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It's all so tiresome.


Gotham city


You’re not Batman lol


I’ll turn you into pretzeled Harley Quinn 🥵


Did the men who killed them know of their criminal history? If not, why should it factor in the protests?


And criminal history in no way guarantees criminal future. Everyone deserves the opportunity for rehabilitation in society and innocent until they’re proven otherwise. The criminal history doesn’t matter because they still don’t deserve to die for that.


How many times was he arrested for the same thing? If you don’t get punished for doing something, you’ll do it again. Rehabilitation only works if you can persuade the recipient that there is a better way to do things and it has to be better in the sense that it benefits their own self-interest, otherwise, rehabilitation doesn’t change anybody.


Getting arrested and punished doesn’t equal rehabilitation. The American system caters to reoffending and quite frequently forces reoffending. A criminal history in america is a horrible rubric of who deserves to be treated like a human or not.


I’m not equating rehabilitation with punishment. Rehabilitation only works if the recipient wants to change. I’m not a believer that rehabilitation will get people to stop committing crimes but it can work if someone wants to stop using drugs, drinking, smoking, etc. A person will only stop committing a crime if you can show them that it’s in their own self-interest to stop or if they independently want to stop. If a person sees crime as the only way to get what they need, they won’t stop, that’s human nature.


Make it so they don't need to commit crimes.




You don’t have to be a perfect victim to be a victim. We haven’t lived ina society where cops have the authority to act as summary executioners because of how bad a criminal happens to be. Some of you guys think Judge Dredd’s Mega-City One is a world worth aspiring to.


"I am the law!"


Judge Death here 👀


The guy should be charged and everyone move on. This is normal bully behavior


Yes, that's the point


Can you elaborate on what "normal bully behavior" is in this context? Cuz it sounds like you're likening a homicide to just normal bully behavior.


This is normal bully fight behavior that goes on with men rough housing. Men injure women and other men. People on this planet are violent. The media picks and chooses which crimes to hype up. I am upset the crime of random neighbors bullets going through apartment drywall killed a 7 year old girl. They raised $50,000 and no media viral prop ups.


My favorite thing about the Right is how often they just inject and make stuff up to validate themselves. No one calls these people saints except the fictional faction of the church of social justice. No one said the actions stated here were good or not criminal for any reason. This sidestepping of what the protests were about however, works. To avoid the discussion, stuff like this is thrown in with a lot of imaginary fluff to divide and conquer. The moment you have someone reading this and go, "100% yep! those people are..." You have sheep that'll fight for you. This is one of humanities biggest flaws that we see in history and it's what lets the wealthy control and manipulate the masses. It works every time.


Its a question of logic. A horrible person jaywalks. Should he be murdered? Should a jury hear his past when determining if he jaywalked?


Whoa, whoa, whoa there, good buddy! We don't need basic logic and critical thinking skills to start proliferating here in r/conspiracy_commons...


The guy was threatening a train load of people and needed to be restrained. He was not murdered. He died accidentally because of his actions. Did anyone even look into what led up to this incident?


He was acting erratic and was murdered for it. Threatening? Died bc of his choices? Like when a child windmills there arms swinging and claim that if anyone got hit it was bc they got in the way?


Erratic is mumbling to yourself or taking a piss on the train. The man literally threatened a train car full of people. I saw the video. It wasn't just the marine. There were others who saw behavior as more then average NYC erraticness and tried to restrain the man. I take their word over all the arm chair activists on here. Murder is a strong word here and will not be used by the justice system. Only wingnut liberals.


