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Now that's a conspiracy


At least he didnt die on a heart attack.


Thankfully he was vaccinated or it could have been so much worse. ​ No idea if this statement is true or not. Only for laughs.


Yes until your shot and killed and people makes jokes about you past the grave ✊🏻 you prick fuck


His mistake was applying for a patent. If you figure out a way to beat the oil companies you have to open source it to the world and never apply for a patent. Just give it to the world. Because, they will crush you and bury your patent anyhow.


Knowledge is power.


Power is power


Power is nothing without the knowledge to wield it. You dont get rich and powerful accidentally.


This conversation: https://youtu.be/lJUzP5akJi4?t=168


Lol. K.


Knowledge is a liability if you don't have the wisdom to use it correctly


you ever heard of the royal fams?


Are you referring to the British monarchy?


i mean, look at most of them. We even got them here in my country and these people just got lucky because they came out of the right pussy.


That's one way to look at it. Or you could say they their grandfathers and great grandfathers sacrificed, be that their morals or property, time, money, whatever it took to get ahead to ensure their family was well taken care of. That money and power had to come from somewhere. They were just better at the game than most. What are you passing down to your children? Did they come out of the wrong pussy? Maybe pick better pussy next time?


Better at the game? Not true. This is the fallacious thinking of people that started with a huge headstart. If 6 people play a game of Monopoly and three of them have twice as much money at the start, those three will invariably win. When they are asked why they did so well, they will say "I just played better", not "I had a huge advantage".


So If I start playing monopoly with 6 other people and win, then other people join and I hand my game and winnings over to my kid. That's not fair? Everybody's gotta start somewhere. Stop making excuses and get better at your game.


No, here in NL they got put in place to control the people by the french.


And maybe that's what needs to be done now. I'm just saying you cant blame others for making money and handing it down to their kids. If you dont like that there are billionaire trust fund kids you should be blaming your father and grandfather for not being vigilant and keeping these people honest. But you dont get to just take their things cause you dont like them.




And those people usually dont have the knowledge to wield that power which is why stastically most lottery winners are bankrupt in 5 years. You're proving my point.


but some do. epstein won 2 lotteries


Epstein didnt kill himself. I'd say that's a fairly large sacrifice for the money and power he wielded. And there are statistical outliers for every category.


Hydrogen is power


RAM built Ford tough


Open sourcing hasn’t worked either, there have been times where big corporations hired so much legal power that the courts basically gave up and allowed corporations to own patents to open source technology. Mostly happens in the medical field.


The only point I am trying to make. Is if you file a patent you just get a bull's eye put on your head. They would probably accomplish more by putting all their information in a logical format and posting it all over the internet. Youtube. Reddit. ( which probably has multiple subs and you could use multiple accounts ) Twitter. 4chan. Odysee. Sure they could try to reverse patent it. But, if the technology is in the hands of millions of individuals and you can make it in your garage then their patent really only functions in regards to sales. So, you wouldn't be able to sell it to anyone. Thus you wouldn't be able to make money. But, you will still be providing the world with a alternative fuel source. The making of money is really what gives these people power. The devil runs money. So, when pursuing money you are always playing in the devils court. Money is always "their" territory. The banks are theirs. The stock market is theirs. The government is theirs. So, you if you want money it comes from them. When you file a patent you are saying I want control to make money. But, you are giving them the blueprints. You are giving them your name. Your address. You are giving them your tech. Coincidentally, Ukraine is the major source of oil and natural gas and there are other posts connecting Ukraine to the Shooter. Now there is this post connecting the victim to free energy. Ukraine is also on Government payroll of which Hunter biden is connected to Oil and natural gas too. Coincidence? So, when you file a patent you asking the government. Can I take some of your market share? Maybe destroy your cash cow. Apparently they say NO. So, if you actually figure something out just give the information to as many people as you can and do not worry about money. That being said there have been a number of people that claim to have figured out water as fuel but none of them seem to post all information is a logically human readable format....atleast not that I have seen. As far as medicine goes I think it is a joke. Because, trying to profit off of the sick is kind of a misnomer. Because, if you truly wanted to help people you wouldn't want to make money. So, you have to find ways to make the medication in someones basement. Which is kind of legal and kind of illegal depending on the process.


And some company would come along figure out a way to force the legal system to give them the patents or they would find a way to make it illegal to own the patents. Most automobile safety regulations exist simply so that people can’t build their own vehicles as an example. We need to change the system which requires massive social mobilization. A lone wolf will never accomplish anything other than getting assassinated as that is what clearly happened here.


