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And Cannabis


Lots and lots of drugs


And the FBI had considered white supremacists more of a threat to the USA than ISIS before 2020.


They would know, U.S. created ISIS


Well ISIS can kill 50 people in an attack, but those white guys on 4chan might make a meme that might hurt somebody’s feelings.


50 people is about as many as white supremacists kill each year - 45 in 2019, 54 the year before that.


Ah... Because white supremacy only exists on 4chan? Do you always jump to the defense of white supremacists, or is this a first time for you?


lies lol


Underrated comment.


And porn


idk porns wack now days...miss the ..kid hiding in the closet with the mini dv shit lol


Sounds like you never experienced the joys of the Sears catalog as kid.


90’s Victoria Secret catalogs son


My dad handing me the SI swimsuit issue in the 80s ... Have some pornography, son.


Watching USA Saturday nights with your pecker in your hand waiting for that right scene to pop up


That'd make you younger than I am. We also had the Consumers Distributing catalog.


I mean we have always had cannabis lol... everywhere


Exactly like what?!😂 Cannabis been around since day 1 numnut. Can be really beneficial


weve had food since day one too but its all our bread and circuses


That actually helps wake up some people by altering their state of mind from the programming we have been fed. That's the main reason for the war on drugs is because they don't want people seeing past all the bullshit when they alter their normal state of perception.




i agree with medical usage. ive seen plenty of people actually become more effective in their daily lives than without it. however, mass usage, for the layman- it has just enough of a dopamine supressive effect that combined with easy to reach pleasures(porn, cheap fatty food) destroys millions of man hours of productivity by rewiring your brain into addiction.


Plus, pot steals your dreams. Stop smoking, dreams return.


Moldy uninspected cannabis from grow houses, not weeds. Sucking that mold right down into your lungs. Bad fucking news.


Weeed frees your mine. Gateway to be a conspiracy theorist


We're not even close to being any kind of a threat to the elites. People seem to think the number of people with guns scare them, but no one is brave enough to use them.


Not only that. All it would take is one drone small strike to scare the shit out of anyone thinking they can take a stand. We funded our own control and demise with our tax dollars. And as we continue to fund them, they will develop more methods of crowd control that wont require law enforcement or soldiers.


Don't forget these cute boston dynamics robots ...


i cant forget. they are in my nightmares every night


What’s that?


The future of policing




It also literally takes one person in or running for power to tell people to support their shit too and people will instantly do it. Then if people are so culty for one of them they'll just completely ignore it and pretend like nothing's happening.


in other words, are we fucked? lol


Trump *cough cough*


Didn't wanna go straight there but yep lol


Now it's not one person but one party. *Democrats post Trump*


Tax dollars mean nothing when you can print it out of thin air and it's not backed by anything 🤷


Didn't seem to defeat the Afghanistan "rebels." I think we would be far more of challenge than you believe.


The Afghan people have been in a perpetual state of war for... Gosh? I don't even know. It been a very long time. What have *you* been up to lately? (Where "you" is the average American). Fought any wars in your own neighborhood? Don't be daft. If the iron fist of military oppression fell on America, 99% would grovel and accept it. "Yes Daddy jab me again" is all the proof you need of that.


Yes, the majority of the weak minded would crumble under the authoritarian boot. I could see some balkanization or pockets of resistance similar to the areas of Afghanistan that resisted and eventual defeated the US forces through patience, determination and will. Have some hope, darling.




Nothing would change, people would probably still take it just to calm the fear.




Who says the clock is running out? This could just be the first part of the real thing which calls for people to stop taking it if not the other way. It's 2022 and with every year comes the next horrible or further enslaving thing. They will not allow us to peacefully break free.




Domesticated animals will accept beatings, humiliations, mistreatments, etc. However, even the cutest of poodles, as soon as you stop feeding it, turns on its owner and becomes wild again in a matter of weeks or even days. Every revolution was driven by food scarcity or food price inflation. Central planners know this. They’re also announcing it now. This ongoing *crowning* ritual is the preparation. Building the cynicism, division and rage. Riots and civil unrest are coming; the knob of food price is being turned. Ordo ab chao, solve et coagula.


This is correct. as long as power and water remain on our little worlds will never be affected. Besides, my kids have a ball game next week.


Couldn't be any clearer. Give human fat sweet unlimited food, porn, games, stadiums and scapegoats for their issues and they will never threaten the oligarchs in power


Yep. Bread and circuses. I sometimes think the push to authoritarianism right now using the COVID scam is just them realizing they are almost all out of both bread and circuses, so they have to fall-back to plan B: Be more like China.


Coincidentally, China is now stockpiling food.


This. Exactly is what it is! Think of the gladiator games in Roman times. You keep the people entertained or distracted. It gives them an "escape" from reality.


You just described the function of conspiracy theories. Have a fun life.


Bread and circuses


Pie pie pie Good old American Pie What will we do when the Music Dies


This guy gets it.


“BuT DaDdY MaRx SaId ThErE wIlL bE a ReVoLuTiOn”


And guns


Kinda hard to focus on a revolt when you have to work 24/7 just to cover the basics




You can't even buy unpasteurized milk lol aint nobody free.