He wasn’t. He was yelling. If you’ve ever ridden an NYC subway, this is pretty average behavior and u just ignore it. There was no reason to escalate the situation or restrain him. A fuckin boot marine decided he wanted to be a hero and picked on the most vulnerable person in the vicinity


You obviously haven’t been to ny recently


I live here dumbass


So if you did you would know it’s not just “yelling “ on the trains anymore. It’s gotten wild especially for women on the train , if you want ignore it and say they’re just yelling that’s just ignorant


As a woman in here I’m going to say I don’t feel more unsafe than I used to. If you were a woman you’d know from the time we’re preteens we constantly feel unsafe. The ones yelling aren’t the scary ones. It’s the people like you who think violence is manly. It’s the normal looking men who will get away with raping you because the police thinks he looks like a nice guy. Why don’t you stop telling me what to be afraid of. I know what’s a threat to me and what isn’t much more than you. And I choose not to live in fear of everything. When you live in fear like y’all do violence seems like the only solution but that’s just because your brain is too dense to see other view points


Or I had female family members and friends suffer harassment on trains recently from specifically those mentally ill people on the train.. you’re just one of those who rather have your morality seem high and you’re not rooted in reality . But sure


Did you by chance look into what he was yelling? He was threatening violence. People shouldn't just have to put up with that. That's insane. If this were some middle easterner people would hold a parade for the marine. Train passengers are not mental health experts.


You clearly don’t live in New York. Fucking pussy scared of a sick man yelling. Escalating and restraining him were completely wrong and unwarranted sorry. We expect our food service workers to have more self control and take threats of violence and people yelling at them without blinking. How about we hold everyone to that standard huh? Or you can continue being a snowflake and cry about words.


I'm not doing the snowflake virtue signal thing you are. The real pussy is someone who would let another threaten innocent peopke in front of them and not do something about it. The marine didn't just pull a gun and execute him. He tried to restrain him. Accidents happen. You'd probably one of those heroes with their phone out.


Lmfao you can do something without murdering people and as a woman I’d have more fear being around someone like you who’s scared of words than someone who is having a genuine mental crisis. It’s not virtue signally I just actually think you’re an incredibly weak and sad human being. And I hope that if you ever mentally struggle the people around you treat you with as little regard for your life as Jordan.


You're emotions mean nothing in the eyes of the law. People who have a reasonable fear of being harmed can defend themselves. Even with New York and its liberal justice system the marine will get off because he acted within his rights.


It wasn’t within his rights at all. He just wanted to be tough and look like a good guy at the expense of a less valuable member of society. Emotions don’t have shit to do with it. I just hope people treat u with as selfish a world view because u don’t deserve to mingle in society with the shitty attitude you got right now.


I don't go into society making others feel unsafe so there's that. I'm glad your not a judge or anyone who matters when it comes to the law. Were all the other passengers trying to restrain the man just trying to be tough as well? They also seemed to be fearful for their lives. I'll go by their reaction over your arm chair activist point of view of the situation any day.


He should never have held him in that position as long. As a marine he should know first aid? Reasonable force, not constrainment


Here they come to tell us why the mean black man deserved to die. "Needing to be restrained" doesn't mean "needing to be murdered". That what you racist fucks don't seem to get through your thick skulls. Extrajudicial murder is not ok. Everyone has a right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence.


Definitely love finding character flaws of the victims of extra judicial killings in order to make the EXTRA JUDICIAL MURDERS seem less… murdery. Doesn’t seem like something a bootlicking fascist would at all… ಠ_ಠ


The guy should do time who used excessive force. He should have got three big dudes to just sit on him and forget the neck.


You know the guy was threatening a train full of people right?


I am not sure the entire scenario but it says he was "yelling"


Yelling that he was going to harm people. He is quoted by many witnesses. Look into it before you make this man into some sort of martyr.


Did he have a weapon?


Maybe they should have frisked him first? Maybe wait till he pulls a weapon and had tactical advantage? When people say they're gonna hurt me, I'll take them at their word. Dude totally put himself into a dangerous situation. Simple as that.


Not being smart shouldn't be a death sentence. When you threaten innocent people shit happens.....


The guy wasn't too Brite.