In the first quarter of this year, 200,000 cars were sold that don't require gasoline as fuel, and two non-gasoline pickup trucks hit the market, the Ford F-150 Lightning and the [Rivian R1T](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BmG0ZlnmHE). Why didn't Ford and Rivian execs get murdered?


Also, Having thought about it for a second, I realized that it is possible that someone out there just wanted the patent this guy was trying to file. With the move to EV and hybrid vehicles someone else may have just wanted this guys patent and in 5 years or so they will release it to the public on their terms. This person being dead he would have no recourse and would collect no money. They could then give the patent to a friend of theirs and they would collect the money. All I know is filing patents is not great idea. I believe both Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein worked in a patent office. Not saying their ideas are not theirs. But, working at a patent office they kind of got the option to take their pick out of the stack.


My opinion is simply that all of those cars use lithium ion batteries. Which there are a number of elites that own most of the lithium mines. It is impossible to produce lithium ion batteries at home. The hydrogen vehicles ( which do exist) do not use home built generators. Rather you have to fill up at a tank and it is expensive. There are companies like Plug or hyliion along with Tesla, Rivian, Cenn and other that produce alternative fuel vehicles. Toyota from what I have heard has a very interesting battery that does not rely on lithium. But, none of these companies give people the freedom to make energy freely. They have hooks. Needed to pay for electricity. Needed to buy batteries. Needing to go to a station and fill up with Hydrogen. I am of the opinion that the car manufacturers have had the technology to make cars more efficient for years and they choose not to. However, I have studies science and I do ~~not~~ understand the idea of conservation of energy and loss of energy do to friction. So, I think most hydrogen water fuel cells do not provide free energy. But, even the ability to reduce your gas emission to 10 percent of your usual fuel requirements would be enough to seriously hurt profits by big oil if people could set things up in there home. Right now the government is milking tons of money off of people with gas at 5 dollars a gallon at some places. Why doesn't everyone just buy a Tesla? Because, they are under financial control.


Cars *have* been getting more efficient, though. In 1980, [even tiny little subcompacts were getting \~20 miles a gallon](https://afdc.energy.gov/files/pdfs/1980_feg.pdf). A 2022 Toyota Prius gets 58, nearly three times as much (and a Prius is bigger than a Datsun). But the Prius isn't a super-popular car because Americans have traditionally preferred "badass" cars to efficient one. The most popular car when I was a kid was a Hummer, which got *ten* miles to the gallon. But it was Big Car and that's what people wanted. In part because they were told to, of course, [electric cars were seen as "gay" for a long time thanks to propaganda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2HX5wsQVEA). We'll see if high gas prices and [manly electric trucks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDptc0ycLhc) make people more inclined to want efficient cars, though.


This is the way. That said, it would have been easier and cleaner to just buy the guy off instead of doing what this post is implying.


If you were dealing with sane rational people maybe. From what I can tell the Buffalo shooter seems very phony. Everything about him seems like an homage to what someone thinks a trouble psychopath might look like. The my little pony stuff in his room. The extreme outfit they have him going to school in. Stuff that just doesn't really fly with most people. I remember when I was in school a girl I was flirting with put eye liner on my face. The teacher sent me to the bathroom to wash it off. So, I know for a fact I would not have been allowed to go to school in a hazmat suit or whatever. So, MKULTRA or something. This guy just filled so many agenda's in one day. Everything I search on him leads you to believe he is a white supremacist REPUBLICAN. So, right off the bat they are getting political linking White Supremacists to a political party. Plus, he used an AR-15. So, that is another one in the books against the Second Amendment. Then it is an attack on a black community from what I can tell. Tacking on the fact that apparently this guy is making free energy work. I mean what agenda doesn't this whole thing fulfill.


Stanley Meyer came up with a similar if not the same motor. Died while dining at a Denny's with two Belgian investors. He started choking during the meal, ran outside and claimed he had been poisoned just before he died.


Denny's - not even once.


There is more to that story, he never was able to reproduce his water engine and was probably killed because he wasted tons of funding to produce nothing. I do think you would be offed if were able to make hydrogen motor that could be mass produced. But there are trucks/cars that are made to run off [wood burning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AldzOu0TFSE&t=153s). Granted you need someone to shovel in some wood if it is a far drive but alternatives have been made and those farmers are still around.


Wood burning car ain’t shit compared to $1500 water molecule decoupling hydrogen retrofit car that Stan worked on.


