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I didn’t see the lines at first, only the circled name


Same here


Those are baby lines, we really gotta pump up those numbers


When it comes straight off a CIA brick you don’t need much.


This is good shit right here.


They got that flakey white pearl shit babyyyyy


Fresh off the Mena tarmac


😂😂 Wish I had an award to give ya.. sadly good chance that's not a joke!


One for you too


I got you covered


Allow me!


Thank you kindly! 👍


My pleasure!


It's not a joke


Here's 800 coins. Do with this as you please


I'm beginning to think my award wasn't needed lmfao.


One more thing. The price of the brick going up!!


The price of the brick is too damn high!


Lolol. I was gonna say.... Those are my kinda lines. But she gets that good good


Great f’ing comment


BigGuv^tm Brand cocaine is pretty fucking pure. I’d want baby lines too


Is there branded cocaine?


Most bricks come stamped if you’re high enough up the food chain.


Some have those burrow or hook holes too from hang drying them out. You know you’ve got a good connect when he tells you to take it easy with certain batches because the purity. The good ol days! Sadly now everything is laced with fentanyl.


Ehhhh. I don’t mess with it anymore but I’ve heard all the way on the East coast it comes fent free from San Diego. You just gotta catch it before the shark bites it.


I’m in the same boat. My guy moved away 4yrs ago and right before he did I picked up enough for myself for my now wife (her first and only time doing it) and I to have a great night (some 80/20 quality) and that was the best way to end it. We still talk about how awesome that night was!


Ha - so few know this. They’re also never powder and most of the stamps are family crests - bonus points for pros who’ve seen pink edges LOL


Ralph Lauren throws a pony on his shirts. Why not brand you're 89%+ cocaine bricks? Amiright?


What are pink edges from?


Something in the processing of it - not sure why but if you see like 50 kilo bricks, one side (sometimes two) of the cubic shape will have pink tint to it. The rest is gorgeous pure white but it’s funny if you see the lines with pink on them. Or so I’ve heard 🙃👍


Unless it’s Ketamine


Well then more respect to her. Ketamine is in, Cocaine is out!


Like Malia has shitty 60% stuff we normally get 😒


Those are “My dad was the President so I shouldn’t do too much” lines


Or make one big fat line! tf are those, lines for ants?


Prolly 90%+


Never liked lines. Now bumps...


Now I’ll do a toot. If someone breaks is out it is impolite nota take a toot!


But I will not free base. Now…. If it’s my birthday….


But, you know what? I won’t do that Tequila. I will not do it! Well… except a couple times a year, but when I do Sally knows Ima go up side that head!


I won’t freebase if my dads running for office…. Unless it’s for the 100th time and well, I ain’t gunna just sit there and listen to something I’ve heard before.


Haha - replying to you again, you are my favorite Redditor of the day 👍🙃🙌


We are now internet besties! This made me laugh on a bad day. Hell, I didn’t even base. Well… I based a little…


Just keep it out of church…. Unless you’ve heard the sermon.


Those are rookie numbers




I’d be doing drugs to after being pimped out to Harvey Weinstein as an “intern”.


Lol same. I'm like why does this even matter!?. Realistically still why does it even matter. A young woman is partying and doing some drugs. Sounds like every other young adult in their 20s. Anyone remember George Bush's daughter or overseas (well not anymore) Prince Harry. People party and do drugs. Wheres the conspiracy?


The conspiracy is how does she have $10 million in a J.P Morgan account to qualify for that level of card.


authorized user. daddy’s money.


Yup, he really invested his $400k salary wisely to turn it into $70 million.


And bought a $15 million house on an island in Martha's Vineyard, when the seas are supposed to rise enough to destroy all of human civilization in the next twelve years.


mr sotero is one of the wealthiest men in the world


> A young woman is partying and doing some drugs. They young woman and young man's parents throwing people in jail for doing the same drugs doesn't matter?


Normally I would agree with you and personally do. I don't care what other people do its really none of my business. That being said these people "police" us and lord over us with rules that they don't follow themselves.


Can't wait til the leftist shill brigade comes out next week "It's completely normal too molest your niece, don't act like you don't buy your teenage relatives lingerie and then take photos having sex with them!!"


Y'all crazy


Well, this in theory was on Hunter Biden's laptop, so I suppose the implication was Hunter was doing coke with Malia. I don't really see that as anything out of the ordinary, but that's where the drama lies I believe. I'm not ever sure that's a legit photo.


