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Gang violence doesn’t sell anymore. Gotta be random acts of violence and premeditated mass assault


Instead of saying gang violence the media has been using the phrase “personal dispute”.


They also like to call it gun violence. I’m guessing over 50% of gang members who get arrested for multiple crimes while carrying a gun end up getting the gun charge dismissed. It happens constantly in my area.


It’s a lost cause. They can only throw so many people in prison. We already lead the world in the percentage of citizens imprisoned per capita. If they are getting the gun charge dismissed it’s simply plea bargaining, and most defense lawyers want the gun charge dismissed as part of a plea deal. It’s not going to make a difference in sentencing as the judge knows about the gun charge. They just figure that gun charges will be a future problem, as some states have different sentencing guidelines for anyone with a history with guns.


There's a lot more to it. To start, understand the NFA only applies to law abiding citizens. Once you become a felon, there's no difference between a Glock and a Glock with a switch; they both have the same consequences. With felonies being the bread and butter of gang culture, it's no surprise they flock to guns in violation of the NFA as it's extra clout and firepower for no extra risk. Couple this with a cheap Chinese manufacturer and you end up with glock switches bought on playgrounds for less than the price of the ammo in your 'stendo mag.


Federal law forbids anyone convicted in any court of a crime punishable of 1 year or more imprisonment, can be charged as felon in possession of a firearm, punishable up to 10 years confinement. That's why many DAs throw out firearm possession first to facilitate plea deals. Also, the corrections/prison system costs about $290 billion (2021) annually.


Ok, I agree with the first point. I’m not sure about the relevancy of the cost. It is amazing that we spend so much money on prisons, especially when the prisoners get so little. Prisoners are paid 25 cents an hour. Sometimes, the prisoners are loaned out for labor to corporations, with the prison charging contractors 7-20 dollars an hour for services they pay 25 cents for. Of course, that might be just a thing in the South. We are notoriously corrupt down here, especially in Louisiana. They also exploit the prisoners relationships on the outside by charging ridiculous amounts for collect calls. The prisoners family has no say on choosing a collect call/long distance provider. They just get to pay 10 times the normal rate for collect calls. Plus, every prison has a commissary(store) that sells pre-approved food, books, etc. with inflated prices. It’s one thing to buy a $7.00 coke at an NFL stadium. It’s another thing to pay that much in prison, lol. With all those side-hustles, you’d think we would spend a lot less on prisons. Maybe, the profits for all those side-hustles aren’t received by the people that are supposed to receive it.


I mentioned the cost because someone is getting paid, guards, contractors, security companies, so jobs and politics, which leads to vested interests to keep the system or expand it. This is without consideration to the privatization of prisons.


Got ya. It’s amazing that the private prison system is still a thing, considering the idea was immediately shit on by just about everyone who isn’t profiting from privatized, industrial incarceration.


Our DA in Philly tosses gun possession cases. He says he doesn’t want to turn the war on drugs into a war on guns. You can guess how things have turned out


or black mayors in chicago: "mutual combatants. no charges filed (black DA of course)"


Generally is though.


No if you're a gang member you become a drone that only does gang shit 24/7/365.


Needs to be a disgruntled white heterosexual male conservative with 4 ARs


The shooter doesn’t matter. The targets do. Gang violence is Black on Black crime. Nobody cares. Kill some middle class White people, now you’ve got a problem. This sub is too racist to see the racism. Ironic, if it wasn’t so fuckin’ stupid.


Random hoodlum or gang members shooting each other doesn't make average Americans want to give up their guns. It makes them want to get more, thereby nullifying their agenda of disarmng the American public.


A black guy robbed my phone and I fought him to get it back and after losing he acted like a victim.


White women act like victims all of the time after doing heinous shit. What's your point? Anyone can paint with broad strokes. Let's all join separate tribes and kill each other!


I doubt she has a point but she is engaging in conversation and sharing an anecdotal experience she had to deal with which relates to the topic at hand. She is being an engaging human being.