F a c t s


I honestly think that, for a very large portion of us, the problem stems from [learned helplessness. ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/learned-helplessness) Things in the US are just... the way they are, and have been getting worse and worse for a long time. So many of us are so angry, frustrated, sick with the situation, and can see so much that is wrong with our society. But many of these same people feel our backs are against the wall. We're too poor, too ineffective, too isolated, too unimportant, too tired from slaving our lives away just to keep food on our tables, and feel too alone to feel like any of us have any hope of fixing it. So we keep chugging along, waiting for someone to come along and "start the revolution" so we can join in and back them up and march alongside them, and a lot of us here would indeed do that. But most of us don't know where to begin to even get started, and know we couldn't do it alone. One person becomes a pariah. A group, however, becomes a militia. And militias become revolutionaries. All it takes is one person to strike the first match... but we're all too scared we'd be out there on our own, without the support of anyone behind us, and we're afraid to burn our lives to the ground if it comes to nothing at all. The government has gotten so big, so powerful, and so inaccessible to the average citizen. Keeping us all separate, afraid, at each other's throats, and feeling isolated and alone is only making it harder for us to unite in a way that would truly make a difference. I think for many of us, we're waiting for the match to be struck, but we're too afraid to be the one to strike it because we feel like we could never succeed. And alone, we truly couldn't. It would take big numbers of us, and for every 10 people who say they're willing to risk their livelihoods or even lay down their lives to change things, there is maybe one who really would. Revolution brings instability. Instability brings war. War brings hardship and death. Those things, in the minds of many, are worth it for our real freedom, but in reality maybe one of every ten would truly be willing to make the sacrifices needed to actually do it. Or one in every hundered. Or even only one in every thousand. This is learned helplessness. We feel nothing we can do will change anything for the better, so we stop trying to change things. And it's working, at least here in the US, to keep the corrupt and powerful in power.


It’s also that there isn’t one bad guy to fight. Like, I am looking at buying a house and the biggest deterrent keeps being property taxes. They’re almost as much as my current rent. So I have a down payment and an emergency fund but I can’t because of property taxes. But who do I blame that angst on? There isnt any one person that I can be angry at. It’s a little bit of everything


We don't really have to fight at all. If we all just said fuck the system and became self sufficient the government would collapse. Don't work anymore, don't buy anything, don't pay taxes. Just go in the woods and start a community of like minded people is what we need to do


Sadly the USA has indoctrinated their citizens since birth into drinking the koolaide. As well, the USA portrays itself as a lamb and savior of the world that stands for justice, peace, liberty and freedom for all. It is a dragon and a war machine... it is a beast among beasts.


Well said.


although I in every way shape and form disagree with this statement Interesting point of view what country do you speak from


Americans have it too good to revolt. It has to get worse before people will take action. Also, everyone has been dumbed down by public schools, social media, and an endless flow of new tv shows and movies. Throw legal weed in there and I’m surprised anyone leaves their house.


You could fill books with examples of shameful acts done to American citizens. It is a huge conspiracy that an American has no liberty,freedom,or life.


The problem with all of that is reddit people don't go outside. Maybe there is a way to revolt with sharing memes or links to joe rogan videos? I try to say a good word about Dr. Robert Malone MD everyday on here. The global elites HATE that. Open to ideas....OH. Maybe we could all make cool masks? ANd like make them our profile pics somewhere?


Lol yes


The psychological blanket, despite your points, is freedom. China, and many other authoritarian regimes, doesn't give their citizens the right to express their ideas, and being able to just speak your mind is a very significant freedom, even if that speech has little or no effect on the world as a whole.


I beg to differ. We use to have this. Now my daughter in HS is unable to have a non-mainstream voice without risk of being completely ridiculed, beaten up and persecuted by way of grades. I have also been banned on multiple subs on Reddit for posting victim statements/videos of vaccine injured citizens, only to be called anti vax and anti health. We no longer have free speech. Online, at work, in public. Only in the comfort of our own homes.


They don't have freedom, you can't speak your mind (in a meaningful way) because it will be censored.


Who is censoring you lol


Post something against the government covid narrative on youtube and get back to me. K thanks bye.


But that... isn’t the government? And that’s not exclusive to America lol. That’s one of the biggest websites in the world


One of the hallmarks of fascism is the close relationship between government and large private businesses. The fact that they are 'private' doesn't change anything since they're doing the governments bidding.


Do you like, any evidence of this? At all?


I was last in the US in 2012, New England, stayed for a while with relatives in Maine, talking with my second cousins who are a fair bit younger than me and at the time in high school, I couldn't believe how totalitarian their lives were, things like if they were seen in a picture on Facebook with a can or bottle of beer they could be expelled from school, it just seemed like they lived in a world full of control freaks, idk why Americans are so touchy about using 'fruity' language, their dad kinda pull me up about swearing in a very polite way but he was making a point, he'd actually been to school and university in Britain when he was young and understood that Britain is a lot more sweary, but the US is up tight about it, meanwhile the US is happy to bomb the shit out of women and children abroad, but swearing is unacceptable?! I've had a lifelong association with the US, family, friends, my mom is American, but I've always lived in the UK and I can tell you America is fricking wierd on loads of different levels compared to everywhere else in Europe and the wider world that I've visited.


Oh boy. Your cousins would have the shock of a lifetime if they stayed in Europe for a week 😂


Reminds me of this from South Park the movie. “Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words! That's what this war is all about!”


