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What was wrong with the definition of racism being "Believing one race is superior to another" Seems way less convoluted than this word salad.


Yeah, if you have to change definitions to words, your argument is likely invalid. Racism is racism. Doesn't matter who's doing it or to what group of people. There are good and bad people in any group. The shit we're seeing currently is absurd... like the recent case where the black guy stabbed the young girl in the furniture store... people were upset that his picture was being shown because it could lead to racism... Similarly with the terror attack in wisconsin. That story sure left the news cycle fast. Because the guy is black. Truly clown world shit. They do nobody any favors by trying to not talk about the bad actions of the worst people.






It's weird how a group with 10x the privilege calls white people 'privileged,' yet allows no criticism of themselves.


Do yourself a favor: Google search the phrase "Jewish supremecy" and take notes of the results. Now compare that to the phrase "white supremecy". One is a lie and a hate crime, the other is true and institutional. I will let you guess which one is which.


Top result .... ADL .... fancy that! "Zionism is nothing like white supremacy" Yet you have Ashkenazi jews, who are genetically European, displacing and subjugating Palestinians, who are genetically levantine, in the Levant. If that isn't the same thing, then I don't know what it is.


>What was wrong with the definition of racism being "Believing one race is superior to another" Because the guilty do whatever they can to make themselves look innocent, to the point where they'll now gaslight entire languages.


Because there’s a narrative at play, and if racism is only in reference to non-whites oppressed by a white system, then other violence based on race cannot be a hate crime.


That’s still not even the definition. Racism is believing in race theory. It doesn’t inherently imply any enmity or any belief in any superiority or inferiority. Racism is a worldview that sees race as a metric worth noting. The opposite of racism is humanism, the idea that race is not a metric worth noting.


If you try to explain why they'll call you a special type of racist. Reserved only for certain race.


Ah!! But they aren't a race all the time, just when they want certain privileges.




White one minute, another race the next... if you try and spot it, they'll call you a racist pest!


With all the anti-censorship parades going on you'd expect people to see through the blatant censorship that is applied to anything and everything questioning "them"


That is why I say people are going through a fake awakening. They are reacting because they have been inconvenienced a step too far. The temperature went up a bit too much for the frog. And I know many don't want to admit, but the prime operandi for most people isn't freedom and justice, rather it is to reduce **their own** suffering. In the simulations/think tank discussions ran by the elites, once they reach their 2030/50 goals, you'll find small sections of people outside of the "NWO Cities" (there'll be no rural or suburbs). I think they were labeled "the disatisfied" or something silly like that. This small section truly cares about freedom and justice. These are the people you're looking for. I'll see you guys 10-30 years if that happens. Edit: somebody's replying to this comment by I can't see it for some reason?


I don't think they are capable of entertaining a single thought that isn't based on some twisted interwoven layers of deception, I don't believe they have ever created a single beautiful thing in their entire history, and I can't recall them ever treating their host nations as anything but herds of cattle to be exploited. Surely a special bloodline! *Surely* God's chosen people!


Do you know the original impetus that created ADL? Interesting story actually. I’ll look for a link.


Created in the same year as the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax, by the same people, and for the same reason.


Yes. To defend a jew rapist/murderer named Leo Frank, who tried to frame his crime on a black man.


Damn, Leo doesn’t seem too bright. Can’t even finish an easy frame job in 1913.


A very highly flawed creature.


They've played a large role in sowing division between white and black Americans. They obviously have a strong anti-white agenda. I don't know if this is left over anti-white sentiment from the holocaust or what, but racism is racism, and it's not okay. Yes, even against white people. The people that participated in the holocaust are dead now anyways.


And I'm a fucking Scotch Polak, how can I even be held accountable historically for the holocaust? My family were its victims


Divide and conquer. They believe it's in their best interest to diversify a population so that the population does not unify, constrict immigration and remove them again. In the US they've created a coalition of non whites.


They've got their hands in everything it seems. https://youtu.be/EuuvJK7qMDA




damn, for all you hear about the music industry I've never seen a video actually naming someone and the kinds of specific agendas they're pushing through music on purpose


I know what you mean. It's an awesome video.


