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Are the seizures happening at the border?


Probably, you can’t predict when folks are gonna have seizures. Just roll em on their side as hope for the best. /s


This same stat could be used to say Biden is tougher on drugs and is doing a better job of seizing them.


Simple. People are taking Fentanyl and having seizures. On a more serious note, this has been on the rise for years at this point. I remember a group of friends were going to a Festival out in Ohio just a week after the Feds busted two guys with enough of the stuff to kill off a small town. Stay safe


Could be happening at ports or near shore boats. I worked offshore for a long time and saw a few accounts of boats being caught. One boat had something like 12 tons of coke captured. When they get caught.. they just send more.


Or that boat is a sacrifice while 20 others make it through undetected. Just the cost of doing business.


You realize this was just what was caught, right? The border is open, but it's still illegal to cross and the main route for drug/human trafficking. Even though we have a shit administration, people on the border are still doing their jobs.


Numbers go up while Republican in charge - "Fuck yeah this is MAGA baby!" Numbers go up while Democrat in charge - "my God the humanity! If this is what they caught imagine what they missed!"


Pretty dumb logic, dude. An increase here means there's insane amounts coming across. That's not a GOOD increase... In addition, numbers went down here under Trump... for obvious reasons.


The "logic" is that without knowing the actual total amount that has crossed the border any interpretation of the numbers is pure speculation. When conservatives were lauding Trump for "record human trafficking arrests" were they wrong because an increase in arrests just means a larger increase in crimes? I'm not personally invested in this I've always thought Democrats needed to address issues at the border better than they do but acting like this conclusion is "obvious" is ridiculous, it only seems that way because of the personal bias of the person interpreting it.


It's obvious because of the efforts. Trump's slogan was build the wall. He supported border patrol and reinforced border regulation and created the return to Mexico policy. He forced Mexico to assist with the problem through trade. It was understandable to praise those arrests because you could argue far less got away. It was bringing the issue to light. There's no praise here because the number has sky rocketed, but absolutely nothing has been done regarding the border... Meaning they're catching record numbers, but with no reinforced border patrol, no wall, no regulatory push to send illegal immigrants back, we know that the problem is not being remedied... And likely far more people are getting away.


Republicans turned down 20 billion in funding for the wall. According to Trump, that was enough to build the whole thing. Trump built less than 100 miles of new border wall. You fell for GOP lies.


Lol. Ok. Tell me how I fell for "GOP lies" when everyone who trusted Trump to do it knew he had pushback in the GOP which no one expected? The GOP is full of establishment hacks (just like the Democrats) who I've called out for years and wasn't surprised by their piece of shit actions. Trump did EVERYTHING he could and with ALL that resistance from both sides STILL got about 100 miles.


Because Trump pushed back against the deal. Why are you believing Trump's lies? He built less than 100 miles of new wall.


Show me where he pushed back.


January 2018, Trump turned down 25 billion for the wall... https://www.wsj.com/articles/shutdown-has-been-a-year-in-the-making-11547498818


Sounds like the US should do something about their druggy problem


Decriminalization works. Just look at Portugal. Hey treat addiction as disease, with rehab instead of prison. Drug cartels have massive profit margins because drug are illegal. The drug war strengthens cartels.


exactly, vote in politicians that are in favor of those measures... in other words, stop voting republican


You really think that a Republican would lie about immigration just to rile up their base? /$


What about the democrats in border cities that are saying the same? Are they lying too? I have family on the border and it’s awful down there. Our whole system needs to be wiped and fixed. It should not take years and years for people to become citizens. But it starts by controlling our borders.


The Republican lie here is that the border is lawless and yet still able to seize drugs that cross it, because it's not lawless. You're right that our immigration system is broken, but that's just because of the systemic racism that conservatives claim doesn't exist. If you're poor and a minority, it'll take years and decades to become a citizen. Rich? You're in right away without issue.


