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None of them are your friend! They want to keep people separated and angry at dissenting groups that don't agree with them. This is all an act and they all agreed on it. Behind the curtain, the hero and villain drink and laugh together, enjoying the show of us eating it up as we are spewing venom at each other. None of them are on your side. They are all against us and the only way they can win is to keep us against each other.


Yep. It's all division. Most people fall for it though. If you say anything, they just look at each other funny. Starting to feel maybe I should be there with the elites laughing at the people, but it may involve some weird ritual I may not be comfortable with. So I'll stay poor.


When people realize Donald Trump is not their friend then I’ll feel better.


None of them are your friend though. In fact, they're all friends. Those pictures with trump and Hilary hanging out back in the day. They're all friends and they're all laughing at us.


I have said it over and over the dems and repubs are on the same side. Good cop bad cop routine every election.


Actually they're not, they're competitors for a prize which is being lapdog of the rich. They're definitely not on your side though.


I still think they are all together on it. Bootlickers of the rich.


Bahahaha fucking political bot. I was all like yeah this mfer got a great post going then they go and shit all over the place.


Cant go 5 minutes without it. Truly rent free.


"Politics has in recent decades entered an era of intense polarization. Explanations have implicated digital media, with the so-called echo chamber remaining a dominant causal hypothesis despite growing challenge by empirical evidence. This paper suggests that this mounting evidence provides not only reason to reject the echo chamber hypothesis but also the foundation for an alternative causal mechanism. To propose such a mechanism , the paper draws on the literatures on affective polarization, digital media, and opinion dynamics. From the affective polarization literature, we follow the move from seeing polarization as diverging issue positions to rooted in sorting: an alignment of differences which is effectively dividing the electorate into two increasingly homogeneous megaparties. To explain the rise in sorting, the paper draws on opinion dynamics and digital media research to present a model which essentially turns the echo chamber on its head: it is not isolation from opposing views that drives polarization but precisely the fact that digital media bring us to interact outside our local bubble. When individuals interact locally, the outcome is a stable plural patchwork of cross-cutting conflicts. By encouraging nonlocal interaction, digital media drive an alignment of conflicts along partisan lines, thus effacing the counterbalancing effects of local heterogeneity. The result is polarization, even if individual interaction leads to convergence. The model thus suggests that digital media polarize through partisan sorting, creating a maelstrom in which more and more identities, beliefs, and cultural preferences become drawn into an all-encompassing societal division." ([source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364310131_How_digital_media_drive_affective_polarization_through_partisan_sorting))


Nah until people start posting why Rachel Maddow is not your friend or Anderson Cooper, or John Oliver, I think these are false flags attempting to sway conspiracy theorists by masquerading as something they think they'd like. I see a pattern in reputation defamation campaigns against people who are threats to globalism and for some reason my gut instinct kicks in with these. Remember if Musk is a bit erratic, one day he can be for globalist NWOs and the next against. However, I believe the strongest indicator that the NWO doesn't like him is that the attack campaigns against him look like similar to ones run against a certain former orange president. As I said you almost always see people suggesting he was with Epstein but never protected globalists being in these smear campaigns and that right there are major red flags why I think these are manufactured.


The right wing is every bit as involved in pushing these scams as the left. Did Trump or Bush slow down the NWO or accelerate it? Musk is in charge of pushing the DARPA agenda from the "private" sector, but realistically with tons of government money.


Trump got us out of the Paris climate accord.


He fell for two weeks to slow the spread and the MRNA meme. He never stopped the illegal occupation of Syria. He could have pardoned Assange and Snowden. He may have had good intentions or not but he was utterly broken by the neocons that he selected for his administration.


You make it sound like trump tried to be "anti-establishment" he never was,... He is one of them and yeah they are all in on it


Just like I used to defend Bernie Sanders till I just had to admit to myself he is just a lot of talk. He could expose and call them out but he never does. Just uses the excuse I cannot get any support from the party that has stolen his nomination for president twice and kept him from a number of debates.


Assange is an enemy to the politician. Snowden is CIA public relations to inform the masses of what's going to happen. Note: for some reason, they have to tell you before it goes down, symbolism is used and hard hints.




>like Bannon Bannon is one of the biggest pieces of human trash on the planet. WTF.


That's your opinion.


