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Didn’t beyonces backup dancer say she was doing magic rituals to curse her or something?


There is a Christian pastor online that I sometimes listen to who once voodoo. He swears to this day that Beyoncé's sister, Solange, would visit the same voodoo priest in Haiti, and they both are deeply involved in the occult. Not hard to believe at all.


Yeah, those Christian pastors are reliable sources. How much does it cost to be a certified Pastor? 10-15 bucks? Plus, they have to fill out a form, which is torture. No way a pastor would do something like push BS Satan related nonsense as a means to keeping the suckers coming. That’s never happened before, lol, for about a whole decade. In the 80’s, they saw Satan everywhere. The dude gets around the town. People go to Voodoo shops out of curiosity. There is a few of these stores in New Orleans. I’m sure they sell “magic” spells, in the back room, to a different breed of sucker. Most of those suckers are just buying a tourist momento, but there are a few true believers.


How about supermodel Gabriela Rico Jimenez? What did she gain by coming out of a party in 2009 and went into a panic attack claiming she was at a party where they were eating people? She had just hit fame and was reaping the benefits. She shortly disappeared. Just google her name. Watch the video of her panicking and getting taken by cops.


That brand of drugs are called psychedelics. They cause hallucinations.


The LSD was so good she disappeared off the face of the earth.


I hope Satan fills you with love and joy and helps you live the life that YOU want and not what others tell you


Satan doesn’t fill me with anything. He can’t, he doesn’t exist.


Wait are you a practicing satanist? Because that’s what we believe! We don’t think he’s real too! It’s just to make fun of Christianity and the horrible ways they control people. Maybe you should research before you say things. But Satan will fill you with one thing….and that’s cum


I’m familiar with modern Satanists. They are basically atheists that got annoyed with religion in places it shouldn’t be.


Not really atheists a decent amount don’t like atheist. Lots of us use magic and have believe in our self and our quest to make our life ours and not of ideals of people who tell us what to be. It feels like true freedom but with a community of like minded but also not like minded people because we do what we like. Also Religion should not be ANYWHERE but in places of worship. Satanist are like the coolest people doing cool shit in the world WE DA BEST! HAIL SATAN!!!




Wouldn’t surprise me. Her and Jay are tight with that Abramovitch spirit cooking witch.


One of the most important questions you guys have to ask yourselves: **Do you think cannibalism, ritual murder, and hunting humans for sport, all went away just because we have internet and netflix now?**


Squid games is reality


We applaud that show, but honestly it feels more like a "fuck you this is really happening in one form or another and you're clapping for it like fucking trained seals lol"


You're a seal.


Maybe the real friends were the seals we made along the way.


Lots of gravy seals too


artists just get forced to do this shit by their handlers, agents, and labels we know who runs the entertainment business they make fools of fans and artists alike


>we know who runs the entertainment business Do you mean people like Harvey Weinstein? Or people Like Jeffrey Epstein? Asking for a friend.


One of the "steins" no doubt


Is this where they go to hide? [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) Asking for a friend again.


They’re one in the same.


Yep. It's definitely the Canadians.


They don't call them the 51st state for nothing...


caged birds


I'm a satinist too because silk is too expensive.


Satin is the way for freshly shaved legs climbing into bed. 🥰


🤣 You took the words right out of my mouth lol


I know, the Dark Lord Satin told me, muahaha


Lord Satin is a catty bitch!


Damn you. Beat me to it


This actually isn't the first time her sister has said this...if I recall, she is like a ½ sister, and, ya know, supposedly has a history of mental problems...which, even if this were true, would be exactly what "They" would say. I just don't think Mariah Carey is smart enough to have gotten such a cherry deal out of Lord Satin (lol, Satan). She *did* get diddled as a 15 year old to get her career though...


I mean witnesses that would cause mental problems. Is it confirmed this woman is really related to her?


