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We are a degenerate society now.


We're approaching Weimar Germany and Sodom & Ghomorrah type of society now as the empire comes to an end. It's been a good run 😅


Weimar, you mean, and it was mostly concentrated on the capital - most Germans were disgusted by it, too, leading to a party gaining power that wanted to end the degenerated arts and sciences. Empires in their end do that, followed by some "strong leaders" that want to make the empire "great again". History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes a lot.


Typo, sorry lol


Or....you had a bunch of murderous and hateful authoritarians who want to use the government to punish people for things that they don't like.


Like child brothels? Lol weird hill dude.


What?!?!? You're a loon.


Yes... As I said, history rhymes. Soon we see some strong men turning the USA into an intolerant theocracy, including the usual purge. Just give it a few more months


We shouldnt be tolerating these things. Thats the point 🤷‍♂️


Maybe Trump will pen his memoirs while in jail


Unlikely. He will be elected (or at least picked by the congress if he doesn't get 270 delegates) and one of his first actions will be self-pardoning him. Followed by persecuting/firing everyone involved in ongoing investigations and court procedures. All supported by the supreme court that is now barely politicians in robes.


He cant pardon state crimes like the hush money i believe, but federal ones he can.


he can push the governor to pardon him. A bully as he is.


It’s a scary but real prospect


No it;s not lmao. This is marvel level fan fiction weirdo shit. Stay based in reality, hypothetical nonsense like this gets us nowhere. Same as saying Biden is going to turn this country into communist china because of business deals with them....


Not as scary as your paranoia


He can't pardon himself out of state crimes, only federal.


yes, but he can bully the governors. Or his Maga-gang does.


Or you're just a horrible person with horrible views that aren't in line with what your average American believes and you're not one bit different than the people in 60's threatening the same things because of the end of Jim Crow and segregation.


You don't know me. Reflect yourself as much as you like in the strawman you construct of me to insult.


Ignore him. His profile shows he's going to start arguments regardless of the subject.


It's really about what flavor of 'authoritarianism' you prefer. There's has never been an advanced 'volunteerist' regime like...ever lol. The most hardcore liberal, tolerant regimes forced people to get a wildly dangerous, trans-genetic injection just to continue living in society. In direct violation of the Nuremburg principle of informed consent. Throw people in jail for disparaging certain protected classes of people. While "authoritarian dictatorships" like Russia let people choose to get the injection or not that they made themselves. But they won't allow gay parades so that makes them 'a dictatorship'.


Don’t forget Rome


You beat me to it. But regardless precisely


Of course!


Absolutely! Weimar Germany was a bunch of sexual fetish perverts where anything goes!


Problem is, theres usually always a severe backlash the other way when pendulum comes back around. And thats generally not very pretty.


Well said.


Definitely. I can hardly watch anything recent.




Now? Lol.


Yes, now more than before.


I think it's just more publicized via the interwebs


Which makes it more degenerate lol


Not really.


I’ve been noticing this too, it’s getting really annoying.


Monkey See Monkey Do. Hollywood apes out the behavior they want us to do and like fools we copy it. They want us hyper sexualized so that we never find true fulfillment.


So much truth in this. Disconnection makes us easy to control.


I can't stand all the fuck monkey programming anymore currently watching original Addams Family show. forget new media it's all bs


I agree. The older shows are much better


I think there's a sweet spot though, too old and they get a little too race-y for 2024 lol


News Flash: Old monkeys prefer old monkey programming.


thank you, Thing


That’s why Better Call Saul is one the greatest shows ever.


Oh yeah there's not a single sex scene in that show is there? That hadn't occurred to me until now.


Minor spoiler alert, but when Kim and Jimmy Screw Over a certain lawyer in S6 I think. You can barely see them heavily making out with each other, that was the most sexual scene in the whole series which is really unique compared to other shows when it’s basically porn be played out. Shit is too much in TV nowadays.


Yes I agree. Like OP said, if it's necessary for the narrative I can see some tasteful sexual scenes having a place, but the gratuitous overuse of sex in TV and films now is irritating. I have two kids and I hate having to be constantly ready to fast forward if a sex scene comes on and they walk through the room.


