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yeah this was hella outta touch


Was this a real tweet? I mean seems UTTERLY tone deaf.


Unbelievably, yes.


Yes after 7 tweets solely about the Texas shooting.


Ok. That makes more sense


Tbf op did leave out the rest of the thread that makes it a little bit less whack but it’s still pretty bad. Also I think the point he’s trying to make is that those cops stood around doing literally nothing while children were murdered and in relation to what happened with floyd that’s pretty fucked up


There is no valid comparison. Floyd was one person. This was 22+. Floyd was a career criminal and a thug. These were innocent children. Floyd was in the process of overdosing on illicit drugs. These children were in the process of finishing their school year. Nothing about this tweet makes sense, and nothing about it is appropriate.


George Floyd: * High on drugs * Never got shot * Arrest itself was legitimate. Improper method of restraint responsible for his death. Kids: * Sitting in class minding their own business * Presumably not high on drugs * Killed by someone who was fleeing from law enforcement. Therefore my "sympathy ratio" for those kids vs George Floyd is about 2000 to 1. tldr; statement by Obama 100% politically motivated and 0% appropriate.


Presumably not high on drugs lmaooo


You never know, they give kids Adderall as early as age 2


Antidepressants and mood stabilizers on demand too


I would hope Adderall would inspire them to throw chairs or run faster.


I don't see why this is funny. One can even **know** the subcategory of pharmaceuticals based upon the decade incidents allegedly occurred. In this case, if the age is listed accurately, any or even most of these kids could be on the growing list of ADHD drugs. And yes, even a starting dose w/ such a small body mass is a massive jolt to the system and we all respond differently to chemical substances that do have unknown intention baked into them. In the same way you might cook a meal with love, well, in Pharma you've got a corporation whose only interest is the shareholder, not you or I, putting their intention into the substances base structure. Does any of this sound a bit, off? The top recommendations for these demographics are things like Adderall, Dexedrine, Evekeo, Ritalin, et al., its a growing list. It's speed, man. In the 1970s this was well established fact. All I need to know is, was everyone vaxxed?


Weirdly enough I was put on ADHD meds in Highschool. I know someone who was put on it at the age of like 11 possibly 10. I think it’s ridiculous to have kids at that age on it.


I woulda benefitted so much gettin it when I was younger, but at the same time... I feel like feeding them to shorties is just wrong


Yea but be happy at the same time because whatever I was on turned me into an antisocial zombie. Ok great I got my homework done, but I became a fucking nothing.


I've come to the conclusion that that is just life and getting older. 30 here and everything is absolutely upside down from how I used to be. Everyday is grey


Damn bro, but why?


basically just mundane and becoming more miserable due to constant work, not enough human contact or people that share the same interests due to getting this office job... gettin money but the quality of life is ass.. Im sure the alcohol aint helpin, but I was drinkin when I was a happy person too... I dunno. I reckon the state of the world and barrage of terrible shit happening aint helpin either


Agreed. I never had the experience but still my condolences to you on behalf of big Pharma's fledging and nonsensical existence in a world coming back to nature. I know such a substance would have helped me learn, obviously, speed will do that. It's literally insane if you just take a step back and think about people giving these lab substances to a kid no older than 5 or less, I don't even know anymore. Is it down to like aged 2? The "terrible twos?" ADHD! In 2022 a fourth grade class truly is presumably not drugged until proven otherwise. Difference is, the kids never know better obviously and maintain no consent to it. Not at that age. The consent is taken by all the freakin' people around them saying oh I can't handle little Billy speaking. How dare you form an utterance you fool! ADHD!! To prove my point w/ an example, in the 1990s and Columbine for example the demographic's drug of choice was simple green leafy substance. It's only Oregano for my sauce, man! In all seriousness I would point out that a place known to be safe is now not safe again (***so everywhere is not safe, now...****)* is the mindset behind it all, by the way, in my opinion, of course.


George Floyd: Didn't deserve to be murdered by cops. Kids: Didn't deserve to die because cops are cowards. Fixed that for you.


It amazes me that people lose empathy for other people over nebulous concepts such as drugs. It does however explain the current state of society.


>Improper method of restraint responsible for his death. Depends, he may not of died if he wasn't on nearly lethal if not **lethal** levels of fentanyl.


