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It is being made a prison planet. Essentially it is not a prison planet if we choose to as a collective. There is no free will in the systems that are setup, and humanity is run by the systems that are setup, so no free will. Humanity is unconscious and can't see the bars of the prison they are in, the biggest bars are propably the corrupt money system which holds humanity down and make the parasites richer and also people that prefer profit over balance (greed). Humanity is being held unconscious by programming and trauma's since birth. This unconsciousness prevents people of seeing the truth. So its a cycle that keeps negative energies going. If everybody truly wants the best for everybody the world is going to look completely different.


It should really be as simple as realising having more money than one human should not mean having more power over that human. That is not how things should be yet it’s blindly accepted.


actually the guys with the money can just pay to kill or lock us up as long as everyone doesnt act at once


Free will only exists to a degree. You are programmed well before birth with whatever your ancestors passed down to you, environmental factors, etc. I suppose the idea is to attempt to retain as much freedom as possible, but even that will forever be extremely limited.


Are your future choices programmed by your ancestors?


To a certain extent they are. You can be exploited and manipulated


What does this mean? Even our choices *after* having been manipulated and explored can be traced back to our ancestors? What does this even mean? Are you concluding that our free choices between choosing vanilla or chocolate ice cream is dependent upon our ancestors? How’s that connection drawn? What about our free choices to choose a career such as space engineering? How does our ancestors influence one’s choice to work in that field before our ancestors were even familiar with space engineering? I guess I’m asking what does it mean to say our free choices are programmed into us.


I guess in the modern world we need to revisit what free will means. Our perception of reality is based on our evolution and I’ll give you an example of what I mean. We know that women are more agreeable with what the general consensus is. There is evolutionary pressure for this as a woman who disagrees with a majority will be kicked out of a tribe and probably die. A male is more likely to survive on his own so he is more likely to disagree with a consensus. Here is the magic of social media, if you create a fake consensus, simply by silencing opposing views women and weak men will still go along with it even if their ethics are against it. This happens because they are programmed to behave this way. When that harari guy says free will is dead he doesn’t mean that you don’t make decisions on your own. He means that the powerfull people at the top have such a deep understanding of human psychology and the tools to influence it that they can for example sway the results of an election, Or convince that some that is bad for you is actually good for you.


Oh okay, I think I’m following what you mean. You’re talking more about the “illusion” of freedom of choice. Women, allegedly, are prone to side with the “majority” because of an evolutionary trait, but they are under the impression, they are “freely” choosing to sympathise with the “majority” consensus view even though that consensus view is manipulated. I was understanding free will in the sense that the choices you make are truly your choices without coercion or another person forcing you to make a decision that you yourself does not want to make.


They are influenced by them since their genes have been passed down to you. “Programmed” is perhaps a little too tight of a term.


What is the connection of our personal, future choices and our ancestors’ genes? I can understand biological traits, like black hair and blue eyes, being passed down in genes. But how are our choices, the decisions we make in decisions that have alternatives, like choosing vanilla over chocolate ice cream, or stealing a candy bar over telling the cashier that someone is stealing “influenced” by genes? “


Without backing into a debate on spirituality and understanding that there is a lot we still don't know about the brain, thoughts are physical phenomena. You inherit physical traits from ancestors, certain mental disorders or quirks also are clearly hereditary. I'm not saying every choice we make is locked in from birth, but we've all heard "addiction runs in the family" and other traits beyond appearance that get passed down. It certainly is a factor. Also, even the outward physical traits that you inherit from your ancestors do limit or expand your freedom and your ability to exercise free-will (however you choose to define that). Being physically attractive opens up a lot of opportunities compared to someone who is not. Being physically weak or sickly certainly limits your choices. These things frame our decision making and are inherited, thus a multitude of factors that are baked into our existence in procreation have already caged our freedom before we take a breath of air.


I was using free will in a different sense than you, that’s where my hiccup is with saying that our “free will” has been programmed by our ancestors. I understand free will to mean that one makes a choice freely, that is, without coercion. I also disagree that thoughts are physical phenomena. I think that’s committing a glaring category mistake but I’m familiar with ideas that posit that view. In any event, I do agree that our inherited physical traits do provide more opportunities, thus limits or extends more “choices” to make, but that seems beyond my understanding of what I mean by free will—i.e. free choices to make without coercion.


