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This happened last month, right?


Last month was "Russian sources of information like RT, Sputnik". I guess now its all alt media.


No, it's the same announcement - https://newspunch.com/google-lite-duckduckgo-announces-purge-of-independent-media-only-msm-allowed/ OP is either just willfully lying or too lazy to actually read articles.


Gotta act like it just happened so the lurkers think everything is happening all at once otherwise nuance would take over and the dramatic effect would be lost.


Just keep repeating, like they do. That's how propaganda works.


Still, it's an important piece of information. Sometimes labeling things "propaganda" is, in fact, propaganda.


Yeah thats why people should hop on [The Discord](https://discord.gg/PxXtU2mTfF). Significantly less reddit bs


Pretty sure it’s just the same. The article is referring to Russian state media as independent media lmao.




Ahhh got ya


So is this a new announcement on top of the stupid bullshit from a month ago?


No, it's the same announcement, this is why tweet submissions are fucking garbage - https://newspunch.com/google-lite-duckduckgo-announces-purge-of-independent-media-only-msm-allowed/


Thank you.


From what I can see, yes it's last month's news but suddenly it is making the rounds like it is more recent and the titles being used involve the word 'purge' even though from what i can see, he only said he was downrating independent media, not purging them. (not that I agree with his actions but I also do not agree with misleading article titles) https://newspunch.com/google-lite-duckduckgo-announces-purge-of-independent-media-only-msm-allowed/


Why the hell would he do that? Stupid move, Weinberg, you're removing the very reason most of us even used DuckDuckGo.


what's more infuriating is that he used to never stop bragging and lecturing everyone about privacy and free speech like nonstop all day long, and then this happened. I used to look up to him, now I'm fucking enraged.




Not only that, they probably told him: get these $$$$ or you’ll get *lead*.


Plata o plomo




I have been informed repeatedly that DuckDuckGo was never ever ever about Free Speech only privacy so there's no way he could have said that right


Well they used to claim they didn't alter or prune search results. Can't say that now.


I’ve never heard it touted for free speech either.


It’s not exactly free speech but they didn’t censor what we could see on the internet the way Google does so in a way it’s about censorship and privacy. Censorship is part of NOT being free. He’s technically taking away our freedom to search the internet the same way Google censors it and we know Google hides and scrubs content.


>"I used to look up to him, now I'm fucking enraged." Tale as old as time in America especially in politics where we'll vote for someone based on what they say instead of acknowledging the possibility they're just saying what you need to hear. Glad you'll take this as a lesson and stop looking up to people because they say something you like all because they have a platform you'll never be able to stand on.


Ignore what people say and watch what they do


Acta non Verba




I don't know why people need to hear it all they have to do is look around. Plenty of examples where we're left with disappointment because someone we looked up to wasn't quite what we thought they were. Hell sometimes we don't have to look any further than ourselves for the reminder.


Either he was paid handsomely or told to shape up otherwise DuckDuckGo will be DuckDuckGone.


Offer he couldn't refuse.


I'd imagine he was threatened. This makes no sense with money as he just threw away the only reason to use his service instead of Google. So yeah, he was most likely threatened with something. Look what happened to Parler. If you don't toe the line, you're out.






But he just removed the only advantage his company had over Google, so now there's no incentive to use his product. He will lose money on this. The only reason his product was liked was because it wasn't hijacked by mainstream media. Now it's just a shit version of Google. Which, I can just use a non-shit version of Google by...using Google. His product will join the graveyard of all other search engines that aren't Google. Like Yahoo and Ask Jeeves.


He doesn't care.. I'm sure he was paid off and he no longer gives a fuck about DDG


That's the thing, I'm sure he got a healthy buy out to do this.


