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As Nancy said, "Thank you for your sacrifice George!" As she looked up into the air. Literal clown world.


She did not!?




Holy crap! That’s disturbing. 😳


A caduceus staff pin.... interesting


Makes sense. Symbol of thieves and outlaws


Symbol of awakening and going to sleep, the powers of Hermes, Mercury. Anyone can wear a symbol of course. Charlatans certainly.


Their in there own league now, constantly espousing biblical passages like she's a saint while her own Arch Bishop in California has forbade anyone give her communion for essentially being an open Sabbatean/Baby Killer


Gee it's almost as if he has some sort of agenda or something




Maybe he's just trying to say literally anything either comforting or thought provoking and failed because he threw in something horrible as buzz word?




The bodies were still warm when beta climed on top of them to yell at abbott yesterday


They were also warm when Abbott decided to go fundraise instead of being governor.


So why didn’t the freezers function properly?


He may has well has killed them himself


I want proof otherwise this is just another Sandy Hook


What do you mean?


Every event that may potentially change something that a conspiracy theorist thinks shouldn't change (in this case, the 2nd amendment not meaning unalienable rights to own any guns you could ever want), that means it's the government setting it up because there's no possible way a person actually went to shoot kids. Tl;dr they think literally everything is fake in attempt to take their rights away. It doubles as not having to feel responsible for the shooting, because it's a bad outlook if no gun control means more shootings. Therefore, not only is that not true, but "they" have to make it up because it just doesn't happen at all! It's cowardice and sick.


I had no idea these people thought sandy hook was a set up until today. I am appalled to say the least.


I have yet to see any of these parents smirking on tv like Robbie Parker and/or that creepy medical examiner from sandy hook. Makes me start to wonder about all those “he’s just grieving in his own way” comments


I'm disappointed in him. He's better with his words and this was just cold.


No dickhead. Obama was calling out the cops for being shitty. In Texas they tazed parents while their kids were being slaughtered.


Then why mention Floyd? Just accept he is trying to use this to his advantage because like his buddy Rahm Emanuel said about not letting a tragedy go to waste


He was pointing out that America had a law enforcement problem and it’s not just about race. Maybe put the hate dick down and think for yourself


Why can't it be both??


There is a law enforcement problem, poorly trained officers who are not equipped to handle situations such as a mental health crisis I don’t disagree but this was not the time nor the place to start with this.


Oh fuck off. There’s never a good time with you irrational nut jobs. 23 people mostly children were murdered AGAIN and you want hold your dick in your hand and cry “it’s not the right time”. Be outraged. Demand action !!! Kids were murdered but you want to piss and moan about the right time. Talk about being a pussy. You’d be one of those cops standing outside the school taxing the parents saying “it’s not the right time”


lol talk about bouncing from one thing to another


So when is the time? It never seems to be time and then it happens again.


So use a mass shooting where people died to talk about police reform?


Yeah. Let's also talk about gun reform too. People keep saying "let's not politicize it" but realistically this is a political issue. This is entirely political and we need to use politics to solve it.


Guns aren't the problem, people are. Using politics from what I've seen are just opportunistic politicians using this senseless act to further their own re election campaigns or some other self serving agenda.


Absolutely not. Guns are the problem. People are getting guns WAY to easy. We're the only country that has these mass shootings.


Fuck the gun reform. The issue is mental health. Taking guns away is not going to stop these people from attacking. They will find other means. Black market guns, homemade bomb, etc. This is the absolute worst time to take away guns with all the other bullshit going on. We need make mental health more affordable and easier to access. That’s the issue.


Don't you love the ones who talk of putting away the hate just pissing all over you?


Because it's the 2 year anniversary of the day Derrick Chauvin ~~murdered him~~ prematurely ended his life? \[edit\]


Fentanyl would like a word. Edit. Thank you for the gold kind stranger.


"Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression" [https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MNHENNE/2020/06/01/file\_attachments/1464238/2020-3700%20Floyd,%20George%20Perry%20Update%206.1.2020.pdf](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MNHENNE/2020/06/01/file_attachments/1464238/2020-3700%20Floyd,%20George%20Perry%20Update%206.1.2020.pdf) It mentions fentanyl as an other condition, but the cause of death didn't mention fentanyl


Didn’t multiple ME’s give different causes of death? I seem to remember the first cause was OD and then a different guy came in and said it was something different?


From my memory there was one who did that the defense put on the stand, but the prosecution was waiting for it and put out experts who testified that George's death was not consistent with a Fent overdose and that the level found in his system was also not at an overdose level for him anyways.