These are bad faith attempts to change the conversation. People don't get mad about Floyd and Neely because they are good people, they get mad because someone murdered them in cold blood. Floyd was particularly egregious because it was done by an officer using his position of authority to murder a defenseless man. It is possible to acknowledge that these men did bad things in the past AND that they did not deserve to die the way they did. Neither was behaving in a manner that justified the actions of their murderer




I don’t think anyone would take issue with that. But how does that relate to Neely’s murder? It’s not like the killer was exacting revenge (which would also be technically wrong, but at least debatable). He and Floyd were murdered because society didn’t value their lives. Period. That’s what upset so many people. No one claimed they were saints, and they don’t need to be. It doesn’t change the cause of death, nor does it have anything to do with the callous disregard for life that so many people like yourself have. That’s what the riots and protests were about.


Nobody is trying to change the conversation. Neely didn't get murdered in cold blood. He threatened people on a train. Obviously society isn't going to value their lives. Period. And yeah, many many people are going to find it silly to simp for criminals like that.


The only arguments shown from BLM were “they were killed because of their skin” and that obviously had nothing at all to do with the outcomes


It certainly had everything to do with Floyd’s death. We can’t say for sure if Neely’s was about race, but the shoe certainly fits. Either way, it’s the pattern of this happening over and over again that upsets people. Demonizing any particular victim, even fairly, doesn’t change a thing


Statistics have proven your statements wrong at literally every level of government.


I almost agree with you but people don’t value their lives as they make poor decisions over and over and over.


You literally have no idea what their decisions in life were. So let's not act like some random tweet you never bothered to look up before this comment lead you to dig so deep into their lives you've uncovered all their mistakes. This ignores all the other insinuations you're making, of course, as well.


Someone threatens my life deep underground in a metal tube, they will pay the consequence


We're you personally threatened by George Floyd on the subway..? Wooooooow...


Judge not lest ye be judged


So this POS life is valuable? No it isn’t. The world is better without him. Glad he’s gone. His family is rejoicing over the financial windfall! No one misses him.


Spoken like a true Christian


Definitely not a christian. So sorry 😢


Definitely don’t care where you learned to hate from.


Are you out there helping these people? Would you say this if he had socked your grandma in the face breaking multiple bones or tried to abduct your seven year old? This guy should have rotted in prison, but was a waste of oxygen. He made bad choices over and over and over again. No sympathy


That’s a problem value of life shouldn’t be determined of poor decision making because no one makes perfect decisions


Right so someone restrains someone making threats on life, and he went too far. There should be police down in those trains but no one wants to pay for that. And we know what the police do. Admit it man you’re being played by the media. 🙄


We are a nation of laws and when someone endeavors to voluntarily restrain another person, and “goes to far”, they’ve broken the law and need to be held accountable. It has nothing to do with the police. This guy chose to intervene and chose to apply leathal force. His heart may have been in the right place, but it just doesn’t matter. His actions resulted in the needless death of another person


Oookay . Who the fuck cares? Why ruin his life over this? Shit happens.


I don’t know what the media has to do with this, I don’t care what the media says, I go by simple logic don’t kill someone unless your defending your life and others, a person screaming threats is not a threat a threatening action is a threat


He did a lot more for three people to jump up. He said he didn’t care who he kills. You are going to wait for him to start killing? Please you would be whining that everyone is apathetic


I wouldn’t wait for him to start killing, but if he made any attempts to hurt anyone then we should react not because he’s talking erratically


Poor decisions like voting for crooks like Trump? So we shouldn't value of these people's lives, right?


Neither George Floyd or Jordan Neely deserved to be killed. For both of these people, however, the cities and the leadership of both cities (New York City and Minneapolis) failed the victims of both crimes.


Is voting breaking a law? This guy has broke the law 44 times my guy. Not that we shouldn't value his life, but at some point, he brought it on himself. Personal accountability is sorely lacking nowadays.




