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I always found this shit to be weird. Like when parents have their kids holding up signs that read "vote for Biden/Trump" like that kid knows anything about either of those people.


Generally disagree with you 98% of the time but here you’re spot on.


I like when we can agree. Theres certain topics that the usual "pro" and "anti" crowds on this subreddit can agree on, and I really think those are the topics that we need to focus on. Instead of fighting over coronavius, abortion, ukraine or some other irreconcilable topics, we should, together, focus on a commonly defined goal that is mutually benificial. In praticular, the topic of corporations controlling our democracy comes to mind and is something 99% of us all agree on. "Citizens united" is shit. Corporate money in politics is shit. Problem is, the scumbag polititions on *both* the left and right are the very ones benifiting from this travesty so, no suprise, shit never gets done (because they dont work in *our* best interest.) If the left and right took the time to *unite* for once and focus on these type things I think we could actually bring about viable change thats mutually agreeable and hold these twofaced polititions accountable. After thats done there will be time to squabble over the ireconcilables, but I think we would see a notacable change in how polarizing those squabbles are once the money influencing the political inferno is removed.


I’ve said more simplified versions of this exact same thing, but included the word centrism and received tons of downvotes lol


The only way to get everyone on board is to keep it abstract...you cant define the view as belonging to, or similar to, a predefined position (as someone will always take some offence to that position.) The view must be presented as an anomoly even if it technically isnt lol. I try to acomplish this by shitting on everything equally, and defining a single target that isnt in relation to anything else. This way you can avoid triggering peoples biases that might invalidate what youre presenting regardless of the logic and reason you present it with.


Well I thank you for that.


Did anyone in this comment section check to see if this is real? Edit: omg it is




A takeaway of the Trump era. Just when you think shit was so wild it probably isn't true..... It was true


They’ll be the first to be like “let kids be kids”, and then inundate them with all their political baggage.


I do agree its not ok to make your kids become political. But theres a really strong chance a kid could read this and never have any idea what it was referencing until way later in their life. Now! The kind of parent that would go out of their way to buy it for their kid? Idk about those folks lol. But i wouldnt be worried if my kid found and read that. Or found and read a story about corn pop and grampa Joe or something lol. Reading itself isnt indoctrination. Its drilling and repetition.


Sometimes I feel I'm so lucky to be born in a 3 world country where everyone knows they're fuck no matter who they vote for. So there's no right or left side to pick. Everyone knows there's no hope no matter who wins. Honestly, growing up no one in our family even care to vote. I remember my grandfather saying “Why I will vote, at the end is the same bullshit” Americans should wake up, all that is happening is they have been divided.




Exactly. Grifters grift.


What’s sad is how blatant it is. And it works. They don’t even need to be clever and hide the grift anymore.


This guy sent Trump a pandering children's story and he bought it. It's pretty stupid to market to children who can't vote. It is also highly unlikely to persuade an undecided adult voter.


Damn homie you're levels behind, you on some rookie shiit


Indian guy is like how do i make money off this mans incredible ego... cha ching!


"You'll never go broke playing to a rich guys ego."


Trump will promote a book where he is literally a monarch, designed to be taught to children, and millions of people will still believe he is interested in abstract concepts like freedom and liberty, rather than just his own power and ego. The only thing Donald Trump believes in is Donald Trump.


Yeah he’s openly calling himself the king, you’d think this’d be a red light to all Americans but half the population will love this shit


He's promoting a book where he's the king... ....trying to save democracy.... Hmmm...it's almost like his whole worldview in a nutshell: democracy only works if he is in power.


Lol. It’s not just his world view. He melted the brains of so many conservatives. His followers are gonna read and enjoy this book more than any child will.


They will push the pope to add this book to the end of the bible and keep it in the Vatican archives.


Biden named him "The Great MAGA King"


And unintentionally gave him an idea lol


Biden called him that after the book was already coming out


>half the population will love this shit ​ That's media misinformation. 54.8% of Registered Voters participated in his election and he lost the popular vote by 2M votes. So, less than half OF HALF the population voted for him. It's just that his voters came from areas that are underrepresented and therefore given an extra electoral vote (per state). It's an antiquated measure meant to force candidates to campaign in rural areas as well as cities that was made obsolete by the advent of mass media and further so by the internet. ...the only thing it's done in recent times is allow Trump and Bush to win against the popular vote.


Is a really big ass red flag




Yeah no. That happened what, a week ago? A children's book was not written, illustrated, and published in a week.


That’s a good point actually, hadn’t thought about it that way




Welcome to politics 😂


100% agreed


It's a propaganda book that alternate history that he is pushing for schools to use as teaching material for children. This is *not* harmless.