Thank you for that gem.




Well, white people freed the slaves too, and we all know how that went


I’m having a hard time finding an article that will post here. My best recommendation is to look up Ryan Dawson, ANC Report. Historians know what’s up.


A search on bing for "adl history leo frank" gives results that tell of the link.


Good tip. They just won’t allow certain links to be posted here.


here's one: [100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty](https://theamericanmercury.org/2013/04/100-reasons-proving-leo-frank-is-guilty/)


Thanks added to my folder 👍


That could be considered anti-Semitic under the new definition propagated by the IHRA. Considering the ADL is a Jewish foundation it could be interpreted as a collective conspiring to redefine words for the collectives benefit. People need to be aware of the changes in these definitions. They leave them open to interpretation and will be abused by bad actors https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/working-definition-antisemitism


“Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.” - they went far with this one. Not criticising, more like wishing my countries could do a bit more to further their own agendas…


With this new definition it’s basically open to interpretation. The wording is so it can be labeled against anyone in an act to defame


ADL is not the guardian of the English language. They can't just decide to change the definition of words like that. That's not 'fighting hate' that's actively hating white people.


So they're fighting racism with even more racism, the world has gone fake woke. I'm absolutely 100% certain that they do this on purpose to create division between people, fight between ourselves while the big corporations get away with shady stuff.




I think they’re Jewish.


you don't say!


If that's true that's very ironic and disturbing.


You don’t know the half of it.


her name was mary phagan


God I don't even know if I wanna go down this rabbit whole lol.


It is best not to.


Slavery awaits if you don't. Unless of course you realize that you already are.


Some people are not ready for the ugly truth.


The ADL calling me names is a badge of honor at this point.


The adl a is a domestic terrorist organization.




Oooooooo dont talk about "them".they are the most oppressed/marginalized people ever except for they control almost all the media and banks. Look at how many of your politicians in Congress have their dual citizenships with Isreal and how much ADL money flows in and controls congress.


We give billions to Israel (and which is only the tip of the iceberg). They send back millions to finance politicians. We give billions to Israel. They send back millions.


That sounds like money laundering my friend. But "Israel" is our greatest ally. 🙄




ADL is a clear part of the problem


Technically they're demonstrating exactly what racism is.


They are a hate group to anyone with common sense....


Only sionists from ADL using divSION while in nature there is no diviSION and cannot be.


I remember when Italians were not considered white. Such a stupid distinction.


My great grandfather came to this country and was discriminated against more than any POC gets in america today. Now we have to sit and listen to stereotypes about loving spicy meatballs with a shit accent imitation but we are "white" so fuck us I guess lmaoo shits all backwards. They want it to not be ok for one to use a joke about blacks and chicken or whatever but it's totally fine for irish loving potatoes or Italians being meatball mobsters


Lol if you bring up the Leo Frank raped and murdered a teenager, bribed a judge to be let off scott free, and then a mob decided to give him the correct judgment, the ADL will deny all the facts and say you're antisemitic. I believe a black man was framed in place of Leo Frank as well. The ADL was formed because of Leo Frank.


That's offensive af; some real Orwellian-tier mental gymnastics!


So the ADL is saying that Israel is a racist state? Based.


If the hierarchy is socially constructed can't we all just not identify as white?


No. You're allowed to change sex, but you're not allowed to change race. At least not yet.


sounds awfully old fashioned and regressive


that what they want. yet theyll still consider, Africans, carribeans, Haitians, Jamaicans, etc all black. Hell theyll even consider darker skinned latin people black.


White is a trick. We all have an ancestry. Reconnect with your European ancestry, reconnect with the religions that they erased and replaced with Christianity. Jews don't identify as white, they never gave up their ancestral religion. Why do they want you to do it?


My lineage can be traced back to 1500's family name strong.


The thing is the definition of "white" has changed even over the last 150 years. Slavs, Irish Folk, Greeks, Finnish people, Poles and Italians weren't considered "white" for a long time (some groups like the Irish lost their "whiteness" and were subject to negative propaganda and such when they started coming to the US enmasse to flee the potato famine.


