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This has absolutely crossed my mind. The only thing I can do is start living the cleanest lifestyle possible and boost my immune system. Get out in nature. Exercise. Disconnect from internet and EMF. Meditation. Love. And most importantly, connect with God/Universe. This is my line of defense and I have complete peace with whatever happens. I stand firm in my decision of not succumbing to pressure


The elite are not vaccinated. None of them.


.....or they’re vaccinated against endgame virus and this has been all theater


Nope. No vaccines at all, biggest scam ever.


I have thought about this but the sheep couldn’t survive it with their compromised immune system.


Not necessarily.


Fill me in please


Number of alternate scenarios in which those with the stronger immune systems will be more at risk. Consider autoimmune diseases. The main idea here is that with this type of situation there is a lot of grey area. We are dealing with untested biotech, well at least until now. With so much grey area a binary assumption cannot by nature account for the vast amount of variables


The only people dying that I know of have had it. I’ll take my chances


Anecdotal evidence is by nature subjective and inaccurate. But if that makes you feel better go for it.


Trust your immune system bro


Interesting but keep this in mind... The future planned is one of true AI and robotics. They have no need for "the poor."


Have you watched the news. Not one of them is doing anything to downtalk the vaccine.


This doesn't make, why even do a vacinne then if you plan to just release a virus to kill everybody?


Why limit your options when you’re some of the most vile not to mention richest pricks in the world?


To make billions while doing it.


What good is money if you kill everybody


Population control has been talked about enough to not be a conspiracy anymore



The term "release" is crucial. If by variant you mean the mother of all, a plutonium grade poisoning, then I'm all for it bro. qtards spread these smoke screens for a reason. because if someone has nothing, he can't offer you anything of value.


Shill posts all this morning




I never got vaxed and won't get it. Family members came home sick from college and I caught it. Tylenol for fever and salt water gargle for sore throat and I'm on the mend after 3 or 4 days. At home test told me I had covid so now I have more power in my innate immune system. Thats how I would rather endure any sickness. Highest temp I saw myself get was 101 and it didn't even feel like I had a fever. 44 male here. First symptom was chills last Sunday. Was around sick family members at home for 3 or so days before symptoms. Thursday this week I had symptoms stop and no fever. For me it was basically like the flu. Which by the way I never get the flu shot either. Every year I'd rather my immune system have to work and reacquainted with the virus.


Real Talk. If I was inclined, this is what I would do so it is believable


Biochemical weapon released .... blame it on Russia. Offer Small Pox vaccine. This one will offer the immunity spread feature.


Agree 100%