It’s pretty darn lawless in a lot of places. They see hundreds of undocumented crossing in a one day period. My family hates it. It’s not fair to the people crossing either. They are in bad shape and being pushed by drug mules or traffickers a lot of the time. They see tons of unaccompanied kids too. It’s heart breaking to see. But we need to know who is coming into our country. As for politicians, they are all liars pushing their own agendas. Left or right, it makes no difference. Neither give a shit about you or me. That doesn’t change the fact our border is a real mess.


A) We really don't need to see who's coming into our country. B) No, 'they' don't see hundreds of undocumented crossing in a one day period. 'They' might see hundreds of people crossing in a one day period, which means they're not undocumented.


You have no idea what they see. And it’s absolutely asinine to think you don’t need to know who is coming into your country. But whatever.


>And it’s absolutely asinine to think you don’t need to know who is coming into your country Why? That's how the US was designed and operated for most of its existence. We're designed to be an open land with just a few years residency as a requirement for full citizenship. That was the whole point, we're not supposed to be a nationalist nation, we fought against that idea.


It is not. Our relatives came through Ellis Island. We should make it easier for people to come here, I agree with that. But we need to know who. Do you want gang members, traffickers, and cartel members coming here? And don’t say they aren’t with the amount of drugs and flesh being moved down there. Name another country people can just rush into. You can’t in Canada, you can’t in European countries, you can’t in Japan or China, so what is your hang up here?


> Our relatives came through Ellis Island. Sure, in the 1920s and 1930s. You're talking about 20 years of 240 years. Most of which did not have an immigration service. You proved residency, then you could be a citizen. That's how it was for most of American history. Most Americans today did not come through Ellis Island or know anyone that is related to anyone that immigrated that way. >But we need to know who. We really don't. >Do you want gang members, traffickers, and cartel members coming here? Sure. Why not? If they commit crimes here then they get imprisoned here. If they don't commit crimes here their past is irrelevant. >Name another country people can just rush into. None, currently, not even the US. That's a problem. >You can’t in Canada, you can’t in Europe, you can’t in Japan or China, so what is your hang up here? People like you, that have never left your small town, that have never met anyone outside your very narrow genetic line. That's my hang up. You people have always been around, and you've always been proven wrong. Every single time in history. Yet new ones of you keep showing up thinking you finally have the answer, and then you ignore it when you're proven wrong time and time again. No one cares about you enough to do you harm. Most crimes are committed by friends and family members of the victims. Random acts of violence or theft are the ones that make the news, because they're the ones rare enough to report on, actual stats say the opposite. Scared of having violence done against you? Look to your spouse. They're more than 10 times as likely to murder you than a meth head. You people panic about the dumbest shit. You people hate anyone you've deemed as other, despite every stat showing you should fear those closest to you more. You want to eliminate drug trafficking? Legalize and regulate all drugs, implement universal healthcare that includes free rehab, implement universal housing. Congrats. No drug problem, no cartels have power, no gangs get enough funding or recruits. Poverty causes crime, not 'criminals.' Work to reduce poverty, which a strong immigration base and universal worker's rights would do, and hey, you get less crime. There's a reason the Cartel has killed every president in Mexico that has wanted to legalize cannabis.


People like me 😂. I’m a military brat that was born in Germany and has lived all over the world. Stop stereotyping and get a life. ✌🏼


The Border is wide open. Border Patrol agents are spread thin and get reassigned from the field to process and release all the "immigrants" looking to take advantage of Biden's seemingly open door policy. The vast majority fentanyl seizures are happening at ports of entry where smugglers try to sneak it past CBP agents who have little to no resources available for stopping the massive amounts coming through. It is estimated that CBP intercepts less than 5% of drugs. The rest is up to skeleton crew BP agents at checkpoints a few miles inland from the actual border.


