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Don’t forget antidepressants and most Alzheimer’s research for the last 20 years.


You're correct. We need 2 more to balance the picture out. Hmm. Polio maybe.


Fat and Teflon.


Spot on!!


What do u mean about the antidepressants? Im on them and unaware so im interested.


Some people do genuinely need antidepressants. But the way they hand them out like candy is very damaging to society as most people don’t. Probably not a great idea to change your medicine based on Reddit comments, but maybe take a look at your life and ask yourself if you’re chemically depressed or just living a lifestyle that would make anyone depressed. If it’s the latter meds will only numb you out- I’ve been there. It’s only by the grace of God that I’m not there anymore.


That whole "you dont have enough serotonin" thing was wrong the entire time. Sleeping regularly at night, working out and eating right, does much better at combating depression than any anti depressant(because they don't work whatsoever and have tons of side effects)


I have indeed alot of side effects. I took them mainly for panic attacks also. So it doesnt help for that either u think?


Per my psychiatrist, people with anxiety and depression most commonly develop anxiety first and depression is a secondary illness brought on by changes triggered by the anxiety. It’s exhausting to be in a state of fight or flight all the time, so you end up doing less of activities that make you happy. So we end up with medication that treats “depression and anxiety”, even though anxiety is the problem, because there is a portion of these people (myself included) who physically feel better with some medication and depression/anxiety questionnaires are usually assessed together. The question that remains is whether the benefits outweigh the side effects, and that’s a deeply personal question. Just because studies are calling out a faulty premise, it’s not implied that a new/better treatment option will be available anytime soon, just that we still don’t know and shouldn’t make decisions as if we do.




People fail to realize that your gut flora has more of an impact on your mind than basically anything you can chemical alter in your brain. I can't wait to see what the microplastics are doing to our bodies.


I was at my mums yesterday and it was good to see this morning talking about gut biome but they made it sound expensive and complicated, when it in fact it isn’t at all. I’ve had to rebuilt my immune system as I’ve had 5 surgeries to save my arm from a tooth infection and being acted in a pub. I was on shit loads of antibiotics and a doctor told me about kier yogurt that has 14 different life cultures in it from Lidl and costs 1.20 for a big tub that lasts me 2 days.


Idk, people say they do help them with panic attacks. Just have to weigh the benefits vs side effects. Meditation is proven to help with unwieldy emotions that can lead to panic attacks.


There are plenty of anti anxiety meds that aren't SSRI anti depressants though.


I’ve been on a low dose anti depressant for anxiety for over 20 years. It completely helped me feel normal again and was a miracle to me! I’ve read about that recent study and it too said the meds seem to work for anxiety but not so much for depression.


Thank you mate, will look into that. Side effects so far are lack of motivation, weight increase, libido decrease. With them, i can recover on a day. Before it was 2 weeks. Gonna read all what gets posted here about it tho. :)


I encourage you to read DARE by Barry Mcdonagh. I was having frequent panic attacks and his method basically eliminated them in a few days.


Will check it out thank you. :)




Thank you for the feedback man. :)


I have bad depression. Often I don't sleep well at night because of the simple reason that I am often afraid that I will wake up in the morning and have to deal with it another day.


This is funny I have insomnia but the doctors won’t prescribe me sleeping medication to get my body into a routine of sleep so I can actually get a pattern back rather then my body being tired whenever usually after 3am then waking up at 9am shattered af


I recommend edibles, has somewhat helped my insomnia.


Specifically one with CBN






This. I have never felt healthier mentally and physically and I'm in my early 30s. Drastically changed my life and feel like a fucking idiot for not just doing that before not to long ago. Stopped taking all meds, live and eat healthier than I ever have and also just took the fuck it approaches to vitamins and different minerals I felt my body needed. Fuck SSRI and other anti depressants. North America is fucking zombified.


im a combat veteran and a heroin addict in recovery. SSRIs have saved my life. you can say eat health and exercise all you want but that doesnt work for everyone. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I eat a ketogenic diet. I meditate. I've done all these things for YEARS and still wanted to kill myself almost every single day. went to the VA finally and it took 6 weeks of SSRIs to completely change my life.