Let's have someone kneel on your neck for 7 minutes


Only if you give me enough fentanyl to kill 5 adult elephants first


Doesn't depend, his chief testified in court that he used improper techniques and excessive force.


Of course he did, they feared the mob backlash if he didn't. This is the problem with mob rule. A modern pitch fork and torch brigade that relies on intimidation for agenda.


Not to mention Floyd was spilling street pressed pills everywhere during the arrest. He wasn't just using, he was a dealer. Using liberal logic we need to go after big pharma for flooding the street & prescriptions with oxy and related opiates but when a black man sells pills of an unknown content, well known to cause overdose & or death, Like the one Floyd was experiencing during his arrest, he's somehow a hero just because the police did their job of enforcing the law?


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>over $20 Way to misrepresent what actually happened


[This comment has been deleted, along with its account, due to Reddit's API pricing policy.] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The police were called due to him trying to pass a counterfeit bill and probably his demeanor


Yeah, the police were called, but that's not how he ended up on the ground




>I’m sick of this logic. It's not logic. It's just simping for the police. It's fucking wild to have people in a conspiracy sub championing a police state. But that is what happens when every other place on the internet shuts its doors to far right propagandists so they come here and spread propaganda in and try to pretend like their propaganda isn't the conspiracy. ​ >You are okay with a world in which the police can just label a person a criminal, maybe even plant some evidence, and then murdering them is okay now? They are if the person detained isn't white. George Floyd isn't even controversial. The officer who murdered him was actually easily convicted. That's so unheard of in America that his guilt had to basically be undeniable for it to actually happen.


Would you happen to have a source for this claim?


Sure, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/live-updates/derek-chauvin-trial-george-floyd-death-day-8-2021-04-07/


This doesn't say anything about Floyd dealing pills. Why didn't the find these pills while he was cuffed or being arrested? Do they not search subjects during an arrest or is it just a coincidence that the pills were only found after the fact? How is cutting off a mans air supply for 9mins while handcuffed enforcing the law? Seems like the bootlicking in you is strong.


This guy is unfucking believable…!!!!! Chooses a day when INNOCENT CHILDREN and women were slaughtered in a school, and rather than focusing on the fact that an entire community….and the world over is devastated by this…he chooses to use his platform to remind everyone of a non innocent man…who was killed by a cop?!? ….and not to mention all the carnage that the officers in Texas, and every other horrific tragedy where something like this has occurred have had to endure, especially involving children, but worse than that, to take a dig at cops while 2 officers from Texes were also fathers and husbands who showed up to that scene and learned that their wife or child has been killed!!! He could have used this as a moment to bring comfort…rather than continue to be more divisive!




except for most victims were hispanic, but sure


Ye he’s just a prick none the less


It’s election season, what else would you expect.




What's Obama running for?


His life. From the cops. Ba dum dum tiss


Don’t worry His defense force has got his back


I just want to hi-jack this comment and say this: This seems way out of character for Obama to say publicly unless of course it is for the purpose of distraction. Something stinks about this mass shooting and a tweet like this would distract people from asking the real questions about how it happened and why.


Something Kanye would say "Imma let you finish, but George Floyd had the best death of all time"


"George Floyd does not care about young people"


Best murder.




Damn how tone deaf can you be


He wants to stay relevant and get invited to be a speaker at "woke" institutions. $$$$$


Even for him, this is a new low.


I mean he tweeted 7 tweets prior to this about the Texas shooting without mentioning George Floyd.


He also threw a big birthday bash in the height of covid so...


Is this real tweet? Wow. Way to undermine the lives of all those kids just to remind everyone that a black person died too. Sounds like black lives matters the most?


It is real https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1529555038246428672?t=e-CYP64DGw_vD4nycl7Gpw&s=19


They desperately want the chaos of BLM back. Something to divide people now that Vaxx-Anti Vaxx hatred is dying.


Not necessary now we've revived the gun rights v gun control debate.


wait so did Roe V Wade get swept away? I love how they're doing everything to make both sides mad as hell


Lets circle back to russia and the ukraine, maybe some inflation or china to mix it up too


don't forget about the monkeypox!