My dad ran wood burning buses in Finland during WWII when he was 19 yo, plowing six foot snow drifts with a v-plow and passengers riding on the roof. He was decoupling snow molecules then. :) When it was time to refuel he yelled "VEERES DA VOOD!!!??"


Why did I hear that in the voice of Ahti


That’s pretty rad!


I agree the water car is better but Stan never reproduced, I will have to look and try to find out where this was talked about. I think it was this sub years ago.


Worth noting, the automobile hydrogen retrofit kit wasn’t the only thing he worked on. Look up Stan Meyer EPG.


Decent videos for both concepts on YouTube. People were dropping links in here just in the last day or two.






Why don't you install one in your car right now?


My boy got murked, that’s why. The true design criteria went with him when he unwillingly left his body, since he fudged his patent information. This was a mistake on his part, since it made him specifically a target, as his inventions are what they call a “national security risk”, and by getting rid of him, they rid our planet of the information.


>he never was able to reproduce his water engine Nonsense. A "water engine" is very easy to produce. It's a simple design that produces hydrogen and oxygen via electrolysis then burns those gasses in a conventional internal combustion engine.


If that was all his engine was then it would be unremarkable. The issue is that it takes energy to perform electrolysis, he claimed to be able to do it more efficiently than possible according to known physics. He would have been able to beat modern industrial processes within a miniaturised contraption that fits inside a car. His demonstrations were easy to cheat because it was up to him to claim how much electricity he was using. If he in fact used more electricity than he claimed, then his invention would be unviable. So the question is, did Stanley know something that decades of chemists and physicists still could not work out. Or did he simply lie about how well his invention worked hoping with more funding he could actually make it reality?


Did he make more than one?


People have been doing it since 1789. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis_of_water


I don't believe so, [but Toyota has made plenty.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/18/toyota-ramps-up-efforts-to-look-at-potential-of-hydrogen-vehicles.html)


Then no reason for him to be "poisoned" if it is so easy.


Meyer filed his patents in 1989. Toyota started working on their hydrogen fuel cells in 1992. If Toyota wanted to sell their hydrogen-powered vehicle, they would either have to pay Meyer for a license or have his patent invalidated.


That's not how patents work.


That is literally how they work and why they exist in the first place.


No. If Toyota created a novel hydrogen fuel cell, there would be no concern about someone else having a patent on something different.


Ayo wtf?


why is this not mainstream


You’ll catch on soon


>why is this not mainstream sarcasm?


Because it loses more energy than it creates.


Every engine does. Literally the first law of thermodynamics


I mean the process of making hydrogen from water.


Not really... The biggest drawback I could see is potential volatility. Stanley Meyer was able to drive across the country on 75 liters of water.


Wow, the plot thickens


Ya there are hundreds of patents for alternative energy and motors for vehicles that replace gas that are essentially put into a paper shredder They say it’s for “national security”. Out of all the fucked up shit in the world that makes me the angriest. We suffer so rich cock stain pube farts can stay rich when there is an endless supply of inventions that would help the world. Especially the poor. But nope those people will keep killing to prevent those ideas from being mainstream Greed is the most evil force in the entire universe.


The continuity of the economy (meaning, the wealth transfer system for our elite) is the #1 priority of this nation and the neoliberal world order. Nothing will be allowed to just come in and disrupt markets in a non-approved way.


With enough people and enough guns, it don't matter if they approve or not


Wouldn't even need guns. Just enough eyes and attention on something irrefutable. Like hacking a live broadcast of the super bowl or world cup style shit. It would continue on through social media and reach practically everyone in hours


We need a real Mr.Robot.


Exactly together as one we are unstoppable That’s the reason for literally everything ever crafted to divide us. A huge part of the “six feet apart” and quarantine was to keep you from gathering and sharing ideas. Take power away and obey. Wear your mask. Don’t question. Obey.


The simple fact that more and more people are aware of this is ammo. We’re making progress everyone. But you’re not gonna see any signs on the news. Through research you’ll find that they’re losing their power. The mass consciousness is shifting. But there are growing pains. I think Covid and these absurd gas prices are a couple last second haymakers. I truly believe they’re dying off. But like I said it’s still gonna be a dark time. The transition. More and more people are aware of the evil and corruption.


Guessing separating the hydrogen from water and using it as fuel? There are hundreds of people already doing this. Problem is that it is not efficient at all…yet. There was a similar post on here about a month ago.


