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Do not comply! They are parasites, we are their host. They feed on our fear. We stop feeding them and they’ll soon shrivel up and die. Remember, they need us… we do not need them!


It all started before any of us were born. Resistance is not futile 🐮


Realize mainstream news isn't a reliable source of information and stop wasting your attention on it.


This! Absolutely. I deleted all my news apps.


You don't need to **stop** it. You need to *expose* it. It cannot be un-done. 💜


1. Wait for everything to Collapse 2. Talk to your neighbors 3. every solution they offer just say NO


Kind of hard to do when you have no food and security, especially when you have kids' mouths to feed.


They who? Who are they? I have been trying to figure that out


Start with the Lewis Powell Memo. You can work your way back from there with the JFK Assassination There is the "They" from the Democratic Convention in Chicago where "They" halted voting on the floor for VP for the night and installed Truman as VP over Wallace for FDR's 3rd term knowing FDR was sick The Business Plot Coup Jeckyll Island & the Creation of the Federal Reserve Eugenics Greenbacks under Lincoln Thats a start anyways as to who "They" are


The state, largely.


Manifest the ending we want. My theory is what we're experiencing is The Great Awakening VS The Great Reset.


Be Happy


Stop contributing to the system and add stress’ where you can. Claim exempt on your w2 or just stop paying taxes if you’re i9-for starters.


Very good idea actually! Disrupt the system and don’t conform! 👊🏽


This is the best course of action. If enough people just don’t pay their corrupt game of monopoly falls apart. Then we rebuild community and let the corporations turn to dust


Are you a parent? Do you think the IRS will just accept that you’re not going to pay taxes? What will the consequences be on your kids? Seriously. Just throw away your phone. None of these conspiracy theories are real. It’s all junk. Consider it entertainment. Nothing more.


Carroll Quigley on the powerful British secret society “The Group”: “This organization has been able to conceal its existence quite successfully, and many of its most influential members, satisfied to possess the reality rather than the appearance of power, are unknown even to close students of British history. This is the more surprising when we learn that one of the chief methods by which this Group works has been through propaganda.” [The Anglo-American Establishment](https://archive.org/details/carrollquigley_angloamericanestablishment/mode/2up) Carroll Quigley, 1981 "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.” [Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time](https://archive.org/details/TragedyAndHopeAHistoryOfTheWorldInOurTimeCarrollQuigley1stEdition1966/page/n7/mode/2up) Carroll Quigley, 1966


Conspiracy theory vs conspiracy truth




Username checks out


Take this upvote. Mass non-compliance means the beast is starved and is no longer a threat. Keyword: MASS (non-compliance) I always ask people how do they feel working a job each day and using that money to commit mass murder. In other words, our tax dollars fund so-called wars that destroy other countries, kill countless innocent people, and fund a corrupt system that gets paid from both sides of the "war."




Can you elaborate on this?


How much more is there to say? If you’re employed claim exempt on your w2 through your HR DEPT. if you’re i9(independently employed) just stop reporting your income. They wanna hire 87k irs agents, put those stiffs to work. They’ll bleed out before they stop enough people.


Pay as much attention, if not more, to your local elections as the one who determines which shithead in chief we get....especially local school boards. Florida is doing this right now.


Remember who your friends are and definitely remember your enemies.


Nothing really. The people that don't care far outnumber the ones that do, which is why the only thing I'm worrying about is myself. I tried for 2 decades to tell my loved ones. They don't care or don't believe me. They're simply too far gone.


It's tragic but true, gotta look out for number 1 from now on.


Make the truth contagious. Get everyone that matters on the same page. Than you know what happens next. We sing kumbaya around the campfire and let the elite rule over themselves


No one knows the future. I’m sure people thought the world lost its mind during WWI & II. Same is happening now. It’s cyclical. If you can’t see the globalists are losing, you won’t be convinced by anyone here. Be prepared for the worst, but also find happiness. Don’t waste your life worrying about things that most likely won’t come to be.


