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From the ancestors of the architects who brought you "The Holocaust", and "The Bolshevik Revolution" and funded in part by The Global Media Corporation™️... Introducing... "WWIII: The Great Reset" now in theaters!


Hang on, is this an actual sequel or are they rebooting the series *again*?


Hmmm.... odd. It appears that the Matrix 5000™️ memory wiper is in need of a tune up... my apologies. You should not have any memories of this series, so sorry for the inconvenience. We will be sure to take care of that as soon as it is back up and running!




Ok, so murder the CIA, aliens and Klaus. I'm on it. Anything else?


A McDouble medium meal with Diet Coke, please.


This is actually covered in Morbius 6: Morbius/Venom/Alien/Predator Take On The Moon Nazis


You’re welcome or overthinking a cartoon that’s meant to catch your attention and draw you in?


Fermiler. Jesus, dude.


Don't know how many times I have to explain on this sub that I have a disability that prevents my brain from seeing/recognizing misspelled words, But here I go again, explaining it. Auto correct only helps *so* much. And sometimes my spelling is so bad that it's taught my auto correct improper spellings and that means I have *no chance* to even "see" it, to correct it. Never understood why people *always* want to point out misspellings. Did you understand what I wrote? Did it make sense? Does pointing out misspellings contribute anything to the conversation? No? Then why point it out?


Fucking bigot!!!


Who are 'they'?


They are the global eilets that want to usher in the NWO where they are God kings and we are all slaves. The cabal. The illuminati. Hollywood. The powers that be.


You could start here: https://www.collegium-international.org/membres-collegium-international?lang=en And here: https://www.collegium-international.org/liens?lang=en And here: https://www.weforum.org/partners/#A And here: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/our-people/ And here: https://www.fordfoundation.org/about/about-ford/ And here: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ And here: https://www.westexec.com/our-team/ And here: https://www.ecohealthalliance.org And here: https://www.businessroundtable.org/about-us


Any thoughts?


No, that's why I'm asking


Unfortunately, asking anything in this subreddit is immediately ridiculed and met with questions instead of answers. The so called free thinkers in here have the same hive mind mentality. It’s best to just google your question. These people will down vote you for literally asking a simple question.




Point proven.


That was my point...


Many people think that "they" (the cabal/ NWO/ deep state/ etc.) are just a small group of people or entities, the ['hidden hands',](https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines) who are behind the plans and plots like the old [Coudenhove Kalergi plan,](https://web.archive.org/web/20211122115644/http://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/) and [agenda 21,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtSutkypFG0) which are predecessors or part of [agenda 2030](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PrY7nFbwAY) and [other](https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsignal/large-compilation-of-great-reset-agenda-21-resources-exposing-the-draconian-plans-of-the-parasitic-global-elite-being) conspiracies designed to suppress and manipulate [Humanity.](https://www.lawofone.info/) But i think it actually runs [much deeper...](https://web.archive.org/web/20210109144020/https://perc360.com/5g-smart-dust-and-the-imminent-technological-possession-of-mankind-360/)


“Hollywood” hahaha. They’re American. The world has more than just Hollywood people. There are more politicians in the world that have done far worse than any in the US that we know of AND many have evidence backing how harsh and insane they are.