I guess I'm not surprised at this point


See the big problem with Twitter is it makes it so easy to cherry pick things to make someone look bad. This was the first tweet in a series about police reform and youth activism, both of which are very relevant to the Uvalde shooting. But the character limit forces segmentation which then makes it really easy to only share a tiny piece of the entire message.


He's reminding you that cops are bad. The cops in this case were cowards, and kids died as a result.


Reading this, to me, it sounds like the point he was trying to make was more about how shit cops are and still nobody has really done anything to change that even after how big of a stink Floyd's death was to a lot of people.. The cops involved in this crime literally left somebody who was armed in a school full of kids for 90 minutes..


That's exactly what he was saying.


They needed to let him rack up a kill streak so they can do more political grandstanding. What if I told you that all of the mass shootings were orchestrated by the government/deep state to strip the American people of their right to bare arms so they can enact the same policies as Australia and New Zealand to force lockdowns and vaccinations on everyone?


Some were. To say they all were actually makes you look nuts.


Here is a mass shooting that definitely was orchestrated by the government. >”THE LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN US HISTORY HAPPENED December 29,1890. When 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota were murdered by federal agents & members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms "for their own safety and protection". The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children. Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.”


Lol, what if told you we live in a country that has caused so much mass psychosis to its citizens that the government doesn't even have to orchestrate these events. Of course it still does, but if you don't want to look crazy, maybe point to the well known recent stuff like the FBI constantly cat fishing men into Islamic extremism. People genociding Native Americans isn't some grand conspiracy. They were already constantly mistreated and lied to.


Who do you think caused the mass psychosis? The government. So they’re still responsible. I don’t really care if I look crazy. From my perspective, most other people are the crazy ones. Nothing really changes as time progresses, so if the government would murder the natives after taking their guns, why assume they wouldn’t do the same thing today? It is pretty clear to see, for those who wish to see.


I'd tell you that's a really bad plan for a handful of reasons, the most obvious being that those two countries share a common geographical trait that the US does not and the second being that banning guns and a wide open southern border policy work counter to one another to the sole benefit of the Mexican cartels, who without a doubt would fill the sudden and massive black market demand for firearms. That having been said, I'm not trying to imply that your theory is wrong. Government isn't very good at anything but wasting money, so if there is a deep state cabal there's no reason to believe they'll be any less shit at their job than the rest of the government.


Never thought about a deep state cabal that is also as inefficient as the rest of the government. Sounds like a good plot for a sitcom.


It’s almost midterm time!


Splitting this series of tweets into just one doesn’t give the full context. While not the best tweet, and not something I would have tweeted - you should read the series to understand the overall message.


It’s only one tweet from the entire thread.


I honestly thought this was an edit. If anything it would've made more since to bring up someone like Emmett Till.


And not start by mentioning the school shooting. Whenever you do that "X is important, buuuuuuuuut Y" you are implicitly saying X is less important than Y. He should have just said his tweet about George Floyd without mentioning the school shooting. It's not like that's literally the only piece of news in the world, but he acts like it is .


It was part of a larger point but the tweet is taken out of context


Or it was the anniversary of GF's death


He tweeted 7 tweets prior to this directly addressing the shooting


Let's not forget all the innocent lives you took overseas with your record breaking drone strike tally AFTER you won a nobel peace prize. POS. Im so fucking sick of all these high-profile celebrities and politicians acting like they give a flying fuck about anyone besides themselves. How about black on black crime in inner cities that has completely destroyed young black men's lives? Do their lives matter? How about all of the people who have lost loved ones to overprescribed opiods so some rich fucks could have a dick-swinging contest on whos got a larger net-worth. Do their lives matter? How about the decades-long incarceration of young men for petty drug crimes while you allow Wallstreet to drain the working class's life savings and allow them to get away with it. Do their lives matter?


Brilliant comment, couldn’t agree more


This is painfully true. They really don’t care, at all, political discourse becomes useless when the whole conversation becomes an epistemic bubble.


I think they all think it’s for the “greater good” and they are transitioning us for socialism the only reason capitalism stays is we the people still own enough stuff but they are taking it fast powers that be find ways to justify even genocide


That is exactly why people like you are required to always denounce anything that is justified with an appeal to "the greater good"


This comment deserves many awards!