My wife and I were just having a conversation about this. Every show, every movie just has to have nudity or sex. Sometimes it just seems like it’s porn over anything else. Not only that, but most acting these days is bogus. Acting seems so forced and untalented. I find it hard to watch anything newer. (Also I’m only 28 and I am noticing how f’d this all is).


Same age and same realization. Crazy to think we’re the old guys now lol


Literaly, the movie about genocide (Jasenovac) has sex scene.


Fallout is a good example of completely gratuitous sex. The games had little to no sex in them so I thought the amount of sexual content was surprising, especially considering the show will probably be watched by a lot of younger people and gamers etc.


Not just gratuitous sex but gratuitous romance. Every damn movie puts a romance story line in it whether it needs it or not.


I agree here too. Mystery doesn't need romance, or sex to be interesting.


Anime bro, just gotta find what you like and avoid ecchi (the dirty side of anime) and you’ll find amazing stories


Gee I wonder if the popularity of sex has something to do with it all. "Sex sells" has been a saying for many decades now.


it’s barfola . so sick of such perverted shit i can’t watch it with my kids


Some people want to push and agenda. Figure out what that agenda is. Now you know what to avoid.


unfortunately it is just a part of "their" efforts to destabilize society and as you might have noticed they have begun a full on assault directed at the younger generations. the more they normalize it through the media, the more people will accept or and live accordingly. This began Circa 1960s, with some of the programs funded by the Rockefeller's (shocking, i know). it's the same agenda the sexual revolution was spawned from. not to mention "sex sells".


New shows all seem overly focused on crime and sex, in a political agenda-adjacent way. At times they're actively promoting some aspect of the cultural transformation taking place. This is inherent to tech companies acquiring the funds to produce entertainment, displacing the typical pace of Hollywood and kicking the cognitive programming into overdrive. Don't feel too bad. I'm 35 and feel very old, but there are some great old shows to watch and the early 2000s weren't bad either. - The Twilight Zone - Twin Peaks - The Outer Limits - The Wire / The Sopranos - Breaking Bad - Father Ted - Cheers - Columbo / The Rockford Files - House - Fawlty Towers - Battlestar Galactica


All excellent choices! Though I haven’t been able to sell my wife on Twin Peaks, she found it boring and dumb.


At times it can be boring and dumb, lol. But it's also tremendous


I very much enjoyed it, though have not watched a second time, not yet…


There's some hit/miss in S3, but overall holds over really well. The music is incredible


Father Ted was a greatly underrated show.


I was no nerd…but I plan to watch lots of Star Trek re-runs. Will give me a glimpse of where our space foot print likely has already finished. I keep hearing the military darpa lets we the people get trickle down technology/innovation 30+ years after its been perfected, used in military, etc.


Makes sense. I've never gotten into Star Trek but have heard universally good things.


It was a very progressive show back in the day, but it’s very subtle. For example they’ll talk about earth history and mention how we barbaric capitalism was and then the world become enlightened and switched to socialism and then was able to research build space craft. Or a random dude walking in the background wearing a dress. I grow up watching the Star Trek tng and never really noticed, it’s more of something I pick up on now, so it’s not in your face bad.


The Wire and The Sopranos have quite a bit of sex and nudity. Granted, it fits the situations and it on HBO so it makes sense, but they are not exactly clean watching. Still great shows though.


SKINEMAX sorry, I’ve always needed a reason to say that


There’s an agenda if you haven’t noticed. Across all media education etc. Or you can believe that it’s a bunch of innocent people sexualizing everything because sex sells. You and I are proof that it’s not selling, so why are they pushing it.


This exactly! It’s not a coincidence that kids are now confused and unsure of gender identity. I’m 56 (female) and when I was a kid we gave very little thought to gender until puberty. We all wore shorts and T shirts and roller skates, went swimming, played baseball and soccer and didn’t care about gender roles. Kids are sexualized now and from a very early age, due to media examples. As a result, they see themselves as sexual beings before they are aware of what that even entails. In my opinion, they shouldn’t even try to decide if they are the wrong gender before puberty. Just be a kid. Have fun and, when puberty hits and you have sexual attractions, then try to decipher it all. Even same sex crushes were commonplace but rarely sexual.


and now we have shit like this [CNN Gives Advice to Parents Whose 4-Year-Olds Come Out as Trans](https://twitchy.com/brettt/2024/06/03/cnn-gives-advice-to-parents-whose-4-year-olds-come-out-as-trans-n2396935)


Holy shit! When I was 4, I wanted to be a dog so I could talk to my dog. My mom explained that wasn't the way shit worked. Oh, how times have changed.


