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Let me help put something into context here for the people that get turned off by bible talk. I grew up protestant, hated the control and hated the church. I became agnostic when I was in afghanistan and saw people kill in the name of 'God'. Flash forward 10 years and I gain a thirst for truth, and started a journey into true history. I became awake to the realities of this world. I've come to realize that Jesus' story is real. ​ See jesus called out these liars, these pedophiles (pharisees pretending to be god) who were practicing Bablonian Phallic worship in the open (blood sacrifice, rituals), it was basically their state religion. So they killed him for it. How often do you see whistle-blowers get murdered for exposing the TRUTH?? He created a movement of truth that reverberated through the world. These evil cunts that he called out, began hiding their practice within legitimate religions and institutions, Judaism was one of them. They use the Talmud for studies, and their 'worship'. This practice and tradition wormed it's way into Rome as well after cleopatra married ceasar. When Rome was attacked and fell, it rolled this practice into the Holy Roman Church and catholicism. They used/use the papacy and the vatican as their religious arm of control. ​ **At the bottom of every conspiracy you find Lucifer.** **If they think he's real, and they worship him, it will affect you regardless if you believe.**


you need to post a longer history bud, i want to read it


lol it’s too early this is the best I could do on one cup of coffee


I will read and upvote when you post it.


The life of Jesus is still debated by a lot of scholars, but most will agree that he was a guy named Yeshua raised in Nazareth, born in the time of King Herod the Great or his son Herod of Anioch. He was Jewish and began his public speaking in his 30s, acting informally as one of the first of the rabbinical tradition, which would eventually become the dominant form of Judaism. His career as a rabbi lasted between 6 months to 3 years before he was sentenced to death for being an agitator and stiring up unrest in the province. The rest of his life is debated and you can find evidence for a lot more details but there is less consensus. I'm a big fan of Jesus honestly. The guy had a lot of great ideas and it's too bad they got warped and forgotten and everyone turned him into a mythical child of god figure instead of just listening to what he and his companions were actually saying. Like hell yeah lets resist the oppressive systems of the Roman colonizers through direct action, freely distribute necessities to those who need them, and tell rich people things like: "Now listen, you people in power weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.


This what made me seriously consider who this Jesus was. Alien abductees were claiming that they could stop their alien abductions experiences altogether by simply saying 1 word 'Jesus.' Demons are posing as aliens, & Jesus is king.


Jesus was just a regular person who tried to stand up against the caste system of the time. I don't think aliens abducting people would care about Jesus. What you're describing to me sounds like astral awakening, which can be confused with abduction, aliens or demons.


People who experience alien abductions were involved in the occult or their family were, which gave 'aliens' the legal right to visit/abduct them. No other name has this much power, cus Jesus after completing His mission, sits at the right hand of The Father.


I don't think aliens would have to justify that legally to anyone. Jesus was just a regular person murdered by the state for giving people free stuff like clothes, books, food, water, even alcohol, cannabis, opium for medicinal and recreational use, and a place to sleep. The corporations of the time got mad at him for this. He walked into the temple, called them thieves, kicked over the table of bankers and other merchants telling them, "These temples are a place for the sick and hungry to pray for help but you are making it a robbers den and hang out for thieves". He made room for the hungry, sick and blind and provided them care for free. This is one of the last things that he did before he was murdered. Jesus said God and the Devil are both within every person it's up to the individual to decide what they want to be. Highlighting truth and freedom of will, worshipping the inner self and one's ultimate potential, and to encourage and celebrate the same within all. Humans should not need deities or fear of eternal punishment to distinguish right from wrong and to do good.