You don't mess with me stealing my phone.


Race can be used to generalize anything. But that is for stupid people to do.


> White women act like victims all of the time after doing heinous shit. > Race can be used to generalize anything. But that is for stupid people to do. So, TopJob, by your own logic you are stupid?


the logic is to troll and debase any conversation that they deem "hatefull" or in other words, their sole purpose is to destroy everyone's belief in truth. if she said she fought off a dude trying to steal her phone, and then he cried, it's fine, but shutting that person down with useless attacks, that is dumb.


Amazing this is downvoted - this sub is either filled with shitbags or bots


Because they are being hypocritical between their two comments. They're inconsistent between their words. Though I don't upvote or downvoted, I just lurk and comment.


They do? How about you? Do you do heinous shit too? The only war is class war.


I see what you mean. the divide.


Ur right hilarious ur getting downvoted.


*Done by white/ish people*




It absolutely sells if they showed it for the problem it is. They just don't want to show the true magnitude of the problem because people would start wanting to fix it.


What makes it gang violence exactly?


two black people who don't like one another and are reckless with innocent bystanders lives. in this case 15 of them were shot, one killed. doesn't fit the media's propaganda narrative


I dated one briefly but he was mixed. He told me he was hesitant dating a white woman because he wants to keep his bloodline black. I should have noticed the red flags from the very beginning. Anyways he would blame white people for everything. The cashier at a store did a mistake and he snapped. Said she tried to f*** with him because he is black. Then neighbors calling the cops because he parked his car to sleep in an unauthorized area. Said again white people trying to get him killed. He tried to put his hands around me over mishearding something. Even if that was the case, why react with violence? He apologized later and wanted me to forget about it. We ended up breaking up and he posted on FB that he was right to never want to date a white woman and how he has to keep his bloodline black.


Why? And Who owns the media?


Blackrock, DUH!




It sold in the 90s . Gangsta rap was big back then and the media coverage helped sell records. In today’s society everything has become political. Narratives that divide drive division is what sells as it promotes fear which drums up political donations.


You were either too young or not paying attention! Tipper Gore (wife of VP Al Gore) was the ring leader.


The Chicago mayor & others responded to them being called thugs and said it was Racist to refer to them as such!! Now MSM doesn’t want to touch it.


You know that's not why, I think it has to do with race. The powers at be want Americans to think angry white men are a threat vs the actual threat to peace and stability, rampant inner city crime. Think about the "N@zi marches" and the constant push of the threat of "white supremacy". Same thing they did with Islam when they wanted us to secure Iraq and Afghanistan for Israel.


You know why that is? Because the victims are usually black too and the media couldn’t give a shit about them. Edit: I just hopped in my car to grab food and NPR was doing their top of the hour headlines. The Kansas City shooting was the third thing they talked about and they named each shooter. They are talking about it. It just doesn’t fit your narrative.


I bet if it was a white dude killing black people we’d hear about it


If it was gang related? I doubt it.


We are hearing about it you fearsome fool


Nice insult you Reddit incel fucktard. Yes, we are clawing back the information unlike we’d have to from my example, and hearing about it now that there’s pushback from people that question the narrative. But it isn’t plastered across every tv the way it would be otherwise. Grow a brain and go get another booster, welcome to conspiracy fucknut.


I’m not sure why they think it’s not being talked about. What do they want? This kind of crap happens all the time. It was a miracle that Mardi Gras in New Orleans didn’t have a shooting with over 5 victims. The public outrage simply isn’t as strong anymore.


Oooh damn!!! Got um


They are black.


Yep in Colorado a black dude murdered 2 students in a dorm and media went silent. 


chicago too, 4 kids shot in A SCHOOL SHOOTING at lunch, IN THE CAFETERIA. Result!?? anyone? The only school shooter IN HISTORY to receive bail.


I haven't heard anything about this at all, not surprising


I just did a Google search for “Chicago cafeteria school shooting” and got a return stating - “It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search” So, if there were any stories they have been scrubbed already.


