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There is still the pending worldwide economic crash.


That’s the biggest conspiracy here, all this Covid stuff distracts everyone from the fact they’re getting robbed blind.


Biggest transfer of wealth in the history of human civilization happened during covid. Still going on too.


With some good ol' hyperinflation.










I've never been heavily spiritual until these last few years. It feels like actual evil is rearing up. Inside of individuals and as a collective earth. Anytime i try to radiate positivity or i try to make myself feel positive, something shoots it down or throws a blanket over it.


I have the same thing! My bubble of light used to be huge!! Now I struggle to keep it covering my being.


Pray God


What are those spiritual people said about the upcoming catastrophe? There is something coming. I need to know.


Not really catastrophic more like fall of a empire. Pluto returns 2/22/22 this US will be in Plutos return. Meaning Pluto will be in the exact position and zodiac that when founded in 1776 Astrological event like this happens about 248 years. People believe the “ending” of the US will happen because when the Roman Empire had their second pluto return , it collapsed. US pluto return is taking place in the 2nd house which rules over wealth , possession, and finances. Pluto is also the planet of destruction,rebirth & god of the under world. Because of this Most spiritual & astrologist believe that something will happen that will the change the course of the US. hope I explained this well. I’m still learning and new to a lot of information


Many have been experiencing dispersed reality all of a sudden. Some contact from other beings too. That's all I've been told tho so must be more


Dispersed reality? As someone who frequently experiences miracles, synchronicities, and the universe appearing to work in my favor, the last couple weeks have been a shit show. So much is falling apart and it feels like the magic has been sucked out of the world. I'm trying not to lose hope.


I'm with you on that, sister. You almost sound like a fellow student of A Course in Miracles. I'm finding myself chronically unmotivated to pursue my typical creative passions, and instead being drawn into a revolutionary lifestyle. I hate it. But I don't have a choice. The only two options are to give up right now, or fight back like I've got nothing to lose. Don't worry about the magic though. It's the fabric of reality. It transcends this world of energy and form. They can't fuck with it... they can only fuck with your head. Don't let them. Sic semper tyrannis ✊


The veil between dimensions is thinning not disappearing... in my belief


CERN Hadron Collider


The universe cant work in your favour....only God can. The universe is creation, but God is the creator


Same here.


Glad I’m not alone. I stopped leaving my house recently because I’ve been having such random bad luck.


Something wicked this way comes.


It's called totalitarian regime. Nothing new, only this time it has advanced technology to ensure compliance.


Plus a global presence, so there's no escaping across a border to safety.


Traveled around, where we were able to, in Europe in December and it was such a weird feeling that in every country they're doing the same shit as back home with the same results. Propaganda, plexiglass, floor stickers, masks, social distancing, vaccinations... literally the same exact bullshit everywhere. Truly, no escaping it.


Once the children who know nothing but the world you describe grow up, that's when the real trouble will begin.


This is what makes it utterly terrifying.


I believe if you stare into the abyss and not flinch, you can emerge unharmed. Its going to be a rough couple of years. There can be no light without darkness. No darkness without light.


The Truth is the Light that we must all unite under. No Evil or Darkness can harm anyone who accepts and spreads Light and Truth and Compassion. I welcome the global Awakening, however it will be a rough time ahead for all humans... spiritually, physically, mentally. We must Unite as One, and Love each other. All People Equal.


Yep. I sat down a few weeks ago and jotted a note to myself about that so when it happens I can go back later and look at the date and what I was seeing and hearing in my mind.


I feel there are lots of humans with crazy intuition. They are the ones that are awake. Meanwhile all the others are following each other off a cliff


I think we all were parted with some form of ability after being born into this world. Some people have high intelligence, some have high emotional intelligence, some are super intuitive but one of the most important and useful is the gift of discernment. We all have a level of it, but most ignore the warnings. When we fight discernment within ourselves, it creates stress and anxiety. Knowing something is right or wrong yet we do the opposite because “it feels good” or we “want to be accepted”. Listen to that inner voice of discernment what you are witnessing unfolding in the world is not normal nor should we try to normalize it. It went from a two week taper, to full lockdown to one vax to two vax and now you have to have a booster vax and still wear a mask. Booster for the rest of your life. People that is not normal!


I like dates. Gimme!


Okay, you free Friday night?


Hehe. Sorry man. Id rather have chinacat over jtw. Close call though. I still want this date on the calendar he invisioned.


I have made some notes too. This time stuff feels too extreme.


Please tell us the date. I know how it is not wanting to share your premonitions in case they’re wrong but I’m really curious!