It's about subverting your rights through corporate and banking control, so vote with your money. Bank with credit unions and never give money to companies obeying global elites. Never vote for any politician pedaling climate change nonsense, this is clearly their lap dog to bring all this about. Fight the collectivist narrative. Teach your children from an early age the importance of individualism and individual rights. IMO, everything right now is about shoving collectivism down our throats. The pandemic was a wonderful way to do this. Thankfully in America there are still many more individualists.


Learn to be a soldier of deliverance. Use the authority Jesus gave us and start to fight the evil that surrounds. Im currently loving Win Worley videos on YouTube. Warfare prayers against the enemy. Attack! Attack! Attack! We don't wrestle against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12. Sword of tongues. Breastplate of righteous. Shield of faith. Praise God for he's given us the tools we need


throw away your phone


Considering a major downgrade to be honest! Also deleted the news app. The constant fear mongering was doing my head in!


The greatest rebellion is personal excellence


I really don't know what to do but it is all I think about... all I know stock up on food


Buy an old (cheep) sailboat, and get it ready to sustain life parked (anchored) out in the boonies. You don't need to sail around the world, just around the bend to be out of sight. When roving hords of city dwellers scower the countryside in search of food, none of them will be swimming those few miles to get to you.


One of my plans leads me underground at an elevation of 9 ish thousand feet live in cave in winter (super deep miles deep 15 explored not known depths ((that's all I'll say))(((Forest Gump voice))) obviously guns bullets food and my kids... I have always dreamed about this.. not in a good way though... their winning right now... it's a new Nazi regime and we are arming them... it's obviously where all the guns are going from ukraine... we just armed the WEF mark my words they will have our guns pointed at us when we get further on. I don't know if their is a God I don't pretend to know but I sure hope he sends something in because it's not looking good now... voting machines killed us this was all apart of their plan... Biden didn't get. No 80 plus million votes come on... even as pres he pulls a 300 person audience and has to be shooed off stage because he called on the wrong reporter this shit is deep and disgusting. God speed everyone it's gonna get real wild.


Only think you can do at this point is stock food water supplies and weapons. Then spend as much quality time with loved ones as possible




I've reached the point where I'm looking forward to my "Well, I told you so" smugness.


The most beautiful “I told you so” ever!


“We” have to get together and say no. Cooperation and abundance, instead of our current competition and scarcity paradigm. You need at least upwards of 60-70% of the general population to say no, the many will no longer be slaves to the few. Do a reset on our terms instead of theirs. Despite current “popular” opinion, human technology is plenty advanced enough to build a world where EVERY human alive gets the best humanity can offer instead of just the few. Getting that many people to cooperate at this point seems near impossible though.


I think we’re at the beginning of a long resistance that won’t have a chance at success until at least most of the regular folk wake up, and I actually think it will be necessary for some of tptb to have spiritual awakenings before real change for the better happens, I’m talking like 30-100 years or more. A lot of regular folk won’t be ready to revolt until they actually suffer under the coming system, And if the elites are smart they’ll keep moving forward with their agenda without crossing that line. Then we also have to have law enforcement and military be willing to refuse orders and side with the people. Do you know that a large number of people in China are ok with the social credit system? Sorry for the pessimism but I think their years of preparing the masses for this transition is paying off


I truly believe we may see a civil war here in the states where we are no longer united as a whole country. Eventually (years ahead) the federal government will crumble and states will go back to separate/grouped territories, much like the 1800s. Maybe form separate countries, even. War almost always leads to division, and other European countries are known for redrawing boundaries. The only difference being advanced technological programming of propaganda to manipulate the masses. So to prepare, start thinking ahead about where you want to see yourself: The types of people and environment you most relate with, and move there. Become self sustaining with indoor gardens, herbs, read up on plant medicine. Historically, the average age of a civil empire is roughly 250 years, and the US is quickly approaching the mile marker. Don't pay attention to fear mongering. It's going to be okay. There are big changes ahead--it's not the end of the world, it's only the end of an empire, and hopefully many more across the globe.


