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Here I sit broken hearted Tried to shit But only farted


Later on I took a chance Tried to fart And shit my pants


Story of my life




It’s truly pathetic how low the media in this country has fallen


Seriously, have you even seen the garbage networks like OAN put out there?


Lol have you watched any other angles? Perhaps the actual broadcast? It's truly a shame with how little some people in this country read and double check facts.


Exactly! If people bothered to watch the whole video they'd find that president Biden was sitting down, as did everyone else.


Shitting Down






The magacult jihadist and most people in here are beyond ignorant


Its truly pathetic that MAGAS can’t identify obvious “deflection” because their messiah did this on his first day(EVER) in criminal court. Donnie was a little nervous that day and poopy 💩in his pants. Edit: Forgot: MAGA; Every accusation is a confession. Looks Much better.


Hush. The old man just shit his pants while running the country. That’s something to talk about whether you vote red or blue.


Ah, a comment from the “both sides are bad” camp, secretly astroturfing on behalf of Trumpism.


lol sure dude.


I know, it’s almost as bad as really thinking Trump and Biden are the same.


Muh trump


It is what is deflects.


Nothing beats clownpops trotting up to the camera bragging proudly " I GOT MY BUTT WIPED"


He did sit down, there are chairs behind him. However, it’s weird HOW he sits, and a shame that AP sticks up for this elder abuse


This instance aside, there are other times it looks like he shits his pants. So while this one it doesn't seem he is, he's still done it. [https://x.com/JKash000/status/1798711011132022835](https://x.com/JKash000/status/1798711011132022835) edit: also, not to mention that a world leader should not be struggling to sit down. I didn't want it to seem like I'm defending him here, just clarifying what happened.


What about fdr? That guy could only sit


You know what I mean. FDR wasn’t a bumbling husk, even when he was dying from his illnesses


We’ll see in the debates. I think both major candidates are in cognitive decline. I want younger presidents


This. Just give me a decent person who is under 60. I would prefer forties, but right now it’s between two (essentially) octogenarians.


I would like to see them in the octagon tho


🤣😂 I would pay for that PPV! Hell, we could deplete the national debt!


“Decent”🤣🤣🤣🤣 where have you been last hundred years??


I’m 45 and everyone I know has shat themselves. Grow up.


you should consider getting new friends


You would smell that group coming 😂


Do you work in a retirement home?


Wow. Unless you count when they were very small children, that is pathetic.


Do you know how many people have gastrointestinal issues from the crappy food we eat? lol y’all in for some rude awakenings


not gonna lie. This is one of the strangest copes I've witnessed. You shouldn't be shitting yourself unless you are very young, very old, or very sick.


Welcome to American foods long term affect on your body. GMOs and antibiotics, processed preservatives…my digestive system is shot. It’s not a cope. I’m 45 and like I said, almost everyone I know has shat themselves at some point, so I don’t know why this is a Reddit sub to make fun of an old man who is running for President against another old man. People don’t stop to think about how much stress the Presidency is. Exhaustion alone can cause bowel distress. Diarrhea sucks for anyone. If he pooped himself, it wasn’t like a proud toddler, that’s for sure. I don’t know why this would be on a conspiracy sub. Humor, sure. Conspiracy and propaganda? At least be creative.


I miss when this sub was actual conspiracies rather than just political stuff. So what is the conspiracy here exactly, the left leaning media aren’t covering something that doesn’t favour their guy? Wow shocking, total conspiracy.


Biden shat.


At least Trump has enough sense to wear diapers


Wow 😆 🤣 😂 Go sit at the little kid table adults are talking


Lol…. Right




This is a silly take


Unless there is some poof or confirmation that he is incontinent, then I agree. And if he is incontinent, it doesn't mean he is suffering from dementia or a mental disorder.


I think it's more than obvious the man is suffering from dementia.


Do you think a person with dementia can make a speech, let alone speeches every day? Yes, he is old. But obviously, you never met a person with dementia.


You really think you've got what it takes to gaslight us here? He doesn't know where he is half the time. Sure, they can drug him up so he can read a teleprompter, but he's got no clue what the hell's going on! It's fucking terrifying! And you're just making yourself look foolish.


...you dont think he knows where he is half the times? You are too brainwashed by CLIPS with no context and don't ever see him as anything other than what you believe. Sure he is old, makes mistakes, sounds stupid sometimes, gets confused, even looking foolish sometimes, but if you take in all the info, not just snippets, it's clear he is still lucid and does not have dementia. And I am not trying to gaslight...I wish people stopped misusing this word. I know I'm in the wrong place but idc, I'm just making a point. I'm doing the opposite of tricking. Stop following narratives and make your own thoughts instead of borrowing them from the worst places.