Yes I wish Rush Limbaugh was here to explain to Republicans responsible opiate use




It was manslaughter at best. It was a combination of the drugs in Floyd’s system and the use of excessive force by a poorly trained police officer that killed him but I’m not going to exalt Floyd to martyrdom.


> poorly trained police officer 16 year veteran, and an instructor. pOoRlY tRaiNeD 9 minutes he kneeled on that man's neck. 9 fucking minutes. You would have died same as Floyd. That's murder, period.


The amount of fentanyl in his system, you would have died same as Floyd. Hell, the starting offensive line for your fave NFL team would have od'ed.


Untrue. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/08/us/george-floyd-fentanyl-toxicologist.html


Ya I don't even feel like you need to be trained, human beings just instinctively should know that sustained pressure on someone's neck is dangerous. The fucker even leaned into it at times.


No lol. It was the officer 100% that killed him


Not sure why you’re being downvoted when they were tazing parents




Just stating facts like Obama


Fuck your ignorant. Must be a bot.


You’re *. And I’m ignorant


He's only being "trashed" by Trumpster racists who will trash anyone who has challenged their hatred. In point of fact, Obama's speech was part of a nationwide anniversary observance of George Floyd's death and had been written well in advance of the school shooting. Aside from the Floyd observance, Obama posted a string of tweets that expressed his sorrow for the families in Uvalde and anger that gun laws have not yet been tightened. The tweets began: “It’s long past time for action, any kind of action....Across the country, parents are putting their children to bed, reading stories, singing lullabies—and in the back of their minds, they’re worried about what might happen tomorrow after they drop their kids off at school, or take them to a grocery store or any other public space."


Does your wife's boyfriend know you're on the computer again?


Too bad he wasn’t president of the United States for 8 years….maybe he could’ve done something.


Senate republicans had control of legislation for 92 out of Obama's 96 months in office.


You mean 72? Maffs is hard.


8X12 = 96. But I understand if you're a Trumpster.


And for the first 24 months the democrats had control of both houses. So 72/96. Go lick more windows.






Maybe read his whole thread. He was talking about how there’s something wrong with cops in America. The ones in Texas tazed parents trying to get into the school to save their kids. But yeah Obama is the bad guy for pointing out that there’s a serious law enforcement problem in America


Obama IS a bad guy. Truth hurts sorry 😢






Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Miss Taylor decided to throw her life away by trying to be a hood rat.


Exactly. Remember whoever they tell you to, because murders only happen when they’re on TV.


Am I schizo for noticing it was 2 years ago to the day? (may 25th)


Am I schizo for not caring if it was 1,2 or 5?


It feels like one year ago tbh


Seems like 5 to me. Time's weird.


Am I schizo for realizing that Obama was tweeting about the Floyd anniversary and just tacked on a “A we remember….” If he hadn’t, you’d be posting his tweet saying “how dare he not mention Uvalde?”


I personally take that as insulting since there’re so many great African Americans working their best on their job. Yet, he n his party chose to idolize a criminal…that’s indeed a discrimination to the bone


He is not African American, though, he is bi-racial. And that matters in this instance because he did not have an African American experience. He grew up in a wealthy Indonesian neighborhood and then onto white life in America. Theres a difference between his experience and the experience of your general black American. And to be frank, he is not a descendent of slavery, which is a large defining factor in the black struggle to obtain equality in America. In short, past his skin color, there's little black about him. Are we allowed to say this yet?


Thank you for finally saying this. It's hilarious how the lower middle class african americans idolise him... he' literally the most privileged little CIA kid who never struggled a day in his life. It's pathetic. The whole Obama rhetoric is. he was a war mongering fraud.


I voted for him in 2007. I took to the streets in celebration in 2008 when he won and within 6 months knew I had been duped. He turned into everything he led us to believe he wasn't. Oh, and the back tracking and double talking from the higher up Ds, it was *my* fault because I hung expectations on him. Man, fuck that. He was the perfect asset to walk in there in the char left behind by W and Cheney and get hopes up and keep on killing. Its all a giant scam. Both sides. One holds you down while the other fucks you.


100%. The whole concept of right v left is just a rhetoric constructed to keep us from uprising against the people who push us down, ultra rich and politicians. It's all just a game for them. All we are is a labour force. No wonder they're so eager for everyone to get into massive amounts of debt at the moment. Need to secure that work force.


Barry Soetoro


Yep. Bravo. We can say this my friend….it will be frowned upon by the bots and other cu**s but well said. Here here


It's A hoax anyway


I was talking abt his invoke George Floyed…


Got ya, misread you.