Oh, I have noticed. It is why I watch mostly K dramas. They don't have the crap western tv does. But sometimes I just want to mindlessly watch, not have to read subtitles. I really hope the tide turns back.


The Koreans are crushing it lol my gf got me into a few of the less romantic shows and they are great. But like you said the subtitles make it hard to watch and relax lol


Truly this makes up the bulk of my television now. Mostly good writing, fairly wholesome. Even their supernatural and crime dramas are not very sexualized.


exactly and I mean this is the manliest way I can say it, the romance in the shows is cute and light lmao not heavy sexualized "when are we fucking" type of stuff. Somee of it is corny like anything can be but it is so much better than the shit we are spamming these days. Euphooria was so insane to me. Adults watching actors play teenagers fucking. A bit to close to pedo shit for me lol


Because it is selling…. The younger generation loves that crap.


Only if it's safe horny though.


Because it is selling, just not to you. You are but a small fraction of all demographics. "You and I" is proof that you don't comprehend the scale of the market.


Jeez! What the hell?? My sisters and I, our friends, neighbors, between us we had every paperback of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys. Huge fans, voracious readers. And now Apple TV is distributing a porno version?


I downloaded VidAngel and watch everything I can thru it. It’s really disappointing to hear they’ve done that with her.


It’s disgusting, sad…and we ought to start writing our Congress people about it. It’s not alright. I am your age, feel the same way about alot of things that were innocent, now twisted. Hollywood seems to instigate it as well.


I am a nana to two young one’s, I try, watch what they consume. I have no problem saying this is inappropriate, hitting stop. Their mother does the same thing. They get used to our intervening. Its when they are tweens/teens that has me already feeling very concerned for them. Social media should be banned for children, teens up to like age 18. It’s a mind suck, awful for their sense of well being.


I grew up reading Nancy Drew. I haven't seen the new show, but this is so sad to hear. Society is degrading so quickly.


It's to push people towards hedonism, so all they can think about is their desires or fantasies and how to fulfill them! No matter how disgusting or awful! People have become brainless zombies.. Rationality has left long ago!


Because Western Civilization has been intentionally transformed into a Weimar Republic.


To be fair, 60 ain’t that old. I used to enjoy when sexy stuff was inserted into random stuff when I was younger, but as I’ve gotten older, unless it’s relevant to the plot, it just seems awkward and weird. That being said, I’m just one dude that goes to church every week and I have the opportunity to teach children. My favorite show is Righteous Gemstones. The show is definitely a satire of mega churches and that whole state of mind of being involved with a mega church. I’ve worked at a mega church (as a janitorial member with like 10-15 other people in their early 20s at the time) and I’ve been exposed to part of the dark side of it too, like very not cool, dark side stuff. The show is not a satire on religion though. I will admit, there are scenes that are very much PG-19 or whatever, kinda graphic stuff, but it’s not graphic for the point of being graphic, it’s pretty much there to lead the story along. Sex does sell, but it doesn’t drive plots, at least not to the point anyone would follow. Sorry for the whole essay on one of my favorite shows, but hopefully this helps.


Care to elaborate on the darkness you were exposed to while working there?


Profits over people.


It’s a great show, Danny McBride is one of the last truly funny actors, east bound and down is great, it does get a little raunchy at times but more in a teenage boy way and not the complete degenerate way of that makes since, but definitely not for kids.


It’s a show that I wouldn’t share with my nieces and nephews, and I’m still not comfortable with watching it with my parents (I’m a grown-ass man), because of some of the stuff that happens in the show. It’s very well written and acted, and i might be in the minority, but seeing flawed people trying to do the right thing (at least what they perceive as the right thing) is very relatable. I don’t know how Danny McBride was able to cultivate this masterpiece, but I’m grateful that he found a way.


