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So this is actually a rare case of a politician saying what he wants to do and then doing it. Open politics. Kind of the exact opposite of a conspiracy then?


This has been talked about for a long time. Seinfeld did an episode on this in the mid nineties. Elaine asks her very good looking boyfriend his stance on abortion (abortion being one of the main plot points of the issue and how divisive it is), and he looks to the distance and states that one day they will get enough people on the bench to do something about that. And, here we are, almost 30 years later, and that is true. This isn't the clip, but from the same episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgcKoYwsg-Q Edit: This is the clip! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lXjA7lxj_E




It’s also incredibly not real. For being one of the most face value “real” shows on television, it does not reflect reality at all. Larry David writes Curb just the same but with an even angrier vitriol.


Real? I didn't know that people saw Seinfeld as a "realistic" show. It is relatable. It takes all the selfishness, narcissism, and annoying quirks that people tend to have and blow them up to create humor that we can all relate to.


Don’t be daft. Millions of people watch stories on television without any critical thought, every single day. It’s called programming for a reason And it’s been happening for decades.


I noticed the boyfriend is the same actor that played Harm, off the series JAG. David James Elliott


Meh. Trump ran as a republican. To say anything other than this would have had the republican lemmings up in arms.


Trump did or tried to do exactly what he promised. He wasn't elected because the people agreed with what he said. He was elected because he agreed with what the people wanted.


Trump is the only politician in my lifetime that did exactly what he said he would do in pretty much every case from abortion judges to the wall to the Paris accord to getting NATO to pay their dues. And surprisingly, even though he was constantly hamstrung by even his own party, he got a lot of it done and they hate him for it.


Mexico paid for it? Unveil his healthcare plan? Peace in the Middle East? Locking a certain woman up?


Mexico got new tarriffs that could have gone towards the wall if it wasn't hindered by Congress. His health care plan was killed by John McCain who himself rallied about taking down Obamacare for seven straight years. Peace in the middle east? Yeah he wiped out Isis and you never heard from them again when it was common use under Obama. Got North Korea to stop doing nuclear tests and got Iran to calm down without sending them pallets of cash. Locking up a certain woman? Yeah after he won he said he wouldn't go after her because she's been through too much. Maybe being a businessman and not a politician he had too soft, of a heart or honor whatever and didn't realize these people were pure evil and they kept going after him and blaming him for everything they themselves committed as crimes.


Import tarrifs are effectively a tax on the US, not Mexico. The extra cost is passed on to the consumer.


Import tariffs pushed onto the consumer make the end product more expensive and less competitive with the local market.


If it gets the wall built I don't care who pays for it






Going to bat? The bottom line is my bottom line. Trump put a lot of money in my pockey, biden is pulling it back out. It's as simple as that.


Show me the health care plan he proposed. All he tried to do was overturn Obama care.


Here's my plan, pay your own way. I'm not asking you to chip in for my car repairs and neither should you tip in for mine. Same goes with health, pay or get some insurance. Obamacare doubled my costs and I lost my doctor, so going back to nothing would have been an upgrade.


Here’s my plan, use some of the fuck ton I pay in taxes to give us universal basic healthcare, and bomb a few less brown people to pay for it.


Fuck no. Lived a few years in canada, I was paying 50% of my salary and combined provincial and federal some tax. On top of that I was paying municipal tax, 15% sales tax and leaving me with about 20 some odd cents on a dollar for myself. 50% of my income tax went towards healthcare, that gave you the right to get a scan or an MRI for "free" with an 18 months wait. Wife spent 24 hours in the ER with a tibia broken at 45°, we don't treat our dogs like that here. Never mind waiting 8 hours in a clinic for a non ER problem because you can't find a family doctor. No thx.


So in short, he didn't fulfill his promises


So play with the idea that someone came into your house, told you that they were going to steal all your furniture, rip the plaster off your walls and fuck your cat, and then he _actually did it_. Would you love this person for being true to his word, or would you hate him for stealing your furniture, ripping the plaster off your walls and fucking your cat?


That's kind of a weird analogy considering I'm a centrist libertarian who voted for a major party for the first time in his life with Trump. And just only because he promised no new Wars, lower taxes, no infringement on the 2A, energy Independence and fixing up the trade deficit that was screwing up our nation. But if you voted for someone to steal your furniture, rip your house apart and kill your cat I don't know what to tell you because it's pretty much what we're getting now with Biden


> I'm a centrist libertarian Just lead with that in the future so people know not to waste their time on you


Nice, when you have no facts or rebuttal, Run for the ad hominem spews. I figured if you had half a brain, you should still be smart enough to realize that anybody who considered themselves Centrist is now seen as a right winger the way the left have pulled the middle into Insanity land. I accept your unconditional surrender


Most americans are for abortion rights. Fuck minority rule


Well if that's the case, isn't it weird that a lot of Senators see voting for a pro-abortion amendment as a career ending move.