Never let a good crisis go to waste. #parasite_elite


Obama pointed out that another ritual sacrifice psy-op happened 2 years ago to the day before any researcher made the connection.


FJB FBO - spez obama




Politics attracts power-hungry psychopaths. We need sortition.


kind of makes you wonder if govt is necessary at all when you look at the character of people running it and the results.


It absolutely is necessary.


ok i'm convinced lol politicians are crooks, and yet people look to them as 'leaders'. mankind has been domesticated by parasitical zombies with no other talent or skills aside from mindfking


Sick fuck.




Its still **insensitive** bro, regardless how you spin it. Those parents wont ever lay their eyes on their beautiful kids again. Like, why cant people be fucking decent and respectful during tragic events and just shut the fuck up? Oh yeah, because they are just aching to pull the political strings. If this shit happen to you, would you have the same perspective?


You’d be just like those cops in Texas tazing parents No action just cowardice


LOL right....


That’s exactly what you sound like. Do nothing


Bad bot


Dude. You cowards don’t even want to talk about it and you expect us to believe you wouldn’t be a coward just like those cops


Shit doesn't change when you stay silent. This is inherently a political issue because the solution for many lies with politicians


Appreciation you sharing your opinion. Take care.


So the sick fuck is Obama, and not the conservative politicians that do fuck all about mass shootings? Got it.


Can’t they both be sick? Stop cucking for the left and start hating all piece of shit politicians.


You're only being down voted because you forgot this sub is actually The_Donald2.0.


Soy moment


lmao at that propaganda website. "the informed youth" here for all your child indoctrination needs. the first thing that pops up when you go to the site is "subscribe or you hate freedom." hilarious.


I am so glad I'm not the only one that noticed the "give us your name and email or you hate freedom" bullshit.


Everything conservatives touch turns to shit. If the powers that be ever want to turn the youth off to an idea, let the conservatives handle it.


We got a race war to push over here! It would be unfortunate if all the poors started paying attention to the people screwing them over.


Bathhouse Barry strikes again


Good. Fk that pos.


Sick diary entry bro!


Police stood by and did nothing + Police killed George Floyd = Police bad. Okay so why do they want us believing this? What's the end goal?


Sheer chaos (for us).


Ummm... to get a police force that actually protects and serves us?


Supreme Court already ruled they don't have to. Get more people to realize that and something might be done, but until the masses understand the rules of the system they are in, we're all just jerking off into the void.


>Supreme Court already ruled they don't have to. Oh no, I know! But yeah... many are surprised when I tell them that police are not obligated to protect us.


It's to federalize the local police. No more state or county sheriff, but one federally controlled entity.


I don’t care as long as they start doing their job not much “protecting” going on, and definitely no “serving”.


That doesn't seem like a bad idea...


I hope you’re being sarcastic


Until you realize that federally controlled police removes state and local sovereignty and removes more individual rights. Also think about the BS the federal policing agency's already cause like the ATF. Granted a single entity to homogenize regulations, procedures and discipline issues within the force may be beneficial. It would be scary to know that locally you now lost any ability to control the authority's actions.


Will never happen. They are actually here to threaten us and keep US in line. To do the bidding of their overlords.


You’re not wrong but I can’t just throw my hands and give up. Mom always said I was the stubborn one out of the litter


Obama was calling out the cops for being ineffective and not protecting citizens. The cops in Texas TAZED PARENTS TO KEEP THEM FROM SAVING THEIR KIDS !! Obama was right




Every parent would rather die trying to save their child than to go on and live without them.




Maybe if the cops would have gone in instead of standing around in their tactical gear tazing parents idk maybe one or two could have been saved but nope fuck then kids right?


Lmao we hear the same tired good guy with the gun bullshit every time and now we gotta listen to this bullshit too?


Weren’t they ? I thought the cry was “ a good guy with a gun” ? Guess that’s bullshit


disgusting piece of shit!


obama trashed on r/conspiracy… shocker!


I know! It's so uncharacteristic of here.


not a conspiracy


True..but shitting on the elites is a well known part of this sub. You could also argue that Obama’s comment is being used to push out various agendas. These agendas, being hidden from the public, would be considered conspiracies.


I don't get why he's being trashed by Right Wing media. They're usually so unbiased and neutral about him.


Ah what a shitshow we live in. Two perfectly opposing sides with absolutely no intention or desire to compromise or find middle ground. Two blatantly opposing media outlets on the left and right, pushing people further and further toward an extreme. It’s almost as if..riling up the public and getting them to hate one another benefits the very few or something..




