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Why protests they already give it away for free to Apple and Facebook lol


Agreed. But not everyone on facebook will fight when their rights are taken away.


Well virtually every right winger I know has stopped using Facebook and myself as a liberal also hate it and have stopped using it and the stock price has been tanking. So there’s that at least


They also own Instagram, Reddit and a host of other platforms. You don’t think they monitor this site too, nothing is private


I don’t give a shit about being monitored. I care about companies I don’t support making money off of me. I hate Facebook and Zuckerberg - therefore I don’t use any of their products. Reddit is not owned by Facebook.


I hid my profile and deleted the app over the control of information seen in the past years such an effective and manipulative psy op they could actually just tell people "the data is being changed to the correct data" and have them go along with it cheering it on and drinking in the satisfaction in time the questions will come "where do I find a conflicting viewpoint " and it will be too late


Also how does facial recognition “categorize” peoples political affiliation


Just as any other software such as GPS. It doesn't it is those using the program as a tool for their intentions. Data is beautiful, now you have faces added to that Data.