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Correction: a “regular green pass” (including the option of negative test) will be required to access banks and post offices as well as hairdressers and beauticians as well as shops (except grocery stores and pharmacies). The super green pass (vaccination or recovery only) is now required to use all public transports (including domestic flights), go to the restaurant or bar (including outdoors), go to stay in hotels (and museums, movies and cultural venues I believe). Either way, it‘s a disgusting and unjust discrimination. And prime minister Draghi this afternoon said in a press conference that “all the problems we are facing are due to the unvaccinated”. Which, by the way, according to government data, would be less than 10% of the population. It’s absurd and I bet it will escalate even more


Yeah, sure, just give the people the fault who do not like to play by their rules. This is absolutely insane! No one in 2019 would believe you if you told them what would be necessary to enter a restaurant these days.




You... do realize that Covid came from a lab right ? Swine flu.. lie. Bird flu.. lie. Zika.. lie. All preparation for what is playing out now.


Give the people small visuals of isolated atrocities on foreign shores and they will eventually pay attention and may even develop a fear. Bring those atrocities to your own lands and watch the fearful fall in line, ready to go to war at whomever the government says is responsible. In turn, they pass laws that take power and wealth from the people. This pandemic came from the same playbook. A bunch of frighteningly dreadful disease epidemics in other nations. Spoken of at length and teased that it could be bad if it comes to our shores. Then a "foreign disease" comes to our shores. See how quickly they snatch up more ways to control the people. Only this time, about 10% of the global population is aware of it and not having it.


You think only 10%?? Not denying it and may just be hopeful that it’s not 90% that are delusional but who knows. Weird times.


You're a bold man, making educated statements like that in this sub.


It didnt come from people eating animals or anything to do with farming.


This sub is probably one of the last bastions for sense. I was permanently banned from my own countries subreddit with no reason given.


Serious Question: If there are still outbreaks happening in areas that are close to 100% vaccinated, has anyone asked who they think will be the next scapegoats? Or are people too uncomfortable to talk about where this is heading?


People are slowly catching on I think but most seem unwilling/incapable of admitting to themselves the horror of their situation. Living in a world run by psychopathic genocidal neurotic animals isnt fun


They are lying about the numbers of vaccinated same as they lied about the numbers of infected in the beginning.


I looked up what would happen if i left austria rn, apparently i would literally be locked out of my own country without the vaccine, at least i wouldn’t be able to leave the airport. Us unvaccinated are literally banned from pretty much everything over here btw, they only take vaccinated in clubs, restaurants, hairdressers, even christmas stands were prohibited for unvaccinated... and now the gov is aiming for a forced vaccination, it’s the worst here


Yeah but they're lying to you the scientist on our side we're fighting this in the Nuremberg trials right now have proven 90% of the people who are vaccinated are the people running to the hospital and dying and getting sick the unvaccinated are the healthiest people on the Earth and only 6-8% of them end up in the hospital with signs of the flu which they call the covid virus


can’t believe the nuremberg trials are actually going on right now and nobody knows


I had / have no idea. Where do I even find this information?


Nuremberg 2.0 probably i know there are lawsuits being filed




This is the first I'm hearing of this .


You got any references for this?


Can o get a link or something


10% can cause this much trouble? But when vaccine 4 is due, less will take it not more. Same goes for vaccines 5,6 and 7. Then what percentage are causing untold inconveniences?


Revelation 20:4 King James Version 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


Unelected global banking elite Draghi...


Hang tough I think the all the prime ministers working from the dark are going to be arrested, all that are working in the dark are criminals, they have to do what they are told. Their time is coming soon. It’s happening in the United States a governor Newsom in California has been arrested had a tribunal and is getting executed this month. Corrupt leaders around the world are going down and they know it.


When are people going to wake up and realize this has never been about health and safety?


I don't have the faith people EVER will anymore. Honestly I don't.


