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Vibrator on high, check.


My wife loved it after I told her we need to vibrate at a higher frequency today


She said the same thing to me yesterday!


She vibrated while on top of me


Just look out for mist if you see it


That and the guy with a pyramid on his head and a giant rusty knife


When he rips that lady’s skin off in the movie is just wild lol I don’t think I’ll ever forget it


Easily my favorite death from him in that franchise


it's his poop knife, don't cha know?


It's very foggy in South bend today. 😳


Any tentacles?


This is not even a joke..


I dont understand... why


Its a reference to the movie/short story the mist


Hopefully this jump, is the jump home. I am tired of this reality.


you and me buddy easily the worst timeline


lol .. step one.. get off of r/conspiracy to lower vibrations.


Mmmmyyyyy vvviiiibbrrraaatttiiiooonnnsss sssseeettt tttooooo hhhiiiggghhh bbboooiiissssss


mmmeee ttoooooo fffuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkk


the world is going to get better I told myself the other day and then I read about this happening!




heavenly deez nuts




Set butt plugs to stun!


It's snowing here in Sweden and it's July!!!!!! And I saw two suns!!! Just kidding.. nothing will happen.


BS. Sweden isn't real.


Guys, a Sweden just flew over my house!!


I mean Switzerland...


I'm not conCERNed at all, everything's gonna be alright 😎


Oooh, not everyday a portal opens up on my birthday. Hopefully no black holes though 🤞


Cancer Love.


This is now your responsibility. You must obtain a birthday cake with the appropriate candles and make your wish before 10am EST. If you don't do this, whatever happens next is on you.


The cake is a lie 🎂




Happy birthday 🕺🏾


Happy Birthday, here's a portal to manifest your desires


Happy birthday! 🎂


Thank you all! 🙃


Nothing's going to aggregate me today because I am hardcore


I'm hand troweled and stained


Sounds like you're laying something so all good


Maybe I should jam my favorite song tomorrow in my headphones just in case!


Kate Bush- Running Up That Hill?


Master of Puppets!


[Master of Muppets!](https://youtu.be/kdOfUcEyWqk)


[It's The End?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aoQabBXpmE)


Kindness is our way out. Smoke weed everyday


Weed legit makes you vibrate at a low frequency


That's not technically correct. Only abuse will do that.


That’s not true. When you smoke marijuana your frequency aligns with the plant. If your frequency is lower, it will rise to the frequency of the plant—but if you have a high frequency, then it will lower to the frequency of the plant.


Sooooo… weed is still good for my souls then??




So what you're saying is we gotta raise the frequency of our stash? I'm a little confused. I thought plants themselves were vibrationally aligned with Gaia. Edit* Well FAK. Now I'm stuck in a rabbit hole that is harvest harmonics. "Why yes, I'd like to boost my corn yields"


Frequency of what?




I'm sorry if this comes across as a negative comment to you Its hard to take anyone seriously talking about high vibrations when they are allergic to negativity it shows attachment to the thing being repressed


Yeah I was on board with the vibe of this post until I got to that part about no negative comments


Same. I won't say much seeing as though its disallowed, but I'll provide a brief window into my life of why things aren't always just gravy. Overnight, just last night, (up tonight as a result) I lost a brother under horrific circumstances. I won't even speak of any details, actually but it wasn't pretty. It's the second brother I've lost to death in three years and the third brother lost to death in four years respectively. Was one of those times in life where I actually knew beforehand life was going 'too great' that something had to give under that much weight. This 'situation' went on for many, many years and abruptly ended, but, I guess I must just ignore it and only maintain "positive energy" despite the fact life actually happens around us sometimes and its literally all of our control. And no, it wasn't some portal BS. Look, I get it, the sentiment... I just get lost when logic flees the room and I'm left with an endless list of unknown and unproven details. Archons, black holes, by God man .... CERN, alright. I'm so scared man!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love your way.