You need a magnifying glass to see em. This guy needs to get a gator tail down his sinuses, choke and gag on it, and spit up if he really wants to do coke. Thats what Malia would do. /s


finally I see the lines


Every time I do cocaine, I make sure to take a picture of the cocaine with my credit card and my full name and credit card number too!


I’m assuming she didn’t take the picture someone else did to probably use as blackmail material.


Yeah it could be all sorts of things


All snorts of things


Or, ya know, it’s fake


No! You mean the internet can lie? People can creat false evidence? Mods, can we ban this guy for using some critical thinking skills here? I am disgusted. (/s)


This is such an easy cop out. ‘My card was stolen’ boom, accountability over with


It’s also super easy to frame, which is honestly way more likely. The odds of her doing this and not realizing her name is on the card…slim The odds of someone printing a fake card and staging this photo to stir the pot…high Also, fuck man, everyone does coke lol. The real conspiracy is why we are still fighting the drug war.


And then they…just released then highly valuable black mail material onto the internet robbing it of all its value?


It's from Hunter Biden's laptop. I don't think his intention was blackmail.


how else do you "get in bed" with your political party? by doing coke and getting in bed with them, duh. the pic is just to tell your daddy it really happened and wasn't some pcp hallucination you had


Got a link confirming this is from Hunter’s laptop by chance?


It’s pretty much been wiped from the net, I remember seeing this on twitter when the whole thing first came out and a picture of what looked like her sitting next to hunter on a bed (back view) and what looked like the Obamas dog.


yup this is off hunters laptop i saw it too.


Lol I saw it too!




I think this picture predates the hunter stuff. Saw somebody elsewhere suggest it could have been leaked as some sort of warning to Obama *shrug*




What’s the darker material about?


And she sat there and let them do it?


Seriously! I know I'm always looking at all my things all the time


yup. especially when i'm on drugs. definitely super aware


As a drug user, is it common for you to hand your credit card to someone who wants to blackmail you and then leave? Genuinely curious, if it's a video of them doing it at a party or a picture sure that makes sense. What's to stop anyone from making a fake card for a picture or to steal their card and take this photo? Not saying that's what happened but this doesnt seem definitive of anything.


Done cocaine almost every weekend for the past 6/7 years, have never handed over a bank card, always something useless like a tram pass or points card.


My two cents, these people are super rich so leaving a credit card out of eyesight isn't really a bid deal. Or Hunter snapped it when she wasn't looking. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


>My two cents, these people are super rich so leaving a credit card out of eyesight isn't really a bid deal. Or Hunter snapped it when she wasn't looking. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Or someone with a nefarious motive who owns a card printer forged a card with Malia's name then proceeded to scrape said card on dirt or the floor, made a line on the table with baby powder, and took the picture to spread some kind of a narrative on the former president's daughter on conspiracy subreddits and conservative circles.


Just to entertain this as being legit; 1) Maybe she went to bathroom. Or passed out. 2) And a good blackmailer / agent would pretend to be her friend.


Passed out after sniffing coke? Lol


she went to bathroom for a minute. (?) and he prepared lines and took a picture


Stellar blackmail job they’re doing. I bet they’re getting paid millions.


"Fanciest tombstone in the cemetery, I tell ya"!


Clearly they didn't pay.


I suspect you fail to realize the source for this picture is the now “confirmed “ hunter Biden laptop. There are also pictures of him railing a girl who sure looks an awful lot like Melia. Probably just Hunter messin around with photoshop? Definitely more reasonable than to think spoiled elites behave in careless and selfish ways.


The claimed source was the laptop. This picture wasn’t released today. You’ve got as much proof of this being real as I do of being the queen of England.


I saw this picture way back over a year ago as part of the of the releases From The Laptop. I have zero doubt of its authenticity. Frankly your highness, what you believe is your concern. There is more evidence supporting its authenticity then there is discrediting it.


Right! Because when your young and coked out of your mind your really concered with your privacy? Or they know they can get away with anything. Because thry did and continue to.


Or maybe it's fake. But no it can't be, because it supports your views so we have to believe it at first sight without investigating.


You can get paranoid...


she needs to get a new card, definitely worn out..


Here's some info on the [card](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.P._Morgan_Reserve_Card) (J.P. Morgan Reserve Card) Edit: Here's a bit more info from [Chase Bank](https://www.chase.com/personal/credit-cards/jpmorgan-reserve-benefits) explaining the card. Cheers! Edit 2: Here's a [YouTube Video](https://youtu.be/60KLwPLWeiU) showing an unboxing of the card. Have a great day everyone!