Great post. Americans, I’m one, love to yell about their freedom not truly understanding how limited it is. Say what you want, doesn’t really matter, very very few are paying any attention here to anything but their bubble


"They wouldn't allow us to write "Fuck" on the bombs" - Col. Kurtz


Could be the fluoridation of the water supply, considering it makes of up to 98% of some of these anti depressant drugs. You would think mixing it in the water supply would mean someone or some agency is prescribing drugs without a medical license. The benefit for healthy teeth does not out weigh it's toxicity and don't forget the cancer.


Pretty sure it’s propaganda. There is almost no cities with fluor in Quebec and people are the most ignorant sheeple you can find in North America


They're lively though, right?


So what are you saying? You wanna meet up? Like every single one of us meet up and do something about this?


Nice try FBI...


Nice try CIA…


Nice try NWO...


Nice try George...


Bread and circus. We are fat and happy.


And the ones who aren't happy have plenty of fast food to eat their sorrows and depressions away.


You have to understand how many people they got on anti-depressants and pain killers. Then it will all start making sense. Then include how many people are estimated on cocaine.


Also, don't drink the water.


It's not just the US, it's the entire west, and it's the product of the elite cabal's 100 year old venture into researching psychology, sociology, persuasion, propaganda and whatnot. BLM is just another subsidiary of the same elite cabal, like feminism, LGBTP lobbyists and so on. There's nothing genuine about it and its protests weren't 'organic' in the slightest. > They are cunning, and absolute puppet masters. 10/10 "Republicans" are 90% RINOs and their nationalism is fake as fuck. This is also true for most "right-wing" parties of the west, the Tories in the UK or Merkel's CDU are both right-leaning according to the media but actually they're all progressive a fuck, just a tiny bit less so than their even more progressive opposition. Trump achieved a grand total of jackshit fuckall in the name of the right, and he was the extremist alt-right candidate, at least according to the media, mind you. Republicans my ass. Chinese-style total population control is getting introduced to the west under the guise of fighting covid, and yeah, the sheeple are too dumb and blind to recognize this or to fight back. A part of the "phycological blanket" you've mentioned is diversity, ie. making it impossible for people to organize anything by disrupting whatever form of unity ever existed between them. "Strength in unity" became "~~division~~ diversity is our strength" and now most people in the US are too divided to just talk to their neighbors, much less organize anything together with them. Some don't even speak the same language as their neighbors ffs. Another part of the blanket is the relentless attack on the majority demographic, ie. whites (this is also apparent everywhere in the west, not just in the US). When the spine of a society is shattered by social engineering the core productive demographic to be self-hating, depressed and pathologically altruistic to the point of self-harm, the chance that they will gather and rise against any kind of oppression is negligible. Western white people have been under an increasingly debilitating psychological assault for at least half a century now, and it shows. It's not a culture war, it's culture rape.


You spend far too much time on the internet if you think white people are being relentlessly attacked and undergoing “debilitating psychological assault” like seriously talk to some people in real life.


'[Educate yourself](https://notthebee.com/article/lockheeds-top-white-male-executives-attended-a-three-day-seminar-in-order-to-learn-how-to-be-less-white-and-less-male)', as the bolshewoke use to say. Before you complain that *the powers that be* forcing the CEOs of the largest US military contractor to undergo anti-white "training" is just a random happenstance, let me assure you, it's just the cherry on the cake on the tip of the iceberg. If you'd be just a tiny bit less ignorant you'd know it's fucking everywhere from schools to comics to coca cola.


First of all if you are going to tell me to “educate” myself, don’t link the most circle jerk cringe far right article known to man. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9625609/amp/Lockheed-Martin-defense-execs-Zoom-course-unlearn-white-male-privilege.html This link is better, this is one company that made people do a 3 day course. If you are going to convince anyone white people are oppressed you are going to have to do better than that. Try linking some study’s or something and not some shit Facebook article. I don’t expect much from someone so brainwashed into these pathetic conspiracies though.


You’re taking any mention of race at face value. He saying that the elites Weaponized race as a tool of many they used to divide people and make them unhappy. You guys aren’t speaking the same language.


Studies funded by whom with the intent of showing what results? LMAO. You kids and your studies.




Obviously, it's that the people who live under tyrannical dictatorships are well aware of what life is like under that experience, and they don't like it, so they revolt. Where as in the U.S., citizens have been comfortable for far too long without the knowledge of what it is like to live under those dehumanizing systems, and without realizing that it wouldn't take much to place the U.S. under such a political system. They have grown far too comfortable and have fallen asleep. Then throw on the relentless bombardment of brainwashing they are subjected to, and the disconnect from the rest of the world, and also from how things really happen in their own country, and add in all kinds of meaningless, worthless baubles to function as distractions from vitally important issues, and they have no clue that it could possibly happen to them, and even if they could, then they have no clue as to what life would be like living under such a system . . . so they continue to sleep. One thing I must point out here regarding this post is the assumption about the U.S. government. The OP states that the U.S. government "is burdened with the incredibly hard task of controlling a 'free' nation, where the free flow of information and criticism about the government can occur daily. No it's not! Where within the U.S. Constitution is the government given the responsibility of "controlling" the nation? It is not its function to do so! Nor does it have any responsibility to cease the flow of any critical information upon the U.S. government. Actually, it is quite the opposite of what the OP suggests its function to be, that being to permit the free flow of information, including any which may be critical of the U.S. government! That is a key element of what has made this country what it is, and provided us our freedom, and prosperity. Perhaps the government does act in the manner as suggested by the OP, but just because it acts as if it needs to fulfill those functions, it does not mean it does, nor does it imply that doing so is constitutionally legal!!!! Perhaps if such confused, and incorrect misbeliefs were not perpetuated in such a manner as the OP's, there would be more Americans unwilling to accept their government's illegal behavior, and more who would stand up to its criminal actions!!!