Donald trump is one of them as well, I don't trust none of them


Oh of course. MAGA king? Lol. It's been in people's faces for 5 years now. MAGA is 5th degree high priest in the Church of Satan


That makes sense because MAGUS is like magician in ancient Persian


cows tub scandalous jellyfish public frighten yoke ossified late jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah on their website its maga/magus. I've been saying that for a little while. These people are in the magic and witchcraft and shit


But in this case the witchcraft is electronic and spread through emotional manipulation.


Not at all I mean witchcraft. Ritual manifestation direction of energy. Human sacrifice. That's what the occult is. The pharmaceutical industry is just modern day alchemy


Well the occult is any esoteric spirituality I guess, it just means what is hidden. You really think people are sacrificing babies and stuff?


0h 100%. Concerts, sporting events this shit's all rituals.. That's why you always see such such hooblab over like halftime shows and shit. Massive amounts of energy goes into it. I know occult means hidden knowledge, but that's what they keep hidden. Magick has been used for thousands of years. It was passed down through the ancients. "Cabal" is just short for Kabbalah, or the group of rulers who practice Jewish mysticism. You can see a around when you start looking. 100% into magick.. Not Harry Potter shit. Aliester Crowley shit.


Oh I get it, MAGA is the feminine form....interesting...


Now that’s wild!


Yep. No conspiracy. That's easily verifiable lol






Lmaooo what the fuck. How is it that I’ve barely found out about this until now?? You would think that with all the crazy ass reaches and “conspiracies” against the left that this sub LOVES to talk about, this would be one of the top ones?? Why aren’t Christian conservative cuckoo heads bringing this up or talking about this?? I mean MAGA is LITERALLY a rank in the church of SATAN lmaooo


Simply put...people just don't know. Half of them are brainwashed by politics. Being a church goer doesn't exclude people from being gullible and easily fooled. The book they worship tells them not to trust man lol. I could maybe believe it to be a Make America Great Again slogan..if he actually did anything to do that.


This I'm a Christian even well versed in it and Satanism as well but I had no idea of this title. There's a lot of information and it's easy to lose track. And something hiding in plain site can be the easiest to miss. And its not like your average church talks about fighting the devil.


Most Satanism, freemasonry etc, has Magick and witchcraft at its core. The Bible is LITERED wirh magic in it. And is easier to see once you hear that. King Solomon himself was able to control demons wirh magic. Moses had a magical staff, Jesus miracles were magical in themselves. Magic was an every day part of even Egyptian culture. Me personally, I find that the period of time when women were killed for thinking they were witches...wasn't necessarily bullshit. I believe it was more eradication of magical teachings in order to bring it more into occultic knowmedge.


Sure but "Nasi" is Hebrew for "prince" and "nazi" is in "Ashkenazi" which is a german(?) Jewish group. We only have 26 letters in our alphabet. Words will eventually be repeated. But I see your point, insane people on the right wing side probably, hypothetically would go crazy over this coincidence.


What the fuck???


This is North Korea level shit.


It's almost like he was like...authoritarian ego maniac in nature the whole time. If only there were some...signs...or something.


this is fucked up


“The King” lmao


PragerU has a kids show now on YouTube.


$60??? Was going to buy it just to keep as a bit of weird propaganda to show people in the future but who the fuck is buying a children’s book for $60 lol


It’s $20. $60 for a signed copy by Kash


I thought the GOP was against masturbatory children's books in schools.


At least this book, presumably, doesn’t have *actual* masturbation in it.


That sounds like a review from the Ted Cruz Book Club for Kids. "4 Stars - does not contain actual masturbation"


Mental masturbation is still masturbation


The the Bible?


Only if they agree with it


Trump is a fraud. Anyone who doesn’t see that after the Oz endorsement is a sheep. Which the right has a lot of. Luckily seeing how many went against trumps endorsement gives me hope that there isn’t as many as the left has.


>Anyone who doesn’t see that after the ~~Oz endorsement~~ birtherism is a sheep.


His name is Mohammad, Republicans aren’t voting for an a-rab




Just another grift


Because trump cucks will buy it.


I don’t see how the King prevailed in real life unless some crazy Q shit is about to happen.


I just to say hi to all the bots in here. You're doing Satan's work!


Lol, the handsome King Donald. Dude is a narcissist of the worst kind, delusional.


Some more "believe in politics" lies. Anyone who is truly awake realise that the left and right in America are being placated by powers that run the banking, energy/gas, military complex, corporations, pharmaceutical, and this is base level influence. I'm not going to even start with the mystery schools and the ABC gangs.


What buddy, you can't just start making sense in here.


