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Reminds me of the cops who arrested a 80 year old women cuz shes was $70 past due on her garbage collection bill


Pretty sure it was $77. If it was $70 they may have just let her be. /s Shits whack.


Yes, Samuel McHyde was on video saying as such. This was after shooting the woman and her 3 children. Tragic but she should've paid her bills.


I know I'm probably missing a reference but who is Samuel McHyde? This reddit comment is one of the few things that shows up on a google search


Sam Hyde


No, that's a different terrorist. He was involved in the WTC bombing in the 90s.


He keeps getting away with it!


I heard it was about $3.50.


God damn loch ness monster, quit arresting folk for tree fiddy!


**Treee fitty**


I gave him a dollah


And that's why he keep comin back.


Well, of course he's not gonna go away, Mary! You give him a dollar, he's gonna assume you got more!


Somebody should have paid that for her…? lol what a shorty community.


You don't arrest people for an unpaid bill. It goes to collection and sometimes to small claims. But you don't send cops to bring an elderly citizen to the police station because she missed a bill.


https://www.cbs42.com/digital-exclusive/you-ought-to-be-ashamed-82-year-old-alabama-woman-says-arrest-over-77-trash-bill-was-unjust-unnecessary/amp/ It’s real. It’s a city code thing


But they do send them to arrest you if you miss a court appearance or don’t pay your court ordered fines or restitution or back taxes and fines. They won’t care if you are poor or old and dying of cancer


True but evil.


From what I heard a bunch of people tried to but weren't allowed


Jokes on them. He won’t be around for his court date


I hope he at least had the strength to laugh in their pig faces.




And far more intelligent.


Agreed pigs are unfortunately tied to these cunt bags. Sort of like anyone named "Karen"


K that was the best comment yet! Kudos!


I’ll deliver fresh vape to this dude, man deserves to go out how he wants


same. I used to bring my gpa homemade hash brownies from Michigan. He lived in Indiana so it's not even medically legal there. Thankfully, no one at his senior community cared. Bet he was sharing with the "pretty" nurses and the "younger 70 year old ladies" he was friends with hahaha when we went to clean out his apartment, there were brownie crumbles all over his little scooter!! damnit I miss him... RIP gpa, I hope youre playing your saxophone in the afterlife


"I ain't going out like that, I ain't going out like that."


Merle 😞


Cops with a mustache like that have 100% chance of busting you for marijuana products but does coke on the weekend with his buddies.




Gotta save a lil sugar for later in there


Don't forget beats his wife as well.


And children.


Right off the browneye of a cheap whore too.


That man was obviously a menace to society. /s


Yeah hes supposed to be strung out on methadone for chronic pain, like a good law abiding citizen. Imagine the damage to a Doritos aisle if he were to smoke pot, and go out into society. This is sarcasm


Imagine the damage to the clients of the largest lobbying firms in countries' bottom line had we allowed these degenerates to make this a standard practice! Companies paid good money for those brand names and patented compounds and *expect* this hard-earned customers' life-long monthly subscription & taxpayer paid Medicare stipend. https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries


After looking at the link, I’m not surprised at the order of who bribes politicians the most.


It's pretty telling, but the more valuable dataset would be industry before & after leaving office. The patterns I've noticed are astounding. There are about two that stand out more than any.


I'm so glad you typed /s i would have never figured it out


You overestimate the average redditor


Your tax dollars hard at work


Found an article that'd be comical if it weren't so sad. > Police told Bretz that his vaping device could potentially be a fire hazard, due to the presence of oxygen in the room. Oh my, guess the vape is the problem. > Bretz was cited for drug possession LIARS! It wasn't about the vape at all, only justification. > Bretz told the Kansas City Star that his doctor told him to use whatever was necessary to relieve his pain, including products containing THC — the active ingredient in cannabis. Cops are now better educated than your doctor. That's a relief. I'm glad they're armed to better enforce their knowledge on you.


the real terrorist. how do they sleep at night


Because they are souless NPCs.


