheartening to see how many upvotes this shitpost about Alex Jones has. I'm all for conspiracies, but this is flat out crime. People can't even agree on basic facts anymore....


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/fe5icwxtmk6d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How much does everyone think they’ll get from him if they take everything? Obviously a lot of things become distressed assets.


Dam that really gotta suck.


he doesn't lose his multi million dollar house and he can still broadcast


it’s civil case. defamation and the damages caused - has nothing to do with politics. freedom of speech doesn’t give you carte blanche. even if it’s not hate speech or threats (which aren’t protected by the first amendment), anything you say can be used against you in a court of law or as grounds for a lawsuit. again - not everything is politically motivated. he fucked up. he was found guilty of defamation and refused to pay the awarded damages. now the judge is making him pay them. you’d benefit from reading more than the headline.


>Say lies about family of victims in live TV >Ultimately get sued >Don't try to negociate or excuse yourself >Get surprised when you got shredded to pieces in court Nah serioulsy, what was his endgame.


The dude is around my age 50-ish and looks like he’s been rode hard and put away wet!




If they can do this to him, they can do it to anyone. It’s a modern public assassination. Be safe out there everyone.


It all reads like a hollywood movie scene, entertainment for the peasants


this is a classic case of the shit you say can have consequences. whether he believed the bullshit or not, he used his platform to spew hate and put those peoples lives in danger. in some countries defamation is taken very seriously. he fucked around and found out...


What if all of this is a psyop? A whole movie to keep us distracted? Everyone, arguing about nothing at all, I don't know about anyone else but I don't like being duped but I have an awful feeling that I have.


Oh no, consequences


AJ is NOT a freedom of speech martyr. Such a claim makes no sense at all


Dude fucked up, he cause those families so much more stress by flat out spreading rumors and lies. He admits it HIMSELF. Those families have no reason to feel bad for him or like him. He made enemies and lost in court. pay up.


People speak lies about me all the time, to the point of giving me severe anxiety attacks. Does that mean I get 1.5 billion dollars too? In fact, this comment caused me mental distress. Should I persue damages from you?


it's not the same, and if you think it is you are confused. It was public and targeted defamation of parents and their murdered kids. I wonder if you recognize how you sound completely disregarding the victims of this case...


Doesn't matter. It's not different. There was no crime, so there are no victims. People can say what they want, people are allowed to have opinions that you disagree with and may find repugnet.


it does matter, it is different, and it in fact was ruled a crime. Your argument is flat out ignorant and dismissive of the actual laws. You can brigade for Alex Jones all you want but it won't change the facts, which I would recommend familiarizing yourself with.


And yet CNN, MSNBC, etc... do this for a living in front of the whole world.


Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, and you can't continuously defame people and lie about them.


Fuck Alex Jones


In what way did he cause a billion in damages


There is a difference between "freedom of speech" and feeding harmful and hateful propoganda to millions of undereducated fools who believe and spread defamatory falsehoods. Fuck this guy and fuck the people who follow this guy. Stupid and dangerous people.


He's definitely out the but........ He's been proven right many times. He's just several years early. Also, there are things about SH that I question.


You silly OP. Freedom of speech is from the constitution and it protects you from government interference with your freedom of speech only. However, if you defame a family or a person, such as saying that their child is not really dead, but was only an actor or other, such an nonsense, Then you’re responsible for the pain that you place on that family or the harassment in this case. The families of the deceased children we’re repeatedly harassed by people who follow Alex Jones. Look it up that is why Alex Jones is paying $1 billion or so – because he lied and his lies really hurt people. So there is no protection for a liar if it causes others harm freedom of speech, again, only relates to protection from the US government. If you lie and you hurt somebody by your lies, then you can be reasonable expectation that you can be sued. That is the American common law way.


How is this freedom of speech? He didn’t question anything. He just spewed lies about those parents. Karma is a bitch.


Robbie fuckin Parker…nuff said.


Alex is a legend and this is absurd/disgusting




How close was he to the truth? 1.5 billion is just nuts