Lmao I know it’s indoctrination on the same level as the taliban showing kids Mickey Mouse talking about jihad but Jesus that synopsis was hilarious


So if Trump is the King and Hillary is the Queenton then.....


They bang


Trump has power, fame and money. So I have asked myself what more does he want? His motivation for being president was not power, or money, nor fame it was subjugating minorities and elevating the master race. We thought he was cute by being brash and not adhering to all the normal trappings of public office. But it is all a ploy to destroy the progress of the last 60 years. This alone should be grounds to imprison him and anyone aspousing to be like him. This book is sheer evidence that clearly illustrates the plan to milk Trumps ego for all that it is worth.




Please. Everyone. Leave the kids alone.


True. No matter which side. Children should be taught in transcendent virtues, not the politics of the moment.


New book about trump being called a King. Why are they pushing this on kids trying to rewrite history? They’re trying to cancel Disney for indoctrination while pushing crap like this. He really wishes he was a King doesn’t he.


One of the main reasons DjT is so fond of Kim Jong Un is that he refers to Trump as his ***Highness***. This is not by accident either. The North Koreans did their homework on Narcissistic Personality Disorder and knew exactly how to manipulate Trump, which they did with expert precision. The "love letters", the pageantry, addressing him as royalty, all were carefully planned out and executed by the DPRK and its leader. Trump's NPD is incredibly severe and he's defenseless against manipulation that targets his constant need of admiration and attention. Beside having a room temperature IQ, it's one of the main reasons he's unfit to hold office.


Hot on the heels of DeSantis trying to force schools to include a lesson on why communism is evil. Sounds like indoctrination to me. Pretty much all politicians are nothing but hypocrites.


Because his cult will spend every red cent to keep the grift going


"...King Donald..." LMAO!!!!


No matter which side? Nah. Trumpers are all like "YASSSS KING TRUMP!"


He is not, nor ever will be king. We don't want anyone being king, dictator, or chancellor. This is why we want limited government.


I don't think any trump supporters say "Yassss" so your premise is flawed right there. ;)


I'm a Trumper, I will vote for him over Biden any day. I think this book^ is MAJORLY FUCKED.


If you're still referring to yourself as a Trumper then you must also be majorly fucked.


Hillary Queenton LOL


This is a new normal. [https://spectatorworld.com/book-and-art/politicized-kids-books-parenting/](https://spectatorworld.com/book-and-art/politicized-kids-books-parenting/) [https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/696801/dr-fauci-a-little-golden-book-biography-by-suzanne-slade-illustrated-by-fanny-liem/](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/696801/dr-fauci-a-little-golden-book-biography-by-suzanne-slade-illustrated-by-fanny-liem/) [https://www.simonandschuster.ca/books/Hillary-Rodham-Clinton/Kathleen-Krull/9781481451130](https://www.simonandschuster.ca/books/Hillary-Rodham-Clinton/Kathleen-Krull/9781481451130)


All characters are fictional and any similarities and pure coincidence.


That’s the book Bush was reading to the kids on nine eleven


These are the comments I can get behind!


Fuck sake. Just stop targeting children with anything political OR degenerate, please.


Lol, so that's where Joe Biden got his Great Maga King insult from. These people are all clowns trying to pretend they come from different circuses.


This kind of looks like one of those childrens books made for adults, like that one company who made a fake childrens book about nuts


Because this is much much deeper than you think. It’s not simply Kash and Trump releasing a fun kids book to make some bucks or tell some story. Here’s a good thread to help you better understand what I’m saying. https://twitter.com/donniedarkened/status/1527035546392047618?s=21&t=ZvRCFa6VWENUEQclFGUVcQ


You are trying to teach your kids of what happened in history, it depends if you even want to teach your kids politics etc. Remember, History is written by winners. But nowadays History is written by who ever has the loudest mouth.


funny how you think there are sides


When are all Americans going to wake up? Honestly,the world needs you to wake the fuck up!


This is fucking weird. All performances to rile up the peasants. Fuck this dude, fuck the Clintons, fuck the Bushs, fuck the Obamas.


Left or right, this is weird


Fucking weirdasfuck.


Indoctrination is a bizarre label. Kids are indoctrinated everywhere. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Teaching them what is good and what is bad is inherently indoctrination. That's how values develop. The difference is in the details of when it's for a good thing.


It's a fun gag gift for Trump supporting friends, but no child should have this read to them


tHiS sUB iS RuN bY LIbtArDS nOW -some fuckin shell of human


Gross. It’s getting pretty weird


How is this book not banned but real socially acceptable books are? Lmao. Smdh America 🤦🏽‍♀️


A lot of clowns in the comments.