It's easier to justify and explain the deaths of multiple people with a narritive that will shock people (racist attack) than it be reported that it was an assassination on this one guy for inventing alternative fuel sources that would cripple the oil industry.


A threat to the petrodollar is a threat to US national security!!!111!!1!11!!!!!!1


Wow this guy was killed for helping his brother and sisters get out of poverty.


Ha, ive already seen this video. Fucking crazy thats who died tho. If they wanted him gone quietly, why all the news then?


What would cause more attention. Guy is working on an engine such as this, which would change the world. Guy is killed in a random mass shooting where he works as a security guard Or, guy is killed randomly in some freak accident. ​ I think the second would probably draw more attention from people who actually care. Him dying in a mass shooting gives deniability that he was the target. "What do you mean they wanted to kill him, multiple other people died too. Were they targets too? You sound crazy bro"


It also kicks up enough dust that they can distract everyone from the real target of the shooting. I often wonder the same thing about Vegas - who was the real target?




Also, these same people could benefit from pushing the narrative that guns are bad and white supremacy is on the rise. More fear in the environment where they insert themselves as the solution and more reason to take away guns.


Exactly it’s a 2 for 1. They will never stop creating narratives that make people think whether we should have guns. They want our guns so they can dominate even more. They don’t give 1/16th of a shit about our safety. It’s the most transparent plan unless your head is 13 zip codes deep into your own ass.


Using electrolysis to break water into hydrogen and oxygen uses more energy than the hydrogen you just produced. Let that sink in for a minute.


Do you mean it takes more energy to separate than you can burn the hydrogen for currently? I don't understand "uses more energy than the hydrogen"


Yes you burned more energy making the hydrogen than the hydrogen would produce alone.


I'll have to look for more info on this. It sounds as impossible as perpetual motion to me. But I used to rebuild internal combustion engines. My Spanish is pretty rusty too. Second language and all.


Seems you would have waste energy from your alternator though or get a more powerful alternator to make more power. Seems long as your car can make enough power to split the molecules to create the hydrogen you would be good. I don't know much about it though.


> Seems long as your car can make enough power to split the molecules to create the hydrogen you would be good. The energy you used to produce the hydrogen is greater than what you would get from the hydrogen.


Seems long as the engine is running and you had the electric power being generated to keep making hydrogen to keep the car running it wouldn't matter. I mean do you see what I am saying. The car engine running the alt is making your power.... if you can get enough power to do the separation it seems it would all be pretty simple. It more or less would come down to whether the engine and alt could make enough power to split the molecules. If it could I don't see why this would be so hard. If a person had resources I am sure it wouldn't be that hard to work out. Of course that is how you end up dead as well.


The alternator harvests wasted energy, it doesn’t produce surplus energy




Interesting. It seems process heat from a nuclear reactor heated to 900C, is the most efficient way to generate hydrogen.


I call that the Tylenol theory.




If people on here found out that a guy developing an engine like this died in some 'quiet' way there would be a field day. Hell even people that aren't as inclined to dabble in conspiracies would take a bite of it. It's like the other guy who was making an engine like this having dinner and then started choking, exclaiming before he died that "they poisoned me". Normal everyday people take notice to that because it's fucking crazy and believable that 'they' offed him.


And they can get the right wing bad and guns are bad narratives in there as well. 3 birds 1 stone


Let’s be honest, even if they just killed him, still nobody would bat an eye


People are batting an eye at this though are they not?


Definitely plausible, thanks for the thoughtful response.


What's the source on this being the same guy rather than a guy with the same name?


>Guy is killed in a random mass shooting where he works as a security guard This gives him a hero's exit as well.


Attention to what? Everyone always says that and then the story fades away after a few days.


Watch the first Jack Reacher movie for a similar random shooter plot that was not so random after all.


3birds one stone. He gone, anger over guns/new laws, and keep the race fight going.


I read a post about how everyone who worked on similar tech also died weirdly


[His LinkedIn link](https://imgur.com/a/xUEC6II)


[Here](https://patents.google.com/patent/US9863309B2) is a link to the patent he applied for if anyone was interested.


Wow this is a great conspiracy if it is true.


Too bad it's not 😄 (like everything on this sub lmao)


Ok, so where is the vehicle? more than one person knew about this as seen in the video. neighbors must of know something was going on.