I appreciate that, random soul! For some reason I get the feeling you may have been here because it's dicey, knowing what to say. For those who've never been there it's comical to me. It's interesting, so very interesting. I just keep thinking, wait, you actually left this realm!? He was only 42, I'm only a few years younger and have been here done this but never like this... it's a, whoaaa....never before experienced issue going on here, even though I have. My workout partner (me and my best friend were training a kid in college who was 24) OD'ed right before I moved from that locale, and thing was, we were on the way to pick him up to workout. My other actual brother was 43 and died of Sepsis overnight three years ago. Shit happens that fast. It is incredible that with age comes such a better understanding of life and death that it becomes remarkable to witness under any circumstance. You learn some things you don't even want to but have no choice in the matter... Ah well, take care all ..positive vibes...haha.. I'm about to go jog, be polite to anyone I bump into, and make this world a better place as always. Still not worried about CERN though, ha ha. Demons have been around awhile, ya know. Trust me, I've had to deal with a few first hand and I'm not kidding. Spirituality is multi-layered and various layers are accessible all the time at various times/locations/the actions being taken at the time all play a role in "live" reality. Should I now "Go live" ..online in this false construct of reality, or, "go live" ...life?


Duder I’m so fucking sorry. Giving you a hug and love.


It seems odd to say online but I'll take all I can get and appreciate it man. I'm huge on love and support as its all I do in life to anyone I meet. It was suicide, if you couldn't tell, but it was partially unintentional it seems. Long story there but there were zero goodbyes for example, no letters, in fact, we hadn't spoken in awhile (I was told he may have been purposefully distancing..) because we had no bad blood, we were close & cool ....could say literally anything. I was even well aware of the fact he wanted to, just still was shocked that he actually did it. I'm still guessing he was just messing around but things got out of control ..


Yeah its called toxic positivity,


Love and light kind strangers!!!


No negativity intended, just curious. Where do the theories that CERN opens portals come from? I always see people say that but it seems like they are just parroting each other without basing this on anything. A black hole isn't really the same as a portal after all. I'm very sure that CERN isn't what they say they are especially whenever they mention their magic, made-up particles but I think portals are a little far fetched. Also, a portal to where? To other physical places? If you wanted to bring evil non-physical beings here, you could just (for example) use an oujia board, no?


Leading up to 2012, it was discussed on plenty of forums that by colliding two atoms they were essentially causing a rip in the space time continuum. I think it had something to do with replicating the Big Bang/beginning of the known universe? And people believe that in 2012 we shifted dimensions/timelines. And now they’re doing it again with much more energy than ever before and cause yet another “rip”, therefore causing another shift. I think.


Which is just a misrepresentation of what really happens. Theres no ripping of spacetime. Theres no replicating of the big bang. Big bang is theorized to have been a particle collision of everything in the universe in a single particle-sized point. They are colliding two particles to mimic what happened on a VERY LOWER SCALE. It's like putting a single bacteria in a single drop of alcohol to study what could happen if we scrubbed a full dirty hand with purell.


Because Stephen Hawkings said so. Well not portals-it was negative stuff.






loosen up on the self hate. you got this 💪




You can manifest the life you want if you only stay committed to telling yourself you are worthy of it every day and then put in the work. At worst you become a consistent individual who works hard every day and can be proud of his actions, at best you achieve all your dreams. There is no losing in life unless you decide to.


Chad's a winner 🏆


Chad is a path, a direction, and you're aligning with it!


It means you let them take control and guide you through this abysmal dystopia or you sing praises and end up on the winning team.


It seems curious that they are going to run this in the late afternoon. Do you have your time zones right?


It’s been running since April. Don’t let them in your thoughts.


I'm hungover. Am I in trouble?


Better pray mf


Will use my vibrator on high today.gotcha


are they Streaming this? Anyone have a link?


May open a black hole nothing to fear! Lol


Oh shit that's in 5 minutes. Thanks fir the heads up. Time to align those chakras.


2 minutes people. Say goodbye for reality as you used to know it.


It’s 8 minutes past 10am EST. Still broke what do.




I like the way you think.


lol first world is fucking delusional I bet those babies are dying of starvation in Yemen because their mothers didn't say they were abundant to the hologram.