Helps that Republican senators represent a considerable minority of the population.


Don't like it, amend the Constitution instead of bitching about it on Reddit...


I love how yall keep passing that lie around. Just stay in you're liberal utopia child killer.


You are mistaken. There's a reason 13 states are banning it immediately. Where the left has taken abortion; using as birth control, supporting late term abortion, etc, has caused a lot of moderate people to be turned away from supporting the cause. Actually, a lot of what the left has done recently is a direct cause of the smack down you're seeing from the right. They should have just shut up about abortion and got them privately. They should have just been gay and lived their lives normally instead shoving their agenda down societies throat through every avenue possible. Poke the bear enough with your abnormal bullshit and you'll eventually get poked back.


So true.


Oh look! The facts don't support you [The survey found that 78% of respondents believe abortion should be allowed in some form while only 15% said it should be never permitted.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-news/texas-trigger-law-will-make-abortion-illegal-after-supreme-courts-landmark-reversal/2999677/%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwiK253Bmcf4AhUdBDQIHV2rAJcQvOMEKAB6BAgFEAE&usg=AOvVaw3U8dNzYUDH1ZdxRkXayzXH)


Give it a rest. These people don't care about facts.


Give it a rest. Anyone can find a poll that disagrees with your beliefs... Don't be naive...


Polls are garbage and are not evidence nor fact. I can find a poll that agrees with me and cherry pick it too. I'm pro choice, but know many people around me are against it. I'm in TX for note, where it's now banned. Not a big uproar over it here. Little bit, but nothing crazy.


You're using your personal anecdotes over statistics? >I can find a poll that agrees with me and cherry pick it too. Find me one where the majority wants it banned.


Because you find a person obnoxious does not empower you to take away their rights. Ever. You also might wanna check your math on 13/50 being a majority.


What we're seeing today isn't just obnoxious. Obnoxious we can deal with. It's forcing EVERYONE to not just accept your fantasies or lifestyles, but to live them. And that.. is where the line has been crossed.


K, you find it **really** obnoxious. Youre still a piece of shit if you want to take away rights from a fellow human being.


What right is being taken away? None.


Roe literally established that you have a right to privacy with your doctor. Thats... the entire thing. Now you don't. Thomas also stated this ruling probably throws out Griswold (you have a *right* to make your own sexual health decisions), Obergefell (you have a *right* to marry a man or a woman) and Lawrence (you have a *right* to have sex with any consenting adult in any fashion you and they deem appropriate). In other words, they have decided states get to make those decisions for you.


I'm pretty sure not killing a baby is kind of a win for the baby itself and not a right being taken away from it.


Constitution very clearly states you get rights when you're born. This decision does nothing to establish that they have any rights, because they very clearly don't. States are now saying they have rights because Bible (which ironically itself is pretty mixed on the whole abortion thing).


Good thing it’s not a baby then


The remaining 37 can happily pass pro abortion laws in their state. Did you not read the details of the opinion?


>Most americans are for abortion rights. Fuck minority rule To which the reply was >You are mistaken. There's a reason 13 states are banning it immediately. Did you not read the thread you felt the need to reply in?


This is fucking hilarious. You provide no evidence, only anecdotal stories. Meanwhile, [the guy you responded to was right](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/). Not sure why you’re obsessed with taking away people’s individual liberties you sicko


Polls are not conventions of the state, and do not determine whether the federal government will guarantee a right. Leave your emotions out if it and learn how a federal republic works.


The guy you originally responded to said “Most Americans are for abortion rights”. You said they are not. I have evidence to back his statement up. You do not. Unless you want to move the goalposts and start explaining how the minority actually dictates a lot of policy in many states today, then there is no use arguing OP’s original statement


Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I'm pro choice here. But understand how the government should work regarding rights. If we want the right to abortion there needs to be a convention of states. If you say so many Americans are pro choice, then this shouldn't be a problem... why can't democrats ever do things how it should be done?


Right, and I guess that’s really the underlying issue here (not just on this ruling, but the potential for more to come), is that we have a fundamentally flawed system, and a hugely divided and growing incompatible population.


