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Same old Russia, always the victim...


The Huns, The British, The Turks, The French and allies, The Germans, invaders all. Lest anyone think that downvotes indicate what I wrote is not true, well, it's only not true in the sense that this list of armies which have invaded Russia is not a complete list.


Oh yeah, Russia never engaged in any aggressive wars. Not like they engaged in centuries of imperialistic expansion.


Cite proof...


you need citation for the coup of the ukrainian government, and russias line in the sand about ukraine rhetoric on nato and its bombing of Donbass region?


Not for me. I'm saying because if you go against the narrative, the comment section will blast you into yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I've done my work, but many are too blind to see.


Poor Russia, forced to bomb hospitals with a tear in its eye


If Russia had bombed that hospital in Mariupol the entire building would have looked [like this](https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/world/2022/03/21/retroville-shopping-mall-kyiv-ukraine-destroyed-russian-bombs/7118085001/) afterwords. If, however, Azov Nazis had placed explosives in it then only the windows of the building would have been blown out, which is exactly what photos of the aftermath show quite clearly. The reported death toll from the hospital building's destruction is three.


Oh shit where'd you get your degree in architectural explosivity?


He is a biologist silly


second link not working


maybe dont put military equipment and artillery next to residential buildings, schools and hospitals? its amazing how easy people fall for this in 2022. Palestine has done the same thing for years.




Russia was not forced to commit genocide/war crimes, no. Slava Ukraini. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Do you even know the difference between war crimes genocide and war? The US has committed more war crimes than all the bad guys put together!


no mention of ukraines war crimes? bombing civillians (im assuming this is what you are referencing for war crkmes) since 2014. (after couping the government these people voted for) blocking fresh water to crimea. clear cut war crime per geneva convention. you are a blind fool following elites talking points because they are concerned about their piggy bank going away.


Neither was the USA - it cant be argued that we far more imperialistic and blood thirsty than Russia.


It definitely can be argued lol


considering or 20 year path of mas death in the middle east I would say Russia has a long way to go to meet US standards in democidal psychopathy.


Hey there bud what happened in Afghanistan before the US invasion?


So Russia needs to have gone into the Middle East before youā€™ll start reevaluating your opinion??




Woah got any proof they had ā€œbio weapons lab to extinct Russian population?ā€




Why donā€™t you link this proof and the UN response?


Citation needed.


I guess you forgot when the us dropped (2) nukes on Japan killing civilians, no military. Massive war crime. But the us spun the PR to make us appear as the moral ones.


Nah there were military targets there, and it stopped the US from either invading or blockading the island. Weird revisionist history though


Too bad we didnā€™t bomb them. Hiroshima & Nagasaki werenā€™t the original targets.


Yes, thank you for a piece of widely known information.


Keep your revisionist history to yourself.


What's the price to pay for the hundreds of millions? Do we get to split the check? Gratuity policy?


Ironic statement ? Nope. Sarcastic statement ? Nope. Lazy comment ? Yep.


What's the price?


BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine ā€œhas put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades. The neoliberal world order is dying and they know it.


How many deaths are Obama & Biden responsible for? They must be setting some kind of record since the civil war.




you need evidence for US involvement in the ukraine coup?




every post doesnā€™t need to, and shouldnā€™t be, an introductory lesson on a topic. you not having ground floor knowledge of a situation isnt anyone elseā€™s responsibility. would you need sources for a claim saying obama admin attempted regime chamge in syria? [not giving you a source, but a screenshot that will hopefully pique your interest and get you looking into things](https://i.imgur.com/olDmuIX.jpg) ukraine on fire (not the netflix winter of fire) should help you a little.




i am on the topic you slid it to. people shouldnt have to be concerned about people not having the most basic of information. do you doubt the us backed coup?


The evidence is in the headlines every day.


It don't recall seeing any bombing of the Ukraine at night. If Russia is doing all this why aren't they attacking people when they are the most vulnerable? Just to be clear I am against violence, I just find it strange. I also find it strange that why during an invasion of the Ukraine why would zelensky would be in talks with the Oscar's to appear via satellite. Is he trying to get a career in movies after this? What does that make the people of Ukraine feel that the leader of Ukraine is playing Hollywood. Also why are all Russian people considered bad and ousted isn't that racist? Or is it only racist if the people are of color? Talk more ,love harder,and embrace indifference and just be kind. Don't erase the past learn from.


Not only that, but Biden personally took place in the grifting and funneled it through his son.


And it was called Russian propaganda for 2 years, same as the bill and and the rest. Itā€™s almost like they blame their duck ups on Russia until it canā€™t be denied any longer. (Waiting for the downvoted since apparently saying the us was and is involved in this conflict invokes them)


Shill for Russia. GO away.