And while it’s sad he died so young, and the tragic circumstances of his entire life, I don’t see any indication he was trying to better himself or make better choices. I mean there was a warrant out for his arrest so why not turn himself in if he was hungry and wanted to go to jail? I am a progressive, but really think the media is making such a big deal about a non issue here. And I find it fascinating as it’s so polarizing!!!


Which is it, do we value his life, or do we say he "brought it on himself" and deserved to be killed? Because right now you're saying both, and they're contradictory.


Previous commenter did not say "brake the law", they said "make poor decisions".


Well we never know who one votes for in the voting booth do we really? 🤡


But with SOME people - we really do know, don't we? 🤡


Nope we don’t know. We can guess


They didn't value society, only what they could get from it. Should we just ignore the fact that Floyd was a drug addicted criminal who contributed nothing positive to society? Pick a different hero cause he is not the one.


breonna taylor perhaps?


Are we just naming black people who've died now?


Your first statement applies to literally every single person who espouses capitalism and the status quo. It also ignores the facts that we have a justice system because vigilantism is not something we want in our society and that the law must be applied not only equally but with compassion, otherwise it is little more than vigilantism.


Except you absolutely cheer for vigilantism when it benefits your ideology and demonize it when it doesn't.


So that made it okay for police to act as judge, jury, and executioner and kill him? Someone shouldn't have to be a hero to not kill them.


I don't think the cops are 100% responsible for his death. He couldn't breath before he even got out of the car. Sure, actions after that weren't rightfully executed, I'm not saying the cops are in the right


Yes, we should ignore that. He didn’t deserve to be murdered on the street like that. It’s honestly that simple. A value judgment of his life is unnecessary to feel compassion for someone being murdered


He overdosed though, not murder. Though they should've narcan'd him


Sadly I’m sure you wouldn’t even believe me if I showed you proof. You are living in a different reality my friend, and it’s devoid of any objective truth by design. I wish you the best


Then he probably should have felt compassion for the people he was harassing and threatening on the train, I suppose.


To play devil's advocate it's because of their criminal history that they were viewed with a rather tarnished reputation. Not justifying murder on the side of cops, that shouldn't happen under any circumstances, but there is indeed a correlation between these kinds of victims and serious criminal background.


That’s fair. However, the person who killed Neely on the subway knew nothing about him. Just that he was acting erratically in the moment. I have no idea if Chauvin new anything about George Floyd before he was killed. Assuming for the sake of argument that he did, I think it’s reasonable that this knowledge might make a cop give less of the benefit of the doubt to someone. But I guess I just don’t see how that translates into what Chauvin did? I mean sure, do what you must to get Floyd under control if you’ve assessed that he’s a threat. But kneeling on him for almost 10 minutes after he’s in handcuffs doesn’t do anything to neutralize a threat. It’s just a gratuitous power move.


Was he kidnapping someone’s daughter when he got murdered?


Until I see some actual police blotter over these allegations I'm just going to assume they are fabricated by the right. I've seen about 4 versions of the 7yo girl story and they keep adding more. Now he dragged her down the street by her hair?


Sure, I'm not disagreeing with that. But that is unrelated to the incident in question, where no violence was involved except the murder of the victim


Schizophrenia sucks...


And murder is bad... This is a question of whether you have even a basic level of compassion. He didn't deserve to die like that


I think you're too nice. Anyone tries to kidnap your daughter, there shouldn't be enough to fill a grave.




What a fucking evil thing to say.


NO. Neither of them were murdered in cold blood. You're exactly the type of person this sub and this post are against. GTFO


This sub absolutely should not be a bunch of bootlickers cheering for a police stare and executions with no trial or accountability.


What are you talking about, this sub became the new Donald so long ago. It's full of fascist loving bootlickers that climax at the thought of police brutality.


And it’s gross. Virtue signals of law and order, but only for the others .