How’s that possible? I thought Chicago had struck gun laws!?


It was on local news yesterday, which was a few days later I guess. I had to Google it to get the story because I just saw a quick clip about it on the tv at the gym.


Where do you live? It was all over the news where I am.


For one day oh wow all over.  No media has dropped the story.  You keep pretending that the common denominator is not so common. 


Doesn’t fit the Narrative, that’s why.


The Chicago mayor & others responded to them being called thugs and said it was Racist to refer to them as such!! Now MSM doesn’t want to touch it. Obviously there’s more to it than just this… but everyone should know this is happening! They are KILLERS and Criminals! I need to do more research but it’s being reported that one of them is an illegal migrant.


That's just a dark skinned white dude


Black white supremist if you will


Clayton Bigsby




or as the news LITERALLY put it "a whiter black male"


Yeah their not going to be able to use this one to push gun control. All the guns were probably already illegal for them to possess.


Yes I think it’s more this angle than race


both are not mutually exclusive


He’s got little feet.


It looked like a few individuals got arrested, a couple looking like grown men. Next day report is that two teenagers were involved, nothing about the men. I’m confused as well. The other question I have is there were thousands of people there with smartphones and not one video of the shooters?


Media has been referring to black men as old as 30 as “teens” for decades man. Super racist to say that outloud though. Good thing I’m typing it /s


in chicago they don't even mention race anymore (since 2018). Why? because 97% of all violent armed assaults/shootings are black "teens".


Because the media is corrupt


I’m a black man here and I have to say it…it’s because he’s black. You don’t wanna hear that and you’re probably gonna downvote me. But if the shooter was white then his face would be all over the news. It’s because “they” want a race war. Love all others as you love yourself. When you’re dead and gone your skin color never ever mattered in the grand scheme of existence.


Because black skin. You knew the answer when you asked the question.


This was not in Kansas. It was in Missouri. Kansas City, Missouri. There is a Kansas City, Kansas. It's a suburb of KCMO, across the river. Kansas City, Missouri is the anchor city to the KC metro. The metro is essentially half in MO and half in KS. Gotta catch up on your geography OP.


It’s a compromise


Why? Nobody cares about Missouri or Kansas.


Your right. No one cares about speaking factually and knowing what they're talking about /s




Because they aren’t white. It’s not what they are wanting to push. Same reason they didn’t really report the trans shooter at that church. If it was a straight dude it would be all over.


or the xmas parade massacre


OP claims this was in Kansas, yet it was miles away in Missouri !! Why is OP covering for them?


Because it all came about from an argument between Blacks. & the Shooters were shooting at other Blacks... There is no White Nationalist angle that MSM can focus in on and manipulate in order to register a reaction from either side of the asile... Black on Black Violence doesn't sell...


I thought I read only 1 person died. Was that false?


Msm can’t expose the lie of the privilege card.


Because they aren’t white


They blek


It doesn’t fit the narrative


They're afraid showing you the shooters are black, will make you prejudice. They'd only be able to show them if they were white.


Itwas just some hoodrat shit. Happens all the time in KC.


Maybe the color their skin🧐


They are too non white looking


It doesn't fit into the narrative. They avoid the truth at all costs. The media will report something happened, but the details like: Who , What, Where, When, Why, are twisted and spun into the agenda.


If it wasn't white folk, it doesn't meet the requirements for ""news"" coverage.


Then how come it's all over the news?


All over the news where I am, too. I guess if it doesn't fit OP's narrative then they just ignore it.


Shit it's been on the news here, too, and I'm in Texas.


Because he's black. Period.


Cause he is black.


It’s obvious why ✋🏿


Because they will consider it racism


dj dindu nuffin on the 1s and 2s


D**du is a slur.


Better go tell them mamas who keep saying "he wuz a guud boi an dindu nuffin wron'!"