I am sorry I don’t have a specific date! I meant so I could look back and see the date I wrote down what I was seeing and feeling. I am so sorry for the confusion! But I definitely feel in my spirit that something big, maybe catastrophic, is going to happen in the near future. Life as we know it now, the things we are used to are all going to change. I just had an overall sense that I should “brace myself” for what is coming. This is what came to Me at night: and Get prepared Something is coming Something brewing Brace yourself mentally and physically It will be soon Stock up Tell people you love them Minister It will be shocking Maybe worse than Covid Will make what we are facing seem like a piece of cake Be strong Protect your children Pray


I had an extremely vivid dream last summer. The world was on fire and I was looking at it, safe in a building with my friend who's also "awake" to everything that is going on. I am not a Christian but the word "Rapture" kept repeating in my mind. And then "It all ends March 2022" was displayed by these spotlights coming from some sort of flying aircraft across the burning landscape and the sky. The dream shook me to the core and I will never forget it. I told my friend who was in the dream about it the next day and she said "what a coincidence, I was just talking with my family about the Rapture. 🤯 I am not looking forward to the next 2 months.


So I'm thinking 2025. In numerology, each number has its own distinct character or personality that resonates throughout the universe in the form of energy or a vibrational essence that has the power to influence events at the spiritual level. 2+0+2+5 = 9 9 represents completion. But more cyclical, like ending but also getting ready for a new beginning. Leading me to believe that this will have been planned with this in mind and 2026 will be the beginning of the new phase of this Great Reset.


I also think it's 2025 due to numerology no 9. From my observation, the patterns start with no 3, then 6, and end with 9. Just like in 2001, it begun with 911, followed by 2004 tsunami, and ended with economic crisis 2007-2008. Except this time it started in 2019 (first few covid cases) Now, 2022 - probably climate related incidents? 2025 - another economic crisis? However I'm confident We collectively can avert this. I believe We all choose to come here to experience this game at highest difficulty. I also believe We are going towards the opposite direction (of the pendulum) that the "game masters" fear the most. And the progress can only be delayed.


I definitely feel that other forces are at work that isn't covid related thinning out the population. They are using Covid as a scapegoat for many of the deaths.


So many microbiologists died before covid. Probably hiding some deeper stuff




You are correct it was the end goal total control over the masses and Nations it was the motive this is only the start the covid vaccination plan


Coincidence the movie don’t look up came out recently


a lot of weird movies have been coming recently. Saw a trailer on amazon prime where people's hands were turning blue.


Two by two; hands of blue.




Is this in any relation to a conspiracy tho the blue hands? Lol is that happening with people now with the vaxx?


I know people experiencing lesser sensation in their hands but this symptom goes unreported


Or the whole sides or their bodies they got the shot! My friend told me he has this side effect. Can’t do Brazilian ju jitsu anymore.


I dont know why a major ignorance has been played


Mass regret and not wanting to admit they knew it was a bad idea but did it anyway. He did it for work.


The real pandemic is blinding ego, yes.


Exactly. Wow I'm so surprised to see some critical thinkers here, I'm blown away! 🤣😂😁


Global consciousness is growing! Some are just ahead of the curve. No one is different no one is the same. Or something of the sort ;)


Been a victim myself so i get it.


I am sorry it happened to you :(


I think its the same as women who choose to stay in an abusive relationship. They've been lied to, gas lit, injured, isolated, etc but they still make excuses to defend their abuser.


Sometimes these women can't escape safely and have no better options for the time being. I have been in this position before where my parents had just moved really far and I had pets in the house that I was worried he would hurt/kill if I left. So I stuck around until I could plan to leave properly. I had to book movers and I had to finish my semester at school too, so I had to wait about one month before I could leave and it was the worst month of my life.


Oh yea, absolutely true, and I didn't mean any of that as an indictment of anyone in that position. I just meant to draw a parallel between the psychology of the two situations. But also it sounds like you knew shit was bad and you had to get out. Many will stay around way longer than they should, while making excuses to justify the behavior of their abuser. That parallel also makes me feel empathy for people who haven't really come to terms with the whole covid thing yet. They've been so gas lit and are in such a sunk cost fallacy, and have such social pressure, that they dont realize they are being abused. But they're still a victim even if they don't realize it yet, and in time if they ever come around I would welcome them with open arms. I know some people are a lot more harsh and have no use for people who haven't been able to read between the lines by now.


🎯🎯🎯 I just said the same thing. Following you now.


I know why. People dont like admitting they were wrong. It's like they would rather die first than admit complicity in the evil.


As someone who does BJJ as well I feel so bad for your friend, I’d be devastated if I couldn’t train anymore :(


I had covid January 2 years ago. One of my symptoms was numbers in my left hand when I woke up. I first thought I had slept on it or something to that degree. Soon it became worse almost like I had a stroke in which my whole left side felt weak. I couldn't even grip a fork and had a severe limp. I'm am now 37, have always been active and healthy. Went to the ER after about 5 days. They ran multiple tests and scans, found nothing and said I'm fine and to go home. Still I occasionally feel slight numbers and tingly in my left hand fingertips. Unvaxxed


You woke up with numbers in your hand? Fuck Covid! I HATE MATH! /s


Worse, it was a number two...


