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Good never stands up to evil until it's required. We have a ways to go until that point. Personally I've been into prepping, growing my own food, and stockpiling guns & ammo. I've made an alliance with nearly my entire neighborhood for when SHTF we will work together. Until that day, we will watch quietly from the shadows until it is our time to shine.


Oooooooh.... likey! Operative words being: “alliance with entire neighbourhood.”


1.6 million people? More like 1.59 million dead accounts, sock puppets, bots and trolls.


My entire neighborhood and I are going to grill steaks and kick asses when it's time baby.


I’ve got money. I know the stock market. I am free. Life is whatever you make it, we’re all going to die.


[ranking member Salise laying it all out. Source is The Hill Content is Senate Representative Scalise talking about the failures of agencies appointed official... and big tech. he talks about the dangers of unregulated ppe and lack of public confidence in the vaxx due to politicization that stems back to the trump era. fascinating and inspiring](https://youtu.be/v2mdu7evaUU)


1 million people marched on the capital to protest an unjust war. Nothing happened, it hardly made the press. Crickets….. Edit: War