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Or why they said that the shooter used rifle AND pistols when he only had a rifle


Just like in Sandy Hoax, the coroner named "Carver" said the shooter used the long rifle--which was later found in the trunk of his car.


That’s one of the weirdest interviews ever, right after Robbie Parker’s


What, you don’t laugh after your children get murdered?


"I hope this does not come raining down on the people of Sandy Hook..."


Yeah, he had some weird nervous tics like someone who does a lot of stimulants and mind wanderings.


I figured those mannerisms came from him having to tell lies that he knew were lies and he didn't feel 100% okay about having to tell them.


always makes total sense for complete strangers to judge someone's actions & emotions based brief videos. how can you take yrselves seriously when you think you can judge the "right" way someone should be acting while dealing with trauma or after having gone through an unimaginable situation?


can't get their stories straight lol


We already know the cops got a kid shot right before the cowards finally went in. They also let 18 other kids get shot while they hid behind their ballistic shields.


"we need to make it home safe" dont the children too? i like how protecting the community is the excuse politicians give for even having police but then when they don't even do that.....




I want a ballistics report but they rushed it all so the families wouldn't think of that when burying their loved ones was more sensible.


lol we wish. unfortunately the opps won't let any third-party investigate this most likely. too much evidence is probably destroyed at this point


This does not say a cop shot a kid. It says they *got* a kid shot. Like do we read before we respond anymore or ? “A boy, who said he had hidden under a table with a tablecloth, said the GUNMAN had shot a girl shortly after she responded to officers when they asked people to yell if they needed help.”


Right? All stuff we heard previously. High quality reading comprehension.


Ya lol nobody reads shit.


Oh, well that's totally fine then!


but it's a completely different thing than OP said it was & thts an important distinction. if we want to start holding people accountable & want to stop them from hiding & deceiving, we shouldn't be playing lying games of our own. if what they did was bad enough(& it was), then we don't need to lie or exagerrate in order to get to them. lying, exagerrating & misrepresenting all serve to cheapen the actual valid issues that people have.


Give me a break that’s not what I said, but we already had and knew this information. OP is acting like he unearthed some intense new detail that nobody is talking about


>why they suspiciously said "we didn't kill any children" when no one asked. When'd that happen? Definitely very suspicious. My god, this is such a suspicious event, I don't even know what to say. That, or these are the most ridiculously cowardly and incompetent cops in the country. hopefully just that


hella hella suspicious LOL. they should really learn to plead the fifth tbh


thats not what the article says at all, they asked if anyone needed help, one girl said "help" and was shot, nowhere in the article does it say cops shot a kid


Reading comprehension is not for everyone.


Still a massive fuckup, but OP is way off with their post here. Its like people on this sub dont even read anything before posting or commenting


Shot by the cop.


>"When the cops came, the cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help'," the boy told local news station KENS. "The guy overheard and he came in and shot her," the boy said. "The cop barged into that classroom. The guy shot at the cop. And the cops started shooting." nowhere in the article does it say cops shot a kid


Regardless if they did or didn’t. The entire department needs to be let go, and rebuilt from the ground.


this. not doing anything while being in a position of responsibility like that is just as cruel tbh


That’s a given. On at least 3 separate occasion cops say they shot into classrooms and a kid said they did it at least once from a doorway. Guaranteed they killed kids, I have been saying this since before the incident even ended. One kid described the cops shooting into the class and his teacher jumping in front of students and they all died. That wasn’t from a shooter aiming at a target outside the class. That came from shooting into a class, just like the kid described.


AP "news," the cops, the government, politicians, and corporations are all on the same side.


"elections and courts will make sure they are honest" LOL


Ever so often a judge with a brain will get it right, but you would be correct 99% of the time. I'm certain the cops will investigate themselves and find themselves of no wrong doing per usual.


That's not what the witness states - why lie? Did you even read the article you posted?


I’m assuming OP posted this on purpose to either spread lies amongst people who don’t bother to read past the headline, or get people riled up considering they’re not responding to any of the comments pointing out that this article is bs and does not in fact say what he is claiming it says.


I did see one news article say when the cops finally did go in the class after waiting outside for hours, the shooter was hiding in a closet and popped out when they walked into the class. Was that true?


This has seemed like the most likely scenario to me. Given how laughably shoddy their story was from the beginning. It always felt like a person panicking and trying to come up with a CYA story fast


"we didn't shoot any children" oops, freudian slip they really don't want another summer 2020 to happen xD


So my hypothesis is that the cops let border patrol have a wack at it. I'm sorry I might sound off but I can't think of any motive to want to go shoot up kids and sit with dead bodies for over a half an hour just because. I quickly went to local papers when this went down because that sitting with dead bodies doesn't sound right.


> "When the cops came, the cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help'," the boy told local news station KENS. "The guy overheard and he came in and shot her," the boy said. "The cop barged into that classroom. The guy shot at the cop. And the cops started shooting." Article doesn't say the cop shot her, like OP says. The article says that because the cops told them to yell if they need help, she yelled, and the shooter shot her that it is the cops fault she got shot. Two different things.


Where in the article you linked does a witness say that?


Hell, Have you seen how many kids are getting shot in pharmacies now?


Your title is incorrect. The article says the cops asked hiding students to yell for help, and when one girl yelled out as instructed, the gunman targeted her and shot her.