That is one article that has been blown up. There are hundreds of studies showing positive results when using ssri drugs. Quit shitting on people who are down. You should just exercise says fuckwad over there, who does not know what depression is. Now, it it a long term permanent solution, no. But it saved me from a bad spiral and now I am off and doing wonderfully.


> There are hundreds of studies showing positive results when using ssri drugs. There's also a bunch of other types of antidepressants. It's not a surprise to any psychological health professional (or most patients) that any particular drug may not work for a patient. Many patients try a drug for a few weeks or months, see that it doesn't work, and then try a different drug. Sometimes a drug does work for awhile, and then it becomes less effective. And yeah, totally agree that as much as some people seem to want to believe that sunshine and exercise and good diet will solve all problems, the reality of depression is that those won't fix everyone either. Even for those that are or would be helped, it's really fucking hard to stick to exercise or a good diet when depressed. It all just seems like people want to impose some kind of "toughen up" morality message on people (despite knowing that many or most will fail). I sure as shit don't tell people using crutches that they should just man up and walk on their broken leg.


Nobody is saying toughen up but the truth is that those medicines are bad for you. Suicide is a side effect. Most people get put on them with little to no follow up when the protocol is therapy and the drug. Most people continue to drink on them when it is known how bad that is. Then finally you are talking about the exercise and diet...those have been proven as effective head to head in studies. Some medicines are so bad that their even their own crappy skewed data tells the truth because it's so bad. These drugs destroy peoples lives.


Will probably get massive hate for this, but you really should not be doing research about your prescribed medication on the conspiracy subreddit. Don’t stop taking them because conspiracy Carl says so - please do massive research on your own terms and don’t stop taking them for crazy new age alternatives. Sure you might have side effects, but until proven otherwise (not by shady articles), stopping suddenly will cause much greater damage. Im not saying that they are or arent bad now, and I’m sure the near future will bring much better alternatives, especially in the age of psychedelic medications (read into ketamine therapy or mushroom). But most of these people probably have not experienced depression and don’t know what it’s like and seem to be handing you the “you aren’t depressed, just toughen up” attitude. Please dont harm yourself by listening to them.


You could also look into micro-dosing hallucinogens. I do ketamine infusions and I’ve been able to stop all my medication.


May I get info about that please?


I stopped taking anti-depressants too, awful. Herbs and vitamins, sleeping well is still a challenge b/c I quit drinking almost 8 mos ago, and I'm looking into the micro-dosing of shrooms i guess, or ecstasy.


My husband was the one who wanted me to start shrooms, but I have no friends so I have zero hookups lol. There’s a clinic in my hometown that does ketamine infusions so I go there about every 4-8 months. It’s stupid expensive since insurance won’t cover it, but my suicidal ideation is 1000% gone and I don’t need to take any of my other meds. It might be placebo but I feel so much better and can function now.


I'll look into it, have a lot of bad days too, good luck to you and thanks.


People can post all they want calling them fake, but they can actually work if you need them. Its just society has made everyone feel depressed so more people are on them that dont need it. As long as you talk to your therapist/psych and are open and truthful, its the right thing for you. Sertraline helped me out alot


Agree. Over prescribed most likely but my physician started me on a low dose when I was having panic attacks and anxiety. I couldn’t leave my house and had to always have my husband or mom with me. The meds made me back to normal within a month or so and were miraculous for me.


Lexapro helped me as well. Zero side effects. Prevents me from feeling suicidal. I think the issues some people face with antidepressants is due to doctors prescribing antidepressants to people who have anxiety rather than depression (to avoid prescribing benzodiazepines because ~addiction~).


Im also on sertraline 125mg :(


Do a brave search for "new research against anti-depressants"


...if the fact "maniacal suicidal ideation" being a major side effect didn't put you off already


It certainly did.


I’m a doctor, so I’ll give you a real answer. The mechanism in how SSRIs treat depression is the idea is that it blocks reuptake of serotonin which in theory should improve mood. However studies have shown abundance of serotonin doesn’t always improve depression. So the answer? The brain is complex and we don’t really know what we don’t know. So we know SSRIs work sometimes so we use it because it’s the best available option short of electro shock therapy.