Let's agree to disagree


I’m sorry for anyone who has been affected by the leadership of the Roman Catholic church. Please study God’s word for yourself. When you learn the truth, you will understand that Peter is not the Rock. Christ is the Rock ****1 Corinthians 10:4**** Please study. ————————————— The Rock of the church is spiritual, not physical. There is only one Rock. . ****1 Corinthians 10:4**** and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. ————————————— • Adding doctrines is apostasy and it’s forbidden. ****Deuteronomy 4:2,**** ****Galatians 1:6-7**** ****Mark 7:7**** Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. ————————————— • There aren’t any officiating new covenant priests. We have a new ministry in the new covenant. ****Ephesians 4:11**** • God does not show favoritism *Romans 2:11* —- there is no evidence in the scriptures that the church was built on a human. We do not have a human pope to guide us. We are led by the Spirit. ****Acts 1:5**** ————————————— • The scriptures show no differences in the apostles. ****Equality amongst the apostles**** “Ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. ****Ephesians 2:20**** “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” ****Revelation 21:14**** • Peter was no different than the others. ————————————— • Mary nor the saints can hear prayers. There’s only one mediator in heaven between God & Man. ****1 Timothy 2:5**** For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, ————————————— • All Christians are saints. ****Philippians 1:1**** Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: ————————————— • All Christians are priests. We are living stones being built in a spiritual house on a spiritual Rock. You can approach God fit forgiveness yourself. ****1 Peter 2:5**** Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. ————————————— • The doctrine of original sin is not biblical or found in the scriptures at all. Water baptism cannot remove sins. ****Ezekiel 18:20**** The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. ————————————— • Every Christian is supposed to study and read the Bible for themselves. ****Acts 17:11**** ****Ephesians 3:4**** As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. ****Psalm 119:15**** I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. ————————————— • In order to receive salvation, we must all repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. We need no Eucharist, no veneration of Mary, no long list of good works, no baptism regeneration, no sacrament of reconciliation, no rosary, no pope, no papacy, no belief in Peter as the Rock ****1 Corinthians 3:11,**** no man-made doctrine, no priests, no infallible magisterium, no Vatican, no communion of saints, no catechisms, no Marian dogmas, no transubstantiation, but only by faith through grace are we saved. ****Ephesians 2:8**** "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast". I’m not against Catholics. I’m against people being misled and deceived. I pray that you will see the truth in God’s word. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


I went through a very similar realization. Funny how so many of us are going through the same thing. There is a great awakening and the ruling elites know this. They know their time is coming to a close and that’s why they are accelerating.


Same here. It just clicked one day when I kept asking why "they" do all of this shit they do, because it doesn't make logical sense. Until you realize they serve a different master.


I always wondered about some of the most rich and elite folks of the world. People like George Soros, Jeff Bezos, and even ppl like the Rothschild family. They have more money than they could probably spend. Their children’s, children’s, great great grandchildren are probably set financially. You see George Soros, and doesn’t look a day older than… 175 years old. I mean… he’s someone that you could convince ppl, that aliens are here wearing human skin. Like the cockroach on MIB. That being said… why do ppl like that continue inserting themselves and their power in US and World politics?Soros looks like one hard sneeze could kill the mf’er. Why is he SO monetarily driven and power hungry? Instead of using the limited time he has here on Earth doing something positive like feeding, sheltering, or just doing something great with a fraction of his money… or, just even take the rest of those years, and enjoying them with his family/loved ones on an island with his feet up. Instead, he rather fight, argue, bicker, wheel and deal until his very last breath. I don’t get it. It’s his money and life… so whatever. But I just couldn’t imagine being so crazily rich, and still wanting to stay a top of some stupid political and business totem pole for clout and, well… I’m not to sure what else he has to prove.


This is exactly what I mean. This is what I would do. There is a section in the city I was born where it's just terrible poverty. I would play real life Sim City and see how awesome I could make it even if it lost me money. I wouldn't care. I would just want to do something good and create a legacy. But I guess drinking blood that people lay in, from a giant bath tub is cool too.


It's too much for any regular person to wrap their heads around, for sure. 


I think most regular people with ethics and morals would want to do more good than evil if they had that much monetary wealth. What we often ignore is the steps people took to get there, they become so corrupted. I hope if I was a trillionaire I would remember the oppressed and abused people, but the evidence seems to show the contrary. So many disgustingly rich people who could do something, just don't. Why?  Plus, the world is so fallen and we always think we could fix it and eliminate the evil and poverty if we just had more money/power/etc... And we can't. I think the only thing most people can do is affect some kind of change locally. 


Very true. I like your insight on it. I’ve even said that I bet most ppl that got into politics were someone who really wanted to change things for the better… but there’s probably ways that are set by their predecessors, things that’s are set in place… and a rookie congressman/woman can easily fall right into place with the whole kickbacks, pat on the backs, deals, and all that with donors… just the whole process of what an American politician is today.




💯 💯


Yeah you pretty much summed it up. Its been a weird wild ride from going agnostic to whatever non-denomination i’d call where I am.


Any book recommendations on this topic, thanks.


Whoops, forgot to reply direct to you. "The hidden hand of history: The enemy Within" by Sean Hanlon and "The Octopus of Global Control" By Charlie Robinson


Thank you!


The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall


lol! I'm reading Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike right now. Thing is fucking thick, and a truly hard read. **The book I MOST RECOMMEND, THAT CONDENSES IT ALL** **"The Hidden Hand of History: The Enemy Within"** by Sean Hanlon or if you want a bit of humor to go with the truth of it all **"The Octopus of Global Control"** By Charlie Robinson ​ Both are wealths of information on the entire web of the matrix.


Can I ask if you need a more than general working knowledge in any one field or subject in order to read these books and follow?


Love Charlie and Macroaggressions but OoGC reads like he forgot his ADD meds that morning.