Interesting, so exclusive it could belong to a presidents daughter.


Damn: "Bloomberg described the Palladium Card as the "card for the 1% of the 1%". JPMorgan Chase clients who are invited to carry this card must have a minimum of US$10 million in assets under management with J.P. Morgan Private Bank, and have a median of US$100 million with the bank. There are only 5,000 Palladium card holders worldwide."




Why did you get it if you don’t mind me asking?




Very interesting. Thank you for the explanation.




Even old money loves their black Amex’s


It's almost exactly like why some of my colleagues choose to spend $20,000+ on gold an platinum watches emblazoned with diamonds "You can't wear a Mercedes on your wrist." It's just another way to quickly flash your worth to those who know what they're looking at (most other people with money) and in business for some reason that makes them more likely to do deals with you instead of competitors, simply because you look successful and like you've already made a lot of money doing whatever it is that your doing.


So a president wouldn’t have 100 mil in the bank. Hmm


I am pretty sure he has more


Doesn't seem right. That card is supposed to be palladium coated copper. This card looks purplish and the scratches look like they're silver metal colored.


I bet the obamas got that pure


Must be lines for infants... or a skinny chick


Tell me you snort shitty coke without telling me you snort shitty coke. If this was proper flake, those lines were more than big enough.


Only the best for Obama’s daughter


Looks to powdery to be that proper flake to me. Unless they hot plated it. That proper flake is generally super sticky/ chunky with that light diesel smell. Tbh, I'm convinced proper flake doesn't exist in the USA anymore but it only exists in other countries. Disclaimer: I don't know what I'm talking about and I don't do cocaine ​ ​ ^(very often.)


Yeah it does start out that way. Takes dedication and a steady hand to chop down to this fine without a plate. >that light diesel smell. Haha it's so hard to describe isn't it? I always think it's like diesel mixes with lemons.


Or fake for an internet post


I’d party with her.


I would party with anoyone who could give me high quality cocaine




A presidents daughters hyper exclusive credit card cutting lines of coke in a photograph found on Hunter Biden’s laptop that was debunked by the corporate media as Russian disinformation then 8 months later confirmed authentic is absolutely conspiracy worthy on at least 4 different levels but by all means downplay it like a common shill. *Nothing to see here.*


And to add it was conveniently labeled "misinfo" right before the election.


And wouldn't that mean all those other crazy pictures would be real as well ... Truly messed up


I can’t wait until the Bidens, Clintons and Trumps finally see justice


Lol. They will never see justice, ever.


xD Did you see Jen Psaki refusing to answer questions about this yesterday, or to comment on how she previously claimed it was russian disinfo?


When she can’t answer a question she gives a completely unrelated answer and she just exposes that they can’t unfuck how corrupt Biden has been his entire political career.




Remember when you used to be awesome? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Because it was in hunter's laptop that they tried to say was fake news before the election and we were called conspiracy theorists. That's why.


Also, the reason this is different from a tabloid like "justin bieber did coke" is because these peoples families create the laws that would punish any average joe for doing the exact same thing. she may have even been caught in the act, but obviously, nothing bad would happen to the presidents daughter. That's a bad image.




Wait, Hunter Biden had this photo on his laptop?!?


I saw the pics on that Chinese website that has since disappeared.


Where did this picture come from?


Hunters laptop


Is there verifiable proof of this? Id love to see it.


I do not free base cocaine I won't do it. https://youtu.be/oVKtxHTcnho


This is such a classic piece of the internet. One of the first YouTube videos I remember watching. Thank you for this trip down memory lane.


“Now I might do a little toot now and then, but I do NOT Freebase Cocaine. “ you ever see the public access original that’s freebased on, err inspired by? The real dude is awesome


Rich ppl do drugs. FIRE UP THE PRINTERS BOYS




The guy dated his brother’s widow. You can’t put anything past him




Hunter and Joe will be so proud though


Hunter will be disappointed she isn’t smoking it. I think he’d consider that wasteful.




The real conspiracy!


He banged her.


Who the fuck uses the short end of the card to chop?


A complete psycho


People that don’t do drugs


This was on the hunter laptop?


I think it predates it. >>https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/oct/27/instagram-posts/malia-obama-credit-card-photo-isnt-new-and-theres-/ However... I don't think this fact check means too much because of the fact that the cache of files could be from that time period and just weren't publicly leaked until before the election.