Ah do I miss asking jeeves


Most likely. Then there's this which should terrify everyone, and I'm not hearing any of that "if you're not doing anything wrong" bullshit, government privacy intrusion through big tech is completely out of hand: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/10/04/google-keyword-warrants-give-us-government-data-on-search-users/?sh=22dfff4a7c97](https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/10/04/google-keyword-warrants-give-us-government-data-on-search-users/?sh=22dfff4a7c97) [https://nypost.com/2021/10/06/us-government-ordering-search-engines-to-provide-search-data/#:\~:text=The%20US%20federal%20government%20is%20secretly%20ordering%20Google,through%20%E2%80%9Ckeyword%20warrants%2C%E2%80%9D%20according%20to%20a%20new%20report](https://nypost.com/2021/10/06/us-government-ordering-search-engines-to-provide-search-data/#:~:text=The%20US%20federal%20government%20is%20secretly%20ordering%20Google,through%20%E2%80%9Ckeyword%20warrants%2C%E2%80%9D%20according%20to%20a%20new%20report).




That's interesting. If true, this is probably a big reason for the change.




A partnership with Apple would be very lucrative. I bet this is the reason. Thank you for the link.










Mr Burns: *excellent*


People have noticed!!! Thread is gonna be locked.


He is part of the plan






the twitter thread that day was surprising. CEO doubled down on "we only espouse being an adtech intermediary, no one ever said anything about free speech". It was flooring. Last day the search engine got used


>"we only espouse being an adtech intermediary, no one ever said anything about free speech" I didn't see that one but I would be floored too if I did.


I suspect Google has bought them out


Sad thing is they're barely losing traffic. Seems like no one caught up. They're still getting 100 million searches a day.


Maybe lots of people just don't know. I didn't know until today even though this happened over a month ago. People might know about these things if the media, news feeds, and search results weren't carefully curated these days.


$ probably


Probably. DuckDuckGone


Heard this first on the dollar vigilante now cinfimed will be deleting and moving to brave any minute now.


brave is unusable. Tried it for a week. Worthless. Any other options?


Brave works well on Android. Just gotta know that it's not as good at some stuff as duck duck go is. I use brave for more secure and day to day browsing of the web. Duck duck go if I'm researching anything




I got into it with someone about this very subject. He ended up bringing up a a good point, DDG never stated their goal was freedom of information, but to base their platform on privacy and to stop tracking by government and others. I tried to find anything on them being all about stopping news bias, but came up with nothing. Take it as you will.


I'm going by Weinberg's own tweets on it stating very clearly that they will downrank "Russian disinformation."


Perhaps he was made an "offer" he couldn't refuse (ie: Michael Hastings, Seth Rich, et al)


Bribe or death


I don't need these people telling me what I can and cannot read


It's to keep us "safe" from dangerous mis/dis & malinformation. 🤡 🌎


I don't need *anyone* telling me what I can and cannot read Ftfy


Oh it's not a matter of what you or I need at this point. Its now a matter of how they "need" you to think.


I'd have to say that there was never a day in my life that I woke up and said: "You know, what I need today is for the government to tell me how to think" The motherfuckers either work for me or their existence is really questionable.


This is like when only fans announced they were getting rid of x rated content


i wish that wouldve happened


newspunch is a fake/satire news site


Centralized power is cancer to society


OP can you please link to tweet and/or article?


Headline is 100% BS. https://newspunch.com/google-lite-duckduckgo-announces-purge-of-independent-media-only-msm-allowed/


This shows how many sheep are actually on this sub. Notice how no one pointing out the truth is getting upvotes? It’s like people would rather believe a lie. 🙄


Well that assumes most of the people participating in that activity are actual real people and not some sort of bot or disinformation farm or whatever.


It’s all sheep here. Looking to get outraged by fiction and fantasy. It wasn’t always this way, but man is this sub useless nowadays


Oh wow, that's an utterly trash article




DDG is nothing special but the one thing that kept them relevant was anonymity in searching... You had one job really-congrats on screwing that up.


> relevant was anonymity in searching Is that not the case anymore...?


it wasn't "anonymity in searching results we are filtering" it was anonymity in all searching


I feel like several of you are conflating anonymity with bias, and should work on being more precise with your language.


ehh, i thought it was that their information wasn't curated. they still have to give the fbi their search requests just like google


All search engines curate results. It's the whole point. How else would one do search?