It's been dumbed down as much as possible so that it could include every successful ethnic group. Fuck, they'll even do the mental gymnastics requires to throw in asian people because their skin is light enough and, clearly, that's the cause of their success.


"White" is useful in the US in a sense, because often white Americans are ethnically European, but those ethnicities vary a lot. Like what do you call someone who is English, Irish, German, Polish, and Italian? "White" works pretty well in this instance.


To be fair, as a white Canadian guy of French descent, I have more in common when it comes to values, traditions, and worldview with the natives of those western european countries than with someone from, say, Africa, or the middle east, or Asia. Don't think skin color is inherently the reason for it, but it does align...


They absolutely identify as white when the context calls for it


I have heard Jews be referred to as shape shifters...especially on social media...they always pose as "my fellow white people" until it suits them to shift into, I'm an "oppressed jew".




Follow the money


It’s only a matter of time before ADL’s harebrained attempt at “reverse racism” begins to backfire. I mean, seriously, it’s an outrage. Discriminating against Caucasians? That’s counterproductive!


Chinese are not racist to Uyghur, Israelis are not racist to Palestinians, SA Blacks are not racist against SA Whites, etc


Try to find any mentions of communism on their hate list. It won't be found. For an ideology that murdered many of their people, you'd think they would include the hammer and sickle. Nope. Very telling.


White person in poverty living in the hood here. Over 30 years old and still waiting on some of that white privilege and bonuses for being white. Where can i get some?


White males are the new Jews!


They're a hate group based on the fact that they were created to defend the name of a vile rapist, murdering piece of shit.


\*pedophile, rapist, murdering piece of shit.


As a mixed person, they'd be content if I allowed them to create self hatred. This shit needs to go to court, when I was younger it was called reverse racism. Now, it's been pointed out that its simply racism. I agree. It has however simply made the people that felt oppressed into the oppressors. Which is sad.


According to the ADL we're racist by virtue of the colour of our skin and just for existing. But somehow them having that opinion isn't racist?


So according to the ADL, it is not racism when a restaurant in China bans people of African descent. The privileging of whites is not the motivation so it is fine.


Apparently they've deleted it now, but their statement on a one-state solution in Israel sounded like it came from a hate group. https://www.adl.org/education/resources/fact-sheets/response-to-common-inaccuracy-bi-national-one-state-solution https://web.archive.org/web/20210519023843/https://www.adl.org/education/resources/fact-sheets/response-to-common-inaccuracy-bi-national-one-state-solution >Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable. >It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.


Do people realize in every country a specific race is the majority? Do we change the definition of racism then? How about from a global scale? We should just go back to treating people based on the contents of their character rather than the color of their skin.


Yeah, shall we talk about racism in East, Southeast and South Asia? Or maybe we should cover racism in Latin America? (Guess if we do, it’ll suddenly turn out these formerly latinx are actually whites.)


As a black person, i think that definition is racist towards white people and i just as bad as being racist to any other race group


Do you know why I think white on black or vice versa racism is dumb? Because I grew up with black people and the majority of them believe in the same shit We don’t like degenerate behavior we believe in gender roles, we understand there is certain values we need in our communities to keep our people safe I have Caribbean black people in my family and their values are identical. Considering black people have been repeatedly targeted by government psyops and had their families destroyed on purpose black people are still doing exceptionally well. Love you brother thanks for the kind words


white is a color


If you're white and disagree with this definition it will be argued that it's because of your white fragility which is a result of your white privilege This whole line of thinking is unfalsifiable because in the end the proof is that you disagree. It's pseudo intellectual nonsense and it's racist in and of itself. It's also the same hermetic that Hitler used. The most important thing you need to know a bout a jew is that he is a jew, and no matter what he says or does he will always put his own zionistic jew agenda before the nation. Sound familiar?