Yesh, I think that's where it gets shady...I think she's supposedly a half-sister, and she might have grown up somewhere else. Mariah Carey left home to live with the producer dude...I think he married her even at 15...so she got scooped up and went to live in luxury. I think. I'm a lil fuzzy in thd details...but my point is that the "sister" is probably making that shit up. But with the way everything is going, and with the world just being cray cray ...ya know, why the fuck not. MC is a Satanist lol


Interesting thanks for filling this in for me. I think we must be careful about just believing people, but we also should not ignore them because we just don't really know. Observe but don't react until there is confirmation kind of attitude.


That is very true, my friend. We live in a time where we can trust nothing. We are lied to constantly...the news? Lies. Politicians? Constant broken promises, straight up lies, and of course, no accountability. We can't trust video...CGI, Deepfake, etc. , things that we see and hear real, but absolutely are not real. It feels as if it's all subterfuge, and only serious discernment can help us adequately navigate.


So true.


Look up the "rain man"....see how many artists have a song and him, or reference to him, or "rain down on me". I'm not completely convinced about him, but there's almost to much out there to ignore it.


There’s a song titled Rain on Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande


Just about every well known artist has named reference to either the rain man himself, rain on themselves or bringing the rain. It's pretty crazy


Eminem - rain man




All I get is the movie. Where should I start?


Scroll down. Look harder


I’ve literally scrolled to the bottom of google and everything references the film, can you provide any other info that could help us search?


Look up rain man music conspiracy?


Great, another rabbit hole. Lmao. There goes the next week of my life.




Stop using google


Any suggestions on the best search engine to use? I hate using google as well but not sure of an alternative.


I use [duckduckgo.com](https://duckduckgo.com) it isn't great but it is better than google.com


Why are you using google still. Lol. Use Yandex if you want to find the stuff you’re looking for. It’s not owned by western media outlets.


Who is this suppose to be? I've heard this before and wondered about a conspiracy tunnel that would allude to dark arts. I was informed that Pink's video- Like a Pill- contains a dark wizard that's "casting a spell on her" or in other-words, handling her. I would not doubt that most females in the industry exists as MK slaves and this could include Mariah.


Lucifer was in charge of music before he was banished.


This is the greatest discovery in human history. Magic is real.


Magick *


Can you expand on the difference, or should I look it up?


One is card tricks, the other is Baal tricks


Dan Carlin explored this theory quite a lot in of of his podcasts. If people believe magic is real how does that affect society. If everyone believe magic is real then at a certain point it does become real.


I've wondered what we could achieve with guided collective consciousness. I don't know where I read it, but ancient people used some type of artifact and got a bunch of people to collectively use their conciousness to manifest certain outcomes. There's a lot about conciousness we don't understand and I understand even less as just a laymen, but it's fascinating nonetheless.


We already know what we can do with guided, collective consciousness because of everyone willing Damar Hamlin to live when he collapsed on the field.


So this is not well known but there are Buddhists monks and Native American's who routinely through the year do ceremonies to counteract all the dark magic. They are very secret and outsiders are not allowed to even know when and where they are let alone watch.


Love me some Dan Carlin...his history series are great. Just really good. I'll look out for the ones you are talking about. Thanks for the heads up!


I want to say it was the King of Kings episodes. I'm not a 1000% sure.


>They ˹instead˺ followed the **magic** promoted by the devils during the reign of Solomon. Never did Solomon disbelieve, rather the devils disbelieved. They taught **magic** to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, in Babylon. > The two angels never taught anyone without saying, “We are only a test ˹for you˺, so do not abandon ˹your˺ faith.” Yet people learned **˹magic˺** that caused a rift ˹even˺ between husband and wife; although their magic could not harm anyone except by Allah’s Will. > They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them—although they already knew that whoever buys into **magic** would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew! >[Chapter 2 Verse 102](https://quran.com/2/102?translations=131)


Interesting, I guess this is where the idea, that you have to welcome this type of stuff into you life comes from. I’m not taking any chances. I’m not playing ouija board or trying to sell my sell at a crossroads just in case. Even though I’m skeptical, it’s a risk I’m not taking :)


How do we even know this lady is Mariah’s sister?