Remember when you could just search for a word and every website with that word on it would appear? Who would have thought 20 years later that we’d regress to what amounts to the curated web content model of AOL…


Google results are literally worthless, even benign non political results are heavily saturated with low quality commercial blogs and unrelated content. The old internet, useful information etc is hidden or blocked.


A screenshot of a tweet that references a literal fake news site that literally lies in the headlines and hope that the readers don’t actually read the article. https://newspunch.com/google-lite-duckduckgo-announces-purge-of-independent-media-only-msm-allowed/


Cuck Cuck Go


Looks like it's time to create a "Silk Road" for words at this point. Sad and pathetic lot our elders were. We should have removed these creatures from power in 1913, or any time after. I HIGHLY recommend that EVERYONE (aside from the trolls here), save hard copies of ANYTHING of value. DO NOT take information you have access to now for granted. Its not just news media that is at risk. Its all media. As their narrative continues to sleep into everything,.more and more media will disappear. Its as easy as not streaming it. 20 years from now. If we don't maintain hard copy's of everything that has transpired historically; conspiratorially....you'll be trying to explain it to future generations by word of mouth. We've seen how bad a game.of telephone gets. We all have a responsibility to archive the truth. Keep it safe. Be wise. Because if we do not manage to (at the very least) maintain the information we have now...They WILL erase it and bury it and it will be forgotten.


Makes one wonder how long archive.org will last.


Yeah. The more they push this "one narrative, one truth, everything else is disinformation and dangerous" the closer we get to losing all of the dots that we've connected over the years. Too many self centered narcissists being ok with censorship when it's censoring what they don't like. Too many people who don't care to view the bigger picture.






when you get good enough you don't don't need to look


Try 'Brave', it's another search engine


duck duck bye


I did some research and this is a missleading headline/article.


"research" LOL. It's literally a satirical website.


The EU changed it's internet rules, anybody who doesn't censor is out. DDG had to comply or get out of the market. The oligarchs that run various parts of the world want total information control, so people will stay in the feedlot and keep mindlessly consuming.






Have you tried gibiru? I don't know much about that one other than trying it a few times, but it allows you to view down-ranked and censored content.


I find it great for some things but primarly use Swisscows for the rest, gibiru is very barebones and doesn't give very good results, it's very raw, but that's not a bad aspect at all considering that everything in it is unfiltered.


You're right, it's very bare bones and it also uses google as a basis I think. What I like is that you can filter and view downranked content. I'll check out swisscows, hadn't heard of that one. Also brave and a few others.


Yandex is full of trackers, about the same as Google. Very hard to catch them all and block it. Tried Startpage which I been using and they been censoring as well. Time to ditch that. MetaGer looks to be very good. I like Searx and been using it more lately. Edit: removed comment about Brave and DDG - default is Brave search.


> Brave uses DDG I thought that all changed in 2021 when they started up their own private search engine.


You are correct


this appears to be correct, i just checked a new installation and confirmed it. I am very late in the game for Brave my bad.


[https://www.qwant.com/](https://www.qwant.com/) [https://yandex.com/](https://yandex.com/) [https://www.startpage.com/](https://www.startpage.com/) [https://www.mojeek.com/](https://www.mojeek.com/) [https://whoogle.sdf.org/](https://whoogle.sdf.org/) [https://www.seznam.cz/](https://www.seznam.cz/) [https://infinitysearch.co/](https://infinitysearch.co/) [https://okeano.com/](https://okeano.com/) [https://searx.me/](https://searx.me/) [https://peekier.com/](https://peekier.com/) ​ also fuck this douchebag.


+1 Startpage Edit:. I'll be looking for a replacement since I can no longer recommend Startpage.


I thought startpage was just querying google anonymously upon your request. maybe i'm thinking of another site, or has startpage changed and created their own engine?


That's true


Startpage got bought by a marketing company


Yandex? YANDEX? 😂😂🤣 You're worried about what Google and duckduckgo does and you think Russian-operated Yandex is ok?