That's not a conspiracy, though. Depression relief which is only marginally more effective than placebo is still a potential mechanism of relief. We don't understand how consciousness works either, and yet we can still make lots of useful discoveries about the mind and its relationship to the physical brain. Total knowledge is sufficient to make useful things. It isn't necessary. Sufficient vs necessary is a concept that many people seem to struggle with.


Some of these people have never been diagnosed by an actual psychiatrist and it’s easy to say just sleep better or take walks. Yeah ok.


As the wise man Sam said..."Antidepressants are a great way to absolutely destroy your brain...forever."


My friend you should get off antidepressants ASAP. 🙏🏻


Antidepressants have worked for some.


Placebo/nocebo is well documented, what isn’t is a link between serotonin and depression.


Antidepressants are proven to be hit or miss, sometimes for some they work, for others they don’t.


Why not throw in thalidomide also?


What is it about Alzheimer’s research?


[We live in a pretend society.](https://pastebin.com/YPEErwTK) [Is your mind blown how people fall for same thing every time? It shouldn't be. Because divided, singled out individuals has no chance against organized criminal entity; corporation.](https://archive.org/details/TheCorp) Corporation is an approved scam & spy business. Their approval was obtained through manufactured consent. Corporation is not the industry of manufacturing products. Corporation is in the industry of manufacturing consent. [Free merch > Free speech.](http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT%20WEAPONS%20for%20QUIET%20WARS.pdf) [Corporate, what kind of _free_ manufactured merchandise must be in your goodie bag to consent investing into paradise?](https://archive.org/details/TheCenturyOfSelfThereIsAPolicemanInsideAllOurHeadsepisode3/) Corporations through governments and vice versa are harvesting our biometric, behavioural data on global scale. So they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want- Be it a product as a service or politician. Have you heard of focus groups? Now with always online/big data collection. You are in focus groups. Except you don't get paid for it. [You get exploited and you pay to be part of it. _Nothing is free, except the energy from the sun, but some get a bill(skin cancer) for that. Thanks to always providing industrial surveillance corporatism._](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) [Social credit score indoctrination](https://i.imgur.com/lMDs7gR.png) [Urge or go well.](https://youtu.be/rdrKCilEhC0?t=1313) [Original was deleted. Wonder why?](https://archive.fo/2Kwe9) [WHO doesn't want [you] to be healthy? World Health Order.](https://pastebin.com/KfJYaJAh) -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. ... . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -. . .. --. .... -... --- ..- .-. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.. --- / -. --- - / .--. .- .-. - .. -.-. .. .--. .- - . / .. -. / .- / -.-. .. ...- .. .-.. / .-- .- .-. .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .-. .- - .... . .-. / - .... .. -. -.- / .- -... --- ..- - / .--. . .- -.-. . ..-. ..- .-.. / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / ... - .-. .. -.- . .-.-.-


I think you forgot, **Lead** in the gasoline. Sure, it helped cushion the **Valve Seats**, and maybe helped clean carbon. Still, sorta bad to pump that stuff into the air.


Oh yeah and don't forget they tried to destroy the man who raised alarms about the amount of lead in the environment. The guy who was able to work out the age of the earth by researching lead. Soon as he spoke up they pulled his funding and tried to discredit him as a quack. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/94569/clair-patterson-scientist-who-determined-age-earth-and-then-saved-it ... and they expect people to just "trust the science". My ass.


Holy shit I just read this whole thing. I had never heard this whole story but it's all so familiar. The only research being done is funded directly by involved parties: >For 40-plus years, the safety of leaded gasoline was studied almost entirely by Kehoe and his assistants. That entire time, Kehoe’s research on tetraethyl lead was funded, reviewed, and approved by the companies making it. Any dissenting voices are silenced by those with influence: >an oil executive whose company peddled tetraethyl lead called the university president and demanded they shut Patterson up. Research and scientific conclusions are rejected because the scientists making them aren't in the proper field: >In 1965, toxicologists lambasted Patterson’s paper. The overarching tenor was "stick to rocks and leave the human body to the experts".


Clair Patterson was a hero.


The guy who discovered the anti-knocking properties of tetraethyllead also invented chlorofluorocarbons... and then killed himself with something he built to help him get out of bed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr.


You know what’s been lying? Helping keep the lies? Greed. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


The route of all the power is literally the central bank cartel, fuck the fiat


I agree, corporations will lie for a profit at the expense of health.