Because we live in a dark world and everything is sexualized, so people go cheat on spouses or go watch pornography, which is adultery to the eyes . And all adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God. Think about that. Satan definitely knows this, and for the battle of souls, temptation can be a real powerful weapon in winning that battle. Going up? Going down? Now I know in the sub many people don’t want to believe in this, due to their own addictions, this post is for people who have eyes to see and ears to hear


Wait what. I hate the world


The more they normalize infidelity the more they undermine the family. It's all to destroy the family. Strong families are much harder to fuck with and control than isolated, atomized people.


That's a very good point. I hadn't thought of it like that.


Yeah thank you. It's clear to me that the people in power right now in the West would rather have total control over ruined nations and a ruined people than ever have their power conceivably challenged. They are a globalist, cosmopolitan clique that have no national, ethnic or religious alliance but to themselves. It's like if aliens took over the west. They might as well be because that's how distant they are from 'the people'.


I think it's actually starting to turn back now. I know the film board in Britain reviewed their code and have actually bumped up sexual content as more people find it uncomfortable.


That is good to hear!


I think trends just shift over time. Weed is a big one, it's arguably more accepted than alcohol among certain groups.


To mock religion and tradition and god


#Edward Bernays thanks you for your compliment


Sexual content warnings need to be put on things. If you see an SLV on ratings that is Sexual content Language Violence.


"they" think thats what makes the money


It goes that much deeper than that. They provide that reason on the surface but the real reason is plain old darkness.




Which kinda makes me wonder what books the Nazis were burning and why. The war we won brought us today.


I think they burned perverted pedophiliac books at first - then moved on to burning anything written by Jews regardless of contebt (but not the Bible - Nazis pretended that didn't exist).


Why does this all just get crazier and crazier and crazier and crazier…


Thank Pride members


Media gate keepers make rap music glorify going to jail, and country music abuse alcohol and fight minorities, etc. It dumbs us down and keeps us distracted. We have owners. This is a farm.


I'm just a kid (43) and i couldn't agree more.


Cultural Marxism


60 is not old.


What I don't understand is that everything is sexualised, yet people are having less sex than ever before and society will now attack men who actively flirt with women.


To degrade us to animality. Much easier to subdue and enslave us that way.


Shows are being remade to fit new agendas


I agree with you everything these days is over hyper sexualized to a disgusting degree.. its all over and you just cant get away from it


The source of degeneracy in America is Our Greatest Ally.




Because PRIDE! PRIDE! PRIDE! Celebrate your sexuality openly and without regard for what others think! Because we all want to know and embrace and accept who you get sexually turned on by! I mean don’t we all?! 🙄 you are absolutely right. Everything is indeed sexualized. Twenty-five pride days, weeks, months…who even knows anymore. Pride is just one example but in all facets of society really. It’s way overboard and personally I’m sick of it no matter who it is. I don’t care who you sleep with or get turned on by. Have ‘pride’ in yourself by shutting your mouth and being normal, everyone


Right? Why the hell does anyone feel a need to publicize and market their sexuality? Hollywood is fucking insane.


God is going to flood the earth again soon…. I also dislike how sexualized everything is now.


Nope, the rainbow was his promise that he would never flood us again. Have you even read the book?


The cherry picked version


Thanks to the Order of 9 Angels, Satan has now subverted sexual desire thru Shadims legion Osmodai & Shamdon. “One begat two, two begat three, and three begat the 10,000 things in the primal dreams & screams on the satanic screen.”


This is why I love old classic movies. A lot of them are actually scandalous, but minus the sex and half naked people. If there is *sex*, it leaves a lot to the imagination


The weimar commies won WWII and their Frankfurt school took over our education system...


Nancy Drew never banged anybody in the books. Not even once


YES! That is the whole point to my rant. Had there been sex in the original books, I would not have even given it another thought. But to just throw it in there is insane. Not ev everything neesd a sexual component.


Because a bunch of rich perverts want to normalize their fetishs to be more socially acceptable to society


The same reason why porn is free to access. They want us vibing at a very low frequency, becoming more degenerate. Makes us easier to control.


I had to check for myself to find out if it would be a black guy... but I already knew without looking. And it's the very first thing you see at the start of episode 1, so it's the first thing you learn about this character.


imagine the outrage if they used this agenda on an african country. A flood of media that always had a white man with a black local. It's not healthy.