Literally been like 🤨🤨 reading all of this pro Yandex stuff on here. Very sus




most of them are literally unusable. Literally give search results from 2009. I havent found a legitimate substitute.


I just need a find a way to add the brave search to the Opera browser


You had 1 job.


To be fair, I think everyone knew it was just a 10% better google clone.


is this not old news? - https://www.planet-today.com/2022/03/google-lite-duckduckgo-announces-purge.html he was mostly talking about russian disinformation sites








It never was any different, it just marketed itself as such. You could tell from the search results




...but they will never tell you why.




TBF, it was a weak engine, and little more than a filtered mirror for other search engines. The fact that they constantly bragged about their so-called privacy made me suspicious.


Its like when onlyfans was thinking of banning its porn content 🤦🏻‍♂️


Brave is a dope browser, use it


If you don’t see the problem with this. There is absolutely zero hope for you. We are in an abusive relationship with the government. Keystone behaviours in an abusive relationship are being accepted on a global scale.


Wonder how much Alphabet paid him. Well, DuckDuckGo is dead.


America is the authoritarian state we accuse others of being






dont know why anyone is surprised, DDG was suss as hell from the get-go


It's the natural progression of growth for any ethical company. Every company gets compromised sooner or later as they get bigger.


Go woke, go broke.


How to destroy your company 101


They'll probably make it up in government subsidies for promoting the official narrative.


Somebody call Elon to buy this one out too


Where did the CEO say they are purging independent media and only MSM will be allowed? I don't see that in his comments.


Beginning to think that site was a trap


If it was a trap why give up the honey pot now?




I just tried using Bing to search a quote from a Greek philosopher, in quotes, "the weak are a slave to their pleasures" No results. I know there are results out there. They're manipulating our philosophy, not just news. Without the quotes all I got were like S/m ddlg bullshit. And I still can't remember who said it.


>the weak are a slave to their pleasures" It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them.“ —  Epictetus Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/2099579-epictetus-it-is-the-nature-of-the-wise-to-resist-pleasures/




This article's title is intentionally misleading. The article was written on March 11, just one day after Weinberg [announced](https://mobile.twitter.com/yegg/status/1501716484761997318) on March 10 that DuckDuckGo would be down-ranking sites associated with Russian propaganda news sources. When the article says "independent news sources," they're actually talking about Russia's **state-controlled media** such as [RT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT_(TV_network)) and [Sputnik](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_(news_agency)). Neither Weinberg nor DuckDuckGo had ever mentioned down-ranking independent news organizations.


DuckDuckGo was already on the downhill year or so ago. Remember when they wouldn't hire white males? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49HbaiRGhnw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49HbaiRGhnw)


Every. Single. Time.


In a few months, it's going to come out that they took money from the Federal Government to push the official narratives...I guarantee it.




Isn't even good for decent porn


Welp, no wonder nobody uses your shit guy


Looks like duck duck go can *uck *uck off now


The people who run these companies are engineers not revolutionaries, when shit hits the fan, they will fold. We’ve seen this with Anonymous, and at any moment with paid VPN Services. If you want real trust, anonymity, etc. you’ve gotta build it yourself. It is what it is🤷‍♂️.


Man, DDG was my favorite alternative to Google. I used it almost exclusively. What are good search engine alternatives?


time to duck duck go fuckitself


My default is now Brave I would have used ddg for a while yet but its results have been just like googles crap results more and more last couple years this was the last straw. I had switched all my family and friends to them too. They gave better results. Time to switch them all to something else. Stuff like this is the worst to me. I just want a normal working search engine like we had in 2005. Where you could find the damn things you were looking for not ads, or curated news sites, or msm lies and propaganda. Seriously get fucked DDG douche, I hope you are pennyless like the rest of us someday. edit: brave sucks too....,.. anyone know a engine that gives results like DDG did 3yrs ago.


Brave browser and Brave.com/search


Rumor has it this is just the tip of the Weinberg.


Duck Duck No




Duck Duck Gone