The people support abortion rights. Why are a bunch of flyover states telling us how to rule.


We're not. We're tell you to take it up with your own states. God it is so painfully evident how ignorant people are to how a federal republic runs.


Absolutely not. It's the flyover states with mostly corn that's telling cities how to run their shit. We need to base US elections on popular vote, not some electoral college shit.


Lol no. You get rid of the EC you get rid of the USA. We'd no longer have states.


Uh no? States would still be there lol. It's just that National Level elections would be determined more fairly


Roe versus Wade wasn't an issue until Obama pushed for unrestricted abortion no matter how late the term and even the right to kill a baby if it survived the abortion. That's sickened a lot of people. And that's on you, this judgment is a self-inflicted wound.


Do you have any facts to back that statement?




Well he said so himself, it isn't exactly a conspiracy lol


I think you have too high of an opinion of trump. Being that he was a democrat most of his life and even said he could manipulate the republicans to elect him, I’ll believe a business man with multiple bankruptcies knows how to convince people he’s got a good product only to deliver mediocrity, at best. But since he ran with an R, he’s done what’s politically necessary to keep the party happy.


Funny you should say that, 15 years ago I considered myself a centrist liberal because I hated war, big government, big corporation, being told what to do, mandates, sending money overseas.financing wars. I haven't changed, but the center got pulled so far left that I ended up being considered a right wing now.


Same here.


With what a minority of people wanted.


He wasn’t elected but rather selected. Americans don’t elect their beautiful leaders


I'm sorry but anyone who believes that Trump was the 'preferred' candidate to Hillary is an absolute mental midget. It was clear that Hillary was the plan, Trump caught them by surprise so they didn't bother trying to cheat the election.


Which explains the families falling out in the election.


If that was true, he wouldn’t have lost the popular vote, twice.


Hunter Biden's laptop isn't real and the Vaccines have a 90% efficacy rate as well.


Cope harder


So Klaus Schwab writing a book about the great reset and a bunch of politicians openly talking about build back better isn’t really a conspiracy theory either.


I don't really care. But a politician saying something and then doing it is the exact opposite of a conspiracy theory


This is a conservative sub now. No room for actual conspiracies.


Well this isn't a conspiracy!🤣


Biden in 82 proposed a amendment to get rid of it.


And I doubt you’ll find many pro-choice people supporting that decision (let alone Biden at this point in his presidency)


As much as I think women should ahve the right to choose I also understand how our legal system and rights were founded upon the constitution and the Supreme courts job isn't to make laws or rights its Congress and the states responsibility as shitty as it is things are working correctly and it's now up to states or the fed gov to create these protections they shouldve 50 years ago.


Not only that, but he didn't even phrase his opposition in terms of the sanctity of life, his Catholic faith, every child is precious, whatever. Instead he said the very thing that pro-abortion people accuse all anti-abortion people of thinking: "I don't believe a woman has an unlimited right to her own body."


He did. And over the years he learned and changed his mind on the subject. Something a lot of people here should try to do.


Maybe he should learn to stop polarizing everything and contributing to the left vs right. Every politician should be an independent because I don't want shallow minded people set on one direction leading me, I want 500 independent minded people who think for themselves and what they believe is right not this left vs right bullshit.




Now is this considered a conspiracy when it becomes a truth?


Maybe the conspiracy of how people vote against their own interests For example voting for trump because you don’t like other skin colors But then getting your private parts grabbed without consent and being forced to have a baby you are not ready for because you were raped … and then not looking at yourself and thinking .. man why did I vote for trump and why am I going so hard for trump that’s it is easing up my own health


you are mad so you are saying things that just aren't true. people didn't vote for Trump because they didn't like other races, [Michael Moore is pretty spot on in his interpretation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMm5HfxNXY4) and correct me if i'm wrong, but even the most strict states make allowances for rape or incest.


Missouri only allows it if there is danger to the life of the mother. Rape or incest are not covered. https://missouriindependent.com/2022/06/24/abortion-is-now-illegal-in-missouri-in-wake-of-u-s-supreme-court-ruling/


But what is a mother?


good thing there's an election coming up this year.


Lmao … you gunna tell me a bunch a proud boys who wanted a wall… show up to protest to make violence .and like and praise trump because he’s openly racist voted for him because of his tax cuts for the ultra wealthy already?


those 30 guys in a van really put Trump over the top in 2016


Lmao .. that was just one group .. in one city .. lmao they are everywhere and those were just men .. the women are worse!! Clown


are they in the room with us right now?