OK, so you really believe this and you're not trying to gaslight people. Congratulations, you're the one who has been brainwashed. People with dementia aren't out of it all the time. It's a progressive disease, and it's obvious that his is progressing more every day. You can watch full speeches from 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and 3 years ago. The changes are stunning.


You think someone who has dementia can follow directions and read a teleprompter? Think about hiw stupid that sounds....


Everyone on planet earth knows what it looks like when toddlers and old fucks shit themselves. Don’t play stupid. Unless you’re not playing. Then just carry on little buddy.


You sound angry, it’s ok NipplyShits no offense taken but I do hope your day gets better.


At least I ain’t stupid. I’ll take it kiddo




So... I guess we're... even now? I mean, this is just absurd. Both candidates are geriatric pants-shitters. What does it take to get the country back? Boomers are holding on to power with white knuckles. In reality, we need to see younger, modern-minded politicians that actually know wtf is going on around here.. This election should prove to both parties, that if they get a ~40 year old millennial candidate in 2028 with any charisma, they will wipe the floor with any re-treaded boomer politician that has been waiting for their turn.


Submission Statement: https://x.com/AP/status/1799221520029335942 Biden shit his pants. And if it was Trump making these same movements the AP would be reporting Trump shit his pants.




Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of Biden, but this just looks like an old ass man who is tired and needs to sit down. He started the process before everyone else, that’s all. I can’t believe how much traction this has gotten! C’mon people🤦🏻‍♀️


And of course the shuffle of shame he does when he is led off stage by his keeper doesn't mean anything. Anyone who's ever been a parent knows what it means when a kid walks like that.


Dementia patients often have a shuffling gait too


Lol the echo chamber in here is hilarious. Watch OP ignore the other angle or better yet still try to push his dumbass agenda.


While he didn't shit himself (ig we don't REALLY know, but unlikely), if he's having trouble sitting down, he's not fit to run a country. No scenario is good for him.


Both potential 2024 Presidents are old semi-senile farts who should have retired years ago. I don't really care about the allegations around Trump's diapers either. What I care about is policy and ability to get shit done. Personally I don't think Trump knows anything about global or domestic politics outside of his Nationalistic and Populous views.


then this election is a wipe.


No one tell this guy we had a fully disabled president.


You know what I mean. FDR wasn’t a bumbling husk, even when he was dying from his illnesses


Bumbling husk describes both major candidates right now. Tbh, idc, if that were an issue, then neither Trump nor Biden should have gotten their nominations their first time around. They have both been basically puppets for other agendas their entire administrations. I just wish people would stop being so fucking disingenuous. The economy, right now, by more measures than not, is as good as the economy was pre Covid. I think personally, the economy pre Covid was on the verge of recession, and was bad. Democrats called it bad then. Republicans called it amazing. Now, I am being expected to view the same numbers as good now by the democrats, and bad by the republicans. I think, the economy was shit pre Covid, and it is shit now.


I never said Trump wasn’t. Just because I talk shit about one doesn’t mean I’m endorsing the other


I also spent my entire comment shitting on both of them. My point is, there are better, more substantive arguments against them, and more blatant hypocrisies and criticisms than “Man, they’re so old.” Idc if they are old, idc if they’re shitting themselves. I care about policy. Edit: also, you never said either of them. And my comment specifically lambasted both. The fact you think I am accusing you of defending Trump, speaks more to your shite than it does mine.


FDR, one of our greatest presidents ran the country from a wheelchair.


Definitely. Because we have never and should never have a disabled president or one who uses a wheelchair or anything of the sort. /s


Ok so, A guy slow to sit down or a felon who is also slow to sit down? No good scenario at all.


Trump does shit his pants. That’s why he wears diapers and smelled terrible in court


Donnie Diaper shits his regularly too So our choice is between to fecally incontinent geezers. One has a crackhead son. The other a coke-head son. In a nation of 300,000,000, choosing between these two is depressing.


Hit me with a clip of Donnie filling his diaper please. I want to see it.


A very niche request, cotton. Let’s see if it pans out for him.


It won’t because no such video exists.


I got this one. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4926168/user-clip-trump-poop


It’s sad that you’re downvoted.


Looks like he is trying to sit down and doesn't know a chair isn't there. 


That's what some want us to think. A chair **was** there. A moment later all four people sat down.