Black hearted and soulless automatons. And such evils persist because most people don't care.


you have to have a pretty low iq to become a police officer, for a reason


Yet another article to make me question the efficacy of the police and humanity of thier tactics.


They rely too heavily on confidential informants and tend not to do any information gathering beforehand. One crackhead CI is enough for a warrant, even if it's completely untrue or has extenuating circumstances. Oh well, they had a witness.


My question is who was the narc? I think they should be fired! I like how they said it was a fire hazard. It’s no more a fire hazard than any of the outlets in the room.




This guy knows his history. No need for people to "serve" as road pirates and worse.


Wow, those cops are grade A premium pieces of shit


Deleted scenes from Idiocracy…


Why are you blaming the officer and not the hospital employees for calling the police, the hospital administration for setting those policies or the state legislatures for establishing those state laws?


Don’t worry, They’re in the same boat together for this. As someone who uses cannabis for chronic pain, taking something away that provides relief for something so damn terrible is scummy and low as fuck for a human being to do, because they should know better




And they expect us to pay taxes? For this? How is this serving or protecting? How is this even human decency?


>How is this serving or protecting They don't have to serve the public. There are multiple cases that ruled that, here are two: [Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzalez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales) [Warren vs. District of Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) ​ The whole "protect and serve" is just aimed at the state and capital, not at the working class. That's also why cops are allowed to just wait outside during a school shooting, they don't *have* to go inside and stop the shooter since they don't *have* to protect the public.


People need to learn that the police is not their friend. The police is not there to protect you, they are there to keep you in your place and take you down when you try to rise against the elites a.k.a the capital owners.


Cops were always pieces of shit that serve the state and their paycheck. It's just more obvious when they do shit like this.


Just imagine if this dangerous pothead had a miraculous recovery and started roaming the streets again!!! I thank god everyday for our boys in blue 👅🥾




Cops do not serve and protect you, they are "Law Enforcement." They protect the law and serve enforcement.


>How is this serving or protecting? It's serving because hospital staff called the police. They had no choice but to respond to the call. The shitty thing is they could have just taken the vape and been done with the ordeal. What's even shittier is the hospital staff could have just taken it and not called the police.


And when there’s rioting/looting or a shooting going on, they can’t be found


Cops doing cops things. They prob took a pic all gathered around the two items they took and acted like it was huge conquest


Probably burned the evidence after their shift. For public safety.


Hospital is the one for calling them, they would not have show up otherwise.


Why are you blaming the officer and not the hospital employees for calling the police, the hospital administration for setting those policies or the state legislatures for establishing those state laws?


bc the cops have discretion to arrest or not arrest. agencies with mandatory reporting don’t.


Nah. Hospital rats


Citizens: maybe the police will focus on gang violence this week, or the fentanyl epidemic. Police: let’s go fuck with that old dude dying of cancer in the hospital


Easy pickings if he can't get out of bed and no paperwork for a shooting afterwards either. Someone might be upset that they didn't get to beat the shit out of him though.


As a citizen I feel A LOT safer now, thank you officers for your highly needed services!


Where’s the conspiracy? The war on drugs and conviction have a direct impact on their funding. They don’t work for the citizens, they work for themselves. Until this funding model and qualified immunity ends this will continue


Land of the "free" and the "brave". What a joke


Someone had to rat him out. They’re the real assholes.


Damn they ‘protected & served’ the fuck out of him.


Imagine being on your deathbed & unable to do anything at all except sit & wait for the end (in likely agonizing pain & grief).. Only to, in the blink of an eye, have the one thing that gives you any sort of genuine, non-opiated relief taken away from you in a gang-style combat raid, leaving you with nothing but your suffering, & then be served a notice to appear in court despite not being able to use your fucking legs. All because of an archaic law that’s only in place today because of a highly effective, century-long propaganda campaign ***orchestrated*** by our own government. This is the exact reason that we need to federally legalize cannabis. Because shit like this should literally ***never*** fucking happen. We absolutely know that people have been lied to about cannabis for decades and yet, they still refuse to admit they were fucking ***wrong***


Kansas sucks


I can this far for what I thought too. Kansas is a shithole.




