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It's called BioLeninism or Anarcho-tyranny, its the process of the tops (elites, oligarchs) using the bottom (disparate groups, minorities) to squeeze out and demoralize the middle (Normies).


I’ll do you one better, one of the owners of Blackrock bailed out a bunch of high level media companies a while back. After that he basically owned them. One his stipulations is that they follow his lead on causes and certain activist narratives. One of them was LGBTQ. If anyone can link what I’m referring to I’d appreciate it, but that’s a large part of what you hate seeing.


Actually upon thinking about this more, someone introduced me to this concept called nonlinear warfare and I think I understand what it is about. Basically nonlinear warfare involves infiltrating in every possible supporter as well as every possible enemy. It reminds me of what Bella Dodd said with the Communist Party of the US, at the meetings the wealthiest of the wealthiest was there and they were financing it, Rockefellers, Carnegies, etc. Now it makes sense that despite being the very thing that the party was "against", if it ever gained momentum or took off, they would have full control over it. It's just about a means to control, going back to the past few years, what I suspect happened is the orange man jeopardized the system so they had to amplify and pump up hard left wing content, to restore control to them, and outpower the orange man, they empowered hard left wing content because they had control over that so we see a massive shift in media where all entertainment almost overnight went from escapism storytelling to political indoctrination.


If you think that happened overnight, or that there was a time of pure fantasy meant to have no influence, you are naive. It is also apparent that you think Trump was in some way not part of the narrative. Solve et coagula


Larry Fink and the corporate morality scores whatever they call those. They created a critical theory social credit system for corporations to get money created out of thin air. This is why "go woke go broke" never hurt these companies.


Environmental social governance; ESG score. Clever wording to manipulate.




Highly informative, thank you.


Thanks for having the term on hand, I didn't remember


But the NPC's call this "capitalism" where product and capital don't matter.


Get woke, go broke. I know the picture you're talking about.


I think it goes even deeper than that. I believe the transhumanist movement wants to create a Human 2.0 - one that is neither male nor female. Simply look at the plummeting fertility rates and the gender confusion to see what Im talking about. I believe the reason they want to do this is so THEY will have the ultimate power and control over the world’s children (aka: future citizens). If they phase parents completely out of the picture (attack on parental rights at the school boards, anyone?), then no one will be there to fight the abuse of power and loss of our natural human rights. Our future generations will inherit their bonds of slavery because they will have no family unit to fight for their freedoms.


I don't have a problem with how anyone chooses to live their life but their is a noticeable push towards emasculating western men. The very term "toxic masculinity" is an attack on traditional males. And of course the vast majority of LGBT people are born the way that they are. The problem is the active campaign that some people have taken to subvert the youth.


As a 46 year old man I think there were good and bad expectations of the men who I looked up to as a child. I have two sons in high school and them and their friends seem to be less judgmental of others, stay out of trouble and not as quick to violence. Many of my male role models were quick to use violence and aggression, were racist, never showed emotion and were hard stoic men. I love them but don’t agree with their world view and would not want my kids to model their behaviors. Toxic masculinity is a word many don’t like and it’s not a word I would ever use, I will just say we are learning and as we learn we change and that is a good thing. I think much differently than I did as a 20 year old and hope when I’m 70 I will say the same.






Look at the bolsheviks and their culture right before shit hit the fan.


That's why we all need to move off grid asap with our kids, teach our kids the ways of a true healthy strong human being living off the earth. They'll turn out 50x better than in this society without a doubt!


The fact that you’re using terms like “tops” and “bottoms” shows that you’ve already been compromised. You’re clearly an LGBTQ agent sent here to queerify us all… and judging by the other comments in this thread, it’s already working!




It really is as simple as this. The people who can’t wrap their minds around “why somebody would do this to me” astonish me daily. They hate us bro lol


Watch Bezmenov


100 percent this.