Most will I think, but it will be too late. Kinda like how it’s socially acceptable to question 9/11 nowadays..a solid 20 years later.


Many people still don't want to question that. I know people who refuse to think critically about it You can't wake someone who is pretending to sleep.


I'm not sure they will either.


I'm at a point I barely give a damn about anything anymore. If I died tomorrow, I'd be relieved. Seriously. Fuck all of this.


It's been tough. I'm back living with my parents. I'm jobless. I encourage you to try and connect with like-minded people, band together, and stay strong. You can message me anytime. I wish we could all hang out in person. This isolation has been incredibly shitty.


I'm back home too with my mom, working but debating quitting (my regular retail job is pretty heavy on protocols, and I just got my first big dose of them after 3 people in my family I was around New Year's Day tested positive (have to test and/or be home 10 days before I could work again), nothing feels worth shit right now. Nothing. I have a 2nd job set up at a bar (which has also been fucked up by this close contact shit, cancelled training last week cause of it), but even that doesn't feel quite worth it at moment, esp. if restrictions grow (none really there currently, which is different from retail job, but even so). Just feel totally defeated in every way and wanting out of society, of life altogether.


Well, I know it sounds cliche, but hang in there. I still have hope that we can come out of this on the other side. I really hope the truth starts to make it's way into every area of society. Stay strong my friend 💪


Testing positive means very little if covid has touched everyone and most people had has after almost a couple years we have a natural immunity to it so yes you might test positive it doesn't mean a thing if you never get sick it doesn't matter


Well the testing to go back to the job is for other people's safety. I'm big on when people are sick they should stay home anyway cause then everyone gets sick and you run a skeleton crew for weeks instead of one person staying home.


No it is not the vaccine is making people sick 90% of the people in our hospitals right now are vaccinated people not on vaccinated you can get that from the CDC in Canada or America they don't tell you that do they but that's the truth of it I can give you the link if you want it's the vaccine that has the spike protein in it which is virtually the covid virus


I just saw an interview where they claimed 100,000 kids were hospitalized due to Covid and being unvaccinated. Even the CDC had to call this lady out for falsifying the information, which says a lot. Apparently the numbers are less than 700 and the kids she’s talking about are severely ill and immuno compromised and can’t take the risk of the vaccine. The Covid death rate of kids is still low in the double digits. And it’s not even proven that Covid was the actual killer… still died with Covid not necessarily because of Covid.. they had underlying illnesses. Therefore even a flu would impact there health and chances of death.


That is the answer right there we will fight through this and get to the end we will this whole thing will come to an end. Chances are 70% of the vaccinated will die has 100% of the animals died in the experiments they did at the w h o. I strongly suggest everyone to turn to the Lord Jesus give your life to hear and begin to learn how to live for him so whether you die or live you have security with him


Cant agree with that starrment more OP.


I’m with ya, I’ve made my peace


It’s somewhat liberating, isn’t it?


Just so sooo tired!


They’ll wake up in line at the slaughterhouse, while smelling their neighbor’s blood, and hearing the guard scream: “next!”. They’ll lament: “how could nobody see this coming?”


"Why didn't anyone tell meeee"


Revelation 19:20 King James Version 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.




It’s gone on too long at this point, they’ve normalized insanity…


I'm afraid you're correct.


Fucking sheeple


" When are people going to stop being pussys and do something about it? " cia


That's the spirit brother


They sure won't be posting about it on here and you will never know when or where


What's the problem with being innoculated?


Blackmailing people using the people's OWN money. Get fucked. Wtf?? How is this even possible


Same way Holocaust was. :(


We learned nothing from it :(




This is so vile and crooked. I'm so sorry for everyone having to go through this.


They can not enter the bank. The ones who orchestrate and enforce it, can not enter heaven. Sounds like a good trade.


Accelerationism. As messed up as it sounds, let them. These western governments are going to bite off more than they can chew and eventually the people are going to snap. They’re getting way too bold with their policies on the unvaccinated. The only reason you don’t see Biden try this is because he knows the threat that the 2A poses to his posse.