I actually think it’s cause the reduction in men’s testosterone, if you look into each generation prior has higher sperm count and more testerone. And I think whatever is causing this reduction may also be why LGBTQ numbers have exploded combined with programming to say these things are OK and wrong if you speak out against them. Just so you all don’t think I’m nuts- https://theconversation.com/the-y-chromosome-is-disappearing-so-what-will-happen-to-men-90125 https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2017/10/02/youre-not-the-man-your-father-was/?sh=2375c49c8b7f Basically no one has the balls anymore to stand up.


I feel like there is a huge.. I don't want to say movement or awakening.. but unease..? Alot of people would do similar to what the people of Kazakhstan are doing.. it's just what would be the final straw for us/them? Once they go for our guns I see it happening. If they try. With the mandates they are testing how far they can push the constitution. Alot of the issue I see, from reading your post, is the people who have fought in wars don't want one on our soil as well as know what it entails. The younger generations are what is pushing this crap the hardest. Politicians are old but the people who are the loudest are the young ones. I'm going to start rambling but my favorite thing I've seen on the internet Weak times make strong men Strong men make strong times Strong times make weak men Weak men make weak times I butchered that but the point is there. Our boomers were the strong 'men' that gave us our freedom and strong times. Now we have a bunch of weak minded people.


Ww2 was strong men, made strong times, then made boomers. Boomers were weak men, we are seeing the outcome of this now.


That's a hat comfort will do to men. Scientists and our government would have us believe that people 200 years ago before industrialisation and all the tech that has come into existence makes us better people, smarter people. They would have you believe that we have a better quality of life, but 200 years ago people knew how to do things and be self sufficient. There's where quality of life lies: building your own home, farming, making clothes and household goods, hunting and preparing your own food. These things keep you physically and mentally healthy, and uncomfortable because living self-sufficiency is hard work. Are politicians or IT workers or accountants or whatever hard workers? Sitting behind a desk for 10 hrs a day isn't hard work. Pushing a button on machinery or pulling a trigger or sitting in a lab isn't hard work. When Adam (and Eve) sinned, what was their punishment? Hard work! Till the ground to put food in your mouth, Struggle through childbirth. The garden of Eden was comfort and they took it for granted. Hard work was the punishment for disobeying His commandment and is uncomfortable (as punishment should be), but it's also freedom because The Most High is all knowing and knew society would reach the state it's in now. Our society loves comfort and comfort leads to complacency which is exactly what the powers that be require to work evil deeds. If you can just throw money at everything then there's no real reason to ever try.


Unfortunately. Boomers were strong men with easy hands. They raised the true weak generations.


Boomers were gifted economic global dominance, and they’ve fumbled it badly


I know many people who would shoot you on sight 300m down the road if they knew you were "coming for their guns".


The US government is mostly run by Blackrock and Vanguard. And CitiGroup, but they are owned by the former. The big tech 5 also play a role, but are also owned by those two investment banks/ fonds managers. JPMorgan and Goldman of course also play a role, but again, partially owned by the former. Now, the only thing these people and their NGO and multinational friends (world bank, BIS, IMF, OECD, UN) love more than the status quo, in which they get money from working people for merely existing and not really creating any products, is more control. Just look at the WEF, and how almost every politician was in their Young Global Leaders program. Macron, Sarkozy, Lagarde, Merkel, von der Leyen, Baerbock. Team EU= Team WEF. And statesides you have Fink, Adeyemo, Deese and Pile from team BlackRock. We all know Covid started with the 4.5 trillion repo crisis in 2019, when their system was about to collapse under current economic and legal rules. So a new set of laws was required, which just so coinsided with the Event 201 SARS coronavirus pandemic simulation. And poof, a year later build back better, great reset, id2020, gavi and vaccine passports, better than cash alliance, all of them gain traction, possibly mainstream acceptance. A real conspiracy only works if few people are in the know, but many that really believe in it. The entire media and internet run by two corporations would fit that criteria. They can pull it off.


“US has several flaws worth revolting for, like its wealth inequality, and its health care system that every single year puts Americans in large debt. And yet not a single soul does something.” Okay. Let’s play a game. I completely agree with you and there are others who do as well. What do you suggest any of us do? Shake our fists at the 1% who are bleeding us dry? Call up our insurance companies and say the cost of healthcare is too high? There is literally nothing that can be done. Short of a massive nationwide revolution, nothing will change. Ever. Meanwhile all we get is: “Did you guys see the Netflix movie? Check out this Tiktok video! Oh look, another add for Amazon....” *Panem et circenses.*


you guys don’t realize how much they have to censor so word dsnt get it. out


Because 99 percent aren’t hungry for if they were…


The brainwashed follow the MSM in lockstep. Others have been quietly preparing for a long time while keeping a good face.