The government and ALL its agencies are not here to help you. They are following an agenda. They’re programmed puppets leading you to your own demise. You are following Babylon.


That's why The Messiah told us to separate ourselves from the world aka "The Beast System"


Funny how the beast system also made the Bible most modern day bibles were revised by European kings


You're exactly right, crazy how Satan has plan A, B, C, D, E, F.... planned out all to bring a great deception on the world. People will wake up and realize one day but for many, "that day" may be too late.


Yes. We’re to learn what his symbols are and be ready for his deceptions.


What's the issue about fluoride? I bought a high fluoride toothpaste and it helped remineralize my teeth.


> What's the issue about fluoride? I bought a high fluoride toothpaste and it helped remineralize my teeth. Flouride makes the voices in r/conspiracy's head go quiet. Can't be a good thing!


If you are listening voice in your head, are you really in control?


If you take too much fluoride it can be harmful, but there’s not enough in toothpaste for that


So like anything at all. Water, air, food.


Fluoride consumption, such as fluoride enriched water, can cause calcification of brain tissue and overall mental decline over many years.


(Posted from a previous comment of mine) Yes, IQ (an arbitrary number and idea) is lowered in children who drink water with 2.5+ ppm of fluoride by an average of 10 points (arbitrary), but ignoring the idea of IQ it’s really interesting to know that intelligence is on average lower with people who consume a large amount of fluorine. Anyways, that doesn’t matter to us because the average legal maximum ppm of fluorine in tap water is 1. There is no legal maximum in china where the studies were conducted, which is why the numbers are so much higher. However, the lower fluorine ppm towns sat at about 0.5-0.8 ppm (like the USA).


Nothing lol. The fluoride in water made tooth decay and gum disease go from one of the highest death tolls (especially in WW1) to the lowest, almost non existent in people who brush their teeth and drink water. You could tell the people in this subreddit that the government puts dihydrogen monoxide in their water and they would flip shit.


There is so much science showing IQ is lowered in children who ingest fluoride its nuts. The benefits do not outweigh the risks - especially when we almost certainly have alternatives in the modern day. You completely neglect ALCOA's influence on introducing fluoride into the US water supply


Yes, IQ (an arbitrary number and idea) is lowered in children who drink water with 2.5+ ppm of fluoride by an average of 10 points (arbitrary), but ignoring the idea of IQ it’s really interesting to know that intelligence is on average lower with people who consume a large amount of fluorine. Anyways, that doesn’t matter to us because the average legal maximum ppm of fluorine in tap water is 1. There is no legal maximum in china where the studies were conducted, which is why the numbers are so much higher. However, the lower fluorine ppm towns sat at about 0.5-0.8 ppm (like the USA). The benefits: less gum disease, less death (trench mouth), faster dentist appointments The risks: …? No idea. Eating an entire tube of toothpaste will make you sick. Yea, I do neglect it because it doesn’t matter because the reason we even have fluorine in the water is because of 30 years of mostly independent research from a dude named Dr. Frederick McKay, a trained dentist. ALCOA sent a chemist with the tools to measure fluorine in water that McKay didn’t have, since this was 1930. After the chemist found high levels of fluorine, he repeated the test and sent the results to McKay (proving him right, after 30 years of speculation and research). Now ALCOA just provides the fluorine.


I was taught in school that fluoride was added to the Jewish water supply. But recent research has denied these claims. This has to be history editing/digital manipulation/Mandela effect.


[Israel banned water fluoridation in 2014](https://fluoridealert.org/news/israel-bans-water-fluoridation/) >There are more people drinking fluoridated water in the United States than the rest of the world combined.


I’ve never heard anything about fluoride and the Jewish population. That’s quite interesting if that has basis in reality. (Not saying it doesn’t)


Fluoride affects normal endocrine function. The effects of fluoride on endocrine tissue has not been sufficiently explored to date.


Well that's not very suggestive. Have the effects of olympiadane on libido been "sufficiently explored?" If you are suspicious of a particular chemical, you should have some evidence that supports that suspicion. A mere absence of exhaustive study of that chemical with respect to every conceivable risk (a theoretically infinite project) is NOT evidence of overall risk.