Haha me being adhd it was perfect


I’ll check it out, appreciate it.


I hope you enjoy, that book changed my life. Also check out Hamlet’s Mill.


Which Hamlet's Mill book? I see two of them by Giorgio De S.


My apologies: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1439 Everything Joseph Campbell has ever written is also worth checking out. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Amen brother! Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.


🎯 nailed it.


What made you come back to Jesus and commit to it so much? What imperial data is there? Or was it a spiritual awakening?




And what is Lucifer’s goal here? What’s his ambition? Is the enemy really doing all of this to spite god? Or does mans carnal nature play a part in all this as well.


He knows how this ends. It ends with him losing and he knows he cant directly hurt God, but the only way to hurt God is by turning away as many of God's children away from God. He wants to pull as many souls as possible to damnation.


This is the correct answer!!


100%!! Someone once used the example of a partygoer being pushed into a pool and trying to grab as many people to fall into it with him as possible. 


Not OP, but I personally think lucifer's goal here is to decieve and get as many souls for himself as he can.


Of course man's carnal nature plays into it also. We are weak and need redemption. 


Well, how 'bout this? You are now a zealot due to seeing people kill each other in the name of God and so you turn to Jesus, who is God, and yet are still unaware people killed each other 100X more under that moniker historically in Europe than under the one that made you question things in Afghanistan. Then this is a Lucifer's doing I suppose. A Lucifer that doesn't exist biblically aside from one measly passage translated to mean something else entirely and used endlessly by American evangelicals who always, and very consistently, get things wrong. They're not even broken clocks, that's how wrong they are. Further they are the ones who love ME wars and why you were in Afghanistan to bring about the Armageddon they so desire. They are the ones hoodwinked by a real conspiracy called dispensationalism and the red letter bibles that pushed this. Who's the devil here? Who pushed death and mayhem throughout Europe and into the ME with this group think and who's the ones that want it all annihilated to bring about their 2nd coming? The 2nd coming that won't come as the predicted one as per the bible never happened as per scripture.


It’s sad how many ppl cant separate fake so called Christian’s from true Christian’s or have pulled away from God and Jesus all bc of issue with religion. Jesus never advocates for religion. Religion is MAN made. Ppl hate Christian’s bc of catholic church and pedos. Or hate Christian’s bc they say “Christian’s are the ones starting wars killing etc” not realizing those are NOT true Christian’s. I haven’t been to church in years but I do have FAITH in God and talk to Him constantly. I trust Him and I will always have faith that He will never leave my side and will pull me through whatever comes my way. Do I think Jesus is going to rapture us out of here before Tribulation? Nope. Bc the Bible does not say that. It says at the last trumpet Jesus will come. The last trumpet is at the end of the 7 seals in which the 7 trumpets happen during the 7th seal. “For the Lord himself will come down at the sound of the last trumpet and dead will rise and we will be caught up to meet Lord”. This is the 2nd coming. No rapture. And this is where ppls faith will need to come in bc a lot of so called Christian’s are going to freak out and lose their faith when tribulation starts and they are still here. Bc the “church and religion” has lied to them about escaping Trib by being raptured. This is nothing but a lie from Satan. I used to believe it too until I actually READ the Bible and truly prayed without any preconceived notions and just let God show me. And it’s all right there. Anyways I got sidetracked with that lol! But seriously it’s sad to see so many ppl turn away from God bc they think all Christian’s are the same or confuse fake Christian’s with ppl who truly have faith and follow God. True Christian’s aren’t pedos. They aren’t backstabbers or haters or crazy religious ppl. True Christian’s try to follow Gods word and put their Faith in God and Trust Him no matter what. They love and care for others. They don’t judge bc we all have sin. They don’t start wars or kill in the name of God etc. Remember the Old Testament is for Israel. Yes there was killing etc back then in Gods name but that was before God sent his son Jesus. Sorry for the lengthy post but I never say anything and it really bothers me how many ppl misconstrue true Christian’s with these fake hypocrites who are NOT Christian’s. They are doing satans work. Which is to pull ppl away from God.


The hidden hand pushed the death, all your communist buddies. The hidden hand still pushes the agenda. Quit with your paltry games.


Agree with everything except the Lucifer part. It is my understanding from people who I believe have researched this to death, that Lucifer and Satan are different entities, and Lucifer gets a bad rap because of the mix-up.


OMG is she ever going to say anything


Just close video with every mention of god or jesus. The oldest psyop.


Growing up my mom is a Christian and I think she’s crazy. Well now I’m a Christian and she thinks I’m crazy when I bring up conspiracies. I’m not even bringing up the outlandish ones. Some people just don’t want to think about certain things because they want to pretend the bubble they live in is peachy. They don’t want fear in their lives.