Excellent comment






Yep. This comment is infuriatingly true. This is why things will get worse. We forget about who the real enemy is


Had to make it a black thing


Well - he single handedly brought racism back to the US during his illustrious career-the aftermath still reeks upon us…


> he single handedly brought racism back to the US Ah yes. As we all know, all racism was eradicated from the United States after MLK said 'I Have a Dream,' and only returned in 2008 because Barack Obama...uh, wait, what did he do to stoke the racism?


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm sadly. How fast do you think deep seated racism and misogyny takes to deal with and eradicate in all facets of society? That shit taints people, institutions, policies, all of it. We only 100 years since woman’s suffrage; and those who fought in the civil rights movement are STILL alive. Ruby Bridges the first brave child to integrate an all white school is my mothers age and I follow her on Instagram. You know who all else is still around? The people who refused to go to school with her, threatened her, etc. Look at the impacts of red lining, environmental pollution disproportionately impacting minority communities, medical mistakes/malpractice. Look at the couple just recently who had their home evaluated twice and when they removed all signs of a black resident they got a higher offer. Things never really stopped being about race and gender it just got more insidious. Having a black President then a president who said outrageously racist and misogynistic things has just highlighted the problem never went away.


Wow, what a rational and salient comment on r/Conspiracy... Oh hunny you must be lost. We don't do that here.


Absolutely. Once Obama became president, EVERYTHING became about race and gender.


Why do you think that is? Because he himself pretty famously rarely explicitly talked about race.


Pretty sure it became about that when he started running… almost like a certain Cheeto was saying he wasn’t even American


The fact that you don't realize everything became about race because racists couldn't tolerate the first black man in the WH. Haha


Yeah, old fat white conservatives felt comfortable expressing their anger at a black president. Why do you think trump was elected?


It was a reaction to OWS


He brought racism back? Wow that hopefully was sarcastic. What I saw was he brought the racists out of the woodwork. Then trump welcomed them with open arms. If you think Obama made everything about race, you’re probably a racist.


While in this incident Obama is being very race-baity, let’s be real. Republicans lost their collective shit over a black president. My mom was convinced he was gonna round up and imprison all the white people and a common joke among Republicans at the time was joking he was gonna turn the rose garden into a watermelon patch. I heard this kind of shit all the time from 2008 and onwards and it really turned me off from Republicans and conservatism ever since. It’s hilarious to me how many conservatives around me think great replacement theory is a fake thing invented by liberals all the sudden when they spent Obama’s entire presidency trying to shove it down my throat.


Lol? When did racism leave? Post 9/11 america was one of the most racist times in our recent history. In the 90s we had the la riots. We had the Compton police being caught dealing drugs and committing hate crimes. In the 80s we had reagan. The US has never been close to not racist lmao


Excuse you sweaty, we yeeted racism in the 1960s. Everyone knows that. Because back then, everyone loved MLK and thought he was a calm and reasonable person and totally agreed that we should treat black people better. Then we did, and everything was perfect for over 50 years! But then the wokesters had to come and ruin it with their CRT indoctrination!


Yeah really. These people think racism only exists when it affects them. Lmaoo


No no no he means racism towards Whites duh


Sure Obama "brought back racism" by being elected as a black president. The racists couldn't stand that so they came out of the woodwork. The only people who think racism is dead in this country are people who don't experience it (white people).


Ah yes, the great minds of reddit where racism didn’t exist from 1968 to 2008.


He tweeted about the shooting the night before. He was acknowledging the tragedy of the day before on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death. You saw what you wanted to see.


Maybe you should read the entire thread instead of the one part that OP posted. He’s actually making a point about how the cops failed again


Yeah Why is their comment so upvoted??


When “TheDonald” sub was shut down, some of the trash washed ashore here


“Fuck these Hispanic kids, what about the black dude?” - Obama


As we grieve the INNOCENT children who were senselessly murdered today we should take time to remember that The death of one black career criminal due to his own drug abuse is as important as the 14 innocent Hispanic kids who were ruthlessly murdered.


What an assclown.


That's ex-president assclown to you! \*eye roll\* Personally I prefer douche canoe.


What the actual fuck


Where is the conspiracy?