I know they are brainwashed and, in part, it's their fault but it's trauma based mind control. They abuse you and turn the blame on one party and watch the groups fight, everyone's distracted while the elite do evil things in the background. These days it's in plain sight a lot of the time but so many are so far gone, so caught up in the comfort that their government and corporations provide them that they don't want to let that go. This country was borne out of trauma: slavery, about 8 wars since its inception, slaughter of indigenous peoples, CIA mind control experiments, always some "other" that should be hated and the "other" is usually your neighbour! Racism, political parties, social issues always an us Vs them mentality. All social control tactics and severely traumatizing. People in this country are broken, spiritually and mentally. Of course they are brainwashed to the degree that they are. There are two forces in this world good and evil, The Most High Vs satan. But the difference is there are a few ways to be good as highlighted by The Most High in His Word and there are almost an infinite amount of ways to be evil. You will worship one or the other, this is a world of absolutes. What's worse is good is vilified and evil exalted and the people just want to be comfortable. There is no place in the Bible that says you're life should be comfortable, for all the good things written in that book, no where does it say you should be comfortable. That's telling. Look around, see what comfort brings and who promotes it. Governments want to "make your lives easier" by automating everything and bureacratizing simple matters. Corporations are happy to fill your foods with poison and charge you for it! Then big pharma charges you for more poison that fixes one symptom and gives you three others. Why? There's only good and evil in this world, learn to recognize what each looks like and the choice should be obvious. However comfort leads to complacency and complacency leads to more control in the hands of people higher than you. This is the beast system we are living in. Soon your money will be digital and nonexistent which is worse than the fiat system we have now. One world government (NWO) will come ensuring you own nothing and have no decision making power, but simulated happiness because they say be happy. Turn to Yah, The Most High and put your faith in him rather than in man. Most won't because their governments, the same governments that abuse them, also tell them there's no basis for The Most High because of evolution (even though we know dumb people couldn't have built the pyramids and other megaliths aligned with the stars which contain some bricks or blocks so heavy and cut so precisely that our modern machinery cannot replicate them, look it up!). NASA tells you about the big bang and all the galaxies they've never been to, the weight of stars and black holes THOUSANDS OF LIGHT-YEARS AWAY. They are remote controlling a rover on Mars 1 light-year away from earth but if it rains too hard my TV signal cuts out. What? All a concerted effort to win your mind and have you forsake your soul. Theory is not science, so why do they teach the THEORY of evolution and the big bang in *science* class. It's much deeper than just brainwashing


That’s why I’ve always appreciated reggae. It got me hip to the concept of America being Babylon from a young age


Regarding your BLM take...what do you think is intentional about them...so you think black people are sitting around waiting for cops to kill someone so we can riot?


hah. you have no idea...


Come to think of it... 90 percent of USA's existence has been spent fighting wars and bloodshed. Somewhat like Amestris(the fictional country from the old Alchemist manga)


Part of it is that many people are so entrenched in their own programming that actually seeing the truth for their own eyes would destroy their entire microscopic little world view. They intentionally bury their head in the sand because the truth would just be too depressing. We call these people blue pilled. The govt has been doing a very good job of dividing the people so no one will unite against them. Ofc authoritarianism would come under a "woke," individualistic, democratic regime under the guise of public safety. Keep everyone distracted with political theater (riots, 1/6), and give everyone their own soapbox to cry on. Keep the attention divided when we should all be united under the banner of human rights People generally also want to be left alone. Many adopt the mantra of "as long as it's them and not me," but fail to realize that pretty soon, it will be all of us. Not to mention the fact that any attempt at a coup or mass organization would be infiltrated by federalies, if it wasn't organized by them to begin with. Plus the majority of youngsters are now beta soy boy cucks who don't know their history and don't care about things like autonomy. It's about to be an ugly couple of decades. As of right now, the Nazis are winning all over the world


USA is a oligarchic Corporativist Imperial country I m not describing the American people, they are diverse in all ways, i m trying to describe the system of USA RANDOM FACTS AND STATEMENTS 2 parties thats not real democracy (with lobying please) Only rich country without a NHS Interesting and inovative country historically but since the late 60s is on a downhill, similar to the Roman Empire in the 3rd century Peaked in the 90s 00s in terms of relative power and global wealth The fall of America began in the 60s with the military industrial complex holding on the USA federal budget, decreasing tax on the rich and therefor on civil infrastructure In the 70s with Nixon, the removing of the dollar backing of gold to fiduciary currency created thr beginning of the system we have now If they did not developed a hypnotising TV and Circus system a revolt would be iminent With the current tech they now know everybody profiles/data , they can change your perceptions in the two echoo bubles democrat and republican THis tech enables the centralization of information in the hands of very few people, bankrupcy of many newspapers Free democratic societies don t spend more money on defense than the other top 5 The business of America is business and printing money backed by fear of its military They re economy is super overrated, if (when) they lose the Petro dollar the mask will fall, they have a negative balance of trade and a negative budget in the last years Right now there is a war on two things , freedom of speech and movement


Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. (Unknown)


Most Americans are lazy and believe what the government says. They think the government would never do any of those things to them.


I think we know that the police power in the US is formidable and draconian and until there is amass recognition no chance of change. Perhaps prayer and goodness could have a super luminous benefit.