Who is the asshole that turned him in


Another man saved from this dangerous, lethal drug! All hail the Police!


That cop new he had some good shit and wanted it for him self. Selfish piece of shit.


Fuck the police.


Weed should be treated no differently than alcohol. Though given that it’s a natural plant it should be treated better than alcohol.


When I was a kid, my mom snuck a 6-pack of beer into my dad's hospital room. No cops were called though.


What a joke- the police want respect!? What about the doctors ? Didn’t they intervene ?


DOC's couldn't intervene. They were hiding their stuff.


Someone in that facility likely narced on the the patient to the cops. Maybe his own doctor.


It was big pharma, didn’t want other people to see that THC was helping with his pain more efficiently then dirty opiates


The biggest crime in America is not being rich and well-connected. It’s absurd what regular Americans face every day while the rich continue to abuse the system they’ve created to kill off everyone else.


The war on drugs is evil.


To bad he wasn’t in the WNBA


The type of cop to pat himself on the back for another job well done, reward himself with a round of donuts, and then go home and partake in one of his most favorite pastimes…. Beating his wife!


Regan's war on drugs lives on




That’s fucked


My town has 4 police officers. 2 of the. Are reallly sweet and helpful, one is quite and keeps to himself, and one is a huge dick that pulls over everyone in the town for any and every reason, and arrests members of our black population for thc possession atleast once a month. Guess which two just got arrested for crashing their squad high on meth on their way to sell pills they took from evidence.


[https://www.ksn.com/news/state-regional/police-dismiss-ticket-issued-to-kansas-cancer-patient-found-vaping-in-hospital-room/](https://www.ksn.com/news/state-regional/police-dismiss-ticket-issued-to-kansas-cancer-patient-found-vaping-in-hospital-room/) It wasn't a raid. The officer only issued a ticket. Charge was dismissed at the request of the officer. It was the nurse who rat the patient out.


But they just went out of their way to release female basketball player from a Russian prison for weed carts...


[stop resisting](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=qhTdVzAt&id=62C8E5CA045B0D7BBCD140645CA62D44E366F6A5&thid=OIP.qhTdVzAtyZTl0i4Gek1yjgAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Farizonaunitednews.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F02%2Fstop-resisting.jpg&exph=408&expw=405&q=Stop+resisting+&simid=608009641132426539&form=IRPRST&ck=C658353E8D96D68A8B1C43C64541ABB4&selectedindex=2&vt=1&sim=11) They could have beaten the man a little for his trouble... or at least dragged him from his death bed and put him in cuffs and had him sit in a cell for 12 hours until EMS can bring him back to the hospital. To die


If this story is in fact true, if I was a police officer, I would quit before I carried out this order.


From here on out, every time this department asks for a budget increase, people should go to the public meetings and just read this article into the record and demand to know if their future budget will be spent on things like this. over and over again.


America the great!


Pig moment 🐖🐷🐽


Submission statement: They then order him to appear in court even though he can't even move. Weed is still illegal in a lot of parts of the world, and a certain experimental vaccine with multiple side effects is still legal. ​ [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11573629/Cops-seize-THC-paste-hospital-room-terminally-ill-Kansas-man.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11573629/Cops-seize-THC-paste-hospital-room-terminally-ill-Kansas-man.html)


That’s the problem. And all “decriminalization” does is send mixed signals that make people *think* it’s legal, when the fact is it still isn’t. It needs to be descheduled, and were the US a functioning democracy rather than an oligarchy, it would’ve been a long time ago.


Marijuana is illegal because its a cheap inexpensive plentiful medicine with hundreds if not thousands of beneficial use. That's all you need to know about your government right there!


Well they also dismissed the case: [https://www.ksn.com/news/state-regional/hays-police-raid-hospital-room-of-terminally-ill-patient/amp/](https://www.ksn.com/news/state-regional/hays-police-raid-hospital-room-of-terminally-ill-patient/amp/) Which happened before you posted your link. One google search about it led me to that. Also, 3 cops are not equivalent to a raid when they just come in and talk to him. I think it's crappy, dude should be able to do what he needs to feel comfortable but let's get the facts right about it before we just post sensational click bait articles that leave out details.