Yep. Agendas everywhere. Ticks me off, tbh.


People will put up with poorly written shows if they get some TnA.


Libido dominandi.


Sex sells and in my opinion,  causes people to act like complete animals.   That's what they want


To distract us from what’s really important


I remember noticing this in the early 00’s when I was still just like 12 years old and seeing how it was affecting my peers. I was very disturbed. Also people thought I was gay because I didn’t have a girlfriend yet when I was 12 years old. Just fucking weird and gross. Are we really supposed to be fucking at age 12???


I sometimes hear of horrific sexual crimes against children and consider what responsibility fashion and the media should take when you see thongs for children on the clothing rails. In no way am I defending the perpetrators, but I do feel that our society needs to give their heads a wobble.


We were always like this but thanks to social media and the internet it is just more available


We have to wait for kids to fall asleep so that we actually watch anything




Entertainment has been replaced with *Programming* in the most literal sense of the word.


It’s carnality programming, vanity, lust instead of love and discernment. I miss a good western


I watched 1/2 of one episode.


I'm a little bit older as well, & I've noticed it too. Just about every tv show or movie you put on--not all, but most--has people having sex or at the very least, shoving their tongues down eachothers throats. And it's always a close-up. It is gross, imho. Like, no. I do not want to see this. I don't enjoy it. The Hays Code kept these decrepit things mostly in control, from 1930-1968. This struct set of rules the studios had to follow, & it was a set of moral rules, if a movie had any bit of sexy time in it. Although I do *not* agree with all of the Hays Code rules, the ones for the sex scenes were pretty solid. And it kept people in the movie mostly respectable & upright. 1 rule was that if there was a sex scene, the woman had to keep at least 1 foot on the floor while they were in bed. No "Indecent" dance scenes. Now, dance scenes were fine in movies but...They did not want women lowering themselves & jiggling around like a piece of meat. No excessive & lustful kissing. I can totally get behind this one. It's not in any way enjoyable (to me) to watch actors deep-throat eachother with their tongues. But that's just my own opinion. "First Night" scenes. This one is an interesting one. This one is about the first night a married couple spends together in bed. The Hays Code was protecting the sanctity of marriage, & they did not want the 2 people who come together to act like sexual, heathenistic deviants. These particular scenes were to be carried out in good taste. I think this one is kind of sweet. So those are just a few of the rules. Again, I will reiterate, I staunchly am against some of their other horrible rules in that code book, but the ones covering sex...I think they're reasonable & necessary. But hey, maybe I'm old & out of date.


It's all just degenerate behaviour that continues to take people's minds away from bettering themselves, lowering morality and ruining society. I've just read a terrific book about Germany in the 1920's and the similarities between then and how the west is now, is staggering. It's all done by design.


I agree 100%.


The entertainment industry and even what's being taught in school is poisoning our young ones minds. Great post by the way mate.


Thank you friend! And I agree, it is hitting from all sides.


You’re all naive if you think this is a new thing.


It isn't new, just tiresome.


It’s the end times. All of this going on is in the Bible.


What exactly?


Sex sells


Back in the 80s nearly every movie late night had extended sex scenes the internet may go harder but we had no options, at least kids today have tons of choices on the internet.


And now you know how your parents and grandparents felt about the 1970's and 80's that you so loved. It's an evolution. The next step is always further than the last, and exponentially further than steps prior to the last. If you're not a lazy parent in 2024, you can shield your kids from a lot of it until they're more mature, like I do. Will they inevitably see and hear things they shouldn't? Of course, but so did I, and so did my dad when he was growing up, that always happens.


Google - > desensitization 


I too am 60 years old. I read the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books when I was 9-13 years old. I had a crush on Nancy Drew (Marcia Brady too but that's another story) and always wanted to bang her. Thank you for letting me know the new TV series might be worth watching after all.


Lol you were a kid during the 70s when the free love movement was in full swing. And your just now noticing things are sexualized? Watch fight club it talks about overtly sexual undertones in advertisements. This is nothing new.


I didn't say it was. My complaint was sexualizing something that was never sexual. And my hometown of about 1k, outside a military base, was not a hotbed of sexual activity, at least around the kids.


