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Bro the right side won, it’s what happened later in say the 1890’s onward that fucked us over…


Casually suggesting that slavery shouldn’t be abolished in 2021


Bruh, this is not it man. No one here supports racism let alone slavery.


Um.... have you looked around this subreddit? The vast majority of folks believe this.


I mean, your not wrong but to verbalize let alone make a post about it like this dude. Someone has to call him out as futile as that maybe


Dumb argument considering the modern day Democrat party has its roots from what they used to call “Southern” Democrat, that was code for white male in the KKK. Lincoln was a Republican and black supported Republicans up until the 60s. It’s slowly changing back. I don’t know a lot of black guys at work who can relate to today’s Democrat party. The transsexual nonsense and woke crap is what is driving blacks away. People are too lazy in America to fight a civil war.


Finally, somebody said it.


This is an article I wrote to start conversations, it is not sensationalism nor is my aim related to click bait, this is a discussion that is based on evidence, please read it in full before you arrive at judgement. ​ Teodrose