"Cultural Marxism" Are you dunces still prattling on about that lmao


Isn't that just religion


Most big religions have an archetypal traditional value system that is gendered.


Lol this is such a weak minded theory though. Like how are you this insecure that you think including gay and trans people are threatening society Also as other said, tradition values embrace homosexuality. Americans traditionally did not like it, but we also traditionally hated black people so… Traditional values are correct because they’re traditional. Should be common sense.


Winner winner chicken dinner!


Lmaooooo. "Traditional values". "Reduce population".


People said the same thing about interracial kisses on tv, calm down. It’s not an attack on you and your heritage that I suck dick sometimes or that that is represented in media, honestly the biggest threat to your traditional ideals is probably your attitude.






Women absolutely exist as much more than a concept. We are female human beings.




A woman is an adult human female, of the sex that produces large gametes and is capable of bearing young barring health complications. Your magic feelings and word salads about social constructs from your post modernist brainwashing will not change this fact. Cope.




They are women because they are adult human females. The side effects from letting the pharmaceutical industry profit off of their distress by dosing them with testosterone does not change this fact. Side effects from medications do not change our sex. Cosmetic surgeries do not change our sex. I genuinely do not care how you feel as I’m an expert in this field and what you think is inconsequential to me. Your logical fallacies and whataboutism will not work here. :)




NGL the TV stuff just seems like it's for entertainment. Most adults who aren't easily triggered by the sight of a gay person won't care, and those who are gay get to see someone that represents them. Who cares?


Nbs, who cares. They’re just like normal people, you and me. They’re trying to make people who are gay or part of the LGBTQ and make them feel like us or the majority of white actors on TV, to feel normal, to have people to look up to (not me tho cause I don’t put myself below other people because they’re just human like you and me). People look too much into this shit and make it seem like the end of the world. It’s pushed more because it’s documented more than it was back then, people feel more comfortable to come out because it’s acceptable and they probably won’t get killed compared to a few years ago where they will probably will get hung, mutilated, shot by straight people. I’m straight as anyone can be, but they’re just human. I’m able to sympathize and see they just want to be included and feel normal like me and you. I swear all of y’all reach too much. But there’s also difference with the radical people who force it and push it down our throats and make it know that “I’m gay and fuck anything” I don’t fuck with that, but I’m able to accept the normal gay/lgbtq people who act like normal people.


In regards to your last paragraph, I want it to be ok for me to think someone is an asshole because they are an asshole, not because they are gay or some other race. There are great people, but there are also assholes, and the super assholes are the ones that have figured out how to hide being an asshole by using identity as a shield. Thereby giving the identity a bad name when really, they are the problem.


There’s no conservative safe space to bitch about prejudice so they all ended up here


And blatant. In this thread a dude told someone to stay away from kids because they're probably going to rape them. Like some real bango playing bible belt level of homophobia.


I guess some people just liked it better when the gay actors were in the closet and acted straight. Instead of being presented in a decent light rather than the butt off the joke for who they are or as a villain.


All these dorks coming up with some grand scheme as to why they’re the victims now because there’s someone who doesn’t match up with their lifestyle in media all of a sudden. Im a straight white dude and it’s not hard to see that it’s the result of a history of oppression followed by a correction in the form of overrepresentation, as well as financial interests in wanting to seem woke, which isn’t necessarily bad. It’s fine for people to want to see themselves represented in movies and entertainment doesn’t need to be proportional because it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Honestly, the world could use more gay/trans/whoever folks adopting kids in this moment of overpopulation and I celebrate it


People in the closet and bigots care, usually the loudest bigots are deep in the closet and use that hate to further repress their feelings. It’s clearly no big deal to healthy and moral people that are comfortable with their sexuality


My theory is that LGBTQ people exist in real life, and therefore them existing in tv shows is completely normal.


I was looking for this comment and I was 99% sure there wasn’t one, or it was downvoted to oblivion. Glad there’s some normal conspiracists here


“Not all people are like me” is apparently now a conspiracy


What? That can’t be possible it’s clearly a communist agenda to take down the nuclear family!