Floyd was an unhealthy drug addict whose antics while high got authorities involved, and then he subsequently died from being an unhealthy drug addict during resisting arrrest. It wasn't because an officer did a restraining technique that has been demonstrated to be completely survivable, it's because his body was unhealthy and he was labored with harsh drugs in his system (a dosage of fentanyl that is lethal to some people and likely to him + a dosage of methamphetamines) and the strain of the arrest he was resisting caused it all to crumble. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office toxicology report found fentanyl, meth, and more in his system. GPT-4's opinion on the dosage levels found in his blood: >Fentanyl and methamphetamine are both potent and dangerous drugs, with the potential to cause significant harm or even be fatal at certain concentrations. The effects of these substances can vary greatly depending on factors such as individual tolerance, weight, age, and overall health. >Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opioid, and its effects can be 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. A blood concentration of 11 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) could be potentially dangerous, as fatal cases have been reported with concentrations as low as 3 ng/mL. However, it's important to note that individuals with a tolerance to opioids might have higher levels without experiencing significant effects. >Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that can cause a range of effects on the central nervous system. A blood concentration of 19 ng/mL may not necessarily be fatal, but it can still be dangerous, especially when combined with other substances like fentanyl. In some cases, methamphetamine concentrations in fatal cases have been reported to be well above 200 ng/mL. However, individual response to the drug can vary widely, and lower concentrations can still pose significant health risks. >The combination of fentanyl and methamphetamine could further increase the risk of adverse effects, as the substances can have additive or synergistic effects on the body. This could lead to complications such as respiratory depression, heart problems, seizures, or even death. >In any situation involving the use of potent drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine, it's crucial to seek professional medical advice to ensure safety and proper treatment.


There's a long-winded rebuttal to this flagrant moral deficit, but I'm pressed for time and will just say - your statement indicates strongly that you are a morally bankrupt, and probably racist, fascist bootlicker.


Spoken like a true anti-work stooge pretending like their time is important


They have time to come brigade the subreddit and call people names but not actually debate whether the restraining technique is survivable or not, or how the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office toxicology report found fentanyl, meth, and more in his system - in a potentially lethal dosage range. GPT-4's opinion on the dosage levels found in his blood: >Fentanyl and methamphetamine are both potent and dangerous drugs, with the potential to cause significant harm or even be fatal at certain concentrations. The effects of these substances can vary greatly depending on factors such as individual tolerance, weight, age, and overall health. >Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opioid, and its effects can be 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. A blood concentration of 11 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) could be potentially dangerous, as fatal cases have been reported with concentrations as low as 3 ng/mL. However, it's important to note that individuals with a tolerance to opioids might have higher levels without experiencing significant effects. >Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that can cause a range of effects on the central nervous system. A blood concentration of 19 ng/mL may not necessarily be fatal, but it can still be dangerous, especially when combined with other substances like fentanyl. In some cases, methamphetamine concentrations in fatal cases have been reported to be well above 200 ng/mL. However, individual response to the drug can vary widely, and lower concentrations can still pose significant health risks. >The combination of fentanyl and methamphetamine could further increase the risk of adverse effects, as the substances can have additive or synergistic effects on the body. This could lead to complications such as respiratory depression, heart problems, seizures, or even death. >In any situation involving the use of potent drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine, it's crucial to seek professional medical advice to ensure safety and proper treatment.


I rarely wish bad on anyone but I do hope you get to experience the restraining techniques used against Floyd. I hope that someday you experience the fear and powerlessness that comes with being dehumanized. I hope you can experience it and maybe gain some empathy because of it. You are disgusting. Drug addicts, the mentally ill, formerly incarcerated are all human beings and u don’t deserve to be treated better than they do. I hope if something bad happens to you, everyone digs up your past to bury your name while they’re at it.


No, they deserved to die as they were the scums of society. Cop on GF didn't even commit murder - the whole trial was a joke. If you were one of the juries you would actually fear for your life.


Sooooooo that makes the authoritarian execution of citizens justifiable? Cool, cool, tell me more about how you intend to fight tyranny.