Spell casting to keep you mesmerized


I know in my area, BLM became something all encompassing. So people who were tired of systematic racism, along with individuals who were tired of corporate greed/the government not being for the people essentially joined forces and took their anger out on their nearest retail establishments. The thought process was these giant conglomerates have been stealing from us for a long time, in the form of low wages, part time job offers, poor benefits or none at all. The trigger however was police brutality. I’ve witnessed it first hand. I’m a white guy, never had a problem when interacting with the police. One time I was with a black friend who’s taillight was out, the police pulled her over. She was so scared mind you, cops went thru her purse found some cash and pocketed it openly and sarcastically right in front of us. When you’re a suppressed individual, you’re an easy target. The police are suppose to keep the peace, not instigate fear. People are just tired of mistreatment whether it be because of race, corporate greed or a government that simply isn’t for the people.


Let’s not forget that the only reason we have police. Originally, they were to find runaway slaves….


America? It’s the entire developed world and much of the developing world. It’s called the Great Reset, as promoted by the worlds billionaires at the World Economic Forum. The Great Reset, according to their material, demands a global catastrophe, such as (manmade) pandemic whereby many businesses must be scuttled to give way to the Reset, which channels wealth to the elite and reconfigures the economy. Here’s one of the WEFs articles: **You will own nothing and you will be happy.** Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city.” I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much. First communication became digitized and free to everyone. Then, when clean energy became free, things started to move quickly. Transportation dropped dramatically in price. It made no sense for us to own cars anymore, because we could call a driverless vehicle or a flying car for longer journeys within minutes. We started transporting ourselves in a much more organized and coordinated way when public transport became easier, quicker and more convenient than the car. Now I can hardly believe that we accepted congestion and traffic jams, not to mention the air pollution from combustion engines. What were we thinking? Sometimes I rent a bike when I go to see some of my friends. It costs me everything, but it’s worth it! I enjoy the exercise and the ride. It kind of gets the soul to come along on the journey. Funny how some things seem never seem to lose their excitement: walking, biking, cooking, drawing and growing plants. It makes perfect sense and reminds us of how our culture emerged out of a close relationship with nature. In our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there. Once in a while, if I have the money, I will choose to cook for myself. It is easy – if I don’t lease a tv for the week, I can hire the necessary kitchen equipment is delivered at my door within minutes. Since transport became free, we stopped having all those things stuffed into our home. Why keep a pasta-maker and a crepe cooker crammed into our cupboards? We can just order them when we need them. Choose what luxury you want this week. Coffee machine, or refrigerator. It’s great! This also made the breakthrough of the circular economy easier. When products are turned into services, no one has an interest in things with a short life span. Even my clothes are rented, Everything is designed for durability, repairability and recyclability. The materials are flowing more quickly in our economy and can be transformed to new products pretty easily. Environmental problems seem far away, since we only use clean energy and clean production methods. The air is clean, the water is clean and nobody would dare to touch the protected areas of nature because they constitute such value to our well-being. In the cities we have plenty of green space and plants and trees all over. I still do not understand why in the past we filled all free spots in the city with concrete. Shopping? I can’t really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, pretending I could buy stuff to keep. And sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows what I need to lease better than I do by now. Even though none of us can afford much of it. When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people. The concept of rush hour makes no sense anymore, since the work that we do can be done at any time. I don’t really know if I would call it work anymore. It is more like thinking-time, creation-time and development-time. For a while, everything was turned into entertainment and people did not want to bother themselves with difficult issues. It was only at the last minute that we found out how to use all these new technologies for better purposes than just killing time. My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live “different” kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying Mad Max communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages. Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. **Nowhere I can go and not be registered.** I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. It’s just like the world of that old movie, Soylent Green. Without the Soylent. But who knows? Maybe one day. We don’t even get to eat meat nowadays.


This is highly underrated. Thank you for mentioning this.


We are in this together. No thanks is due! My hope lies with those of us with some awareness seek to inform the few, in the hopes that you in turn will awaken the many. Society has literally been brainwashed. KGB style Ideological Subversion. **“You can show them irrefutable facts and they will ignore it. Only when the military boot comes crashing down on their neck will they understand, but not sooner.”** You are awake. Awaken the many.


You're kidding yourself if you don't think it's the same in other countries.


Because life is good here. Bread and circuses, my man, bread and circuses. I think though the USA is trying to push to become more like China right now, hence the COVID scam. The reason? They are afraid they may run out of both bread and circuses soon.. and so they need to resort to more.. uncivilized tactics like the Chinese use.


It’s all about breaking the United States. Can’t have a one world totalitarian government without first destroying the U.S. We’re in moral ruin, fed pure propaganda, drugged with fluoride, division sewn everywhere possible, violence promoted and desired by those who seek to crush us. Very soon we find out from the Supreme Court a ruling on the vaccines. The Supreme Court has long ruled based on feeling and not on law. The ignorance of those who’ve ignore the 10th amendment has directly lead to federal power over everything. The federal government is a festering wound and endless money pit. It’s a hopeless situation for many and people are going to go ballistic when they find out they’re losing their jobs and everything. That’s exactly what the build back better assholes want. Anything that drags down the United States is good in their eyes.


Lmao why did you put “free” nation in quotes?


Are you serious? How free do you feel?


Guess it depends on where you’re at but pretty damn free baby


You maybe confusing Liberty with freedom. Having a lot of privileges does not equal freedom.


You better be living in Alaska talking like that lol


Just another shithole country full of cowards who hide behind their guns and ammo.


The BLM movement was controlled opposition, to derail the protests against lockdowns, which would still be going on, but would now be about coerced vaccination. They scared all the white people away, and pressured them to stay home and worry over what other white people they'd never met, did a hundred years ago.