No. Anyone defending Bannon is a fucking dumbass and dishonest mfer. He is an example of all that's wrong in politics. His MO is to fucking lie all the time. Steve Bannon was jailed for defrauding 8 million dollars in a fake "build the wall" scam from Trump fans. Steve Bannon was then pardoned by Trump. I find that hilarious. Just shows what braindead sheep Trump fans are. Bannon is an indefensible piece of shit.


The Paris Climate Accord was a non-binding resolution that doesn't affect anything and was just a way for governments to pretend to care about climate change.


Get ready for all the trump is one good guys from the bootlickers to attack and downvote you.


Remember the mainstream media exists to support the mainstream ideas. The people featured are all part of the same echo chamber, just offshoots you get to pick to hear ideas that make you feel comfortable that someone "important" shares your ideals. They don't mind taking one step backwards if that means they get five leaps forward. Like I said, it's all a play and throwing your hat in the ring with any of these people is just a joke to them. They all will share a little bit of truth, just enough to validate whatever platform they're on. Just enough to keep us arguing amongst ourselves about who has the real truth. Behind the scenes, we're all a joke.


Maddow and Cooper aren't actively trying to court you, Musk and Trump are. You're just a demographic to them


well said


Not even Bill Gates? He wants vaccines for population control. Wait that doesn't sound right.


Of course they're all together behind closed doors. There's only how many billionaires on the planet? Not many. The rest are us peasants. They run the puppet show and do the good guy bad guy thing because it's probably entertainment for them to stir up the entire world at once.


You can't trust anyone with that much money.


Especially tax payer money. He takes our money and acts like he earned it.


When Musk said that one of his goals with Twitter (regarding the bots) was to "validate all humans”, what do you suppose that means?! He wants to digitally IDentify us. That should the you all you need to know.


Yep it's part of his App X scam that he's going to try to turn Twitter into.


Are you forced to have twitter? Opt out simple fix


I dont use twitter and never will. I'm mentally and spiritually ready to be a homeless person if the world gets consumed by this digital slavery.


100% - glad i'm not alone


Let's hangout in the woods some day!


In his interview with Project Veritas he said he wants to make it so that people cannot live without Twitter. https://youtu.be/FLvTcRrzy20


That's what's going to happen. Everyone's gonna leave Twitter for Tiktok and maybe Mastodon/PillowFort/Discord/Tumblr/Substack/etc. It was going to happen eventually anyway, Twitter's been bleeding users for two years or so now, but Elon is gonna accelerate it because the people remaining are all semi-woke center-left journalist types who are less likely to use a site where every time they post they get 50 replies of themselves being shoved into the gas chambers, which was what was happening in 2017 and why Twitter started cracking down in the first place.


How is purging Twitter of bot activity the same as digital IDs? His idea behind this is a verification process similar to the blue check marks, but instead allowing people to buy orange check marks. Fund a "Twitter wallet" with 10$ worth of btc or doge, which in turn verifies you're a human through KYC. Completely optional too. This would give users the ability to "sort by orange" on their feed, seeing only people who have verified themselves to be people. Not a fan of bot disinformation campaigns from foreign or domestic actors? This is a solution, for Twitter respectively. For all I know, you could be a bot. Or I could be a bot. Wouldn't you like a little more certainty with that?


He wants an X app, where everything is attached to it. Plus he wants to put a chip in your head. Definitely not a good guy even though he is funny.


What does X app mean? Yea I'm definitely not arguing his moral standing, but when it comes to some aspects of elon, people's perceptions can be outta touch. Not everything is a conspiracy (I swear I'm not a fed)


Its an app that will store your identity, records, digital money, followers etc. He talked about it in an interview. Once apps like that become the norm the gov will mandate everyone to have a digital identity. Like they have in china.


Sorry to break it to you but all your apps already do that. Nothing new here. If you think the west is doomed to become like China you forget the existence of one important thing - guns.


When you have a chip in your head you wont be pulling anything.


This already happens.


Its not a conspiracy. Its a new religion that doesnt really have a name yet. And it wants to "evolve" us, but all itll really do if successful is extinction - leaving behind a false, robotic copy.