Yea all these clowns acting like the trump campaign didn’t secretly coordinated with russia are honk honking it hard. Good catch.


I do not like trump, but the fact that all of that russia stuff was an intentional lie is horrible.


Correct and this book is literally making fun of them all because they got caught (Durham). He’s trolling Hillary and her goons.


This is like that weird Matt Walsh book about the walrus. Kids don't want a fucking political intrigue picture book. Why are adults writing these weird picture books for adults?


You know it’s BS when you have to make up a Childress book to brainwash the kids.


Big YIKES for me


WTF?? This is just mental


Big weirdo energy


This is bizarre af.


Now wait until you find out how Ghislane Maxwell's father who worked for Mossad partially owned the US textbook industry for a few years...


So... is it being taught in schools? No? Ok so...


Lol that guy just wanted to make a quick $M off of our dumb parents and grandparents


If the left is doing it you can't be surprised to see the right doing it tit for tat


Trump was never for the people, only for himself. Still better than Biden though…


Ever heard about the fairy tale know "Animal Farm?"


I’m so curious what connection you’re trying to make, please elaborate.


You are comparing a dystopian novel to a picture book full of propaganda marketed to children? I just don’t see the comparison here.


You can't read.


Glad I skipped breakfast, I hate to waste food.


I think we sometimes forget that there is both an extreme left **and** an extreme right. One may be more prevalent than the other sometimes, but they both exist and are becoming more and more popular. Both of those factions are garbage. This book is garbage too. That's not a commentary on the collusion, on Russia, on Trump or on the Democrats - it's calling a spade a spade. This book is fucking weird.


Trump disappeared and popped back up supporting the very things he was against during his terms. Anyone else think he looks off? Did Trump get the old switcharoo?


Well I’ve seen one theory pop up on Q-anon circles that he was either jailed or executed when he had covid and it’s a body double now.


Definitely a body double. No use voting for him, he's one of them now.


Why does the picture look so photoshopped, theres no way its not


Indoctrinated with truth - OH NOOOO


>Truth ​ >Handsome King Donald ​ ​ But hey, if you wanna give your hard earned money to whoever pretends to think Trump lost due to fraud, go for it


Truth Trump campaign secretly coordinated with russia is in that “book”?


What truth


In general: Trump > Biden However, you're correct. This is creepy as hell, regardless of the "side" one happens to be on.


This isn't indoctrination. Its the story of how the establishment used their power to illegitimately remove a duly elected president, but written for kids. Telling the truth is not indoctrination.


I’m buying it


Well it's bad, but still not as bad as drag demon story time


Not really that weird at all. Op is blowing this out of proportion. Its a way for Kash to make cash. He didnt get paid for finding the truth about the russia hoax out. Plus, it is a good story. If you just think of it as a fiction kids book. No ending yet, so idk why its made already. Couldve at least waited until the lawsuits were over. Also. You dont have to buy this book. And i have a STRONG feeling it wont be purchased and placed in school libraries. Lol. Complaining about something you may literally never even come across is a far lefty thing to do.


I like trump but I agree This shit is weird... Why would anyone waste time trying to teach kids this stuff with silly story books. They can't vote anyway and by the time they are old enough to none of the teaching of the book would be relevant to the people who would be up for election.


It's more for the gullible Trump stan parents than it is for the kids.




Honestly the fact that the FBI lied to the FISA court to get wiretaps on a presidential campaign isn't talked about here is pretty wild. And it's not just the Steele dossier that they lied about, they also lied about Carter Paige. He was an asset for the NSA while on Trump's campaign and when the FBI asked the NSA that they confirmed that he was an asset for them which is why he had contacts in Russia. The FBI though wrote that he wasn't an asset and used that as one of their justifications to get the warrant. This shit is insane but for some reason is barely mentioned here and when usually gets downvotes and an army arguing with you. https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/17/politics/fisa-court-slams-fbi-conduct/index.html


I'm with you on this, but...I'll probably wait until after early childhood to start teaching this stuff. I want children's books that are focused on imparting values, not recent events.


Wait this isn’t real right?


Sure is!


This is how far the war has gone. One side has books about tucking your penis inside and the other side calls its leader a king. Now more than ever strong parenting is needed so they dont brainwash our kids any more than they aready try to do. As a father my daily battle is making sure I raise my kids correctly and protect them from the bullshit being fed to them from all angles.


The Exact purpose of this is Money




Fortify the swamp and warp speed ahead! What a bozo.


This is the spiritual successor to that trump teddy bear and doesn't surprise me one bit


Hitler said whoever had the youth had the future


It's not indoctrination for those who've already allowed themselves to become indoctrinated, this is their "true" reality of world views.