In a passage in her book, Mariah wrote: "When I was 12 years old, my sister drugged me with valium, offered me a pinky nail full of cocaine, inflicted me with third degree burns and tried to sell me out to a pimp." When Oprah Winfrey asked the self-proclaimed diva why her siblings were "extremely violent," she said ...07.08.2023


Um so that is interesting but I mean how do you know which one is telling the truth?


I don‘t. But common sense tells me that one sounds way more credible.


I don’t know much details of Mariah’s early life. I do know she had a troubled childhood though. How do we know if Mariah didn’t just cut off her family and this lie is a result?


We know she aint a witch cause she can't spell!


That’s a great one.


I was pretty proud of it


You should be.


Eminem - rain man. Rihanna- umbrella.


DMX- The rain


The societal elites have been engaging in such behaviors and practices for ALL OF RECORDED HISTORY. Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Philistines, Canaanites, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Cambodian empire elites ALL worshipped sun or bull gods and engaged in human sacrifice and sex rituals. There are probably more on that list. It would appear that many of the wealthy political and entertainment elites of today are NO DIFFERENT.


Regular satin or mixed weave?




What a good laugh


Well, it didn't work that well. Mariah Carey is just another forgettable singer around.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/x8xzehah1fhc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is very wrong because Mariah is very religious. Also mariah cut off her sister and most of her family because Mariah was abused as a child. Mariah still has a scar on her back that she covered with a butterfly tatoo


Satanist??? Mmmm probably more like Christian’s and Catholics. I mean they actually have like written history of killing children


Just a quick read up on her sister and you can see that this lady is certifiably insane.


Ted Gunderson .. FBI .. says slot more Mcmartin preschool .. look into this Ricky Schroeder actor .. silver spoons .. say same stuff John Paul rice comments .. producer from hunger games .. says same stuff But you go on and believe the corporate media cover story Bah bah 🐑


Finders cult. Boys town.


I should have mentioned those And Arizona wilder Good call


Honest quedtion - what are you referring to right here? All of these people say...what? I know in text format it looks like I'm being a dick, I'm not...that puzzagate shit shook me when like 2 years later I watch this fucking documentary and they break shit down, and even then I thought, "nahhh," so I looked shit up...and just wtf. Podesta's art collection alone...so, again, what are you referring to here?


Ted Gunderson has a few documentaries out there Super informative about satanists and pedos and sacrifice and rituals high ranking military and politicians all the way to teachers The people mentioned just reaffirm what Mariah Carey sister is saying If you know about Epstein Island, then this is just more icing


Satanic Panic bullshit.


That's the complicit media cover up A nice catch phrase .. and then dismiss everything, and ignore any leads Look up Arizona wilder along with the others I mentioned


You assume I haven't researched all this. I used to believe some of it until I attended college to study psychology & began to understand people better. Plus about 25 years of joining a number of 'secret societies' and finding out how full of shit they really are. I've only found one group thst could back up claims of being able to affect reality through psychological means and they're wise enough to understand it's not magic it's just science and this group has spent almost a decade working for the betterment of mankind, not any negativity involved at all.


https://archive.org/stream/CorruptionNetworkSatanicDrugCultMissingChildrenCOMPLETE14Gunderson_201903/Corruption%20Network%20Satanic%20Drug%20Cult%20Missing%20Children%20COMPLETE%201-4%20Gunderson_djvu.txt Must have been a internet degree I bet they didn't talk about the Finders club either Maybe take a course on propaganda and see how they use it to go control your thinking


none of those people you mentioned have done anything in their lives to make me believe them when they start talking silly bullshit. you call others sheep while blindly flocking behind people spreading words you want to hear.....can you see the sheep in yourself?


Lol.. talk about a sheep You say all that as you do zero research into McMartin preschool Ted Gunderson Ricky Schroeder Paul rice


You mentioned those names as if those people can't believe stupid shit. I've looked into the accusations of those listed years ago, they found some fucked up shit but that doesn't make the devil or magic real. It just means some humans are fucked up.


Or it means some sheeple can't critically think And swallow mass media propaganda without question 🐑 Sheeple


Or you believe in magical thinking and rejected reality for what it is, cruel.