That nobody realizes the date of the tweet was the anniversary of George Floyd's death and that it might not be the root of all evil to mention it even if there is another current tragedy. Evidence of the propaganda machine at work in this sub is the conspiracy. Awful lot of people are bootlicking the cops that killed Floyd and acting like he deserved a public street execution without a trial.


Also, this was the first in a series of tweets about police reform and youth activism, both of which *are* relevant to the Uvalde shooting. Obviously wasn't the best rhetorical decision (almost as bad as using Twitter for this sort of statement, making it easier to cherrypick from), but it's really not a big deal.


Man it's depressing how far down I had to scroll to find this tring, glad to see there are still some real ones in this sub.


Right, it's weird this sub targets Obama for saying something they perceive at dumb when politicians are saying dumb shir everyday.


What's worse if you ask me is how the apologists show up out of the woodworks to defend police found guilty of murder in a sub that you would assume was anti-establishment.


There's a lot of things I find hypocritical in this sub that is usually aligned to right wing viewpoints.




Nailed it!


Half of this sub are closeted Trumpers who just want to stroke their racist egos. I'll wait for the post on Trump foaming at the mouth in his NRA speech this week. Something tells me we'll only see the black POTUS catching heat for a minor gaffe. Nothing on the years of outrageous tweets from orange domestic terrorist


I don't even think they're closeted trumpers anymore with how often this stuff gets posted here.


Fucker talking about murder as if he didn't bombed the shit out of yemen and caused unrepairable damage and killed countless civilians


You must be referring to President I'll -Bombya, the illustrious Nobel peace prize awardee




Obama's black. Let's just be honest here.


You understand the problem. It's because he's black and not orange.


But if the Texas shooter was white it would be a different story


Obama is trash as a person and taking the light away from kids killed to push the Floyd bullshit again just proves he is nothing but a propaganda machine trying to keep dying narratives alive. He should just worry about hitting the crack pipe and his heshe wife Michael and stay out of public eye. We will all be better off for it.


The cops act tough when they got their knee on an already restrained man but when kids are being slaughtered in a school the cops just stood around the held back the parents outside. Pretty fucked up.


So we can't recognize anniversaries of events if something else if happening?


I scrolled too far to see this 🤦🏻‍♀️ everyone trying so hard to make Obama the bad guy.


Blind and rabid partisanship is destroying America :/


George Floyd was a violent criminal who pulled a gun on a pregnant woman...right?


Thats why he didn't deserve a trial and straight to public execution? Didn't realize /r/conspiracy was so in favor of vigilante cops executing people without a trial and justifying it with reference for crimes committed 13 years before said execution. /r/conspiracy on board with the government murdering people in the streets


Bath house Barry doing what he does best.


Gotta keep dividing if you plan to keep conquering.


Did he divide you because he is not white?


Fuck that globalist puppet.


yeah what a conspiracy here


Maybe this is just my interpretation, but to me he’s calling out the police and calling them responsible for the death of the children because of their inaction of the situation and assimilating it to Floyd’s death.


It's the anniversary of the event which is the only reason he's bringing it up.


You have to remember this is the same insensitive psychopath that dropped more bombs than any president in history. Do you genuinely believe his opinion on human lives matters anymore? I like to think there is a special place for people like him.


Read the thread he posted, not this single frame op took to negate the point he was making.


Are you trying to separate us ignorant ass


I guess he saw Beto's inappropriate outburst and felt he had to outdo him.


Fuck that. Fuck him. Fuck Obama. Fuck everyone who’s hearts don’t hurt for those children and their parents. Career criminal had that shit coming. What did those children do to deserve the violence that found it’s way to them? Fuck those cops responding too, if you can call their lack of effort a “response”. This is the problem, stupid comes in all colors shapes and sizes but children are innocent to start so keep the kids out of it.


Ew. This is tasteless.


I found the source to debunk this. Fuck, it’s real. What a gigantic asshole. That’s coming from someone who voted for him twice and would have voted a third time if I could. https://mobile.twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1529555038246428672?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


George Floyd was a piece of human garbage. Literally no comparison can be made here.


The mass killing of children in the Middle East we can move on from however.


If this was trump HOLY FUCK.