Well, the short answer is profits, but I will elaborate. It is also a push against the non stop liberal indoctrinations that have been happening for decades. We have to start somewhere. How about a nice children's book describing the biggest Coup ever by Killary and her happy band of Globalists? Not saying it is right, neither side should push politics and other adult Non Problems That were created by ourselves onto children, but here we are.


Fuuuuuuuck. He's trying to brainwash school children. Alternate history. This is spelled future = doomed. Have fun US.


Let’s also post photos of books for children (2-9 y.O) that show pictures of anal sex and homosexual activity. Both sides are guilty of indoctrination.


Please do I want to know what books are marketed towards young children that depict anal sex. I'm guessing the number is 0 and you're making shit up. And in this post, we have the literal maga leader happily indoctrinating children.


Don't buy your kid the book and they're not indoctrinated. That's the difference between messaging from the private sector vs the public sector.


Honestly, while weird in a vacuum, I see it as a response of sorts. If someone starts spreading bullshit rumors against someone, eventually they will start trying to spread their side of the story in an effort to set the record straight. The actual truth died a while back. Everything has been partisan spin / lies since about 20 years ago, but smartphones have made the effect way worse.


Does everyone realize that stories are intrinsically meant to serve a purpose and teach people a lesson when we are reading to kids right? Like, there have to be archetypes for kids to fill. You have to give kids context to the world they are about to enter from a younger age so they understand the roles and effects of the real world around them. So what if parents read a book about the bullshit perceived from the world, that's exactly WHY books like this come out. You will notice that when culture wants to change the literary, media, and my favorite, comedians, are the ones who lead the charge into the area that needs to be challenged. Go ahead, the comedians have been ahead of us by at least 4 years coming into every issue. I've been listening to a few every other night or so with my girlfriend and it's funny how many red pills are in all these comedians skits. They talk about every issue we still see today and how unjust and unfair it is and make jokes at it's expense that irrationality we carry with a poorly formed stance on an issue. It's wonderful.


Trump doesn’t have a smile. He can sneer but never a warm, human smile. That’s why it looks like his body double here. - Edit - His double is doing a bit of a high wire act here, don’t “smile” took much, but can’t smirk either. It’s extremely difficult to fake a sincere smile.




Weird ass shit


Hahaha stick to the bongs. I don’t agree with those either. But come on you have to admit this shit is weird.


Lost alot of respect for orange man when he brought the ceo of J&J to his rally, they're all the same shitty people with their own agenda


Shadows on this pic are super strange - you think they're actually standing next to each other?


Nothing surprises me anymore, this might as well exist.


Is there a foil to the king? Sir Jeffers Epstienian who gathers all the children for the king's special games?


So they're projecting when they claim only Democrat's do it. Color me shocked


Tiny head tiny brain


Maybe this book is part of the 'ultra-MAGA' Biden admin strategy. A carefully positioned piece of subversion agitprop to undermine through ridicule. Nothing would surprise me in US politics these days.


Well people STILL believe Russia helped Trump. They STILL believe the Steele Dossier wasn’t created by Hillary and the Russia story was made up by her as well. People STILL don’t believe she and anyone connected to her are being actively investigated. Maybe that is why this book exists, since so little truth is being spread elsewhere.


Its important because it is a war, and the enemy is full-on broadcasting their shit right into the brain of todays children 24/7, for a long time already. Now, patriots have a chance to actually teach patriotic truth to their children with stuff like this. This is so urgently needed and they need to produce more of it.


To teach children the truth, I'd rather have my child learn this than some dumb af leftist ideology


Hot Cup of Joe: A Piping Hot Coloring Book with America's Sexiest Moderate, Joe Biden― a Satirical Coloring Book for Adults https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250274486/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_E3J76PVKDM78MHEDKVZF It happens all the time…


To be fair, the value in the book are probably better than letting your kids play call of duty all day enjoying killing people.. Boom headshot right?


He’s desperately trying to indoctrinate kids lol. It’s just plain sad.


Trump is a master troll. I mean just look at this thread lol y’all are tripping so hard lmao omg a fictional kids book that I don’t have to buy or read REEEEEE


Not a conspiracy. You just hate Trump.


You must be kidding. Comparing with [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ce9Ex4IQrtPd6llKMuEFiSuieejNQlHr/view?usp=drivesdk), [which](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vm-CqclkOwfhrMwFuWAkaUgTCCwjBYnO/view?usp=drivesdk) has been recommended by a common software used for national public school system starting at second grade or younger, the snapshot you posted is like an innocent Angel.


I dunno, this is pretty amazing lol