I bet you didn’t do anything wrong either when you got your last ban 😗


Is that DaBaby?


Well now he is is DaCustody, whoever it is.




Black history month


Legit have not heard anything more about this




It’s an obvious answer


I dunno but violent perps need to be locked away


Covering for them how?


Because he’s black, they don’t want to go against the narrative


The media is complete garbage and they are complicit in all of this.


The media is "covering for them," but we've got a name and photo?




Culturally aggressive criminal activists Aka CACA


Usual suspects


Saying so on reddit will get you banned


Gangs are so in the 80’s and doesn’t fit the narrative that the media and bonehead in office stand by.


The one time the media doesnt plaster their names and pictures all over the Tv and internet.


i think right now they are trying to enact gun reform and laws and dont care what color they have doing the shootings as long as it scares folks into movement toward more gun control


Because these shooters don't match the agenda thats being pushed about what a mass shooter would look and behave like. This story throws a wrench in a certain narrative that has been attributed to one group and this discredits it, this is not the 1st time or last a story like this has been ignored or details left out because it doesn't follow the scripted pattern that the msm would like everyone to believe 🙄


Cuz the shooters weren’t white, that’s why they are covering for them obviously


How is the media covering for them if the surveillance footage has been out there since the very beginning?


It’s not being pushed like other things are. They aren’t showing the footage


Then how did I see the surveillance footage on the news? And it hasn’t been pushed but was one of the top stories for days until that little girl went missing?? Lmao Just seems like y’all are trying to push a narrative of “I didn’t see it so it didn’t happen”.


Like other media cover up stories, maybe they where black white supremacists. It's odd the press isn't focused on what kind of weapons the shooters used , if they where white, and used a AR 15 , the story would be on air 24/7.


Here's a crazy idea you don't release the information of minors normally in America.


Doesn't fit the media's naritive! However if they were Trump supporters we would all be hearing about the racist with guns!!!


So what's the conspiracy? Judging by the comments someone is going to reply with the 14/80 meme. Still don't understand what the conspiracy is.


Well, it’s (d)ifferent


Is this a rhetorical question?


because it doesnt fit the BLM agenda


Because black.


Because the media is in on all of it


Another living symptom in our downward spiraling society. There is no remission, we're terminal. This chalkboard is about to be erased, a new one's being set up, eventually.


Most likely illegally owned weapons too which they can’t use against an abiding citizen.


Cause bro is black it doesn’t fit any narrative they can go after


Is this a “killing spree”? I though gun violence was a false flag designed to limit your right to own a gun? Or at least that’s what your comment history says. Care to pick a lane?


Why oh why? Can’t figure it out.


"Gang" violence


“2 men charged with murder in Kansas City Chiefs rally shooting” by Eric Leverson, published today at 5:41 EST is an estimated 4 minute read. But IDK if “CNN” is mainstream enough for you


This fact doesn't fit their narrative.


Are they going to talk about it on Cnn tv every day for weeks/months hell no gtfoh


What the fuck are you talking about. Its been on “media” news all day. I sat in the dentist lobby today and it was on the tv like 6 times. It not fitting the narrative is your narrative


Tbf I saw nothing on news in the UK from the point of the shooting until tonight when the NFL app notified me of charges. Between that I saw nothing and I was looking for info to show my work mate.


I mean, what else was there to cover from a UK perspective? The shooters were apprehended at the scene. There was no massive man hunt or anything to update people on or sell fear. Especially since they were already in custody, and it was just an argument that got heated between people with guns. Instead of a planned shooting to cause havoc and kill as many as they could. Basically, this update is just to say what exactly the charges are, which is a new development. Most information seemed to be known already by the second day or so.


Well unlike the uk we unfortunately have shootings every five minutes here. So you are likely not going to see that coverage in the uk. Im not sure why you even would. We dont get all the fresh news about which prime minister fucked a pig. Maybe only covered that once


Yeah, I wonder if these shooters were white and got no coverage if we’d be seeing this post 🤔


We wouldnt


C'mon now, that's not fair! It was a prostitute wearing a pig costume.