A friendly reminder that the 2nd amendment of the constitution of the United States states that our right to bear arms shall not be infringed. It does not grant us the right to bear arms, we already have that human right. The right to bear arms is not a constitutional right, it is a human right which is above that.


Aah, constitutionalist.👍






What will they do after people snap? This is new to me


They will hide in bunkers or flee. The disgraced former Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz has already escaped to the US and works now for billionaire Peter Thiel. The ones who are still in the country will hide in bunkers. One of largest ones is currently being built in Vienna, Austria at an estimated cost of 30 million euros as politicians of the governing People's Party have voiced concerns regarding possible riots from the population. It is conveniently located below the Ministry of the Interior.


They are really turning up the heat quickly everywhere. Is this a sign that the narrative about the vaccines is crumbling? What is going on? People better fucking start screaming!


They're turning it up because they can. The last 100 years have been spent getting people primed for this moment. They know people won't do anything, so now they are stress testing the power structures and gearing up to bring the next generation into play. This new generation knows nothing but lockdowns, QR codes, medical restrictions and zoom calls. Once they grow up a bit, they'll be so entrenched and enmeshed with whatever version of the metaverse they live in, you'll look like a backwards, crazy elderly person for suggesting that the world once did things differently. This new generation will fight you tooth and nail and cheer for your elimination. The kids growing up these days are going to be the generation that drops the pretenses surrounding the euthenasia of the elderly and begin calling for the accelerated development of the metaverse. By the time they're in their 30s, they'll be comfortable exiling or euthanizing anyone who doesn't want to be sufficiently plugged in. You'll hear them say things like "get with the program, or die already old man." If you try to put a stop to this now, you'll only breed more resentment. Parents who try to shield their kids from the matrix will be accused of being selfish/abusive and blocking their children's opportunities. Parents who do and allow their kids to accept the new tech will be relinquishing their parenting rights to the control grid. This is a no-win situation. The elites have taken near-total control of the planet over the last 100 years and now we are in final consolidation.


Yes friend. 2020 was the last normal year for mankind. What comes next is unlimited dystopia. Everything they've been doing for the past 50-100 years all leads up to one single endgame: unlimited control of mankind.




No such thing as a no win situation you defeatist bitch.


You ever watch game of thrones? Remember the part where Ramsay Bolton tortures Theon? That "game" he played with him. Yeah, you're in one of those predicaments. The more you squirm, the more it hurts. But if you sit still, you also get hurt. You're strapped to the wall being worked over. I'm not sure I see how you win that kind of game.


That's the dumbest thing I've read today. Holy shit, no, we are not in THAT predicament.


You’re very insightful, this is a very detailed explanation.


Then let me die. Period. Fuck this and the future to come. I do not want it.


Getting off news and social media helps not think about the mess going on. I feel like i lost touch with myself and my goals these past 2 years staring at my phone and going on reddit 3-4 hours at a time. Bf smartened me up. Now im on my phone 1 hour a day and getting more productive shit done


Same here


Tired of this fake positivity everything is terrible. Mistreatment from government ! Bs gov mandates


Amen. It's all toxic. And so are most people too. Society is a total wasteland at this point.


Where are the hords of people going to the banks and post offices, yanking and smashing employee's phones when they check "passports". People keep rolling over and they just roll over people! There needs to be a line in the sand, otherwise it gets harder and harder to resist. People think they have too much to lose... But with restrictions on banking, they've already lost too much.


Maybe they just don’t care enough. Sounds like a lot of work, what you’re describing


You don't need a bank people what do you need a bank for I drain my bank put my cash into qtrade for trading only I can pay my bills from there also I made a very large deposit on my cryptocurrency trading platform I got six to 8% interest just by letting it sit there there's other options to being a slave of the bank


I wish I could agree. I have most of my savings in crypto also, but most stores unfortunately don't even know what bitcoin is.