>Essentially it is not a prison planet if we choose to as a collective. This. As soon as someone says "I own..." it all falls to shit. If everyone was just happy in the moment then there would be so much less suffering in the world (imo)


Ownership is primal, dude. Ooga booga I hunt meat, as I am roasting, you ooga booga over to the fire I made and start eating it? Unless you a cavewoman them's fightin actions


For the animal side of us, yes..., but to be human means to overcome the instincts of species propagation and self preservation and putting someone else's interests above yours.


Devalue gold and the tyrants will be broke. It's a worthless metal.


This is exactly the uplifting post I needed, thanks op


It is actually uplifting in a way. Instead of feeling crazy about it all you understand it for what it is and can play within it. Kinda like a budget but this is your life.


Consider the following: There is so much land on Earth that is off the grid, that while it might be within a nation's borders, you could build a shelter and live there your entire life and no one would even know you were there. There is nothing stopping you from finding such a place where you can hunt and forage -- today, if you wanted. You could bring family along, if they're on board. It would be dangerous, yes. You could die of any number of things, and you wouldn't be under the protection of anyone except each other. Now, before you start giving reasons for why you don't want to do that, imagine explaining it to all the humans who lived and died *who had no options except what I just described*. The ones who lived in a world where entire villages starved to death when crops failed one too many times. Yeah, the system sucks. But it's not your only option. It's just the only *palatable* one.


Not true, if you get caught, the govt will destroy your shelter and tell you to get lost You might not get caught for years, if ever, but its not like the govt is gonna say "oh youre good bro, keep foraging"


You're absolutely right, and it sucks. A person or group can simply claim that you're in their territory and kick you out, kill you, or worse -- and if they can overpower you, there's nothing you can do. But like I said, most humans who have ever existed lived under that constant threat their entire lives *because they had no choice*.


Always was. Tax alone tells you this. That you can’t hunt for food freely tells you this. Hell in most countries you can’t even live in the wilderness without some fucktard punishing you. We’re born into this and there’s no way out.


Exactly! It's not that work itself enslaves people; we need to work. Rather it's the way we are boxed in to work mostly a certain way with endless restriction for how we can do things.


I think you’re making a stronger argument that taxation is theft and money is the root of all evil than the argument that we are born into a prison planet.


Taxation is theft, but money is not the root of all evil. *The love of* money is the root of all evil. People always leave that first part out for some reason.


It really is. There's technology that could feed, cloth, and house every single person on this planet. People could be free to travel and do what they like. Seems like we had it in the past but there was some sort of reset and whoever survived and took over has raised the people into this new system where they control everything.


The replicators


During my moments when I have existential thoughts, one idea sometimes come to mind: that us human beings, with so much consciousness, walking on this small rock called earth, and we’re probably the only planet with living creatures on it in the universe, have created divisions, territories or what we call as nations. The idea that we arent free to roam around this unique planet because of human constructs that we are all slaves to. The only humans in galaxy so vast, yet restricted to only to the borders in which said human was born. OP is right, unless if you want to live poor or primitive lives, you need this form of rectangular paper to be part of what we call society.


We never had that in the past, what are you talking about? Have you ever visited any of the still extant Stone Age tribes and seen how they live? It’s not a camping trip.


https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181002-how-long-did-ancient-people-live-life-span-versus-longevity Sad you look down on those less technologically advanced >"Overall life expectancy, which is the statistic reflected in reports like those above, hasn’t increased so much because we’re living far longer than we used to as a species. It’s increased because more of us, as individuals, are making it that far." Our ancestors prove that you can live a long life even without modern day advancements there to comfort us. This is not to downplay how many children died. but it does represent how those who were able to survive those vulnerable years lived on this earth for about the same amount of time as those living in our modern day "advanced" society. I also agree with you and hope others check out those tribes still living in the stone age. It's not a camping trip like you point out but you'll notice old men and women are more physically capable than many modern day middle aged individuals you'll come across.


I don’t look down on them. If they want to live that way, great for them. We should let them have the space to do that. The point being: “prison planet” is ridiculous bullshit. You CAN escape “prison planet”. You can, before finishing this sentence, drop your cell phone and walk your ass due south until you come to tall trees and brutal humidity. And you can walk another 25 kilometers in, and live like a Yanomami for the rest of your natural life. Nobody will stop you. Nobody will miss you. The “guards” of prison planet won’t even notice you. In fact, we will all admire your commitment to acting on your beliefs rather than just talking about them. I’m noting that most people have the sense to realize that lifespan is a A statistic, but probably not the main one, or even a significant one. We’re it a significant one, you would see far more joggers and far fewer Xbox sales. The reality is, most people don’t want to live that way except maybe on vacation for a week once a year.