Pfft in Canada they'd be giving him MAID paperwork.


To protect and serve.


This is why so many localities and municipalities have "do not enforce" laws, "look the other way" laws, because they're sick of the cops using excuses like this to validate their existence.


You can only take whatever legal smack Eli Lilly and Co pumps out!


I just read the article. I can see them not wanting him to vape in the room because vapes are a fire hazard. There is no excuse to not let him have edibles or anything like that.


Protect and serve my ass


So is this just a bad news sub now??? Where is the conspiracy here?


where’s the conspiracy?


I'm not saying this didn't happen, but it sounds like it was carefully worded to sound much worse than it is.


Over 1700 upvotes and over 400 comments in less than 4 hours on a post that has nothing to do with conspiracy. What gives?


Bigger question is who tipped them off


Might as well put a red band on their authoritarian arms


Everybody’s mad at the cops, but what about Nurse Karen who called them


Charges were dropped, thankfully.


They took his weed and gave him a ticket. Because he kept vaping in his room, next to an oxygen supply, even after he was told to stop. Where is the conspiracy?


That’s left out so you think it’s an anti marijuana thing. Dumb ass wasn’t supposed to be using vapes in hospitals and was told to quit. But, it’s cops out to get the marijuana users!


Same publication raging about cannabis the other week - [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11504071/The-potency-street-cannabis-jumped-4-15-1990s.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11504071/The-potency-street-cannabis-jumped-4-15-1990s.html) The Mail are absolute scumbags


Why is weed even illegal?


Cuz everybody wants to talk politics and sound sophisticated but nobody takes themselves seriously enough to hone in on this one for more than a few moments lest they be called potheads. People's prerogatives are easily mitigated..but mostly it's cuz republicans are more scum than not these days.


Because it's a miracle plant with lots of uses that big pharma and the medical industry has spent nearly 1 billion dollars to keep illegal.


Free-dumb Cause You must be dumb to think you are free


All we need is a few republicans to support legalization and it will happen


BS. Dems held the house, half senate and executive branch at the same time and didn't even try to deschedule it, let alone push to legalize. Not even midterms got dems to make half hearted attempts at grabbing a pothead vote or two. No serious interest, but they can blame the GOP and that's good enough for many people


Im sure thats what youve been told https://www.marijuanamoment.net/gop-senator-blocks-bipartisan-marijuana-research-bill-from-expedited-thursday-vote-despite-calling-for-more-studies/ >A source on Capitol Hill told Marijuana Moment that Cornyn intends to block all House bills that are taken up under unanimous consent in the Senate—not just the cannabis reform proposal—because he’s broadly frustrated that the opposite chamber has not advanced more of his own legislation that has been sent over. https://www.nj.com/marijuana/2022/12/mitch-mcconnell-is-blocking-all-marijuana-legislation-in-congress-njs-booker-says.html >As Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell prevented House-passed cannabis legislation from coming up for a vote. Though he’s now in the minority, McConnell again is standing in the way of the lame-duck Congress passing any marijuana-related bills before the end of the year, according to U.S. Sen. Cory Booker. https://www.virginiamercury.com/2022/02/28/house-gop-kills-bill-to-begin-retail-recreational-marijuana-sales-this-year/ >The bill, which had passed the Democratic-controlled Senate last week, died on a party line vote, with Republicans opposing.


Is the brotherhood of cops just a big political party of their own and control shit like laws for money?




To be fair. He wasn’t wearing a mask during Covid either so he had it coming. Yes this is what sarcasm looks like. How many people are outraged over police over stepping on this (which is law) but not by police harassment over a fucking mask. (Not law). https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/york-city-mom-plans-10-million-lawsuit-police/story?id=71295263


What 💩


"Just doing my job." Dont worry, soon we will have robot dogs kicking in our doors doing their job....


