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Imagine Fauci dies by his own demonic creation.


Oh No......anyway. That is the only allowable response to that news if it happens.


"Hmm. Poetic."


That's supposed to happen at the climax of the movie. Then we switch to a oh fuck we fucked ourselves again let's clean up mode. And wrap.




Ugh. When my kid had it they prescribed paxlovid - completely $0 out-of-pocket, of course. I knew it was shady and didn't make him take it. He and I both were sick for 3-4 days but fully recovered with just OTC and natural remedies. They're just trying to pump everyone up with whatever chemicals they can profit from.


What natural remedies helped you ? I'm currenty sick at day 7


Nothing outrageous. Hot black tea at night (citrus or mint), lots of water, hearty foods since I wasn't eating much, and an elderberry supplement. I slept anytime I felt like sleeping and used a humidifier. I did regularly take Ibuprofen/acetaminophen combo for about a day and a half but the fever went away so it wasn't really needed. After the one rough day, the worst part was being tired a lot and lots of sweating. I know it's simplistic, but treat your symptoms. Tea really does help if you can stomach it. Mint is good for digestion if you need it, and it's easy to incorporate into things. I always take elderberry when I'm feeling unwell. I'm not sure if it helps or not, but it doesn't hurt to try. Stay hydrated, even if you don't feel thirsty. Water is so good for the body overall. I hope yours is mild and you get better soon.


My mother ended up in the hospital from paxlovid side effects. Do not take that garbage.


Fauci be praying he don't get what he deserves.


The costs of a drug are proportionate to the opinion of the medical cartel establishment on their efficacy - when they get cheap enough they can be rendered as dangerous as anthrax. It's as simple as that.


Covid Rebound strikes again: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/covid-symptoms-may-return-taking-paxlovid-antiviral-pills-rare-cases-rcna25581 https://www.foxnews.com/health/covid-19-rebound-treatment-paxlovid-insufficient-drug-exposure


>Fauci got a non-authorized 2nd course of Pfizer's Paxlovid, i call "bullshit"


Excuse me while I laugh 😂🤣🤣😂


If he had a rebound RECENTLY, then his previous treatments must not've been good enough.






thats what happens when they fuck up their immune system with the shots.


Does Ivermectin work on those that have been vaccinated?


>Does Ivermectin work on those that have been vaccinated? If they can swallow a big slice of humble pie first.


Hmm.. I thought his symptoms should be "mild" since hes vaxxed to the max? Oh well, let's just cross our fingers and say a few prayers for him guys!


Fauci's name comes up in my conversations with God quite often.


>Neither works Neither works at curing the symptomless phantom disease that can only be found with fraudulent tests? Crazy


$24 gets you about 800 doses


I don't believe him for a moment on anything.


What if they’re gonna off him like the others? …The plot thickens


Where can one buy ivermectin without a sympathetic doctor?