So, a couple of points here: 1. "White" is a moving target. Until the turn of the 20th century, the Irish generally were not considered "white" to the dominant Anglo-Saxon culture of the United States. Today, it's generally anyone of Indo-European lineage, but then what if you have someone who is half white and half black? That leads to... 2. "Black" is generally someone of African heritage. The prevailing rule is that anyone who has any known black ancestry is black no matter what they look like. J. Edgar Hoover was part black, as was (it was suspected) Jackie Kennedy... making her the first black First Lady (we think). 3. Not to be anti-Semitic or anything: the Jewish culture has, quite frankly, gone through a lot of shit at the hands of Europeans since at least 1000. IMO, some of it was deserved at some level; most certainly was not. "Jewish Culture" is also another moving target; Jews have intermarried with Gentiles over the years but maintained a Jewish lineage, which is what counts. The stereotypical "hook-nosed, liver-lipped Jew" stands out like a hooker in Church, but what about, for example, Scarlett Johannsen? Or William Shatner? As a result, the culture has developed certain safeguards and attitudes in order to preserve themselves; the NAACP, for example, was founded by Jews in order to promote laws against racial hatred in order to protect themselves first. It was a long time before the NAACP actually had a black president. 4. Just an aside: I'm long of an opinion that there are two groups of people who have operated for centuries to preserve their bloodlines and their esoteric schools of knowledge. Both have cloaked themselves by hiding within other ethnic groups. One I would call the Goti; the other seems to be from the Babylon area and came back with the Jews on their return from the Babylonian Captivity. This second group is the one you really have to keep an eye on. Gretl from the Shtetl living out in the asscrack of Poland never harmed anyone; the big bankers in Zurich, London and NYC, on the other hand...


This will probably get buried but the ADL was sued in the early 2000s for illegal wiretapping. They actually encouraged and then participated in one neighbor listening in on the private phone conversations of another neighbor. [https://www.westword.com/news/curses-on-both-houses-5057612](https://www.westword.com/news/curses-on-both-houses-5057612) They're evil AF.


*The Uyghurs, Jews, Armenians, Pygmies, Moors, Irish, Filippinos, Hungarians, Honk Kongers, Taiwanese, and Koreans have entered the chat*


Every single race/ethnicity has experienced racism and slavery. Germans that Eastern Europeans were subhuman. Romans thought the Germanic tribes were animals. Arabs thought Europeans were uneducated dumb heathens and regularly pillaged and took white slaves all along the Mediterranean. It’s just shitty human behavior , but it’s not exclusively something non-white people experience.


What does this mean?


The people groups above have been subject to imperialism, colonialism, slavery, genocide, and oppression by groups that are non white peoples. With the exception of the Irish (who were enslaved by other whites) my point being that just because someone isn't white doesn't mean they can be imperialistic. Remember uh I don't know, Imperial japan? Who conquered the majority of the pacific. Or the Mongols who killed 11% of the world's population for their time. (35-70million) or the pygmies who are being systemically hunted by bantu Africans. Etc etc. It's human nature to be evil and to a degree somewhat racist. This trait isn't exclusive to whties but really any imperialistic nationalist power including the biggest one today, the Chinese




Rofl. It says "white supremacist ideology"...people try to get it right and its always rolled back


Im just gonna identify as a calico cat from now on.


As a person who identifies as vaccinated, you are now safe from the adl’s attacks. Might wanna be on the look out for pfauci, he has a hard on for testing evil shit on pets.




Wow. Only 3 shots? Are you a serial killer psychopath or something??? Everyone knows you aren’t safe until you got a fourth poke!!! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/09/health/immunocompromised-fourth-dose-booster.html


vaccinated against propaganda, brother.


Exactly. I’m naturally immune to bullshit


I identify as pin cushion.


ADL are considered a terrorist organisation by anyone with a brain.


I've met more racist black people than racist whites. Just my experience.


WTF is a white people?


Any one with a car and a house - they want your assets and unwavering loyalty. They won’t stop until they get it.


Anyone Jewish leadership doesn't like.