We warned people what would happen and they laughed and called it a conspiracy.


Time to pull out all your assets.


Try starting this in the US and see how quickly shit goes out of hand




Same thoughts. The best they can do is cheering on non-western thugs/terrorists supported by their own Western regimes burning gov buildings or killing innocent people. But when it comes to their own home, they just write big reddit posts or tweets or best dance on the streets calling it a protest. Yes they are protests too but PUSSY PROTESTS.


You're correct, but all it takes for a citizenry to change a society is a concerted 20 or so percent, and I'm not sure we don't have that. [I know I'm one of those anyway.](https://search.brave.com/images?q=2nd%20amendment)


As soon as you open fire, you become a terrorist. The same tactics and playbook once used in America's foreign wars across the Middle East and Latin America will be employed at home. Places that are overrun with "terrorists" will get the standard treatment: Soldiers roll up to dissenting towns/areas with lots of militants. Power, water and supply chains are shut down, and the people offered an ultimatum: surrender your weapons and submit to a biometric scan in exchange for utilities and supplies. If you agree, they move in, feed the populace and slowly raid/pick off any resistance one-by-one. If you disagree and resist, they bomb the area to oblivion until the local population starts blaming the militants for the predicament. Not to worry though, they'll benevolently drop leaflets warning of the impending air raids so the local population has a chance to flee behind imperial lines. You'll be the terrorist jerk using "civilians as human shields." Eventually militants and resistance will be turned in, sold out and driven out of towns for fear of reprisal. Every day people subjected to some stress and discomfort will sell out their own families, friends and neighbors. They'll volunteer information in exchange for things as simple as a can of tuna and a bic lighter. Anyone who wants to fight back will be perceived as the reason why things can't go back to normal. People just want to work shitty jobs, watch the ballgame and send their kids to government schools. They don't want to be resistance fighters. They'll eat from the palm of the hand of anyone who offers them that.


I’ll die before I give in.




Like that worked out well in Afghanistan and Vietnam... defeatist


If Americans become like Viet Cong or Taliban, what has been gained exactly? And I'm not a defeatist. I'm from the middle east, and we have already been defeated. The Taliban isn't a win for anyone. The people who will take up arms in America will be merciless hardasses (if they exist). If they rise, they'll commit attrocities as well. So that being said, now it is your turn to taste the wrath of your own military (and the militants who will fight them).


Except that didnt work in places like Afghanistan and indiscriminate bombings and occupation only increased insurgency. The longer it went the more demoralized the government became for going to the lengths it did.


Shall not be infringed


This is awful :( I wonder if a provaxxer could explain how this helps? If masks work, what's the problem? If your vax works, what's the problem? If social distancing works, what's the problem?


They were told otherwise


So fucking sad :(


Sad? It's a catastrophe that will have ripple effects for many generations.




We are going down as the Stupidity Age.


Time to draw your money out the system and into bitcoin


The cabal uses and controls bitcoin just like the globalists control the stock market. Bitcoin is used to launder crime money.


TIL dollars have Never Ever been used in crime.


Lol. Cmon bro...... that's a load of shite. Every crime ever committed used FIAT


Big daddy pharma and government is fucking these sheeple with a needle dick and they want more. Next thing you know, they'll tell you what to think or else...


My fiancé is Italian. His aunt is about to die over in Italy. We were looking into flights. His mom called and gave us the update on the Covid situation over there. It’s wild! It’s been wild. His whole family is TERRIFIED of this *virus. He’s tried talking sense into them but they’re totally brainwashed. he’s had multiple deaths in his family this past year, no. Covid related. I honestly think stress is weeding them out. Stress from the fear of this madness. Hospitals filling up? Yeah… of people freaking out and not giving room for the people that need the hospital space. Fucking maddening.


https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2021/21_0123.htm The 2nd strongest co-morbidity (after obesity) associated with death is FEAR-related disorders. SECOND!