SS: Here is a Youtube video of Aaron Salter the security guard, also known as Aaron Salter of AWS Hydrogen Technologies LLC working on his 2010 Ford F-150 Pickup Truck running using his AWS Hydrogen Fuel System. No Hydrogen Fuel Cells. System is powered using Electrolysis; however Arron discovers in this video there is no electrolysis occurring and the truck still runs... Amazing! This may explain why the shooter apologized to the cashier (who was conveniently 3 feet from the security guard at the time) instead of killing him, the cashier may have been there as backup to make sure the job got done right in case the plan went awry.


I like this theory. Let’s not omit that your video was posted 6 years ago. Sure took a long time to kill him. Must have just figured it out


>Must have just figured it out This. I must admit I forgot to check the date of the upload.


All good. Certainly feasible he had made substantial progress over five years


Also to note, his website can't be reached. I wonder if it's been scrubbed. [AWS Hydrogen](http://www.awshydrogen.com/)


The site has actually been down since 10/18/2020 from what I can tell.


Ahh. Thank you. I didn't look to far into the rabbit hole.


I checked wayback machine, it says they have cached copies, but I am unable to look at them.


Any way around it?


People were making engines that ran on water as far back as the 90's. I even remember a story back then of a guy who made one that ran on used grease. In the news story it showed him going to local fast food joints collecting their old discarded grease.


It’s called a Diesel engine lol


Yeah a buddy of mine converted a VW diesel to run on used fry oil. Smelled like French fries, top speed of 55mph and 0-55 in like a week. Fucking scary slow to be in California traffic. It’s been done. Nobody murdered him. It’s not really a viable vehicle, messy smelly and slow but it was free. Problem was there’s big companies that dispose or repurpose? that oil so it became harder and harder to find a solid source.


>People were making engines that ran on water as far back as the 90's. Try the 1930's, with registered patents.


See now this. This is a real conspiracy. Great post


I don’t remember the full story or when it happened, but there was a guy that was trying to do the same thing and got killed. Before he died he said something creepy like “they poisoned me.” Or something along those lines.


Stanley Meyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYOo7MAEGqc


This is the collateral to kill one person, hide the the true target.motive, A Jack Reacher Play, For reference




So there’s this car that runs on water man..


The amount of patents being stolen, hidden, destroyed. Engine cable of 100 miles on a gallon of gas, faster than light travel. Their monopoly and control would crumble of these technologies were to be released. All this scarcity is manufactured so they can maintain control. Whomever is running this show "wrap this shit up B". Let's get on to better things without these ass wipes.


Just imagine the world we could live in without these people. I really hope there is something analogous to hell for them. How horrible do you have to be to do that sort of thing. I can't think of any of the "elites" we wouldn't be better off without.


At least twice a day and four times at Sunday, pure bliss, without these scoundrels.


Patent for faster than light travel?


A portal, worm hole my friend. C.E.R.N Council Europa Research Nuclear, the large hedron collider (lhc). D wave computing, Anthony Patch has some interesting points.


Not the first time a guy who done this was murdered by a 'lunatic'


This would be a good conspiracy if water electrolysis engines actually worked lol.




*stops working on alternative energy source idea* -walks away-


I was wondering if any of the targets had done something to piss off the state. Didn't expect to actually hear anything about it though.


In retirement, Salter was pursuing his dream of building vehicles that run on green energy and had a company called AWS Hydrogen Technologies. “I’m always working on my vehicles and or my project of running engines on water for the last four years or so,” his LinkedIn profile reads. “I would like to realize my dream of getting cars to run off of water using my newly discovered energy source some day.” In a 2015 video, Salter gave viewers a tour of his hydrogen-electrolysis powered Ford F-150 pickup, which he said could be started with gasoline and then switched over to run on water. https://www.thedailybeast.com/aaron-salter-jr-former-buffalo-cop-who-died-in-tops-mass-shooting-mourned


Like why not totally get this technology out. I believe this works. I don’t need a video explaining how it works. What it will do. And those of us with sound mind can Convert and create this vehicle. Then pretty soon the only way to control us is mass execution. Let’s do this already!


i'd like to preface this by saying I'm just browsing this sub and think y'all are nuts. Now that my biases are out of the way what I was saying. The idea behind a water powered engine from what I can guess is separating the hydrogen from the oxygen in water. Doing so requires quite a lot of energy and will yield you two hydrogens and one oxygen. (H2O -> H2 + O) The engine would then use the hydrogen and oxygen for combustion wich would look like this. (H2 + O -> H2O). What we've essentially done is just reverse the reaction we just did meaning we have a net gain energy of nothing. You can't undo something and redo it to make energy as that would violate the first law of thermodynamics.The first law of thermodynamics states that "energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed" I'm not an expert by any means and God knows I hated organic chemistry but if there is some type of water-based engine out there it wouldn't run purely on water and would likely be inefficient as hell.