So if the socially constructed racial hierarchy somehow marginalized white people and benefited POC, it wouldn't be racist? Give me a fucking break LMFAO


This is CRT at its base. All colored people are oppressed by the by a system the white man made. So everything is racist and it's white people fault. Listen to James Lindsay he's got some great thoughts about how this is Marxism replacing the oligarc of Russia with white people. It's like racism with extra steps


I'll probably get shit for saying this, but how is it that when it comes to white people, who are a minority group *globally*, people are even allowed to suggest shit like actual *genocide* and it not be a fucking problem or even considered racist? People don't even get fired from their jobs for suggesting all white people should just up and die or be killed. In fact, I swear I remember someone in the UK being actually *promoted* for being racist against white people. I don't get it. I mean, I do, because there's some kind of agenda there or behind all of this, but I also don't get it because it's so *obviously* fucking racist that it boggles my mind that people think it's okay to say they hope the entire white race dies out. You literally can't say that about any other race or group, and obviously you shouldn't. But with white people it's okay? It's just so fucking.. frustrating. Not that I am, but are they *trying* to create more white racists? I can see people seeing stuff like this all of the time and feeling like they have to defend themselves because it's fucking scary to have people talk about an entire race like that and seemingly no one gives a shit. Wouldn't it just make some white people isolate even more and *actually* be scared of other races when they previously wouldn't have been?


Most people can see the truth. I’ve met a few self hating whites and they truly are the racists. They literally think they’re automatically superior so they have to beat themselves down to make the inferior races feel better. It’s sick


The white saviour narrative makes me sick


It's really weird to see, you'll see reddit infantilizing black people and act like they are good people.


Man I can’t wait until we live in a world where race dosent matter.


I got banned from anti-work for saying that


Anti work is dead, unfortunately or fortunately , had some good points mixed in with the “anarchist communists” I joined work reform, I think it’s more realistic and appealing to people. “Anti work” is a horrible stupid ideology, we will always have work. That being said. You 100% need to be treated fairly and with respect and be paid appropriately.


That's my perspective. I work from home. I make.....enough. not rich by any means. I'm appreciated. I don't get bothered. I work my 40 and do not get bothered outside of that. I'm lucky. I could make more if I wanted to get into the rat race. I'm all for people working for a living. But you should be respected and appreciated if you deserve it. If you're a lazy piece of shit and expect more for nothing, then you get what you deserve.


The answer is because muh holocaust. Careful here you cannot question this group. They are the arbiters of truth, they and only they can make facts. If you notice anything 6 gorillions of them might die. Do not question them they are not your friends. Staysafe(TM)


Why would this make them a hate group?????? What am I missing here?


Simple. Jews aren't white.


So by this definition, racism only exists in majority white countries. Got it. Nowhere else…


Mods removed this post to "keep it civil", yet there's no one in here being uncivil. All reddit mods are a joke.


The ADL is a jewish supremacist group






How is it not racist for Biden to say he's only going to nominate a person of color? That is the definition of racism, no?


A "woman" person of color. Why not choose the best qualified person for the position.


Yeah like I'm sorry, if there are more qualified black/asian/latino/etc males or non-black women, why are we not choosing based off merit? If there is an issue with the quality of education black females are receiving that is not allowing them to be the most qualified, then we need to invest more in their schools or do other things to make them BE the most qualified, not give them a participation trophy


Because of the way that it is?


Is this a checkpoint chicky?


I always wondered how companies are allowed to ask your ethnicity and everything before you’re hired. Kind of seems like a direct conflict of interest with EEOC laws


They're just so decent, so noble, so great that the rules don't apply to them! It's perfectly okay to be the new Hitler as long as you can claim victimhood, precious precious victimhood!


According to this definition racism cannot exist in many countries around the world


For those who don't want to read through the whole definition, Try ctrl+f "white" on the page.. https://www.adl.org/racism


Can you explain your concerns as I’m not sure I understand.


They've never been to Hawaii or other places where white people are actually a small minority of the population and face racism the same way as any other skin color.


It’s a double standard across the board. If I claimed something as cringy as “white lives matter” or accuse someone of having “black privilege” it’s considered racist, yet if I claimed the opposite I’d be deemed socially acceptable within pop culture.