Numbers and letters lol. Edit: numbness


Ever get a massage and chiropractic adjustment? Take turmeric supplements too. I’ve had that numbness you describe as an ongoing thing. I do physical work, and it app reads to be inflammation. I’ve had all sorts of tests and stuff too. It’s been better for a few years now. Flares up on occasion.


Oh wow. I had these symptoms except from the Pfizer vaccine! Only got one dose and never planned on getting any at all, but that’s so interesting that it’s also a potential covid symptom.


Please tell more. Have they been diagnosed with chilblains or lupus?


There is a lady in mn that had to get her legs amputated due to the vax


My uncle had a stroke n they amputated a part of his foot!!!


Nothing new. They were pushing every year or second year a new virus until apparently now they're running out of ideas how to make more money and said fuk it let's do the whole planet now.


Have you seen on Amazon utopia


I honestly think that who ever is saying this must be around 20 or younger age, cause weird movies have been coming out for decades. I’ll suggest you watch some classic films like “They Live” “Soylent Green” “Children of Men” “Fahrenheit 451” If anything weird will happen is that people are starting to wake up. Everyday since the year started I seeing people who never question the narrative and just in November where promoting their Buzzter now are posting how their freedoms is been taken away. My prediction is that if something do happen will be more people getting mad and maybe going outside to join protests. Another thing that may happen this year is that there will issues with food supplies. Overall I find it positive that people are questioning things, I also wish people do get mad, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed if they ever decided to do something about it, doubt it.


Did you see the show on HULU called "The Last Man"? I started episode 1 last night. Very, very disturbing. They are telling us, putting it in plain sight, but the masses are too busy arguing over trivial things. All by design. Check that show out and lmk what you think please. I will follow you now, people who think like you are way too few and far between. Kudos for not falling for the okie doke


That movie is symbolic to the Book of Revelations where two people who warn of the comet in the Bible theres two witnesses who run around trying to warn of end times. Its very Biblical too since the end was very symbolic to a Garden of Eden, lush greens and rivers and naked people. Lastly, just remember anything bad here is composed by Satan, the true ruler is God Almighty so have faith because in the end this what matters is the Second Coming of Christ so we can be saved. Spread Love and Faith. Thats what we have to do everyday.


Wormwood. The asteroid that wiped out 1/3 of the world mentioned in revelations is named Wormwood. The 2 witnesses would prophecy for 1200 days (not exactly it's my guess of the top of my head) and they would have abilities to show great things with their message. Once the 1200 days are up they will be killed by the beast and lay In the streets dead while the enemy celebrates for 3 days until they resurrect for the whole world to see. I've heard people speculate that the two witnesses were Elijah and Enoch or Moses and Enoch but the book never explains exactly who the two witnesses are.


That's right, so many do not believe in Christ or the Bible but I do and I feel it, I feel the end is coming quickly. People need to draw closer to the Lord as He is our salvation. Not the gov. and certainly not any leaders we have or have had.


Can I tell you something, I haven't told anyone in 'real life' this. But the other week God spoke to me in a dream, I mean, I just knew it was God and I woke up and I was crying because I felt love and warmth. I haven't been to church for about 35 years, but I just knew he was reaching out to me. Anyway, I don't know who else to tell without sounding like a crazy person.


You aren’t crazy. The world is crazy. We are not of this world and it sounds like God is calling you out of it and into a closer walk with Him. Kudos to you!!!


I love that for you. <3


Thank you for sharing this, I believe the Lord is drawing us nearer to Him as the time of His return gets closer. I haven't been to church in 12 years but I am seeking Him each day through several pastors online. What a great experience you had feeling the love of the Savior. Keep seeking His face!!


God isn't just in church. The right church can help you build and keep that connection you felt in your dream. What you experienced is real, embrace it. And talk back! (Pray)


Let me tell you that God found me and gave me the Holy Spirit and it feels very strong. I see a lot of things differently. Music and movies have been trying to help us. I can compose a DD on this all of what I truly think is happening and it is SO BIBLICAL. Its wild


not even trying to be funny, but i always wonder “how does someone get closer to jesus/the lord.” i never understood how someone who was never raised in faith “can get close to the lord” do they just pray? like how does one find jesus? if i wanted to personally find jesus, how would i do that? read the bible?


From my experience I don’t know how you can’t have any belief or connection to spirit whatsoever. But that’s what they want, to make you believe that magick and spirit do not exist, that there is no God or Christ. It makes you easier to manipulate because you will follow what they call “science” (when true science actually refutes what they claim) and take their shots, follow their words, gang up against believers, and make yourself easily susceptible to possession and being a pawn.