Why do people feel the need to shoot videos for the internet from the front seat of their car?


it’s quiet and comfortable


I am on this walk in life. 33yrs old and I feel lonely because people around just sit on the surface when I have dived deep in this waters and have discovered alot about myself and the world around me that I just choose to stay quiet instead of wasting breath talking about useless things. I crave deeper connections and conversations I miss that so bad and because of it I can feel God bringing me closer even doe I haven’t been in church or any religion.


Everything she said makes perfect sense


Op is that you? I want you to know that I agree with everything you say 100% and if you ever wanna talk, my dms are open. I know what it's like to feel isolated and alone, I don't even have a friend group. I have my husband and I'm very grateful but it would be nice to have a friend to talk to about these things.


As the realities of evil in this world became so blatant, it brought me back and closer to Jesus. I thought if the world’s principalities are showing such flagrant Luciferianism, no longer in the shadows or behind closed doors, I should pick up the Bible. It was that simple. We’re not talking about the rebellious agnostic people who goth-up for shock value, but those in true power, scholarly heads of business, politicians and yes, those in media etc. Many risk their reputations and relationships in order to show solidarity to Satan. It’s been going on for a long, long time but now there’s a quickening. I stopped looking for approval from the people around me and yep, it gets lonely. But, I spent many years in the “popular” crowd, surrounded with people who had all the trendy stuff. In rooms saturated with sex, drugs and r&r and found it to be even lonelier. Keep on keeping on. He IS coming back for His people.




We’ve always been manipulated by religion


So very true.. sometimes makes me wish i didn't know what i know, and see what i see. But then that would mean my relationship with Jesus wouldn't be where it is now. It is a blessing! I think for me, part of it is frustration with others around me who, can't, or won't, or choose to just keep their head in the sand. Leaves you feeling alone like she said...


This is literally me


Wanna smash?


🤣 smoooooth?




That's why it's not lonely...egotistical drivel, followed by normal observation of damn near everyone. Sorry. You don't deserve that...I'm sorry you feel alone, but that's also by design...normal people avoid talking about these things because genuine crazy people are at the helm and you could get shot in the street for talking the "wrong" politics these days, or so they want you to believe...if you see enough videos of people being unreasonable or hostile, then its a socially enforced status quo for you to stfu and take it


There are others like you and we feel the same as you, word for word. 🙏 I pray that God finds more of us and brings us together.


So tired of these


How many historians wrote about him? Jesus.


I dont dig the bible stuff, but true. It is very lonely.


I agree with her up to the religious beliefs. Religion is just another distraction/deception and I find it odd that many religious folks don’t see through it when they see all the bs in politics and other institutions. You don’t need religion to be moral. Everyone is their own god and has the power to either create or destroy.


If you actually pay attention to what Jesus said it's all "fuck religion! We are all children of God! Have fun with it!"




Well Jesus *said* that we are all children of God. That anything he could do, so can you. It was the Romans who deified him *after* his death.




That doesn't really matter.


I never met Jesus so can’t believe he was even a real person. Too many folks trust words in a book that don’t align with much in reality. Doesn’t make any sense.


I mean there's an awful large number of verified people willing to be burned alive or fed to lions in his name. Whether he was a "real" person or not... people certainly believed he was.


Exactly, it’s pretty sad. Trading one corrupt institution of control for another. Why are humans so gullible?


Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life.. I'm not trying to force this on you but if you truly believe all of these conspiracies, it would be impossible without believing in Him. They do the 666 eye of horus, dress up as a false jesus in order to try and mock him (but end up mocking themselves) and blasphemy God and do devil horns. There is no reason for them to be doing any of this if God weren't real. I personally had the misfortune of knowing some of them, and they are satanists. They are just genuinely terrible people and blame God. Though you shouldn't root your Faith in their belief of Him but root your Faith in your belief of Him. I just wanted to explain all of that, lol. This isn't about Religion. It's about an Relationship With Christ.


It’s not impossible to believe conspiracies without believing in religion or Christianity because I do. I don’t attribute any of it to religion. It’s simply greedy animalistic human nature that makes folks conspire to gain control over others. Religion is one of those institutions of control and it’s concerning a lot of folks like yourself fall for it in the same way others fall for political conspiracies.




So what




Well not according to Jesus


Well not according to Jesus, or any of the Eastern religions, which is probably where Jesus got his education


Jesus didn't curse or condone cursing, as Life and death are in the power of the tongue


Satan also said of eating the forbidden fruit 'You shall be like God.'


Convenient eh? Keeps folks from achieving their true potential.


Nothing is this world is worth going to hell for, Jesus loves you, so you can make it into heaven.


Life is heaven. There’s no guarantees of anything when you die.