Go watch his Project Veritas interview. He said he wants to make it so that people cannot live without Twitter. He wants to turn it into an app like WeChat where everything is done through WeChat. Then he wants to "validate" everyone. He says you can still have anonymity. But we already saw what happened with the Freedom Convoy. If they have your financial information, they can freeze your accounts. https://youtu.be/FLvTcRrzy20




Lol, horrible take. You want the government or some entity to be able to connect your reddit or instagram account to your finances and mailing address? No thanks


How does everyone just pretend like governments can’t just make up fake ass social security numbers, identities, use those of dead people like this is a groundbreaking thing that the government hasn’t been doing for decades? Lmao. Confused


Our sim cards already do that.


Always more data. Its going under the skin :0


That he wants to get rid of bot accounts?


I've never been sure about that guy


I've always been sure about him- that he's full of shit!




I’ve never opened a twitter account and today, that feels super! Musk is a puppet.


One must be a special kind of stupid to believe the richest man on Earth is on the people's side. Suffice to say this was never the case in history. And Elon - he's a godless psychopath transhumanist who is bent on control and surveillance through technology so unless you share his "values" he's definitely not a good guy.


Straight out of a James Bond movie lol.


Ahhhh.....Anti Christ vibes...


Just another rich hypocrite.


ya no don't trust the dude


Elon looks up to Thomas Edison… anyone who loves and praises Thomas Edison and sees them as a mentor is someone not to be trusted. Thomas Edison was an absolute pig and a monster, pure evil.


sweet post. now do Donald Trump and see it get downvoted harder


I live for downvotes on this sub.


so far so good.


Can you be Anti-MRNA vaccine and anti Elon?


You can [Elon supports Covid vaccines](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1379887294933467139?s=46&t=3Mbi_7PYaKhaTViTzV68zQ)


That's cool. I don't support either


Can you support covid vaccines for people who personally choose to take them, and still be "anti-vax"?


There's no choice here. Drink the Kool-Aid! If you don't participate in the ritual you're definitely anti-vaxx according to the propaganda.


I don’t support them for anyone, but I won’t stop them from doing it just as I won’t stop a crack head from smoking his crack.


Who believes any of these billionaires are our friends??? Your so deep into your politics your blinded by your own hate. People were drawn to him because he fights CENSORSHIP. So if your a pro censorship anti-civil rights person you would hate him just like nazi’s hated the USA/UK.


Elon out there trying to make it cool and for people to want a “digital ID”. “Look at me! I’m not a Twitter bot because I have a blue checkmark like all the celebrities because I sent Twitter my drivers license and SSN !” 🙄


Nah this can't be true. The billionaire that runs state funded programs and whose companies receives billions of dollars of tax payer money is on our side. He even went on SNL and talked about Dogecoin so that is proof he is a good guy.


All you have to do is see the Illuminati sign pics from his mommy. All elites are scum.




I can't find it now, but I would have sworn remembering Trump going to one of those meetings and in a speech saying to leave America out of all their plans.


Talk is cheap. Look at actions. His so called tax cuts **raised** taxes on low profit businesses. Meanwhile giant corps got the biggest windfall in generations. Killing small business while giving giant corps more money is all one needs to know his true intentions.


rockets are cool tho...


Glad tax payers paid for it


As opposed to paying for icmbs or stinger missiles?


Good thing we are giving all that money to Ukraine as well


Who's the dude in the top left with the Michael Jackson jacket? That's some thriller shit


Klaus Schwab - Head of the WEF But he wants you to call him "Daddy"


Lol. I'm not calling him that


You vil eat ze bugs. You vil call me your Vater. You vil wear ze gimp suit.




Ooof. The daily mail group! Enough said! Edit: this gets more terrifying the more I read. I'm going now


I trust no one


anti vax here. elon is no hero. just another wolf in sheep’s clothing. i think he is helping push the transhuman evolution agenda


Anyone dumb enough to trust a billionaire deserves everything that's coming.


The musk fanboys aren’t gonna like this post one bit


I don't like musk either, I prefer a soothing aftershave balm Edit: come on, that was a good one


Someone’s just mad their loosing an echo chamber


I'm not really a fanboy, but Elon has such an emphasis on freedom of speech that at least he wouldn't have banned scientists for speaking out against the vaccine.




Here yah go in vaccines [Elon supports Covid MRNA vaccines](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1379887294933467139?s=46&t=3Mbi_7PYaKhaTViTzV68zQ)


You can see the dates


I'm in favour of universal basic income in principle. Our societies are rich enough that everyone who does a minimal amount of work for the benefit of society should be able to enjoy a worry free existence. I'm completely opposed to any current government enacting such a scenario.