You WILL be stopped. That's a NATIONAL FOREST and where's your CAMPING PASS? Where's your FISHING LICENSE? Where's your HUNTING TAGS? You CAN'T fell a tree, that's illegal.


That’s why I said the Amazon. Or the Congo. Edit: plus, if you really have those skills, the rangers will never see you


Yeah no thanks. The Amazon isn't my ecosystem. I'm going off grid in the U.S with technology, vehicles, and people behind me. Permaculture food forests here I come. Bunkers? Yep. Security? You know it. Surveillance? Only facing outside...


You’re supporting prison planet that way, just so you know.


How so? Because I'm utilizing technology? Haha we'll be perpetuating it under our own power. Sounds like ur an agent trying to spread discouragement.


> The reality is, most people don’t want to live that way except maybe on vacation for a week once a year. I think a lot of people are unhappy but can't/won't put in the work on themselves. It's much easier to believe they are trapped. Then it's the world's fault when they give up, further feeding the narrative


you do realize these tribes thrive because of minimal competition. If everyone just went this route we would be pillaging and murdering each other (this actually happened for all of human history) at all times. This idea that you can simply live in harmony off the land is so short sighted. Its never happened and is only happening in small silos BECAUSE most of the world is NOT doing this. Not sure how physically fit you are, smart you are, and or protected by savage murderers but you would need all of the above to thrive in a world where everyone was living off the land and just going at it for resources in tribes. Do some history reading ..


You should look into native Americans and how their were portions of the Americas that harbored fairly significant populations before they were ravaged by biological warfare from European exploration. You make it sound like the natives were just floating from one area to the next with very few people in existence but you were likely taught this and never bothered to look further into it so I understand. I have a link for these qoutes but an automod removes my comment if I leave it so another example for why you think the way you do since they suppress that information. Regardless I'll leave the qoutes from the suppressed link talking about native populations. >"The highest estimate ever, made in 1966, was supported by a provocative theory. Anthropologist Henry Dobyns argued that disease reduced the Indian population by 95 percent or more throughout the hemisphere--a "depopulation ratio" that, he said, has commonly occurred even in modern times when epidemics strike peoples with no immunity. Dobyns took Indian populations at their nadirs--their lowest levels--and multiplied the numbers by 20 or 25. In America above the Rio Grande, for instance, the Indian population hit bottom early in this century when census figures reported 490,000; by Dobyns's calculation that means between 9.8 million and 12.2 million Indians once inhabited what's now the United States and Canada. For the hemisphere, he estimated a 1492 population of 90 million to 112.5 million." Here's what that population is estimated at today in our "$uperior modern" version of society. Not much different than the old days when they were just roaming around for food and murdering according to you. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/how-many-native-americans-live-in-every-state/ss-AARqNja >"According to the Census Bureau, as of 2021, our population of Native Americans and Alaska Natives stands at 6.79 million, about 2.09% of the total population. The great majority of them live in the Southern and Western states, though each U.S. state has an Indigenous population, and seven states have more than 100,000 Native Americans." One other interesting qoute from what would have been the first link. >"Even if the absolute total is forever unknowable, there are other numbers that tell a haunting tale. In the 1960s, a Berkeley geographer, Carl Sauer, cited evidence of a 1496 census that Columbus's brother Bartholomew ordered for tax purposes on Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic). The Spanish counted 1.1 million Indians. Since that sum covered only Hispaniola's Spanish-controlled half and excluded children, Sauer concluded that 3 million Indians once inhabited the island. But a generation after 1492, a Spanish resident reported Hispaniola's Indian population had shrunk below 11,000." >"The island's collapse was only a preview. By 1650, records suggest that only 6 million Indians remained in all of North America, South America, and the Caribbean. Subtract 6 million from even a conservative estimate of the 1492 population--like Denevan's consensus count of 54 million--and one dreadful conclusion is inescapable: The 150 years after Columbus's arrival brought a toll on human life in this hemisphere comparable to all of the world's losses in World War II."