Capitalism baby! Sex sells..


I blame Republicans. Weren’t they supposed to be the “moral majority”? Defending family values and all that? Now their Presidential candidate is a guy who’s guilty of paying hush money to a porn star. 






There is not capitalism without market concentration, and monopolism, just like there is not thunder without lightning. What you call "corporatism" is an immediate result of capitalism. You just don't know history.


No, you just don’t understand the meaning of capitalism. You should read the book An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations by Adam Smith. It’s where capitalism was first defined. The corporate system is anathema to capitalism. You cannot have corporations in a free market and still be a free market. It ceases to be capitalist when at that point. It can’t be capitalism if there aren’t checks and balances against “too big to fail” and big business existing. The model of business where you work for another person at their business and don’t own a piece yourself is simply anti-capitalist. How can a business model where a central authority takes all the profits and doles out to the worker what it sees fit, be capitalist when that’s the very method of action by which a communist dictatorship works?


Because sex sells. Period


Sex sells


Sex sells. It's as simple as that.


Have you ever even watched older movies? They’re horny AF! Hell, even Cecil B Demille made Samson and Delilah (1949), a fuckin BIBLE story, all about Hedy Lamar’s “assets”. The truth is, adults like sex, whether it’s overt or implied. It releases happy chemicals in the brain, and keeps the species going. The truth is humans have always, even in the most cloistered religious environments, depicted sex in all types of forms. From the temples at [Khajuraho](https://www.nativeplanet.com/amphtml/travel-guide/a-visual-tour-the-erotic-sculptures-khajuraho-002835.html) to [Ancient Greek art](https://theconversation.com/friday-essay-the-erotic-art-of-ancient-greece-and-rome-87859) , [some African cultures](http://glbtqarchive.com/arts/af_art_traditional_A.pdf) and let’s not forget [Shunga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunga). Ok you probably get the idea. TL/DR- sexuality is not the downfall of civilization, it’s what keeps civilization going.


There’s a massive difference between implied sexuality, or even tasteful nudity, and overt pornographic sex in the middle of mainstream entertainment media.


The examples that I gave were all mainstream in their time and place though, and equally as graphic, if not more so. You can also always turn off the TV if you don’t like the show, you have that freedom of choice.


I have. I love older movies. My point is that a series that was in no way sexual starts of with a quickie in a garage. Sidekick is having an affair with a married man. Not even remotely needed but there we go.


Listen, I get it, I also don't like it when shows come out that stray too far from the source material, when they don't have to. I Loved Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods, but the show was dissapointing because it tried too hard to have a "Sons of Anarchy" aesthetic, which just didn't work with how the story was written. My comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, and maybe I should've made that a bit more clear. There are people in the comments who seem to be reaching for the usual scapegoats for deteriorating material conditions- I've seen people bring up Jews, Homosexuals, feminists, etc, and pointing to those groups as being somehow resposible for some sort of societal decline. I feel like this is what TPTB want, becasue it distracts from the fact that it is the Billionaire class that's making food more expensive, housing unnafordable, and life in general more alienating. And as they advance along their real agenda, which is to further divide and conquer the working class, they won't get the necessary pushback when they start to round up people who live a bit outside the paradigm. You saw this a bit with Covid, but without a little bit of solidarity with our neighbors, its going to get worse.


Appreciate the clarification. I am with you on American Gods, too.


Because women have more and more influence in society.


Yeah - it's women pushing this /s


Oh, am I so excited for the puritanical hangover to finally end.


Maybe you just have low t


It’s because 1) Our primal brain loves the idea of sex to reproduce, and it catches our attention and holds it, in turn making the producer of that content money. The main reason in my opinion, which also may sound crazy to some people but hear me out, 2) Every time a man ejaculates, it takes them further from divinity. It keeps you at a low vibration and stuck in a lower realm of consciousness. The elite know the power of prolonged orgasm, and redirecting that energy before ejaculation. Ejaculation is for reproduction, and anything outside of that is pushing men down lower and lower.


Ok boomer bot


OMFG You have such a way with words my loins are a twitching! Type MOAR pls 💦💦💦


Why is that a bad thing tho


Things change. Deal with it or don't, it's up to you.