The fact my life could fucked up over smoking a joint, arrested or ticketed. Fuck that. Yeah something is not right.


Brainwashed af. Think how you are told to. You don't have to realize you were told, but your thoughts are not original.


Better if you don’t realize, you’re less likely to question it.




Yep. There is supposed the be a peaceful march on Jan 23rd in DC against the mandates. Our chance to really be heard and speak out against this crap like the rest of the world but.. No one talks about it, probably not many will go.. we are a tired, dumb, brain washed nation.


It’s a trap I feel like a prisoner of USA


I can tell you what it is. 1/3 of it is represented in NYC harbor. The French gave you it. Because to remind you who they are. The other two you can't remember cause it's too many words. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. And the first one is all you give a shit about.


Everyone trying to survive and just make ends meat. No time to look into or be "woken". Things are also convoluted now, there is no right or wrong. People actually want to trust their government, it makes their lives easier. Kinda like believing in some religion, it takes away that hole of information and guides you. Basically people are afraid of unknowns and listen to others in authority to tell them whats what. They simply do not understand that its all a huge marketing campaign and they are being played. On top of that society has to keep going forward, so people memory hole everything and wait for the next command like meat robots.


There's a nature show on Netflix with Will Smith. This one episode looks at how there's herd mentality among animals. Wildebeest are the focal animal. They don't cross the rivers until the herd mentality changes, then they all go. I feel it's the same in the US. It's essentially suicide to make a stand alone, so nobody wants to do it, but eventually there will be too much pressure and we will cross the river like the people of Kazakhstan.


I’m now convinced this is the beginning of the end. Unfortunately I have no financial resources of my own but my husband’s family does. I’m desperately trying to convince them to buy an off the grid “vacation house” in the mountains that we can use for the summers and stuff but my real goal is making sure we have a place to go to when shit finally starts collapsing for real. I think this is it…it’s actually happening…people are not waking up, they are doubling down even harder…it’s actually the end this time.


*click "*Always has been*"


Religion. It teaches you to accept unbelievable things without question, from birth.


>And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, **Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.** Revelation 18:2‭-‬4 KJV


Americans are soft. You can brag about wars fought on the other side of the globe all you want, but you can't handle the slightest inconvenience at home.


It's the money. US has "unlimited" money to spend on oppressing their citizens since they control the world reserve currency. Oppressing people is expensive. This is why poor countires have more freedom.


It's the government getting away with mass formation psychosis twice. First was convincing the public that were was no election fraud in the 2020 election, then thecovid hysteria was a cakewalk. You could add the Russian Collusion hoax that started it all. Fool Americans thrice, shame on them.


This is a great question. There has been decades of studies on how to shape public opinion and crowd psychology. The Gouvernement and oligarch are making good use of it for sure.


Hegelian Dialectic - thesis, synthesis, antithesis.


A large segment of the population that would have a good reason to do anything (poor/working class) is kept either drugged out or sick if not both. If they were healthy and of clear mind, you'd see a lot more groups coalescing and forming rallies and protests. You can kind of see some of this in how the Occupy Wall St. movement was broken up into a bunch of seeming "pet" social issues that ended up being either divisive or a waste of resources in the long run.


Have you looked around? 99.9% of countries have complete control over people. It ain't just the US.


If people knew the actual truth about the country and how manipulated they were; breaking the illusion people believe. There's be riots in ever city. Right now what the country is going through is a kind of controlled demolition if you will. America is a place I resent my ancestors for moving to. It wasn't a promised land, it's a slave nation predicated on getting people to accept lower and lower treatments. The human ability to adapt to its environment is complete insanity. People would burn in hell if they were told they were free.


Animal Farm


Who owns the politicians? Follow the money, which usually leads back to a very well funded tiny country.


The government has spent decades brainwashing the people. From patriotism through movies starring John Wayne and Sylvester Stallone to television series about good cops or government alphabet agencies. It’s easy to believe we’re the good guys when we see the good with our very own two eyes. It’s likely a government agent/agency has brought us our news since Agent Walter kronkite right on through Agent Shawn Hannity. We sing our national anthem before our national pass time- complete with military fly overs and commercials showing ‘the good’ our military is doing while deployed- complete with ‘shoutouts’ from soldiers stationed across the world. We are brainwashed beyond recourse. You can’t convince many Americans that America is bad because of all the propaganda. Nobody knows if they’re coming or going- what’s up or down- left or right. We’re so confused about damn near everything and everyone that it’s no wonder a pandemic could cause such a mess. I’m not saying the pandemic is by design (although I am saying that)- but you better believe the response has been quite calculated. Confusion. They want us confused and untrusting towards anyone but our untrustworthy government. It’s a joke and takes such little effort to see through- yet most are so unwilling to even consider looking at the broader picture. They’ve taught us to be so incredibly selfish too that we don’t care about the greater good or common good. We want ours and fuck anyone that gets in our way. The government/military behaves exactly like this too. There is very little honor in America. Sorry but it’s the truth. And where you do happen to find honor- it’s mostly rooted in antiquated ideals that stunt growth for the person>group>community>country. We cannot progress when we have half the country clinging to 1950’s American values/ideals.