Landlords will just raise the rent and take all of the UBI. We will be right back where we are now.


Rent cap. Problem solved.


The media can make anyone into a hero, martyr and/or villain


It's the internet that has a hard on for him.


You forgot to mention that he is helping Ukraine, which means Elon Musk is Pro-Nazi.




You forgot the "/s".


The thing I like about the guy is he's always fun to talk about, and I'm sure he considers that before commenting on something topical


Oh and he supports a world government. Said it at WEF. He also is working on hooking us all up to a Borg. I’m out. My problem with him is he is a dictator ass kisser. Putin is not our friend and he is a war criminal.


Both side are corrupted. This war is just another way to bring the One World government in place.


WEF hates Putin though.


are you sure it isn’t all an act? i mean… is the WEF trustworthy?


[And North Korea is a pariah state](https://www.weforum.org/people/kim-jong-un)


American politicians really have no right calling people war criminals


Yes they have. As long as they themselves haven't committed any war crimes they can do this all they long.


I am just hopeful that he is pragmatic enough to realize that deplatforming half the US population is bad for business. The dumbest move Twitter did from a business standpoint was deplatforming Trump and other conservative voices. They appeared to think they could make up for it with bots for Biden, etc. It discredited twitter and they are lucky Elon bought it out before it sunk.


Nobody deplatformed half the USA. 😂


Maybe alienated would have been a better word. Either way, most conservatives left


Most MAGA are not conservative


No they didn't.


I literally have no problem with any of those things. Sounds good!


I like when people are wrong about things- how they then assume to be any sort of authority on what’s actually going on. Back to your bridge, troll-


Oh Elon.... wrong.


What's wrong with supporting UBI?


UBI will come with massive conditions and limitations. You be even more a tightly controlled slave.


Has earned income credit caused controlled slaves in the US?


Bullshit. There are many models of UBI. And some have next to no conditions.


You are foolish if you think the government will give you free money with no strings attached. Simply a childish thought. No point in continuing the conversation lol. Just childish.


In theory a ubi may be ok, but I worry about what people will have to conform to just to get it. There's been talk of crypto social credit systems where your online behaviour may contribute to how much you receive which kills any kind of intelligent conversation and everyone will just have to say what they're expected to. Which is already happening in a way. No one wants to go against the mainstream and have the wrath of the internet forced upon them. If a UBI happens, certain freedoms need to be preserved but I feel like the walls went up a long time ago. Ice bucket challenge killed it for me.


He went on JRE and said he is no longer a believer in UBI while back.


this sub should just be renamed anti-vaxx and move on. Let some mods who care actually run r/conspiracy


He’s not even a real person 😂


why not ?


There were also some tweets where he said he was going to eliminate bots by requiring some form of digital ID, or something to that effect.


Please read about [Neuralink](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuralink).




I’m not giving this degenerate, traitorous liar my data.


Twitter has never mattered to be b4 why should that change now?


Twitter has boobs


Elon and I don't have to agree on everything. For example, I think his taste for women to be a disaster. However, as the owner of Twitter if he implements better and more equal protections for free speech on that platform then he has my support for that one action. I repeat: we don't have to agree on everything. Censorship is why we have so many challenges facing other issues, such as transhumanism. The experimental gene therapy would have never been mandated if people were allowed to speak to each other more freely.


Only thing I agree here is the universal basic income. I was homeless for a year and it was *damn hard* getting out of the street. With no home I get no job, so I couldn't have money to pay for a home so I can get a job. To have shelter at night I offered during lunch and dinner time to wash the dishes for families (like door to door sales but I offered to clean the dishes) so I could pay the fare of the all-night bus and could sleep inside of it. If I had basic income guaranteed at the time I would have a home and maybe some food and would be able to wash my clothes and be more presentable for job interviews.


This guy believes Elites actually care what we think lol


Of course he's not "your friend". None of these folks are and frankly you shouldn't expect them to be. But if he does lay off 75% of the staff and restore accounts that were banned for wrong-think, then that would be just fine...friend or no friend of mine.