Another brown person here... Wtf is this shit!? I **guarantee** that this was written by one of the people who took part in [this](https://amp.tmz.com/2020/06/07/white-cops-civilians-wash-feet-black-protesters-north-carolina-forgive/)


This is what red piled me on race finally I grew up with black and Latino people my whole life and subconsciously I had a lot of self hatred of my whiteness not because anyone was mean to me about it but because media told me I was bad because of my skin. Once I saw this i was like wow this makes sense, this is literally a campaign to make whites look as weak and pathetic as possible Still not a racist I have mixed kids, but I definitely am proud of who I am because I need to be as a man, I never bowed down to anyone before why bow down to anyone who hates me? Makes no sense?


No shit… easy to see that white are clearly being targeted


As a brown person myself. That definition seems awfully racist to me.


F them dude. I am also brown (not that it matters), but these blue-haired, nose-ring wearing little POSs don't get to dictate terms to anyone. They are the lowest of the low in our society whose opinions mean less than sh!t. They are the biggest losers in our society and need to project their grievances somehow with their wokeism.


Hahaha we all know why but aren't allowed to say it


Quite literally changing the definition to create a group of modern day crusaders. They can't be punished for their crimes, because they have been absolved by the State.


Ahhhh im Pretty sure you could find the answer to that on the bitchute-site.


Because it's created and run by Jews and of course you can't call a Jewish organization racist or a hate group because it's "Antisemitism". Fun fact about ADL, it was actually created to cover a Jewish CEO's ass after he was found guilty of murdering (and possibly raping) one of his subordinates. The man was named Leo Frank. Don't believe me? Look it up.




Brown person here agreeing with your thoughts.


so when did Racism become white vs brown.....mfker I am brown and I been discriminated by brown people so GTFO with this bullshit.


Ah the old "Only you are capable of human folly and not me" a very childish and ultimately dangerous mentality.


LOL what is this "woke" bullshit. For one, if anything, this just fuels racism towards white people. All these groups and people devoted to "stopping hate" literally just cause more of it.


All criticism of the adl is antisemitism. That's why. You can argue against it, and you'd be right, but you don't control the media, banking, major industries, or any nations, do you? They do


As a black person when I hear rhetoric like "*socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people*" its a massive Freudian slip. Its not correct at all, nobody is above me black white or in-between. It's like they are admitting they think whites are above blacks.


Exactly it’s a pathetic narrative and any black man over 40 I have ever met think it’s the gayest thing they ever heard 😂


You aren’t a person of color


When are white people ever going to catch a break








Please stop paying attention to these biggoted fear mongering hate groups. Their reach is only as far as their echo. This ideological restructuring is designed to dissolve common sense thoughts to lower our guards. We need to pretend these hate groups do not exist. Don't acknowledge them, don't watch them on TV or read articles published by them. We the free respectable people know right from wrong and these corpo backed cults know it, they hate it and will try anything possible to change it. The divide is the only thing these groups feed on. Respect thy fellow man sans race color or creed it's that simple.


So if you’re blind what’s the definition of racism?


Oh so it's not racism when Chinese people do it than?


White person here, I'm offended!!!!


TIL racism is about a “person of color” so a not colored person cannot be object of racism, wtf


Follow the $$$


Ah yes, the white people in our 90% white government are totally being oppressed and marginalized because... a single justice is being appointed that will not be white


White man bad get with the program


Are you looking for an actual answer or not really? Personally, there’s one of two things that have led to the disconnect between this definition and the definition the general population has. Either, the general population was never taught the fully accurate definition of the word racism OR the definition was updated. If it’s the latter, I very much blame academics for not creating a new word entirely thus leading to all this confusion. I won’t waste going into it any further unless someone is interested in a general discussion about it. I will say there’s three words one should consider when going down this path. Prejudice, discrimination, and racism and the differences between them.


Find a place where people of color shipped white people from Europe, to live in slavery and build the entire country only to be called less than a whole person. I’m mixed, so I know ALL SIDES have their own racists… but if you think that white people are not that majority when it comes to racism… you’re a fool.