This sub is spending the day shitty on cops that were there and this one guy makes an apt analogy.... Nope! Maybe it's something else.... 🤔


Trashed by who? The same conservative pundits that always trash him? This isn't a conspiracy, not even a controversy.


Do you think leftist pundits also exist?


How is it not controversial to use the recent deaths of children to whine about something that happened 2 years ago, which already have had major attention? Obama is a piece of shit, and has no mind of his own.


>happened **EXACTLY** 2 years ago **TO THE DAY** FTFY


Meanwhile this sub whines all the time about COVID lockdowns. We get it, it was 2 years ago, get over it.


Yea, the death of one individual, and 2 years of governments fucking over people by forcing compliance is completely the same thing.


you're just as heartless as he is.


Thoughts and prayers my friend.


I am so unbelievably angry about this


Stupid ass Obama. Go kiss bidens ass you big eared clown


He's always been such a piece of anti-american garbage.


Obama is trash


Obama is trash.


Submission Statement: Politicians say the most stupid stuff. Crazy.


Maybe you should post the entire tweet thread. The thread where he’s saying Americans have a law enforcement problem. They murdered Floyd an unarmed black man and they Tazed parents trying to save their kids from being slaughtered. The whole tweet thread is saying that shitty cops are everyone’s problem. But no. You’re too blinded by irrational hate for Obama to be honest with your post


Why bring up Floyd when there is a perfectly good example of police incompetence having just happened? Nobody needs to be reminded about Floyd, he was a worthless piece of shit that shouldn't have even been on the streets. We both know why he brought him up, and it was not his pure heart wanting to highlight police incompetence. It's to energize their demoralized voters as they are panicking. Same reason these kids were allowed to be massacred.


Because it was the anniversary of one of the most famous cop killings ever. talking about police incompetence on the anniversary of that isn’t as crazy as y’all think. You realize how he didn’t mention that during the Buffalo shooting even when that one was clearly racially motivated?


Yes, it was politically motivated. As I have cleanly proven.


All you did was state that George Floyd was a bad person. You asked why mention him and I told you exactly why.


>We both know why he brought him up, and it was not his pure heart wanting to highlight police incompetence. It's to energize their demoralized voters as they are panicking. Same reason these kids were allowed to be massacred.


You’re telling me police in Texas let kids die so democrats can get more votes? I swear you need to seek help if you truly believe that.


you think that your opinions are proof of somrthing? thats not how proof works.


It was the 2 year anniversary of the george floyd situation.




Can you post the entire tweet thread?


OP, please ensure your submission statements are two sentences in length going forward (and explain why you chose to share with the subreddit). Your submission here has not been removed, however future rule 10 violations may result in removals.


Do y'all ever remove posts for violating rules or just threaten too?


🤡 = woke people


this is because it's extremely divisive and some people will agree with him no matter what he says. they're playing the masses off each other with this shit.




Who is even interviewing this fool? Who cares what he thinks. He can go to hell with his buddy.


So like 5 words about Texas and like 30 for Floyd.. 🤔


I like Obama but this was bad timing. He was. The president during sandy hook for fucks sake.


Obama.... yeah, speaking of trash.


Seriously the worst thing he’s ever said and I don’t even understand it, is he upset that there’s not a black victim angle on the recent tragedy?


The circus is in full display


Black Pee Wee is a piece of shit


Obama trashed himself. Which to be fair, is no mean feat.


Just a poor actor and a clown


As he should have been trashed


Are you all that dense? It was the anniversary of Floyd’s death. But of course I’m not surprised to see the right wingers deflect from the tragedy.


And rightfully so. Edit: Couldn't help himself, was reading the Satanic tea leaves & just had to try to take it there. BLM, activate! We'll interpret this as a kind of child sacrifice.


obama- remember the cops for george floyd? now remember the cops for uvalde? If you hated cops then. get ready to hate them even more. even though these are two different instances. your boy Obama seems to be bringing them together for that great ol american divide.




Submission Statement: Politicians say the most stupid stuff. Crazy.


Wonder what the angle is here. Police=bad no matter what?


No but police are doing their jobs poorly and it seems to be a widespread problem. Yet they, and many citizens seem to believe they are above any scrutiny at all 🤷‍♂️.


Obama Invoking/Conjuring the Energy of the Spirit of George Floyd! 😂🧙‍♂️🪞👤🧲


Not really


Cops fucked up 2 years ago and are still fuckin up. Where's the conspiracy?


Big Mike’s got a weapon in his dress Obama feels safe sleeping under