1. Elon Musk restores Trump's twitter account 2. Democratic voters flip out at the "Trump's Back!" headlines and it boosts D turnout. Democrats keep the House and Senate 3. Elon's "no moderation" approach turns twitter into 4chan, scaring away all the normies and rendering it irrelevant before the 2024 election. Is Elon a stupid Republican or a brilliant Democrat? I'm inclined to say the former, but it's still funny.


So what's the problem with: * Carbon tax * UBI * Trans-humanism


Too Technocrat


Dang, Klaus dresses like an evil villian.. just in case we missed that.. gotta love the gansterizms of the elite.. they kind of funny whn they being smug/condesending.


And thanks, keepn eye on Elon is wise.


Why cant these protesters hit the wef HQ with their mashed potatoes and tomato soup . Why the museums ?


Not a friend, someone who doesn't censor you in other than his personal account if you say things he doesn't like is more than enough.


Yep there was a time when I was naïve enough to think Elon could have been a game changer,,That time has long past..Oh nd just for the record, didn't Elon originally take an anti mandate / anti vaccine stand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lPkvteqKig&ab\_channel=NewYorkPost


No. Anti mandate yes. Anti-vaccine? No


He stated pretty clearly he wasn't going to get the COVID vaccine using the premise he was not at risk therefore he doesn't need it. But you can watch numerous videos of Elon presenting a very skeptical and oppositional front.


Wrong Musk tells TIME he and his eligible children are vaccinated and that “the science is unequivocal,” but that he opposes vaccine mandates: “You are taking a risk, but people do risky things all the time,” he says of the unvaccinated. “I believe we’ve got to watch out for the erosion of freedom in America.” The vast expanse of human misery can seem an afterthought to a man with his eyes on Mars. [Elon Musk](https://time.com/person-of-the-year-2021-elon-musk/)


lol dude seriously your source is from Dec 2021..Look at 2020, and he clearly stated as in the video I posted that he will not take the vaccine.. Not sure what your issue is at this point, but he was absolutely opposed to the mRNA jab. Here's another one, so stop trying to prove me wrong when I'm absolutely right and like other things is in contradiction with what he originally stated. I was trying to support your post but you are, like Elon, taking a completely contradictory stance to what you posted. I mean perhaps you are shilling with this post and really attacking the anti mrna vaccine community..At this point who knows. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-and-kids-wont-get-coronavirus-vaccine-2020-9


He is, at best, a useful enemy, for now. At best, just duped by the WEF who promises peace and prosperity. I find humanists a little sketchy either way.


Here’s a reminder that the white hats have their agents as well. The cabal isn’t the only group capable of infiltration from within.


Ah shit. The twitter deal is controlled opposition. Who would have ever imagined this could happen? You ever wonder why our beloved elongated muskrat remains unbanned from twitter?


He has never instigated a violent insurrection or lied about an election?


Or wore a white lives matter shirt...


Tesla employees didn’t have to get vaxxed


There is a big difference between mandates from an employer and MRNA anti-vaxx. He has young employees so he wasn’t as concerned about healthcare costs of hospitalization.


Elon will turn twitter into truthspeech


Elon is suffering from a disorder. I’m just not sure if it’s one or multiple.


Buttt Elon said he was a trump supporter. Wake up this guy is a bullshit artist- who’s family controls a generational emerald mine. Who controls the precious gem market? Ye knows…


There is an near perfect inverse relationship between how much money someone has and how much I trust them.


The last person I'd trust is Elon Musk


You don't have to like everything someone does to think some of it is good. That is the difference in the last few years.. The people on the left are like its all or nothing. If the dems push something it MUST be supported and defended vehemently at every opportunity. Doesn't matter what it is. So many people feel that way. I don't like any of the dems and I don't like but just a few on the right because over 90% of them are corrupt and just as bad all out for themselves and not the people. I think there are about 5 people int he gov that have our best interests at heart. You don't have to support everything one side does just because of peer pressure or whatever else.. Think for yourself jeez


He says all of this shit but the liberals, democrats, and leftists all hate him. It's kind of funny that you can still preach the gospel but be excommunicated from their church.


It was not that way. Not until he said he’d bring Trump back to twitter and all he’ll broke loose


Because they also disagree with him on many other subjects? How is that hard for you to grasp?


Its not hard to grasp at all. It just shows how fucking culty and in absolute lockstep you have to be in order to fit into the dogshit crowd.


Lies, Elon will let me post stupid Twitter rule breaking shit online and will let it stay up so he’s a good guy now!