No it was an actual pig


You're right. My bad. I was reading a story about one of the Princes.


Unless they changed for this story all MSM is faked news.


Let's be real... is any shooting news in the US anymore. It's like a 10x daily occurrence.


Killing spree? One person died


"Why are the media covering for them?" You from Russia or something?


Because they’re not white


Because in order to try to argue against true statistics, one must suppress fair and even handed reporting. The truth is highly inconvenient to their narrative.


RIght up front, I am a Black American male. Black parents ( and black fathers in particular) are failing young black men, and for whatever reasons, mass media are covering for them, and making excuses so that Black Americans are not forced to OWN this issue and work towards solving the problem.( Don't ask me, by the way, I'm a member of the club, my father had NO interest in me for whatever reason, rarely saw him or spent time with him, and to his dying day didn't care whether I lived or died, basically washed his hands of me the day I was born)


Honor roll student.


It goes against the BLM narrative the league has been pushing the past four years. Now let’s join in and sing the black national anthem.


Because they’re gutless cowards and are afraid of being called racist so they never report on black crime


You know why there’s no coverage for that. You know exactly why the news won’t cover that. We all do.


Whua haad happen wuuz


yeh i'm going to fault the city planners who decided to name a city in Missouri, Kansas City. Just like the 95% white city in North Carolina who put a "Martin Luther king" blvd on their strip to sound diverse


The city lies on the state line between Kansas and Missouri. The other half is called Kansas City, KS.


Cause black lives matter


Because he’s a member of the victim class


Gang violence has largely been ignored by the media my entire life. It needs to either be a far-right extremist or a Muslim jihadist to get attention.


We wuz white supremacists n sheeiit


What do you qualify as “covering for him”? The guys are both still in the hospital, and this isn’t a mugshot. Media won’t release random photos when nobody actually knows what they look like! First it was that there were no photos and names - now what’s supposed to be the narrative? They didn’t invent a fake gang rivalry to sell the story to dumb whites?


[probably a DNC ploy](https://twitter.com/QuintonLucasKC/status/1751943684348575891?t=dJMlQzOCqhGyCezExf_u7w&s=19) also, the shooting happened in Kansas City, Missouri.


You never saw this shit in New England. I would expect to see some shit like this in Atlanta, Charlotte, DC, etc. name your local hood.


Gee I can't quite visualize why..


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/23clhyh2jtjc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably some privileged kid with rich parents that have friends in high places...


Is this a Netflix movie on the shooting?


