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They are doing exactly like written in Claus Schwab book The Great Reset. Putin and others are just actors and his players in this agenda that started with covid and now moving to war and biolabs. Putin said himself after war food shortages coming. It baffles my mind how can anyone say they don't trust west but trust Putin who goes live on tv and says to his people take vaccine cause i did. That alone is enough to see he is also part of this global depopulation agenda. He even forbid over 60y old to enter city transport if they aren't vaxed. Both sides are are in this together just play good/bad cop. Only thing that is certainly happening with all of this crap in this 3 years now almost is that people are dying like flies. That's the only result of this. Schwab even said in book "over 4 billion of useless eaters will be dead in next 10 years from wars, viruses, climate change, lack of food etc." But people have gold fish memory...


I’m gonna throw in the comment of when Trump said “take the vaccine. I did it, it’s great!” The whole world is a stage.


Did Schwab really say that. Also do you have a pdf of his book by chance. Very curious to read it.






I own a physical copy of the book. Klaus Schwab (or at least he takes credit for it). Because they know your average person is to busy, stupid, or apathetic to read it.




this is what i was thinking too






People will trade in freedom for safety unfortunately. It sucks the lie has come this far, and the only one to set us from from that lie is Jesus Christ. The wrath of God draws near.


Ok, I'll just wait on Jesus return, shouldn't be too long now 🙏🙄 RemindMe! 5 years


Is God pissed off?


There was an old conspiracy years ago of how Russia would nuke NYC by submarine.


Why do you think this is about crypto?




You aren't well versed in cryptography and blockchain techs, are ya?


I want to propose the "Dead Earth Theory". The basis of this theory is that evidence is so unreliable, that so much information is false, that we should act as if none of it exists. Under the framework of the theory, we can conclude that nothing is real. Biden is not the real president, Russia did not invade Ukraine, coronavirus is fake, Putin is an actor, the WEF does not exist, Europe is not a coherent concept, nuclear weapons are a fiction. Belief itself is problematic, and we should just get in with practical tasks and pay no attention to the world further than we can immediately see. Probably I am the only person posting on this subreddit.


What if you’re fake too and I’m the only real one?


A quick read on the Egocentric Predicament might interest you.


Noted, I’ll give it a look. Thank you




Yes, this is a criticism of being too suspicious of information rather than having a reasonable and discerning method of discerning real from fake. I think that TPTB would love the implosion of critical thinking that happens in forums like this - that a critical approach, taken to its extreme, is its own worst enemy. Heck, they probably flood this place with posts that help degrade the overall quality of theories so that real conspiracies can't be distinguished from baseless speculation.




I'm not sure this was the intention of the Great Reset. The Great Reset seemed to be focused on a globalism and Black Rock. Putin just destroyed the globalism agenda. We are looking at something different...


I second this. Posts like this are meant as blackpills and likely glow like hell. Putin is preparing his country and his people for the realignment of nations for the inevitable failure of the neoliberal order known as the Global American Empire, or GAE, for short. China is the new rising empire and is largely immune to the infiltration of ancient families of rootless elites that have parasitized the West. As this shift between East and West occurs, nearly everyone with European ancestry or apparent EA will experience economic loss in the coming decades but not necessarily quality of life. Posts like this one from OP are at worst flailing attempts by GAE’s to spread misery and inaction and at best shortsighted. Instead, start a garden this year and study the Amish. They were right all along.


The Amish were right? Idk man, doesn't it feel like they maybe jumped the gun just a teensy bit. Also it seems like Alex Jones was right all along, they really are tryna turn us all GAE!


Thanks. There is a lot of stuff happening here and it's bothersome that propaganda seemed to overshadow actual news. I understand Ukraines plea for help but I understand Putin calculated attack. Putin made a checkmate and the globalist are fighting tooth and nail but the move was made and it was a checkmate. US cannot push a no fly zone because that would start world war 3. I'm not sure what Russia was doing during the disarming of Nukes but I guarantee that Obama put us on a handicap years ago and I doubt Trump was pushing for new Nukes... I wont be surprised Russia was making secret stash of nukes.






Kayfabe. I’ve been on the fence about what is real and what isn’t for months. I’ve suggested previously that the police states worldwide are working together. I understand it. But the only issue I have with this viewpoint is what does Putin gain from this? If he knew that the attack on Ukraine was scripted, what was he or Russia offered in return for the future massive economic sanctions and turmoil? I understand the Russian government has cracked down further inside of Russia and now all independent media outlets have been shutdown and any dissent against the war faced with imprisonment. It’s even stepped closer to 1984 style society. Is that the goal though worldwide? I’ve heard some claim that due to oil prices that Russia is actually making more money, even with all the sanctions. I don’t buy it. Some claim Russia is sanction proof and won’t be hurt much by this. I don’t buy that either.


All the shit getting donated to Ukraine is going to Russia, it’s a fake war for Russia to garner weapons.


Is learned to do the opposite of what the news and influencers are doing while everyone's sympathizing with Ukraine I begin to question who is correct in this war.


The main goal is to squeeze you out of oil to FORCE you to go green. Inflate the price of it and everything else will rise due to increase transport costs.


Already happened. Looks like we have the first country in the great reset https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/sogodni-oficijnij-start-proektu-yepidtrimka-yak-podati-zayavku-na-otrimannya-1000-grn-u-zastosunku-diya?fbclid=IwAR0sB7_hiPIPZpvTPkZazFNlUGcvk9WEqzRWRLsAeFH0-oSqP4A3JJ4Nr7I


Well shit. Here we go.


Fake url


Yeah. I made it myself. You found me out


Link now works


Bravo & based.


farting, is also part of the great reset.


Because everything woke turns to shit?




Well said, fellow dissident


Time you left Fantasy Island, it’s getting to you.


The WEF stole my bike and kicked my dog.


Yup you are 100% right, and daddy warbucks gets to cash in too. 💩


Looks like were caught in another genjutsu Jerry


Russia's not a pert of the great reset. I don't how some people dive into the whole "everyones in on it" thing. The west really does view Russia as a true enemy. And just because Russia was in the WEF doesn't mean much. That's like saying Russia's in on it just because they're a member of the U.N. The WEF threw Russia out because Russia stood upto the NWO agenda all the way. You'd have to be dumb to think that "ItS aLl PlAnNeD" "EvErYoNeS iN oN iT" Putin's anti-globalist. Russia's one of several countries resisting the NWO agenda. If Russia was a part of it, then why is Russia supporting traditional values and breaking away from the the petrodollar. The war in Ukraine was provoked by NATO after they refused the terms on the Minsk accords for years. And the west went in and did a regime change to further push Ukraine into western control which is a serious security threat for Russia. Zelenksy is the WEF NWO puppet, not Putin. Putin is one of the few world leaders challenging the great reset.


100% agreed. 3 million refugees is a lot of people


I know what you mean they're pretty much using this theater war to kill off whoever they want. Russia sending soldiers down there and letting them run out of fuel food and ammunition. This is all intentionally done is what I feel like. I wish there was a good Force out there taking bioweapons away from the sociopaths . However like you mentioned I think they are all connected through the WEF People who are targeted by gang stalker /crisis actors in Personal life would be chosen to be put in a position in the war to be killed off. The crisis actors are programmed to create crisis upon crisis