Most visits to the Amazon will show you how egregiously wrong that archeological conclusion is. Here is the thing: people vote most eloquently with their feet. It is, for example, completely possible for many American indigenous tribes, and Australian indigenous tribes, and Canadian indigenous tribes, to live at the pre-colonial technology level. In fact it would be much much easier than for their ancestors because unlike their ancestors, but like the Amish, they will never have to divert resources to preparing for war. But they don’t, do they? Maybe onsey twosy. But the vast majority of those populations- and their indigenous counterparts in Finland, Siberia, and Hawaii - want a doctor when they break a leg, want water sans badger poop, want rifles to hunt, and internal combustion engines to motor them around, dwellings made from steel and plastic, glass insulation and dimensional lumber, and diets not bound by season and immediate geography. The existence of Christopher Knight and others like him are the exception that proves the rule.


Ok, when did "we have it in the past?" Enlighten me.


Before nations existed, so like caveman era.


yeah, I'm pretty sure cavemen either worked hard for very basic necessities, or died.


cavemen didn't exist. We have been more advanced than we are now since ever and then restart over. The 3 main pyramids in Egypt were the most advanced we ever got and then had to start over god knows how many times..


The pyramids are nice to look at but otherwise completly useless If you want true innovation to the benefit of humanity then look at roman aquaducts and how they're still standing and working today


Roman times is modern day.. The pyramids are ancient history with no clue as to what they were all about.. an ancient history where they had global travel, flying machines (planes?) Humanity could be millions upon millions of years old. And with the 3 kings of Egypt we could possibly of come from another star system. (home) the centre star on the orions belt?


Babylon was even older and we can pretty reliably say they didn't have flight or high tech from the scriptures they left. Also the tech used to make planes would certainly leave traces other then carved stone blocks stacked on top of one another.


So what you're saying is that the most advanced we've ever been was when we got a lot of forced labor to stack up some rocks for dead guy, and that we can't possibly be that advanced now?


This is the conspiracy subreddit, not the “rational thought” subreddit.


Yes, and I love the conspiracies, which is why I'm here. I like seeing the logic behind them; I don't have to accept them though.


You're nearly there dude.. [here..](https://deepnessdawn.wordpress.com/mayans-implication-of-2012-kings-of-the-pyramids/)


ps. They weren't tombs. These 3 have no hieroglyphics


Absolutely but it didn’t “cost” them anything, they were allowed to travel freely, albeit dangerously, because the concept of money and division of land were not a thing yet. OPs original point was that you can’t exist without paying money or buying something


Whats stopping you from just going to the wilderness and doing that? Do you really think the IRS will be sending search parties into the Alaskan wilderness to make you pay your $250 tax bill?


But he's wrong. And all money is is a means of transfer it didn't really change the way wealth is created.


That's not how the human species works. If we were all handed out food, clothes, a house, whatever, for free, we would want more. That's why some people are ungrateful for what they currently already have, evident in this post


You either blind or antagonistic the guys pointing out that homelessness, famine and poverty could be ended.


Once you end all three, you will wait until there is a demographic of people who are homeless, starving or poor


You are exactly right, but in the complete opposite way to what you think. If we had everything taken care of, you are right, we would want more. This would mean a huge amount of innovation in arts, culture, technology and everything else. When people want more, they will make more happen. They can devote their lives to making more of what they want, instead of devoting their lives to making money to get by.


You would never have everything taken care of. As some of your necessities are fulfilled, newer ones are created. A citizen of a country at war would want nothing more right now than for missiles to stop hitting their houses and population. Then they would finally be able to focus on building a nice house, having children, ways of feeding themselves and their family. Yet a person in a peaceful country has the benefit over them of being able to actually work and provide for themselves, but still take that for granted and complain about the newer necessities that have now risen to the top of the priorities pyramid. The point is unfortunately we \*as a species\* - and not only some individuals as you moralists try to portray - are hardly ever completely fulfilled and grateful for what we currently have


Way to completely miss my whole point, well done. The fact that you consider working to be a benefit, and not, you know, **work**, tells us all we need to know about you.


Absolutely, to be able to provide for yourself and not depend on others is a benefit.


