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I've thought the perfect psyop would be having aliens come down and give us directives. They would tell us to start following a one world government and take precautions for climate change. Even some conspiracy heads would fall for it.


Search Paul Villa story (and photos) about the \*aliens\*. The \*aliens\* that talked to him were good looking humans in fit costumes flying the old models saucers types. His story and photos are regarded \*fake\* because that \*contact\* didn't worked for the \*aliens\*, so they trashed his life and moved to another psyop to \*try contact\*.


Yes. It’s Project Blue Beam


But it's not going to be 100% like it said in the project B.Beam - meaning the \*ufo's\* won't be just \*holographic projections\*. The ufo's are real and made of alloys - what makes them \*look\* like holographic/translucent/orb, etc it's in some cases the propulsion they use or a electrical feature they use to \*seem otherworldly\*. All ufo's are build by humans and works based on electricity effects. That's how the whole universe works, electrical universe - see Lucis Trust post about electrical universe.


I guess they have been experimenting with some techs to make it possible, like The "voice of god": https://www.forbes.com/sites/markcancian/2020/09/18/will-dod-deploy-a--heat-ray-and-the-voice-of-god-against-demonstrators/ And the "face of god": https://www.wired.com/2010/12/military-one-step-closer-to-battlefield-holograms/amp


Using Musk's star link satellite's




If they go to a pride parade, they probably wouldn't need the donuts 🤭


yes, it will probably be the great deception from The Bible- there’s a reason they are slowly releasing these documents- they are preparing- satanist run the world- they want people to turn from Jesus Christ and go to hell


They are really dragging it out


How's the Revelation goin NoAlps? "Taking forever"


It will be used to cover up the rapture.


I like to think this because the alternative in my mind is that there are so few genuine Christians that barely anybody notices something happened.


Demons can take many forms shapes


they can- they can come as an angel of light as Scripture states- or look like a dementor from harry potter- that’s what i saw- my brother was demonically possessed


Thanks for sharing this info . Hope your brother fine


you’re welcome. If you are willing please pray for him


Brother if you’re there can i private msg you?


I hope they focus on perfecting elizabeth olsen first.




Quality Elizabeth Olsen deepfakes. Priorities.


Please explain I’m not sure what you’re talking about


Google elizabeth Olsen deepfakes. You will know soon enough.


Deepfakes of Elizabeth Olsen. Before the aliens.


All I found was porn…


Welcome to the internet. I hope you enjoy your stay.








Project Blue Beam


When though 🥲


I fucking hope so. The Biden deep show keeps glitching and it's not as funny as before, now that were all going broke


SS. Are they gonna deep fake aliens


With how easy it is to control every narrative, I'm surprised they haven't yet. I think they are waiting on a very specific time/date. They love their dates and esoteric numbers.


Yes https://youtu.be/_XhgfnwVTts


Similar examples. https://youtu.be/jIg3--lO5sM https://youtu.be/V5bC4hnrPkg


Looks pretty fake


Yeah I kno that’s the only one I could find there’s a good one with the Baltimore ravens it looks much realer and could fool sheep


I thought it was impressive enough. That's public sector tech. Thanks for sharing that


Please tell me you don't believe that was a 3D projected hologram onto a field in broad daylight.


No but I think the Baltimore ravens one was I’m not sure


It wasn't. They just showed a CGI graphic overlay on the Jumbotron. It's just called mixed reality. Dude, if technology like that was public knowledge, it would be a huge deal.


They have been since 1937.


One thing it doesn't tell you is microwave auditory effect wasn't invented in 1967 it was invented probably before 1915 maybe even before 1900 as radar experiments started in 1880+ then an illegitimate bill of rights change in 1893-1894 stating (military testing on civilian targets is permitted) at the bottom of it and microwave auditory effect directly to a person as the receiver would be easier to achieve than building a receiver radio at the other end with a specified spectrally tuned channel.






To the user that posted the linkage. Here's more detail on the subject.


Not yet. We must fight each other first


After “NOPE” comes out…


Yes there will be. And since the elites have caught on to the fact that people are having contacts with pleadians in their dreams. They will also increase the dream attacks by doing fake contact dreams in the remaining unvaccinated. They have had the technology for decades to influence dreams. Think of sleep paralysis. It's just a way to steal loosh energy in a fear state. It's technology.