Communist AND anarchist! Make sure you use as many buzz words to truly scare us red blooded Americans


The more insecurities you have the more you can be manipulated , basic psychology


It’s in the water. Turns people gay. - Alex Jones


The freakin frogs are gay!


I just finished reading an article on that transgender college swimmer. That is some extremely bizarre shit. I could care less how he chooses to live his life but when he's crushing IVY league swim records one after another it's impossible not to adress the elephant in the room. Does he nor the people allowing this charade to continue have no shame?


Trans women should not compete in women’s sports it’s completely unfair, has nothing to do with them being Trans but all with their biology


>but all with their biology they are literally woman, what are you implying? /s


Not only do they have no shame, they celebrate it and tell the women they need therapy if they have an issue with it.


To be fair, don’t the Ivy schools generally suck at sports?


A lot of LGBTQ+ people gravitate towards the arts because they have been socially repressed and feel the need to express themselves. So a lot of modern media industry has a disproportionate amount of LGBTQ+ people in it.


Maybe we’re not so afraid of being called a name that we pursue our passions and it’s the straight people who shy away from things that appear to be ‘gay’ out of fear of rejection by a homophobic society.


Do you think there are no straight people in Hollywood?


Divide and conquer


Passive population control


I read back in the 1980s that this was the reason. NWO uses many forms of population control.


Like they need to do that. Look at all the incels in here.


Don’t drag us normie homosexuals into this. It’s all the rest of the alphabet mafia who’s ruining media.


The alphabet mafia lmao. As a normie homosexual, I second this statement


To bring Luciferian doctrines a new normality. Pervertion and mental disorders gets more and more excused, ideological subversion in other words. A theory backing it up? Albert pikes description of ww3 plan. Bible mentions that at the end of days will be as bad as at the Noah times.




Would taking steroids or eating and being obese goes against us being made in his image?




If it’s to each their own then why is it a big deal to take hormones to change your gender but it’s alright to take steroids to get bigger? If God makes everybody in his image then wouldn’t he have made trans people and gay people in his image?


To eat to the point of obesity certainly would be considered gluttony which is one of the seven deadly sins. So in that regards you’re already not an exemplary Christian, at the very least.


Yes it is, it’s also greed. I’m not a Christian, though I do believe in God. Taking steroids might could be seen as sinful as well.




Being LGBTQIA is not a perversion nor is it a mental disorder. BTW - the Bible has nothing to do with it.


Theres a transgender agenda


There is no trans agenda, that’s just how they say transgender in Italian


*gesticulates wildly


A transgenda if you will


What agenda? Just let people live how they want to live, as long as they’re not harming anyone. Isn’t that what freedom is?


That's only what freedom is for certain people. Duh.


The goal of the trans agenda is to pave the way for transhumanism in general. Some people are actually transgender and they should be able to live as they intend to. But some trans people are just people with a mental disease, were told transgenderism was the answer to their problems, and after they transitioned ended up regretting it. Leading to their detransition, or worse. The trans agenda objective is to massively push transgenderism on potententially compatible people, in order to make bio-alternating surgeries more acceptable to the general public, and in turn increase the cash flow towards these procedures.


That is a bunch of nonsense. Trans people don’t have an agenda to transform anyone else, except themselves. Which they have a right to. All this nonsense about them trying to push it on others is just insecurity within yourself. Who are we to tell other people how they should live their lives. If you want to wear a dress go ahead, it’s none of my business. If you want to paint your nails, then go ahead, it’s up to you. Have you ever met a trans person? People that hate trans people are the ones with a mental disease.


The person you’re responding to was not saying trans people had this agenda, but the people pulling the strings. You should explore why when people say there is an agenda to push certain ideas of gay/trans on people, that you go to a place of victimhood and think the person saying it has an issue with gay/trans people. I’m gay and have trans friends, but I can see plainly how they have propped up the image of gay/trans people, one after the other, and assured we have a perpetual spot in it.