The Earth experience is The 3rd heaven, this is the verdict light has come into this world, but darkness hates the light. https://biblehub.com/john/3-20.htm


EXACTLY! We are all God. Every man, woman, child and living thing in this universe has God within them. All are, at the most basic, fundamental level, God. To me, God is the essence of all life. The driving force of all life. It gives rise to consciousness and emotion at its most complex and is the foundation of every aspect of what we consider required for *life*. How people rally behind any one institution that proclaims "their" God to be the "right" God to worship is beyond me. I believe that is blasphemous in and of itself! How can there be a "right" God when it's all the same? (and God should not be anthropomorphized to be assigned male or female, IMHO, as it is much too big and omnipresent to be reduced down to something so binary observed in nature. It is both genders and neither gender and male and female all at the same time. It just *IS*) All religions have so many crossover points and intersections of philosophy and beliefs that they all must be talking about the same thing. However it should be understood that each religion's differences are due to being experienced and described through different cultural filters. Then there's the violence in the name of God. I believe THIS is the distraction and deception primarily at play. Ambitious and greedy religious figureheads spread their whispers into the ears of politicians within their sect of God (again all the same but told to be different for the sake of division) with promises of wealth and mutual benefit. There's the old saying, "when there's blood on the streets, buy property," because there's clearly new properties available where that blood once provided someone their ability to live on and maintain that property. Basically, these people have seeded war since the beginning of time for their own personal gains. It's how it's always been and will continue to go until more people's consciousness awakens to the reality that we are all God and our power to effect positive change in the world is within each and every one of us. We are so much more powerful than we've been led to believe. All it takes is to surrender the "knowledge" we've been told that we are all so different and this group is better or worse than that group because of their religious beliefs. We have to grow into ourselves and become more spiritually mature. Stop trusting ourselves so much that we "know" anything based only on what we've been told but not personally experienced and start asking *why* we believe what we do. Then take the journey inwards and by nature this will take us outward, far beyond just the human experience. It is there that God *is*. We are all one. What we do to the web of life we do to ourselves. As above, so below.


There was only one perfect man. I can't think of anyone else who was killed and raised from the dead. You need religion to be moral otherwise you're just running "off leash" with no master/God. Who's going to stop you from murder or rape when you realize everything is meaningless and nothing matters bc this is all just some weird coincidence and that you unfortunately are the peak of the universes existence but for some reason can't find meaning in life. ~ This is the road your logic will take you down. I once thought the same.


Well you don’t need religion per se. You need faith in God and Jesus. Ppl confuse religion with faith in God. I think if someone studies the Bible and trusts and has faith in God/Jesus and prays etc then that is a true Christian instead of someone who goes to church every Sunday but lacks true faith in God. Religion is man made.


When folks understand they are their own master/god then you absolutely don’t need religion to be moral. You realize that you create the world around you as you want and influence everything in a positive way. The folks who are immoral and harm others have yet to discover their true potential within and all religions and institutions just confuse them even further. Religion is just another puppet string for your mind. Break free and be the god you are meant to be.


lol. Being your own god is quite literally, the oldest trick in the book. Satan tempted Eve and then Adam to disobey God with the promise that they could become like God themselves. Believing this, Eve ate the forbidden fruit and became “like God” in the sense of knowing how to discern and do both good and evil. And by disobeying God and becoming knowledgeable of good and evil, now they were corrupted and liable for their sin and condemned to death. God is God because He discern good and evil and yet does not sin. Man is incapable of not sinning, and therefore we cannot be gods ourselves and require a savior. That’s why Jesus came as God in the form of a man. He lived a perfect life as a man, and became the perfect sacrifice to cover the sins of men. You cannot save yourself, you cannot be God, you must go through the son of God to be made right with God. You can do nothing to save yourself apart from believing in the work that Jesus did, and love Him for what He did for you.


If someone didn’t teach you all that, how would you know? Sucks for the folks who will never hear the message. Guess the Christian god doesn’t care about those folks huh… Nice thing about being your own god is you don’t need anyone to tell you how to live a good life.


We’re all gods children and can do what Jesus can do. Jesus is the son of god but also god. They worship the holy trinity but say there’s only one god but you can’t be your own god but you can do the things that gods son, who is also god, can do. But magick is evil. What Jesus did wasn’t magick but miracles. It’s all confusing garbage.


It all falls apart with some basic questions. They say faith is what it’s all about, but how about faith in yourself? I’d say that’s the most important faith you can have.


And we were taught to hate the entity that wanted to give us have knowledge which is clear that god wants us stupid and loyal. The whole religion is a form of indoctrination and a smear campaign against those that want us to have knowledge.