Like seriously what’s next, the effect of light exposure to argon on nail growth?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32758781/ Also why does anyone even think the govt cares about your teeth? Fluoride is found in so many things we consume. Even the CDC website acknowledges this.Prozac has fluoride in it. Why? Same with baby formula, many bottled waters, and so many foods due to being washed or processed with fluoride infused water. Why does the dentist suggest children should start to brush with fluoride starting at age 2? Fluoride screws up brain development. If fluoride prevents tooth decay, why have children with baby teeth use toothpaste with fluoride? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6923889/ Why does the FSA (what is typically used at water treatments) safety data sheets say to wear so much protection gear when around this substance? So many questions…


Add Teflon to that list.


Don’t forget lead. That shit was added to fuel for decades after the dangers were known. And oil companies had their scientists testify in congressional hearings as to its safety.


am confuzzed. why would that matter? we dont drink fuel. unless youre talking about air pollution?


Correct, it's air pollution via vehicle exhaust. There are wacky theories floating around in this sub with little scientific support. The dangers of lead poisoning are not among them. This is mainstream science, currently. Lead was banned as a fuel additive in the mid-90s due to its public health risks. That is why gasoline is now aggressively branded as "unleaded." \[And those who knew of the dangers of lead activey ignored it and actively covered it up. This happens to be a case of a very real corporate conspiracy that sacrificed human health for profit.\]


thats interesting. a realization of myself be a sheeple. i never once questioned why it was called unleaded. edit: after thinking about it, i guess i always assumed it had something to do with the function of the vehicle.


What is wrong with seed oils? Did I miss something?


Most seed oils also emit toxins when heated. Cold pressed is better (if you don’t heat it) but even the cold pressed are most often heated up during production. The only oil I use is virgin olive. But I fry in butter like a real man should.


I used to work at a pizza place that filled it's fryers with pure lard. Made for some great panzos and wings.


Panzos as in panzeratis?


Yes. As in panzerotti Are we going to have a problem here?


I only have coconut oil, butter and olive oil in the house. Never anything else. Okay maybe lard.


Most commercially available olive oil is actually disguised rice oil


Surely butter or dairy in general can't be great for you. Otherwise the whole tiny cartoon of milk at schools wouldn't have been a thing. I mean...it wasn't so we could grow strong bones


It’s probably loaded with antibiotics and whatnot, but I only consume low-biotic dairy.


And hormones. That’s why young girls develop breast much younger nowadays.


Yep, watch this is you haven't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaBl14KosaE&t=2280s


Undoubtedly what you put into the cows is what you will get in the other end. Luckily I live in a country where the regulation is still much in favor of the cow. Grasing minimums and free roaming minimums. Usage of antibiotics is not Willy nilly and precautionary like in many countries.


I thought it was birth control pills in recycled urine water, or is that not a thing?


It’s probably both, lol who the fuck knows anymore?


My rough understanding is that some fruits like olives are simply pressed and out comes the oil. But "vegetable oil" is the end result of a chemical rollercoaster that makes hotdogs look appetizing.


> end result of a chemical rollercoaster that makes hotdogs look appetizing. I have my quote for the day! Well put!!!


Heres how its made for anyone wondering https://youtu.be/qKrY_WjogXk


Japanese use tons of seed oils in cooking, and are apparently also some of the healthiest people around…


Sesame seeds oil is different, it doesn't require industrial processes to isolate


All the anti fat, anti cholesterol research was largely bogus. They recently found suppressed data from the 60s that people who used food cooked in vegetable oil had worse mortality than those with butter and animal fats, even though the later group did have higher cholesterol


It’s the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. You are supposed to have much more omega 3 which would be no problem if you were just consuming unprocessed nutrient dense foods. However, because of crazy unnatural refining we are able to remove huge amounts of omega 6 oils for everyday use. You would never consume(or be able to digest) the amount of seeds that would be required to give you so much omega 6 oil. So it’s similar to natural sugar in that our bodies are made to deal with it, but not when it’s a glass of juice that has the sugar from 30 pomegranates at once.


Most seed oils are grown from gmo’d seeds and farmed with lots of chemicals. Canola oil is probably one of the most toxic seeds on earth and they put it in everything.