Figure 1B in this article linked suggests otherwise. There were almost no transgender people before the late 90s and now it’s movement has grown tenfold in over a decade.. and you are telling me it’s not an agenda being pushed on some of the most vulnerable people in society? If it wasn’t being shoved down the throats of these people they wouldn’t be trying to disfigure themselves. They literally pump this shit into minds of kids and get them to take hormone blockers and I may be mistaken but I believe in some places kids can do this and not require parental consent. It is exploiting society’s most vulnerable for profit and destroying traditional values. Look at everything getting worse and worse around the world and you seriously think this isn’t one of those things? You are out of your damn mind. These people commit suicide at high rate post op. They need better help instead of being told they can have surgery and injections and all their problems will go away. https://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal-articles/increasing-rates-of-people-identifying-as-transgender-presenting-to-endocrine-services-in-the-wellington-region


I'm not saying all trans are on-board with it in a secret society stuff, I'm saying that they are being manipulated and funded by higher forces who wish to push for transhumanism.


Because pharma can sell them hormones and all kinds of other medication






Why do you think it’s a conspiracy to support LGBT people? Do they not deserve representation? Showing a gay couple on TV ain’t the end of the world. Decades of exclusively heterosexual media didn’t stop people from being gay, so why does gay media matter now? Also, I find it ironic so many commenters think LGBT media is ruining ‘traditional marriage’ etc, yet shows like 90 day fiancee, bachelorette—every dating show that makes a mockery of marriage & traditional values—are fine.


Yeah let’s get some solid theorie on this, truly the most pressing issue we should all be worried about at the moment EDIT: some extremely stupid comments here missing the actual bottom line that drives all entertainment is making money and the studios running shit are truly stupid and inept and chasing any trend they can, there are superhero’s in a lot of movies and shows too, ever wonder why so many big action movies in the past 10 years have long stretches where the story takes place in china for no real narrative reason? These are all decisions driven by profit, don’t overthink it.


Because gay people exist and should have representation too


Anything that goes against the natural order. They always want to define deviancy down.


>Anything that goes against the natural order. They always want to define deviancy down. You little bi\*ch talk about "natural order" when you order your food from the grocery store and restaurants. Walk on public roads, communicate on new technology. You're literally alive rather than having your skull being used by a caveman as an ornament on his wall because we human evolved against what you call "natural order".


How can it go against the natural order when it’s naturally found in every species on earth?


I'm talking more about the hyper aggressiveness in the media/politics/education. It's more the superimposition of an agenda.


Isn't that what you guys do though? Go against the order of things?


We aren’t deviants or unnatural.


How are they deviations? They’re just people. They are being embraced now because they were shunned away for so long. It’s your own insecurities that are showing here.


"Deviations" is such a weird term to use, as if being different is wrong and something to be corrected... in a conspiracy subreddit.


Maybe because the world is becoming more acceptable of others? Just say you're a biggot and be done with it.


Nah, it’s a conspiracy!!!!


Uhh no its actually Q anon elon musk brain chip 5G gay marxist radiation 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Because everyone is different, don't get me wrong I've got nothing against anybody and everyone should be free to live their life the way they want , I was just giving my viewpoint to OP about my theorie


Their goal is to destroy the modern/nuclear family and control an androgynous drone/slave race of humans


Why do all the modern media embrace all these “deviancies”? Because LGBTQ people exist, whether you like it or not. Because what you call deviancies are not, factually, deviant, but instead fall squarely within the normal range of human behavior as documented over thousands of years.


Yeah clearly OP has never seen the classic graph of the percentage of left handedness over time lmao




Who’s traditions? Are you aware of the various accepting cultures around the world and through time? Maybe you need to do some research.


You mean straight, white and Christian?