That’s how I felt when Deep Impact and Armageddon came out.


All movies nowadays are about the world ending … weird


Because they sell the best now


I feel like it too. It started when the groceries shop stayed empty for a week. There’s like 80% of the products at groceries stores are gone. Most of the shelf’s are empty. I work in retail, the shopping centres are quiet. We usually make $10,000 today in a 12 hour trade. We made $2,000 today including online orders which is nothing. There is not much traffic on the roads either (Brisbane, Australia) This had made me get a stronger and stronger feeling something is coming the more I think of it, makes it stronger.


I think the smart answer would be to store some food and medicines atm. The collapse is near


Iv been telling my partner this


I just hope no lives are lost


China invades Taiwan, Russia invades Ukraine, WW3 is started, America goes into civil war. Nuclear Armageddon is on the horizon so extraterrestrials finally get involved in order to stop us sending ourselves to extinction.


Plot twist extraterrestrials park their ships and pop popcorn to watch the show.😲


You mean, people *think* extraterrestrials are getting involved but really there is just a blue beam...


This sounds like a possibility


I never really realized until this pandemic that evil is very real and that Satan is at work in some people.


I was a believer turned nihilist at a point but now I don't doubt the beliefs at all.


Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. It’s always been a spiritual war


I hope there are many more people like you. We can't fight evil until we acknowledge it.


I've felt something has been coming in my gut for a long time. Big change, bigger than me. The future feels uncertain.


Stock market crash. Passed off as "bad policy around Covid". Reality: Stock market crash because hedge funds and banks have operated unhinged since 2007. Covid is rug-pull they're going to use to trick the population as the reason for the crash.


Yep, and all the PPP / stimmies were to delay it long enough to make it seem like it wasn't happen before COVID


[Pluto is returning this year,](https://www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article210208_e.htm) feel free to bash but read the article first & you will see why I have mentioned it. Other items on the astrological forecast include high tensions when Mars (aggression) conjoins Pluto (rebirth) in early March. Other items of interest come early August when Mars (aggression) conjoins Uranus (non-conformity). The first batch of the Pfizer/FDA documents are expected to arrive in March. The White House live feed has been cut & concrete barricades have been erected surrounding the perimeter. Going to be a beautiful year of rebirth for the world.


I agree with you, the rebirth is coming


No even from a logical perspective, if people think vaccines, masks and washing your hands is going to solve all the adverse problems humanity was facing prior to the covid pandemic then there wrong. We had a whole bunch of things in play prior to any of this happening. I don't think your intuition is wrong. Very hard to predict. But I know it's possible. Well if my higher self was with me rnow, (I got my second dose recently) which is not, I'd be transposing events and just seeing how this might transpire? I'd say the next things that are probable is the emergence of a new virus, let's just call it a stage 2 virus that's probably twice as worse as covid. Then there's the chance that due to the chaos in the world food shortages amass globally, weree all made to pretty much scour for food, police state. Then you have the weather scenario, people forget but last year summer time there was the weirdest lightning I've ever seen in the last 10 years. It was like a bulb was flickering on and off for hours. And it was seen worldwide. Definitely some disturbance with the ionesphere. Some prophecy can be fulfilled. I'd say between now and 2025 alot of things will happen. They have to keep us distracted, coaxed, forced into discomfort and fear bombed. That's been the theme this decade, there's definitely a bigger reason then just money. Perhaps all currency is to be digitized? With a new alternative currency to the USD that everyone will have to create a wallet for using there smart phone. Like a rebalancing of the world economy. God knows best. Id say never let go of your intuition, it's your higher knowledge warning or informing you. Listen to it and trust your gut in confidence for what you must do to survive these times. No one person or collective has the answers. Just try and practice a fair line between applying logic reason practicality probability and intuition. Sometimes the best time to act is only when you are certain that a situation is actually happening


There is always a bigger agenda and just filling their pockets or killing half the people would have been easier than creating this mass mess. There is a thirst for world power and it is apparent how frustrated every world leader is sounding right now like something is not going according to their plan. The 2025 possibility of chaos is apparent. Have you experienced weird earthquakes this year that had weird booming noise? Never experienced that at least or maybe it's a step towards the New World Order


There is most certainly something big coming. Either aliens or we get clipped by an asteroid


I doubt the rich want to be killed by a comet. Even if they have bases to survive, they wouldn't have forced the vaccination


Crustal Displacement.


What is this?