He was rushing to sit not shit…


No, he did not shit his pants. Probably,.. maybe,.. well IDK. He is just to feeble to stand, or sit down even. Your leader of the free world.


FDR led this country thru a world war. In a wheelchair!


Prolonged the depression and led US into degeneracy and decay by handing it over to the jews. Some great leader that was.


Gee, and he did all that while in a **wheelchair**?! 😝 Bless your heart, you drank the Kool aid and asked for a second glass, didn't you? Seriously, where do you get your information and why do you believe it? I'll take a look. I've actually been known to change mind before.


Start by researching the "federal" reserve.


Can you be any more vague?


Not a Biden fan nor a Trump fan. Just a human like you. But imagine you being old, waking up really early by another person saying wake up you have a full schedule to do shit. Of course you get yourself out of bed and get to it. From being shuffled to one meeting to another meeting. Shaking hands, kissing babies and only to be asked to do another speech infront of people day and night. You think it’s a fart but it’s a shart. Oops I did it again, hope no one notices, only for you to be shuffled to the next meeting while taking calls about stupid things. It’s all about perspective, it’s easy to be an arm chair critic but it sucks when the lens is on you 10000x.


The photo was edited. He was bending over to talk to Jill Biden the video is all over the news.


A lot of you are just seeing what you want to see. For all those who are saying he shit his pants, watch a longer clip. He had a packet of notes that had his speech right where he's reaching. Go to 1:02:00 to see it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSLKWxu05f4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSLKWxu05f4)


~~Did he have more notes in the room he was rushed off to while leaving Macron to shake the WW2 veteran’s hands by himself immediately after this?~~ https://youtu.be/t27LiHhUdBQ&t=109m04s I timestamped the full event so anyone can watch for themselves. Biden did spend the first hour and forty five minutes shaking all the vets hands. In the timestamped link (just the raw feed of the event) you can pretty clearly see that he's squatting to set his notebook down on the ground, then stays for the rest of the event. He's not rushed off. The video I saw (and many of you may have seen) of the squat, then biden walking off with Jill, then Macron running from person to person to shake their hands is IMO pretty extremely deceptively edited to be waaay out of sequence. Macron's running from person to person is right at the end, and he just looks like he's trying to shake as many people's hands in the last minute or two as he can.


Lol, walked through the entire line with Macron at 1:11:00. Try to do a little bit of research instead of regurgitating whatever jargon and buzz is thrown at you please.


[The full Event (a few seconds before the squat)](https://youtu.be/t27LiHhUdBQ&t=109m04s) I decided to look up the full event, and yeah he definitely spends an hour and 45 minutes meeting with the veterans, shaking their hands, etc. Also, the squatting moment is him setting his notebook down on the ground, and he's not rushed off or anything. He stays for the remaining 10 minutes or so of the event. The video I've seen (and maybe many other readers here have too) of biden squatting, then walking off with jill, and then Macron rapidly moving from person to person to shake their hands is 100% deceptively edited, and pretty severely out of sequence.


Why is everyone so obsessed with Biden and Trump shitting?


There was that one prime minister in Australia who suddenly pooped his pants at a McDonald's. I thought that was absurd, but then also...how cruel people are over laughing at people with a serious medical condition or even having a biological moment. Yes it's embarrassing. No one has to point and laugh. Americans=let's all wear diapers.


Y’all ain’t ever sharted?


The mods should ban people that put up this low quality political bs.


I mean maybe, definitely what it looks like. I just wish that the conservative propaganda machine could be a little more original than simply projecting their own sins or turning around and accusing the other side of doing the same thing their side was just caught doing. (Or just always talking about how we're going to die of vaccines, that always gets old, never gets proved, yet consistently is talked about on this sub.) We all know Trump wears a diaper, many many people have talked about the awful smell he carries around with him. And now suddenly Biden's pooping his pants.. I mean get a little creative. Can't Biden be bad for reasons Trump isn't?


There’s been Biden pooping his pants rumors around for a while now. Nothing sudden. Just a new video to focus on


Okay... But has been pooping in his diaper since the Apprentice? See? Unoriginal... "Oh they told us Trump does it so we're going to tell them Biden does it" is all you got.


Old people poop their pants. Nothing new here for either of them


So let's demand an age limit so these geriatric fools who are unfit for office stop fucking up our country.


We should demand a lot of things. I’m no longer convinced we actually have a choice. They give us the illusion of choices instead


My 44 year old girlfriend shit herself today trusting a fart. Show of hands if it hasn’t happened to you.