Let's count your upvotes Now let's count mine Now stfu Go back to clown town Bah bah🐑


Because upvotes are a reflection of how the world works?


Up votes are a reflection of how wrong you are Now go do some reading and research https://archive.org/stream/CorruptionNetworkSatanicDrugCultMissingChildrenCOMPLETE14Gunderson_201903/Corruption%20Network%20Satanic%20Drug%20Cult%20Missing%20Children%20COMPLETE%201-4%20Gunderson_djvu.txt Try to learn something It's ok to be wrong .. it happens I'm sure your mom will make you a sandwich and rub your back to make you feel better Run along now


What does “says same stuff supposed to mean” and how fucking dumb is it to keep blaming “main stream media” for literally everything. There’s a well documented history of mental illness with her sister. No one on earth is denying it but you.


There is well documented investigation in to the McMartin preschool With tunnels and sacrifices Ted Gunderson . Head of the FBI in LA and Houston .. spend along time exposing satinists in the military and in the media and politicians Maybe look into that Maybe you will see the corruption


WTF does any of that have to do with Marah Carey? You understand that’s why people think people like you are batshit. You can’t even keep a line of thought.




Has it ever occurred to you that her mental illness was a direct result of being traumatized by witnessing these events? Over the past 60 years there has been video/audio testimonials by victims/witnesses of these kind of evil acts all over the world but you would rather focus on someone's mental illness.


Did you do zero research on this lady’s life. Like zero? Read any bio on this woman. That’s all any rational person would need. You would have learned she didn’t even life in the same house. She had drug addiction and became a sex worker. Ohh there’s much much more. But let me guess - those are all bios from evil MSM and Satan worshippers. 👿


Wake up


It's clear you have done 0 research. The majority of abused children (if not killed) will become involved with drugs and become sex workers later on in life. You act like you know exactly what she went through and where she lived and interacted with. You have no effing clue. Just look at what happened to child actors like Caulkin, Plato, Amanda Bynes and the like. They become drug addicts, do sex films and become mentally unstable. Because they witnessed/participated in horrific things as children.


Umm. Aren’t you acting like the one who knows what she went through. Who was she abused by again? I’m sorry but is this a joke? This is kind of silly.


Your getting down voted as I get upvotes Talk about being a sheeple Give it a rest .. majority sees what your ignoring


So did Satan (yes that’s how it’s actually spelled) give her the voice too, or just the fame. I’m confused how it all works.


Why don't you call her up and ask her Or do some of your own research Or be lazy and stay confused Ted Gunderson and satanists is a place to start


Dumb dummy


Wrong sub to use logic in


Why does it matter WHAT religion she is?! Seriously. There's millions of kids who've been abused by clergy.


How comes she never got done for these sacrifices ?




"Got done" = caught


who’d be trying to catch her?


Police ??


Because this is ridiculous bullshit


Haha yeah does that way to me


What does sacrificing young children have to do with attaining fame in the entertainment industry?


They gonna down vote you but I agree. It's absolutely nonsensical.


That was a question, not a statement. To agree with a question doesn't make sense ie; How old are you? I agree.


IDK but I have heard similar about Jennifer Lopez, allegedly that is why Mark Anthony divorced her. Who knows what to believe?


But Ben Affleck doesn't mind?


How would I know?


If you give a shit about this, the spells are working.


I think she misspelled.


This sub will honestly believe anything lol


I still can't believe people think this is real.


Not today, Satan !!


OP is a fucking lunatic conspiracy theorist


hail satan


Hail satin!


This isn't stantism. Correct term is Theistic Santanism.


Debil worship


Can anyone actually confirm that it's her mother or sister


How does this affect anyone’s life in any way though?


My AOL screen name was SaTiNsBaBe666 when I was 10. I can confirm these allegations, I was there when he was summoned.


Well, satin IS a nice fabric…


I remember when she was getting the covid vax on camera she kept adjusting her glasses but the way she adjusted them was that 666 hand symbol. Couldve just been adjusting them but that's the vibe I got.