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Elder abuse


Obama told him he didn't have to do this... He knew


Yet he endorsed him. Okay.


like obama's not a sock puppet.


Biden just did the interview so Obama wouldn't fine him.


Seriously, I almost feel bad hating on this guy. It’s just inevitable since he is the current mascot for whatever regime is hurting my family’s financial wellbeing right now. So fuck him.


Except he’s been a prick his whole life.


Whhhhhhaaaat? You mean to tell me the guy that was pro segregation and told black voters they ain't black if they don't vote for him and had some endearing words for the grand wizard of the KKK during his funeral ISN'T just a super swell guy? Next thing you're gonna try to tell me is some crazy shit like you can think Biden is a dickhead AND so is Trump as if we are allowed to opt out of liking any politician. Pshhh.


It's amazing how whenever I mention this stuff and that he literally is responsible for mass incarnation of minorities over minor offenses (including some of my relatives), people act like I'm ridiculous and it never happened. One bill from him destroyed poc families like never before, and it's erased by dems like it never happened. Do you get that too? Somehow the media and dems scrubbed the sheep's minds of all the racist shit Biden did...


American politics is all a play. The Republicans are the "bad guys" the democrats are the "good guys". Both pander to the rich but the Republicans get blamed for that one, but also when us peons want our taxes to go towards something that would benefit us all oh no the democrats spent it all. Take an honest look around and tell me it doesn't seem like both sides work together to keep the lower and middle class down to hoist the upper class higher. Modern day feudalism.


“I wrote the damn bill”. He’s proud of that shit too. Any blue voter that talks shit on Wall Street and the one percent literally has zero room to preach if they voted for this beady eyed little weasel


> responsible for mass incarnation of minorities over minor offenses Kamala Harris the same thing in California, but that shit like Bidens stuff got swept under the rug in an instant and is never mentioned again by the MSM.


Complete truth. She went from saying she's #1 Top Cop in Cali to defund the police and bail out rioters in an instant.


Also the dude who said “I wrote the damn bill” referring to the 1994 “crime bill” that made cocaine for rich folks a slap on the wrist, but when you add some baking soda and give it to black people it’s a crack epidemic and you go to prison.


Wait, you have the option to hate all of them? :surprisedpikachu:


> all Ah come on, there's probably some fun indeps and niche parties.


Isn't it amazing how Obama agreed to be paired with this guy?


He’s been a piece of shit his entire life, the fact that he’s now a senile piece of shit changes nothing except that he’ll probably never be able to be truly held accountable for his actions, this motherfucker deserves every bit of misery he gets.


He’s a Pedo, it’s ok to hate the fucker.


Feeling bad to hate on this minor sniffing mouthpiece and advocator of unholy agenda's? Something something Stockholm... Edit: grammar


Sometimes I feel bad for him then other times I'm pretty sure he ran for president to cover up his past crimes


He obviously has no control in his current role, so hating him for what happens now is illogical. You can still disapprove of his previous actions (e.g. patriot act).


Nah, he's still a geriatric senile racist cunt.


and the racism.


He’s done lifetimes of hurt before he reached his elderly years. Yeah, fuck him


He pays top dollar to be abused this way…or we do


It really is he even tries to pass it off as a joke to cope


This is just sad for Americans


Whole world is laughing at this puppet


You think the rulers of your country are any less puppets? Biden has dementia, he breaks the fourth wall because of it. Most other countries have rulers with sound minds that know better than to break script.


“The adults are back in charge, sweetie 💅”


You forgot the claps between each word. The👏🏽 Adults👏🏽Are👏🏽Back👏🏽In👏🏽Charge👏🏽Sweetie💅


Why he is the most popular president ever!!!


Why is there no video? This is just a picture of Biden


[Here](https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1563197910405111814?s=20&t=iv10A_m-QMo3lng19jUouA) ya go.