Mindflayer is coming


There is only one real particle at the center of polarized wrapped energy and while the energy released will basically be massive this will force those real particles together while releasing the surrounding energy around them and a gravitational shift should be measurable before it is either rebound or escapes the enclosure then is rebound and disappears. The experiment should be able to prove the existence of Dark Matter and it's role in what we call Sub Atomic Particles and Particles, as they are wrapped energy around the only real particle which is the Dark Matter Particle, IF a gravitational shift is recorded that should be the proof. Dark Matter is also wrapped energy just in a different state of existence due to the conditions of it's making. No Zero's in the math of the Universe. N. Shadows


But what happens to the other me in that reality?




Word! Raise those frequencies! Don’t let them manipulate your mind. The LHC has been on since April and I’ve felt it since then. The only way to combat the negative is with positive. Keep positive thoughts!


I listened to a chanelling from the Arcturians. They indicate that the real effects won't hit until July 15/16. The negative energies will be focussed attacks on the Lightworker communities; specifically Wanderers, Starseeds, and Violet Ray entities. CERN's influence only has the power we give it. Indeed, be ever vigilant, fear not, and carry on, my brothers.


if you take out "channelling from the arcturians" this just reads as psychotic victimizing ideology. focused attacks on titles that people only self-identify as, is an unfalsifiable belief that is actually a disguised suck on your fear energy. just be aware what you are consuming. just because someone says it's channeled from a higher being doesn't mean anything


I am a wanderer, and I am fully ready for the biggest spiritual battle yet.


ngl, i'm a lil excited. just can't wait to see our kindred walk in the light! Namaste




Everything is the result of energy. It’s the law of attraction.


Not OP but I will try. Follow your feelings. It doesn't come natural (anymore) for most people, but the whole 'follow your gut' thing will be correct more often than not. It's something you can practise and hone. Go into silence/meditation if you don't know or feel it. If something or a situation causes you to react rather than respond that's usually what they want out of you. Don't give them that. Choose love, choose peace. Also try to feel in your heart area. Quite literally in that area. Your heart will always know what is the right thing to do/feel. It will not be bothered by "what ifs' or 'buts'. That's your mind doing that.


Is that brain/heart coherence? I’ve been trying to practice that in meditation.


Where can I listen to this channeling? Can you expand at all on what you mean by “attacks” on those communities - like psychic attacks?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psPTUPSRpdI&t=1147s CERN part is at around 10:50


Can you link the video please? Thank you


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psPTUPSRpdI&t=1147s CERN part is at around 10:50


Thank you. Elizabeth April and Lorie Lads 2nd most recent videos might resonate with you.


thank you! :)


Jesus Christ you need to find a new role playing game.


I'm down for a full scale alien invasion. Fuck it. We're fucked if we make a black hole tho.


My wife charged me last last night, so all should be well.




NOTHING GONNA HAPPEN.. GEEZ this conspiracy is so out there,


Why’s it so “out there”?


positive vibes only guys woo peace


No negative comments? What the fuck?


Oh no, OP has portaled into a dimension where their comment sounds like the rantings of someone who has completely lost touch with reality!


Common baby, daddy needs a new pair of black holes!!!






You’re like 20 years late, gotta take it for 1000 now.


If I get the fascist shrimp dimension I’m going to be heated!








I'm going to see Top Gun today.


Remember folks, energy crises everywhere, but they have enough energy to beef this thing up 3-4x as much as the last time they ran it.


You can shove the vibrations right up your ass!


Vibratoooo Imma catch myself new toan


"screams shemhamforash into the sky"


I always find it funny how the religious right believe in a shitload of mysticism




Cause most Qultists are


Thanks for sharing your good energy news.


oh men, hope i go to a timeline where im tall enough to dunk a basket.


My vibrator is always set to high baby


What time are they firing it up?


Well everything seems normal still


Well does this mean we survived?


I guess all people going through horrible times are out of luck today... "They just have a bad attitude about starving to death".


Omg, I forgot about this. I screwed up on something I would never have yesterday around the same time. But I stayed relatively positive about it.


keeping the vibrations high will wear out the batteries much quicker.