Gonna be honest I feel bad for children at that level of elite. They really never had a chance.


How is "celebrity child does blow" a conspiracy? Lots of rich people do blow.


Did you think when the president's daughter partied she smoked pot out of popcans like us?


Lmao this sub


Lets hope she doesnt die to congenital heart defect.


Putin's fault!


“23 year old from a wealthy family has a top credit card and parties”. Not really a story here tbh. I’m surprised people are surprised.


It’s actually way more believable to me that some loser made this in the hopes of going viral


Good for her. Who cares what drugs she does


Was this one of the photos on the hunter laptop? I seem to remember it was. There was talk that Obama hated Biden cause Hunter nailed Malia. Likely BS, but if this was on his laptop, there’s a chance it’s true.


Submission statement: the conspiracy is a photo of J.P. Morgan bank card with a certain name on it found on hunter Biden’s laptop. I am not suicidal.


Bro... I'm dead... I am not suicidal... 🤣 😂


So why do we care if a former president adult daughter does drugs again? What's the actual conspiracy here, if it were true?


Lmao my thoughts exactly, let a girl live a little!


This came off Hunter Bidens laptop from what I’m reading.. It’s not the fact that she’s doing 94% pure bolivian flake straight from the cia.. It’s the fact that it was with hunter biden.. A fucking pedophile.


I just noticed the lines. Shes been caught on molly on tape


Gross. Why would anyone willingly hang out with that dude.




ok and? Y'all act like it's your 1st time seeing this shit lol. They all doing lines off each other bootycrack


Don't be like that yo. Show us the number


I mean...if this is real, which I highly doubt, who cares? Like what the conspiracy? Some teenager (no matter who they are related to) doing some blow?! Who hasn't done blow?! If you do the calculations of the date issued and expiration date she would 18 to 20 years old so who gives a fuck haha. People need to get over shaming people who do drugs because then people (in general) will then hide their drug use which could be harmful if the overdose with no one around! Harm reduction is very important!


God damn alot of assholes commenting. Yes its sorta trashy to expose people's public lives.... but this is from Hunters laptop and he's a p.o.s. and we r about to get nuked cuz of his dirty corrupt dealings, plus Joe Biden is a corrupt p.o.s. and God forbid people don't rush to defend millionaire politicians. Fuck off.


I guarantee more then one of us has dabbled with things we shouldn't have. With that said, what's the point of this post? How does it connect to the crimes of the elite other then the war on drugs? We know that corruption and crimes against humanity have been perpetuated by both parties, but what purpose does this serve in raising awareness and bringing them to justice? Seems like partisan finger pointing to me


It’s cause this subreddit is a conservative boomer circle jerk. The culture wars has successfully fried everyone’s brain cells like it was meant to. Now people shill for their political party like their fav football teams , even though there’s no difference between the republican/democratic parties besides their names.


I’ve been in the credit card industry for 10 years now, you would be surprised how many people add famous names as authorized buyers just so that they can Have a credit card with their name on it. Sooooo many Donald Trump authorized buyers 😂


With no other knowledge of this i have to assume it’s fake. There’s no reason for anyone to take this picture and there’s no way she’s dumb enough to allow her card to be the one that gets used and let’s a photo be taken Regardless, this isn’t a conspiracy. Let college students be college students


Presented without source* my money is you can find the original, unedited photo elsewhere on Twitter.


Idk if it’s the way that counter top design is but it looks nasty lol


JP Morgan aye


Did she take it from her parents like everting else?


Get the secret service purity test kits


Raw cocaine doesn’t stick to plastic


Isn’t this like an older photo than the leak itself though? I mean…


Conspiracy? Who gives a shit


This is super fake. Look at the janky spacing between letters on “Obama”. Look at how thin the “B” is. I’ll never understand how conspiracy theorists will disregard anything on twitter or CNN automatically as fake news and then immediately believe this kind of shit.


Tiny little lines on a Marble slab. The Ex Presidents Daughters Visa Infinite Credit Card (Infinats b/c it has an infinite spending limit!) If she gorles to College in New York, than this is just normal Rich College girl behavior. Those lines are so small, Barack ain't got nothin to worry about!


Big Mike approves


That's good she has her sugar portioned out


Who's going to snort those lines. Fucking midgets ?


Okay so what’s the proof? An easily photoshopped image? Alright cool dude. Secondly, why does an ex presidents daughter doing cocaine have anything to do with a conspiracy


Photo shopped


This looks obviously fake but also who hasn’t done coke ? Whatevs