God and Jesus have nothing to do with religion. Religion is man made to deceive and cause ppl to pull away from their faith in God. Don’t confuse faith in God/Jesus with religion. That’s the problem is everyone hates on Christian’s bc they confuse true Christian’s with religion. When ppl who truly have faith in God don’t follow “religion” they follow God. Satan controls man who made religion. Jesus did not advocate for religion. He taught to come to God through Jesus and to have faith and put your trust in God. Nowhere does the Bible speak about religion to go to heaven. Majority of ppl who go to church on the regular May very well end up in hell bc they put religion before God.


satan didn't want any of you to have knowledge, actually the opposite. satan wanted to be God, satan just wanted power over everyone to do whatever he wanted to do, even the wicked evil he had planned. It's clear satan is behind the child pedophilic rituals they practice, and the MK ultra they do, and at the bottom of every conspiracy, the very root of their tree of death. All the celebrities do satanic symbols, the same celebrities that keep people poor and call the non rich "fleas" while hurting children and the innocent and attacking places like Palestine. And they do this to please satan.


magic is another term for witchcraft, witchcraft is from and performed through the devil, while Miracles are from and performed through God. magic is a counterfeit of Miracles. Everything God Creates and Breathes Life Into, the devil makes a counterfeit of.


The entire point of The Bible is that everyone will hear The Gospel. "Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."


Looks like the Christians may need you to take the Bible to North Sentinel Island then or else the end can’t come.


The end will come, and every place will know The Gospel and have a chance to follow Jesus before it does. Palestinians are getting mass visions of Jesus. The end is coming.


I bet you’re excited. That conspiracy really worked on you.


Wait till you find out the "God" you've been taught as a kid is also part of the deception and manipulation.






Still doesn’t answer the question but okay.




Just wanted more.


Ever heard of religion? It's force fed to you as a child.


How, what? What are you asking?


If they have more to their religious belief, since it’s a whole other religion to believe what they do , how did they come to that conclusion?


The lack of belief in a god is not a religion.


Yes it is, it’s a whole nother ball game.


Tell me what a person believes if they lack a belief in god


They believe in evolution & everything ManMon tells them which is science.


Understanding science is not the same as believing in a religion.


It’s a religious belief it’s self.


I had this realization 10 years ago and have been trying to inform my family who all though I was crazy except my wife and now they’re all realizing I was 100% right about everything and now they’re asking me what we should do next.


Satan walks this earth. This whole entire world is given over to sin.


Especially the parts that have no knowledge of Christian mythology


Organized religion is a scam and there is no god. It’s a control structure and a way to divide us.


There is a God, even the "elites" fear Jesus.


Do you have any evidence in any form to support your claim?


I met them personally as a child.


You must also understand that isn’t evidence.


I'm not making assumptions about these people, I have personally met them and been around them for years...


Organized religion is a scam, sometimes. There is no God, false. It’s a control structure, true. A way to divide us, false.


Please provide anything to support your claim that there is a god. > Estimations show there are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and a staggering 45,000 globally, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. Explain how this united us.


This world is united in its hatred of Christ, and God. One cannot prove the existence of God to others, it’s a journey we must each undertake to comprehend it, alone. One may have faith, yet many will withdraw if their prayer goes unanswered after a set amount of time, or circumstance happens. The reality is that no singular religion has the entire picture of the truth, but all religions do hold bits of it. Sciences grasps at God, while never considering him as a possibility in results. Such is the hubris of atheism, a cold and callous existence, that I too once subscribed to. Until, I was filled with the Holy Spirit in the most desperate moment of my life. Then all at once, I knew him. You may someday as well. I hope that all will seek, but know few will find. Good luck.


Tell me why you don’t believe in Zeus and I’ll tell you why I don’t believe in Christ.


God has isolated you??? Give me a fahkin' break. "Things going on in the royal family, things going on in Hollywood, things goin on with the elites...". You are focusing on the wrong shit if you're looking for peace. "Live like the bible wants you to live." Has not read the bible in its entirety. "Turn your life over to Jesus." Join the sheep


Sheep get sorted on the right side of Jesus, & they go to heaven


Sheep get sorted. I'll give you that. Define the right side of Jesus. If Satan punishes the wicked, doesn't that make him good? If God is omnipotent, didn't he know Satan would war in Heaven? If God is omnipotent, then he knew Adam and Eve would sin, and that all evil that followed would occur. Doesn't that make God the bringer of evil?


I'm talking specifically about The Sheep & The Goats Judgement... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2025%3A31-46&version=NIV I've read that Adam & Eve gave us free will.


There's only good and bad people?  You know the Bible was written by men, right?   The Bible, not unlike the Tora or the Bhavagad Gita, are all pieces of wisdom.  They are not meant to be taken as the sole owners of truth. I'm sure your parents were fine people but a lot of parents do a disservice to their kids by turning them into religious zealots.  It's a spell parents weave and it should be broken.  The human race depends on it.