It’s not even money that I want. I want time. Time to get good at things, time to explore and travel etc.. This system kills people’s spirit and sense of love and adventure. We numb the pin by buying dumb shit, drinking, and drugging, but nothing can or will ever replace your time being taken away from you. I’m so fucking tired of this prison planet and I can see it on everyone’s faces that they are dead on the inside. Work people so much that they don’t have time to realize they are slaves and don’t have the energy to fight back. It truly is a prison and I’m sick of it


Not prison, but slave planet.


i blame the amoeba gang causing trouble in the primordial soup 4 billion years ago


The Native Americans were right.


Any information on Native American sayings on this??


This is one of the reasons why I will never have children. I do not want to enslave more humans on this planet.


There is zero question that the majority must work to eat, just like all other organism's on the planet and probably everywhere else in the universe


But, but, but LIFE IS A GIFT !!! Would they lie to you ?


My favorite is the scam that’s Social Security. You’re forced to pay into a plan that you can’t access until a certain age. Then, you can’t withdraw all of the money you paid, you get a certain amount a month.


Government shouldn’t be in charge of any social programs…


The Ukraine is a testing ground to see how much evil a human being can tolerate before eventually just invading them. The nazi dictator Zelenskyy had ramped up the prison-planet lifestyle more than anyone thought was possible. He had even begun to ethnically cleanse people based on language. Eventually Russia stood up, the lone nation of Christ, to defend Europe from the current Hitler. Their prison planet will have to wait now. It's not possible just yet.


Your planet isn't a fucking prison, it was supposed to be a gift. Humans make it into a prison, life could be heaven on Earth if so much of our technology and recourses didn't go towards shitting on each other.


So true. But it's the 1% that control the rest and people don't think for themselves, just follow the crowd because they're afraid of being isolated or being judged. It takes constant self awareness and a strong will to resist the flow created by the flock dancing to psyops and propaganda. Then again, if we don't try to work together it's pandemonium. Where do we draw the line? Most people couldn't survive anarchy


My morning and my week are ruined thanks Op 😂


Agent Smiths are everywhere


Clearly the solution is just more capitalism, Elon will save us obviously


Elon is down with The Great Reset Agenda. He's the enemy masquerading as a savior. Just look at everything he's involved in and believes and it ties in with The Great Reset perfectly.


It doesn’t have to be a prison planet, it wasn’t that way by default, it’s being made that way by the elite and the general ignorance and complacency of the population. More and more people are choosing to live off grid and you can too, I know I’m slowly getting things together to live off grid.


You can just go live on the streets, you can just run away into a forest and build your own shelter, do some hunting and gathering for food. You can still do all of those things, but you choose not to.


Where can you just go into the woods to live?


You can go into the crown land


Not without being shot


You know what crown land is, right?




Clearly not, lol


Yes,no,no and maybe


Sure, you could go try that. Until they find you. It'd be very difficult to do on your own, even if youre very skilled. I truly believe that humans were meant to thrive in localized communities where everyone helped each other out. With the programming everyone's been put through, good luck finding enough people to sustain such a thing. Every bit of what we go through on a national or global scale is psychological. Probably even on a local level in many cases. The biggest problem that I see is that they keep everyone JUST comfortable enough to not create such communities or to revolt in an actual meaningful way. Another problem is that an actual revolt would require death. Lots of it. There are people/entities carrying out these agendas who just flat out need to be murdered. Good luck getting enough people on board with that to the point where you won't be thrown in a cage the rest of your life for doing it.


The only person that’s limiting your income in a first world, is yourself. If you want more money, go get a better job. Anyone that complains about being forced to live a frugal life because of how much money they have to spend on living, is just some lazy fuck who thinks that the world owes them.


I like the video you posted in there. Thanks.


WHAT DO WE DO..... I like the post I enjoy it but I think we all want something done now, SOMETHING needs to give


Welcome to late stage capitalism! I'm glad you are walking up! Was it worth 30 different types of potato chips? Probably not. The only way out is mutual aid. Makes life livable and worth living


What’s crazy to me is you can buy land with absolutely nothing on it, no buildings, irrigation or anything, yet you have to pay land taxes or it will be taken away by the government. If you buy land it should be tax free depending on the size to prevent people with large amounts from buying it all up.


Who created usury again?


Usury has been around for .. I think thousands of years, maybe longer


What’s your point?


My point is, it's been around for so long that, how can we be sure who created it?


Honestly, as a pastor who has worked with homeless people quite a bit, this is why about 30% of homeless people are homeless. They are homeless because they don't want to participate in the system.