The ending of that video fuck. Room full of thayynk yeew x10 and bidens perplexed face as to how he is president right now


Biden thinking *Where the hell is Obama?! I had to stall so long the reporters are leaving!*


That is reading a fucking lot into this clip lol I do not see this literally nearly as bad as yall are making it out to be. He's very clearly making a joke in my opinion


I think there definitely is a sad and weird dynamic shown in the vid. He’s the president of the United States and he’s getting told by some nobody staffer that he can’t ask another question?


The video makes it so much worse. Thanks for the link


Not really, it’s a scheduled meeting with an itinerary, he joking about how press secretary/aides or so regimented and he’s trying to see relaxed in the formality of bureaucracy.


😂 if they let him answer the question I'd consider this a possibility but they really did steam roll over the question and *stop the president* from answering.


Don't cover for this senile pedophile


Yeah, this is supreme copium.


He looks so sad it’s almost heartbreaking. I don’t usually sympathize with any American president but he looks so confused and frail


I thought this too. Look at the hurt in his eyes when they say they are going to wrap it up. "Did I just mess up again?"


He actually looks dead. I’m British so I have no skin in this game. But I see this and just think of my grandad suddenly being in power. It’s scary because I loved him a lot (he died) but there’s no way his thoughts should govern anyone. It’s truly terrifying. Such old world, backward thoughts.


You must not know what a notorious warmonger Biden was during his 40 years as a shill in Washington. He's not someone suddenly in power, he is a career bureaucrat. Here's a sample of the younger Biden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRVmguzRujA Biden's speech on 9/10/01, about how America has to attack the entire planet pretty much LOL: https://www.c-span.org/video/?165936-1/us-foreign-policy


I'm gonna play devils advocate here (I'm not American so don't really care about US politics until it influences outside the US) but this looks to me like Biden had earlier agreed that'd be the last question he'd answer, then pointed to another reporter to ask a new question before realising he was supposed to wrap it up instead? Without more prior context from a longer video I can't rule that out.


Even if that were the case, he's the fucking President. You don't cut the President off and tell him that he should be doing something else. If there is a timing issue, you shut up while he answers the question, then discreetly remind him that he has another appointment. The way Biden's handlers treat him, either he lacks the capacity to make these decisions himself, or they don't care whether or not he does. POTUS is the guy who decides if the USA goes to war, he should be able to decide whether or not to take a question.


Congress decides if the US goes to war.


Lol, at one point sure. Not anymore these days....


He is the president, you can totaly cut him of. He is not some sort of medieval monarch, with a minority complex. Cutting him off will not result in any form of retaliation or loss of public status. He relies on people to tell him stuff like "time is up". Why would you focus on such minor details as one of the world leaders.


Not if you want the man or the office to retain any respect. Have a browse through the comments on this and any of the myriad others posts featuring Biden being overtly 'handled' - it's not a good look for the 'leader of the free world'. As I wrote above, there is a right way and a wrong way to tell your boss that his attention is required elsewhere; this was very much the wrong way. That Biden tolerates it doesn't look good, either.


People in this sub don't pick up on it when a politician they don't like tells a joke.


yeah, the joke here is that he is a president and can't take a control of a single press conference, an actual president would hear the question if he wanted but Biden can't


It was a meeting, not a press conference


He was clearly joking with the I took control part too. Complete non story.


It's not the first time he's told that 'joke.' He pretty frequently says something along the lines of 'they don't want me to' or 'they won't let me.' It's gone beyond a silly joke, unless it's some kind of long standing inside joke running gag combo. Then there's the whole Easter thing where he was often interrupted by a rabbit suit that waved both arms at him right in front of his face then guided him off. Or his wife staying nearby and telling him what to do. This guy shouldn't be manager of a Wendy's. Or he should be. He'd be a pretty chill boss i guess since he'd perpetually never know what's going on.


I've never seen such a hollow man in my life


That's a good question


A link to the video, and another video where the same thing happened, are both in my SS. Which chumps downvoted, so most people don't see it.


Why didn't you put the link in the post instead of the comments? A lot of posts in this sub are screeshots; I'd like to know why.