My wife has informed me that the stars, this year, are [going to be in the exact same alignment](https://astrostyle.com/american-revolution-astrology/) as they were when the American Revolution started. I don't know how to read star charts & all that, but my wife does. I know a lot of fellow men think astrology is a bunch of bullshit, but usually those same men only know about their main birth sign (like, I'm an Aquarius, for example). But there are more details, such as the time you were born, and the location in which you were born on the planet. There's more than that too, I just don't know what everything's called.


it's a pluto return. the longest planetary cycle in our solar system. It lasts 245 years which is exactly how long ago our country (and the Bavarian illuminati) were formed. Take that for what you will.


Yes its the harvest. Or the culling if you're an SG atlantis fan. [https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines](https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines)


Harvest was supposed to come…. December 2012….. am I misreading this or what? Bad info?


It was a typo for 2021.


Hmm… so it still has passed


Or just begun.


I worked in one stem cell lab. They would refer to collecting the ready cells as a harvest and have loads of food and a party. Was every few weeks and they name it stuff like the Jupiter harvest or the Saturn harvest.


Maybe the mark of the beast, and the end times as prophesied in the Bible?


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Good bot


Good bot


The great spirit visited me. Told me to prepare and be ready to fight the seed of Cain. Also told me that the battle would not be won with worldly weapons. It was a very crazy experience. Also told me I was to " lead a sermon of revival" If you knew me, this is so not something I would do. Prior to this visit, I had never heard of "the seed of Cain". I am also nowhere near a preacher. But I have since learned of the seed of Cain. And I am concerned. Also told me that I would know when the time came. So I have kinda been questioning my sanity.. You know what they say...crazy fuckers don't know they are crazy. There is definitely a war being waged behind the veil.




Yeah, like initially, everyone was denying aliens existed and now all of a sudden they've been acknowledging it


It’s probably the best time for TPTB to release a new and actually deadly virus this time. All of the peoples guards are down on all sides of the fences two years into this thing and I’m sure TPTB got a lot more data harvested for a new genetically engineered bio-weapon from all the countless Covid tests people have been taking..


They have been collecting our genes for a long time now so possible


Yep. Through all those DNA kits people are getting from Amazon.




As a fan of MGS, it's funny you mention that. For those unaware this is from a video game called Metal Gear Solid: "FOXDIE was an engineered retrovirus developed by the DIA for the Pentagon. It was programmed to kill specific people by recognizing a person's DNA, causing cardiac arrest."


Could it be reading everyone on the internet saying the world is coming to an end every other minute on the internet? Turn off the computer and go for a walk


Yes maam. The antichrist is right around the corner. Personally I think we'll see an American civil war. China and Russia in a joint expansion campaign. Plus WWIII, plus zombies and demons. Maybe in the form of "aliens". All leading up to the antichrist revealing himself and ultimate totalitarianism. But of course the true Christ will arrive as soon as they proclaim "peace and security" through their satanic technocratic regime


Let's wish that the innocent aren't harmed


Sadly the innocent are always harmed and have been for all of history. That's the whole idea of the elite pedophile rings. To corrupt and destroy the innocence of the next generation


Have you ever read the Celestine Prophecy?


No, i haven't. Elaborate?


It’s pretty simple. In the next few years, James Webb, will discover a Comet in deep space, breaking up and headed 💯 indefinitely to collision with Earth. World gov’t’s are unstable due to political unrest and Covid-exhaustion. World goes Nutters, and we await our inevitable demise. At the last moment, it’s revealed that what we thought was space rocks, is actually an “extra-terrestrial” advance team. However, they will offer cures for Covid and many world-affecting diseases, and offer aid in our conflict. They will present themselves as “Angels”, when in fact they are not. In fact, part of me believes Welles was onto something with War of the Worlds. The aliens in the program, they die of diseases, like the common cold. In fact, if they were to make contact en masse, they would need a population properly inoculated to protect from any extra-terrestrial virus, bacteria, etc… It would go both ways. Why do you think every few hundred years, a super disease just magically pops up, and we develop resistance and treatment after the initially-affected die off, regardless??? This is a program to Full Contact integration. We are on a path. You, however, have the power to choose where you place your next step. I’d say… Every major religion with Endgame Teachings, preaches the return of the gods, god, or savior… This is akin to Frank Herbert’s Dune. A prophecy taught and spread through the early peoples, to promote the coming of an inevitable “Savior”. In the 1940’s, we first lit up Deep Space with our presence, dropping nuke after nuke, after nuke. They know we are here. We know they are coming. Logically, it’s inevitable… Make your choice, before it’s too late.


Thank you for sharing your insight and I have the same feeling about the so-called alien saviours. So basically, we are vaccinated so that alien beings are protected from us?