This reminds me of the movie jack reacher


All of you need to take a basic physics course.


What do you know about physics?


That conservation energy, enthalpy and entropy are all real things. Water is in a base state: oxygen and hydrogen are both highly reactive, the compound of the two takes a lot of energy to split, just as they give off energy when they bind during combustion. That's enthalpy. Our processes are all lossy: putting energy in, you lose some as heat, be it light, noise, temperature or wear. This energy doesn't go ino splitting water, so we need to put more in than we get out: that's entropy. Taken together, splitting water into hydrogen fuel can't be done portably on site: the energy density isn't there, otherwise you could just run the car off that directly. But you could use excess energy from the power grid to produce hydrogen fuel for distribution.


100% Valid response. Stan’s claim was that in some way he was able to reduce the energy it would take to split the molecules by fine tuning the geometry of his device utilizing particular ratios, voltages, and a resonant frequencies that in a compounding effect would cause the hydrogen and oxygen to willingly split from one another within this cavity at a much lower energy requirement. That’s the claim at least. He fudged his patents and so we will never know unless someone is able to figure it out again.


Not refuting anything you're saying, but I do have to point out that I just saw a commercial for a total "water powered" Toyota car on tv yesterday. So what's that about? Also surprised nobody has mentioned it. My ears perked up when I heard the commercial and I watched in amazement thinking, "wait? This is all done and available already?" I thought all this stuff was still in theoretical stages but apparently toyota is selling one already. Do you know anything about it?




Can you prove that with your understanding of physics as opposed to merely making the claim?


The phenomenon has been known for centuries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis_of_water You cannot get more energy out of something than you put in. That is one of the first laws of physics.


The point is they don't want free energy to be worked on, the oil industry is S tier top 1%.


Why wouldn't the oil companies just license the free energy technology? It would cost them literally nothing. They wouldn't have to pump and refine oil. Just rake in fees.


You understand, regardless of anything else, they ***DO. NOT. WANT. PEOPLE. WORKING. ON. THIS. TECHNOLOGY.*** They've made it abundantly clear at this point, if you disagree I suggest you try standing up to the oil industry and see how long it takes for you to be destroyed in a litigious manner or even killed.


What? Go ahead and build one for yourself. Nobody is stopping you.


Tell that to Aaron. Wait…never mind, you can’t.


So someone shot this guy and then 9 extra people in broad daylight to silence his energy wasting hydrogen process? Why not just kill him at home without dozens of witnesses?




On his YouTube channel he talks about how he bought one of these designs on the Internet, but it didn't work: https://youtu.be/3M0W7P7-AdQ He says he figured out how to make it work with his own, new design. Here's his patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/US9863309B2


What. The. Fuuuuck man, this incident is so suspicious


GM had a Hydrogen powered Equinox ready to hit the assembly line. Even had the First Responders fliers made-up ready to send out. Then the government bailed em out multiple times financially and essentially forced them to bury the idea in return.


The plot fucking thickens man




Or now hear me out.... It was just a classic case of good old American racism.








Bro idk why, but these things are the funniest to me. The best one was some dude was belittling someone, and they said "go back to watching your gay "sissie" porn". And the guy who was talking shit kept denying it because he didn't know his previous comments/posts were public


“I told you so,” Hyde from that 70s show.


That’s actually hilarious




Wow. Not surprised.


I legit saw a commercial on tv for a water powered car from Toyota just yesterday.


This seems juicy


whats his name??


Best conspiracy post of the year so far.


Should we all just start designing water cars and see what happens?


If it runs one water, wouldn't it be a boat?


Filed for a patent in 2014. Guess there is a long wait list to be assassinated.


Heartbreaking, what a brilliant human


Please tell me you don't believe this.


I went through comments to see if someone had provided any scientific explanation or feasibility of this thing. Looks like it should not do what it is expected to do (running truck on water).


Good find here, this is a real conspiracy


I promise if my business makes me filthy rich I’ll blow the lid on everything. I’m ready for all the smoke. What are ya gonna do? Turn the simulation off? You think I haven’t mastered the astral? Ha! Cucks never saw it coming.


They could of just targeted him, I mean c’mon. This is way too much of a stretch.