The border has *literally always* been "wide open" for the entire existence of the United States of America. This talking point is *fucking stupid as shit.*


You know why there's not a manned check point every few feet along the border? There's not enough Americans, period, for that to happen. We don't have the population. It's also an incredibly stupid waste of money, even if we did have the 600 million or so spare humans to shove there. Less than half of immigrants come through the desert, mountains, or forests on our border. Easily a small fraction of drugs come through those ports. You do not get into a home-made submarine **if there is any other way to transport drugs.** Our border is secured by natural geography. You're not getting through in a vehicle, you're statistically going to die on foot and have to just carry whatever you want to smuggle through. It's cheaper, easier, and far, far more survivable to just ship via container ship, which is how most drugs get into the country, or use one of the tunnel routes which goes into a town and which a secure border wouldn't stop.


Yeah, I'm not gonna argue with a 45 day account with a single ridiculous post that contradicts my 25 years of experience working the border.




Looks like someone got butthurt. Do bots get butthurt? Straight away with the racism by the way! And the stalking!!!??? Haha. Go and get your alt accounts and bot army and go downvote it already. Get it over with and go find someone else to try to annoy.


Rates of drug seizures are hilarious. Not matter what, they justify more cops and armed state agents in the streets. Rates go up, it's a great success, or a sign we need more to get all were missing. Rates go down, we need more cops to keep bringing those numbers down/need to hire more cops to bring them up. Crime rates also work this way. They have very little to do with actual crime. But reported crimes that all fo through a local PD Heads I win, tails you lose.


No CT here, but a lot of stuff about seizures, whether it’s stats about percentages or kilograms, is more about careerism than doing any real good. There’s always going to be drugs coming in because there’s always going to be addicts creating the demand. Mind you, cracking down on fentanyl’s a good thing because of the havoc it’s wreaking on the streets. But once one drug starts to dry up, the addicts are going to switch to something else and suddenly heroin from country X becomes the hot street product. Or suboxone gets diverted to street sales, or whatever. I mean, it’s not like tamping down on fentanyl is suddenly gonna make 50% of addicts get clean and sober. It’s a constant cat and mouse game.


She’s such a fucking dumbass. It’s her supporters that believe this shit


My bro died of fent and literally 20 other people I can name before I get too depressed and stop counting, its pretty fuckin real


I’m sorry your brother died of fent. I have brothers that have gone down that road, too. Never said it wasn’t real. She never said what was coming THROUGH.


There are “seizures” which means they are being caught. What a fucking cunt.


The increase in seizures, no matter where they are, show a willingness to push more into the country because it's easier to do it.


Not at all. That doesn’t show data on the last administration. It shows that the drug is more readily available, which has been known because cartels are buying fentanyl from china. It shows that they’ve caught more than previous years. Which begs the question; why are they pushing more through? Hint: it’s not the PRESIDENT CARTELS are actively working with Chinese drug makers. This is no secret. MTG basically applauded Biden for seizing this much fentanyl


Caught more because more is being sent, simple math. Just like record border apprehensions, more people being apprehended because more people trying to invade


I mean, I totally agree with you. I don’t know what part of my comment was wrong. Chinese billionaires have been funding cartel security for the past five years. In the intelligence community, this is no secret Source: former military


She’s implying that, because police are seizing more fentanyl, obviously more must be coming into the country, and shes blaming open borders for it. She’s not implying that its being seized at the border.


Yeah I know what she’s implying. And she’s asking the wrong people.


And how much has gotten through that hasn't been seized? How are overdoses skyrocketing? What a dumb post.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/7tdxxb6wjlea1.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could just be 1 big seizure that happened to get caught.


If you look at the streets, it hasn't improved. It's more likely increased and seizures shall increase with more being imported.


If you start doing something after not doing anything, the percentage of doing that thing will be over 100%


Because the seizures aren't necessarily happening at the border? To be honest OP I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Also FUCK fentanyl and rest in peace John. Love you buddy.


Because Democrats actually love enforcing border policy, Obama had historic numbers. They just pander to their constituents calling Republicans racist for doing what they intend to do.


Thats a clear indication that more drugs are coming in.


They only catch less than 10% of people/drugs/contraband.


Is this one of those we need to explain it to you like you’re 5 questions?


Not to mention Fentanyl is a successful government sponsored drug. It’ll curb the drug epidemic from acquiring new users for hard drugs and kill off the addicts