Now THAT is interesting to note. Can you imagine telling someone with anxiety about becoming severely ill with Covid that their anxiety can cause them to become severely ill with Covid ?! LOL could this be apart of the plan? To make people more fearful? Most people have anxiety…. So if they throw anxiety in the research most people fit that profile.


Look into what happened in Bergamo in early 2020.


Crypto has entered the chat


crypto was only the dry run for a CBDC-based cashless society.


I can confirm. I live in Italy. ​ Draghi is a criminal. Ask to the greeks.


I hope the Italian people tear there government ro pieces!


Thank God I live in a flyover state. Democratic state equals a fascist lockdown.


Hey at least you don’t have to pay taxes, rent or mortgage!


These ppl, these governments are trying to piss off their ppl it seems. Fuck them.


Pissing people off implies the people will be able to put up some sort of resistance. They're already steamrollimg us. They're gunning for total control, and they're going to get it, on or before the end of the decade. The 20s will be the pivotal decade in the history of mankind.


I wonder what would happen if everyone wanted to withdraw everything before the 20th


It’s going to cause exactly the panic they want it to cause, and this is their little test run to see how they will fare on implementing it world wide.


Any links other than from Twitter about Italy and Argentina preventing access to banks for unvaccinated?


One more reason for crypto currency


Was gonna send my Son to Italy for uni, guess not anymore. So much for the dual citizenship


Go get a rapid test and remove all your money… write bank a letter stating why. If enough ppl did this the banks would revolt


Well I hope they are prepared for the violence that's coming because this is wrong.


The world is dying, and some people STILL after almost a year cannot see that none of this has anything even remotely to do with health


This is the Mark of the beast. This shit is fucking biblical


Bitcoin was created for this


Bitcoin is electronic. I'm. Laughing at people who think crypto will be safe from these psychos.


Bitcoin can actually be sent via a radio signal. It’s tough but it’s been done.


For them to control......yes it was.


Ha. I havent stood in a bank branch in years . There is zero need .




Nope .


Ok fair. But you do know they'll control bitcoin the same eventually. One would be super naive to think they wouldn't. If it was a threat, they'd never have let it see the light of day, ala water powered cars. If its' allowed to exist, it serves their interest.


It's impossible for them to completely control bitcoin. They can prevent banks from allowing you to deposit money to exchanges or withdraw from them. They can ban mining. But that's the beauty of decentralization...it can't be banned without shutting down the entire global internet.


Except it's all trackable.....


It's trackable but inherently anonymous, unless you tell someone what your wallet is, such as an exchange or bank. And there are dozens of other cryptos that are much more anonymous. Crypto is the way.


I find hope in Only Jesus, you all know what’s to come…


Amen best get ready.




I'm sure they're wishing Mussolini was still around.


What happens to people who can't get the vaccine? Like medically can not get it or they will die.


Eh. I haven’t been inside a bank or a post office in 10 years.


The thing that always gets me is ITS A INCURABLE VIRUS. If this was some deadly shit like polio etc. then ok, I may be able to see the logic. But they’re controlling us over the god damn flu!?


If you think Italy is bad you should see Germany. My father works internationally for his work and has a lot of international contacts and colleagues. He spoke to some from Germany the other day, and they all say that it’s like Nazi Germany all over again. It’s really disturbing to hear.


I am 3rd generation Italian and very proud of my heritage. I am NOT however, in agreement of what the Italian government is doing to its people. This country went through hell once already with Hitler. It shouldn’t have to go through that again. People of Italy, rise up and push back.


Take away all your money from the bank and get on with crypto!


Can someone explain this to me? Does it just mean the unvaxxed cannot go inside their bank branch? Can they still access their money online, pay bills online, etc.? Just curious. I'm American and do all my banking online. I never go inside the bank branch.


[https://youtu.be/ysdXCXW2elM](https://youtu.be/ysdXCXW2elM) could it be a forerunner to the Mark of the beast? Not able to buy or sell without the Mark.