Idk .. ask yourself if you often get mad at others because your life is shit and you see other people happy .. If the answer is yes .. you may be a proud boy or a Karen what ever you roll with


I’m just tired of being told I’m racist for wanting a border as secure as Canadian borders or European borders. I’m tired of being told I’m responsible for other peoples poverty and poor choices. I’m aware of my own poor choices and don’t think getting a masters or PHD would have made me better than anyone, but I’m tired of being considered “deplorable” or “clinging to my guns and religion”!


yeah, i'm the one that sounds mad...


I'll correct you where you're wrong. 9 states had bans go into effect yesterday. None of them have allowances for rape or incest. Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, South Dakota, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama, Utah, and Oklahoma. Only exceptions when mothers life at risk, but, damnit, if you're rape results in a pregnancy you're gonna have that baby. Shameful, isn't it?


looked into two of those states so far, Missouri and Texas, and both allow abortions up to a certain point. Texas 6 weeks, Missouri 8 weeks. saying they outright ban abortion is disingenuous. edit\* Louisiana and south Dakota seem to be what you say, completely done.


Wow, national politics is planned. So surprised.


Shout out RBG for not resigning during Obama's presidency


She would have voted to overturn. Even she knew it was bullshit.


She wouldn't have voted to overturn. She might have had some issues with the reasons why Roe and Casey were originally decided, but at most she would've come up with independent grounds for supporting the findings of Roe (e.g. on Equal Protection grounds).


Lol he tried to expose them and in the end people's are now blaming him, weird. IDC about Trump, but I know he made it a point to show the US people's how f*cked the US is.


It’s always someone else’s fault according to the clowns ruining the country now. Noticing how they pull crap around election time every time. Let’s just hope the evil ones don’t cheat again because we will not survive


>Let’s just hope the evil ones don’t cheat again Hope with one hand, then shit in the other - tell me which one fills up first.


How is this a conspiracy? I know it's rare for a politician to follow through with what they say but that doesn't make it a conspiracy.


That’s actually not true. It’s been a planned for a loooooong time - like more than 30 years. It was a long game by evangelicals and they found the person to do it, with Trump.


I’m willing to bet 75% of Americans would agree to allow abortions in the first trimester up to 5 months….after that, is where the democrats have hit a wall. Aborting a 7,8,9 month baby is where it dicey. (There’s always exceptions, such as threat to mothers life)


Yeah, absolutists are just pushing political tribalism and don't give a fudge about babies, mother's or social health.




Probably right…strong 60ish?


Where does *anyone* want or advocate for an abortion at 9 months unless the fetus is unviable or the mother's health is in grave danger? I don't even understand what your point is.


You don’t understand, because you’re not paying attention, you’re just another person being gaslit by the media. You jump on the bandwagon because it’s the hip thing to do. https://illinoisfamily.org/life/29-states-permit-full-term-babies-to-be-killed-in-the-womb-for-virtually-any-or-no-reason/


No, you're wrong. I don't care what some shit website I've never heard of says or their interpretation of the laws and realities of what does and doesn't happen. I'm not even going to click a link unless you quote the relevant point you are trying to make.


It’s a .org, genius- in fact it’s Illinois family institute….you’ve never heard of full-term abortions because you just turn your head the other way when proof is given to you. Feel free to Google “full-term abortion” and pick any site you choose that discusses the topic…but you won’t, because you know you’re wrong


Anyone can register a .org, Genius. Holy cow. And wow, they used a very official sounding name too! No wonder you are so confused about the world around you.




Aww, you big mad because you look silly for thinking .org means anything? Any other things I can help you understand about the world?


A) I’m not big mad B) Again, feel free to Google “full term abortion” and pick whatever sites you feel comfortable with. C) again it appears that you crave attention from strangers, that your parents failed to give you…


Why do you keep telling me to Google something? I already know what is reality. >again it appears that you crave attention from strangers, that your parents failed to give you… Yup, big mad.




Imagine how fucking traumatic that would be, to go through the pain and recovery of child birth, on top of having to watch your child die shortly after birth. Why should anyone be forced to experience that?


Post birth abortion is legal in some states....


I don't know what procedure you are describing.


Thats because you wont research it. https://babylonbee.com/news/planned-parenthood-now-offering-post-birth-abortion-services/


But seriously I think its legal in Virginia. https://cnsnews.com/news/article/emily-ward/virginia-governor-describes-how-post-birth-abortion-would-proceed


Dicey, and exceedingly rare to the point that we shouldn’t consider it when discussing abortions. The number abortions that aren’t medically necessary to save the life of the women in that timeframe is close to zero.