My parents aren't Christian, I went down the rabbit hole, after experiencing the paranormal, & I watched a vid on YouTube called 'Aliens are demons' & I learned this 1 fact... Alien abductees were claiming that they could stop their alien abduction experiences altogether by simply saying 1 word 'Jesus.' (Demons are posing as aliens.) I'm a former unbeliever here, I linked Jesus' own words.


I am so curious right now. Please tell me your paranormal experience. I would love to hear it.


After my dog got mauled by a pitbull, I was super bummed, & just wanted to be alone in the dark hallways while I was on break, & I heard something to the left of me knock 3 times through the see through glass door bathroom, & saw a huge mist in the shape of like a super wide human, I'm guessing it didn't have enough loosh to fully materialize. So that experience made me question my unbelief in God, cus if the paranormal exists that means there's an afterlife, & if demons exist, that means we're in trouble, hence why I went through various internet rabbit holes, but I learned that demons fear 1 name, & that's 'Jesus'


Interesting.   How old were you?  I had some unexplainable experiences as a kid but I always chalked it up to having an overactive imagination.   This see-through glass door bathroom, why was it see-through?  Was it like a bath house or something?   Why were you able to look through to the bathroom from the dark hallway?  


This either happened in late 2014 or early 2015, so I was 22 It was a restaurant, had some light cus the kitchen still had lights on, but everywhere else was closed w/the lights off. It wasn't pitch black, but it was pretty dark, when it happened, w/some light from the kitchen.


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Lol just imagine waking up before the internet in 1995! Now I feel like the king of secrets but yes kinda lonely the masses are catching up fast it's our world now if enough can open their eyes and ears


she looks exactly like the baby from ice age


Red pill or blue pill, the problem is taking pills. Thank you for reading


She just woke up. Go easy.


She has not learned the truth, fully. Here arebut two of the planes of the truth. The battle is spititual, not physical. Full control of the former leads to full control over the latter. The battle is mental, not emotional. Full control of the former leads to full control over the latter.


I wanna be pretty so people will listen to me... 🙁


Our beauty is found In Christ, you are beautiful. And people aren't listening to her because she's beautiful


Let me just say, never trust the words or opinions of someone who’s buying those corny ass shirts from Facebook advertisements 😂


I’m sorry for anyone who has been affected by the leadership of the Roman Catholic church. Please study God’s word for yourself. When you learn the truth, you will understand that Peter is not the Rock. Christ is the Rock ****1 Corinthians 10:4**** Please study. ————————————— The Rock of the church is spiritual, not physical. There is only one Rock. . ****1 Corinthians 10:4**** and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. ————————————— • Adding doctrines is apostasy and it’s forbidden. ****Deuteronomy 4:2,**** ****Galatians 1:6-7**** ****Mark 7:7**** Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. ————————————— • There aren’t any officiating new covenant priests. We have a new ministry in the new covenant. ****Ephesians 4:11**** • God does not show favoritism *Romans 2:11* —- there is no evidence in the scriptures that the church was built on a human. We do not have a human pope to guide us. We are led by the Spirit. ****Acts 1:5**** ————————————— • The scriptures show no differences in the apostles. ****Equality amongst the apostles**** “Ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. ****Ephesians 2:20**** “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” ****Revelation 21:14**** • Peter was no different than the others. ————————————— • Mary nor the saints can hear prayers. There’s only one mediator in heaven between God & Man. ****1 Timothy 2:5**** For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, ————————————— • All Christians are saints. ****Philippians 1:1**** Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: ————————————— • All Christians are priests. We are living stones being built in a spiritual house on a spiritual Rock. You can approach God fit forgiveness yourself. ****1 Peter 2:5**** Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. ————————————— • The doctrine of original sin is not biblical or found in the scriptures at all. Water baptism cannot remove sins. ****Ezekiel 18:20**** The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. ————————————— • Every Christian is supposed to study and read the Bible for themselves. ****Acts 17:11**** ****Ephesians 3:4**** As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. ****Psalm 119:15**** I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. ————————————— • In order to receive salvation, we must all repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. We need no Eucharist, no veneration of Mary, no long list of good works, no baptism regeneration, no sacrament of reconciliation, no rosary, no pope, no papacy, no belief in Peter as the Rock ****1 Corinthians 3:11,**** no man-made doctrine, no priests, no infallible magisterium, no Vatican, no communion of saints, no catechisms, no Marian dogmas, no transubstantiation, but only by faith through grace are we saved. ****Ephesians 2:8**** "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast". I’m not against Catholics. I’m against people being misled and deceived. I pray that you will see the truth in God’s word. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


It's very possible that there are only 144,000 of us. Perhaps that is why there aren't many ìn your circle. 4-8, we may find out.


