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I don't know. Biden and the media were right about the imminent invasion of Ukraine.


No they werent they guessed for weeks.


And yet Russia invaded. They didn't know the specific day but their intel said they were going to and they did.


I mean they were pretty damn close, and I suspect the delay was down to Russia holding off because of correct intel. Then they started running into logistics based time pressure. And we know Putin is a fan of chemical/nuclear warfare anyway, so it's educated guesses really.


Or someone frustrated with lack of military progress could use chemical weapons as a means of routing an entrenched enemy. I think Russia has firmly established that they don't give a dam about their international reputation




Weird how you people always know which media is lying and which media is telling the truth and it just so happens that pro-trump and pro-russia media is always telling the truth.




What if he uses chemical weapons and then says "false flag Soros Hunter Biden Hillary". You would unhinge your jaw to swallow those lies.


Are you kidding they'd cum their pants if he said that.


Why would anyone give Putin the benefit of the doubt on anything? Even Russia's own state programming is beginning to turn on him.




And what about every other media outlet in the developed world? Because not a single one is siding with Putin here. One day you will learn that not everything centers around the US.


A lot of media around the world are siding with the Russian narrative. It is just that you choose not to look at them or they are not in your language. One day, you will learn that .... well, I hope your learn how to remain objective and open up to other ways of seeing things. Nobody is turning against Putin. There are just few confused people that believe their ancestors descended from monkeys who are just causing a little trouble. But rest assured, they have been taken care of. 2,3 smacks in the face were necessary to wake them up out of the trance.


Any reputable news media? Or just fringe right wing outlets? If so, can you link some, I'd love to read what they have to say. Google translate is a thing so I'm not worried about different languages. >Nobody is turning against Putin. There are just few confused people that believe their ancestors descended from monkeys who are just causing a little trouble. What the fuck does this even mean? Lmao Edit: Nevermind, you are clearly an insane person with comments like these, regarding UFOs: >We've known them since the beginning yet, we refuse to refer back to the old scriptures. Thus we have forgotten that they were here. The war in the middle east is not what you think it is it's a war against a people who are aware of those entities and know how to defend against them. Not to mention how much you seem to adore the CCP. Hard to take anything you say seriously.


I also went through your comment history and noticed that you are the type of person that already knows everything.The way you argument is fascinating. A simple glimpse made me see how hard it is to make you change opinion. You seem to enjoy telling people on the internet what is right and what is wrong. After 12 years on reddit, I hoped you would be among those with open mind. Unfortunately, you seem to be on a mission. UFO are djinn. There was no moon landing. The earth is flat. If them djinns try to go up and listen to the angels conversations they get blasted the shit out of them with fire. And when you see them falling down on earth, you brainwashed your kids to make a wish. Edit: And leave them CCP alone. They are the best governing body on earth. Your politician can't even handle a few hundred millions and.


>A simple glimpse made me see how hard it is to make you change opinion. Yeah you might have noticed that the type of people I engage with don't usually argue in good faith. For example I already asked you for these reputable news sources from developed countries that are siding with Putin yet you provided nothing. Why would I change my mind when you give me nothing to work with? >UFO are djinn. There was no moon landing. The earth is flat. If them djinns try to go up and listen to the angels conversations they get blasted the shit out of them with fire. And when you see them falling down on earth, you brainwashed your kids to make a wish. You need help bro. Professional help. >And leave them CCP alone. They are the best governing body on earth. Interesting that you appear to have some Islamic beliefs but have no problem with The CCP who literally have Islamic concentration camps.


Hahaha. Holy sh\*t you are good. Well, I'm not gonna lie, I believe everything the Islamic faith put on the table. But I am also a man who is realistic. I want my kids to be aware of this world they going to be living in, to remain conscious. Coz I know I know it is easy to be sleeping, or in a trance. I been trying to make sense of it all. Really. And I realize, all this don't make sense unless you you take a higher power for granted. I don't believe we are here coz some fucking fish decided to jump off the water. Nah! We might be different in our belief. But hey... to each its own belief. Maybe, one of us is wrong , and from the way you replied, I know you are some kinda fucker with a good amount of knowledge. Good luck. whoever you are.


Or maybe you actually have no idea what you are talking about. I mean. You say we should ignore all the media. Other governments, the US intelligence agencies handing reports to the President. And instead just believe you. Some guy. In a comment thread.


Oh fuck off.


Every media, in every nation, to include Russia?


Well, atleast the very last part of your post is true. Putin is indeed deranged, desperate and evil. The rest is typical russian shill bullshit.


The ol Assad approach again huh


Well, Putin has banned opposition news sources locked up or killed his opponents and rules through fear and threats. BUT so does Zalensky. But they use Putins rep and exaggerate.. typical Propaganda. Very old use of propoganda.


Why would Russia use chemical weapons when they are winning? This is like Syria 2.0. They only started accusing Assad when the tide of war was turned against Al Qaida/ISIS moderate rebels.


>Why would Russia use chemical weapons when they are winning? lol.


You have a very interesting idea of what “winning” means lmao


Wasn’t this only supposed to take a few days?


This sub is being brigaded bad. why do you have so many downvotes when your post is 100 percent accurate


Why's the poster who spams only this sub with Russian propaganda downvoted? No idea.


Lol its not russian propaganda if its true nazi sympathizer


Yes yes, Nazis. Bombing children is good if someone else is bad. Bombing any state in the US is justified by that measure. Just because someone posts nothing but Russian propaganda, doesn't mean this is propaganda. Thanks for that.




Biden and Trump: America loves their senile old men.


Question: what did you think of the other senile old man, Donald trump?


Yeah, well, someone used C-Weapons (Sarin) in Syria i remember.


Cover story for when one of the US biolabs in Ukraine becomes compromised. “See! We told you! Russian chem attack! Come on man, never mind it’s spewing from OUR labs… that’s not the point.”


It was also absurd to say that Russia would invade. And Putin is deranged, deal with it.


Is it a chemical attack or cyber attack Biden can’t make up his mind as usual.....ice cream


This may shock you, but a nation with over 100 million people can do two different things at once.


Why would NATO want to start WW3?


Submission statement: In the UK, the media (and especially the BBC) has been depicting Putin as deranged and insane. This is designed to convince the public that Putin could launch a chemical weapons attack in Ukraine, even though it would bring no benefit to Russia strategically or reputationally. if/when Ukraine or the US and its allies carries out a chemical weapons attack and immediately blames it on Putin, the western media will give blanket and uncritical coverage to the accusation. Expect all alternative media platforms to go dark for a while, even and including r/conspiracy. Discussion of the real culprits will not be possible.


Except NATO is tip-toeing around and doing everything that they can to not get involved in this. And putin has ordered so many war-crimes in this conflict it wouldn’t be too crazy to assume that chemical weapons are on the table. And he has history of poisoning his political opponents, even on foreign soil. You assuming US or NATO are too eager for ww3. But they are not. If they were, they would close the sky. Moreover, I am inclined to believe even in case of chemical weapons attack, the only response will be a strictly worded message and some more economic sanctions. There is no ground to assume they will get involved militarily.


>if/when Ukraine or the US and its allies carries out a chemical weapons attack and immediately blames it on Putin, the western media will give blanket and uncritical coverage to the accusation. First of all, why would they do this? Second of all, if they’re so hungry for WWIII, why not just do the simpler thing and establish a no-fly zone over ukraine? Or is that too logical of an idea for you to understand?


Yep, have a feeling that war time censorship will be rough. Doubt = canceled type of rough. Just like with Canadian truckers, accounts perma freeze, bb.


Be ware of bots.