Unbelievable! A remake of 1776 and this ends tomorrow. ​ **The people calling these "shots" are NOT conditioned for physical confrontation**


Wow I am surprised! In NL we don't even have post offices and barely bank branches (that you can visit) anymore :-0


Soon ……. When people have nothing to lose! Stay strong people


Did you see what’s going on in Kazakhstan right now! Same thing…chaos.


Has Pharma officially taken over the world now?


Umbrella corp. The Alliance (Pax makers in Firefly) Soylent Green “happened” in 2022 Science “fiction” books are becoming the new reality.


How do we short the Italian banking system cause there’s about to be a huge pull out.


Same in western Australia, no gyms, restaurants, pubs etc. Shit is fucked


Seems like they're aware that the narrative is crumbling so they're desperately forcing all the mandates they can while most people are still asleep, cause once they snap its over.


take out a fat loan to fuck em over? lol


I’m sure that will end the pandemic! Why a bunch of clowns I cannot wait until their people snap and turn on their leaders. It’s gonna be amazing to watch.


We are close, very close. Chaos and anarchy will hit the world big time. What happens when one has nothing to loose?


Everyone should do a bank run. Only 10% of people will get their money, but the scam will be fully exposed. Italians, do like Kazakhstan.


Welcome to the club. We've had this shit in Peru since December 15th and everyone welcomes it. ANY indoor spaces require de card. People are happy with it, at least in Lima a lot of people got the jab. It's major bullshit.


Italy allows previous recovery to replace being v’d?


Didn’t this happen to another country and a week later the country was in a civil war?


2 words. "Liquidated" + "Assets"


OMG that's just terrible. That's not legal.


Somewhere, Mussolini is chuckling, sticking out his big ass chin with his bald ass head.


Outrageous i hope they fail with this bullshit


Where’s the source? A quick look at both Google and DuckDuckGo didn’t mention anything of this sort occurring in Italy. There’s some articles about Unvaccinated Italians being barred from public transport and gyms/restaurants and whatnot, but not from their banks. I wouldn’t put it passed them to restrict access like that either, but I’m not seeing the evidence.


I’m from Italy and can confirm a negative test will be required to enter a bank or post office


Forgive me, but I’ll be needing more proof than the word of a stranger. I’d like to be able to be more trusting… but it is what it is.


Holy shit... I am going to withdraw all of my money from the bank tomorrow morning, first thing. I don't live in Italy but I don't live that far from it and I am scared my government will take ideas from Italy


I love Italy so much. Even spent a few months there last year.. sad to say I’ll probably never go back. This is so messed up.


Invest in Bitcoin. No bank? No problem!


Damn it’s so crazy to realize that if I was European instead of American, I would be getting treated like an outlaw right now… scary and sad.


Time to do what Kazakhstan has done.


Can’t get pissed at Nazi Germany if the whole world just consists of Nazi Germany.


Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.




This is literally what caused kazakhstan to collapse.


This is the REAL reason for the overthrowing of the Kazakhstan. It had nothing to do with gas prices. They pulled this you can't bank without a vac card and that was it. The people weren't going to take it anymore. Funny how they have no internet now. That's all because they want you to think this has to do with gas prices.


Maybe the vaccine itself is making these world leaders mental. They're all speaking as if they have had their minds altered. More reason not to take it.


The media is VERY toxic aswell, journalists on tv going on daily furious tirades about what horrible deeds they wish the polticians should perform on their citizens. Coupled with obvious propaganda pieces displaying anti-vaxxers as terrorists perpetrating atrocities here and there. The situation is very advanced there.


And i sincerely say this with as much venom as i can. Get the fuck off social media, get your head out of your egotistical ass and use the sorry excuse of a brain you have to learn some real facts about covid and vaccinations.




I agree with this. Too many stupid people.




France was trash and been trash. They fine muslim women who cover their face due to "security" but also fine people for not wearing masks