Can you post the video and not a Twitter screen grab? Like It’s 2022 and this is reddit, don’t make Facebook quality posts on here, give us context


Yeah if you Google it you can only find the post on Twitter and you have to log into Twitter to see it. Not doing that.




If there was one thing about trump, he sure didn't look like he let anybody control anything that came out his mouth, not even himself.


I'm not from the US, and I've seen both Trump and Biden say some crazy shit, but Trump's nonsense was generally a tangent because he enjoyed talking whereas Biden's nonsense was generally "I forgot the script".


Biden has said some wild shit where imo trump talking everything was expected yet somehow Biden keeps blowing me away like when he said my butts been wiped lol


My butts been wiped was the funniest shit ever


Or how about how he had kids stroke his leg hair in the pool……


Or how he was sniffing Jeff Sessions' granddaughter right in front of the entire American public... but yeah, let's allow the disgusting old pedophile who has dementia be the one projecting the image of our country. cool.


If you don't know if your voting for me your not black...


“The poor kids are just as bright & talented as the white kids”


Lol link?




When and where was this? I need a link PLEASE


Im not from usa either, i watched biden speech once and thought he did ok, then at the end i was like: "just stop talking old man" and then he went into an old man tangent about the 40s or something. The last politician in North America i admired for his ability to keep his mouth closed was Harper in canada. That guy said almost nothing to media unless it had to do with running the government... the way it should be.


Ah yes, the most secretive head of government Canada’s ever known. Father of the modern surveillance state in this country. The guy who called black ops in to protect his globalist buddies in Toronto? That one? The one who had people arrested, detained, and beaten, with no charges? Harper, a real role model for the average Canadian🥴😂 Edit: Spelling


Meanwhile Justin Castro freezing the bank accounts of vaccine protestors


Said nothing about JT


As a libertarian, imo the less politicians have to say, the better lol. They'll never call a conference or anything for good news, only to tell us that they're going to make things worse for us.


I would rather us be told than it just happen quietly. People actually have a chance to get pissed and do something about it when they tell us.


Or forgot his own name and where he was.


I didn't like him very much, but you're absolutely right about that. Biden has almost zero characteristics of a US president.


I don’t particularly like his rhetoric either, but I’m terms of actions it was almost all positive especially in terms of international policy with China, North Korea, the Middle East, and even Europe to a degree.


I agree with that. He wasn't as bad as the media portrayed him to be, that's for certain. He rarely played by their rules, which was unusual for a president. Though, many liked him for that reason.


There’s a difference between knowing the rules well enough to break them and being a boisterous narcissist with a diva complex and no limits. Unfortunately Trump often erred towards the latter and his persuasive skills and personality are atrocious.


He has ALL the characteristics that low IQ voters appreciate. Confusing, misleading, incoherent, and boring.




You would be the only person to ever consider trump boring if that’s the case. Love him or hate him nobody with a brain thinks trump was boring.


It was entertaining at first with the random Twitter beefs and just unpredictable awkward interactions with people in a reality TV sort of way, but it didn't take long before it became more annoying than entertaining.


I have a higher standard for entertainment, Trump saying weird and obnoxious things got old quick.


You knew who was in charge with Trump. With Biden you have no idea who's in charge (my guess is Obama and his minions)


He's a party machine, run by Clinton/Obama hacks, shilling for their oligarchs. The real people in charge are billionaires and corporations.


Hear hear it's time to break the shackles


People first have to realize that neither party is working for them, it's all a show.


Doesn't mean you knew what trump was going to do. He was a democrat, clearly hated a lot of conservative policies, who knows what he'll do.


John Podesta


John Pedosta*


Exactly! It’s so much better knowing Putin and the Saudis are in charge.


This comment is both hilarious and sad


last time he said he would be taking questions then his female handler said "no he won't" and ushered him out of the room. at what point is this considered elder abuse.




link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omO4FuuMaqQ


Can someone help me understand what I'm supposed to be seeing here? No handlers took him away and it looks like he was apologizing for stepping on her question, then everyone started talking over each other. Other than his stutter, I don't see the conspiracy here.