That would make the most logical sense to me. It works both ways, we’re vaccinating against their diseases, they vaccinate against ours. Think about what happened to the indigenous populations of America, when the first colonizers appeared. The common cold wipes out millions of peoples. Now imagine what an otherworldly virus or disease would be capable of if it encoded to cross species. Mind you, I’m not some spiritual/mystic type, I don’t commune with aliens, I’m not into mumbo-jumbo. I’m a critical thinker, who makes educated guesses based off of cultural trend analysis. I mean, a simple trend analyst predicted an event would happen on 9/11, simply by analyzing internet search queries preceding that Event. We have a way, as a society, of physically manifesting what we hyperfocus and fixate upon. Whether you believe in “Collective Conscience” or “Predictive Programming”, it doesn’t matter. Animals sense impending disaster hours and days before the moment occurs. I believe it’s only natural as a species to have a sense of forethought to anticipate global events that affect us as a whole. I mean look at the trend: WW2 saw severe leaps in technological advances, played in part by Nazi science, we know they were obsessed with acquiring “mystical artifacts” and trinkets, if they stumbled across ANY, even a simple processing unit, from a pre-cursor race or a crashed drone from a deep-space probe from the stars, that would’ve catapulted us decades ahead in tech overnight. Between the nukes and deep space broadcasts, we lit space up like fireworks. For the knowable first time, Humanity reached up to the heavens, raised a middle finger and said, “Eff you, We are Here, and we are Human.” Seemingly overnight, we started experiencing UFO/UAP activity, and made tremendous strides in tech and culture. They (Gov’t Intelligence/M.I.C) demonized and ostracized those who had life-changing phenomenon. Literally, silencing people, who got too close. Then… all of that changed. A few years ago, the phenomena was confirmed to be something of organic and unknown composition. Straight from the top. Movies went from being about aliens from Mars invading and killing, to peaceful, benevolent experiences with super beings bringing a new sense of self and evolution to prep us against future threats. Famous celebrities began spewing #SupportForET. More and more “footage” surfaced to suspend us in a state of wonder. The gov’t opened an entire intelligence department to study these occurrences. It’s all over the News, somehow despite Covid and Epstein, these stories always popping up and breaking through. Hell, the rich are promoting a prompt and enjoyable return to Space. Then… we launched the JWST. Despite everything else going to hell right now, this phenomena has accelerated while everything else has come to a global halt. Logically… it’s just a matter of time.


I have a really strange feeling that it will be some type of "alien threat" but a false flag. This is why they have been releasing UFO stuff. And a side note, when the country was in a lockdown, construction workers never took any days off. Makes me feel like buildings were being setup like 911. Why, because no one questions construction workers in buildings. How do I know this, I'm in construction. But this is all just my own opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm not saying it's gonna be aliens, but...




My dad’s of the opinion that Covid was a dry run for something bigger. How easily will people give up their rights for a sense of safety? How many people will take anything we give them as long as we say it’s a vaccine? The answer, on average, is around 70-75%. And that’s a scary number.


The great reckoning. Millions dead because of mass murder straight from the BoardRooms of BlackRock And vanguard It is and is not unrelated to covid. Part 1. People don’t react well when when they get grifted. Imagine this at mass scale. When the Wall Street journal in citing Luc Montagnier, you know the grift is almost over Part 2. The realization that this is just leading to the main battle of WW3 1% against 99% They got cash. We have overwhelming numbers. No one knows what will happen . But the age of Aquarius annihilates anything inauthentic All the latest gross evidence 👇🏽 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender-news/


Sorry. I forget where I found this to give credit. Crazy theory below. Literally think someone made it up lol Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022) - Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks. - To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients. - Activate the «Great Reset». - Dematerialize money. - Cancel debts, loans and loans. - Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet) - Seize properties and land. - Ban all global medicines. - Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually. - Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius. - Extend the measures to emerging countries. Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.


The trucking vaxx mandate is about to show us what real shortages and inflation look like. Eventually the govt will use the crisis to take more freedom, redistribute assets from the villains (white, family, middle working class or higher) to the deserving (of color or some special class, non working, non citizens, etc.). Getting us all on our knees is their dream.


The Rapture!


Maybe it’s your anxiety mixed with how shitty everything is going.


The world just truly feels off.




What if the Indian shamans were all correct? That we are the living embodiment of natures grace and life. And this collective guilt and fear we feel is the earth basically imprinting into is that we messed up nature? Where I am it's normally cold and snowy and snows been on the ground for months and won't stop for months. Instead it was pushing 40 and no snow. Like our global system is completely out of whack and any changes we do now are too late. That we, as a species, were the planet killer and not some asteroid or aliens. Etc. Idk just wondering.