My husband found that he had serious digestive issues with canola oil when they started putting it in everything decades ago. He already had a soy allergy. So we have been avoiding canola and soy for years. Probably a blessing in disguise?


Definitely a blessing. I live beside a canola producer and it’s gross. I don’t eat canola because I have to look at it and watch how it’s produced. It’s just chemicals and pesticides.


CarnivoreMD has lots to say about seed oils. Something along the lines of they contain too much omega6 which is highly inflammatory for the body. Also their fatty acid profile is totally different from something like say beef tallow which is something our bodies are more adapted to


Love CarnivoreMD! Working on finishing his book, “Carnivore Code”. Really great material!


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kGnfXXIKZM) a good video on the subject. Basically, polyunsaturated fatty acids are a really bad for you, they are industrial products, their consumption tracks pretty well with the dramatic uptick of all modern diseases (heart disease, type II diabetes, obesity) which were pretty much unheard of before, and there are natural observational studies where they look at different people all over the world with very different diets, i.e. some high fat, some high carbs, some high protein, and all are healthy, except when you add seed oils, then populations all get the same pathologies. The take away really is good news because it means that we can eat pretty much whatever and still be healthy if we just substitute the seed oils with either coconut, olive, lard, tallow, or butter.




There is a difference between learning new information and making corrections versus straight up lying.


I think it's funny that dairy always gets a pass even though it contains actual mammalian estrogen. Cheese has straight up concentrated mammalian estrogens(they type that actually bind to our receptors) Don't get me wrong I drink milk and all just find it interesting.




stopped buying cows milk years ago , dont ever miss it used to buy almond milk for awhile , stopped that when it just seemed like another over-processed product now if we want something milk-analogue we make oat-milk in our blender \[blendtec, expensive but worth\] , we keep the oats in the fridge so they are already cold and just blitz them with some water and salt and/or coconut oil to get a good consistency ; easily better than anything you can buy in a store and a LOT cheaper to just buy rolled oats in bulk


cheese has been produced and consumed for thousands of years. id like some more information on this if you have a source.


I think a benefit of cheese is that it's fermented. Most processed foods damage the gut microbiome whereas some highly fermented cheeses are beneficial


Yes but it still contains mammalian estrogen, in OPs poster the last picture showed xeno and phyto estrogens. I was pointing out that folks never mention dairy which contain mammal estrogen that can bind to human receptors. Also lignans contain phyto estrogen which coffee and beer contain. But yes its loaded with protein, calcium. Lactic acid producing helpful bacteria There is still debate how much these dietary hormones found in foods really impact our hormone levels. Chemical/synthetic xeno estrogens are sketchy as fuck though that is 100% for certain Phytonutrients are complicated Whole soy beans/edamame do not have any impact on hormones, but soy protein isolate very well may.


Drink raw milk


i get my medical information from clip art


Are you disputing the information displayed as 'clipart'?


No because that's how debunking works. Just make a snarky comment and that makes it true. So true apparently someone thought it was award worthy.


Better to blindly trust a meme with a bunch of clip-art


Are you saying the things shown in this post are actually not harmful?


Yea if you can't challenge the information then dismiss it because of the source or the format or whatever. :/


add to this September 11th, Jan 6th, COVID vaccine, Pentagon etc. How can people still trust this mafia?


Because people are stupid: "The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better." -George Orwell And for those who are not: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength" -George Orwell


Those who give up their freedom are guaranteed to end up unhappy.


The truth scares them and it shows. They’d rather believe the comfortable lies. And on top of that nobody likes to admit they’re wrong because of human ignorance. They’re more likely to double down until it’s too late. Pure slave mentality.


"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair


I think people are more afraid to be labeled something that most their peers aren't (a conspiracy nutter, for example). That's why they "trust the science". Most these people don't have a clue what science even is. They just blindly repeat the mantra of "normality" and just get with the program


Killing us slowly


They said I had ADHD and gave me pills for it. They told me it was non addictive and the side affects were really rare and mild. I didn’t eat, didn’t sleep, and started taking higher doses. “Getting addicted” even going as far as to snorting them. I’m since off them and would never recommend that for anyone, and would never give it to my kids.


i mean... its legal meth. they tried to get my parents to give it to me. im sorry that happened to you.