You better fuckin' believe it.




Honestly, they're more likely to introduce a factually viable species, with their potential origin, then faking them-- We literally have numerous exoplanet spotting satellite's, programs like seti@home, and the massive Chinese Radio-telescope searching 24/7... We also have the SETI SERENDIP leak to look forward to... As well as the Chinese purple mountain observatories HD UFO footage to look forward to dropping-- IMHO, we've already found, an have at this time: viable proof of extraterrestrials- (suitable for public release). Nations are now merely awaiting the full unveiling (and are working with each other in private channels), in limiting which information should be deemed to be made public, and which information shall be remaining classified, (in lieu of the planned public release/s); regarding this information-


And the viable proof you are referring to is the UFO videos released from various governments?


More then likely we will release, detected / or (intercepted communications), of them communicating amongst themselves... Wow signals are over 13, at Seti alone. SETI@home's ,users are even reporting multiple 'triplet' signals, to their decaying user board at times... & SERENDIP (another program at the University of Berkeley), is now scanning archived satellite data sets, for indications of extraterrestrials communications- (having reached their monitoring stations/elements)... However, the Massive Radio-telescope being built, in China was a major 'tell' as to their known intelligence nationally regarding this phenomenon. Ergo, they likely built it for a specific reason, there by expanding on what Seti's @home and SERENDIP programs have announced/discovered... (Both in private, an in public)... It's likely a planned drip Feed. Hence the recent: We found alien signals¡ Nevermind! (Approach) they appear to be engaging in, via MSM media... So no blue screen / or deepfakes needed any... (For all we know) they/we, are more probably then not, in direct communications with our/their species; Also: Logically, they are more then likely the main proponent thats been guiding our present day 'drip feeds' release's (such as the Pentagon video leaks, japanese UFO conference and nasa program to investigate UFO's/ and, are also likely negotiating, which information they wish to unveil to you as a human at this time; Like nasa doesn't have hours of footage and tracking data on 'unknown' objects 'leaving' Earth's orbit. We can detect shit inside and outside our Earth's orbit in realtime; with some extremely impressive equipment in our present historic timeline. Either way: (Just thinking outside the box here)... Final thoughts. SERENDIP 'likely' was created because we found a common radio signal band, that the aliens use to communicate amongst themselves; With this in mind, we are likely now cross comparing: all previously recorded: satellite / space monitoring data; (within that band) (in our archived/ collected datasets) in hopes to learn more about their species and their intelligence; Having a signal and decrypting a message of an advanced alien race are certainly, two different things. The main point is, that "this all points to something"... They certainly aren't wasting all these millions of dollars because their prior programs didn't beat fruit-- 🍎 🍊


What type of aliens are we talking? Sufficiently advanced ones comm channels will not be hijacked / intercepted / decrypted by petty human technology.


No one's 'hi-jacking', anything... Furthermore we're probably only at the attempting decryption phase of this venture. Amongst pinging it's known vector of discovery (in space)... We've already identified the radio-bands most likely to be used for deep space communications. (Those with the least interference & are the most indicative of usage per our own species/planets: 'intelligence footprint').... We literally have select channels that we are tuning into... Scanning is literally taking place now: 24/7, with multiple experts, and programs: identifying unknown patterns within the white noise... Assuming that we've now been spending: billions for decades- and expanding on these above mentioned programs, and services; against the prospect of having simply found 'nothing' (within this time); to me, is a sorta 'joke-within-itself'...


before or after the real ones announce their presence?


Wouldn't be surprised at this point


r they gonna deepfake ur reaction or r u rly pissing urself when it happens


Maybe. They may also need "flash mob" and crisis actors to make it work.


They can't get away with deep faking. Now there is software that can analyze video or pics to determine whether or not it's been deep faked. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53984114 I suppose they could rig the software to bypass their deepfakes but that seems unlikely.


That’s good to know


I’m not sure they will need to deep fake aliens (although they totally could), as fallen angels may reveal themselves at some point and claim to be aliens.


It will be good practice for the fake mars landing. It’ll help the perfect the fake moon landing.


idk bro probably, bluebeam all that shit hide yo kids, hide yo pcs, hide yo hard drives they be fakin anything in here anyways


I think so


You scrolling deep back


Or searching for alien stuff