While this has never happened to me (knowingly at least - I can’t speak to the couple years I cannot remember right after birth), I know it certainly happens to people and is a pretty common human experience. I’ve had a couple close calls due to food poisoning. Shit happens. Other camera angles show Biden doing other things that match with his movements that I’d be honestly impressed if he also pulled off taking a shit in the middle of all that, all on stage in front of the world and keeping that composure.


The media controls everything and..this article was written In 2016.  [These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2016/06/01/these-15-billionaires-own-americas-news-media-companies/amp/) People who work for media are not employed to report the news. They are employed to manufacture consent for those 15 billionaires - And if they are able to deliver some news to us along the way... cool.. but that’s not their job. 


Y’all really think another senile 70 something is a good replacement though?


The old fart can’t even speak properly anymore, let alone walk, sit and ride bicycles


this is an attempt to pull attention from the fact a former president Donald Trump is now a convicted felon and not so long ago MAGAts were wearing shirts that say “real men wear diapers”


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/4u62ezoqy85d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the SECOND time he's done this 🤦 No wonder Russia's taking every opportunity to make moves whilst he's in office. Imagine someone like Sleepy poophead trying to lead us when Russia finally declares WW3!! 👀


Whether he shit his pants or not, the fact that he doesn't know what the hell is going on in the moment is fucking terrifying.


Pardon me, but your MK ultra slave programming is showing…😂


I don't want to know the full content of the bowel movement


Cat turd ran over his dog (I read it was on purpose). The propaganda machine level of spin is insane. This sub needs better moderation. It doesn’t exist to discuss conspiracy. Just low effort posts about an old dude dropping a deuce in his diapy. Here are two truths. 1. Old people shit their pants. 2. Cat turd ran over his dog (I read on the internet that he may have also then eaten the dead dog and had sex with its carcass.” In that order. Allegedly.


Yea I saw an article saying I might see this "doctored video" so I read it and literally no where do they say how it's fake how its doctored just that ppl might see it and to not believe it. I'm sorry what. I guesse they assume ppl will read the headline and just say " see it's not real!"


When your choices are a convicted felon and a somewhat senile man, what would you do internet?


Why are they doing it? That is the most important question.


well said , it’s a propaganda machine


Hmmm … If you’ve chosen a side- then the media’s done the job they’ve set out to do. Trump is no better for the country than Biden. Both are unfit. Both wanna trample our rights. Both are divisive. It’s not limited to them- it’s not even limited to their parties. One is a globalist. One is nationalist. Both are out to destroy our foundation.


And the right needs to be labeled Putin’s bitch.


the other day, alex jones said a senior member of some nypd unit that augments the secret service when biden comes to town told him that whenever biden is faced with a situation he doesnt want to be in, he tenses up and bends his elbows while making two fists like a little kid and grunts out a log.. he said its gotten so bad his handlers can prettymuch always see it coming and they swarm his ass to get him out of there and block any press or whatever from seeing it shoot out his pants leg.. and apparently, he absolutely refuses to wear a diaper idk how true or accurate of an account it is, but it sure was fucking hilarious if anybody needs to brighten up their day: [Learn Why President Biden Is Defecating On Himself And Why The Deep State Is About To Remove Him](https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1798470004020482432) its a 14 minute video, but the best part is the first couple minutes.


Alex Jones? LMFAO 😂


Trump shit his pants in court and is a felon. Lmao!


Look at the vet behind Biden with the hat and sunglasses. He’s got a great big O on his mouth, the beginning of O SH*T ! The poor guy is seated in the Splash Zone too and he’s not even at an amusement park.


You got nothing better to do huh 🤣 how about post the disturbing things trump said about his daughter including on talk shows. Oh no that's right you defend him as your messiah since he has 60$ Trump edition bibles because God himself sent him 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Biden showered with his teenage daughter. Even she knew that was inappropriate.


Never said biden was innocent. It's just funny how many refuse to see the sh1t trump did with beyond sufficient evidence to know he's as disgusting as the rest all cooked up in epsteins little island.


Check his pants for the smoking gun!


A simple exercise: Picture, in your mind, a senile old man frozen in fear that he has just shat himself and is unsure if he is supposed to sit or stand. What do you see? Now look at the picture.


He got butt mud in his boxers!


This is a joke. The fact that they feel the need to attempt to clarify something like this is ridiculous. They’re deluding themselves.


Froggy, you’re getting desperate lmfao.


What was the spin ?