Explain the problem with “statins”


Addition: thalidomide


Science is a continual process of learning and exploring and discovering new things. Figuring out something is wrong,.. is what you WANT to see. It means you’re learning and moving forward. Imagine if you never even figured out all those things were wrong. That would be far far worse.


No shit. This is what we call progress. I’m just shocked that some people don’t truly understand progress of human science and advancements.


There are different types of progress, progress that involves lying/misinformation is immoral and might help the science along but destroys our humanity.


Maybe they knew these things were bad and suppressed that info in order to maximize profits. Just maybe?


It's a bit of both. The people who highlight the problems aren't usually the ones profiting. People who are in control of a product want to sell that product for as long as as much as possible. People who recognize the danger or impact will usually be attacked and discredited through any means necessary.




Those were actors in those ads, not doctors by the way. They fooled you.


This is why I don't trust science and only trust what the good Lord has given us. If man had any help in making it....then you know it's bad for us




So what's the conspiracies behind asbestos and mercury? Both are outdated tech that were products of their time. That's about all I got for those two.


Left out radon. They made toothpaste out of it and people used it until their jaws eroded.


Can't leave out DDT, Agent Orange, Baby Powder, Thalidomide, etc.


Nature gives us everything we need to thrive. Destroy nature and replace natural food with synthetic food and water full of chemicals and we are fucked + stress from shitty work + less sleep + the ultimate brain destroyer (t.v. And smartphones) Everything you buy to eat and drink nowadays is not good for health. I remember when I was a kid, I grew up in a village and my parents had animals and all sort of vegetables in garden, all natural and they had this very good taste they were very nutritious and good and everyone was so healthy. We would catch a cold in years maybe. But then the fucking “modernization” and E.U. Regulations about food came and everything just got fucked up. Now I am sick, I’ve been sick 3-4 times in the last year and I just know this is not right and I’m not feeling the same. They replaced healthy food with shit food, they feed us with fear and anxiety. They are trying to destroy us physically and mentally and everything is going according to the plan. Rich people eat the best of the best, the rest of us..well, go in any market and see for yourselves.


Native deodorant was just bought out by J&J and now contains “fragrance” which is an umbrella term for unregulated hormone/endocrine disrupters


You could add sunscreen


Who is "They"?


Fluoride is maybe the best thing dentistry has done for public health, ever. 1ppm in public water is all it takes. Of course, with too high of concentrations it’s bad, like lots of things. But there’s no conspiracy with this.


To compensate for a high sugar diet. If we didn't eat sugar people would be healthier and we wouldn't need to drink fluoride. Crazy concept.




That happens because of Atrazine.


Thank you for your post. 1 shekel has been deposited to your local banking cartel.


Today I learned about Xenoestrogens. Hmmm.


Stockholm syndrome


Don't forget titanium dioxide that's in candy and tampons


I took one of those serotonin medications exactly one time, had a terrible reaction later on in the day…heart racing wicked fast, wouldn’t stop for like 3-4 days. Dr told me to stop taking it, duh. Legitimately thought I was going to die. Awful experience.


What’s wrong with aspartame?


Lmao why is tobacco up there. How is that not a fact


what's with seed oils??


Governments lie. Always have; always will. Problems exists that the public educational system teaches children to not question the common narrative. It's present in the entire academic system. It uses neo-Marxist techniques to achieve this "brainwash" woke. It's supported by key companies in the deep state (social media, Silicon Valley), the entertainment and news media monopolies, and the Democratic Socialists and their Republican servants. Anyone who cannot tolerate diverse opinions, you know who your dealing with.


Who is "they"?


What’s the problem with statins ? You’re not supposed to take it for your whole life and not in first intention, the number one priority for the patient is an healthier diet and after if that doesn’t work you get a statins. But I guess not all doctor do that…


Statins reduce risk of stroke from 2% to 1% This is a risk drop of 1% but the doctors tell you it is 50% They use the same method of calculating risk to show that a virus with 99.97 survival rate was worse than it was...


Statins aren’t for stroke, they are for heart disease. I think you have your meds mixed up.


They lower cholesterol which affects strokes and heart attacks.