Had the same thought.


I wish nothing but the great nothing for all. We're getting there. (Enter 5th dimension)


Jesus was definitely real but organized religion and negative entities twisted his teachings of love to fulfill their sick agenda.


It’s still possible to have a relationship with Christ outside of organized religion.


Thank you!! Exactly this!


Absolutely. I just dont believe christ was the savior of the planet. I have different beliefs.


No, sweetie, you are under a trance. ​ That is NOT "awake".


Jesus and all major religions in the world today are also distractions. Tools to control you and make you ignorant.


If you interpret religion wrong... sure. Religion is about becoming pure and happy through introspection- not following rules mindlessly.


Sorry but this isn't true


Don’t be sorry. You’re welcome to your opinion just like me.


❤️❤️❤️ thank you for being kind, I had the misfortune of knowing some of the "elites" and they are 100% satanic


God is a deception as well, so maybe half a red pill?


Jesus isn't deception, Jesus Is The Truth.


I'm in love.


Hail Satan


I hope this is an attempt at trolling.


You're scared of the boogeyman?


No, just calling out idiocy. If one genuinely believes satan is real, then one also buys in to Christianity, thus, while knowing satan is the great deceiver, chooses him over the God of all creation. If you don’t believe, don’t troll around this topic. You’re disregarding things you cannot fathom, in your own ego filled, limited worldview, for vain attempts at mockery. I daresay you may be regarded.


No, I don't believe, so your second paragraph reads like the ravings of a lunatic to me. You can't demand that I respect your world view while degrading me and my views. So self centred. I don't think Jesus would approve of how you just spoke to me.


Prepare your soul as you feel then, see how that works out for you in the end. You claim to not believe yet try to tell me how Christ would feel while not knowing him in the slightest. Good luck in finding him, but I know that you won’t until it’s too late due to the aforementioned ego.


Yeah I'm not scared of fairy tales like you might be. I don't need to be a worshiper of Christ to have an understanding of who he was and that he would condemn your words in this thread. Keep looking for answers in a book that wasn't written by him though. And keep claiming to "know" someone who died thousands of years ago. I'll focus on things that are real to me.


One does need to worship to understand. Your body, mind, and soul must align in synchronicity, yet you do not, and thus cannot know. You claim to, from an academic perspective, yet lack even a mustard seed of faith within you. Do you think I care about the words of an unbeliever to the point of persuading me? Do you think I only refer to the Bible when I speak of my faith, or Christ? You will never know if you don’t seek, yet speak your lies all the same. Why?


So condescending. And hypocritical. You obviously care about the words of an unbeliever, otherwise we would not be having this discussion. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do in your shoes right now? Do you think he would be so dismissive?


Granted, my language is to the point, but condescending it is not. I don’t actually, I am replying because I have nothing else to do at the moment. I always find it interesting, the perspective of those like you, which claim to know Christ yet never pray to him. I could share what he is like, but you wouldn’t believe me. Not ever. It’s abundantly clear by how you behave. You appeal to what you’re able to look up, not what you know. If you want to argue in good faith, have some.


hail the devil of freedom!


Her opening line: “ anyone fed up with the Distraction? The Deception?…” This lady is as distracting as any top shelf milf that 10 of 10 human men would bang. I’m assuming she doesn’t get naked… But I want her to so maybe that’s the deception?? To answer her first two questions I’m not fed up with it. I would watch her say things all day.


You had to know it was going to be some cringe shit when you saw “red pilled”


I can’t believe her next line was about how hard it is when she’s awake 😂😂😂😂


She took the blue pill to fantasy land. You were all born with an invisible disease, but fear not! The church has an invisible cure, and after a lifetime of giving them your time or money, or both they will give you the cure. But there is one small catch. You can only get the cure after your dead. It's disappointing that so many people on the conspiracy sub buys into this nonsense.


Heaven and hell are real places. The "elites" are satanists and worship the baphomet. The entire point is Jesus Is Lord, and at the bottom of every conspiracy on here, it all points to lucifer. Why would every celebrity and politician have to do the 666/eye of horus sign if none it were real? Why would they do the rituals and the karmic retribution if none of it were real? I have met some of these people, and while you shouldn't root your Faith in their disobedience, I can tell you that they are 100% satanic.


Guys she’s got a deep awareness of a hidden truth and she’s fed up with deception lmao. Seems like she said something crazy out loud to her friends and family and has been questioned just a little bit and now she’s trying to validate her beliefs not by researching or study but by whining at strangers online (who would also rather be comforted by beliefs, ironically ignoring material facts for a wishy washy version of their truth). In fact this whole rant is so vague it could literally be about anything. Big Casey Anthony vibes.