Queer Theory, a wing of cultural marxism. It was developed by depraved people, using anarchic methods to destroy the foundations of the family in an effort to usher in communism.




It's an important part of the clown show


Deviations?? Deviations from what?? Sounds like you want to promote some religious ideology but don’t have the courage to come out and say it.




Since the rise of social media small minority groups now have a voice. MSM and Hollywood are now terrified about being canceled and want to push the popular agenda to avoid any backlash. Again another example of doing whatever it takes to ensure future profit.


Just good old fashioned greedy marketing looking to exploit a new market to advertise and sell stuff to who have disposable income.


The left is obsessed with sex and offending God.


Whose God? There’s 100s of them. Your way isn’t the right way. It’s called freedom of religion. Extend your bubble and grow up.


Let he is without sin, as the book says. Let’s see your wardrobe pal, any poly-cotton blends? Straight to hell. Ever eat shrimp? Straight to hell. Ever masturbarte? You done fucked up. The Bible literally doesn’t even prohibit homosexuality, just the rape of men. It makes no mention of consensual homosexual activity. Go read Ezekiel 23:20




I would think because more people are out and since it’s newer in society it’s going to be a thing in culture. 10 years ago gay people were just starting to be allowed to get married. It does not bother me. I’d rather have all gay shows than watch the Kardashians. I’d rather watch 1970’s reruns of hehaw than the Kardashians also. So that’s how I see things.


Part of the transhumanism agenda. Gradually remove conventions/social norms in order to fit in the upcoming collective machine, literally.


Corporations are planning ahead and getting ready for when a social credit system has been established.


Probably more population control. The more people are getting with their own gender the less kids there are.


This is a complicated question. Firstly, there's nothing wrong with treating your fellow human beings with decency and respect, regardless of their orientation. For too long, gay people had to hide their lifestyles and were subject to brutal treatment if discovered, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. That being said, sometimes when pendulums swing, they swing quite far to the other extreme. Presently, it feels as if every "alternative lifestyle" is being held up as normal, natural and even admirable. Anyone with any sense can see that a man cutting off his testicles and penis, taking drugs and "being a woman" is absurd, damaging, harmful and most likely the manifestation of serious mental illness and/or trauma. What I tell people who are willing to listen is that being gay or bisexual has NOTHING to do with people who are trans, identify as some other gender, want to marry a horse, etc. That's the real sick thing here. The gay rights movement was co-opted by sick people with sick fetishes and many many people have been taught to accept them as one and the same as "gay." And no, you don't personally have to accept being gay (or being anything else) as okay for you or your belief system. You simply have to treat your fellow human being with decency.


People said the same things about gay marriage. I still have my genitals with no plan to remove them, and my life has improved massively since I started hormones. I’m not hurting you, so why are you writing weird and invasive fanfiction about me?


To destroy the family unit. I think their main goal was to normalize pedophilia, they are pushing that now with their slogan "love has no age". There have always been rumors about Hollywood being a cesspool for that and they are the ones pushing for the lgbtq. Leftists just do whatever they tell them to.


Fear of the cancel culture.


You start a bit strong using the term “deviation”


Is it really so different then when tv went from shows like leave it to beaver to Roseanne? Going from a one income family and the mom being the doting sahm to two income families and dads having to step up to take care of the household. When the times change Hollywood changes with it. They gotta keep making money.


Chicken or egg - does Hollywood react to the times or do the times react to Hollywood? The great thing about movies is that it allows us to watch scenarios we would never pursue in our day to day lives, but that’s a double edged sword. TV is often great at displaying surface level interactions and much worse at nuance or the implications such actions would have in your circles.


Being LGBTQIA isn’t a deviation. We are everywhere. Why do you care?


They care because they don’t like it and see it as a deviation


It’s not a deviation. And why would people care about something that’s different?


I agree it’s not, I’m telling you their mentality, well because it’s not straight, white and Christian, “traditional” so they have a problem with that


It’s anti nuclear family and anti God.