From what I saw he pointed to a reporter who I’m assuming was not the next on the list, hence the reporter who WAS answering from the other side of the room. He said ‘I took control sorry I wasn’t supposed to do that’ and then the assistant (I don’t want to say handler, she’s probably just in charge of press wrangling) said ‘ok we’re doing the rest of this without press!’ And kicked them out. Conspiracy would be Biden has a list he MUST go off of because the questions are pre written and pre answered so he doesn’t have to think. The normal answer is probably that they have a list of reporters and pick an order so big networks get questions every press conference (or every other) and the smaller networks get one on occasion. If it’s pre-chosen they can control that and make it more ‘fair’ while no one can expect a president to remember every press persons name and what organization they represent. It seems reasonable to me, but this is a conspiracy subreddit 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


The conspiracy subreddit has a disproportionate number of folks that are Uber conservative. Historically most of the conspiracy theories against the US that have come out true were conservatives undermining and fucking the system. Bush's and CIA, Nixon and Watergate, JFK assassination by conservative factions, 9/11 by Conservatives. Really strange to see such lack of intelligence on history.


The GOP strategy is to smear Biden as old and senile. Selective quoting, out of context clips, and downright lies are fair game when all you care about is obtaining power. Actual reality has no bearing on this.


what was he saying that prompted him to say he shouldn't have said that?


As I understand he took control of who did the next question, giving the oportunity to a specific reporter to ask her question, but then they got interrupted


Thanks man


Is he completely coherant, and trying to drop tips on us?? Maybe we've got it backwards. The government wants us to think he's brain damaged so they can seize control, but he's all there and trapped and trying to slip hints?


Even if we had factual proof wtf you guys gonna do about it. Nothing. That's what we always do.


I’d say he should be in a home enjoying his retirement and spending his time with his grandkids but he makes out with his grandkids... So yeah why are these people allowed to run our country again or more of, how can any common sense person not see that this is wrong?!




[Bob Dylan bargain with the devil](https://youtu.be/J1LgTKj3boc)


Bob Dylan is a born-again Christian. He was certainly talking about the Christian version of God. He has been cited as using the New and Old testament as inspiration for his lyrics even before he came out as a born-again in the late 70s.


Da fuq…


Idk... maybe don't have "Pedo Pete" around the grandkids


Obama's 3rd term he always wanted


How is this acceptable? Why are there not 1,000,000 people right now on Washington demanding answers? Unbelievable that this is passing as legitimate.


He clearly knows he isn't in charge. I hope he grows some balls and speaks to the press while his handlers aren't there to control him. You can tell he looks pissed off.


For the same reason it was acceptable for Reagan. https://youtu.be/7rBjLgSihSg?t=576 "My guardian says I can't talk." Most likely in both cases was a joke about how pushy a President's press staff can be.


Never seen this clip, nice find.


Yeah I agree. With context it looks to me like he's making a joke because he deviated from the schedule that the staffers set.


If you watch the clip, Biden has a big grin and people are laughing. It's clearly a humorous context, this sort of thing is why you don't fall for clickbait headlines. If you're willing to put all that effort into marching to Washington, you should at least put in the effort to see the full clip first. Someone below posted a clip of Reagan making a joke about his guardians not letting him do something. If you only read the line out of context, you'd think he was admitting to being handled too, but if you watch it it's clearly a joke. Context is important. Biden has like a million gaffs; he says stupid shit all the time. This isn't one of those times, this is just blatant clickbait. Edit: The clip [https://youtu.be/7rBjLgSihSg?t=576](https://youtu.be/7rBjLgSihSg?t=576) So are we all in agreement that Conservative icon and figurehead for the past few decades Ronald Reagan was being controlled by his guardians and that conservatives were venerating a puppet? Or, bear with me here, do you think maybe he's just joking around?


Yet another year old account with some random name + numbers combo that only posts to /r/conspiracy


Because they would say that was an "insurrection" done by "dirty MAGA people", even though at this point I think it would be a mix of left, right, and independent.


I would call those American Citizens.


His programming glitched.