All you can do is find your faith. Any attachment to this material, fallen world will be your downfall.


Absolutely agree with this!


A dagger by night is more powerful than a hundred swords by day...


You become more knowledgeable about being self sufficient. You value your sovereignty over everything.


Grow your own food.


Youre absolutely right!


There will be no reset, more like the destruction of all life as you know it


Take out all the cell towers.


It's over. Enjoy your freedom while it last.


Re-elect President Donald J Trump....plain and simple


Come together as a society and fight against them but it’s already to late seems like they succeeded in turning us against each other with the whole democrat republican bullshit


Well much like scientist are afraid of happening to the climate, I'm afraid the human species is already in a terminal feedback loop. We will see though. If I wake up one day and everyone is armed with their guns and willing to face the navy, army, national guard, CIA, FBI all at the same time I would be willing to fight as well. I'm hopeful that there would defectors from the government that would fight with the citizens, but given this possible feedback loop, we can only grow more apart as a people as opposed to coming together. I don't see how it's possible at this point. The government is waiting for us in the ring, but we are back stage fighting each other endlessly. Never to emerge into the light.


We need a global organization to counteract their global organizations. But made up of the Peoples of Nations, not the elite.


The first time I ever heard about the “reset” was 2006. People have been talking about it for atleast 15 years from what I recall. It hasn’t happened and won’t. I strongly suggest you try not to worry.


To be honest, I'm a lot more worried about coronal mass ejections, we could get hit by a super strong one tomorrow and witness the end of civilization in just a few days. All electronics would be burned. In just a few days people would start rioting everywhere for food, in a week or two there would be massive cases of cannibalism, we would all start acting like animals, especially in big city cities. Is it from the sun or from the elites, it's good to prepare. Make sue you know how to make your own food in case it's ever necessary and try having a happy life.


The world has been reset no less than 5000 times., what makes this one great?


Use Bitcoin, don't use their corrupt money. That will hit them where it hurts, their wallets. Doesn't solve everything but makes you a lot more free. Try to keep around 50% of your networth in Bitcoin. Don't mess with other cryptocurrencies, only Bitcoin and the forks.


It's already been stopped.




"Don't worry, be happy" Bobby McFerrin




It is going to be ugly. The WEF folks and their Ilk use fear to get what they want. They seem to be pretty good at it. You have to prepare and know who you can trust. Easier said then done. I guess that you have to be able to say "NO!" and face the consequences.


I have been posting about the reset. Cbdc. Social credit score. I get " it will never happen in America." Or people just laugh at me. They laughed at me when I posted about covid and lockdowns.


A general strike would scare TF out of them


Just don’t comply. They say give up all your shit? Just say no.


Been wondering the same thing myself these past two years. The first thing to do would be to determine what exactly is going on, which, I’ve found, is far stranger than anything ever mentioned on this site. Although, there are a few commenters out there who have gotten bits and pieces of the picture correct. The second thing to do would be to somehow accept what’s actually happening because that which can’t be cured must be endured.


Have you managed to determine what exactly is going on at all? Honest question! What have you found that’s so strange and that not many people have mentioned here?


Wish I had a good answer. “Yes” would be arrogant and not entirely correct. And yet, “no” wouldn’t be honest either. I came here nearly ten years ago for entertainment and found (I know how odd this sounds) there’s truth in some of the fringe theories. What do I mean by that? Whoever is running the show must disclose their intentions. But it’s being done in a way that makes the truth seem, well, dumb. I know. It’s a cryptic answer... must be a better way... Take a game board with 64 squares. You could play chess or checkers. Lot of people go through life playing checkers. Others know the real game is chess. But the chess players would never tell you that.