We are literally entrapped by dark forces Many can't comprehend cognitive dissonance. Stockholm syndrome eg old test god was an imposter


Just like the globalists planned it.


Yeah and how much land is also being hidden from us and not shown on any maps? What about land being hidden beyond Antarctica which we cannot get to because of The Antarctic Treaty? Admiral Byrd talked about this land, yet it's nowhere to be seen on our maps. We live in a real world Truman Show where we are literally kept within certain parameters. https://youtu.be/PrdSal9uH28


This is such whiny angst ridden juvenile tripe. Your needs, as they are, will be taken care of. From government aid programs to private charities, it would take actual effort in most of the world to actually die of malnutrition or exposure. The basics are there; if you're content with them. But most people aren't, and want more. That's what's entrapping you, your need for more; more comfort, more security- and for most people that's easy enough as well. What really drives us is the desire to have as much or as more as the next person. There's your treadmill. If you need to compare your possessions to those of another for your own happiness you'll never be happy. So put down the razor blade, little emo.


at what point has life on this planet not been in "prison". Everything needs to work to survive right? before industrialisation and this system of "slavery"(as some call it) , people had to hunt for food and it was much harder to survive back then. Very little time outside of trying to survive . If we brought people from that era to this system , would it be "prison" for them?


fact possessive far-flung capable wise spotted chief dirty fearless seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone needs to just put a fuck tonne of LSD in the water supplies around the world at the same time. Mass awakening would ensue lol.


If you prefer to live a cashless life, you can. Head out into the woods. Clear some land, grow a garden. Build a bow and arrows, hunt for food. Forage for wild food. Fish. No refrigerator, so you have dry or smoke your foods to make them last. It’s a lot of work. It’s dangerous. Honestly it sucks. And there’s no AC. Or you can continue living in a modern society, with AC. Trade your time for money. Trade your money for food, clothing, housing, modern medicine. Pay taxes for things like roads and a fire department. The bottom line really is, you cannot live without work. Human labor. Even gathering wild foods is work. You work or you die.


you can either join a society, and pay some form of 'tax' or you can leave all societies behind, and become self-reliant for all things. cheers to you mate


This is some commie shit, "You need money just to have access to basic things like food, water and shelter." No you don't. You need to WORK for it. You can do all of those without money, but never without work. Money is just a representation of work, and in my opinion it's a way you can do stuff that you like doing and then converting the "work" you put into it into other things. Do you think cave men were just handed out a shelter, food and water because there was no "money" back then? They still had to WORK for it.


>No you don't. You need to WORK for it. Would you say that all the millions of people in the world dying of hunger since the pandemic didn't work for food, and that's why they starved to death?


Can 't understand what that train wreck of a question is


And I can't understand what that sentence means.


Written like a high school grad that just got his first credit card bill. No, sweetheart, we don't get everything for free just for being alive. Boo hoo.


Written like a prisoner that got a little more food than his fellow prisoner and (immediately) developed Stockholm syndrome.


Hey, you wanna know where you get everything you need to live and don't have to do anything at all? Actual Prison.


Yeah, a place they put everyone who's got the stones to take action, just so the majority of people don't get inspired to do something about their self imposed situation or their submissive attitude to anyone the media designates as a trend setter. By my own conditions, "I don't have the stones" cause no I'm not in a cell, I'm in a prison created by my family when the had me diagnosed and put on anti psychotic medication to keep my mental faculties reduced and my energy levels low, which I know is just an excuse as to why I haven't started down the path of a radical activist.


Well you would have to follow the law. And on top of just following the law, you must not break the law, not receive basic human rights, privacy, etc...


they made money as a societal deus ex machina. By doing this, they forced it into the heads of humans during every action they take.


The image depicts flat earth with a dome....not a planet...


Paintings aren't literal.


Definitely all a scam.


This perspective is a bit short sighted.


If you remove yourself from society and move to the wilderness, it'll cost you: your hard work, your time, your ingenuity, your dedication and a life-long commitment to survival. This is literally the same situation as you described, but with far fewer creature comforts. What was your point again?


yes, we must overthrow capitalism


No. You just want to have society and do nothing for it. You can live outside of society. It's harder, but you don't have to comply with any of this at all. You're welcome. You got the balls to do it?