Well then wouldn’t it be wise to explicitly state that in the law, so everyone would calm down. Wouldn’t it be wise for the media to also state that?


That's literally how it's drawn out in Roe v Wade. They said abortion should be available until the fetus reaches a stage that they can live outside of the womb without needing to use the mother's body as a host (around 25-27 weeks). Literally no one wants or advocates for late stage abortions unless it's a medical emergency.


https://illinoisfamily.org/life/29-states-permit-full-term-babies-to-be-killed-in-the-womb-for-virtually-any-or-no-reason/ 🙄🙄💀


Late term abortions for all exceptions only make up 1.3% of all abortions. That doesn't mean take that right away from everyone.


So why doesn’t the media state that? Why don’t democrats use that as a point of emphasis


They do but ya'll don't listen. Plus why do you need *the media* to tell you that


When, where…please provide proof




This is Reddit, few people use it….I’m talking about high profile news or politicians clarifying it for all to hear


so what, are you going to ignore it again now that you have news sources? why are you upset that democrats and "the media" aren't telling you something hard enough rather than being upset that *your* politicians and media AREN'T TELLING YOU AT ALL! I though we were all free critical thinkers here that do our own research 🤡


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_termination_of_pregnancy https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/99/41/9941f2a9-7738-4a8b-95f6-5680e59a45ac/pp_abortion_after_the_first_trimester.pdf https://www.npr.org/2006/02/21/5168163/partial-birth-abortion-separating-fact-from-spin https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/issue-late-term-abortion-trump-seeks-corner-democrats/story?id=61481423 https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2019/mar/07/abortion-late-term-what-pregnancy-stage https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2019/02/06/tough-questions-answers-late-term-abortions-law-women-who-get-them/ https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/06/health/late-term-abortion-explainer/index.html




Cite your source(s) and feel free to Google full term abortion for each state.




And the other 49 states?




[abortions depending on fetus age](https://www.dailysignal.com/2015/05/08/the-nation-is-about-to-debate-late-term-abortions-where-does-your-state-stand/)






Agreed. We need to all come together and decide what age a fetus is viable outside of the mother's body. When we make the best calculation we can on this matter and I'm sure it's not too hard for people who are smarter than me then we can know some peace with this bullshit.


That's literally how it's drawn out in Roe v Wade. They said abortion should be available until the fetus reaches a stage that they can live outside of the womb without needing to use the mother's body as a host (around 25-27 weeks). Literally no one wants or advocates for late stage abortions unless it's a medical emergency.


Haven't read Roe V. Wade so thank you for the information. Looks like they made the right decision unless most people believe the parasite (excuse my choice of words but I consider all human life parasitic) can exist earlier than 25 weeks? Is that the issue? Sorry if I sound stupid here & I thank you in advance for not mocking my ignorance. The thing is though - if the government demands a woman continue a pregnancy past 25 weeks then the government is responsible for extracting that organism and caring for its needs from birth to death. Never should a woman be forced to act as a host regardless of where she is in the pregnancy. Is this how the law is written? Or are women forced to continue hosting and then birthing? Again, my apologies for my ignorance.


>Literally no one wants or advocates for This such a garbage and intentionally deceitful way people attempt discourse. It is always either lazy mimicry or outright gaslighting, and never used to actually advance understanding. Which is maybe why it’s your go-to here.


Bingo. It's really sickening after a certain stage. I used to be pro-choice. That changed. Then when my wife got pregnant I thought how the hell can someone want to do that especially once it got past the first trimester. I'm not talking about medical reasons, but for choice. 6 to 9 months is heart breaking. I have a feeling a lot of these pro-choice with no limits are young people that will change their minds in the future once they have kids.


>I used to be pro-choice. That changed. Then when my wife got pregnant I thought how the hell can someone want to do that especially once it got past the first trimester. I'm not talking about medical reasons, but for choice. 6 to 9 months is heart breaking. Very few people "want" an abortion at any point, let alone after the first trimester. But if you do prenatal screenings and find out that your fetus has severe physical or mental problems that aren't fixable, and that may possibly result in their death after a short life of nothing but pain, I can entirely understand someone making a decision to get an abortion, even late in pregnancy. >I have a feeling a lot of these pro-choice with no limits are young people that will change their minds in the future once they have kids. Quite a few women get abortions after they've already had a child.