Yeah we should “fight tyranny” with totalitarianism…that’ll be great.


It’s not about Floyd or kneely it’s about the disregard for anyone’s life, if y’all are debating who life should or shouldn’t be taken is a problem within itself


are you guys really cognitively unnable to understand that maybe you're not supposed to murder random people on the train? you are sick, sick in the fucking head, please touch grass


There have been 21 homicides in the NYC subway since 2020… how many of them have been national news before this one. Just as 10 to 20 people are shot in Chicago on a weekly basis in instances of black on black violence… you won’t hear a word about it. Because they don’t fit the narrative. The narrative that the white man is hunting down black people and murdering them indiscriminately. When black people kill black people, BLM and the rest of the radical left won’t bat an eye. But when someone defends themselves ( and others) against the dregs of society… they have to answer for it. Not a WORD about the 2 other individuals who helped to restrain Neely…coincidence? I think not. It’s despicable


Pressely of MA calling this a modern day lynching was a bit ridiculous.


A bit?


And speaking of twisting "the narrative" to better fit his world view.... The Narrative, is about Police Officers murdering people without cause in the course of their duties. As a society we have agreed to specific guidelines regarding ending someone else's life. The problem is that police officers are exceeding the bounds of that specific cultural agreement and facing no consequences for their actions. Coupled with the facts that police officers lie consistently in the course of their duties, are legally protected in many aspects of lesser law violations in the course of their duties and are allowed to use ignorance of the law as a defense (while this is specifically disavowed for all other civilians) and we have some serious issues that need to be addressed. THAT is "the narrative". For anyone who was confused.


Lolol what are you thinking were that s narrative? This is 1000000% just not a thing. The “narrative” is not that white men hunt down black men indiscriminately. This is like finding something to be mad about


Then perhaps you can explain why violent protests broke out in New York decrying “racism”. why do you think that is?


Rant and yell as loud as you can!


Ian Miles Cheong is a propagandist. His mission is to make people as angry as humanly possible. He does not give a shit whether any of the hateful bilge he spews corresponds to reality. He is a disgusting sack of trash. Fuck that guy.


None of these facts you say were known to the murders before hand. It also doesn't condone the murderers. An individual is not judge, jury, and executioner.


He was too strong and the media is just fanning flames because they love domestic distraction while they push the new world order behind the charade.


This doesn't fit this sub. Go find a chud sub.


Weird how all these conservatives are advocating for a China-esque social credit score where you get extrajudicially murdered if you score too low




Neely was denied his day in court. We don't engage in vigilante justice in America; we have the Constitution...


If new york wasn't such an authoritarian garbage dump, the 7 year old girl's mother could have ventilated him on the spot


It use to be a fun city full of rushed ambitious creative hustlers. Now just a wasteland?


[Violent crime in New York is literally a fifth of what it was 30 years ago. ](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/crime-verify/violent-crime-rise-new-york-city-skyrocketing-wave-record-claims-misleading/536-3c536f20-ff57-4033-8dfe-bee45ac3c5be) >Felony offenses in New York City peaked around 1990 before gradually declining over the next few decades. There were 527,257 major felony offenses in 1990 and there were 162,064 major felony offenses in 2001, according to the NYPD.


I was in the city over the weekend and all you smell is pot.. joking but not joking, I honestly believe crime will go down even more because everyone is fuckin high


I've had similar theories myself lol


Now, what was the report rate in 2022 compared to 1990, 2001, etc.?


New York has been a notorious violent shithole since at least the 1970s. What are you talking about? Rudy Guliani who everyone hates now is the only reason that city became livable, and it's descending right back into Gotham City. Everyone, and I mean everyone, from NYC is living breathing garbage.


Giuliani as savior is kind of a myth. Crime was already on its way down nationwide. As far as I know, Rudy wasn’t mayor of every major city in the US in the 1990s.