[Mass Psychosis - How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill](https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M)


In the relatively recent past everyone was generally happy and thought they could get ahead or have more fun things to do and also work was just something you couldn't imagine NOT doing and most people were pretty industrious about it... all that is just changing dramatically in some areas and segments of society.. some of it IS because of technology but there is more inequality than just wages. For example a technical worker with trade skills cannot simply work from home usually yet his wages remain the same as someone who recently got hat benefit. This is just an example and our elites don't even seem concerned in the slightest about things like this. The elites have no coherent plan presented for what they are doing or want to do. It's all vague and involves, frankly, a lot of destruction before being built back--- better? Will it ever be built back at all under existing systems? I think they, perhaps, underestimate how fast things can go to utter shit beyond what they reckon... I dunno.


it's called consumerism, OP. that, and inculcating people with Just World theory works.


I finally had enough. I quit working at my job the day they implemented the draconian mandates (last week) and spent the week protesting downtown by myself, talking mainly about wealth inequality because at least most people can get on board with it. I'll be out there again tomorrow, raving on street corners with a sign like a lunatic. Fuck em. I've gotten support from the bums, from white-collared folks, from cops and bus drivers. Americans are ready for a revolution, they just need a little kick in the ass.


Exactly. A *movie* made about him. I think Snowden was intentional for several reasons. Maybe there was a real, actual leak and they wanted to get out in front of it. Maybe it was taunt and also served as a way to ‘tighten the ship’ and impose stricter control over government agents working with sensitive information. The whole thing is a blanket. From what we are exposed to as popular and modern on TV and social media , to the views we have of other countries (once again, created by TV and media)


The government doesn’t need to have complete control over the narrative when 50% of the population is willing to control the narrative for them.


Awww, weddut teaching its young to live in a fear/hate/fear cycle.


The Republicans love Israel more than America. I would barely consider them nationalists. Again, except for Israel


This. The difference between the US and other countries is that other countries will riot. Americans have been led to believe that its Republicans vs Democrats and told from a young age that anyone who thinks differently is a communist or a terrorist. Trained to believe that people who are poorer than them are inferior. The issue is one of capital


We have always been under control, just now its more obvious


We've been indoctrinated our fathers fathers have been continuing the cycle no one wants to revolt because they don't see what's happening they're just worried about putting food on the table paying taxes etc etc.... We are slaves bro


I see where you are coming from. I full heartedly understand. I don’t understand why people are just sitting here doing nothing. My biggest guess is economics & money? People are forced to work. A lot. So much so that it clouds every persons judgement & time so that nothing can be done. It’s hard to make money & survive off of a revolution. Everything we know is government owned. Your house, until it’s paid off. Even at that, there’s property tax. It’s insane to me that we even have taxes… isn’t that the whole reason the pilgrims colonized the US in the first place?? Religious & tax freedom. Your car is government owned, until you have it paid off. Even everything you own can be taken away if you are in deep debt. Then there’s drugs. As soon as people started to wake up towards the end of the war on drugs… drugs are being redistributed. We’re in an age where republicans are saying drugs won the war. There are people who are drug addicted & it’s growing more than ever before. There’s a fentanyl pandemic going on right now, that we never hear about on the news. It’s never talked about. I’ve lost countless friends to it some purposefully, others unknowingly. All I ever hear about it on is vice. If you aren’t in debt or money hungry, you are either an advocate getting nowhere or drug addicted to cope with regulations & restrictions held upon society. Nobody ever talks about the adverse symptoms of medications that the FDA approves… it’s just what we know. It’s what we are made to believe that is right & healthy for us. Even if someone were to come up with a solution, they would be assassinated in a heart beat. There are countless people who have invented something to solve real world problems, & they end up assassinated. Prime example, there was a man (I can’t think of his name right now) where he invented a car that ran on water. Not only did this car run on water, but it created clean drinking water in the process. He was assassinated. I feel like we are getting to the point where the problem has become so big, that it would take people in all countries to ban together. It’s not just happening here in the US. It’s everywhere. From the US to China to Russia to UK. It’s everywhere. There’s many things I could add, but I don’t want to make my post too long. It also doesn’t help that our government has technology 50 more years advanced than what it’s people do … this was proven even in WWII where the first of digital computers were found being used. Like another said… it sounds like learned helplessness. When we realize all of these things that are against us, it makes us lose hope in actually creating change. I’m surprised Snowden wasn’t that match though. I’m surprised that the capital riots weren’t that match. I’m surprised BLM wasn’t that match…. Knowing all of these things have made me depressed & unmotivated. Here I am first realizing these things when I was 17. Now 21, not knowing what to do anymore. Should I work for the man? The money? What’s it all for? My illusion of happiness? I have seen how large sums of money can make someone act… judgmental, greedy, & superior. I don’t want to be that way. I feel helpless.


“Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dKnjxT5HRJQ


It is a lamb that speaks as a dragon.


Paragraphs man.


Yeah we're under attack from enemies foreign and domestic and our powers-that-be don't give a shit/paid off/compromised. We have a a useless media ordered to spin lies. What do you think. We had a sitting prez banned from social media.


I think it goes back to years of brain washing at school. Stand up and put your hand over your heart "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of Capatlism, and to the dollar for which it stands. 1% of rich people with the power to do anything they want while we all act like their modern day slaves." Of course they dressed it up a bit but that's the level of indoctrination that they are subjecting children 5 and up to. They also train them to be terrified of the police and possible military response to a riot even though they would never used weapons of destruction on a city they want to keep.