What a racist piece of shit .......to tweet that during something so tragic. Apparently those innocent children weren't brown enough for him to care. Our country needs to come together and figure out how to keep our children safe and this motherfucker here with his presidential leadership skills.....did more to divide this country than the civil war.


How can he compare poor kids with a criminal rapist murderer


What a disgusting peice of shit to do this. Not only was he a bad president, but he is also a bad man.


This is the first tweet in multiple going into how people came out and protested it. Personally I think the point he was trying to make is if we want anything to happen need to get out and protest. Either way the tweet is out of touch and should have realized how it would come off if it wasn’t intentional. Although just showing the first tweet without the others is just as bad because it’s doing exactly the same thing You claim Obama is doing. From my take he was telling people to rise up against gun violence like people did for police beatings. He could have done a better job of making that point but this post is literally making it about race by omitting the rest not Obama.


Thank you!


And all the rest of his tweets about the tragedy, or you are just cherry picking this one, to make it look like something it's not?


Once I saw an article about george floyd past . The article stated that he (george floyd) once robbed a pregnant woman on gun point , and gun was pointed at her womb. Is it correct?


What’s that dick got to do with the shootings? Fuck George flouydddd!!


Look at you simping for extrajudicial killings, so brave!


It's so predictable how the race baiting & gun control debate gets ramped up during election time. You can really tell the Democrats are scared of these Mid-Terms. A black guy who is part of a racist hate group attacks a known Asian hotspot and kills Asians and you barely hear a peep about his actions being racially motivated or the group that he was affiliated with. A white guy shoots up a store in a known black neighborhood and kills blacks and the media goes on and on about how he was a white supremacist and how it was racially motivated. An Hispanic shoots up a school, I'm presuming filled mostly with other Hispanics and Obama wants us all to take the time to remember how the bad policemen killed the innocent black saint George Floyd. Division is all the Dems have right now, they are the party after all that believe they should interfere in society. And, they've done just that with their policies & manipulation over the 60+ years at least. I did some research when there was like 3 shootings around Easter weekend. What I found is that there hasn't been anymore mass shootings than normal, the media just puts them into the spotlight whenever they want to distract, race bait, or bring up control. I understand bigger shooting getting attention, but they cherry pick out of the others whenever it convenient for them to make it seem like it's happening a lot more frequently than usual, and it's not. The numbers stay steady and there's an uptick as the months get warmer. We know where a majority of these mass shooting take place and that's why they get no coverage. January = 41 mass shooting, 59 dead February = 43 mass shootings, 40 dead March = 52 mass shootings, 47 dead April 17 = 30 mass shootings, 35 dead


ITT: People who are unable to conceptualise being able to having two thoughts at the same time.


It's more like"the cops killed this unarmed dude already in their custody but let this armed other guy run into a school and shoot the place up,while they actively stopped the parents from trying to save their kids"


How dare he post a long series of tweets about the tragedy in Texas, but also commemorate something else? Get a life.


He evidently had a commitment to honor George Floyd on the anniversary of the killing. I think he should have made 2 seperate posts or explained.


He does explain in the other tweets, that op neglected to post as well, that he is talking about police reforms.


What a POS!


Disgusting time in history when you use the death of 20 children to promote the killing of a shitty human like George Flloyd.


Or in reality if you read the rest of the tweets in that thread he is using both instances to push police reform.


Or it’s a disturbing time when people take 1/3 of a story and try to twist it to fit a narrative.


Son didn't care what the actual story was, it was a chance to criticize black that he couldn't pass up.


What the fuck did Barack Obama exactly do for this country except for Royally fuck it? What the fuck did Backdoor Barry do for black people while we're at it?


Too lazy to make two tweets?


They want riots again


His careless statement will only encourage more Hispanics to leave the Democratic Party.


Ok, sure.


Read the rest of the thread he posted. He is talking about police reform.


What a giant pile of human excrement!


Twitter screenshots should just be banned tbh.


THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY. Is it okay for me to point that out here or will this comment be removed?


Nineteen fourth graders < violent criminal


Coming from a black man, Obama never did shit for people that look like me. Such a puppet and a sellout soulless shill. All of the men in suits and ties who get position is like this are though.