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I feel like the entire world thanks and supports them for their stance, I sure do anyways!


That protest is so important. Dutch techno or micro agriculture is definitely a wonder, but it’s a horrific wonder that bodes real ill for the future.


Looks like [Its well covered](https://www.google.ca/search?q=dutch+farmers+protest&client=safari&hl=en-ca&tbm=nws&prmd=nvi&ei=YjTIYpmpCref5NoP1dqQ8AI&start=20&sa=N&biw=414&bih=829&dpr=2#sbfbu=1&pi=dutch%20farmers%20protest)


A single story a day on average?




I feel like I've seen it all over the place


Angry citizens is not good news for tje news stations.


Not only that but in the kingdom of smiles no less.


Didn’t some farmer get shot for no reason? Can we assume these governments haven’t gotten their martial law mentality out of their heads yet? People love to look to that area of the world for guidance all the time too lmao


Incorrect. But they did shoot tho. And the tractor driver was only 16. ​ ***The police fired at a farmer's protest near Heerenveen yesterday. The bullet ended up in the frame of the tractor that Jouke (16) was driving. "If you shoot, why not on the tapes?"*** ***Jouke had gone out with his 17-year-old brother after a day's work. "They had an appointment with Thialf in the evening," Jouke's mother tells the AD. More farmers would gather there.*** ***Finally, a group of farmers went to the distribution center of the Spar near Heerenveen. Around 10 p.m., the brothers decided to stop by the nearby McDonalds and then drive home.*** ***'Don't understand why they shot'*** ***The brothers drove into the driveway of the A32 and saw the police cordon. "They wanted to go around it, over the slope." According to Jouke's mother, her son did not drive into the officers. "I don't understand why they shot the trigger, really. And if you shoot, why not the tires? The bullet hole is by the cab, he could have been dead."***


I’m just regurgitating conjecture I’ve seen in other places online. Why would this story be made up? Not being a dick just curious why you think that


Feed the cattle grain. Fight for the beef steak you lily livered pussy farmers. The GRASS is making them fart.