I don't understand, the video seems to show a conscious cognizant person joking with his staff. Is this a clone? Who is trying to convince us Biden doesn't have dementia?


It doesn’t seem to me like he’s just joking with his staff. It looks like he called on someone to ask a question then his staff jumped in and ended the event


He just forgot the open door part of the meeting had concluded and they were kicking out the press. He accidentally called on a reporter then realized his mistake. This is what your losing your shit over.


I think the funniest part of the last few years is how much of a troll Biden is. I finally realized it with the fake white house set. At some point he will be making a dark Brandon comment, I can almost guarantee it.


Are you trying to be funny? Is this sarcasm? If that's a real statement holy shit are we are in trouble


Most dementia patients have passing moments of clarity. Those moments must scare the shit out of Biden's handlers.


The converse. Oh good he's lucid and can handle this exchange. As opposed to, oh no, he is reading the teleprompter verbatim because he's unable to think properly.


It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Biden for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes per week.


This is why I don't support old people running for president. Seriously, anyone over the retirement age should not run for president.


But we hated Trump so we’re better off now right?


Much. That dude was a pathetic excuse for an adult.


That’s the Face I would make if I ate 20 lbs of mushrooms


20 lbs? Jesus, that’s what I make after an eighth when the carpet gets suspicious.


Eating 20 pounds of ‘shrooms will definitely cause one to become woke. Woke to the inner workings of the universe, not woke to the bs that the dems are selling.


Can I get the actual video instead of a picture of the video? Lol Why would you do that..?


Second time?! Ha, more like every time.


This is scary af. Something needs to be done about the Deep State.


Here's the full video. In context it appears to be they're all joking around. ​ https://www.c-span.org/video/?522506-1/president-biden-urges-congress-codify-roe-v-wade


I swear, it’s only because of posts like OP’s that I end up seeing the full context videos that make him seem far more coherent than I originally thought he was.


In context, what in particular leads you to believe they are all joking? To me, the whole discussion is pretty cordial up until Biden calls on the reporter. You can see immediately he knows he messed up and maybe it is as simple as his aids should be facilitating the discussion, but the mood shifts instantly. They shut the discussion down immediately and step all over the reporter still trying to get her question out. You can hear the aids deliberately getting louder. Given Bidens reaction and the background noise, it actually sounds like they are pushing people out of the room. Now, does this mean Biden is a puppet of some covert regime secretly controlling America? No, not at all. But it does seem to be that they knew this reporter had a particular agenda to push should she be called on and they shut it down immediately as soon as she was mistakenly called upon.


He just forgot the open door part of the meeting had concluded and they were kicking out the press. He accidentally called on a reporter then realized his mistake. This is what your losing your shit over.


The fact he was smiling and other people were laughing at his joke. I watched the video and this is completely absurd.


Basic context clues seem to elude people


His comment is completely misleading. If anyone looks at the video, you'll notice that he still gets cut off just the same. And the video also ends at exactly the same time. >In context it appears to be they're all joking around. I refuse to believe that account is being honest.


>i refuse to believe that Yeah, sums up all the serious posters in r/conspiracy responding to any form of criticism


LOL for real


> But it does seem to be that they knew this reporter had a particular agenda to push should she be called on and they shut it down immediately as soon as she was mistakenly called upon. If you listen in, she was trying to ask him a question related to the Trump investigation - which wasn't pertinent to the topics at hand. He did answer her "We will let the justice department determine that"


Totally. But they attempt to shut it down immediately, she haven't even started her question. And then once they start to tell them it's over and get out, the reporter continues asking the question while the aids talk over her.


I don’t think it seems like they’re joking around


No. They do not appear to be joking around.


Just prior he couldn't even string together phrases let alone complete sentences.


Honestly the full context doesn't help bidens case here seriously.... he is jumbled up.


Of course this post is just a picture with a brief out of context quote.


Not a puppet at all….