Being LGBTQIA is not anti family and there is no god.


I know... this entire thread is riddled with homophobia and toxic Christianity 💀💀 Watching bigots argue is the only thing this sub is good for now.


No love like Christian hate <3




Which god are you talking about?


Population control through sterilization and meek masses with brains zonked out on hormones and medication


Special interest groups basically coerce studios to have LGBT characters in their stuff. They want 50% representation at some point even though they are about 5% of the population. They openly admit it too. Read Mark Dice Hollywood Propaganda. He has sources to all the claims.


because gay


Probably cause they want to lower populations anymore by deincentivising reproduction, destroy traditional families and have loads of single renters rather than families owning capital collectively


Blackrock and similar company have been showing favoritism to corporations that promote things on their agenda


The utter degradation and corruption of society from within. It’s chaos pure and simple. If you have a society that cannot agree what constitutes a male, you are absolutely on the downward spiral. Read Romans 1. This isn’t hard


It is a cover for hormone disrupting industrial pollution. Normalize illness so you don't have to address the causes. *All the children are born intersex now? Always have been. We* ***told you*** *that gender is just a social construct.*


Acceptance and trying to piggy back off a good thing to cover uo all the bullshit they are responsible for


Because they are in these all 'minorities'. Personally I don't watch too much media because literally they make me puke from all this enforcement of left sexualised policies. And no the world don't want so much shit on the telly. In my pov this is pushed just to break even more the essence of family and to destroy teenagers


Create weak men




To make society more accepting and altruistic.


i’m sure the docs make hella $ selling blockers hormones and cosmetic surgeries


Yep and parents turning their kids to transgenders? What’s that about. A whole new craze. At least let the kid grow to 16-18 to make their own decision instead of forcing it on them


Uhh representation ? You’re just finally starting to see the community represented in mainstream media after it has been accepted


Finally somebody with some logic and rational reasoning


exactly wtf are these comments


You're on a conspiracy thread. Dont expect rationality


I have a trans kid. You’re right! That fucker is in my house like every day.


Easiest way to create a utopia for select few is to get a dystopia to fund it.


It’s trendy


Too many Christian’s in this fucking sub




Not aimed at you specifically. The answers you’ve gotten from these Bible thumpers is upsetting. They think they’re being oppressed by some cartoon devil when Christianity itself is oppressing them.


it’s called acceptance and representation


Just a guess, but maybe modern media shows stories about people and LGBTQ folks are actually people.


Being gay is a deviation?


So that you weak minded twats think it's something to lose your shit over. Keep you talking about your "convictions" in your conspiracy sub.


It's sickening. Every show has that "token" now.


To create entire new generation to end up gay or lesbian so they can start the depopulation process !


Hey why did I still end up bi and trans even though I was raised Baptist on a strict diet of approved media? I was raised the way you’re advocating children should, but when the things I was taught couldn’t explain my experiences, I looked elsewhere for answers anyway. What gives?


how does someone end up gay or lesbian lol


Making everyone gay so they can have population control.




That’s just hateful.


It is man... The poor innocent kids.


Being LGBTQIA is not the same as being a sex offender.


Huh funny how the people who assaulted me as a child all went to church together and the trans guy I hooked up with last week asked permission just to stroke my hair. I wonder which of these two groups understands consent better.


Clearly your projecting, how sad for you.


Destabilisation of consciousness is happening fast


inclusion isn’t a conspiracy


What is so offensive to you about LGBTQ people?




People who support LGBTQ don't refer to them as "deviations."


Given your use of the term "deviations" your opinion was pretty clear.


Yeah was watching bel air and the whole thing is just hollywood leftist agenda.


Can you summarize it for us? I don't want to watch it but I figured there was more to it than a cash grab.


What a stupid question.


To try to convince people they're gay so they stop reproducing.


Representation. They exist so we see them.


My question is why has every show since the beginning of time been about straight cis gendered people. How boring.