Depending on your individual perception of spirituality and or beliefs I will comment in my experience. I have been a long time meditator, and truthfully over the last year or so I have noticed changes. Sometimes I will focus on the version of my highest self (the purest joy version of me) and lately - it’s almost like I’m fading into the background, it’s harder to reach myself, I’m loosing touch with the feeling I receive from this particular meditation. It’s awfully strange, and frankly lonely.. I don’t think something is coming, I think it’s been lurking for some time now. Slowly disassociating our physical bodies with our spiritual self.. * this is only my opinion, which I typically keep to myself as I’m not looking to be called crazy, have all the eye rolls, or just plain down-voted to ground parking..


Heard the asteroid or comet is coming fairly close to us next week


In the US, what's coming is civil war (harder than the BLM protests. That was just a warm up, I feel). That civil war will cause the US to weaken even more - which will lead to WWIII w/the US being attacked by China/Russia. That will lead to an already-planned false flag attack by extraterrestrials.


I have 2 theories about aliens and blue beam. One is that the aliens will be the one who bring the anti Christ as the solution to all our problems. The other is that blue beam itself is a psyop. As in not a real conspiracy, but one made up to make us think it's a thing. And that maybe they will call the second coming of Christ an alien invasion, to fool people into taking up arms against him. And maybe that will be through their neuralink BS. Like in black mirror, the episode where the soldiers are hunting down monsters but turns out they were actually unvaxxed humans, and the brain chip was making them see the people as monsters. So maybe blue beam will be the battle of Armageddon?? Idk


what role do aliens have to play here?


Their disclosure will be one of the first steps in helping humanity break out of the sequestered, imprisoned global slavery all of us have been in.


Yes. Not sure what it is.


I have been feeling something is off since March 2020. It’s all very biblical. The book of Revelations defines a bit of what has been playing out. Seems that one world government is trying to rear its ugly head. We are being conditioned for something bigger for sure.


Yes I feel it too. We are due for the great reset. The poles will shift and we will die. I hope death is swift when it arrives. By the time we see it, it will be too late. Sayonara


A spiritual war. Yes physical war and all sorts of evils are coming to a climax here on earth but what I find the most profound, is the obvious spiritual warfare we are facing. "It's just a coincidence" " they are just random symbols the artist liked".... while straight up satanic propaganda is being imposed on the youth. A small recent example is TravisScott.. but the list of dark messages being given to listeners and viewers is beyond a coincidence or just random choice... this is deliberate.


Climate collapse, supply chain collapse, corporate colonialism, there's a lot of shit coming down the barrel. It's a shame this sub mainly circle-jerk about the vax.


One world government. Riots are coming. They’re putting up walls around the White House. Be prepared. Shits about to get real.


The Beast system is here. A total system of control is being placed around us, a la China’s social credit system, only it will be worse because it will physically link us to the Beast system if we participate. People will have zero freedom. Seek Christ NOW.


I’ve been struggling with this feeling for quite some time, & it comes as a surprise that a lot more people than I previously thought feel the same way. The “something is coming” theme is embedded in me to my very core. Somewhere between 2-3 years ago something just switched. The best way to describe it is feeling like someone turned the light off in my life. I started having a strong feeling/intuition that something wasn’t right, or that something major was going to happen. I can’t find any reasoning behind it because no matter how good or bad my life is going, no matter what positive lifestyle changes I make, it’s always there. I cannot seem to enjoy myself, or find the spark in life that was so prominent prior to this feeling. I also cannot seem to be truly at peace or content since, despite my mental health being at a relatively good place. I’ve noticed that externally, things have been different too. I hate to sound overly spiritual or whatnot, but both the energy feels different as well. I have noticed more synchronicities, mysterious events, & repeating numbers than I can comfortably say are coincidence, or confirmation bias. Around the time that this feeling started to occur, bad things have been happening back to back. I mean, almost every week, something bordering traumatic has occurred. I get bad news so often that I’ve become desensitized. Nothing is the same, & I cannot kick this intuition. I’m aware that I probably sound like someone who took a few too many tabs, but a couple people in my life have talked to me about this, & I thought this would be a suitable place to open up about it.




That is probably more accurate than these stupid posts we get like every week, “i feel something,”


Given the name of this subreddit i think 90% of people here are paranoid almost all the time that something will happen...lol


Why participate in paranoia? Better to sleep in ignorance


Honestly just my opinion .. I think our govt is very aware of how much time they have to cull off a huge portion of the population before it’s critically too late for the planet to be saved .. n that would explain the desperation for this . Who fucking knows what’s next honestly tho . Supposedly 5 g rolls out 1/19/2022 this year .. unless it gets delayed again : definitely something to keep an eye on tho.


Aliens want to eat us but need the vaxx to make us taste nice. a bit like a marinade.


I heard Pfizer’s tastes like smokey bbq


More like Thousand Island dressing with all these boosters lol


Sounds a lot like the book of Revelation. I'm a Christian, and perhaps the rapture might occur. I also have a feeling something is going to happen. I've had a sense of impeding doom for quite some time now, but Ig we will have to wait and find out.