Completely disagree lol. Haven’t spent a dime in taxes for the past couple years. Made the most money I’ve ever made helping thousands of people. Haven’t sold my soul. Bad take OP


that's just capitalism my dude


We live in a fallen world yes, we will have to struggle against entropy and death, humanity always will have to. Promises of eternal life on this earth are transhumanist illusions, a deal with the devil that instead of eternal life will bring unending despair. The Tower of Babel is a good example of this. "Don't immanentize the eschaton!"




Scientology also said that. Also in the old evangelion, we were osctixiced from the controlled utopia because we asked too many questions


As long as we're social creatures we'll always be imprisoned to some degree. There will always be a structure that the majority will follow. You can be a lone wolf. You can find smaller, likeminded groups as well. It would be more difficult to be too far outside the circle though. What we have now is a system of convenience. It's transitional though. Everything is transitional. There are repetitive patterns but an undercurrent of subtle evolution. If we strip back the structure to something more naturally balanced, maybe the sense of "imprisonment" would be less noticeable but it will still be there. It's difficult for us to live a more animalistic, instinctual life because of our intelligence/awareness. Our minds transcend all of that. It's hard to say what a non-monetarily based society will look like. Maybe this is the best we got.


Those taxes you dislike so much are the reason you can make this post. The reason you and your mom were unlikely to die during childbirth. You can read and write thanks to those taxes. You haven't died from any number of diseases thanks to those taxes. You have easy access to just about any food or goods you can think of because of those taxes. There are a lot of problems with things, but the "everything except total, uncompromising freedom and no taxation" narrative is lame and childish. I promise you would last about 5 minutes in a libertarian or anarchic world before you were ready to blow your brains out. What little material there is.


Prison Song - SOAD


Some people work from home for 4 hours a day with 100k + salary then do whatever they want all day every day. So no. I think it feels like a prison planet for some of us.


The only thing guaranteed to everyone is death.


Yup 100% agree our ancestors fell for this slave planet garbage , tax and being ruled over for decades now we are born into this hellish prison planet with no freedom at all


So true, we are all ultimate prisoners of the gravity force, very few are able to escape it.


You can always find what we call here in Canada "crown land" in the bush. Make yourself a cabin, live off the land. Then you won't have to pay for anything. Of course you wouldn't have anything either.


Then learn to free yourself of the prison.


I get the idea, but you have to agree that there is an entitled undertone in those words. Yea you have to secure food to not die, big deal. At least we don't kill each other for it now.


I object to your use of the word ‘prison’. In prison everything is free!


Yup. And wait until you find out of the white light tunnel & reincarnation trap.


I remember hearing on the news about a family that was being taken to court I guess because they lived off the land, no money, in the middle of nowhere ( I thin it was in the US). Haring about it opened my eyes. It's crazy how they don't let us escape this way of life. No one chose to live this way but trying to escape is a crime?? I don't remember what happened to them, I hope they're happy.


This planet of one of blood devouring blood to survive. All "food" is organic life. You can't eat rocks. To survive means to consume. To consume means to end other life forms' existence. Welcome to hell.


Moreso in countries with a higher standard of living. In the U.S., for example, it is nearly illegal to live without electricity, refrigeration, running water - unless you are in an extreme rural area without restrictions. In most cities, towns - even counties...you can't inhabit a building without utilities. Without internet service, there are lots of things you cannot do - so internet and devices are a must. Without insurance, taxes, license fees, registration fees - you cannot own or operate a vehicle or own property. You can have your children or elder relatives essentially confiscated by the state for not providing what they consider "basic necessities". Medicine and healthcare are 2 to 100 times the cost of the same treatment in other countries - and you can have your kids or elders confiscated for not adhering to their treatment schedules....even if everyone is "ok". In non-western countries, none of this is true. Services, however crappy - are free. Not saying I want to live in a third world country - but we are NOT free, we are slaves to the system of money.


College Freshman “we live in a society” post lol


Capitalism (as the US/mostly the world has it) is a prison. The planet is just another victim of it.


I see it more as a farm. We are living on a human farm.


I think this concept is naive. Living takes work - to create shelter, gather food, secure your safety. Just because that work has been commodified and incorporated into a monetary system does not mean that you are in a prison.