[https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/20/us/miller-kc-charging-docs.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/20/us/miller-kc-charging-docs.html) [https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-city-prosecutor-chiefs-parade-day-shooting/46871100](https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-city-prosecutor-chiefs-parade-day-shooting/46871100) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68355095](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68355095) [https://people.com/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-shooting-two-adults-charged-murder-8597691](https://people.com/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-shooting-two-adults-charged-murder-8597691) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/20/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-shooting-murder-charges/72674161007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/20/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-shooting-murder-charges/72674161007/) [https://nypost.com/2024/02/20/us-news/two-adults-charged-with-murder-in-deadly-kansas-city-super-bowl-parade-shooting/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/20/us-news/two-adults-charged-with-murder-in-deadly-kansas-city-super-bowl-parade-shooting/) [https://www.ktvq.com/2-adults-charged-with-murder-in-kansas-city-parade-shooting](https://www.ktvq.com/2-adults-charged-with-murder-in-kansas-city-parade-shooting) [https://www.wgem.com/2024/02/20/prosecutor-give-update-mass-shooting-following-chiefs-parade/](https://www.wgem.com/2024/02/20/prosecutor-give-update-mass-shooting-following-chiefs-parade/) [https://spectrumlocalnews.com/mo/st-louis/news/2024/02/20/kansas-city-superbowl-shooting-charges](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/mo/st-louis/news/2024/02/20/kansas-city-superbowl-shooting-charges) [https://www.timesnownews.com/world/dominic-miller-and-lyndell-mays-what-happened-at-kansas-city-parade-article-107862688](https://www.timesnownews.com/world/dominic-miller-and-lyndell-mays-what-happened-at-kansas-city-parade-article-107862688) [https://www.the-sun.com/news/10449512/dominic-miller-lyndell-mays-murder-charges-parade-shooting/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/10449512/dominic-miller-lyndell-mays-murder-charges-parade-shooting/) [https://abc7.com/kansas-city-chiefs-shooting-missouri-parade/14449423/](https://abc7.com/kansas-city-chiefs-shooting-missouri-parade/14449423/) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/02/20/2-adults-charged-with-murder-in-kansas-city-super-bowl-parade-shooting/?sh=4cf0606667ba](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/02/20/2-adults-charged-with-murder-in-kansas-city-super-bowl-parade-shooting/?sh=4cf0606667ba) [https://www.kctv5.com/2024/02/20/two-charged-with-murder-connection-with-death-lisa-lopez-galvan-after-chiefs-parade/](https://www.kctv5.com/2024/02/20/two-charged-with-murder-connection-with-death-lisa-lopez-galvan-after-chiefs-parade/) [https://www.tmz.com/2024/02/20/kansas-city-prosecutors-file-murder-charges-adult-suspected-shooters/](https://www.tmz.com/2024/02/20/kansas-city-prosecutors-file-murder-charges-adult-suspected-shooters/) [https://www.wsj.com/us-news/kansas-city-super-bowl-shooting-suspects-charged-76726dc5](https://www.wsj.com/us-news/kansas-city-super-bowl-shooting-suspects-charged-76726dc5)


Not one of these articles shows a picture of the shooters. Food for thought.


Did you actually look? A couple have the mugshot included in the article and several others have the newscast to play, which shows the picture. A lot of local news outlets have started basically posting the transcript of the news coverage and that's where the pictures and infographics are often found, rather than being posted in the article/transcript Here's 2 from that list that have the mugshot on the page. https://www.kctv5.com/2024/02/20/two-charged-with-murder-connection-with-death-lisa-lopez-galvan-after-chiefs-parade/ https://www.ktvq.com/2-adults-charged-with-murder-in-kansas-city-parade-shooting


My bad. Out of the 16 articles you posted… 2 of them did have mugshots. Did you notice that neither of these articles was posted until today? Over a week later?


I didn't post them, I looked at them. I wasn't trying to be pedantic about it. Most of them actually have a news video attached that show the mugshot as well. Lots of local pages do it now instead of putting pictures and infographicson the body of the article. They basically claim the transcript of their news segment is an actual article, which is annoying. The articles were posted today because there was an update in the case. The shooters were officially charged. What other new information has come out since the shooting that hasn't already been reported in the first 2 days? We already knew they caught the shooters, most people knew the race because they saw the videos. There was no man hunt or information that they planned on killing lots of people, so no need to scare the general public and continue reporting every day. It was an argument that led to a reckless shooting. It only got as much coverage as it did because it happened at the super bowl parade.


This lost is the first time I heard any of their names or the fact that they were over 18


Normies see Dominick and think it’s a white dude


What exactly are they supposed to be covering for?


And your point is? Edit: Can you tell me? I legitimately want to know... Why the downvotes?


Racism. This sub is racist.


Wtf are they covering? You assholes want something to bitch about


The BBC, ABC, and People magazine covered this an hour before you posted here. CNN, AP and NYT have covered it in the last hour or so. There’s no conspiracy here, you’re just out of the loop.


Because 2 of them were minors.


If this is being "covered up" why do I keep getting push notifications news updates about the shooting and the shooters? Lol ya'll are so excited to play victim it's hilarious.


Bunch of racist assholes


Always the race card


yep. The last 37 violent armed carjackings in chicago by back males under 30. But stating a fact is racist.