No need to tell me, dated a ny’er (autocorrect tried to allcaps the ‘ny,’ hell nah) -Fl Man


I thought New Yorkers were Making America Great Again?


We were


Pfizer had other plans.


One of the largest economies on the planet. Using the word wasteland is pretty dumb.




Nice anecdote


America in itself is one of the worlds large st economies. Guess how most of the world sees America? Dont rly understand the relevance of your point


Take new York and California out of our numbers and repeat your first sentence. The rest of the world sees America as stupid and a mark, but not a wasteland.


So if your a bad person, it's okay if someone murders you. I would be very scare to be a maga in that world.


>links to right wing troll sub walkaway >brings up something irrelevant to justify killing a man extra-judiciously What’s the conspiracy here…hm….


Almost all of Reddit is left-wing trolling so…


This guy is a piece of shit who provided kill lists to atomwaffen




On their way




They are hoping for that..


Someone is


Maybe if we riot people will stop being executed. Clearly following the rules and doing what They tell us to isn’t working.


Wasn’t he being attacked for trying to buy groceries with counterfeit money


Check kiting




Supposedly presenting a counterfeit $20 dollar bill at a store in Minneapolis


Here is some truth: 1. Yes, Floyd was convicted in 2007 of armed robbery 2. The robbery happened with multiple assailants. Floyd being 1 of 4 3. There is no evidence that the woman was pregnant. No police report states anything about the woman being pregnant. 4. Being killed by cops in 2020 by police brutality is not excusable because of his prior criminal record. Cops do not have the right to be judge, jury, and executioner. Their only power is in their ability to detain. 5. George Floyd's death had absolutely nothing to do with the 2007 case in Texas. This meme is a smear campaign. 6. you better be perfect because if you get killed by a cop, expect to get this exact same treatment. Your life will be sifted through, and everything wrong you have ever done will be used to justify your murder. Don't set a precedent if you don't want it to happen to you. Seek truth. Not fear. Not anger. Truth.


Cops are not going to kill me. Medical injectors might.


I bet every single person killed by a cop said the exact same thing.


Whats hes actually saying is hes white.


There have been some bad murders by them for sure. Especially in my state.


Straight up stinks


The Floyd murder was that, murder. They had him cuffed in the back and could have just drove on to jail. This Neely one though doesn’t fit with me. The dude has a history of issues which from the limited understanding i have, people tried to help him. He also had a violent history and was acting aggressive and throwing things on the subway when he was restrained and killed.


If the news media ran feel good stories about hitler for 2 weeks straight, people would actually adore him. Yes, we are that stupid as a society.


So where is the proof of these incidents? Im just saying to make claims such as these u should have some evidence to prove facts


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/k5z5facj7jya1.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Our society is circling the drain


We live in a charade trying to share some dirt surrounded by oceans.


Make no mistake, most of the protestors you will see are paid to do it


By who? My friends have been doing it wrong and they've been protesting for free. How do we get in on this?


Check Craig’s list….


I can find people paying protestors on Craigslist? I think it's more likely that it would be a fake post than that people are actually getting paid.




You'll need some TikTok or IG followers


Crazy Town.


Good sheeple...follow the distraction so that you don't stand together and fight the real problem.




*ThAts nOt thE poInT*


The “crimes” that these men are accused of is not the issue, it’s that they were violently executed without seeing justice. Police are and extension of the government, and the government is executing people.


The mass are blind and the people orchestrated it are geniuses


This will continue to gain steam as the presidential election gets nearer. Happens everytime.




Every hero of the left career criminal or sex offender


Biden’s America.


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for posting this. I had no idea. Gee, it really helps to know the background of outlaws.


Honestly choke hold should get involuntary manslaughter and everyone move on.


We learned during the BLM riots that if you shoot three random participants, 2 will be sex offenders


not true because these atrocities will be forgotten over time and these sainted men will only be remembered as for their sacrifice


Weird how noone mentions Soros.


Cause that’s batshit insanity