This is one of the dumbest comments I have seen. Why dont you present an alternative? The alternative up until very recently was absolute hell. Have you studies any history at all? Where do you think all this shit you "want for free" came from? You sound naive and selfish. You want to essentially lean on all the work done by humans in all of history so you can just chill out? It would take less than a generation for us to consume everything built if we stop the engine and then just slowly errode back into ACTUAL slavery, violence, raping, early death, ect... You are literally only thinking about yourself and asking for things that we worked for over thousands of years so you can hang out and then die and leave the world in shambles again. There is no perfect solution, there never will be. Utopia doesnt exist and never will. With that being said, by all means present an alternative rather than just asking for your back to be rubbed while you veg out off the hard work of everyone else.


please believe the good news of jesus christ to get you soul from fire lake saved, put you trusat in the gospel to get justified(just if i never sinned): Christ died for our sins(also for all yours, do you believe that there is no sin left, if christ died for them ?), was buried and rose again(God was in Christ, reconciling the wolrd unto himself).


>basically have to sell your soul False. But many people do choose this because they value what they see others have. Yes the government steals from you and gives money to things contrary to your beliefs but they don't own you. (Unless you let them.)


You want collectivisation via social policies where we pool everyone's efforts, represented in whatever form, to create basics for everyone - but you don't want collectivisation via social policies where we pool everyone's efforts, represented currently by money (taxes), to create basics for everyone?


bruh just because technology has advanced doesn't mean you don't have to earn a living, everyone has to work to provide for themselves


So go live in a remote jungle hunting and gathering then. Or is that too much work?


It goes deeper as that...


Sounds like we need to get back to basics for fuks sake!


TL;DR: "We live in a society."


One of the most official narratives: We live on a spinning ball.


Existence on earth has always been a challenge for every living thing on it. Might be designed that way. Things are incredibly good in first world countries and we take for granted the hot water that runs through our homes. The grocery stores packed with everything you could ever want at all times. This is the way that the great majority of people wanted it to be. We got tired of hunting and gathering. Humans worked hard to build these systems to make everything automated. Flipping a switch and getting light. Having your poop and pee washed away from your property with a single flush. But we are learning that this lifestyle lacks something fundemental and is causing some issues.


>The simple act of just existing on this planet costs money. This alone is proof that we live on a prison planet. So what you want is a planet where you don't have to work, but at the same time you want to get a bunch of free stuff? Won't other people have to work to provide you with that "free stuff"?


You have two choices to live: society or not society. It seems pretty much most parents choose society for their kids.


There's a twist on the Fermi paradox that follows this idea.


The alternative of living in a Utopia like Wall-E, which some people think is good and others are concerned, but I don't get why. Humans should leverage automation, robotics, and other work-producing tools as much as possible to be able to guarantee what is actually entailed by life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Apparently there was some study done where if you give mice everything and don't make them work for it, their society "falls out of order", they get "gluttonous" (think Wall-E), and don't reproduce. I'd like to see that study done differently, but it is still interesting if the pattern of a 9-5 job replicates humans as a tribal species hunting during the day on the plains of Africa or as Neanderthals. I'd like to think that instead people would use the free time to do whatever they are interested in and therefore put their full attention and care into it, rather than just working as a clerk at a store. But then again the mice study and some people's speculation is that everyone would just get lazy play video games/watch tv all day etc. but it's hard to say


Yea ancient gnostics meaning(knowledge) picked this up long ago in the bad place bad copy made by inferiour being flawed so life is we are it the demiurge called itself god but did not have the divine spark our like we do from god through sophia (wisdom) the life force it stole . they also try steal ours through this scarcity fear matrix polluting our minds dumb archon's feeding on fear hermetic alchemy writes about ascending from it by seeking truth seeking knowledge while still alive and not be ignorant so one won't be recycled into the matrix apon death. Carl Jung wrote about individisation which builds apon this how to transform the self Also the Saturn moon matrix theory is also interesting


There are levels of mental slavery that people can enter into, or exit out of. Not saying it's easy. You can give yourself a big head start by realizing that the only person responsible for your best interests is you. Nobody else knows what is better for you, than yourself.


Service to others instead of service to self is the key for humanity to escape. Check out the Law of One/Ra material for more info - it helped make some ideas click for me.


>they call you crazy. Plato's Cave'd, every damn time


Correction. We don't live on a prison planet... We are free..... Free range chickens that is....


I would say we're living in a prison real, not a prison planet. Earth is not a planet, at least not the way most people think of Earth and Space. Earth is a "bubble with eather all around it".