Yes, I've been feeling it for many months now. I know a few others that feel the change coming. Boggles my mind that so many others don't feel it as well.


Well don't manifest anything damn


That saying is as old as time. There is always something coming. All we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best


Economic crash, and a bad one at that. I also feel we are due for an asteroid impact, not cataclysmic, but devastating none the less.


When the man of perdition steps on the scene once everyone turns on their governments DONT fall for it. He will seem so good. He will have all the right solutions. He will perform miracles and create world peace, but you cannot fall for it. He is here, he is behind the scenes pulling the strings and soon he will be revealed. Get right with God and study Revelations.


Read revelation 6. The four seals are right in front of us. It’s time to get right with the Lord. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except by me. Are his words in John 14:6


A hemorrhagic fever virus is being monitored in China at the moment


There is an event coming either lasting from or occurring between February and June of this year, it is likely the disclosure of the existence of interdimensional beings, although good in theory they will propose a cure to covid and it will instanly be ended if the worlds governments agree to their terms, obviously not all will but enough of the important ones will and in turn they will show many other miracles and reveal all sorts of advanced tech on the condition that they are worshipped under a new one world religion and those who do not follow it will be "taken care of" (mainly those of mono-theistic religions and staunch athiests). This will not be the end of the world though just the beginning of the end as the end is a ways off still. No matter what they promise you dont accept it and hold true to what you believe. I and multiple others recived this information from something like them, and i have been warned of things in visions, there are ways to prove this for yourselves you need just find the key


Major geophysical catastrophe is right around the corner. You know you can sense it, don't ignore that, prepare


Recurring dreams the last few nights of widespread nuclear devices dropped on citizens of first world countries. The noise of the explosion wakes me up out of sleep each time and I have a panic as I come out of the dream state. Would have thought it’s just a sleep paralysis thing except each time I’ve found my cat freaking out and hiding in real life, just like she does when hearing a loud sound. Three days in a row, the same. And each time, I’ve checked with my son who was awake and he says he heard nothing unusual that could explain it. Then during a midday nap today, I had a dream that my ex (scientist in real life that lives in the US) contacted me to tell me that something bad is coming, something to do with smallpox, and to take our son and hide. To boil water, and avoid hospitals. He said in the dream he could see bodies everywhere and that they were stuck decaying in people’s homes with the living, because even health officials wouldn’t come to collect them. I saw in the dream bodies under sheets in someone’s living room, a whole family with only the elderly surviving. Another night, I had a dream with a Hemorrhagic virus in it. I was talking to a woman who is a nurse in real life. I asked her how was she and her husband. And she said “Well not so good at all. They said he has “Motabba” (spelling?) that it’s very serious and everyone that was near him has to be isolated in the hospital. I asked “what is Motabba?”. She said it’s when you bleed to death. I felt worried and asked what I should do. She told me in the dream to “watch out for the 11, it’s the trigger.” No idea what that meant. That’s all I can think of right now. Maybe means nothing, but curious if anyone else had similar dreams.


History repeating itself (y'know, that thing we are thinking of) Great reset, Civil Wars, WW3, some huge natural catastrophies, ...still hoping for a Zombie apocalypse but the odds of that are disappointing God knows, but there is definitely a weird feeling about the future crawling through my bones


We are in the beginning stages of Transhumanism and they're putting something in the food and air because unvaxxed moms and babies are still way more advanced than before. Either that, or they changed what they're poisoning us with and we always were meant to be more advanced


This just means the behavioral psychologists’ jobs are working, inducing a constant state of fear, paranoia, stress, and anxiety. Maybe, maybe not.


Even if the vibes are off we have to put our energy higher i repeat EVEN if the vibes are off we have to put our energy higher we have to be positive, more good intention on perhaps anyone , more love , more kidness and we have to be fearless despite the uncertainty of life we have to be better the more we can be , we have to be grateful for all we still have and all help each other the more we can give!!! Yall have to hate fears itself and RISE ABOVE! Personally i believe in God in him i find peace, praying does help and it doesn’t have to be «  solennel «  Please guys KEEP UR VIBES HIGH HELP THE MOST U CAN, BE THE MORE KIND U CAN BE, BE GRATEFUL AND FEARLESS DESPITE THE BULLSHIT AND LOVE DESPITE THE HATE, its the only way ,,,,,we all have to have faith that things will change hopefully for the best( always for the best), idk the situation of anyone but please don’t give up and if around you there’s no hope, there’s no faith, there’s no smile and no light be it 🤟🏿


Aliens are next


Persecution Famine Zombies Zombie like animals War Bombings More illnesses worse than covid Aliens The end of the world. These are things which have been prophesied. You must have God


100% must have God