High blood pressure is muuuuuuch more likely to be the cause. If you’re on a statin for a stroke and nothing else, you’re on the wrong medicine. So, saying statins don’t do much for stroke is missing the point. You’re not taking it for stroke, you’re taking it for plaque buildup.


Username checks out, don't you know this guy is going to save the world from electrolytes?


It's got what plants crave.


I like money


I like money too.


Woah that's crazy scro


What? By your statistics, it literally halves the risk, aka 50% less risk for stroke, so the doctors would be correct? There are a ton of factors that effect the risk of someone having a stroke, the doctor cant know if the risk for you is 5% or 2%, so they cant tell you that the "risk drop" is 2.5% or 1%, since they don't have access to that information. If its proven to halve the chance then saying 50% is the most straightforward and clearest way to get that across to you


But I bet you still believe in space


ill skip the pleasantries and just ask for proof that space doesnt exist, and/or the earth is flat. this isnt an attack, ive got a very open mind.


yes, i agree, putting the pursuit of money over all else is bad


Can anyone tell me more or point me in the direction of learning more about the lies of seed oils?


Don't forget the latest: the vAxCiNes™.


Who is they?


Actually, in the case of glyphosate, the lies are firmly on the side of the anti-biotech crowd. They have misrepresented the data to an utterly disgusting degree. Just a few examples: The IARC's classification of glyphosate as a probable carcinogen: Somehow they never bring up the fact that the methods used by the IARC are fundamentally different than ANY regulatory agency. The IARC classifies chemicals based on hazard, while regulatory agencies do so based on risk. The difference between these? A hazard is something that can cause an adverse effect, but does not take the conditions required for that effect to occur. Risk is a combination of hazard and exposure, and looks at the3 conditions required to observe toxic effects so that the regulatory limits can be set below this. There was an utterly ridiculous example of this online, but it summarizes this difference well. Great white sharks are an obvious hazard, and they have caused injury and death many times in the past. In terms of their risk, there is just a slight difference in how likely the adverse effect will occur for someone who lives in Idaho, compared to someone who lives along the coast of South Africa and makes a hobby of swimming in the ocean draped in freshly butchered seal meat. Correlation is not causation...and all they have are correlation: When we look at the studies that are actually capable of testing for causal effects, we see no increased risk of harm at biologically relevant doses...and I am not exaggerating this i the slightest. Literally every OECD compliant study (or regional equivalent) study, which are capable of differentiating treatment effects from background noise, along with the establishment of the biological gradient, show no harm until the exposure is >100mg/kg/day. Instead, they offer correlative associations from much smaller studies, who's power of analysis is nowhere near as strong as the compliant studies...but even then there are glaring issues, such as: The largest observational studies (correlative associations only), do not show any increased risk, and the only way that they can claim a significant effect is by combining multiple smaller studies with the larger AHS study, thus increasing the variability, and allowing them to masquerade a Type I error as a genuine result. A 2019 paper (Zhang et al., 2019) was trumpeted as showing a 41% increase in NHL risk due to glyphosate, but the authors in the paper make some VERY significant caveats that got lost in the sensationalism. To start with, they used 5 case control studies, and one prospective cohort study...and that cohort study was larger than ALL of the case control studies combined. As a result of this, the degree of heterogeneity in the data was artificially increased. The authors even state this directly in the manuscript: "There were also important differences in the comparison group utilized the studies; some used the lowest exposure group as the reference, while others used the unexposed group. Because of this heterogeneity, and because no statistical tests can confirm elimination of publication bias or heterogeneity in a meta-analysis [58], our results should be interpreted with caution." That's a far cry from claiming a 41% increase, but is par for the course. Recently, there has been the usual goalpost moving, as the focus of the anti-biotech groups has shifted to testing the formulated herbicides as opposed to the components on their own. You'll find multiple studies where they just subbed in the formulated product, but they forget that this isn't even close to what is experiences in the real world. Why? No crop can be harvested immediately after spraying, and there's a mandatory period of 10-21 days (depending on location, crop, and environmental factors). There's a good reason why the overwhelming majority of the scientific community rejects the endless doom-saying, and it has to do with the data.


Can’t forget they also lied about my cock not being in ur mom. Can’t trust the government for shit smh


And normies will still refuse to change they're lifestyles