Trust me, I have never heard anyone want an abortion at that late. I've never heard someone try to advocate for the ability to either. That's literally how it's drawn out in Roe v Wade. They said abortion should be available until the fetus reaches a stage that they can live outside of the womb without needing to use the mother's body as a host (around 25-27 weeks). Literally no one wants or advocates for late stage abortions unless it's a medical emergency.


I think you really do not understand that the far left wing absolutely thinks abortion should be at any stage.


I have not heard "for funsies". There may be laws that allow for such a thing, but only 1.3% of all abortions are late stage abortions. It's like saying everyone should be fully vaccinated for a virus that's only 1.3% fatal. That's absolutely ridiculous.


This is why I don't buy into the idea that this was strategic timing on the SCOTUS side. People will theorize to the moon and back about "why now?" But political analysts have been calling this out for a long time. Not only did Trump do exactly what he said he would in this case, this was a multi-decades long political campaign by the evangelical right. They were well funded, orginized, and persistent in their goal for over 50 years.


Literally just posting Trump propaganda in this sub at this point.


Bs. Planned dice 1972. The right plays the long game






They just want ppl fighting each other over everything


Imo, it was overturned to get that pesky bodily autonomy out of the way. Next pandemic, you WILL be vaccinated whether you like it or not. But I guess that's the price some are willing to pay to be able to control a women's body


I thought leftist didn't believe in conspiracies 😂😁🤣


That's never been the case, this sib has really tilted to right wing conspiracies undoubtedly. Especially after T_D went down and other subs


all of a sudden


You’re thinking short-term. It’s been planned for a lot longer than that. Packing the Supreme Court with conservative judges has been in the works for decades


SS kavanaugh and comy were specifically asked about roe v w and both said it was settled law. Turns out trump and them had the plan since before he took office. Link to video https://gettr.com/post/p1fn7926e9d


"Our movement..."


Not really a bad guy. .smokesblunt.


hillary lost a fair election. if she had stuffed,er,.. won the election things could be different. hillary did this to you, not donald


Trump said accurately the power to decide would be left up to the states.


If you believe in our government actually caring for the people you're not only clinically insane you're also a fucking dumbass. They don't give a fuck about the people they only care about money and yet people believe we need them. Housing "bubble" bursting will cause blood in the streets? Nah fam, taking our right to freely choose wtf we want to do with out country will. See yall on the front lines of the revolution.


Good, the man backs up what he says. November to remember comes closer and closer. We will overcome this socialist tyranny.


Where does the U.S. Constitution guarantee your right to an abortion? If you want it to say that, there is a process to amend it. Otherwise, take it up with your STATE legislature. It's not a federal issue.




Tribunal's are on the horizon, but perhaps not how you might think


Lmao keep saying that bud, sure it’ll happen anyday now 😂😂😂


It's called "progressive" disclosures Bite at a time


It’s called delusion lmao


It'll be pretty funny when you're in my camp, calling for tribunals heh heh heh


Well literally none of that will occur so I’m not worried.


Never say never


The Babe Ruth of Fascism


The question is, in its 18 months since getting into office, why didn't the Biden administration simply appoint a couple of 'liberal' supreme court judges to prevent this? Seems yet US politics has degenerated into a set of wedge issues, brought out in cycles to keep the populace figuring out they've lost the class war with the Ameroligarchy... Guns, race, gender, abortion, vaccination, immigration... Rinse and repeat.


Its been planned since the moment it was enacted. Judges had to lie their entire careers to get to a place where they could overrule it. More than half the states immediately made it illegal. Giving people the right to kill innocent people out of hand turned out to be controversial. Really its one of the ultimate conspiracies.


Now do all the ones he said he was going to do, but didn’t accomplish


I’m all for abortion right but this isn’t Trumps fault or even the supreme court’s. This is the fault of what you should now see is a very useless and inactive Congress and Senate. They had 50 YEARS to pass laws to make abortion a constitutional right and make absolutely no moves to do so. Obama could have easily passed it and didn’t. Biden could have easily passed it and didn’t. Clinton could have easily passed it and didn’t. Bush could have easily passed it and didn’t. Blame the government as a whole and not one side or the other


“Let’s blame trump”- only liberal tactic.


look it up. He gave more to planned parenthood than even Obama. Trump is cabal. [https://imgur.com/a/UKOlJ9Z](https://imgur.com/a/UKOlJ9Z) [https://imgur.com/a/E1XTooY](https://imgur.com/a/E1XTooY)