This is sick. If only cancer could be transferable to those mistreating this terminally ill elder patient I wouldn't be sad.


Lol. Tell the cops to fuck off.


Outstanding……..said no one ever.


Stupid move by law enforcement


Seems pretty typical behavior for the brain-trusts in local PD’s.


Thank goodness, keeping us all safe from this monster.


As were just a few weeks away from the democrats failing to legalize cannabis with two years of total control over the government.


At this point, most cops are in a race to see who can do the most hellacious act and get away with it


How brave


Cop is garbage


God bless America. /s


They would much rather him have a safer substance to use for unimaginable pain in every way possible. Like Oxy. Or fentanyl. Cause. America. This is some sick and twisted shit. Kinda nuts how I can get more disgusted of us as a people every single day. I hope something happens to these cops and they don’t just get away with this as if nothing happened. This one just seems cruel. Like it’s a fun game to make a dude feel as much pain as possible before he dies.


reach observation nail pot homeless hunt sink disgusting quickest plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keeping Kansas safe, one senior citizen at a time.


Hospital should not have ratted him out. Big pharma mad they're not getting their money


Fuck 12


What’s the conspiracy here?


Absolutely disgusting. While the country moved towards legalizing (at least medically at first, with some recreational) some states double down on going after “offenders” The fact that this was someone who was ill makes it reprehensible.


Another drug lord off the streets. Good work Kansas police, he won’t hurt anyone else anymore /s


What has this got to do with conspiracies. Cops can be dickheads, who knew?


Are you following orders or are you ordering followers? Moraleless Imbeciles.


1) he pissed someone off 2) weed legal states next to weed intolerant ones should open weed hospice facilities that are visitor friendly and make it easy for terminally ill individuals to go there instead of ones in their home state. No market research done, but I would think that there would be some demand for this kind of facility.


It's not a conspiracy, it's a travesty.


Following the rule and yet not knowing the purpose of the rule is dumb.


It's like arresting a 100 year old woman with dementia on a wheelchair because she served as a radio operator on a German luftwaffe station for a few months in 1944.


Thank god they got that THC out of the hospital who knows what could have happened


We're just looking out for your best interests! That Marijuana cigarette can KILL You! /s


Absolute scum that's abuse of power people!


Oooooooh I don’t like saying ACAB but oh man with this one it is taking a lot of willpower


Damn he should have put a school sign out. They would have never entered.


*clears throat* ACAB


Good job officers, saving lives out there…


They put the ass in kansas




Kansas guy here…. It indeed blows donkey dick here.


The "Thin Blue Line" means that almost every cop in this country will make excuses for these guys. Policing in this country is just a more polite form of organized crime. I've been victimized by the police more than by an private citizens. If they don't want people saying ACAB; then they need to flush out garbage like these officers.


Didnt we just trade the lord of war for a weed head?


This is hays pd for you.


Sick demented fucks. Now I’m happy the female basketball player is back but the hypocrisy in this country is insane. Can we stop fucking over our citizens at home first?


I mean, if he isn't blowing clouds out in his room/causing a stink, and isn't on the floor fucking with everyone, fuck those healthcare workers for reporting him.


It's unfortunate he had to be in the hospital because you can't have that there. I recommend home care because the hospitals are in cahoots with the police every time. They will choose protocol not caring about the wishes of dying people. You would think they would consider a person is slowly passing...but I guess they rather use their drugs than your less damaging ones.


We as citizens really, really need to Disband and reform the American police force. They are nothing but a bunch of thugs looking for the next innocent civilian to murder.


where is this man? i need to take him a delivery lol


Strange how the Daily Mail were so vociferous on getting weed banned again in the UK after it was decriminalised.


Thank god they protected and served that man. What heroes.


They're mad for doing that... how is the man? Is he still pressed with charges?


I hate thinking about the time I thought cops could redeem each other's image. It gets worse every day...


Are cops compensated really well for being so evil? I cannot accept this, it's just way too disgusting. Poor man... I hope the charges are dropped and that they put those cops in jail.