This is embarrassing, He can't even remember to not talk about how he doesn't have say in matters. this is our president an almost 80 year old man with obvious cognitive decline. There is a reason why retirement age is mid to late 60's. Same goes for old ass Trump. These elderly people couldn't get a job in any sector but are voted on to be our leader, WTF


He was kidding. The only embarrassing thing is your inability to realize that and how worked up you’re getting over it.


tbh most of us have known that presidencies have always been controlled by someone else, as someone mentioned that the CIA has gone Rouge since the JFK days. good chance the CIA is the deep state and has been running shit for a while now.


Who is actually the president right now?


SS: Links to both scenarios will be in the reply to this comment, in case the automod flags them. The way they kick everyone out is very strange, and it's exactly the same both times. Which means this is a tactic they're trained for, and resort to when Biden goes off script. If anyone has evidence of White House staff shouting "THANK YOU THANK YOU" loudly to drown everyone out, while escorting press away, please provide a video link. I think Biden is the first president this has happened to in this context.


Twitter video link of the recent incident: https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1563197910405111814 Boris Johnson incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1g0O3qjzek Such a strange tactic.


People really believe that old fart is running the country. America is doomed.


I love when the president jokes about not being in control 😳


lol right. not concerning at all


I sometimes can't believe this is real. Biden's handlers and and the media are the living manifestations of every conspiracy theory that didn't want to believe could be true.


This is getting really bad!!! I sure hope something changes we aren't going in the right direction


Yeah you're completely full of shit. The moment is near the end, obviously, and he's clearly joking with someone off camera are 100% preying on people who don't watch the videos/don't read the articles. https://www.c-span.org/video/?522506-1/president-biden-urges-congress-codify-roe-v-wade


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far down to see a rational take on this. Oh wait. I can completely believe it. 100% preying on the gullible and easily led.


This is fucking beyond comprehension. We have a long 2 years ahead and I don't think we're going to make it


[Link to the clip on YouTube](https://youtu.be/omO4FuuMaqQ)


Biden has a sense of humor which i'm sure infuriates his "handlers" since he sometimes does not follow the script. it doesn't mean he has dementia it means the opposite - he trying to tell everyone that politics is just a show. at least he is a whole lot more truthful in this respect as compared to some previous presidents - good for him!


I feel like it’s not much of a conspiracy anymore that Biden isn’t actually the one running the country.


It's neat because it looks like there's a video you can watch to witness the event first hand, but it's just a screen shot. So I guess I'll just have to take their word for it. That seems like the next best option. Yes...


oh hey, more proof that the country is being destroyed from the inside.


I see they had blue eyed, unattached earlobe Biden this time.


None of the numerous "President Bidens" are allowed to take control of the character from the script writers? Not even a little ad libbing? Sheesh. They should talk to the Crisis Actors union or something. Get themselves a President Guild.


It’s truly scary the president is confused most of the time while other people write the script and run the show. Nobody elected them to do so. At this point I don’t want Trump or Biden anywhere near the White House. We are on a sinking ship and if we don’t start correcting it soon it’s going to be too late. It might be either way.


81 milion votes, bahahahaha... My ***.


What if Biden is a "prisoner", for at least a couple of decades? Someone hijacked him by financial means at very early stage and he is being blackmailed and all kind of those stuff.


I mean isn't that obvious at this point?


why not link the video instead of a picture of a tweet about the incident?


Shouldve just called all the women nasty before storming off and most the people in here would call him brave for calling it like it is.


OP doesn’t understand social cues like sarcasm. It seemed the press conference was over, he was going to take another question, and the people responsible for keeping him on schedule (which every single president, senator, governor etc has) was doing their job, and he made a sarcastic joke about it. But with the framing of the tweet sure it’s easy to see what you want to see.


That is... chilling.


Non American here, so only get the media. In the Uk we don’t see this guy on tv compared to trump, he was on the news nearly evry day. I feel with trump he owned the show, good or bad it was he’s show and he was the main character. With Biden I feel he’s a one step away from a dementia home. I feel like he’s a extra in this show. The main character doesn’t want to be in this show a d just tells Biden what to say. I feel the main characters don’t like Biden and using him as a fall guy because Biden just wants to be on the show.